WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent by permanently em ployed part manaaer, 3 bdrtn. turn Hhed or unfurnished home. References. Ptt. a2 IX-SEKVICE man wanls to rent 3 bdrm hse In town or country. Could ex chance 3 rm apt. close In. Ph. DBS3. H 1 1 er 8 P.m. La372 VETERAN, wife Bnd bnby need Turn. iir unfurn hse. or apt. Write Box 74 Capital Journal. Ja27l MAN ANO WIFE wish to rent apartment or houskeepin room. Ph. 6818. Eve. ja272 STORAflE SPACE. Smnll Karaite will do Ph 8642 or 8876 after S p.m. H. R. Mu'hs Co. Ja272 jDIE-AGED COUPLE want 2 or 3 room furnished apt. or small furnished house close in at oner. Husband has steady employment. No smoking or drinkim. Ph. 4010. H. W. Purcell. ja275 UOt'RK OR APT. furn. or unfurn. Veter an with family and 18 mo. child. Please contact. Lt. Col. R. C, Alvehson, Sena tor Hotel or Telephone Co. ja272 VF.T.. WIFE and 2 yr. old boy desperately need furn or unfurn. house or apt. by end ol week. Box 73 Capital Journal J&212 STATE EMPI.n. CPL. need furn. apt. Close in Ref. 4732 after 6 p.m. Ja275 WANT 2 or S bed rm. house in Salem. Sllverton or any near-by town, by responsible Veteran and family, P.O Box 115 Mt.Angcl. Ja275 "RESPONSIBLE COUPLE urgently need furn. or partly (urn. apt. or house. Box 75 Capital Journal. Ja272 URGENT responsible adult family nesd unfurniihed house or apt. Ph. 7936. ja271 GENTLEMAN wants two or three house keeping rooms or apartment. Perman ent Write Capital Journal, Box 58. ja271 VETERAN & WIFE both employed urgent ly need furn. apt. or house. Box 71 Capital Journal. 1274 3 RM. APT. for working cple. D. A. Saindon with Stan Baker Service. Dept. Ph. 4119. JB274 WANTED TO REST W til sun lease on furnisned or uniurnisnea nouse. Busi nessman and family. Phone 5697, i a.m. to 6 p.m. Ja371 URGENTLY NEEDED J OR 2 BEDRM. house, furn. or partly furn. by ex-G. I. with i cnnaren. win put up cash bond. Ph, 69S8, Mr. Al Bonnes, ja27l CAPTAIN Just released from army it wife need furn. or unlurn. apt, or hse Phone 7023 Ja277 LOST AND FOUND LOST Brown purse containing currency downtown Thursday:26S N. 17th. k271 LOST:"Handbag with valuable papers and cash on Chcmcketa bus, Thursday. Re ward Bertha L. Sparks. 2260 Claude st. V273 WILL PARTY who took boy's hicyrle from 754 N Htah please return A no ques tions asked. Needed for paper route. It 273 LOST BLACK BROWN Mixture part Srotty. male doa. Reward. Raymond Berry. Sears Roebuck Co 1(272 FoITnd Coat on Portland road. K. H. Snyder Shady Rest Trailer Park. k271 MISCELLANEOUS f LAST" DA V. Saturday, Nov. 16. to claim f your watches at the Salem Watch Shop, i. Anon vn'nojE 7Rl fitftla St. ClOSlnS for 3 months vacation. m272 BUILT IN CABINETS. Anything wood repaired or rcpiacen. aiairrwown . Cabinet Shop. 164 8. Com'l. Ph. 5536. Located with Mathls Bros. Roofing. t m27i TOMMY Shortle formerly tn Pioneer Bids. Now owner of Blish Shine Shop m27l MODERN PIANO and Boogie Woogla In struction. Private lessons. Guaranteed results L J Ednerton Studio. 1820 N Cottage. Ph. 9502, m287 ELECTRIC RATE reductions! follow suc cess Salem Electric announces residen tial reductions that bring Its whole rate structure to (ha lowest In the United States "2" SALIM WASTE PAPER 1790 North Front WE BtTT magazines and newspapers Cardboard sheet and boxes any size tor k lale, tn28B afeBN' IIATS cleaned and blocked. 75c. US KPRINGER, 464 Court Bt. m291 HEAT tout homa electrically H's con venlant, clean, economical. Sea ua for tree attaataa. T EATER APPLIANCE CO. 214 N UbertT DaTNTAL PLATS REPAIR KR SERVICE M MOST CASBB DA. RARRT DXNT1BT Adolpb Bid State OotnmaralaJ Via DEAD and worthies noct remorad on moment's notice. Ph. tftOO m' BE ATT HATJUNO. oxoaratioo and road bnltttac. ' kaad otoartar doser work ditching, basement excavation, sane craTL ernaned roc, bsmo mm w- rata mtt, oemenL AliSat SAND ft OfUTHL OO. 14M M mONT ST.. BAUtl OKsWON Phone U408 or S19S4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Golf clubs, Rob't. T. Jones Tournament Model ana learner oaa. Perfect shape. Ph. 8803. n272 Sin 9, Best you can buy. Phone 6BB3. FOR SALE : New .32 automatic pistol . Phone 6893. "272 TOR HALF: Reaiatered Oroswold Slcts. 6'B" with bindinas. Phone 6883. n272 GOOD Uahoeany piano, reasonable. Call Sat afternoon or Sunday, two a. uoi- tue D273 FOR SALE Addressoeraph, electric, with sraphotype. cabinet, frames, etc. Ap peal-Tribune, SUverton. nua PRACTICALLY new large Duotherm oil circulator heater with ran. Call att, 6:30 p.m. 1186 Edgewater St. W, Salem n27f LADY'S balloon tire bicycle Excel, cond Butane trailer heater, Meyers V horse water pump with tanK ea n. pipe Coleman gasoline heater. L. P, Reming ton, Rt. 7 Box 209. N. Portland Hiway, n271' SEALEY BOX spring to mattress, new. Call alt. 7 p.m. 7180. n273 S ELGIN bike 333. S45 Belmont. n2I3 .VING APPLES. 35c and 75c per box Ernest Anderson. Orchard Heights Rd., 1 mile off Wallace Rd. Will consider selling the orchard applet on tree. ti272' 1 KEG No. 16 common nails, 1 mahog any Duncan Phyfe coffee table, 1 set of chrome bathtub mixing facets, mahogany period style book case. mahogany Duncan Phyfe lamp tab. Ph. 23431. n2i PHILCO combination. Ph. 21775, n271' PIECED Seal Coney coat. Stse 20 (ex cellent) 50. Mexican stiver necklace and bracelet set, f 10. Ph. 3258. n271 SPARTAN radto-phonoartPh combination, Apt. hi es gas stove, coal and wood cir culator. 635 N. Commercial. n27l 12 CUBIC FT. reach-In cold freeser, same a new. Also a gasoline operated light plant, wo watt, see at e&u so. lath at n274 GERMAN BINOCULARS 6x30 and case like new. No haziness, very distinctive vision, 985. 2555 S. Summer St, 11271 FEW USED HUB CAPS for late model cars. Gene's Btke Shop, 1126 Edge water, W. Salem. n271 SEAL COAT, and Silver Pox neckpiece. Practically new. Ph. 24090. n271" GIRLS BROWN Camel hair coat. Sue !0. 1 tan light weight coat, size 10 Sweaters and 10 yri. All In excel- eona. m. 25491. n27i FOR SALE: Male German Sheppard pup. S mo. old. Wonderful farm or ranch dog. 115.00. Ph. 2-4558. n271 SALE: 7Vixl6 trailer house. A Bargain, l 475:20 tire and wheel. 