FOrt SALE MISCELLANEOUS ACTOR and ell other machinery thit goes with It. Also 87 acre farm Vi in crop the rest la plowed will sell ma ehinery wuh farm or otherwise. Jolin Doran, Rt, 1 Box 83 Brooks. 3 miles north Vi mile east or Brooks. 213 TRICYCLE, scooter, waaon, doll hUh chair, desk, black board, rockintt chair, Chris's Barber Shop, 3545 Portland Kd. 1 fiOOD BOY'S World bike, 1 nearly now ci.r healer. 12 wlil, trailer with good rubber and complete ball hltcb, Rt. 2 Box 61, Ke.lzer Garage. Kelzer. 1 Corners. "213 OVERSTUFFED invalid MtUP bed pillow, new. S10.00. Blk seal fur coat, 38. J35.00. Spartan cabinet radio, good, $.15.00. 20 pr. womens shoes, some new. size 7-b. Girl's 12-14 yr.s. coats, dresses, suit, ex cellent condition. Dance records not worn, 3 for 11.00 Tele. 4357. 1)212 DOBERMAN I'INCER Puppies, minia ture size males and females. Salem Veterinary Hospital, Portland Rd. nI72 OrV-TblllENTAI- DESIGN Axminlster run good cond. $27.50, mahocany daven port table $20. bird cage 110, oak library table $7, oak dressinn tanie with lrge mirror aood cond. S25. Cull between 5 & 7 p.m. 1126 Cross St. n272 DOUBLE COMMERCIAL waffle. Iron, good cond. WestliiBhottne. elec. range, new calrod units. Ph. 4313. n212 NAVY PEA COAT. like new. size 3B. J12. Ph 4808 eves 1578 Sixth St. W. Salem. 11272 DAVEXO. Phone 2509B. n372 SPITSENBERG apples Phil Aspinwall. 645 Market. Ph 0419 n272' WILTON RVC. Se JB5. Ph. 8539. PAD. 0x12. Excel, cond. 1)272 S PAIR NEW DRAPES. Call between 4 & 9 p.m. 810 N. Com'!, apt. 10. n272 i VAlUETYof apples, some filberts and dried prunes, 404 8. 18th. Ph. 7251. n272 ' "WANTED 200 bushy Xmns tree .itiinipae. Box HO, Beach Ave. Ph. 23512 E. I. Knebler n272 r1RLS HAWTHORNE BICYCLE. 140. 1710 N. Summer aft. 5 p.m n272 "ORDER your Thanksgiving turkey now. Alive dressed or oven ready. Ph. 24230 n273 "l'SEDBRlck, 4 ml. west, i ml. south Sunnyside school, or call 4034 aftpr fi P,m. E O. Beckley. NEW FARM BUILDINGS NEW ARMY Surplus corrupted metal buildinKs 34 It. lone and 20 or 26 feet wide. Easily erected by two men In three, days. Frame, wooden construc tion, bolted throughout. V-type roof. 13 ft inside clearance, no inside posts. Has io ft sidewall. Every piece pre-cilt and numbered All nails, nuts, bolls, washers and blueprints supplied. Orated for Immediate delivery, ifiOO f.o.b. Port land. Small charge for delivery to your door. ROSE CITY MOTORS 4725 N. E. Union Ave. Trinity 2540, Portlnnri, 11275 LADIES' ALL wool coats, size 12-14, Lik" new. Phone 21435. n272' K! EBO X jTo7do . Ph. 24080 Eves. n272 FILL DTRT7fiPProx. 1S Yours for hauling away. Ph. 24080 Eves. n2T2" WOOD FURNACE and sawdust burner with all the attachments Including hot air Pipes Prlcp 1)50.00. See Clifford Harold 465 Center St., Salem, Oregon. Phone 8133. Res. 84fl8. n272' HEATING pads (electric), plastic clothe lines. Ironing parts and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N L'berty St. n275 RAILROAD type lnnterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n27S TWO-SLTCE electrio toasters, 2. 10. 4- 8 lice, IS 85 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N Liberty St. n275 TWO-WAY and lnter-eomm. telephone sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n5 WATER HEATERS for Immediate deliv ery. 40-gallon Collin J98.25; 50-Ballon Westlnirhouse (115. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 155 N. Liberty St. p27 iSDTLERY and tableware. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Llbcrty St. -n27 COFFEE-MAKER sets. 4 to 6 and 8 cup ooHee-makers with stoves. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. S M. Liberty St. n275 HEAVY bronw smoking stands. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 MlrrApUnas from (395. Terms. See these beautiful iplnnete style pianos with the tone of a baby grand at Tallman's, 335 So 12th. A mile from high prices. n2S3' ELECTRIO pants pressers, curllns and olderintt Irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 35B N. Liberty St. GUARANTEED Forever flashlights re quiring do batteries; 3 & 3 cell flash lights. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 358 N Liberty St. n275 Tin! IDEAL XMAS gift. A Kromex Bias.'' plate cake cover. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. n288 PRESSURE COOKERS. 3 types. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 255 N. Liberty. P28' tTEAM IRONS Sare for all fabrics. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. n2R8 GARDEN wnt gravel, eruanad rocs Shovel & dra-Hn excavating WALL tNO SAND AND ORAVKL CO Ph, S5 CHRISTMAS TOYS. Buy tnem t Gene's Bike Shop. We also specialize In paint ing toys & bicycles. 1126 Edsewatcr St. Ph. 21568. 027 7 SINGLE AND two-burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 358 N. Liberty St. n27V TABLE and pln-lt-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N Liberty St. n278' DECORATIVE and lighted house numbers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 358 N. Liberty St. n? SMOOTTITE8 for perfect Ice cream. k YEATER APPLIANCE CO. J 255 N Liberty St. n275 ALUMINUM sauce pans, well and tree platters, frying ' pans, cookie sheets, clothes hampers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 356 N Liberty St. n275 BABY BUGGY collapsible, like new. J30, C all eve. 1170 N. 21st. n2 73 KITCHEN and bathroom light fixtures YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' WALL TYPE can openers, citrus fruit juicers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N Liberty St. n27V FOR SALE Ford truck, I'a ton, Ions wheel base, completely overhauled with new motor extra good tires, Gus Eck wortzel, 5S3 Front St., Woodburn. Ph. Green 130. "272 GAS PLATE, gas heater, (tas arlll. Coca Cola cooler, milk shake mixer. Ph 9721 3260 Portland Rd. n273' MARSHALL STRAWBERRY Plants. (12.50 per 1,000. Grown on new land. 3810 Cherry. Loc Cabin. n273 T NAVY BLUE MatTmity dress: 1 medium brown, brown maternity slacks, kelly areen amock light green smock, size I',, Ph. 3738. n27i' TIANO ACCORDION like new, case, also claririet. 