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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1946)
i'.. Radio Ptotam Saturday 7,c IKSLM " IKGW B:(lft New ' Ban. B:IA SporU ! HsntH J ft:30 TabemarU 1 Soiiei 5:fi Tahfrnacle I Newi M ""6:00-1 Author MMtl I Rf Rouen Show ! Author Meelii I Roy Ilnner Show :,1Aw Meet Ihe PreM Can Voo Top 1 6: Meet ihn Preai ' Can Iim Top ! 7:0H Newt C'anovt ! 7:1S Newt .'un"? Cinota I J:S0 Red Rvdi-r ;rand OJe Oprj Rrd Rder (irand Ole Onrr I g:(in ! Orrhrslra t5 I Orchrxlrn ft -.HO Juvenllt JnrT 8:4ft Juvenile Jurr I Truth or I Truth r I Life of Rilej Life of Rilt-r 8;I0 :IS ;30 9:45 News 1 flrthrtlra I Orthrilra I Orchestra New Orchestra 10:00 Chlrano Theatre Itl.tfi Chicago Theatre in:!W Chlcaio Theater 10:46 Chicago Theater 1 orchestra I ii k rv ll:fin 11:111 . News - Orchestra Orchestra I Orchestra Orchestra Orchrslra Orcheilra 11:45 New 12:00 Sinn Off ! Men Off Sunday World Nrns t Story to Order f Words A Miisio Words A Mufcle (1:151 6:3ft I 6: IS I 1:001 Radio Hlhle riii 1:15 Radio Bible Dasi I 7:30 I TP Church Air ! 1:45 ) YP Church Air Iteliaious RelUioua Volcea Voters I Church In Homo Church In Home S,nn Orchestra :00 I r. Talbot 11:15 Pr. Tallin! fttfft Voire ol Prophecy 11:15 I Voice of Prnpher? 0:0 8:1ft f :. lO ft: l. Ileliiloua Rrliaioiis Rrllxioua Itrlliloua farvelh Wella News In Adv. r'.lernnl Mht Menial Mclit America Unite t America Untied Round Tahla I Hound Table 10:00 I Newi 10:1ft I Commander Scott 10:30 Sweethearle 10:15 I Slats 11:00 Warden I.awa 11:15 New 11:30 Orcheilra 11:10 I News Musle Music l Harvest of Start Harvest of Stara Carmen Cavallaro - Nci 1ft Rill lunninanom I Carmen Cavallaro I One Min'i Family One Man'a Family ."in t Vnunt I1 r::45 Vouna I'eopli Unix Kids Hula Kida Music Music 1:00 1:15 1:.10 1:15 Mystery Mystery Delrclive Detective. The Shadow The Shadow Quick as a Flash Oultk as a Flash I Symphony Symphony Symphony Symphony 1:30 t;!5 11:00 (Those Wrhslera ll:1ft ) Those Wehstera I::t0 I Nick Carter 3:1. Nick Carter Catholic Hour Catholic Hour I Oregon Album I Orecnn Album 4:00 1 Book ula Jack Bcnnev Jack neiiney I I'hll Harris ( Phil Harris 4:15 I nook Uuia 4:30 I Orchestra 4:45 Orchestra A:D0 News ft: 1ft Son (i a B;30 News ft:lft InveslUalor Charlie McCarthy Forever Tops Charlie McCarthy Forever Tups Fred Allen F'orevar Tops I Fred Allen Forever Tops fl:0U- I Eaplorlng :l,V Exploring 6:30 I Double or Nothing ;!, Double or Nothing I Merry-flo- Round Merry-do-Hoiind American Album I American Album I Don Amecho 1;ll0 Briaht Tomorrow 7:15 I Bright Tomorrow 7:3lt Name of Song 7:45 I Name of Song linn Amcche I Meet Me Meet Me ft:(HI 'JO Questions R:lft "H Questions B:;i0 I Waller Wlnchell H:l,'i I Shrltts tiraham H:oo News Wilft I Rex Miller :;m Hymns :I5 I Sports Hob nurna Boh llurni Symphony Symphony Ho' Symphony Hour Symphony Hour Jack llrnney Jack Henney 0:Ht Revival Hour 111:15 Revival Hour M;M I Revival Hour 10:45 I Revival Hour Newa Mary Ann Mercer Pae Story Par Story 11:00 11:1b 11:30 11:15 Sign Off IMusie Orrheslca Orchestra 17 :0ft Sign tiff Dutch-Indonesian Agreement Signed Balavia, Java. Nov. IB iTi Netherlands and Indonesian del egations initialed today an agreement which, if approved at The HaKiie, will be the master plan for establishing a new Pa cific nation: the politically in dependent United Stalei of In donesia. The agreement, providing for an independent Indonesia link ed in permanent union with the Netherlands, was initialed at the home of Indonesian