1 550:17 tire and tube. 3560 Portland Rd. Howards Trailer Park, n2"l iwo bM-.u Tires, soil pipe fittings, one sanitary T 4 In., one 4 in. Sanitary Y. One 4 Id. off set. A. G. Porter, 154 Duncan Ave. n.271 FOR SALE: Kroft lily bublets at i-;w prlet. 171 Hayes street, Woodburn. p ' B374 run OAL.B MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Irrigation system and CO lira. Complete with 9 hp. motor 460 lt. aluminum pipe 12-8 gal Stout sprinklers. Priced to sell. 1 John Deere tractor. Buck rake. M. Christoffersan, P.O, Bnx 22. Chemawa, Ore. n271 Fo'ftKRM A N I'INCER Pl'PPIKS. Minta- tures limit's and females. Salem veter inary Hospital. Portland Rd. n372 ICE CREAM I REEZFR. Mills 6 qt. with 40 gn.1. blower type cabinet. Latest model, like :tew. See It at Saving Center Portland Rd, n274 MARSHALL strawberry planting stock from plnnts certified last year. 118 per 1000. Pnone 5167. il273 5-PIECE WALNUT bedroom suite, springs ft mattress, 200, inquire at M ft F Store, North Front St., Woodburn. n272 FOR YOUR recreation room we have a radio tltie Rumpus Master) that can really reach out ft can stand abuie Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n289 SAND, (i RAVEL, silt, garden sand, fertini- er Bos ley ft Meyer. Ph 3046 J4 North Commercial n272 FOR SALE Meat fo. your locker. Tel 4003 evenings. n2!l0 FOR SALE 10 kees of nails. 8 and :6 common and box and 20 commons, 2i per keg. Call 21413 eves. n?72" Glilts bicycle for sale. Like new, 3fl5 .ouih lath. h273 ONE 66 gal. electfic hot water heater; one 40 sal., damaged. Salem Nnvici tton Co.. 205 South Cot Lane. n276 TRACTOR and all other machinery thit goes with it. Also 87 acre farm '? in crop the rest Is plowed will sell ma chinery with farm or otherwise, John Dor an. Rt. 1 Box 82 Brooks. 3 mtleit norlh W mile east of Brooks. n273 TRICYCLE, scooter, wagon, doll hlih chair, dsk. black board, rocking chair, Chris's Barber Shop, 2545 Portland Hd. n273 1 GOOD BOY'S World bike. 1 nearly new cr heater. 12 whl. trailer with good rubber and complete ball hitch, tit. 2 Box 61, Keller Garage, Keizer. t Corners. n273 OVERSTUFFED invalid setup bed pillow, new. 110.00. BIk seal fur cont, 33. 35.0O. Spartan cabinet radio, good, 335.00, 20 pr, women shoes, some new, size 7-b. Girl's 13-14 yrs. coats, dresses, suit, ex cellent condition. Dance records not worn, 3 for SI .00 Tele. 4R.VJ. n272 DOI1EKMAN I'INCER puppies, minia ture size males and females, Salem Veterinary Hospital, Portland Rd. n272 xl ORIENTAL DESIGN Axminister rug. good cond, S27.30, mahoaany daven port table S20. bird caae MO, 0.1k library table 7, oak dressing tab with Irge mirror good cond. 25. Call between 5 ft 7 P.m. 1123 Cross St. n272 DOUBLE COMMERCIAL waffle Iron, gool cond. WeHinchouse elec, range, n?w calrod nulls. Ph. 4313. n272 I" SOIL PIPE, 4'i pes. $20. 68 Park Ave. n272' NAVY PEA COAT, like new. sine 38. 112. Ph. 480a eves 1576 Sixth St. W. Salem. n272" DAVENO. Pl-Olie 25006. n372 SPlfsESH.RGBpplesTPhil Asplnwall. 645 Market. Ph 9410. T2J? WILTON RUG ft PAD. 9x12. Excel, con-j. J85. Ph. 8,i30. n272 3 PAIR-" NEW" DrTpeK. Call between 4 ft 5 P.m. 610 N. Com'l. apt 10. 11272 VARIETY of apples, some filberts and dried prunes. 404 S. 16th. Ph, 7251. n272 WANTED 200 bushy Xmas tree sttimpase. Box 80. Beach Ave. Ph. 23512 E. L. Kuebler. n272 GIRLS HAWTHORNE BICYCLE. 140. 1710 N. Summer alt. 5 p.m n272 ORDER your Thanksgiving turkey now. Alive, dressed or oven ready. Ph. 24230. n275 USED RRICK. 4 ml. west, K ml. south Sunnyside school, or call 4034 after 6 p.m. E, O. Beckley. n272 PRACTICALLY new 63 cubic foot Koch commercial electric refrigerator, five compartments, white porcelain through out. Can be purchased at considerate discount CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. 531 Court St. n271 NEW FARM BUILDINGS NEW ARMY Surplus corrurated metal buildings- 54 ft. long and 20 or 38 feet wide. Easily erected by two men tn three days. Frame, wooden construc tion, bolted throughout, V-type roof. 13 ft. inside clearance, no Inside posts. Has 10 ft. stdewall. Every piece pre-cut and numbered All nails, nuts, bolts, washers and blueprints supplied. Orated for Immediate delivery, JROO f.o.b. Port land. Small charge for delivery to your door, POSE CITY MOTORS 4725 N. E. Union Ave. Trinity 250. Portland. n375 LADIES ALL wool coats, size 12-14. Like new. Phone 21435. n272 ICE BOX 110.00. Ph. 24080 Eves. n272" FILL DIRT, approx. 15 yards. Yours for hauling away. Ph. 24080 Eves. Mil' WOOD FURNACE and sawdust burner with all the attachments Including hot air Pipes. Price 1)50.00. See Clifford Harold, 465 Center St., Salem, Oregon. Phone 6133, Res. 8498. n272- HEATING pads (electric), plastic clothes lines. Ironing pads and covers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 256 N Liberty St. n375 RAILROAD type lanterns. YEATEH APPLIANCE OO. 356 N. Liberty St. TWO-SLICE electrlo toasters, 12.10, 4- Sllce. 2 85. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N Liberty St. nI75 TWO-WAY and lnter-comm. telephone acta. TEATER APPLIANCE OO. 255 N. Liberty St. . n375' WATER HEATERS for Immediate deliv ery 40-eallon Collins S96.25; 60-gallon WestinK house 3115. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 256 N. Liberty St. n376 CUTLERY and tableware. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275' COFFEE-MAKER sets. 4 to 6 and I cup coriee-m alters with stoves. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N, Liberty St. n275' HEAVY brenz smoking stands. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 256 N Liberty St. n275 MlrrApianoi from I3B5. Terms. See thee beautiful spinncte style pianos with the tone 01 a baby grand at Tallman's, 335 So, 12th. A mile from high prices. . n283 ELECTRIC pants pressers, curling and soldering irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N. Liberty St, n27J GUARANTEED Forever flashlights re quiring no batteries; 2 ft 3 cell flash' light. TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 33S N Liberty St. n273 THE IDEAL XMA5 gift. A Kromex glau plate cake cover, YEATER APPLIANCE OO, 255 N. Liberty. n288' PRESSURE COOKERS. 