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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1946)
-1 7 5 8 V V J t c p t 8 7 a v B J V c I h li n i S 7! a t. P r g s 2 tl oi tl t( A It tr ti oi r al st T ti U ft h it u in ronKiil TniirnaTr Salem. J" ' ' Church Union Due Saturday The Evangelical and the Unit ed Brethren in Christ have through the past years of mucn prayer, meditation and prepa ration, joined hands in Chris tian fellowship and church un ion, and on this Saturday, No vember 16, become as one in CliYist Jesus, and will be known throughout the land to its many friends, members, and those who are in search of a full and free fundamental salvation as the "Evangelical United Breth ren church." This merger will officially fake place in Johnstown, Pa . over the week-end. From the Oregon-Washington conference of (he Evangelical church have gone seven lay and seven ministerial delegates lo this quadrennial conference, as well a thirty young ministers known as the "Gospel Glee men," singing their way across the country, making 17 slops. They will return to their home churches Dec. 1. Salem is rep resented by Rev. Wilmcr N. Brown, Rev. George K. Millcn, pastor and associate of the First Evangelical church and Walter Lamkin, lay delegate in attend ance at the merger conference. Theme Selected For Town Meeting "Little Man, What Now?" has been chosen as the theme for the year of the "Town Meeting," sponsored by the forum meeting of First Congregational church. The first meeting for the year has been scheduled for Sunday evening, November 24, at 7:45 In the ladies' parlor. Dr. O. R. Chambers, popular professor at Oregon State college, Corvallis, has been secured as the leader of the first session of the "town meeting." This is an open meet ing, and all Interested persons ere Invited to attend and bring their friends. The evening is planned to follow the style of a town meeting and it is to be hoped that a fine exchange of ideals will result. Canterbury Club At Saint Paul's The Canterbury club and the Young Peoples' Fellowship of Saint Paul's Episcopal church will be present at the 5 o'clock vesper service In the church. ATtcr vespers the young people will be served refreshments in the parish house by Saint Anne's guild. A delegation of young people from Corvallis will be special guests Clearances i'i n i' 5 Choice of the Our complete slocks of coals anil suits in our downstairs apparel sections will be placed in this clearance at jfivally reduced prices! Excellent selections! Sizes SI to 5. WOMEN'S DRESSES 4.98 Regular to $12.8-1! Wool or Rayon JUMPER DRESSES 2.98 Red and Navy Blue Corduroy Regular to .f,r).!)5 WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES 1.98 Regular lo $-1.(10! Regular and wraparounds in washable cotton prints. Choose now and save! PLEATED SKIRTS 1.98 Regular lo $.V00! Brown and Black BLOUSES 1.98 Values lo $.").()0 One Special Lot SLIPS Values WASH SLACKS 12 to 18 in ONE TABLE OF Values Oregon. Friday. Nov. 13. lfl lfi " ' NEWS OF SALEM'S CHURCHES Four Corner Bit i lift State st. at El mm A. Rfv trunk O. J-Vrrin, pastor. Bible .school 9 V), Bf Swinford. supt. Morn ins servicr 11. Srrntoii, " What Thiiw ye of Clirm?" Younu firople's train, union 6.30. Ei'r-iiuig service 7:J0. Sermon, "Tae New Man " HtthH nanlist No. Collar at D. M. Custav O. KaMicr, pntor, Sunday school 3:45 a.m. Morning jrv!cf 11. Scrmnn, "Five Blowings of Juki ilication". Eve nina ricc 7.30, Sermon, "Giow.tiK Christians The Reorianlril Church of .lrn Christ if I..I. Corner N. 17ih and Ciu'iiu'iir-'a si. Cimrh nt'linol 10 a.m. Prrachum ser vice 11 a.m. Charles H. Asher, pastor. Ftr.l Christian Ontrr and Hiali .,., Dudley Strain. paMor; Clay .1. I'miif-roy, associate pn.sI.or. Sunday school 0:45 a.m . Smith Holt, supl. Morning ncrvlre 10:50 o'clock Srrinon. "Divinity or Dealh" ly thn minister. YoiHh -,liolr rehrarsal a h pm. Junior HI. Senior HI and Phi Zi-tft Chmlo group meet at 0:15 p.m. Evening service 7;30 o'clock. Emmanuel Penlerosliil 445 Kerry M. Rev. Clovis CpuU im-uor, 10 a, in. Sunday .school hour. 11 a.m. Morning worship aer vice . fl:.1f) p.m. Younn people's meet Inn. 7:30 p.m. Eva line list leal service. First SpfiilualUI 248 N. Comrnrrrial. Services at 2 Hit and 7.30. Speaker, Rev, Maxine Roberts. Circle nt 6. Church of .ItK-i Chmt nf l.atler tin? Saints VFW linll Hond and Church. Don H. Wall, bin Imp. Sundny school 10 a.m. Priest hood meet ins, relief society and primary 11:30 a.m. Evening service 6:30 o'clock. .Im.ii Name Tentecoftlal Tahemarle South 12! h nnd Leuls .Ms. Wilbur Kin, pasior. Sundny schnol in a.m. Morn Ink servirit 11 o'clock. Evening service 7:45 o'clock. First Hhurrh of inri-CoM ace and Hood sis. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Schlnller, nnii iMers. 8:45 a.m Sunday school, Mrs. Wm. Drawer, aupi. 10:45 a in. Junior church. 1100 a.m. Sermon, "The Lord's Body", el 4ft p.m. Youth fellowship. 7:45 p.m. Sermon, "An Indelible Record". Ilithlanri Avenue Friend Church Church at. at Highland. Covii E. Gregory, paMor. Sunday rimol 10 a.m. Preaching II a.m. Waller Lee who Is the chair man or the Board of Missions of Oregon yearly meetina of Friend will he the speaker in the morning service. He will present some new projects of our work in Bolivia. Christian endeavor 6:30 p.m. Evening meeting 7:30 p.m. rirt Klelhodist Church and S'ale. Jo.srph M. Adams, pastor. Sunday school 9 4.i a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon, "Making Money Count". II a.m. NEW RADIOS ARE COMING But the number Is not as yet large. We carry a sample line of radios and can take your order for future delivery on a rotation basis. If you are interested drop in and see them. The Morrow Co. 153 South Liberty St., alni, Orgon DOWNSTAIRS MILLER'S ... WOMEN'S SUITS AND Stocks! a t to $5.00! While, Tearose and Flack 1.98 Brown and Navy Blue Regular $4.00 GARTER BELTS, PANTIES, ETC. 98c to $4.00! Choose Now for Gifts! I ?!'' '"i" vl ,:M "The Lire of Ohn.t in i Souk" Kniiht Memorial Com re trail on a I 8: ) a.m. Sunday school. 11 a.m. Morning wor ship. Sermon, '"The Seed and the Har vest", continuing the series on 'hi Beatitudes. "Royal Roads to Happiness' 'J: 45 p.m. Evening service. A aervice lr recognition of the 100th anniversary o! the American Missionary association will be presented by the Lurel Guild followed by a social hour, First FTinceliral United Brethren Marion and Summer sis. Wilmer N. Brown, pastor, Sunday school' 9 Ah a.m. R. H. Ermel. suot. Mornlnc service 1 1 a.m. Dr. Fred Taylor. Sermon, ""The Upper Room Sanctuary'. Evening 1:45 p.m. Men's main. Eddlr Oblnaer and the Western Ptesr, Oupel team. St. John' Lutheran Mo. B'nodt N, 16th and A ais. Rv. H. W. Or on, pasior. Sunday school 9 30 a.m. Morning service 9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Brethren 1125 Elm st. Rev. Abe A. Lop wen pp.Mor. Albert Fadenrecht. asso 9:45 a.m. Sunday school. 10:45 a.m, Mornin? worship, Rev. Loewen. speaker . 7 :00 p.m . Younn People's meeting . 8:45 p ni. Even inn Gospel service. Sermon. "How to Gel Rich '. Court Street Christian 17th M Court st. W. H. Lyman, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning; service 10:50 o'clock. Sermon, "A Bible Truth I Don't Under stand" Evangelist Chamber! in. Christian Endeavor hour 6:30 p.m. Evening ser vice 7:30 o'clock. Sermon, "Who is t-he A ntl -Christ?" Church nt Christ Madison and Baker st. L. L. Freeman, minister. Bible amdy 10 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. Sinim Ji:J0 p.m. Sons drill 7:30 p.m. Sermon 7:45 T.eslie Method!! South Commercial at Myers, Joseph KnoUn, minister, 9:45 a.m Sunday school. 11 a.m, Morning worship, Setmnn, "The Church: The Hope of The Worlds'., 8:30 p.m. Fellowship groups. 