Premier Sutan Sjahrir. a few yards from where President Soekarno pro- ACROSS 1. Top carda fc, Luzon natir 8. Fellow 12. Lama 13. Horra 14. Recent lj. Continent lfi. Hostelry 17. Alack Dlwyrncea 20. Dawn 23. Hermit 21. lfor birth 17. Vlbmtlonlesi point IK Fxtcnd ovar Si!. PlRpen XI, Player li. Point In tha monn'i orbit M. American rovellat IT. Movimnta of tha f IS. Chrerlnir ayllabla IS. Hiika mythi cal bird f. Pnemi 4k. Kind or fern 43. A.nrf'tit UuiniD otnclnl f. Fstfi'tna hlnhlT 4S. Srerlnl ability Vt. WliiKllks Ml, Mltioral iprlng bU, Pen bG. Indcflnlta nruotint 67. Spike of corn t8. Antrlo-Sason lava h9, FIiiRhxh rlvar n. Thtratr 6L Uiva off fumaa ' 1 3 k t . ib 17 i '. I if y " 72 "73 ! 73. 7i 75 -? . 7f 7$ 7y '. 35" i' " ii " I 'I,;,, 24 as aiT tj aTjiy Iso 3 IS "3& 3& 3f i J5 si. "TS5"3S i 1, I I r'r ' ' ' W(it I I 1 P. M. !KEX IKOIN'S," I Knox Mannlnr I Somt Hanier Ahead I Newt llarr U'bmer Hi Jink HI Jinks I Orthcilr 1 Orrheilra ' Couldn't Happen ! Srrpnada tin Place Show 1 Kerenadt I Muilo Music I MukIi) :..--i,...t," ii1m. I Star Ti sherlnrk llnlmet Star Time I Mayor of Town 1 I.nne R;nifr Mayor of 'lown (.antbustert fiancliutera Orchestra I Trio ! Hit Parada 1 Hit Parada I Hit Parade I Feature I Five Star Final ' Veteram Karn Dane Texai Ransert I Orchestra J Orchestra I Orrhrlra ( Orchestra ( Orchestra I Orchestra I Orchestra I Talk I Orchenlra 1 Air-Flo Air-Fin "Tsilenl X-lra Hour Morning Nrws K. Power uun F. Power Bit I Sinaera Itrlicinui I Reliaious Moulhrrnairea Southernairea I C hurch or the Air Church of the Air Church of the Air Church of the Air I Sunday Sunshine Warren Bweener I Sunday Sunshine Wlnm Oer Jordan Hour of railh Tabernarla I Hour of Faith Choir Practice I Slrlclly Musle I Strlctlv Mil Jo t Navy nay I Navy Ilay Invitation lo Invitation to I Treasury Salute I Newe Johnny Thompson Peopte'a Platform I Oreen Hornet People' Platform I Sammy Kaye I Time or Reaion ( Sammy Have Howard K. Smith I Warriors of Prare Harmonica I WarHora of Peace Organ To He Announced Stradavarl Orch. I To Be Announced Stradavarl Orch. Sunday Serenade Philharmonlo ( unoay oerenaue rniinirpinnn I Cadets I Philharmonlo Sam Petllnaill I Philharmonlo Our Children t Our Children Wayne Kins I Wayne Kin Philharmonic Philharmonlo Hour of Charm Hour of Charm Darts for llnush j Harts for Housb Counter Spy Counter Spy I Family Hour I Family Hour 1 Hoaxy Carmlchael William I.. Shlrer Sun. Eve. Party Olo Harriet I Sun. Eve. Parly Onfe A Harriet I Dude Martin I Vnur Hope Cheat Oude Martin Your Hope Cheat Drew Pearson Headlinrs Music Hall Musio Hall (iene Aulry Oene Aulry (News Singer. Onanist I Iron Curtain i Yours Sincerely Man Jordon , Man J oi dim I Waller Wlni hell llildeaarde l.ourtla Persona t Hildcgarde Jlmmr F'iriler Eddy Bracken j I'oliucnomau Eddr Bracken Theatre (iuilrt Take It or l.eare (Take II or Leave Kale Smith ! Kale Smith I heal re (iiitlrf Theatre (iuild Thralre (iuilil Dr. Danfieid Dr. Danfieid Willie Piper Willie riper I Crime Doctor I Crime Doctor 111 lie t ninudie I Sam Hayes I Sours Kausr Riders I Our Dutv Sam Spade I S,m Simde I House In Co House In Countr Five Star Final Kyplorrr Bulletin Hoard ! Orchestra ( News J Orchestra I Vespers Vespers Orchestra J Orchestra I BritUe to Dream j Orchestra I Bridge lo Dream Orchestra I Bridie lo Dream Organ Interlude Etra Hour Silent claimed the republic September 15, .1045. The draft would nmke t lie Netherlands ond Indonesia equal partners under the royal house of Orange Sandwich Signs Ask Place to Live Portland, Nov. 16 tVi Sand wich signs, asking for a place to live, were carried on down town streets yesterday by Mrs. Joseph M. Kuntz and her four-year-old daughter. They got one nibble. "One woman said we could share her home with her, but j we're already doing that with my parents," Mrs. Kuntz said. Her husband is stationed with I I the coast guard here. Solution of Yesterdiiy't Puxzla DOWN Vtnkan trncn Ruidj monij R ? 