Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Nov. 14, 19469 Novmrnza 15-27 inci. M a V L BIG WEEKS of worthwhile values in canned foods offered at a time when loading up the larder, should appeal to every family as a good investment in security and convenience. Stock Up ft the (x)inhA-2i Safuway-Wow! - . TJtafa jup spuh lid from thus Jbtfucal jrwnaq-Aavintf jdoIusaQII Aaks whik qutmtitkA lad Consider these many advantageslfound at SAFEWAY lew Iveryaay Prieir Ir's Sefewsy's policy to mto uin low shelf pricu on ill items erery ajr of th week. No need to wait for weekend speciel Quality Merc hanaiset Your Safeway features nationally-known and accepted brands and offers a wide assortment of staple groceries and beverages, as well aa complete meat, produce, bakery and creamery sec tions; The) Hemwnakeri' tvroawt An extra gateway set-rice, is under the personal direction of Carol Drake, nationally known economist. Write to her tor free help on homemaking hints, party plans or for kitchen-tested recipes. The address: Box 660, Oakland 4, California: tofawoy Fame waorantoat An important thing to remember i the fact that everything you buy in a Safeway store groceries, meats, or farm-fresh produce is guaranteed to please yoe 100 or all your, money tefunded in full. omlly Orel Magaxtnat Only at Safeway can you obtain your copy of this sparkling magazine. .Timely article!, up-to-the-minute movie reviews, special reci pes and many other interesting features for the entire family. And it sells for only Sc. A new issue goes on talc the 2 5th day of each saookfai These are ooly tome of the meny aoventage your Safe way can offer you. Be sat to come in tad see for roof- -.. sell and get Airway Coffoa lb. 33c; 3 lb. 96 Canterbury Tact Vs-lb.pka. 43 FrMh Date, Park Row Ha. Cataup, Red HiU 13Vj-o. bot. 18c Rice. Txo Zanlfh Jlba.25 Sweet Relish, Collins 14-ox. bot. 19c Mince Meat Collins lS-oi. ar. 29s Itrieriy Freak EGGS Grade A M large, dos Grade A ,Q medium, doi.tiW 4fSe rVf((pfc4'el BREAD White or U. Wheat Leef VA-lb. loaf II 11 MIXED NUTS or Ik 90 . FANCY FILBERTS .07 IXLALMOHDS Ik jKf er BRAZIL NUTS 1 W' PEAS Fawy6"" Si'W DfJ A C Libby'iGar- No. 2 fQi "CA3 den Sweet Can DC AC Gardenside Ho. 2 4c Brand Can PelUco Brand SWEET POTATOES Can No 214 can"' frtl Wl Country Home Golden No. 2 4 Ce UWIVIl Bontam, Cream Style Cob CORN, DEL MAIZ Cream Style g Golden Bantam No- 2 can -15C GREEN BEANS SS oi-19 GREEN BEANS ?rr2Tc.fl.14e 146 23 15e GREEN BEANS TOMATOES 4ARi!?. SPINACH imeraldy1Cah DCEK L,BBY'S DEC I J FANCY CUT N0.2eije .CAN Diced Carrots Kor Diced Carrots ocan 11e 12e 12$2.09 122.25 12M.55 122.69 12M.80 12?1.80 12'2.2 12$1.68 12M.68 12176 12M.75 12$1.56 121.29 12M.44 Fresh Produce Features! Texas Pink GRAPEFRUIT Those Sweet, Juicy Ones Everyone Loves! lb. 12k Extra Foney ond Foney Winesap APPLES Grond Eating! Excellent Cookers! lb. 12C CAULIFLOWER Snowy white U 1 heods IUI CRANBERRIES Make some L iC sauce tonight SWEET POTATOES lb. 121c Smooth uniform ttzef Detc hurts POTATOES U. S. NO. Is " Wonderful Bakert Fine for Moehing, Too! 15-lb. Sack 100-lb Sack 55c $2.69 Produce features are for Friday ond Saturday HARPER HOUSE NO. 2H JOe CAN A DD lrtTC He. Vi 0le ArKIWU I J Whole unpld. Can ' Apple Sauce .20' FEARS Canned Prunes $ c.9 22e PEACHES PETNT0E.vcEA5N25e PEACHES HALVES 2ViSCe- 29" Fruit CocktailXTc37e Grapefruit Juice TEXAS TIP, Natural. Grapefruit Juice l2 13c TOWN HOUSE, Sweefened. Grapefruit Juice TOWN HOUSE, Noturol. 44-ez. Con 29c Apple Juice 1 jtJ8c 122.52 12$2.40 12M.68 122.59 122.69 12$3.48 124.25 6?1.49 12 can $2.95 12M.49 12 cans $3.35 12S4.56 Blended Juice 14C; 1251.65 Diena o vx?a. wrenge ana uropcrrun. ORANGE JUICED 14c FULL 0' GOLD. TOMATO JUICE 11 LIBBY'S. KRAUT JUICE LIBBY'S. TOMATO JUICE 4T 24e SUNNY DAWN. V 8 Yeg. Cocktail VEG-ALL CIID CAMPBELL'S jUUr TOMATO SOUP SOUP LARSON'S NO. 2 iTc Mixed Vegelbli. CAN ' IO'i-oi. iA( RANCHO VEGETABLE CAN KH-aa. i4e CAN OSTRUM MUSHROOM JO'j-aa. CAN 15 Tomato Sauce 5 Canned MilkM. .'1.50 Canned MilkTtd.D.