730 p.m. Evening worship. Sermon, "When Jesus Comes to Town, Weftlevan Methodist 15th and Mil! at. A. G. Yale, paMor, Sunday school 10 a.m Morning service 11 a.m, Bermon bv Rev, A. G. Yates. Youth meeting 6 45 P.m. Evening service 7:30 p.m. Evangelis tic sermon by Rev, A. O. Yates. First Church nf Christ. flrienlUI Chemckcla and Liberty. Sunday school 11 a.m. Mornlnc service 11 a.m. Sermon. "Mortal and Immortals." Evening ser vice 8 p.m. Sermon, same. Central Lutheran Hood and Nor'h Summer jits, R. A. Knieger, pasior. Sun day school and Adult Bible class 9:45 a.m. Morning service at 11 a.m. Sermon, "On Business for Ood." Junior Lutner league 7 p.m. St. Mark Kvanseliral Lutheran 343 M. Church st. M. A. Getiendaner. pastor, Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11. Sermon, "Accountable". Luther league 6: p.m., Thomas Wheeler, leader. Pastor's instruction lecture 9 p.m. Subject, "TruLhs About God", Englewood I'nited Brethren N. 17th and Nebraska. J. M. Goodheart, pasior. Stui day school, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, U o'clock. This service is for the recog nition of veterans of World War n and will be called "We Were There." At 8:30 P.m. the young people will give a steward ship play for both societies. At 7:30 o'clock the pastor will preach on "Equal Beginning and an Equal End: That's the AT COATS 19.95 0 . 1.98 I it Mary Anne Brady Sunday Soloist Miss Mary Anne Brady is the iuest soloist at the First Ev angelical United Brethren church this Sunday. She will sing "The Lord's Prayer" by Malotte. William Fawk, church organ ist, will play "Andante Tra(i quillo" by Mendelssohn, "Ber ceuse" by Dickinson, and "Fu que in C" by Krebs. Rub." 30 p.m.. youth round-up. Sup day school council meets Monday at 7:30. First BaptistLiberty and Marlon Sis. Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Sunday -scr-ool. :4S a.m.. Ray Cates. superintend ent. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject: "Be Ye Holy." Evening service. 7:30 o'clock. Sfrmon subject: 'The Tares Among the Wheat." Soalh Salem Friends South Commercial and WasninBlon. J. Francis Lowe, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. M or nine wor ship, 1 1 o'clock. Christian Endeavor, 6 P.m, Evening service, 7 o'clock. ImmHnuel Baptist Hael at Academy. Lee Wiens, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Cla&Aes for all ages. Morning wor ship, 11 o'clock. Sermon stibiect : "The Christian and the World." YounK Peo ple's meeting, 7 p.m. Evenlnv service, 7:M o'clock, 'The Importance of Pente cost." West Kalem Methodist Gerih avenue and Third. O. Leonard Jones, pnator. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m., Mr. Leo Eety, superintendent. Morning service. 11 o'clock. Sermon subject : "Achieving Fellowship." Evening service, 7:30 o'clock, "The Church and Her Task." Calvary Chapel, Full Gospel 1275 N. Church St., Salem. Rev. Cloude C. nnd Mary W. Bell, pastors. Sunday Achool, 9:45 a.m. Morning service, 1 1 o'clock. Youth service. 7 p.m. Evening service. 7:45 p.m. Keventli-Dar Advenllsl Corner Hood and Summer. G. T. Dickinson, pastor. Sabbath school. Saturday, 9:30 a.m. Morn I LAUNDRY jjjjPffi COMPLf Tf WITH STAND. FAUCET AMD TRAP I 5 (rfT)Rll3 I f Sturdily conntructea. Mada of wittArnrAnf Mmuii 1 V x'' Sturdily constructed. Made of waterproof cement. Rounded corners, smooth finish. Two compartments, each 24x24 inches and 14 inches deep inside. Rounded corners, smooth finish. Two compartments. Tt , j-., ' , ' v S-i each 24x24 inches and 14 inches deep inside, ' ' "J 15 i$ ing nervir.e. 11 n'eloeV Subject: "Week of Prayer." Young People's meeting st .1:30 p.m. Special Week of Prayer serv-ir-s every night next week, Sunday tt Friday at 7:30. Cbrtat Lutheran State street at 18th. Rev, C. R, Schuls, pastor. Sunday school and Bible classes at 9:45 cm. Morning service, 11 o'clock. Sermon subject: "God's Kind of Secuuty," Luther League at 7:30 P.m, Fint Presbvlerian Chemeketa at Win ter St. Chewier W. Hamblin, pastor; Fran cis H. Chambers, assistant. Church school, 9:45 a.m., J. J. Fiizsinimon. tupermtend ent Mo-ning worship, 10:55 o'clock. Ser mon subject: "Reverence for Fidelity." Sermon bv the pastor. Vesper Music merit. 4 p.m. "On Being Narrow M:nded." Med itation fey the pastor: Tiuis Fellowship, ft: IS p.m. Junior High Fellows-hip, 6:30 P.m, College Fireside, 8:30 p.m. Calvary Baptist 1230 S. Liberty. Rev. Charles Durden. D.D.. pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morning service. 