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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1946)
s dadic Pwramt I Journal Feature Page " III in r'oniioi i tz : 'KSLM ko. Monday P. M. ' IKGW ?.r IK EX Capilal Journal,Sa6mgregnn, Monday, Nov. 18, 1946 v Walt Disney llfln ka. ABO IKOIN It! A Quiet Breakfast at Last! News Superman Capt. MidnUhl Tom Mix I Stan of Today I Nwi I Voice nf I Voice nf I Terry anrj Pirates I Sk Klnx I .lark Armnlroni I Cinnamon Bear KnoT Mantling I News News Gabriel Heattcr Orchestra flanrfs I Bands 1:10 9:1.1 :t4 Ball. Drummond Ball Drummond Cisco Kid Cisco Kirt Touchdown TIpi Touchdown TIpi Goodman. Horse Goodman. Bo rice I T.B.A. Mil lie I Kay Armen t Kay Armen' Contented Dm t'ontfnted Hoi nr. I. Q. Dr. I. Q. I Radio Theatre I Radio Theatre I Radio Theatre I Radio Theair Defective DetectlTt Youth Center Supper Club Fleetwood La win Caraleade CaraJrade Lone Ranger I I. one Raneer I Slump the I Authors I lum 'n' Abne I Sons Fat Man I Fat Man B:l. To :0ft " in:n J0:1fk 11:15 JI:Mt 11:45 News Fea I ii r Sports Henry J. Tarln Telephone Hour Telephone Hour Open Home Open House Screen Guild I Screen Guild I Rob Hawk Show t Bob Hawk Show J News I Jack fmllh Show I Joan Davis Show I Joan Darts Show I Fulton Lewis, Jr, Newa I News I Orchestra I Orchestra ' Orchestra I News I Talk I T.B.A. Music I Newa 0 ramus News Sports Orehettra 1 The Band ffaunn I The Whistler (The Whistler I Inner fianctan I Inner Sanctut I News f T.B.A. I Concert Roor 1 Concrrt Hour Vewa Orchestra Orr hr!.lr Orchestra I Fire Star Final SymphonelU I Symphonette ! Texas Ranter 12:ftft sign Off I Concert Hour ! Concert Hour ! Orchestra I Orchestra Sign Off"" I Serenade Serenade Air-rlo I Air-Flo I X-tra Hour I Silent Tuesday 6 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. I Jumpln Jacks (Dave West Newa Dare West Newi Rle Shine Newa March of Time ( Ritalcr X I Riialer X t Busier X ' Busier X Haven of Rest llaren of Best Sins Vic. H. Llndlshr I Wuslo I Morton Downey I Pastor's Call I Art Baker Farm Time J Roundup Bots Farm Tim I Martin Asronsky The Old Sonri J James Abbe I Market Reports I Breakfast Ctub I Breakfast Club I Breakfast Club ' Breakfast Club News Western Star KfllM Kl-h I KOIN Klerk Fred Waring Fred Waring Jack Brrch James Ahhe KOIN Kleck News Fart Finder )n:l& in:.lA lfi:15 1 News Ring Sings Orchestra Orchestra 11:1 Organalltlea Day Dreams Queen for a On Queen for a Dai I Pioneer Lives New I Hillbilly I VarletT Minw I Oregon Caravan Glamour Manor ' K,m I Glamour Manor u,lr,rl I Breneman's Rft, JB Breneman's Bfit. I Orchestra j Home Edition Orrheslra I rid ijing Gilbert I m- t-... ci I Joyce Jorrisn I Mr True Story Consumer New Arthor Godfrey I Rosemary Kate Smith Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Our Gal Sunday ("llriln I Ut.1 rl.....L Today's Children I Baukhase Talks Women In W hit ( Listening Post Masquerade gthel and Albert I Rig Sister Ma Perking I Dr. Melon I Road of Life News 'n Ahner Community Community Tell Your Neigh br . ........ ... nuiuiinr I Orchestra I Orchestra 11:00 Orchestra :1K Muslo S:Jft News 8:I5 The Sea I I News I Ma Perkins Prnnrr Ion I Right lo Happnss I Rarkstage Wife I Stella Dallas l.orenro Jonee Wirider Brown When . r.lrl Portia Faces Lire Just Plain Bill Front Pane I Waller Kiernan t stars of Today I Hey, Mr. Motorist I Jerry Sears I Tommy Biers I Tommy Rlgga I Kay West 1 Kay West I 2nd Mr. ' Perry Mason I Lone Journey Art Baker I News J Come and Get II I Surprise ' Surprise Doin 4:i5 I FulUit Lewis. Jr. Keg Miller Frsklne Johnsua I Ruck Rogers Road of Lire David Ifarura Aunt Mary Dr. Paul What's Ladies Bride and Groom I Bride and Groom I Ladles Be Seated I I.die Be Seated j uorotny uix I Music. I Woman's Secret I News I Life Beautiful I Nws I Varieties I Northwest Today I Ore an I Tennessee Jed XateJt Pattern f m f a at V'" - J It Va (torn Vn IJ t i Se the Dancinc Braral-For that w person on vour ChrUl warm S '-Ues ,et to kp baby Pnltcrn envelope contain hot-iion transfer for 4 designi with patter,, piece,. Milch illustrations and full .l.rections Send 15 cents (coin) for Pattern No. n;2ll to Pc'rrv Robert CajISJonrcct. Sa Franosco 3. Cal.f ' Uonairl Uuck ii 7 ti n . k ' '..... AH. NOTXSOUNP.. I yr - 1 J " P""'' h K ! T,K, yih "enry By Carl Andersoli " i . ; . CAiy - I ' , Vr- r - ANOEffJON a ffiSS m .r fe R J. n-, The Ncbbs ' D -tZzzrr- ' By Hess The Unbe,ieve-r aSnsrfsgsrs yM: fT?B')M ms7 ran VX l :p4 TiSL v "1 V I n . V II.1 'VrSSSi'-I jfcfs? .dn ii kcij. c a r- k rsL Wf're Little Ohan Annie By Harold Gray " r" s gas.," ;ig.a:;. 1 i , The High Iron ',i,''trer,-. m&gf I I ND IT MUST GO fl 0OMTC6RE A GREW DeftL...rvH IW Cer, hll Ic ) ( SOMEWrffiRE-RAILWVSDS 1 WrfrYOP MONEY- AMD MONEVU. OUL FoTmLI ) ALWAYS GO SOMEWHEPE prj GET YOU IN OR OUT Of ALMOST ANYTHING 1 fesffiJL V -SOMEWHERE A LONG fef OR ANYWHERE. A5 VtOW stun, i -rliiSSSlaaA .- -? A WAYS AWAY J MM i . -a b., -- - - va i im M X&A72r I - TheGump., By GuS Eri.nn ' " - , r Bim L-necks In I . . THE CASHIERS wiMnnw V rm.s I In.,,. ' . 1 . k 12 . - . V -NONSENSS AND 1 IS OPEM kT I T v,T, , :B ow" 'T2" "W?. V I JUST KNEW y OH M N T ,T CT N vet uni eni..!. I r"Z.r 1Mb K tH AND 1 TUVT UP iklr I OFMV 6REAT STRENGTH.' BY EXERcisiN3 AT06S HERBOP I'M H,?HwaV ' ,NTS TM,S MUSCLE MAKER". HELLO,B,M ? 'OMEW.E I rr. y i .. . Yesterday Is Nowhere By BEATRICE MUIR IIoub Partv Houso Party Newspaper of the Air f Srhool of the lr School or the Air ! Meet the Missus I Meet the Mlssn Art Klrhh.M I F.relrn Winter I Stats Traffto I News I Danny O'NeU Dannv O'Nell Melody Hour Melody Four ACROSS Flap to L'ndoa: 8crtfch S!et urchio i Exift 44 Cntivem Llfiht open couon (abrlc it Alivaji nil Toward f, F 'i emen f, Kema Ic ttheep RrgulatlOD m. Vfuiilaio en. tela ml or the (2, Wt Inilir Complement S3. of cups St mr M Irritate. , KxrlamatloB it. Bard v Uarsa tub T. . Performed Syllabi of hesitation I'nniiliiiR Went ahead Look on with contempt Storm Tiny Kesttval Pronoun Pet hron Rerinod womai Leader Opposite of aweathor He aw blow slaiiK Passes Most erellenl Property uf matter Palm leaf Put 'Em Together and You'd Have a Duet Picture DOWN 1. TUht I. Italian river la I3 F i4 h I" V Y6 9 ,r n ; 7 Yi" 75 TZ7? zo7, p" , i . " " 24' - Ti " 3T T4 W p37 38 W o T3T4i" 4ST"32 fjef-gg HI rfl" 'rr-. 'f. ;v ' S9 SfTTtbo 571 r 5T- i53 ' 'wo. 'fry i ar i& C- 1 1 1 ' j i i i t r i i S. Implore 4. PlRtnent from plant trrown In daiknes I. Pirsonac Arldttlons to butidinaji Kind of terrier 8. Mali bevaraf !. onet'Ai 0. Afresh 1. Caliber i Hxt.ler 0. First k1nf of Israel Ha can-lad 24. Frosted lo. Anticipated expectantly Worship 27, Look Sloan I IT 25. Siams coin "9. Hlmli) queen i Outbuiiihnf 13. Preceding n iff IH St. Nairot fnhH remlnln nam t oiueiKied 4. uli her fi S.