Radio Program Tuesday ' IKGW 7," IKSLM B:ftO I N 6:1.1 I Superman :8i 1 Capl MldnlU 6:4.1 I Tom Mil I Slara d( today f Nwt I halo with itirtle ' Dale wtlh Judta Nrwi Orrhtilr American Pnrnm A inert ran Forom Am n And Amni n And Fibber & Mntl Fibber A Mil!; 7 no I Amerlran Fan VIS Newt 7:3ft IRrd RTder 1:45 I Bed Ryder I Rnh Ftnpe I Bnb Hope Rrd Chrltnn I Red Skeltnrt ttMO- OrrheMrft RMS ) Orrhealra :30 The Faleoti t-.m I The Falcon "VmIO I Newa 0:1. W I Jamea Crewlffi 9:3ft 1 Spnrlt 9:4S 1 Orchrilra I Supper Club I Newa I RiidT VaNea I Rurtr Vallre Qalitr flttea f Oulz of ? ritlei llolWwnnd The I llolliwnnd Thea. 10:00 Newt 10:15 Newt J0:30 I News 10:43 I Ortheatrs , Nm FUhea ' Purple I OrrhrMra ' nrrhetra 11:00 Orchrntra 11:1 I Orrhestr tt:3ft Orrheatra I1:4S I Newt I New I Drrbetra 1 OreheMra I Orrhritra 12: l0 t sirn off i SIcn Off Wednesday 6 A. (tiftO ! Newa AMS I TtmrkPPpar finn I On-heitra 6:4.1 I Newa I .Itimpln' Jacka ( Pave WhI I Reveille Roundup I Newa I Farm Time I Farm Time The Old Some I Newa Fred Warln I Fred M'arlnr I .lark Berrh I .lame Ahhe :1.1 I Rhc A Shtn 7:30 Nwa 7:4.5 I Music I Talhot Talbot :3l f SonfP :j.1 Vlrl R. Undlahr 0:00 I nrrheatra 9 : 1 -W- Morton Downej 0:3 raxtor's Call 8:15 Art Baker Oregon Caravan ! Quartet ! TR 10:00 I News 10: IS Blni Sinta 10:3ft Orchealra t(l;15 ' Orrhratra I Matinee I Matinee, t Mna and Male I Joyce .lordnn 11:00 I Walt Time T 1 : 1 A Day Dreami 1l::i0 Ourrn for a day 11:45 j Queen for a dar 12:00 Mid-day Hjtnna IMS- ( Newa 12:30 I Hillbilly Serenade K:4S I Viirlely Show I fiuldlni Mihl I Today'a Children I Women In While I Maoniierade I News I Ma Perklni Prpper Vminr I RUht to llap'nfi 1:00 I Newi IMS mierlude l:HO I Orrlirilra 1:45 ! Orchestra I Hiirkslme Wife Stella Dallni 1 l.firrno .lonea I Wlililer Rriiwn "j fitrl Marrlea I Portia Face l ife j .tusi Plain Bill I Karrrll 2:00 j Tell Nelihhnr S:.V I John J. Anthoo t:SO I llrart't Dmre 8:45 llrart a Dewlre X:0O : I Ti ll :30 :IS Mualo Road of Mfo David llarun Aunt Mary Dr. Paul Mu Newa Tha Sea Hound 4:00 I Fulton Lewla. Jr 4 MS Ret Miller 4; Hit j Frakine Johnson ' 4 MS Buck Itoiera I Wnman'a Secrel I Newa I I. ife Beautiful I Newa XateM Pattern I ratlorn No. 111535 Monogram Magic The luxury of your own distinctive nicjno Krain on lovely linens is yours for only a few pennies and n few hours spent at your f.ivonte holiby. a wonderful Christmas Iras Rift! Pattern envelope contains hot-iron Iranslcrs for 4 aiphnhels (2 In l'l-inch letters and 2 in li-inch leiteis), wreaths and full directions. Send IS cents (coin) for Pattern No. Vti. :i." to Pckrv Kolierts, Capital Journal, 88 Missipn Street, San Francisco 3, C'alif. ACROSS ! IllKh rrd 1 Kind of plr 17. Orottot I. Promontory 3 Offpr to prj l.lKht touch NKatU" 13 ur.,1, .rr,o, !;Kn';. 13. f'clfhle tea need 4'J, ILinlf n U Rusile 43. L'nltllii'1 IS UluinlnHtlni orknian device 4S, Srpin 18. Nothing more 4V T,.tr than 41. t'miMdlatlon 17. Cut SO. K.iRft 1i. I ..line Dlanta h?. Wi.iry to l-inl S,ii;..i tl I .a ml measure f f. i :i-i ted ri I'lle b1), SMMlt nlieltered tt Vni-HMut ulet Tornado (trt. Peliine 10. dlilt l M.'i-an In.llao HI Koiient Tha bird? 12. More aceabla '-3 TImiik law It. Acconii'ilah 14. Thi pnt a 5 p j 'a pTv 13 f f j-o u 71 .71 . '' ' Til 33 ' 3A xi' sipp- r 5 45a2P" 'T 'is - S3 - ' C '-.Ss P. M. 'KEX 'KOIN 87 k ABO CBB I Ttrtf A Plrat" I Jark Armatroni I Sky Kin 1 Cinnamon Rrar ! Knox Mannin I Mule I Srw Newa ' Vol Top ! 