1 1 o'clock. Sermon subject: "Clouds That Pass." Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Harvest Pestival. Sermon subject: "Chriv. In the Cornfield." Erangelfstle Tabernacle, Assembly of God 13th and Perry Sis. Rev, Waller S. Frederick, pa.stor, Sunday school, 9:45 a.m., J. Bartiett, superintendent. Morn ing service. II o'clock. Sermon subjec'.: "Every Believer a Priest." 8:10 P.m., Christ's Amoassadors for Y. P., Miss Oliver president. Evening service. 7:15 o'clock. Sermon subject; "The Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Jason Methodist N. Winter at Jef ferson. 8. R&ynor Smith, minister. Church school, 9:45 a.m., Mrs. Lloyd Hockett, superintendent Morning worship, 11 o'clock, the pastor preaching on. "Inspira tion for Living." Intermediate Fellowship, 5:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship. 6:30 p.m. Wesley Fellowship at parsonaae, 7:30 p.m. Salem Trul h Center 263 Ti. Cottage. Lulu Walton Quick, leader. Morning serv ice. U o'clock. Subject; "A Lost Art of Jeus," Saint Paul's Eplanopal Church and Chemeketa street.'.. Rev. George H. Swift, rector. Holy Communion, 7:30 a.m. Church school. 9:4.1 a.m. Prayer aervice and ser mon. 11 a.m. Vesper service, 8 p.m. Foursquare 400 N. 19th. Iter. Charles Tate, pastor. Sunday achool 9:45 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon, "Growth In Grace." Evening service 7:45 o'clock. Sermon. "A Changeless Christ for Homart Jet-Type Electric Pump Quiet, Efficient Unit $119.95 Compact in size, the ij H. P. motor pumps water to a capacity of 660 gal. per hour, ample for most home and farm needs. Suitable for wells to a depth of 100 ft. With only one moving part, repairs are negligible. Gives many years of, service. 484 State St. Salem, Ore. a Changing World." Church nf Christ .N. Cottage at Ship ing. Jas. A. Scott, pastor, Sunday schoal 10 a.m. Morning service 10:45 o'clock, sermon. "Ashamed of Christ". Evening :ervice 7:30 o'clock. Sermon, "The Trans figuration of Christ. Young people's ser vice 4:30 p.m Belhany-EvanieUeal-Rerormed -corner North Capitol st. and Marlon. Rev. Fred F. Ott, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m.. GOOD MORNING "UNTO HIM THAT LOVED US, and washed us from our sins in His own blood and hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father; to Him be glory and do minion forever and ever. Amen." Rev. 1:6-7. Be Wse! Buy SUITS TOPCOATS SLACKS BLANKETS YARDAGE GOODS CRUISER COATS SPORT COATS LEISURE COATS Thos. Kay Wollen 1 y(t Because of "Controlled Roasting," you can always de pend on Hills Bros. Coffee. By roasting the blend a little at a time . . . continuously . . . the automatic control of this exclu sive Hills Bros, process insures an even roast for every coffee bean none overdone, none underdone. So when YOU buy Hills Bros. Coffee every pound has the same matchless flavor. ICSES? If IMBME Fred Krujie. supf.. Young people's instruc tion by pastor 10 a.m. Morning service 11 o'ciock. Sermon, "Live in the Sunshine." Firnt Congregational North Cottage at Marion. Rev, S. R. Huntington. D.D.. Salem's newest dealership In now prepared to handle all of the repairs your present ear might need . . . from com plete lubrication to complete overhaul. No Job is too larje or too small for our well equipped shop and specially trained staff of mechanics. Your New Lincoln-Mercury Dealers WARNER MOTOR CO. 4,'10 North Commercial St. T.; ' '" : : ; ::; : : ' " And Your Gifts cJjrfk ioiiati CCTMAMq iVn Willi Uutf Cctylb j Hills Bros Coffee is packed in i 5gGri both 8asi ior Since metal tuppltet are still limited, there may be occasional shortages of Hilli Bros. Coffee in cans in your neighborhood. pastor. Sunday schnol, 1.45 a.m. Morn Ing service. 10:56 o'clock. Sermon sub ject: "Thoughts on the Subject of Salva- ( non." Senior High Pilgrim Fellowship at ths church, 7 p.m., David Beckett, leader. College Age at the parsonage, 716 N. Capitol, 8 p.m. ANEW SERVICE for SALEM Phone 7249 - - - Now! Mill 26l So. 12th St. 2 GWM REGULAR or ORIP&GUSS-MAKERi tout