3 types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 555 N. Liberty. n288' STEAM IRONS Safe for a?I fabrics. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. n288" GARDEN land. gra-Teo. crushed rock Shovel ft drag-line excavating WALL tNO SAND AND GRAVEL CO. Pb 8561 CHRISTMAS TOIS. Buy them at Gene s Bike Shop. We also specialize in paint ing toys ft bicycles. 1126 Edgewater Bt. Ph. 2I5C8. n277' SINGLE AND two-burner hotplates. TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 H. Liberty St n273' TABLE and pm-lt-up lamps. TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty Bt, n275 DECORATIVE and lighted house numbers YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 253 N. Liberty Sr. n275 SMOOTniES for perfect Ire cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 353 N Liberty St. n275' ALUMINUM sauce pans, well and tree platters, frying pans, cookie theou. Clothes hampers. TEATER APPLIANCE CO, 35ft N Liberty St. n379' BABY BUGGY collapsible, like new. 120 Call eve. 1170 N. 31 it. B273 FOR 8ALE MISCELLANEOUS KITCHEN and bathroom light fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. n273a WALL TYPE can openers, citrus fruit Juicers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 256 N. Liberty St. . n275' ONE WILL C. FREE treadle Sewing Mi- chine, good condition. Also Corona Portable typewriter, fair condition. Phone 6120 after 7 P.m. n271 FOR SALE Ford truck, 1 '4 ton, long wheel base, completely overhauled with new motor, extra good tires. Gus Eck nortzel, 553 Front St., Woodburn. Ph. Green 130. n272 GAS PLATE, gas heater, gas erill. Coca Cola cooler, milk shake mixer. Ph. 9721. 3260 Portland Rd. n372 MARSHALL STRAWBERRY Plants. 112. 10 per 1.000. Grown on new land. 3610 Cherry. Log Cabin. n373 N A V Y BH ' E M ater ni t y d ressT : medium brown, brown maternity slacks, kelly green smock. Ilsht green smock, size 14. Ph. 3738. n272 PIANO ACCORDION like new, case, ilso rennet 6B1 N, Capital. Ph. 6701. n273 NEW fi FT. Park-a-way deluxe freezer. ever used. 237..i0. Ph. 3461. n276 VR. OLD NECTARBERRY Plants. Will bear next year. Alvin J. Van Cleave. Rt. 7 Box 251. Ph. 22807, n273' MAPLE TWIN BEDS Extra long, complete with Scaly tuition maitresx, box sprints and heavy chenille bed spreads. 3130 Portland Rd Marion Motel. n273 NEW DAVENO and chair, Rust color. Cost il85 now 1150. 674 N. 20th. n272 BOYS PIN BALL MACHINE for plav 00m also crochet bandanas. Reason -ble prices. Ph. 0615. n276 MANS NAVY BLUE SUIT, Sine 38 Ions. Ph. 6717. n272 NAVY P COAT nearly new size 38. New Jap 3t caliber rifle. Excellent condi tion. Baby bed, sprints ft mattress. Ph. 24105. n273 KITCHEN and Industrial exhaust tans YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n375 AUTOMATIC electrlo aldearm water heat- YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N Liberty St. n276 ELECTRIC chimes, long and short tubes. motor driven, and mechanical chimes YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 SUN LAMPS (ultra violet ft Infra-red). portable and stand models with timers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n375 COAL OR briquet circulating heater, new wood range. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 23 N Liberty St. n276 ELECTRIC room heaters, fan. steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N Liberty St. n275 PLASTI-KOTE. the durable paint with the cellophane-like finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. . Liberty St. n215 AUTOMATIC electric grill, 18x36 Inches. with double thermostat. Ideal for small restaurant or club house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N Liberty St, n27ft INDIRECT lloor lamps and torchlers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N Liberty St. n275' ATTRACTIVE, aluminum kitchen step ladders and step-on refuse cans. YEATER APPLIANCE, CO. 255 N Liberty St. n273 IV I Btlt ft eeU furniture, tools, atoia duties, motors, radio, electric appli ances, household food. tiXIOMAN'S 185 n Commercial Phone 9883 n ARE YOU getting poor radio reception? Then try the powerful 8 tube Tropic Master Standard broadcast ft short wave bands. Ideal for localities where reception Is ordinarily poor. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2S5 N Liberty St. n2B9 FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures and 'In gle tube brackets for use near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty St. n275 SMART SUITS, coats, sweaters and iktrta1 as well is drese for all occasions from afternoon to formats. Grand materials and scarcely worn. Sixes 9 to 44. Phone 4845, anytime. n303 HEAT YOUR horn electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical. 8e as lot free estimates, YEATER APPL1ANOB CO 35A N Liberty METAL AND plastic bed lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N. Liberty St. n275 AUTOMATIC record players. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty St. n27a SEE US FOR Christmas gifts. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 353 N. Liberty St, n304 ORDER Better Homes ft Garden or Ameri can Home at present low price of 3 years 33. Mademoiselle 1 year 63.50. Ph. 7828 Mrs. Paul H. Hauser 925 Saginaw st nae1) KOLA LUMBER CO., Rt. 4, Salem. Lumber red cedar shingles T C. (Ted) Mullen Ph. Salem 2-1106. Yard 5 miles west rn Dallas highway. n233 FIGURINES and small gift Items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n279 ELECTRIC desk, mantle and wall clocks YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. Liberty St. n273 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WILL TRADE plaster for short coupled toilet. Ph. 35064. na270 GOOD ELECTRIC washing machine. Ph 25570. na271 HOLLYWOOD Transfer for dependable hauling. Call Burton 1 Mobile Station, Phone 9764. na279 OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Upstairs Antique Shop. 438 Court St. na286 USKD rUBNITURE. Phone tlla PERSONAL READING. Know th Truth. 