11? rB3IscaIrs E X UP E 5jR e b p e n P A N-A D Ae POP EE A Lm A T i N Q S A F E I T Sjfl Nl I T E rJJ l1 e r REAM Hn'e W E RRJ R S WprawBrIem i sisM I JaA N aT pup EfifJ I37ij 6 f aJrHs E i-i S tB REM! THR ALE T E r)H RlO T O RHhI A P AWES Hv E N USBT 6 c anamMe n a y J p t r i f eIrMpje r T V E 'tRIBJ'"' Pie's S. Lanib'i pea namfl 4. Part of a flower a. Klml of cordial t. 1 lent Mown 7. HaiiBORll I. UnKiMilin nnme I. CH.-ln of light 10. Oil l rose. PAtnle: vnrliint U. GoniKin East African cola t. OOllteritteii SI. Old musical not ?S. Month 24. Greek phi losopher !S. Pl ?d. Aftertonf 3a. County In ' Colorado . Orlef 0. Ilulld r.l. fjreek roddAM 3&. Uxpreenlva movemcou Sft. ReneflclaJ SS. Chnfa 41. hailed to all 41 Olckeni charactor 41. Aft:tln: orafls i lluca 4K. Century Dlanl 47. Crippled 49. Relleva :0. It.tsehall team 51. .(iturney 34. Kquallty Journal Feature DonaU! Duck Henry The Nebbs Little Orphan Annie aptep Snide soprel legdin' - ' T , , o.itrui k, i- i i- ww- SOME 1 NICE6CHMS, FOR TUED06. LET55EE H6 ISMT vMAVBeYWI1V'OOT- flTiiSn dUSTt-lkS V VRXOOT. A WILBUR .VVUATSIBeMO IS USU4U.VIICHE5 ASLEEP HERE.THATSJI HE RAU ) SiYIMG '"s CTTZTNI AN AN6EUS TH6 BEST ) NICODEMUS OM HAND TO, IM THE J STBANGeJV AWAV! 'eOOO-BV ?-S AolTNA01AioTri KTT-I FOejA.GREET HIM TV STABLE J( -rS-N A B6MOWJLDMT) Tyi-p Mri THOSE GANGSTERS WHO MINTED TO KILL ME. IT'D BE SORT 0' FUN TO CHASE HIM FOR A SPELL Kes'lar I'cilcrs Tarran TO CHAbE HIM FOR A SPELL ' .-ifTvftSKlNS MA 0N"-EH- SANDy? !" ;iimns By Gns Ijdsnn Liquid Iron? ' v F ONlLV OUt I I VE 60T BRAINS ENOUGH - s. I (kNPV-VOU STARTE D BV 60LLV. WHAM.' IPUTMVX HAD THE To TORN MUSCLESOF IRON TO 6ET THAT ATTACK OP MIN .' VOL) FIST THR0UCH THE BRAIN INTO A POT OF dOLP .' HM-M-M- 8UL6IM6 MUSCLES JUST PON'T WALL NOW t KNOW 1 TO i0 VJlTH I LL ENDORSE BREAKFAJ5T V AFTER YOU BE6AN TO I SUPPOSE ? I'M THE WORLD'S I ALL THAT FOODS OPEN A PHYSICAL J -iw TAKE MRS. OLD-TIMER'S A STRONGEST I pRAvAN- - CULTURE SCHOOL-GO RHEUMATISM REMEPY gSferowi-. !57Tt ' j ' "Hr HY, X kL MAKE A MINT.' J J'-XrJXY Mini iind .toff 13y Bud Fisher Make Room Elba, Here Comes Another One I DOC. I THINK NONSENSE.' 1 BUT HE If I KNOW, LITTLE CANT YOU 1 CANT 1 d -f Jfff.h?J$S ATSS0 JEFF riEJS J KEEP KlW I MUTT.' 'SWA 1 JOSEPH NF' 1 mo noinipib WKunu muttK! I nDovLU I tLY HFCFVV un: ill V i-i ueHAT4RS0 I JU v YOU THA'i VVH WtI I DON'T BELIEVE :J OS AFTER ALL TOLE WE I TRIED TO A I PAPA'S SOS'S N1LL. 3 !( I ONEV TRIED 1 J ' E WAS TO BE. I JTA j, ( BORROW ) ! '1 V EVER. COME ''j TO MAKE HIM TREATEO LIKE hr V OME NONEV nf&J I f 1EKE ASAIN.' '11' C I V6 US. TARZAN." ) MmTSJ-v. I AINLY PROTESTING, THE PAIR NlTA PLEADED. V , M Rift flM WnVSXi WERS DRASSED BACK. -J I ' . 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Nov. 16, 19-16 By Walt By Carl By By Harold By Gene I I I I I Caul- P Anoewom FOOTBALL lUft iim, n.ic tiiii.ui msinfiTt. it. . urn n sh:ks irir-nvti 1 116 ir-JS-fSS W TRACKS- RIGHT TO feS-,'iljjM filjf WELL. FROM NOW ON HsfjSSSffi KCVw W) THAT -THAT-THAT tS'a f-l ,WE KNOW WHERE tg WSfgTi J i.i"'"-?.