-aridlnavian 4H. I- sh aauc 60. Trlanitular Insert 1 Vnil f T'kA DA I KIT I M n A Ft -r.i . , T .z WHAT? GREAT PICTURE PiMuSrTPiJ ISTS WHAT ARE YOU GOING Vf YODELER'S V- I i r-n a . . i iivi nn I I vsivc nirvi I TO f!A I THIT DAIMTili-O I crATMn J . . . . rOcG,K ft "'''IWAIRE fciv THING A GOOD JOB trrw . A j -clr .1 YEH: ITS A 0 RP0STeR1Ty'r3f wpUi AND pUT TWO Mf7VoDEL FR,?S5ryp COfAPANION PICTURE I I iK. 1 , 'insskS coats of PAwt f? J SShH?.8 gMHi to w,m fp MrtMH?1 AL A rP(sPaWl A I R Rrc'lar Kellers " FT s soMElleARih-SN1! rkwr re"trS By Gene BTrT BriliUnTBrin S(nrmc TiEiElsiapfRrYMRliglKJ I ; I nrTFaEar . . . unlliant Uratn-Storms soiu0n o, ,.,rd.y-. pu Arrl)! LClSfTN Kj.aTV- J I 7. Tl fUTAMVTHINa f O YA WCMY BIT E S?VSv." 5?" YEAH?' PERTECToe.- . . f N""? ' V YA HAMO WHILE V . A pIek AT XT '4 f "S PERTECK GENTS U '. ' T h E AT l N ' S. V VTI WHO WEAR. SILK I . iME " iT" . , By Edgar Kice RrrnKr, TarZan on Defensive Cr'-" -, 13 I SEEINS HIM GO, THE CAVEMAN, I?RS--i3S HWa I 77 Cg55S SjfitiJll WH0" WE HAD SAV6P FROM P"SjiSfi lO ""'AW INSTANTLY THE APE- SQ Lvr?j. y J Chapter 21 On thp rrpst nf Iho hill CfenV.. w. . ..... ..... anie stopped to look at Freya's house. Keen, snipv air hreatheri deeply gave her a sense ot in toxication. She felt strong enoueh tn pnriiirp anvtliinp Tn. ward the end of. the valley she could see Freya s house snug gled amone the treps. f.vpw lino and contour of that house was in ner mind, the slant of its roof, lattice designs nn (hp uinrlnwc and the way the lilac trees clus tered around as if to. steal a glance at the old, polished wood en floors, the warm shabbiness of those friendly rooms. She stood a minute to admire the trees then raised her poles, crouched forward then swooped down the hill. It was n rnnliiiii. OUS run that tnnlr hp fl-,,h the open gateway to the bottom ot tne steps and there, even be fore she kirkprf frpp 4h harness, was Freya, all laughter no pleased surprise. "Stephanie! how wonderful to see you. Stephanie held a finger warn ingly across her lin "rinn't let old Margot see me," she said hurriedly. How like old Freya not to ask questions but to close the door noiselessly and point to the library. With averted face Stephanie made a pretense of warming her hands at the fire place while trying to decide what to tell her. However Fre ya had her premonitions. "Has anything happened to Conrad?" she asked so adrupt ly that Stephanie wheeled in surprise. "Now whv shout vnn hp wor ried about Conrad?" You look so nalp nrf her voice wavprprl in MB3in n lighter tone," he hasn't visited me for days. "I've felt strnnpplv rpctlpe. lately ... as if I was wi t no nr something to happen. She caught herself staring at the shadows around Stonhini.1. eyes, at her thin, strained fea tures. Suddenly she made an impatient gesture. "I'm talking nonsense, it's hpranca Ft., ict i.riu be home in four or five days and i can i settle to anything.' louve been so brave, now urnst will soon be with you and mere s a new life ahead for Both of you.' Tenderness warm ed her voice, then it faded and the room was still neain "Snm.. i day you may forgive Franz." rreya piayea with her fingers. None would ever know what a bitter milestone In her lifp .k. passed when Franz refused his neip. "I think I've forgiven him al ready," she said slowly. "He couldn't have done much but then, fresh from ihp Co, r America, it was like having the giuuna suae out from under my feet when hp rpfnuj i,.in so decisively. That frightened me more than anything." A faint wistful smii.n,,Hi..j Stephanie's lips as she turned toward the fire. Freya looked at her. In a blinding flash it came over her that she was m: those blue shadows around her eyes, the fragile transpar ency of her skin made one think of death. Then she remembered Stephanie hadn't wanted old Margot to see her. "Something has happened." She said it more as a fact than question, strueelinc