2361 State. P274 SPECIAL NOTICE PROFESSIONAL adviser. Well known in Salem by former name "Mrs. Martin, Marion Motel cabin 2, north of under pass on Portland highway, this week only, hours 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. p272 ALCOHOLICS. Anonymous. P. O. Box 724. P30S PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER LETTERS OF all kinds composed ano typed Personal ones a specialty. Strict ly confidential For appointment, phone 4845 pi 08 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE '34 Plymouth Cpe., N. Church. Ph. 7357. 1300. 2035 Q273 FOR SALE lf37 Chrysler sedan, motor lust completely overhauled 2265 L" St. q276 NEW ail purpose 3 wheel stock tralle New 600x16 tires and tubes. 1175. 1243 Marion St. q376 1012 BUICK 4-door sedan for sale or trade for lighter car, 1000 S. Com) q273 NEW TRAILER HOMES GOING OUT of business. Reduced prices One 25-ft. Royal, one 27-ft. Zimmer 1984 State St. q273 WILL TRADE Mode A In excellent con dition and cash for 1933 to 1938 coach or sedan Ford. 3225 Mill St. Sat. after noon ft Sunday. q272 19MI. 5-PAS 8. Buick Special. Good tires". and condition. Call after 5 p.m., 263 C St.. lower apt. or Ph, 191-R, inde pendence. q37l FOR SALE 1B.12 Ford V-8 Sedan. 2604 Hulsey, Salem. q272 1036 BUICK CPE. Parking lot corner of Trade and Liberty, daytime. Eve. 370 N, 18th. q373 FOR RALE Terra plane 4-dr. sedan, tood mechanical cond. 5 good tires, uphol stery like new. Priced right. 825 Mad. Ison St. after 4 p.m, q273 FOR SALE: 45fl. 33 Chrysler . four door sedan. Excellent tires. Call eve. 210 N. 13th St. q272 FOR SALE; 31 Ford Coupe. 323 N. Com'l. q272 HOUSE TAILER for sale. 1600. Howards Trailer Park, 3540 Portland Road. q271 AUTOMOBILES 40 CHEV. CLIFB CPE. raAo and heater and 30 ft. 42 Mohawk trailer. Both in perfect cond. to be sold as unit. Trailer has 8 ply Nylon tires, vacuum brakes, butane equip, with all connections on car. J3600. Also 3't h.p. Firestone outboard motor. 175. Eve, 151 N. 13th. See Kinney. q272 '12 FOKD DUMP. 4 yrds., Eaton rear end. 3 -speed Brownie, side lank, vacuum booster and tank. Truck in perfect shape. Job available. Ph. 3456. q275 TR A I LE RIIO U S E , 7ft. 6x18. Completely furnished. Newly built. Can be seen al 915 North 17lh. q270 To"j6Buick Sedan, 80 rubber. Price $200. Phone 25564. n273 1010 FORD Deluxe Coupe, excellent con dition Radio, heater. Call Stayton 436. q374 USED CARS WANTED REGARDLESS ol year, make or model. We w:il make you a spot cash ofier McCall's Used Cars, 1297 Slate. Dial 8H3 q27l HW3 CHEV. 4-dr. sedan, Al cond. lt.13 Butch 4-dr, Jfdan, good motor, body, fair tires. 1936 Ply. 2-dr. sedan, new rings and bean lies. 1940 2-dr. sedan, radio and heater. 1941 D Solo cpe , radio, heater, reconrt., motor and good tires. 1942 Ford 3-dr. sedan, radio and heater. 1946 Mercury motor, 4 new tires, H B USED CARS 3203 Portland Rd. Ph. 6421 q271 GOOD BUYS IN CARS 1931 Model A 4 door sedan, 1931 Chev. coupe. 1916 Packsrd Sedan, 1939 Graham sedan Others to choose from. Your Kalser-Fraer Dealer TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 335 N. Liberty. Phone 70O1 q271 FOR RALE 42 Ford semi H.D. Clark rear end. 2 speed Browme-sinsle axie, 18' flat bed trailer. J. L. Royc, Lyonv O re. q 2 7 1 FOR SALE or trade 1S37 Graham Super charger 4 dr. sedan. In excellent cond. Call at 3131 Center q274 16 FT. TRAILER 1400. Inquire 975 High land Ave. q2i'2 ML INCOLN ZEPHER$1050. 1305 Ne bra.sk a, After 5. q274 IX FT. lflll PALACE TRAILER Hons. Excel, tires and brakes. 1875. 1785 Berry. Ph. 6377. q274 l: CHEV. 4 dr. sedan. A-l cond. I!i;t HUICK 4-dr. sedan, gd, motor, body, mir nres. I:i PLY. 2-dr. sed. new rings and bear ings. I H ID FORD 2-dr. sed, radio, heater. 1011 DESOTO cpe., radio, heater, recond. motor and Rood nres. 1912 FORD 2-dr; sed. radio, heater, -46 Mercury motor, 4 new tires. H. B. USED CARS 3295 Portland Rd. Pli. 642 q271 NEW 16 FT. TRAILER HOUSE, well buii'. and priced right. Sell or trade for good car. Merle Swearinaen, Rt. 4, Box 3H6, Salem, Ore, '4 mi. out Wallace Rd. q273 FOR SALE: 1035 Chrysler sedan, aosd cond. Also 7:00x16 lire, never been used. See at 1375 Huge. St. W. Salem. q2?3 SECURITY MOTORS See 11s last for best buys in new and used Eastern and Western trailers. 1046 Columbia 23 ft 1946 Leonard 18 ft 1946 Pacific Liner 10 ft 1942 Castle Coach 20 ft 1041 Travelo Coach IB ft. 1047 Mobileglides all aluminum 12 ft 1942 Packard Clipper Sedan 1940 Olds Sedan No trades needed also a few cheapies. 3385 Portland Rd. Ph. 25164 q276 SENTINEL CABINET RADIO. Good cond. 115. '2R Model A transmission. '34 Chev. rear end 115. Rt, 7 Box 408. Ph, 34373. q273 FOR KALE: One practically new 700:16 tire Box 78 Capital Journal q273 '41 OLDS hydramatlc. good tires, radio and heater Very clean. 227 5th Silver ton. q2 73 1939 BUICK Special 4-door sedan. This car : in perfect condition and has very good tires. After making a check of local automobile prices In at least six used car lots, I feel a fair market price Is 11395.00. Ph. 104-R Indepen dence. Inquire at Fulmer'i Service Si a. q272 !a WILLYS 4 dr. sedan. 335 N. Winter. q2'3 SCHULT TRAILER HOUSE, 1046 model Used only 21, monihs. Tandem wheels, elec. brakes, sleeps 4. This is a 3 compartment trailer fully equipped and in excellent cond. Terms. 160 West Myers St. Ph. 21937. q273 1012 JEEP, 1885. Take trade on car pay or take difference. Ph. 3-4072. 1374 era st. W. Salem after 6 p.m. q373 1031 FORD ROADSTER. Rebuilt motor. 16 in. wheels. Late model genera-ir with voltage regulator, driving lights and spot light. S400. call after 5:30 p.m. 2110 N. Church. q273- HOUSE TRAILER for sale. Butane equip ped. International oil burner heater. ml. through Independence on Mon mouth Rd. at Associated Station. q271 FOR SALE: Trailer House, 1325. 1040 Monroe Ave. q.271 1030 MODEL A CPE. Good cond., for sale Inquire at Davis Oil Co, on Capital St. N, of Hollywood. q271 '12 DODGE 2 TON Truck. New enuine and rear end. 30 ft. P.W. semi '16 model. lOOi rubber, write E. B, Lewis. 