--r; 0 HOLE IN THE CajOUND- h TSMTTIIfc "1 HA IS LETS SHOVE Sifflsii p 1 By EdKar Rice Burroujrhs L FA. lBniaVJitf-'Vof.'VI into Twe HOUSE--- r I ' hUviul Disney Anderson Hess Gray Byrnes iiSi Sll Pae Borrowing From Peter to Pay Paul pa- No Farewells Destination Known That Familiar Touch Tarzan Turns Away lj --AND LOCKED IN ONE OF THE C6U--LIK6 BOOMS. yesterday By BEATRICE Chapter 20 While Stephanie cnlertained Niel in the drawing room Franz sat on the last step in the hall leaning against the newel post. A sudden laugh from Stephanie made him wince. Slowly he un tied the tapes of his mask and pulled it away from his face, a face as pale as Dana's, his eyes just as weary from lack of sleep. How far away from them he felt . . . would it get worse or better! His dark head bent down to his knees, fingers clasped across the back of his head. The telephone rang shrilly but he didn't move. There was. a silence, then the telephone shrilled again. He heard Joseph laboring up the stairs, then his dry, withered voice was saying: "Yes, Excellency, I will see if he is at home." He looked ques tioningly at Franz, his hand pressed firmly over the mouth piece. Franz rose. "I'm out." He started upstairs. The old man watched him go up, concern and affection softening his grim fea tures. For a minute longer he waited before removing his hand. "I regret that Hcrr Franz has just left the house." He listened lo what Von Beck was saying. "Yes, Excellency," he answered, then cradled the receiver. "What did he want?" asked Franz over the bannister. "Fraulen Neumann will not accompany him to dinner to night." Franz gripped the rail ing no, no, his mean little mind was getting cautious! Sud denly he found himself staring down into Joseph's eyes. What he saw there in the faded blue ness made him lean a little far ther over the railing. "Joseph, . . . you don't quite understand." The old man straightened a little. His room, like the others in the house, bore Stephanie's touch. She had a gift for cap turing the essence of springtime within four walls. Just to look around deepened the sick feel ing of guilt that Joseph had roused in him. Uneasily he won dered if he was ruining all their happiness, particularly hers. It was because of her, he felt sure, that Joseph had been unable to veil his feelings. From the be ginning he knew she would be the one to suffer most; she who was the most deserving of hap piness from him. All the bright ness in his living came from her, even when they were child ren. He had married her because her affection was as necessary to him as the air he breathed. He looked at her picture on his bedside table. Some inex plicable mtluence made him go to the drawer of his writing desk for Glita's photograph and he set it down on the table be side the other. To his mind they made together a thing of per fection the fragile loveliness of one, the dark provocative beauty of the other. Quietly he sat looking ( at them, endless thoughts passing over his mind like the shadows of dark, turbu lent clouds milling into a storm. There was a knock on hi door." "Come in!" It was Conrad. "Franz, I want to tak to you Then as his eyes fell on the photographs he dealt Franz a quick, searching look. "Are you trying to make yourself miser able?" "Nothing like thai." The verv lightness of his voice told Con rad that he had reached some unhappy conclusion. "In a way I m lucky," he went on, "most men never meet even one woman like Stephanie and Glita ... I know two." "And you're losing both of them, are you aware of