In kppn lip.. voice steady. The quick, bird- iiKe iook in Stephanie's face immediately set her lpet -u'u is it?" Stephanie's pvp stat-p up at her. sick and desperate. "I don't want tn toll clumsily," she faltered, "it will oe a snocK. Their eyes met. "Tell me," said Freya. "Franz and Paul Vnn ni. have got Nicl Dana under guard in our notise. Franz is to go back to Berlin in Nicl's place . . . you can guess the rest." Her voice btoke. Around Freya the room whirl ed into black vetigo. It can't be, it can't be! But she knew it was true, because it was so possible. A long quietness di vided them. "No wonder you are ill," she breathed. Stephanie flung up her head. "I'm not ill I can see this thing through. I'll get him away be fore it s too late, if you'll help me." "How could he do such a thing!" cried Freya. "To bring him to your house, make you and Conrad a part of it." "That was Von Beck's idea," defended Stephanie. "It is all out of Franz' hands now." "Von Beck! . . . then Niel isn't safe!" "No . . and if anything hap pens to him you and Ernst are not safe You might have to leave Germany." "But Conrad ..." "He's trying to save them both but he's being watched. I'm the one to do what has tn ho done." She smiled bitterly. 'The.v left me out of their ml. culations." As Freya looked at her she went on: "Niel has figured how to break nut hp'u come her tn vou anrl ae nnn as he conies you must phone Glita Neumann to bring her car and drive him to his military police in Munich. She will do it." Freya was speechless. Outside there was a sound a shirting of gears, thick tires zipping on hardpacked snow. Stephanie darted to the window. "It's Von Beck!" Thev tarrf . at each other. ' "Whv should hp mm" ism! Freva thickly. "My skis are by the steps." "I'll let him think they are mine." She felt the numb calm ness that desperation Induces in lieu of emotion. "I'll enter tain our devil in the drawing room." The General fnnn llma away from the door it was a naott wun mm. He took off his hat beaming at her. Why General, what a sur prise!" "I do hODe not nn imwalrnm. one." "Come In." She took his hat and m:I then noticed Marsnt emrota. eyed at the end of the hall. "Some schnapps, Margot . . . come in her, General, the fire is lit." His little marble blue eyes seemed to pigeon hole every thing in the room, then he let his monocle fall. (To be continued) CHILDREN'S HOUR A pert stuffed horse and a cuddly bunny that are so soft and lov able that your child won't want to part with them . . . even at bedtime. And they're so easy to make that you'll enjoy doing No. 2101 is "cut in one size and requires 38 yd. 35-in. No. 2102 is cut in one size and requires i yd. 35-in with 18 yd. 18-in. contrasting. Send 20c for PATTFum i.t,wl Includes complete sewing guide j"ur name, address and style number nlainlv r t state size you wish. Include pos- ipi unit or zone number in your address. Address: Pattern Department. .aFnii journal, 552 Mission Kt c9n c.-. cisro, uaiif. Room and Board . . . Hu Gene Ahem DAYS WHILE TWITCHY' AND 7 ABTtSSISne ALSwiNS NITra NICK' AE GETTOS J I vttoPav P Tlilf AWFUL A FULL LINE ON THE BANK ScTScl? fl ' PLACE ; ' THEY'LL PHONE US AN ' Vl' J " ,GUM - TONIS"T. .1 HOUR BEFORE THE HOLDUP' . '' ' i .Vv;-rM ' AND I'M WARNING SKOZ" S1 , ffWf YOU, - NO SHOOTING A shotJLD BESSQCOO f C ,'. VHISJ v 6l Broad thick Pie,- Ht-alihy hb. The nines nni fifi. Hollow dth AS Dusk fpli tup ?ca eag. r--. Still (1. A is JUN5LE LORD STABTCD nu us SUcST OF kKi AS ME HAP PSOM.SgO. "ni a v urjij i.i I I i' m H wit 1 jmW asc.... JiJm