658 Almodln St., Eugene. Ph, 8378R. q274 FOR SALE: '34 Tudor Chev. sedan. Ph. 25348. q271 FOR SALE: 1936 Model T coupe. Fair cond., good tires, 1130, 653 Jefferson St. Snlem. q271 MX! MASTER 2-DOOR CHEV, 1007 N. Winter. q271 HUDSON SALES SERVICE PARTS Free estimates overhauling body and fender repair painting. "Give ehrock a try and you'll know why." SHROCK MOTOR CO. Phone 8502 Salem MOTORCYCLES INDIAN BALES SERVICE PARTS All makes used motorcycles bought sold -r repaired. SHROCK MOTOR CO. Phone 8502 - Salem WANTED TO BUY: Lata model truces Ptckupa. panels, flatbed, loggers and so on International dealer James a Maden Company 393S SUverton Roao Phone 34133 q WANTED: LATE Model Oar 0 prlvaU party. Will pay cash. Phone 6210 FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST 6 to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Ch!ld. Inc. REALTORS 244 State St. Ph. 9361 T373' NO CO-SIGNERS WITH A LOAN FROM THE YES MAN OUR YES MAN the man who Fays "Yes' to 4 out of 5 who apply here for a loan will show you how you can et 125 to 1300 or more without co-signers Get the cash on your signature, furnl- tu re or up to loon on auto, v none, write or come in today, PERSONAL FINANCE CO. of Salem 518 State St., Rm. 126 Phone 3191 E. Osllinger, Mgr Lie. 8-132, M-165 r2S0' WANTED Real estate loans on 6 percent Interest. Good security on coast prop erty, new homes. Write Box 168, Neli- cott, Oregon. r286' YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU ft PERCENT INTEREST. BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE, EXAM INE THE SECURITY YOURSELF MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OP 1500 TO 17500. WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAYMENTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE. STATS FINANCE CO. 152 S. High St FAAM AND CITY LOANS 4A AND t rotm OWN TERMS of repayment viihtn tMJort Caab for Rai Satau Contract ird Second Mortgages oapttol egxnnmm 00 107 Pionee; Trust Bids -Ph. 716. r GENERAL PHI AN CI CORP. LOANS S-lla and al-tM and ROT a SIMMONS DfSURANCB and LOAJiS 1H S. Commercial Sl Tl HIS. Market Quotations Portland East side Willnmeite valley rarrols appeared in volume tonny at Portland's Easlside Far mers' Whole.snle market and received sietidy prices within a range of 12.50 2.75 a five do.en crate. Cauliflower was In good supply nt 11 65 1.75 Roundticnd cabbtise continued stea dy at $1.75-2. RadlMiex were on the short side and were quoted 65-73 cents a dozen bunches. Rest spinach brought 11.25 a 20 pound orance b;s, Mid-Columbia lettuce continued lo sell at active prices and was quoted at S2-2.35. Local and Mid-Columbia ureeii onions wen! valued at 75-B0 cents a dozen bunches. Portland P met nr Exchange Bullerfat "Tentative, subject to Imme diate channel. Premium ' quality maxi mum of .35 of 1 prrcent acidity, delivered m Portland, 01 -92c: first quality 90-9 lc lb.; second quality 86-87c: valley routes and country points 3c less first, or 88 89c lb. Butler -(Wholesale, FOB., bulk 68-lb. tub.o: AA, 93 score, 80-Slc; A. 92 score. 70 -BOo lb; B. 90 score, 78-79c lb; C, 1 score, 75c lb. Cheese- -Sell: ng price to Portland re tailer.; Oregon singles, S5-59c lb, Oreon lOMf. 57-61c lb; 'rlplels, 64 'a -59c lb. Eggs To wholesalers: A Krade, large SB'j-ftffiac: medium, 55'3-56'sc; small pullet). 4 1 1 j -4 3 j c ; B grade, large. 46- 48c. Eggs Purcliises from farmers: Current receipts. 54-65c; bit vers pay 3-3 'ic dor. below wholesale quoin ions on graded basis jor best hennery eggs. fortUnd Dairy Market Butter- Prices to retailers: Grade AA carton. 85c; AA prints 84c: A prints, 83c: A carton. 64c; B prints, 82c pound. One- fourth pound cubes, cent higher. FINANCIAL A l I O IOANI WILLAMETTB OREDH OO Stb FLOOR QO ARD IAN HLDO License No M-189 I MONEY REAL tB'I ATR LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOAN 6 re Buy Real EstaU Uortgaaoe and Contract STATE FINANCE CO- REALTORS Lie 8-216 M-232 161 S Klfb St r Directory AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANEK. 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 6151 Brake is wheel aliening specialist. o379 ACC1I II NT I SO ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping. Reason able rates Dependable service BuMnea Service. Inc. Mason to Buildings. Baltm Phone 8737 APPLIANCE REPAIRS KXHEKT BEND1X and commercial and domestle refrigeration aervloe. Ralph Johnson Appllancca. lit Oentar Ph. 403fl AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NA3U SERVICE 40 Chemeketa Phone 7838 BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING and leveling. Dirt mov ing, loguiug. R. R. Ricks, Ph, 8023. Stay- ton. O230 CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis. 1905 N. 19th St. Ph. 4071. 0292 CHLMNE T! S W EEP DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service. 143 8. Church. Phone 47 11. 0376" DRESS M AKIN G TAliORlNGrAUeratlon. Mrs. Armentrout 1984 State (Trailer Campl, o206a EXTERM INATORS ARDEE MAINTENANCE CO. Bedbugs, roaches, rata, fleas, moths Peat eoo trol con' r set serv'ca. Materials gold- guaranteed riddance. 825 N Killings worth St., Portland 11 Or. Ph. WEb ster 3265. 9' COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3056. LEE CROSS. 1260 N. 17th. 02 77' Hreithaupf for flowera Dial BlOft nAUI.ING Farm products and building materials. Christ en.se n & Gilbert. Ph 25021, 2445 N. Church. o201 FUNERAL DIRECTORS SO WELL rUNKRAL BOMB Ph. 1671 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R. W ATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING PI) one- 4060 MUSIC LE SSON S SPANISH and UAWA1LN Cm 1 tar. Mando lin, banjo, otc 1533 Court. Ph. 1568 " pTperhangin G JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. EXPERT paperhanglng. B. worth. Phone 3016. PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service Larry Travis. Phone 8601 o272 L. W. CAUDLE. Spraying and Pruning Ph. 7900. 130 Roberts Ave. 0287 SAND A GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, eruabod rock. Shovel A draghnt excavating Wailing Sand A Gravel OO.. pnone 890L SAW FILING F. X. Roasch. 