661 N. Capital. Ph. 6701. n273 NEW 6 FT. Park-R-way deluxe freezer. Never used. (227.50. Ph. 351. n2.'6 TK OLD-NEARBERRY Plants. Will bear nrxt year. Alvin J. Van Cleave. Rt. 7 Box 251, Ph. 22907. H273 MAPLE TWIN BEDS Extra long, complete with Sealy tuftleff mattress, box springs and heavy chenille bed spreads. 3130 Portland Rd Marlon Motel. n273 a NEW DAVENO and chair. Rust color, f'i Cost (185 now (150, 874 N. 20th. n272 CONGOLEUM RUO and utility cabin:. Ph. 8523. n273 BOYS PIN BALI. MACHINE lor play room ruso crochet bandanas. Reason as.e prices. Pn 9S15. n276 AVS NVY BLI'F SUIT. flu. a Inn FX 6711, U272 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NAVY P COAT nearly new size 38. New Jap 31 caliber rifle. Excellent condi tion. Baby bed, aprliwa it mattress. Ph. 34105 n273 KITCHEN and Industrl al exhaust f a ns YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 AUTOMATIC electric sldearra water heat era. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n278 ELECTRIC chimes. long and short tubes, motor driven, and mechanical chimes YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 SUN LAMPS (ultra violet b Infra-redJ. portable and stand models with timers YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty St. n275 COAL OR briquet .circulating heater, new wood ratine YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N Liberty Si. n275 ELECTRIC room beaters, fan, steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n2S PLASTI-KOTE. the durable paint Ith the cellophane-like finish YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N Liberty St n275 AUTOMATIC electric Brill'.-18x3 6Tnches. with double thermostat. Ideal lor small restaurant or club house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 N Liberty St n27a INDIRECT llcor Inmps and torchlera. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 N Liberty St. n275' ATTRACTIVE, aluminum kitchen step ladders and step-on refuse cans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N Liberty St n27&' BU el furuiiur. cooit tovea 1iihp motor, radio electric tppn t nee household coh!a KLIOMAN'9 18? " ;:omnier-ui Prion r 9885 n' ARE YOU getting poor radio reception? -Then try the powerful 8 tube Tropic Master Standard broadcast At shon wnve bnncls. Ideal for localities where reception Is ordinarily poor, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n28!i' FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures and lrj. Kle tube brackets for use near your mirror YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2.i N Liberty St. n27V SMART SUITS, coats sweaters and skirts 'is well is dress. for all occasions fro-n afternoon to form n Is Grand material and scarcely worn Sizes 9 to 44 Prion' 4845. anytime. n3U3 HEAT YOUR hom electrically It'a con vnnient. clean, economical. See us foi (rna estimates YEATER APPLIANOB CO 255 N Llbmv METAL AND plnstic bod lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St AUTOMATIC record players. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N Liberty St n273' SEE lis FOR Christmas gifts YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. n304' III.l.ER HttllSBES 1749 OrantPh 8J.V n:il ORDER Better Homes St Garden or Ameri can Home at present low price of 3 years S3, Mademoiselle 1 year $3.50. Ph. 7828 Mrs. Paul H. Hauscr 925 Saginaw st n285 EOLA LUMBER CO., Rt. 4, Saturn Lumbar rod cedar shlnftles T C. (Ted) Mullen Ph Salem 2-1106. Yard 5 miles west rn Dallas highway. n!33 FIGURINES and small Rift items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N Liberty St. n273" ELECTRIC desk, mantle and wall clocks YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED washing machine. Ph, 34331 na2J4' HOLLYWOOD Transfer for dependable hauling. Call Burton's Mobile Station. Phone 9764. na279 OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Opsta-rs Antique Shop. 438 Court St. na286 UxKI fURNITURK Pbon tUft m:ksonal READING, Know the Truth. 2381 State. P274 SPECIAL NOTICE PROFESSIONAL adviser. Well known in Salem by former name "Mrs. Martin," Marlon Motel cabin 2, north of under pass on Portland highway, this week only, hours 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. p272 ALCOHOLICS. Anonymous. P. O. Box 734. P309 PDBLIO STENOGRAPHER LETTERS OF all kinds composed ano typed Personal ones a specialty. Strict ly confidential For appointment, phone 4845 P808 AUTOMOBILES :tl MODEL A ROADSTER. Clean. 16 Inch wheels good rubber, 2495, Broadway. q274 ttlW ADAMS coach trailer house 24. New J In Aug. Sleeps four. Permanent Bed. Oil heat. Ph. 21073, 3205 Portland Rd. q2'M 'H4 CIIEV. COACH master heater, seal beams. Excel, cond, 556 Union St. q273 191 FORD Roadster. Rebuilt motor. 16 in. wheels. Late model generator, driv ing lights and spot light. Sealbeam headlights, heater. Call after 5:30 p.m. 3110 N. Church. n.273 FOR SALE '34 Plymouth Cpe., N. Church. ; Ph 7357. 1300. 3035 q273 FOR SALE 1037 Chrysler sedan, motor Just completely overhauled 2295 Lee St. q278 NEW all purpose 2 wheel stock trailer. New 600x16 tires and tubes. 1175. 