that?" "Yes?" There was a litlte si lence. "Give up Ihe whole idea. Franz!" Franz groaned "Are we hack to that agan." Conrad eved him somberly. "We'll alwoys come Dack to it until I convince you Von Beck is not to be trusted." He woudn't do anything to upset my plans." "But he will do anything to prevent you including Glita Neumann in those plans . . . and as Niel Dana he could get away with it." Franz stared at him speechless for a moment. "I have no intentions of see Room and Board YOU HAVE TWO BOARDERS WHO ARE DESPERATE GUN MEN -1 HEARD THEM WITH MY OWN EARS .TALKING ABOUT HIDING OUT HERE FROM THE POLICE AND BEING PREPARED TO SHOOT IT OUT IF THE HOUSE IS SURROUNDED Y O YOU BRUISE EASILY Is Nowhere " MUIR ing Glita again after I leave this house." Conrad saw the loneli ness on his face, he drew back as if lo deny it and then it was gone but he felt closer to Franz than he had for years. "Believe me," added Franz. Conrad took him by the shoulders. "I believe you," he said gently. "But Von Beck doesn't." "To hell with him!" Conrad's hands dropped. "I'm afraid from him it's going to be to hell with Niel Dana and Franz Sleiner . . . both of you." His voice was toneless. Franz gave him a long look. "Cooped up, for now many years?" he asked sarcastically. "Not many." "You still think it possible . . he'll never slop trying to get away." 'Bui he'll never accomplish it . . . not where he s going. Things will work out right in the end, don't worry too much." Conrad laughed harshly. "You've made me worry ever since you started to grow up you insisted on marrying Steph anies, you tried every radical idea in the book, every time students got shot I'd expected you to be among them. Worry God, I've had my fill!" He was gone before Franz could stop him, to his own room. Therer he stood for a moment at the window looking toward the river valley, a motionless figure lost in thought. Then de cisively he turned away, strode to his closet. From the floor he lifted a black leather bag which he carried to his bed. It was full of surgical instruments. A few of them he set on the bed, handling them with yearning re spect. From the bottom he drew a revolver, the bluish steel of it gleamed in his hand, then he slipped it in his pocket and quickly replaced the instru ments. (To be continued) 2507 U 13- HIGH PLAY TIME This clever rag doll with her own wardrobe of a jumper, blouse, panties and bonnet would delight your little girl. No. 2507 is a pattern for a doll 13 inches tall and her clothes, which can be cut from small pieces; body of doll takes only 38 yd. 35-in., her hat, dress, and panties 7 yd. In the new BOOK OF FASH ION you will find many clever suggestions for Christmas gifts you can make . . . toys, dolls, dolls' clothes, aprons, blouses, dainty lingerie, bed jackets, etc. All these in addition to up-to-the-minute fashions for all ages, beautifully illustrated in rotogravure. Send now for this exciting 36-page book of over ISO pattern styles. Price 15 cents plus 2 cents for mailing. . Send 20c for PATTERN which includes complete sewing guide Print your name, address and style number plainly. Be sure to state size you wish. Include pos tal unit or zone number in your address. Address: Pattern Department, Capital Journal, 552 Mission St., San Fran cisco, Calif. Ry Gene Ahem I TOLD YOU I HAD SOME , ODD AND SUSPICIOUS LODGERS, BUT THEY ALL PAY THEIR RENT 114 ADVANCE, SO WHAT CAN 1 UU f UM-X DONT LIKE THIS NEWS YOU'RE TELLING ME.---BANDITS POLICE SHOOTING MY WORD IU MR.TWEEPY ? 1