J. 3, aun U et AJeeltend d3u Salemih emuei Travelers make the week-end exciting. Mr. and Mrs. George Neuner left by train Wednesday for San Diego, where they will visit with friends. They will come north early next week to San Francisco, where he will at tend the convention of attorney general.1; before returning to Sa lem at tne end of the week. Mrs. Chandler Brown left by plane Thursday afternoon for Seattle, where she will be reg istered at the Benjamin Frank lin hotel. Mr. Brown and Mr. and Mrs". Robert Bishop motored north on Friday, meeting Mrs. Brown. The foursome will at tend the Oregon-Washington football classic and festivities before returning Sunday. Busy lady is Miss Helen Lan gille, whose marriage takes place Saturday, November 23, at St. Paul's church. Wednes day evening she arrived home from Olympia where she had gone to meet her sister, Mrs. Webb Ware Trimble and her young daughter Cassandra. They visited too with another sis ter, Mrs. Ivan Langley, at Ft. Lewis, and with her husband who is stationed there. Lions Auxiliary Hears Speaker The Hollywood Lions aux iliary held the November meet ing at the Lion's Den Wednes day evening. Miss Kathryn McKinnon, home service director of the Marion county chapter of the American Red Cross was the guest speak ed. After the program the group went to the home of Mrs. S. Raynor Smith where the re freshments were served by the hostesses. Mrs. Vince Rodakow ski and Mrs. Earl Rohland. Iflfjatron is ower Jeted Thursday afternoon, the home of Mrs. Charles Layport was scene of a luncheon honoring Mrs. Louis B. Core. Co-hostess was Mrs. John Jelderks. Colors for the event were pink, blue and white and cen tering the luncheon table was an antique glass holder filled with sweetheart rosaes. Guests for the event were Mrs. Core, Mrs. Harold Rose braugh, Mrs. G. E. Ross, Mrs. Marvin Lewis, Mrs. George Rhoten, Mrs. Webb Ross, Mrs. Wheeler R. English, Miss Max ihe Buren, Miss Marguerite Gleeson, Miss Mary White and Miss Janet Bower. Dtoof ciiicll Spurs By Gloria Robinson It's a cinch there are no empty saddler in the corral on the Salem Saddle Club Fun Night. Friday night finds all the mem bers back in the saddle again and riding out for a good time. Mrs. Van Weider makes a striking picture up on her handsome Quarter horse, Laddie, squired by her husband on Sailor. Talking about picturesque appearances, Buzz Youngquist and Ralph Stangby who were in. charge of the last Fun Night, made a rip roaring entrance on galloping horses, wearing fancy shirts and toting wicked looking six-guns, all to the tune of wild cowboy yells . . . quite dashing. Most amus ing game of the evening was the ladies' calf roping class. The ladies of the group deserted their horses, picked partners, and armed only with a short rope, set about trying to run down and rope one of the three scrambling calves turned loose in the ring. It was finally nec essary to enlist the aid of the men. Mounted on a tiny horse was rodeo announcer Mel Lambert, with his knees tucked up under his chin. The poor little horse ataggered under the impressive name, Geronimo. The gentlemen had their usual drill practice Thursday night, led by Lee Eyerly on his beautiful Palomino. Vick Kelly tS't in appearance on a shining black quarter horse. The drills turned out to be a fine show of horses and riders going through several precise, clever maneu vers. Among the spectators watching from the boxes were Esther Paulson, Ruth Nichols, Pat Coleman, Midge Rider, and other ladies. Scenes and Sights on Sunday: Midge Rider and Bob Pender graph make a good looking couple riding up the Silverton highway together. Carol Flei scher and Tommy Miller seemed to be enjoying themselves trot ting around the ring. Shirley Brown and her horse, Jody, and a familiar Sunday sight. Jody knows several tricks and per forms them willingly for her young mistress. This week promises lots of exciting plans for the riders, in cluding the newly formed jump ing class on Thursday and a brand new Fun Night Friday. ower Jete5 Bride- elect Miss Rena Jones, bride-elect of Jack Dasch, was honored when a party and shower were given at the home of Mrs, Rob ert Comstock. Hostesses were Mrs. Comstock, Miss Marcella Gardner, Miss Ella May Doug las, Miss Rosalie Hust and Mrs. James Newcomb. Guests were Miss Rena Jones, Miss Marcella Gardner, Miss Ella May Douglas, Miss Rosalie Hust, Miss Hazel Shutt, Miss Betty Van Osdol. Miss Phyllis Sanborn, Miss Marge Garver, Miss Phyllis Heinz, Mrs. James Newcomb, Mrs. John Becker, Mrs. R. I. Bogart, Mrs. E. G. Gritton, Mrs. Alfred Montgom ery, Mrs. Elsie Boston, Mrs. Grace Hugelman and Mrs: Com stock, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eyerly and three children, Bennett, Marilyn and Sandra, have re turned from a five-day holiday at the Oregon coast. f-ro -America deception eti $ecenl(u (Elected (Candidates Warning that it is easy to let down after a long struggle like the republicans have had for the past few years, Mrs. Roy T. Bishop, speaker at the reception given at the Marion hotel last night by members of Pro America for victorious republican can didates, and Miss Emily Eisenhower .reminded those in attendance that they new have a challenge to meet and must develop a new psychology that of the major ity party. Recently returned from a meeting in Philadelphia of the National Federation of Repub lican Women, Mrs. Bishop com mented on the fear that was evi dent at that meeting that this country was drifting toward stale socialism. Noting that