1243 Marion St. q276 1012 nUICK 4-door sedan for sale or trade for lighter car. 1000 S. Com'l q273' NT3W TRAILER HOMES GOING OUT of business. Reduced prices. One 2,i-ft. Royal, one 27-ft. Zlmmrr. 1984 Slate St. q273 WILL TRADE Model A In excellent con dition and cash for 1935 to 1938 coacn or sedan Ford. 2225 Mill St. Sat. after noon fe Sunday. q272 FOR SALE 1932 Ford V-8 Sedan. 3604 Hulsey. Salem. q272 193(1 BU1CK CPE. Parking lot corner of Trade and Liberty, daytime. Eve. 370 N. 19th, q272' FOR SALE Terraplane 4-dr. sedan, good mechanical cond. 5 good tires, uphol stery like new. Priced right, 825 Mad ison St after 4 p.m. q272 FOR SALE: S-t.W. 33 Chrysler 6. four door sedftn Excellent tires. Call eve. 2I0N. 12th St. q372 FOR SALE: 31 Ford Coupe. J22 N, Com7!. q272 40 CHEV, CLUB CPE. radio and heater and 20 ft. 42 Mohawk trailer. Both in perfect cond. to be sold as unit. Trailer has 8 ply Nylon tires, vacuum brakes, butane equip, with all connections on car. ?360O. Also 3'a h.p. Firestone outboard motor $75. Eve. 151 N. 13th See Kinney. q272 '42 FORD DUMP. 4 yrds., Eaton rear end, 3-speed Brownie, aide tank, vacuum booster and tank. Truck In perfect shape. Job available. Ph. 3456. q375 19 Bt'fCK Sedan, 80 rubber. Price S200. Phone 25564. qJ73' 1910 FORD Deluxe Coupe, excellent con dition Radio, heater. Call Stayton 436. 1274 FOR SALE or trade 1E37 Graham Super charger 4 dr. sedan, in excellent cond. Call at 2131 Center. q274 16 FT. TRAILER 1400. Inquire 375 High land Ave. q272 '.W LINCOLN ZEPHER. 11050. 1305 Ne braska. After 5. q274 18 FT. 1911 PALACE TRAILER Houe. Excel, tires and brakes, 1875. 1785 Berry. Ph. 6377. q274 NEW 16 FT. TRAILER HOUSE, well built and priced right. Sell or trade for good car. Merle Swearingen, Rt. 4. Box 388, Salem, Ore, W mi. out Wallace Rd. q273 FOR SALE: 1935 Chrysler sedan, tod cond. Also 7:00x16 tire, never been us. d See at 1375 Ruae. St. W. Salem. q23 SENTINEL CABINET RADIO. Good cond. 15. "28 Model A transmission. '34 Chev rear end i;5. Rt. 7 Box 408. Ph. 34373. q273 FOR PALE: One practically new 700:15 lire Box 78 Capital Journal q273 AUTOMOBILES SECURITY MOTORS See us for best buys In new and used Eastern and Western trailers, 1946 Columbia 23 ft 1946 Leonard 18 ft 1046 Pacific Liner 19 ft 1943 Castle Coach 20 ft 1941 Travelo Coach 18 ft. 1047 Mobileglloes all aluminum 13 ft 1942 Packard Clipper Sedan 1940 Olds Sedan No trades needed also a few cheapies. 3385 Portland Rd. Ph. 25164 q276 '41 OLDS hy dramatic, aood tires, radio and heater Very clean. 327 5th Silver ton. q2J3 I0HII Bl'K'K Special 4-door sedan. This car :s in perfect condition and has very good tires. After making a check of local automobile prices in at least six used car lots, I feel a fair market price Is S1205.OO. Ph. 164-R Indepen dence, Inquire at Fulmer's Service Sta. q272 mm WILLYS 4 dr. sedan. 535 N. WinUT. q27.V SCHULT TRAILER HOUSE, 1946 model. Used only 2'a months. Tandem wheels, elec. brakes, sleeps 4. This Is a 3 compartment trailer fully equipped and In excellent cond. Terms. 160 West Myers St. Ph. 21937. q273 1942 JEEP. J885. Take trade on car pay or take difference. Ph. 2-4972. 1374 bth at. W. Salem after 5 p.m. q273 IfCll FORD ROADSTER. Rebuilt motor. 16 In. wheels. Late model generator with voltage regulator, drtvlna lights and spot light. (400. Call after 5:30 P.m. 2110 N. Church. q273 '12 DODGE 2 TON Truck. New engine and rear end. 30 ft. P.W. semi '16 model, 100";. rubber. Write E. B. Lewis 558 Almodin St., Eugene. Ph. 337RR. q274 HUDSON SALES SERVICE - PARTS Krefi est) males overhauling body and Tender repair paintinn. "Give Shrock a try and you'll know why " SHROCK MOTOR CO Phone 8502 Sal.Mn MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES SERVICE PARTS All makes used motorcycles bouuht sold repaired. SHROCK MOTOR CO. Phone 8503 - Salem WANTED m RtJY Late model truck pickups- paneis flatbed tagger trir on inttrnaliocai dealer Jame i Mndt-n Company 2959 SHvertoo Roar Phone 24)33 a WANTED LA TV Mode Oar b "orlvu prt W:ll pay cash Phoot 630 a FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4"- INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Child;. Inc. REALTQRS 341 State St. Ph. 9261 . r2T3" NO CO-SIGNERS WITH A LOAN FROM THE YES MAN OUR YES MAN the man who says "Yes" to 4 out of 5 who apply here for a loan will show you how you can et 125 to S30P or more without co-siRiiers. Get the cash on your signature, furni ture or up to J50O on auto. Phone, write or come in today, PERSONAL FINANCE CO, of Salem 518 State St., Rm, 125 Phone 3191 E, Gallinaer, Mer Lie. S-122, M-165 r2B1- WANTED Real estate loans on 6 percent Interest. Good security on coast prop erty, new homes. Write Box 168, Nel-i-cott, Oregon. r286 YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU 8 PERCENT INTEREST BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. EXAM INE THE SECURITY YOURSELF. MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OP (500 TO $7500 WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAYMENTS FOR THE INVESTORS, NO EXTRA CHARGE. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High St. FARM AND CIT? LOAN 8 44 AND 6? 'OIIB OWN TERMS of re par men wtlhin reason Cub for Real Estate Cod tracts acd Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECIRriThB CO. .Pi nee Trust Bids Ph 713 r GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS S-138 and U-IU and ROY a SIMMONS INSURANCE; and LOAM 188 S Commercial St Tel 9IM. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE OR EDIT OO Uj FLOOR OU ARDLAN BLDO License No M-lM I MONET. RAX ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANfc Buy RJ Estate Uortcuaa aac Cob tract STATE FINANCE CO- REALTORS Lie B-218 U-233 163 S Birr 8t r Directory AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANEK. 