'n Fnp ' Orchestra I Union nmhnnT i I Hob i Rympbon Mil ale I HnMnn Srmphn I Talent Rronli I Talrnl poiiN I Open tUarlna ( Open narlnr Boston STmphon he Ira Ranee Ridera Abncr I Nrwi t hnw Mel Wane, Hhow ! Mel Blane, Show 1 B( Town I Ria Town ' nurland ' Ourland I Dark Ventura ) Dark Vrnlnrc ton Rlarkl ton Blacki I Npw I Puhlle Health I Newt MuMo j Concert I Conner! I rive Star Final Veteran OrrhPtira I Tejaa Ranger Serenade Serenade I firrhetra 1 Orrhestrs Tsilent " Concert I I Concert l Orchestra I OrchPitlra M. to 4:45 P. M. I Newa Western Start ' KOIN Klofk I KOIN Kloek ' Hurler X I nuttier X I Roundup Bora j .Martin Arironak) Jnmrs Ahhe I Market Reporta I KOIN Klock t Newa I Fact Finder Consumer Newa I Frrd Reck I C.rand Slam t RnpmarT nreakfatt Tluh I Breakfant Clnh t Rre.ikfat Dub I Rreakfant Club j Clamour Manor Glamonr Manor Rreneman'i Rft I Rreneman'a Bftt "THome "Edition I Trd Malone Mt True Slor I Mt True Rlor 1 Kate Smllh IAtint Jpnn llplen Trent i Our Hal Sunday Tb I S I a t Vr I Ma Terklna Dr, Malone t Rnnd of Ife I llvmna I Mrln t l.tlrnina Pnt I lilhel and Albert I Ser. Mr. Bart OS f Perry Maton I. one Iniirney ( Art Baker Newa I Star nf Today ! Find Me f'fime fict It I Tommy RU ' Tnmntv Rlai I Kay Wr-t ! Kar Wrst I New Come and Te r I Burrlll Wheeler RliNllim I llnine Part I llnuae Party f Nrnnaper of All I Newspaper of Air Srhnol of Atr Srhnol of Air I Meet the Miat I Meet the Miami I What's Dolo Whnt'a Doln' I Rride, (rnnm I Bride, Cirniim H.adlea Re Sealed il.adlea lie Seated I T.B.A. ! Oalan Drake j Newa ( Evelyn Wintera 1 Serenade Newa Footlfrhta Northweat Today I Mr. Molnrial Tennessee Jed I Country One for Rook Adventure I Meditation rf r r-T- ,rr-r wwrf V V- ' F'':XsI- "-"- "X"Jr:-!e rouKt rusiuve i. -t- j iHS'yi, bWeMe sMa r'aTbI $i 43 wgjM jftrZy Lhaven't flTl rX s lapp r e cito'r l,,if'lar Kelll'r8 By Gene Byrnes More Fun. Less Health A LUtBo N tjRdjWfN T 1 I jZt I I v 1 MMsiiLli'llA SiSHolyE 7P A 'vhatm, hsre'J' jome then hekeS onen all i want 1? . , . . . J , LIKE A VKlNDj'J. ' CONTAINING VITAMINS Jt!LsJSi CONTAINING SS I I IS A COUPLA. I Afe Solution ol Yesterday t PuHlt NICKEL'S fe?Tf Z- (S.p.X.V, AND IS &OOO Kn KC 4 VITAMINS ANO A A HUNKS TO CAT S, ,,.,,, nmv TW imh M-Kk. HEALTHV EVELASHESW " WrOASH OF C, ALORIES FT FOR. PLEASUReV -1 ' 1 ' ' TTTr I V mrr- ; Room and Board . Ru Gen, Ahem ij::;r T3 fw AlHii SST ., j:;;;, , 1 ' i 1 1 i l -r- y dinner of parrot, TiT"" 'arzan By Edtfar Rice Burroughs "TaTiirTHaTaTAlir ) j mSf'l XASOLDFISH yj'i. lii I WHILE TARTAN WAITEP THE Bui 1 I Tj I f SEElNO IN WS NEW ALLY A 1 bgyj;. C . , 11 l&k "C,? ! "-''n'Mtor CANEMAN APNANCEP TOWARD 'yj kJl CHANCE TO FURTHER H:S PLANf, HfttSfHPiT JU0fef I Hi ( 5- I CNr Vl-J i d M. '?''HSW LE'0 DeNVA' 11 Journal Fea fu re DonaM Duck Little Orphan Annie sSlrl) V' TWELVE TCMS...SUBE L) x p 5 y p Henry By Car Anderson l p -" ; CaUdEu9om The Nebba By Hess No Sale ZPll f HEAR TUAT?1UERE's I MOME OF TUEmY WUV.TS TUE "1 tiMUTS ( WO IS 1 " Hla 1 , Ja.Jg. ( AM ANSWER ALREAOJ EVEN LOOKS ) DlFP ? TAKE tNUTj ( THAT SL?? IF RETURWETO lfji- rY F"" : r GEE I CAN PEMEMBEP WHEN FOLKS . LEFT OTHER FOI..KS ALONE-YOU COULD CO AMVWHERE-C,ET A JOB -EARN YOUR WAV AND MO QUESTIONS ASKED Sir ' The (iiimps VOUR. SARCASM C DEAF ? IwiTHBIM'S BACKING, THE STRAIN'S f FALLS ON PEAF 7 HE MEANS I'LL MARKET THIS J BEEN TOO 6WEET OLP UNCLE BIM J HOW MUCH I EARS, AAV V DUMB ' r MIRACLE MUSCLE f MUCH.'l'VE POES MV HEART 6000 V DIP "YOU N BEAUTEOUS ( ' MAKER .' THERE RE IPINALLV CRACK.EP TO BE ABLE To LET HIM SHAKE HIM SPOUSE r f-JT BILLIONS IN IT JiPf LOOK AT IN ON A WINN INJ P0WNFCR , Aa- ' VTVO - ,, , T WHAT f TH N.K Mull and lf By Bud Fisher Did You Ever Have to Listen to ThiFkind of a Joke feller? HA! HA! HA) I'iTS A SCRtM! )(cMW) I WELL.TKlS BIS YJn7r WELL.OHE DAY Y NO I DUNNO.'V" " MUTT, DID YOU V VoU SOTTA J (SRAY ELEPHANT THlS ELEPHAMT UMfkITI I FoRGET'-l O MEARTHEJOKE ( NO! 