674 S. CapltoL SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED CESSPOOL and Septic cleaned. Free In spection. No. Job too large or amnl! CAll 8745. 0295 EOTO-ROOTEB KEWEB SERVICE Sow era and drains cleaned. Free estimate Prompt service Ph 6121 0 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL ft D1N8TANCE Transfer, atorace Burner oik, ooai. bnqueta Trucks j Portland dally Agent. Lyon Van Line for household goods to California points Larraei Transfer A Storage Pn, 1131 o TRIMMING SPRAYING, Rototiller work, trimming pruning. Salem Tree Co. Ph. 2130. 0284 VACUUM CLEANERS ELECT ROLL X Sales 4c Service Si Repairs Limited amount of new machines avail able Office 175 8. High. Ph. 8088. o288( FREE InspeotLan is youi noma author Md Hoover eervloe We aerV.6 alt make it cleaners Hogs Bros Ph 9149 WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates. T, PULLMAN. Ph. 5065 0286 WELL DRILLING J. A. KNEED A SONS. Well drilling. 2506 Brooks St., Salem. Phone 6R0S. o309 WELL DRILLING 4 U Kiuo Ri , Boa 131-1 Satem. Ore First ooua tout; al dwecu cbo Ph 24 267 ' WINDOW CLEANING NOTHING TOO LARGE or too small. We clean them all. Herb's Window Cleaning and Janitor Service, Business, office, home. P.O. Box 84. Ph. 25564. o289 ACME WINDOW" CLEANERS. Windows walls and woodwork cleaned. Pioori cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph. 3337 347 Court. Lang doc. Culbertson A Mather. 0 CLEAN IN O SERVICa WOOD SAWING R. B. CROSsTph. 8178. LODGES Meet every Wednesday evening Visitors wel ' come. I OOF Building. Pacific Lodge No. 50, AT. & A.M. Stated meeting, Friday, Nov. 15, 7:30 p.ra, 271 Egg Price to retailers: AA Urge. 6fir; A laree, 60-61c; AA medium. 58c; A me dium, 57-58c; A small. 44c dozen. Cheese Prices to wholesalers. Portland: Ores on sinales, 53 -56c lb.; Oregon loaf, .S4-58C triplets, Sli -56c, Poultry: Dressed Turkeys No, 1 young hem. loose, f .o b, pistil, 46c lb.: No. 1 tonis, 2Ac lb. advance basis, n re neri Chickens Bell In relallers: Spring broilers. 3 lbs up, 53c: colored hens, 37c: leahorn fowl, 32c; old roosters and sins 2flc. Live Chickens No. 1 t.eehorn broilers. 1 tn 2 lbs.. 33-36C lb: fryers 2 to 3 lbs.. 37-36c; 3 to 4 lbs , 37-38c lb; roasters, 4 lbs. and (.ver, 37-38c. Fowl, leghorn, All wts 22-33c; fowl, colored, all wets., 27-28r: roosters and staas. 12-17c lb. Rabbits Average lo retailers, 5nc lb; dressed prices !o producers. 43c: fryers, live, white, 33-23C lb; colored. 33c lb. Vegetables: Artlrhoket Cal. 11 85 for 2 doren. Beets Local, 65-75c doa, bunches. Broccoli 1 .SO-1.65 his. Bruasel Sprouts 12.35-2.30, 12-baku flat. Cabbage Round hsd, 8ft lb. ersies. 32.25-2.50; fancy, t2.75-2.85: red. 4-3c lb: kraut. 11,15.1.35. Carrots Local bunched, B-rtor. crale, 12.50-2.75: Cal,. 6 dor, 14.75. Cauliflower Local No. 1. 12-2.25; No. 2. 11-1.?$. Celery Lsbish. Mil aukle. crates, nm- cal, 11.75-2: blAnched, 12.75-3 crate. heart. J1.85 for 2 doi. Cucumbers California luss, $3 25-4: Florida. 52 lb. bushel basket. 17.35-7.50. Eggplant cal.. 20-lb. crates, J2.75-2.85. Garlic Oregon while, 25-30c lb. lettuce Mid-Columbia. $3.23-3.75 crale: California 15,30-5.75 4 and 5-dm. era'e. Onions Wash ins ton white. No. I 11 t.2ft: Oregon, yellow. No. I. 1. 25-1. 50: areen bunched, 80-!Oc: Idaho white glomes. 1 1.5(M.n; large, 11.83; yellow Spanish, SI .20-1.23. Parsley Local, 75.80c dosen. Peppers California, crates. 74 lb . !R.m 8.50: 44 lb. 14.33-5; Texas, 13.33-3.50; chili peppers, II fist. Potatoes Washington Russets. 12.50- 2.65; 50 !bs, No. 2. 90r-f!.10: local lonft white, 12.53-2,65 cwt; Klamath Russets. No. 1, I2.6S-2.75; Deschutes, No. 1, 12.75 3; bakers 13 50-3.75. Radishes Local, red, 7l)-75c dos Riiiabssas SI. 15-1.25 Iuk. Spinarh20-lb. boxes, 11.5(1. Squash Danish lutts. 11-1.15: orange boxes, 12-2.25. Sweet Potatoes Cal., 50-lb. basket, 13.90-4.25: Louisiana yams. 50-lb. 14X0- 4.25; Calif.. 14. Tomatoes California at Is, wrapped, 14-4.25; reparkrd 14.25-4. 50. TurnipsBunches, 11. 10-1.23 dot. Fresh Kruit: Apples Oregon Orlleys. faced and fill ed, $2.25-2 50: Kiuks, Winter Bananas, loose, 11.50-2; Red Delicious, wrapped and packed, 14. 35 -4. 50; Inoie, J3-3. ,ift; Jonathans, wrapped and packed, 13.35 3.50. Avocados California Feurtes, all sizes, $3.50-5.75 box. Bananas Bunched 9'iC lb; cut hands, 110.15-10.50 a 100 lbs. Coroanuls Central America, sacks of 100 122-23. Cranberries Orea-on. 35-lb, boxes: Larce, 1B-0.25; medium, $8.75-0. Grapefruit Florida white. ROs and larg er. 15.50-8; Texas pink, $6.75-7; Texns white, $4,50; Arizona 60s and lamer, 12.75 3. Grapes Cal. 2R-pound lidded Inas: Em perors, 13.75-3.85. Lemons California, all sixes, 17.25 S.2.V Limes California 15 tubs of 6 limes, $2.65-2.75. Oranges Calif., 344 and small, 4 6.50: 392s $5.75; Florida, wirebound box es. 250i 15.75; larger 16-6.50; Calif, na vels 200s and larger 8,25 box: 220$ 18; 252s. 17; 288s $6.25; 344s, $5.M1. Pears Hood River D'Anjoii, $4.75-5 wrapped and packaged boxes: loose, Bosc. Loose. S3 25-3 50; Yakima. $3-3.25; Corn ice, local loose, $2.23; Hood River loose. $2-2.35. Persimmon Calif, lugs, $2 50-3 Po meg ran ater. -1.7.'-' a laer lug. Tangerines 12.50-3M, 4)u f nee Locnl. J -Jc TV. Packaged Vegetables Cellophane wrap ped, a dozen: Broccoli, $2.35-2.30; spin ach, 24-12 or.. $2.15-2 25: cauliflower seg ments. 16-or.. $2.25-2.30; salad. 8-os . M. 15-1.20; Brussels sprouts, 8-ot., $2.00- 4.13. Garlic Cloves 20 1-oz, packages, 11. 65- 1,75. Dressed Meats! Veal Best qualilr. 2fl-27c lb; B, 13 24c: C, 21 -33c; cull. 18-20c lb. Hogs Block butchers, pneker style. 15ft- 313 lbs.. 3.1 -34c: over 213 lbs. 33c Sows, all weights 39-JOc lb Lambs AA 34-35c; A, 32c; B, 27-2Bc: C. 23c. Miittnn -12-16e lb. according to quality and weight. Beef Bt quality, 20-32r: B. 25 -36c; C. 22c: canner and cutter, 18-20c; bolog na bulls 25c, Wool, Cases ra Bark: Casrara Bark Oreen, 6-8'ic: dry, 20c. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades, 45r lb. Mlialr- 40e lb on 12-mnnth arowlh. II idea Calves, 26-30C lb., according to weight; freen beef, 16-t7c lb; kip hides, 23-24r. Rendered Inedible Fats He lb. Nuts: Almonds California. 33-33c )h. Flllierls (new crop) Barcelona, Jum bo. 32-34c lb; large. 26.-28 Sc ; fancy, 22c and up: baby, 20-22r: Dilciiilly Jum bo. 28'i-34c; lame, 2c: Inncy, 24c: brix nu us, jumbo, 34c; fancy, 24c In 100 1b. hags. Walnuts Openln price: First quality Fra liquet i es Jumbo. 40c; large, 17c; me dium, 35'ic; soft shell Jumbo, 40c; large, 38c; medium, 35'ic. , Chestnuts 20-30c lb. The above prices quoted to the whole sale trade are F.OB, shipping points. Delivered eastern price fs generally I cents higher than F.O.B, plant quota tions. Chicago Livestock Chicaco. Nov. 15 OPi USDA1-a1able hoax 9.500, total 19.300; market slow throughout ; bulk sales steady to 25 cents higher; but. market closing w!: 'i most advanre lost on around t.000 head: good and choice 180-300 pound 24 85-25 10; top 25.25 sparingly and 25.00 popular price; late sales Similar weigh'.', and grades 24.85-24.90; sows steady; good and choice 24.00-24.35; good clear ance Indicated. Salable cattle 3.000, total 4.0O0: sala ble calves 700, total 700; good and choice steers active, strong; lower grades alow but mostly steady: heifers firm; cows active; steady to 23 cents higher: bulls unchanged; two loads choice 1,203 lb. fed steer 35.50; st ictly choice) ahsent ; lew medium to low-good steers 19.00 23.50; load good to choice Colorado fed he:Itrs 28.00, Salable sheep 3.500, total 8.51)0: slow: early slaughter lamb trade around 2.'i cents lower; early top 24.35 for deck and small lota toed and choice nai tvr.-,; several shipments held steady at 24.51). few decks good to cholre natives and fed westerns with medium end 23.25 23 75; deck medium to good light went u! natives 21 00; slaughter ewes slow; m,x ed common to choice natives 8.25-8.7 j; good and choice quotable around 9.00. Portland Grain Portland. Nov, 16 fJPt Wheat futurci not. quoted. Cash a rain; oats No, 238 lb, whit" 62.50; barley No. 2-45 lb, B.W. 64.01: corn No. 2-E.Y, shipments 62.50; No. J flax 7.25. Cash wheal fbid i : Soft white 1 ,80 1 i ; .soft white (excluding rex) 1 80 VS 1 white club 1 .39 'i ; weatern red 1 .89 t , Hard rrd winter: Ordinary 1.89't; 10 percent 1.9P; 11 percent 1.96'; 12 percent 2 05'i. Hard wmie Ha art : II) percent 3.29; 11 percent 2.31; 12 percrnt 2 33, Today's car receipts: Wheal, 21; bar ley 12: flour 0. corn 1; oats 1; hay 1: mi llfeed 6; flax 0. Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall, nsa oai Chines m edies Amsrlng success tor 6000 ytan in China No matter with what ail ments your are afflicted disorder, sinusitis, nearu lungs, liver, kidneys gas. constipation, ulsera. diabetes, rheumaiipm, tall and Gladder fevar. kin female complaints CHARLIE CHAN CHINESK BRKB CO. Office Boars la 6 Tnea. and Bat. only 184 N. Cn were lai. Phona 81X30. 8ALEM. ORaV Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday. Nov. lo, 1946 15 Chicago Grain Chicago, Nov, 15 (UPi Cash nraln sales: Wheat nominally firm; no sale; . Corn stencty; new 3 yellow 136-137: 4 yellow 128'. -131: 5 yellow lia-127'l1; sample a rude yellow 1!0-135: j : sample grade yellow 110--125'.i: sample grade whit 57, Oats easy; 1 white 85's; 2 white 85i. Soybean.: 2 yellow 321), Barley: Mulling 145-165 nominal; feed 115-125 nominal. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., Nov, la fU.Pj Livestock: Cattle salable 83; calves 10. Mark.'t fairly active; strong at, ceiling; many cows selling one dollar above weed's low. with other classes sivong to 50 ecu's higher: few common (o medium steers; common to medium heifers 12.50-16.00. canner and cutter cows 9.0O 11.00; medium beef cows 13 QO-12.50. good beef bulls 15.50: good 400-300 pound gras cahes 16.25-17.25; choice vealers salable to 18 00 or above. Hogs salable 25: market steady. Choice 388-pound butcher 25.00; good 450-47.1 pound sows 22.50-33.00: choice feeder piss salable around 22.00. Sheep salable 150; qua lily poor, no early sales. Fat lambs nominally weak; good to choice wooleri and shorn Iambs mostly 10.50-15.50; good ewes 6.50-7.50. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance sf Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) Bet all Prices Rabbit FeedsPellets. 14.05 cwt Keg Slash $4 65 cwt. Iatrv Feed 13.90 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens. No. 1 27e lb No. 2 24c. Colored fryers. No. 1. 38o lb Cgga Buvers Prices- white and Brown extrs larga grsda A 58c. died 34c, standards Wholesale Price Large 64c dozen, med 60c. standards 55c. nutlet Wholesale, A 83c. Retail Grade A. 80c Bulterfat Premium. 80c; No, 1. I8e. No. 2. 84o Births, Deaths Births H u chin son To Mr. and Mrs. Flrinn N. Hutchinson. Mtll City, a daughter, Janet Kay. Nov. 4. Fry To Mr. and Mrs, Sylvester F. Fry, Aumsvllle, a daughter, Barbara Jean, Nov. 2. Aumsville -Mr. and Mrs. Omar Roberts, Jr. I Bud i are the parents of a daughter born Nov. 11 at the Salem Oeneral hos pital. They neve another daughter. Mr. and Mrs. K. Kunx are the parents of a son who was also born on Nov. II. Sllverton- To Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vn el, a sou, November 14, at Sllverton hos pital. Deaths Mrs Addle Belle T.ivlnr Mrs. Addle Belle Taylor at her r deuce at route 1, Albany, Thursday, No vember 14, at the age of 86 years. Mother of Mrs. Addle Dickson and Hen Taylor of Antelope. Oregon, and Mrs. Lvda A. Kelly of Albany; and sister of Henry Palmer of Salem. Also survived by seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Announcement of services later by Clough-Barrlck company, Irving Bunre Irving Bunre died In this eltr Novem ber 15. Late of 166 West Miller street and husband of Josephine Bunce of Salem. Father of George L. Bunre of Portland and Mrs. Rernlce Ewlne. Grandfather of rtussell Ewlng and the late Oeorce Les ter Biince. Jr., killed on Okinawa, May 4. 