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 8181. Brake & wheel aligning specialist. o37fi ACCOUNTING 4CCOUNTING and bookkeeping. Reason able rates Dependable service Bu1ner Service. Inc. Mason lo Building a. Salem Phone 8727 o 4PPL1ANCF REPAIRS K XPERT BEND IX and aommerclal and domestic refrigeration aervloe Ralph Johnson Appllaooea 131 Center Ph. 40 3 ft AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Cbemeketa Phone 7838 BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING and leveling. Dirt mov ing, logging. R. R. Ricks, Ph. 8022, Stay ton. O230 CEMENT WORK . GENE RlTcE : M E NT?" CONTRACTING Cliff Ellis. 1905 N. 19th St. Ph. 4071. o292 CHIMNEY SWEEP DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service 145 S Church. Phone 4711. o275 DRESSMAKING TAILORING, Alteration. Mrs. Armentrout. 1984 State (Trailer Camp), o2D6 EXTERMINATORS ARDEE MAINTENANCE CO. Bedbutfi. roaches, rats, fleas, moths Pest con trol contract servtce Materials sold guaranteed riddance 825 N Killings worth St.. Portland H. Ore Ph. WEb ter 3265 o COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3056. LEE CROSS. 1260 N. 17th. 02J7' -treithaupt' to: flowers Dial 8 ISA o' HAULING Farm products and building materials. Chrlstcnsen & Gilbert. Ph 25021, 244S N. Church. 0281 "UNERAl DIRECTORS IOW ELI FUNERAI BCUX PH 8873 a HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R WATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. o2f8 MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING Phone 4089 0237 MUSIC LESSON PAM.HII ana HAWAIIAN Ouiiar. Mando '1n oonio etc 1533 Court Ph 7568 f PAPER H A N G IN G JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3493. o278 EXPERT panerhanglDi. a J. WooT- worth. Phone 3015 o PLUMBING PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service Larry rravlss Phone 6601 o273 PRUNING L. W. CAUDLE. Snrayinz and Prunin Ph. 7300. 130 Roberts Ave, o287 8AND GRAVE1 . KIH SOIL ;ru;ti3 rot 4. Shovel art i.n. xcav aunt WalUxu Sand A ravel oo. Phone Bofli. Market Quotations Portland Produce Esehange Butterfal (Tentative, subject to Imme diate change). Premium quality maxi mum of .35 of 1 percent acidity, delivered in Portland, 91-92c; first quality 90-91c lb.: second quality 86-87c; valley routes and country points 2c less first, or 88 8Bc lb, HuilerWholesale, F.O.B., bulk 68-lb. tubst: AA, 93 score. 80-81c: A. 92 score, 79-80c lb; B. 90 score, 78-79c lb; C, 89 score. 75c lb. Cheese Selling price lo Portland re tailers: Oregon singles, 55-59c lb; Oregon lOHf 57-6tc lb: r!ilets, 54',a-59c lb. Eggs To wholesalers: A urade, large 58'j-59i;c: medium, 55-58'.ac; small (pullet) 41',i-43'.ic; B grade, large, 46 i8c. Ea Purchases from farmers: Current receipts, 54-55c: buyers pay 3-3Hc dor. below wholesale quotations on graded New York Stock Quotations (By tha Associated Press) New tarx UP) -iTInsinw Quotations to Vlied Chera & Dye 1' American Can 1 m Powei St Light mer Tel A Tel. 1 Anaconda Cupper Mcriiion Bendlx Aviation -lethieberr Stel ...... uoeing Aircraft Jalllornia Packing : Oanadinn Paciflo J I Case . Chrysiet Corp Jommonea)lh A South UonsollOaird Kdi.tnn : Consolidated Vulte :oniui"ira Insurance Toftn '.eileroacb ... :uriis. Wmni . .... louaias A.rcraft '".'!,!..,... i Juponi de Nemours 1' letiera. Elecino lenerai Foods ienera Motors : ieodyeat Tire I Jreat Northern pfd ... . internaltona. Harvester i int Pipei pld (ohm Manvuie ,ennet:iHl uons Hii A ilaytas Miami Copper vlontiomery Ward ..... i Jash Keiviuator v National Jairy N Y Ceniial ortli Ain Co . Northern Paciflo '"!"!.... ! i'ac Amer F:sn f'acitlo tlas Eleo Racine i & r '.!!'.'.!!!!!- Jan American Penny j C tadio Cory tayon:er layoniei Pfd " rlevnold. Metals ; iatHway jears R-jebuck Jinclali OH iouthern Paciflo - Stanr.ard Brands ; itandard Ol' Oatll Stewart amer iujoebaaer ' no (n:o Oil nion Paciflo ....... United Airlines United Ancralt United States Steel . Warner Brothers Went Elec Mfg Oo . VoolwortJi Richfield ., DIRECTORY SAW FILING Roasch. 674 S Capitol SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED CESSPOOL and Septic cleaned. Free in spection. No. Job too large or small. Call 8745. 0295 KENNETH 11AMEL, 1143 8th St.. W. Sa lem, Ph. 7404, Guaranteed service. c293 kOTU ROUTER SKWfcR dERVICE era and dra;n cleaned Pr4 atimat Promp service Ph 1337 rKANFER AND STORAGE i.OCAl A DINSTANCE Transfer, ewraae S'irner olla. ool briqueU mieks w Portland dally Aaeni. Lyoo Van Uie for nouaehold goods to California pomu Ltrmet Transfer A Storage Ph 813.' e" TRIMMING SPRAYING, Rototiller work, trimmt.ig, pruning. Salem Tree Co. Ph. 31208. 02 M VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTROLUX Sales & Service & Repairs. Limited amount of new machines avail able Office 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. o28f. e'ttEK laapectUD id youi noma autaor .aed Roovei tervlce We urv,c all mitw f t'" inera Hogg Broa Ph 018 WEATHER STRIPlpiNG WELL DRILLING J. A. SNFED A SONS. Well drilling. 2505 Brooks St., Salem. Phone 6809. o309 WELL DRILLING U U Enioe. Rl a Sox S21-L. detem. Ore First qoum outn of Swell school Ph 24367 WINDOW CLEANING NOTHING TOO LARGE or too small. Wo clean them all. Herb's Window Cleaning and Janitor Service. Business, office, home. P.O. Box 84. Ph. 25364. o289 ACME W rND(W CLEANERS. Windows walls and woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph. 3337 347 Court. Lanzdoc, Culbertson At Mather. t'ttuFEStilONAI CLEANING SERVTCa JhODo 4457 WOOD SAW INO R, B. CROSS. Ph. 8178. 