'A h"JW WAS IN THE WAS WALKING BUT IS IT J ABOUTTflE Xrfl JUNGLE. SEE?- ON! im THE JUNGLE.1 "gS FUNNY' T 1 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1946 By Walt By Harold By Gus iSTsT BUT NOW SOME 1 17 LEAPIN- LIZARDS! HOW THEY Tj f BUSYBODY IS FOPEVER 111 WANT TO BLEED FOR YUH l U S3 ASKlK VUH FOOL QUESTIONS- 1 III DO YUH COOP -OH, WELL- 1 JF 111 KEEP AVV FROM "EM-THffrs '' J j Disney Gray Edson The Page Come on, You Guinea Pigs! Isolationist Tiger(skin) and the Lady Vesterday By BEATRICE MUIR Chapter 22 Margot came In with the schnapps and while she served him Freya cast around for a subject of conversation. She asked how long Glita Neumann expected to stay in the village. "Do you like Fraulein Neu mann?" Coming In that quiet way It took her so by surprise she could not answer immedi ately. She knew something lay behind his deliberate casual ness. Before she could answer their eyes held and he had an insight to her hesitancy. In turn she caught his sudden confusion under a new thought concerning her, then he sat forward screw ing in his monocle as if to set a screen between them. "Why," he asked politely, "do you always suspect my conver sation of ulterior meaning." Knowing he was hurt she felt a vindictive pleasure. She smiled slyly. "Perhaps because I've wit nessed the result of so many of your ulterior meanings." He noticed how she threw all her personality into her voice, and it was the kind of personality he had in the past been forced to destroy, lock away in prison until its dangerous vitality was consumed. Annoyance tinged his voice: "Naturally I've a reason for coming." "Naturally." The irony in her tone was thinly veiled hostility and they both knew it. He had wanted to make a more delicate approach but now she forced him to bluntness. For a minute he hated her because she made him feel clumsy. "You forget," she laughed. "I've not heard your proposal only the threat." There was cold appraisal in his eyes. "Fraulein Neumann," he said in a business-like way,, "intends to ask you to be her accom panist on her concert tour . . . may I suggest that you accept, for, shall we say, your husband's continued peace of mind." Her mind worked rapidly, this is his one hope of keeping me in Germany, preventing a chance meeting with Franz. But that is the least of it. As long as we are in Germany Conrad can't do anything without en dangering Ernst. Aloud she said. "If my husband is well enough I might consider the tour . . . are you going to this length to impress Glita Neumann?" As he leaned back in his chair rub bing his thick square hands to gether she knew she had created the right impression. The bold ness of his look made her lower her eyes. "We understand a lover's problems, eh!" His uncouth laugh Jarred her. "I seem to have amused you, General," she said icily. Quickly his laugh stopped. Once more he felt a little awk ward in her presence. He stood up. "I really can't discuss it with you more fully this time, I have an engagement." She saw him to the door, mechanically answered his leave taking. None of us will h safp she thought, if Niel doesn't get away. Stcphcnie faced the nnnr as she entered. "Why did he come?" "To make certain I'd arrpnt Glita Neumann's