1945. Member of IOOF lodge and Hal Hibbard camp No. 6 of the Spanish Ame rican War Veterans of Salem. Funeral services will be held Monday, November 18. at 11 a.m. at W. T. Rledon chapel with Inierinent at the IOOF cemetery. Graveside ritualistic services by Hal Hib bard camp No. 6, Spanish American War Veterans. Carl Vogl In this city November 14. Oarl Vogl, late resident of route 6, box 353C, at the age of Bl years. Survived by his wife, Theresa Voal or Salem; 14 children, George, Carl, Herman. Frank, John. William and Jo seph Voal, nil of Salem; Mrs, Anna Keene, Mrs. Frances Heine, Mrs. Mnrie Kirscher. Mrs. Theresa Martin. Mrs, So phie Gronn, Mrs, Grace Ru check and Mrs, Elizabeth DarnbiiAch: 30 grandchil dren and 12 great grandchildren. Recitn tion of the rosnrr Friday, November 15, at 8 pm. at the W, T. Rlgdon chapel. WANTED! Walnuts & Walnut Meats Highest Cash Price on Delivery MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 460 North Front St., Salem The Drug Store Is Very Busy By .1. H, WIMett of the Capital Drill Store You hove noticed, nf coursp, how busy the average drug store is these days. There is a reason for this, nf course. More people are concerned about thoir health, more people realize that health in wealth. "We invite your proscription business, for very good rea son. We are busy, that's trim, but we have made this business of health, our life's work. U'c want to ;erve you and your fam ily and we can do it. Your doctor's prescription is safe in our hands. We know how to interpret his abbrevia tions, his dots and dashes. That's our job. You may be sure that all of our skill, our knowledge and our reputation for accuracy and for competence are at your service. This Is the 415th of a S"r:- of K!:nr it Advertisements appeanni in the Cafi: U Journal each rrlrtay. Cnpyritht Willett's Capital Drug Store Cor. State & Liberty I'h 31m z Services will be held Saturday, November 6. at 9 a m, at St Vincent's de Paul hurch. Interment In St. Barbara ceme tery. Curtis Enlonr Curlts Knlow. late resident of 1010 How ard street, at a loral haspital, November 13. survived by his wife, Louise Enlov of Salem; and a datiKhter, Marie Enicw ol Salem: a sister, Mrs. AJphia Dobbs of Pierce City, Mo; father, Robert Eniow of Pierce Cltv; two brothers, Norman of Redmond, Ore,, Hurley of Baldwin Park, Calif.; three, linlf brothers and one half er in Pierce City. Services will bo held Snlurd.iv. November 16, 1(1:30 a.m. from C'.ouah-B.irrick chapel with Rev. Dud ley Strain officiating with Interment at C:ty V.ew cemetery. Ior Meeker Ivor M'eker. November 13. in Seattle, at the nae of 53 years. Survived by his wife. Mr. Ames Meeker of Seattle: a son, Harlan Meeker or Seattle; and a sis ter Bessie Merkr of Wisconsin. A mem ber of James post No. 9, American Legion, at lleminford, Nebr. Services will ba held at Ihe CloiiEh-n.irrlck chapel Satur day Novemorr 16, at. 2 pm. Interment in Hie City V.ew cemetery. Dr. Joseph Adams will officiate. C.etirce A. Matter At. tiie pidrn.-e at roii'.e 3, box TP0. November 14. Genrae A. Matter, at lha nee or 45 years. Husband of Vestal Mai ler of Salem: father of Caroline, Louisa and Georce Matter, all ol Salem, and son of Mrs. Louise Matter of France. Ser vices will b held Saturday. November 16. at 11 a m. at Hie W. T. RSftrion cha pel with ronrluding services In the CH7 View cemetery. Rev. Oscar Brown will officiate. Mr. Bessie Muriel I.orfmnr Daltas- Mrs. Bessie Muriel Lonmor, 57, died at l lie hospital Thursday. Fun eral services '.!! be held from the Hen kle A Bolhnan chapel Salurday at 2 p.m. Rev. E.irl Ht nbow officiating snd burial in the lOOF remetery. She was born in Derbv. la.. Dec. 12, IflRit, the daughter of Samuel and Catherine Heat on. 8ha married Claude t.vnn Lonmor at Tlnaley, la,, Nov. 2 1!H0 and lived at Letcher. S D, tn 1915 coming to Dallas m 1036. She was a member of the Presbyterian church, Mnsr.olia Rebeicnh lodge of Fal!.i City and i lie Farmers Union. Surviving ar n daughter, Mrs, Louise L. Brown of Dallas; three .-sous, Paul L.. Indepen dence; Doyle L Falls City: Marvin K , of Dalla.s: also three sisters, a brother and three grandchildren. Chauncev Montgomery Sllverton Cliauucey Montgomery. 33, was found dead in bed Thursday noon at his home on route 1 where he had lived for 25 years. He was horn in Jor dan Vallev. Linn county. May 9, 1811. Surviving is a sisier, Fannie Gordan, SU verton. Funeral services from the mem orial chapel ol the Ekman funeral homa Su.iday at 3 p m. with burial In tha Sllverton cemetery. Joseph Fredrirk Shearer Gales Joseph Fredrick Shearer was horn Dec. 4, 1885 in Grand county, Kan sas. Died this week. He came to Oregon with his parents in 1B31 and spent his hoy hood In Lebanon. During the war was employed in Ihe shipyards in Port land. Came to Gates to make his homa In 1P45. Survivors are one son, Melvin Shearer of Klamath Falls, and his sis ier, Mrs Edward Tltze of Gates. Ser vices at Ihe Weddle funeral parlors & Stay l on will be announced later. Mrs. Rulh Frances Shafler Lebanon Mrs. Rulh Frances Shaffer, 73. died al Ihe Landmark hospital. Sweet Horn-, on Nov. 13. Born Sept, 11, 1873 In Kansas, Alie had lived In Oregon for 60 years and for the past 15 in Lebanon. Services were held Friday at the Leba non Howe-Hi:stnn chapel with inter ment In the IOOF cemetery. Survivors are her widower, Alhert Shatter; two siM era, Mrs. Rosa Billings and Mrs. Rubv Clvmer of Lebanon: brother, James I. Pierce Lebanon: 12 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren. Mn, Lulu Maud Wlshnn Mill Cltv -Mrs. Lulu Maud Wishon Mill City Thursday. November 7, at tha Sweet Horn' hospital after a long ill neas. Born al Glade. Ark., June 3, lftai and wan married lo Wallace Wishon July 6, 1003 at Glade, Ark. Surviving are X children, Kallr Nnhhn nnd Ruby Hutch inson of Mill Cit y, George Wlshnn of Holly, Oregon, Chris Wishon of Snlem, Ores .. Ersia Israel, Elva Morrison of CrnwfordflVllle, Ores.: nine grandrhildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Preshytenan church at Mill City. Sunday, Novem ber 10. Interment followed In the Oatea cemetery at Gates, Oregon. Tel. 7S33