0218 LODGES A District No. 27 will receive the yGrV Grand Master at Indepen ''dence, Nov. 19, 7:30 p.m. All Master Masons Invited. 274 Meet every Wednesday evening Visitors wel come. IOOF Building NOTICE TO CREDITORS In thr Circuit Court of the Stale of Orcion FOR MARION COUNTY Probate Department In the matter of the estate of B. H KENNEDY. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed, oy an order ol the Circuit Court of the State of Oretton. for Marlon Coun ty. Probate Department, made and en tered on the 13th day of October. 1046 was appointed executrix of the estate of E H. Kennedy, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such executrix. All persons having cialms against said estate are hereby notiMed to present tne same, duly verified a required by law. to W. C Winslow. at Salem. Oregon within six (6i months of the date of this notice: Dated this 17th day of October, 1946 ELMA H, KENNEDY Executrix of the estate of E. H. Kennedy. Deceased. W. C WINSLOW. Attorney lor Executrix. Salem Oregon First publication: October 19. 194fi. Last publication: November 16, 1946. Oct. 19. 26. Nov 2, 9. 16 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PIONEER TRUST COMPANY has been, by order of the Circuit Court of tne' Stale of Oregon for Marion County, ap pointed executor of the estate of EARL H. ANDERSON, Deceased. Any persons having claims against said estate are re quested to present them, with proper vouchers to said executor at 310 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice Dated thi 2nd day of November, 1946. PIONEER TRUST COMPANY Executor of the Estste of Earl H. Anderson, Deceased RHOTEN Ac RHOTEN SAM F. SPEERSTRA 310 Pioneer Trust Building Salem. Orenon Attorneys for E&la'i, Nov. 3, 8, 10, 23, 30. hnsls for best hennery tagi, Portland Dairy Market Bu Her Price to retailers: Grade A A carton, 85c: AA prints 84c: A prints, 83c; fourth pound cubes, xi cent higher. Eggs Prices to retailers: AA large, 68c; A large. 50-6 lc; AA medium, 58c; A me dium, 57-58c: A small 44c dozen. Cheese Prices to wholesalers, Portland: Oregon sinnles, 52-56c lb.; Oregon loaf, 54-58c- triplets, 51'a-56c. rouiiry: Dressed Turkeys No, 1 loose, f .o b. plant . 46c lb.; younr hen.s, No, 1 toins, 28c. lb. advance basis. Dressed Chickens Sell to retailers: Spring broilers, 3 lbs up, 52c: colored hens, 37c: lenhorn fowl, 32c; old roosters and states 28c. Live Chicken- No. 1 Leghorn broilers, 1 to 2 lbs.. 3o-36c lb; flyers 2 to 3 lbs., 37-38c: 3 to 4 lb.. 37-38c lb: roasters, 4 lb.s. and ever, 37-38c. Fowl. Leghorn, all wts., 22-23c: fowl, colored, all wats., 27-28c: roosters and stags, 12-17c lb. Rabbits Average lo retailers, 50c lb: dre&sed prices lo producers, 43c t fryers, live, white, 23-25c lb: colored, 23c lb. Vegetables: Artlchokes- Cal. (1.85 for 2 dozen. Beets Loca! 65-75c doz. bunches. Broccoli $1 50-1.65 lug. Brusscl Sprouts--2.35-2.50, 12-baskct flat. rabhace Round h-ad, B0 lb. crates, S2.25-2.50; fancy 2 .75-2.85; red, 4-5c lb: kraut, SI .15-1.35. Carrels Local bunched. 5-dos, crate, $2.0-2.7.): Cal., 6 doz. J4.73, Cutillflower LocbI No. 1, $2-2.25: No, 3, $1-1.25. Celery Lnbisli. Milwaukle. crates, pas cal. $1.75-2; blanched, $2.75-3 crate; hearlr,," for 2 doz Cucumbers California luas. 83 25-4; Florida, 52 lb. bushel basket. 7.25-7.50. Kse plant Cal., 2il-lb. crates, $2.75.-2.85 Garlic Or"" on white, 2."-3rjc lb. Lelluce Mid-Columbia. $3,25-3.75 rrate: California ,'i.50-5.75 4 and 5-doz, crate Onhins WashiiiRton white, No, 1 (1 1.25; Oreoon. yellow, No. 1, M. 25-1. SO; urern bunched, 80-9i)c: Idaho white gloves, Sl.50-1.60; large, $1.85; yellow Spanish, $1.20-1.25. Parsley Local. 7.V80c dozen. Peppers California, crates. 74 lb , $8,10 8.50: 44 lb. S4.23-5; Texas, $3.35-3.50; chill peppers. $1 flat. Potatoes Washington Russeta, $2.50 2.65; 50 lbs. No. 2. 90C-M.10: local long white, $2.55-2.6.1 cwt: Klamath' n, No. 1, $2.65-2.75: Deschutes, No. 1, $3.75 3; hakes $3 50-3 75. Radishes Local, red, 70-75C doa Rulahaias $1.13-1.25 Iiik. Splnarh 20-lb. boxes. $1.50. Squash Dnnlsh lugs, $1-1.15; boxes, $2-2.'.!.i. Sweet Potatoes Cal.. 50-!b orange bosket. $3.00-4.25: Louisiana yams, 50- lb. 14.00- 4.25: Calif.. $4. Tomatoes California as Is, wrapped, $4-4. 25: repacked $4.?.i-4..i0. Turnips Bunches, $1.10-1.25 doz, Fresh Fruit: Apples Oregon Ortleys. faced and fill ed. $2,35-2 50: Kings. Winter Bananas, loose. J 1 .50-2; Red Delicious, wrapped and packed. $4.25-4.50: loose, $3-3..i0; Jonathans, wrapped and packed, $3.35 3.50. Avocados California Feurtes, all sizes, $5.50-5.75 box. Bananas Bunched, B'ic lb; cut hands, $10.15-10,50 a 100 lbs. Cocnnnuts Central America, sacks of 100 522-23. Cranberries Oreaon. 25-lb. boxes: Large, $9-9.25; medium, $8.75-9. Grapefruit Florida while, ROs and larg er, J5.50-fl; Texas pink, 56.75-7; Texas white, $4.50; Arizona 80s and larger, $2.75 3. Grapes Cal. 28-pound lidded lugs: Em perors. $3.75-3.85. Lemons California, all sizes, $7.-5-9.25. Limes California 15 tubs of 6 limes, $2.65-2.75. Oranses Calif., 344 and small, M 6.50; 3i)2s S5.75: Florida, wlrebound box es. 2.'i0s $5.7."; larger Jfi-6.fi0; Calif, na vels 200s and larger 8.25 box: 220s, $8; 252s. $7; 2R8s $6.25; 344s, $5,50. Pears Hood River D'Anjou, $4.75-5 wrapped and packaged boxes; loose, Bosc. Loose. $3.35-3.50; Yakima, $3-3.25; Corn ice, local loose, $2.2j; Hood River, loose $2-2.35. Persimmons Calif. lugs. $2.50-3 Pomegranates--11.75-2 a lai'er lug. Tangerine $2.50-2.66. Quince Locnl, 2--3c n-. Packaged Vegetables Cellophane wrap ped, a dozen' Broccoli, $2.25-2.30; spin ach, 24-12 oz $2.15-2 25; cauliflower sen men ts, 16-oz.. $2 .25-2.30; salad, fi-oz , $1.15-1,20; Brussels sprouts. 