proposal to be her accompanist on her concert tour." "It's to keep you in Ger many," cried Stephanie. "Where they can watch you." Freya flung her arms around her. "We'll eel Niel awav then Van Beck can be caught in his own net." Then she felt Steph anie's body rigid under her hands, "What's the matter?" "He may try to get out todav now! Oh God, I should have told him I was coming here." She drew the back of her hand across her mouth as if to keep trom screaming. In a whirl she was at the door, pulling on her ski-cap. "If he comes here, phone Glita immediately. Freya went outside with her. stood by while she fastened the harness. They kissed. She saw the frail figure pole down the driveway then across the slope Niel was already in the attic. He wore the civilian clothes, overcoat and hat that Stephanie had smuggled to him and he was Is nowhere kneeling down on the floor packing his uniform and great coat into a suitcase. Then he tip-toed toward the stairs, his breath sucked in from the shock of a creaking beam. The next two beams betrayed his weight and he reached the stairs with sweat on his face. A noise from below sent him against the slop ing wall over the gap of the stairs, it was the scrape of Sieg mund's boots as he rose and walked with relentless unhaste toward the attic door. Niel let go the suitcase and crouched ready to leap before he wai seen. In a way this was better, what noise they made would not carry downstairs to Joseph. The attic door below opened. "Kitty! puss, puss!" called Siegmund, "come here, you pest!" Niel felt a hysterical de sire to laugh. Siegmund came up two steps and called the cat again, then he swore and banged down to the hall. Niel heard a buzzer ring and in a few min utes Joseph's cracked voice came from a distance. "What is it?" "That damn cat. It's in the attic again." As Joseph came up he apologized for disturbing him. "It never comes when I call and I can't scramble around in the dust up there." v "No matter," said Joseph 'pa tiently, "I'll catch it." Now Niel could see his bent white head, now his stooped shoulders, then he was at the lop breathing heavily, mopping his brow with a white handker chief. If he turns his head left, thought Niel, he'll see me. Joseph turned his head. They stared at each other. Resentment fed by the anxiety of the last few hours glittered from Niel's eyes, but he was met only by a fleeting astonishment which gave way to a mild look he could not fathom. (To be continued) BED-TIME LIIXURIE S What more welcome gift could you give a friend who loves her leisure and the pretty thing to go with it than this matching bed jacket and slipper set? They're so easy to make and take so little material that you can run up several to fill in your gift list. No. 2799 is cut in one size. Bed jacket requires 2 18 yds. 39in.; slippers approx. 38 yd. 35-in. In the new BOOK-OF FASH ION you will find many clever suggestions for Christmas gifts you can make . . . toys, dolls, doll's clothes, aprons, blouses, dainty lingerie, bed jackets, etc. All these in addition to up-to-the-minute fashions for all ages, beautifully illustrated in roto gravure. Send now for this ex citing 36-page book of over 150 pattern styles. Price 15 cents plus 2 cents for mailing. Send 20c for PATTERN which includes complete sewing guide Print your name, address id style number plainly. Be surjj to state size you wish. Include pos tal unit or zone number in your address Address: Pattern Department. Capital Journal, 552 Mission St., San Fran cisco, Calif.