she be lieved this trend had come to the attention of "John Q. Pub lic" she attributed the recent republican landslide to the fact that John Q. Public" is a true American and wants the Ameri can way of life to continue. Introduced at the meeting Miss Eisenhower, chairman of the National Federation of Re publican Women's constitution al revision committee, who also. attended the Philadelphia meet ing gavn a few highlights on the convention, stating that what impressed her most was the number of younger women working with the republican party. Also present at the Thurs day night gathering was Mrs. Robert Ridehalgh of Portland, state president of Pro America, who announced the dates of the stale meeting of the organiza tion for December 2 and 3 in Portland. Musical selections by Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Jepsen and group singing led by Mrs. Patricia Lee with Mrs. Jepsen playing the accompaniment completed the program for the evening. Mrs. Hal Patton introduced to the line, which was composed of Mrs. R. L. Wright, president of the local unit; Mrs. Robert Ridehalgh, Mrs. Roy T. Bishop and Mirs Emily Eisenhower. Mrs. Walter Norblad of Astoria, and Mrs. Allan Cnrson poured and assisting about the rooms were Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Mrs. Ralph Moody, Mrs. Wini fred Pettyjohn, Mrs. George Waters and Mrs. Claude Johns. Mrs. Joseph Devers, Sr., was in general charge of the recep tion and committees working with her were: decorations, Mrs. J. N. Bi3hop, Mrs. William Burghardt, Mrs. Olive Currie and Mrs. Miller B. Hayden; and reception, Mrs. Mark Skiff, Miss Nellie Schwab, Mrs. Florence Ames. Mrs. Abncr K. Kline, Mrs. I. M. Schannep, Mrs. Paul Ficke, Mrs. Minnie Jenks, Miss Alene Phillips, Mrs. Blaine Mc Cord, Mrs. Ruby Hughes and Mrs. M. M. Magee. Breakfast Club Fetes Recent Bride Mrs. Bessie Kayser entertain ed the Credit Women's Break fast club Tuesday evening at a dessert supper. Mrs. Kayser was assisted by Miss Lena Blum and Mrs. Alia Myers. A miscellaneous shower honored Mrs. Merlin Burton (Estella Smith) a recent bride. TO RENT TO SELL Accordions Soprani Acme Exelsior 12, 80, 96 120 Bass Accordions for rent and for sale. Rentals credited toward purchases. Terms can be arranged for the purchase of all musical instruments. Accordion Studio JAQUITH MUSIC CO. 136 South High St. Salem, Oregon Radios and Record Players FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Westinghouse, Hoffman, Ansley, Sonora, Majestic Complete Radio Repair Service Department JAQUITH MUSIC CO. 136 South High Salem, Oregon . Y wTj YOU! P Witt fefe SANDLER BOSTON Genuine Hand Sewn Moccasins and Saddles th MM Reception to Honor Teachers An informal open house and reception wil be held Sunday from four to five o'clock at the YMCA, to honor Miss Leora Strong and Miss Arleen Deedon, who are in charge of the Salem Bible in the Public Schools pro gram. This program, sponsored by the Salem Ministerial associa tion, provides Bible teaching to the children in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grades. Miss Strong is now beginning her eighth year as instructor. Miss Deedon recently came to Salem, having graduated last June from Lewis and Clark col lege. This program is sponsored by the churches of Salem. Dr. Chester W. Hamblin is general chairman of the committee that directs the work. The tea is being arranged by Rev. S. Ray nor Smith and Mrs. Dorothy Why ad J. 3eted s$t Cuenl Miss Mary East, whose mar riage to Ronald Runyan ot Port land, will be an event of No vember 24, was feted recently when Mrs. Joseph W. Chambers, Jr., entertained at her Fair mount Hill home. Twenty of the bride-elect s friends honored her with a mis cellaneous shower. Following an informal evening, a late sup per was served by the host ess. Motoring up to Seattle Friday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kent, Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Campbell. Registered at the Edmund Mcany hotel, the group will attend the Oregon Washington football classic. Reay. who are also members of the Bible in the Schools committee. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Fcitlay.Nnv. 15, 1!)lfi 7 Kvents Honor . Baplist Family A reception and program have been part of the entertainment arrangement to honor Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nelson and Gene, who leave soon tn make Ihpir home in Pendleton. Members of the Calvary Bap list church have arranged tiie events for the Nelsons. Dr. Nel son was a chaplain in the army for 4 !2 years and is now tak ing over the pastorate of tha Pendleton Baptist church. Salem's Oldest Luggage Center OFFER YOU THE FOLLOWING Pre-War All Leather Gladstone's Fortnighters and Two-Suiters Featuring a Christmas Special of a Two Piece Set of Airplane Luggage, set consisting of 126" Pullman Case 1 21" Overnighter For Only (Fed. Tax Included) $27.00 40" Box Trunks, 36" Box Trunks, 30" Footlockers, 29" Hand Trunks, and 40" Steamer Trunks at all prices. A small deposit will hold anything STAR EXCHANGE 311 North Commercial St. i TI11'K,!VG I j OF A WEIIG TZX 1 -: i pnynttiU'- I 1 ' l 441 COURT 8T.' J? 3rptZ?J Those wonderfully warm f if 1 jS& FLANNELETTES T COLD lf WOMEN'S GOWNS In cozy cotton flannelette, comfortable daintily trimmed yokes and curved Cardigan necklineg. Tiny white buttons run part way down front, the lines are flowing and comfortable. Tea rose, blue, flowered, plain or striped patterns. Regular and extra large sine. 1.65 to 2.10 466 State St.