9-on,, $2.00 3.75. Garlic Cloves 30 1-01. packages, $1.65 1.73. Dressed Meats: Veal Best quality, 26-27c lb; B, 23 24c: C, 21 -22c; cull. 18-20c lb. Hogs Block butchTs, packer si. vie, 155 313 lbs., 33-31c; over 213 lbs, 33c Sows, all weights 3f)-30c. lb Lambs AA 34-35c; A, 32c; B, 27-28c; O. 25c. Mutton 12-16c lb, according to quallt? and weight. Beef Beat quality, 30-.12c: B, 25-2fic; C, 22c; canner and cutter, 18-20c; bolog na bulls 25c. Wool, CAsrara Bark: Cascara Bnrk Green. S-8'.-c: dry, 20c. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 40c lb.on 12-month growth. Hides Calves, 28-29c lb., according to weight; green beef 16-17c lb; kip hides 23-24c. Rendered Inedible Fats 12c lb. Nuls: Almonds California. 33-35c lb, Filberts (new crop) Barcelona, Jum bo, 32-34C lb; large. 28-28'; fancy 22c and up; baby, 20-23c; Duchilly Jum bo, 28'i-34c; large, 28c: fancy, 24c; brlx nuts. Jumbo, 34c; fancy, 24c In 100 lb. bags. Walnuts Opening price: First quality Franqueltes Jumbo. 40c; lame, 37c; me dium, 35'ic; soft shell Jumbo, 40c; large, 33c; medium, 35'ic Cheilnuls 20-30C lb. The above prices quoted to the whole sale trade are F.O.B. shipping points Delivered eastern price Is generally 1 i centa higher than F.O.B. plant quota tions. Chfragn Grain Chicago, Nov. 16 (U.R) Cash gra.n sales: Wheat: nominally firm; no sales. Corn: steady to 1 cent higher; 3 vel low 136-140'j; 4 yellow 50-118: 4 white 149';. Oats: firm; 1 mixed S8'; 1 white 87 87'a, Soybeans: 2 yellow 332-334. Barley; malting 145-HtS nominal; feed 115-125 nominal. Chiraeo Live lock Chicago, Nov. 16 ( 'USDAi -Salable hOK.s 1.500 i estimated i ; total not given; compan-d week ago all weights barrows, KlltS and sows 1.00-1,25 blither; practical top 25.00; extreme top 25.25, Salable cattle 1.000 (estimated); total not given; compared week ago: highly competitive trade all week on slaughter steers gradim: average-good and better such kinds 1.50-2.00 higher compared last werk's, similar heifers 1.00-1.50 hinhcr; owfr grade offerings, both steers and heifers, generally 50 higher; good beef cows 50 to 1.00 hltther, lower grades atroiiB to 25 hiher; aood berf cows 50 io 1.00 higher, lower grades slrong to 25 higher; bulls 50 lower; vealers 1.00-3.00 higher; stock cattle weak to 50 lower: lop 36.50 paid late for two loads mrlcliv choice 1044 lb, long yearlings, that pnre within bO of the all-time record peak, most good and choice fed steers and year lings 24.OO-3i.O0, including mixed steers and heifers at later price, medium light steers down to 15.00; choice 872 ,b. fed heifers topped for Die class at 31.00, three loads 975 lb. choice Colorados 30.00; good beef cows 15.50-18.50, common nd medium 12.00-15.00, canncra and cutters 0.50-11.50 Salable sheep 1.000 'estimated); toial not given; ccm pared week ago: Receip-s considerably larger than week but demand Improved and slaughter lamoa . stfifvir-R ALSO SERVICE FOR OTHER MAKES HOGG BROS. APPLIANCES & FURNITURE 4 260 Slate St., Salem Phone 9149 Stocks Decline Irregularly New York, Nov. IS iPi Aside from a few shaky leaders, the stock market maintained its equilibrium fairly well today in the face of a nationwide coal strike threat. Early losses of fractions lo a point or so were reduced in most cases in the final hour and a number of modest plus signs ap peared near the close. Trans fers ran to around 300,000 shares. Lack of real selling pressure, together with timid bidding here and there, was attributed by Wall streeters to the belief thai the latest mine crisis would re sult in the new congress pushing legislation which would obviate future serious labor disputes. Soft spots included American Telephone, which slipped to a new low for the year; Southern Railway, American Smelling, Du Pont, Union Carbide and American Can. The majority of steels skidded slightly. Advances were posted for Great Northern. Northern Paci fic, Chrysler, Sears Roebuck, Douglas Aircraft, Kcnnecott. Dow Chemical and Air Reduc tion. Bonds were a trifle under water, although there were ex ceptions. Closing Dow-.Joncs averages: industrial. 163.03, off 0.64; rail, 40.54, off 0.10; utility, ;!!).26. up 0.14; 65 stocks, 61.8!), off 0.14. Sales totaled 320,000 shares compared with 51)0,000 shares last Saturday. Curb volume was 80,000 shares against 150,000 shares last Saturday. Bond turnover of SI, 260.000 com pared with $1,013,000. Counterfeit Sugar Stamps Circulate Eugene, Nov. 16 (t'i Crude counterfeit sugar stamps -made by pasting the number of a valid stamp over spare stamps from ration books were reported in circulation in the Eugene Springfield area today. Markets Briefed (By the United Pressl Stocks irregular in quiet trad ing. Bonds Irregularly lower. Curb stocks irregular, Cotton irregular. Wheat irregular. 16-65 higher, with (rd wnolert western lambs predominating in daily runs; sond and choice native and fed western wooled lambs 24.25-25.00, latter price early peak, c losing lop 24 .5t); most medium to good wooled lambs 21.50-23.75, common lo me dium throwonts 14.OI1-1B.00. strntitht culls 10.011 and below; good nnd choice fed shorn lambs No. 2 lo foil shorn pelts 23.00-24 50 according lo pelt, credits; gtiitri and choice yeniiinss early 20.00-21 .00, well finished kinds scarce from m id week on. medium to nood descriptions 15.5ll-lil.00; slaughter ewes 25 to mostly 50 hitiher. mast good to choice a.f0-H.7S; few choice 11.00, common to good west ern ewes 7.2.1-8.50; packiiae nnod io choice 77 lb feeding lemhs 10.00, me dium to Kood 61-72 lb Texas feeding lambs 16.00-17.85. rnrllaiul Livestock Portland. Ore,, Nov, 16 (fl; Wheat: No. futures quoted. Cash Brain: Oats No. 2-3B lb wni'e 62.50: barley No. 2-45 lb B.W, M.00; corn No 2 6.Y. shipments 62.50; No 1 flax 7.3. Cash wheat fbldl : soft white 1 BB'i ; soft white excluding rex) 1 .89 ' ; white club l.SO'i ; western red 1.89 Hard red winter: ordinary 1.80'i: 10 percent 1,93; U percent 1.6 12 percent 2.06. Hard white bnart: 10 percent 3.20; 11 percent 2.31; 12 percent 2.3.1. Today's car receipts: wheat 17; ba.