IB Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Nov. 15, 191B -'1 . V: 1 f a; WOMEN'S HATS CUT! Includes good selections in felts, feather and sequin trim in black, brown, grey, green and blue. Keg. 2.98 now 1.19 Reg. 3.98 now 1.89 Reg. 5.00 now 3.89 Reg. 7.50 now 5.00 Reg. 10.00 now 5.89 'A Women's Coats and Suits SLASHED! WOMEN'S RAINCOATS REDUCED! ; Special group of plastic and reversible , coats in sizes 10 to 20. t , Keg. 11.98 now Reg. 1G.98 11.19 12.69 r a ' r:ji- n.j ii i women s u ro es Keouceo Heavy rayon in figures, satin and cotton batiste. Have light boning for easy com- V fort. Many have zipper sides. J ' J Reg. 3.98 ' T nmv frA J- 1 50C B ?H COMFORTERS REDUCED! j These lovely paisley patterned collon print Z,i .' comforters are just the thing for these cold ' tfiti nights. Reg. 4.98 now .... j $.88 i"? XL I J.WrtSa. Ii w 48.W "" 28.S" R.. '-! ll 4tJL J y( ' X. i B a - -M A. Tmirf- Xil IV , 11 VI iL ' 1 ' , . ..Sac III Att Co.e. etc seie-- ' iW Girls' Ready-Cut Dresses REDUCED! mi These complete dress kits need no pat terns. AH trimming included. Smart look ing for the girl. 1.00 1 WimKiMgMSWIWBW BED JACKETS REDUCED! vi -All wool knitted in cape or shoulderette ii''.V,"S j v'V'j style in peach, blue and orchid. Value to fi.98 now Sensational Reductions! COTTON DRESSES and BRUNCH COATS Large assortment in sizes up to 44. These cotton dresses sold at 2.98 and the Brunch coats at 3.80. Yours while the selection lasts. MITTENS REDUCED! v 100 wool mittens in assorted colors. IS?; Regular fice 98c. Large selection fe I i- now. : 57C : 'f'iK T .- - -j,. -t ty , - -ay w iiiiii-,r8fiiiii'V''i rfaimi'iiy"' I 'i f-tw&M- -T''"-"" ii 3 57C p Si Now Just in Time for Christmas! Chenille Robes Reduced! Special group in sizes 12 to 20 in Rose, Blue, and Red. Reg. 6.98 Now 5.19 Reg. 7.98 Now 5.98 Reg. 8.98 Now 6.69 If! i Mr. Ill Is SORRY! NO MAIL OR TELEPHONE ORDERS CAN BE FILLED SHOP EARLY! $1 down will hold any gift item or purchase until December 11th! Pay the balance on convenient monthly terms out of income.