-ley 3; flour 1; corn 6: oats 3; mlllfced o. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., Nov IB OPt (UflDAl Cattle: for five days, salable 3.55'i, to tal! 3,795; calves, salable 386, total 444; compared week ago general market ajron to 50 cents higher, no test of alrengin of top good kinds late ad quotations on these up least, lower grade rows often 1 .00 higher with in Kent demand lale; icood steers 18.2a-20.tM), early . top 20.00; common-medium 13.00-17.50: few stock era sold mostly around 14.00-18.00; common-medium heifers 12.00-16,50, canner and cutter cows lale B.OO-11,00, medhnn Kood beef cows 1200-14.50, late to 15.00; good beef bull 15.00-50, few 16.00 lale, sausage bull 10. (Hi-14,00; good-clnnrc vealers sleay at, 17.00-18.00; grass calves clewed up to 1.00 higher, good 400 lb kinds to 17.50. Hogs: for five days, salable 61)0, total 5,351; compared week ago market steady to US cent lower and 50 cents belnw Mondav; good-choice 16ri-238 lbs late 25.00, early ton 25.50: good nw 33 itO Jl.oo. lmhL sows to 23.50; choice feeder plus to 22.00. Sheep: for fiie days, salahte. 3,976, total 5,410; mai ket about steady but slightly uneven; most good-choice lambs both wooled and shorn 19.50-20.00, sev eral lots woolskins to 21.00 and two .small lo'.-i at 21.50, r.ew high; common -medium 14.00-17.00, plain kinda aa feed ers 11 .00 to 13.00, good feeders to 15.1)0; good yearlings 15.50; good ewea 6,50-7.011, common down to 3.00. Salem Markets Complitril from r. ports of Salr-ni deilern for tlie irulrlanc. of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) -trtall PHitm Kahbll Feeds Pellets. 14.05 cwt. Vkk Mash -$4 fi.) cwt. Dalrv Feed I3.UU cwt. 1'oullry Huavy colored hens, No. 1 37c lb No. 2 24c. Colored fryers. No. 1. 3Bo lb Hiner Price- White mo Brown xire lame erads A 68c, mcd 54c. standard' iflr flireii IVtaftlesale Price Large 04c dozen, mcd. 80c. inandards 65c. ilulter Wholesale. A 83c. Retail Grade A (19c Butterfal Premium. Bflci No. 1, IBfl. No 2 84c ,t) Capilal Journal, Salem, On-con, House Stolen from San Fernando Lot Los Angeles, Nov. 16 W) Po lice staged a mass house hunt today. They were looking for a three-room structure whicn Mrs. Beaulah Gideon, Long Beach, reported stolen from a lot in the San Fernando valley Grain Futures Trade Quiet Chicago. Nov. 16 (T) Grains moved within a narrow range in a quiet trade today. There was nothing in the overnight news to influence the market in cither direction and cereals drifted aimlessly. November oats were independently firm. A trade report from Kansas City said the Association of American Railroads was divert ing at least 470 freight cars daily from the cast and south to the southwestern grain area. It. was said the order resulted from heavy accumulations of flour and millfecris in the southwest. Wheal finished 'i lower to :Y higher, January $2.06 :l.i ; corn war unchanged to li lower, Jan uary $1.31kj-:ib, and oats were ' i lower to 1 1 it higher, Novem ber 8 1 )! -82 ' i , asf Polk POD Held Feasil The proposed East Polk Peo ples Unti'ity district would have sufficient revenue over a 30 year period, after paying all an nual operating costs, exclusive of debt service and depreciation reserve, fo retire an investment of $537,000 and also to provide a depreciation reserve of like amount, the state hydroelectric commission reported here Sat urday. If the present system pur chased, consideration should be given the age and depreciated condition of the system, the com mission said, in a report com menting on petitions lor the cre ation of the district filed sev eral months ago. The proposed district would encompass 97 square miles, with an estimated population of 4100 and assessed valuation of $2, 632,000. If thf district, so desires, the report said, it may pay only in terest on its bonds during the first four years at 34 percent or 3'.4 percent of the indebted ness. Public Hearing On Express Rates A public hearing on the peti tion of the railway express agency for authority to Increase their express rates on intrastate traffic will be held November 2fi in the miblie utilities com mission office here, Commission er George H. Flagg announced Saturday. The petition asks that the in creased rates be made effective December 1.1, corresponding to similar increases authorized for that date hy the interstate com merce commission on interstate traffic. Obituary Mr. Aildif Palmer Tavlnr riled Tliurfidtiv tit Hi home of her dniiii- irr, Mrs, Annrrw icuy on tne tinnumn road, Funrral Jirrvlcii will be hold from Mm Clouuh-flftrrtrk fiinpinl hnm In Rn 1cm at. ti time io he deter mlnrd Jntrr. Mm. Taylor whs born Ppbrunry 2B, Iflfln, at Arlington, Minn,, And cume to Snleni nix months hro from Balem. Surviving are two rlaiiBlitcrx, Mm. KpIIy and Mm. Annie luckxoh, Aniciope, trc; b pon, 0n. alao of Antrlope; a brother. Henry Pnlrtifr, Snlfin; seven grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren, Rot Row man Albany Ho v Bowman, Jit. Ornbtree, died at the Salem General hospital Fri day following a brief illness. Funeral services are tn be held here from the Fisher funeral home at a date to be an nounced. He was born October 'J, 1RU2, at Belpre, Kan , where he marie his home until movins In Lebanon In 13.15. He came to Albany in 11)38 and In 1944 ho became proprietor of the Grub! ree cunfrcthmnry store. On January IS. J 933, at Clay Cen ter, Kan,, he married Cnllle D, Howmm, wno survive liljn nx do two children. Glenn How man, Albany, and I.iliorru I'. How man of Wichita. Kan ; two steiiclill d re ii : a brother; two aiMers, all Jiving in Kmn;iji. New Well SSH i 11' ( rswH fB mam if, VS'tSM. jfij 5950 Oncn for InsDcction. 2 Mil (i Lovely Livlni; Room. Dinette, spacious bedroom. Hardwood floors. Bath, Kxccllrm Kitchen. Utility room. Plastered. Wired for Range, Auto. Eleo. Mot Water Keater. 1985 Oxford Street Out So. Htn Call "Elmer" Amundson Phone 3210 or 5811. Saturday, Nov. IB, 194(1 11 Old Bible at Norway Fair Among the "thinRs from Nor way" to bp displayed at the "Norway Fair" to be held at the Woman's club house next Wed nesday evening are several ar ticles more than 100 years old. The oldest so far entered is a Bible printed in 1787. It was or iginally the property ot Gurl Samsondattrr Jelle, great grand mother of Theodore G. Nelson, current president of Thor lodge, Sons of Norway. Among other 100-year items are a white embroidered head scarf, two hand-carved wooden spoons, one gold decorated pot tery cup and a one piece hand liewn dipper. Other articles that will be on display are Hardanger embroidery insertions for bed sheet nnd pillow slip made by Mrs. Mans Hanson, West Salem; a hand operated sewing machine brought from Norway In l!)0fl by Mrs. Hannah Hagcn, mother of Louise Arneson, social direc tor of Thor lodge, Sons of Nor way. One of the novelties is yarn weighing beam made of wood. Among the large variety of literary pieces is a Norwegian church hymnal printed in 185ft, a history of Norway printed in 1814. Among more recently pro duced articles from Norway will be a number of hand-carved wooden bowls received by Mrs. A. C. Spranger, route 6, in Oc tober of this year. Naval Man Returns Woodburn Clair Vandehey, veteran of the atom bomb test in the South Pacific and twn I wo Jima and Okinawa inva sions, returned to Woodburn last week, after serving three years in the navy. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Van dehey and will receive his dis charge on his birthday, De cember 21. China's history dates back to 2205 B.C. Births, Deaths Blrlln Stlverlon Announcement are helnir re ceived here nr the birth In Salrm ot a dnimhter. Dlnnne Kathleen, welaht I pounds and 4 ounces. Ortnber 2R, to Mr. nnd Mis. Richard Arnold formerly ot Bllvertnn. FalrfleltS To Mr. and Mm. Hay A. diuicler, Cherlv Jean, we-tshlng 7 pounds. i ounces. Her arano parents, rwr. ana Mrs. Robert Dunitey, entrained We due ditv' evrnlnir for a visit with the Lamb atr !lv. R Chrlsteninn, route 7, a riatiBhter, Jaifc. ice, Nov. li. To Mr. and Mrs. .Tamea E. Rrfint. 1207 South Commercial, a daugh ter, Sliarren Lee, Oci, 311. John:.! on--To Mr. and Mrs. Hinth N. .inhnsion. route 1, Lyona, a son, Kenton Marvin, Sept, 6. Heath Kmilv V.iHn Emily Walte, late resident of Anhlanrt, al. a local hospital. November IS. fltir vn'ed hy a niece, Mrs, Robert. Stouth Of Altlnnd. Announcement of services later by the Howe II-Edwards chapel, Laurence Coiner In this nty November 15, Tjawren- Comer, Inte reside n", of 23fifl Nnn h Churrn st reel, at, the aae of A3 yeara. .Survived by jcven children, Minnie Am.u of Comma nche. Tcxa. Walter Comer of Devils I.nke, N.l)., Arch Comer of Shey enue, N.U., 1-f.tna Itrnmmer of Hannibul, Mo., Kttn Doiison of Elmn, Okla., ind Karl Comer nnd Frnrst Comer, both of Hiilem. Services will be held Monday, November IB. at 1:3(1 p.m. tit the W. T. .'tiKdon chapel. Concluding service at I,en Mission cemetery. Mis. (ieorKia Duvli Mrs, (ieoib)a Davis, late resident of Brooks, at the Woodburn haspii al Sat urday. November lfi. Mother of Mra. Ju lia Btcveij of Ilrook:.: riaiiKhter of Mrs, Let tin Wurrnw of fin lem; and sister or Mir, flora Stevens, Mrs, Zora Grant nnd John Morrow, all of Snlnn. Also surviv ed br elaht urnnrichlldreu. Announce ment of services Inter hy ClotiKli-Barrlclc company, Mr Addle Ilelle T;ivr Mrs. Addie Belle Taylor a. her resi dence at route 1( Albany, Thursday, No vember 14, at t he aae of 86 years. Mot her of Mrs. Addle llirkson and Ren Taylor of Antelope, Orciion, and Mrs. Lvria A. Kelly of Albany; and sister of Henry Palmer of Snleni. Also survived by seven grandchildren and seven Breat Krandrhildren, Services will be held st Hie Cloueh-Barrirlc elimn Monday, No vember in, at 10:30 p m. with Rev. 8. rtaynor Smii h official inii. Interment in the, IOOF cemetery, Ritualistic aervlcen by Salem Rebekah lodae. No. 1, Irvinx Runee Irvinit Bunre, rhed In this city Novrm hfr l.s. Late of Ifift West Miller street and husband of Josephine nunce of Salem, Fat her of r.eorste L. Bunre, of Portland nnd Mrs. Bcniice. Ewiuj. Grandfather of Ilusse; Ewiiiar and t he late CieorKB L-s-ter Bunce. Jr., killed on Okinawa, MaT I. lfM.y Member of JOUF lorle and Hal llibbarri camp No. 5 of the Spanish Ame rican War Vetera ii.h of Salem. services will be held Moudiiy, November IB a: a. in at W. T. Kludon rhapti With In' i'1'mi' lit .-it tiie IOOF cemetery, Graveside ritualistic services by Hal Hib iMrri camp No. 5, Spanish American War Veternir; Built Home p.m., Saturday and Sunday tn oxiord or out Mission to mm BURT PICILV, Realtors 337 N. Hlsh St.