$1.50 BABY FOODS "tzSfZT BABY FOODS SUA n. 8e DEYILED HAMNL:TT).17t Minced Clams Tln 33e 121.65 121.29 121.68 61.43 12 cons S2.8I 12M.89 12$2.04 12M.15 12MJ2 12M.80 12FOr60 '$5.98 $5.98 1284' 1296' 122.04 61.75 Caae (48) (48) OREGON U. S. PRIME GRADE A QUALITY TURKEYS TOMS is to 25-ib. n Sr Average LB. "V HENS- -n Average LB. SUf 12 to 16-lb. GROUND BEEF . lb. 35c PORK SAUSAGE . lb. 49c Boneless BEEF STEW lb. 45c BEEF LIVER . . lb. 45c BEEF HEARTS . . lb. 32c Grades AA ond A AA and A Sirloin Steaks Beef Short Ribs and Flavorful T-Bone Beef Steaks Pork Loin Roast Pork Shoulder Steaks Grade A Fowl S'ShS lb. 45c lb. 29c lb. 53c lb. 53c lb. 45c lb. 59c Round Steaks Cut thick for Swiss or thin for Chicken frying. ond a lb. 53c U you want plenrr oi turkey and a large Tom turkey la way too much for your family place your order for a half Tom Tur key. It'e lust a easy to roast Iih directions at tha right) and you save the dlfterenca In price per pound. Half of a Tom Turkey Par lb. 55c TTtUxjiUanmuA 12,o. $2.04 Chip Diced Beets wrT "ZZ 8C; 12 ,M 96' PUMPKIN LIBBY'S TIN 17' SAUERKRAUT 240zTjAR 18a 12 for $2.16 BLACKBERRIES 26 for $2.70 rUFDDIFC SUN pac VIILIIIIILJ ROYAL ANN CAN 49c U IUI DICED PEARS HIT PARADE ftA (A NO. 2Vi CAN 19c WOI. R. In Heavy TROPIC NO. 2'i OCt. it liyj Syrup TREAT CAN 03 ( 0 FOR $2.10 Nectar noTcM. Doz.$1.80 KIPPERED SNACKS L t.W $2.16 APRICOT VC We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices subject to change without notice. I HOW TO ROAST TURKEYS Holf a turkey It not only better than none, but you may even con sider it better than a whole one otter these simple ways of roosting It ore followed! BUYING HINTS: Allow one pound ior each petaea. Have heed and ieet removed. PREPARING rOH ROASTING: Remove ptnfselhert and coarse feathers from wing tips with strawberry hullen, tweezers or paring knife. Singe off any remaining hair. Remove oil sac by making a deep wedge-shaped cut in tail. Thoroughly clean body cavity, saving giblets for gravy. Cut off neck inside skin close to body. Scrub outer skin with brush and warm water. Rinse, inside and out with cold water; pat dry with paper towel or clean absorbent cloth. Rub salt ( Vs teaspoon per pound) into body cavity. Skewer leg and wing to body and skin to the meat on the edge of breast bone to prevent shrinking of skin and to protect breast meat. Simmer neck with giblets for gravy. STUFFING: Place well greased doable thickness of waied paper on rack in shallow roasting pan. Al lowing 6 cups favorite dressing for 10-pound half, place mound of dressing on paper; place turkey half over it, cut side down. ROASTING: Brush turkey wilh melted turkey (at or shortening and roast in a slow oven (325 F.) 20 to 25 minutes lor 6 to 9-pound hall and 18 to 20 minutes for 10 to 12-pound hall. (Add 30 minutes to roasting time if turkey is taken direotly from relrigerator.) Baste occasionally with 'A cup melted turkey fat or shortening In 1 cup hot water, gently spooning it over top of turkey. GREASED CLOTH METHOD: Cover turkey with a cloth dipped in melted turkey fat or shortening. Use 3 or 4 thicknesses ol cheesecloth or 1 oi muslin. If cloth becomes dry, moisten with drippings from roasting pan. Ltnglh of masting lime actually depends on indi vidual turkey. Smaller tur. keys take, longer per pound. Be careful not to overcook. D0DGH BLANKET METHOD: Mix 4 to 6 cups flour (depending on size ol turkey) with just enough water to make still dough. Knead slightly; roll out Vj to Vi-inch thick in sheet large enough to cover turkey completely. Brush turkey with melted tur key lat or shortening; cover wilh dough blanket, letting edges hang loose. (II it stretches too thin over breast or thigh, patch il with extra thickness ol dough.) Pour 1 cup water into pan, or enough water to barely cover bottom; immediately place in hot oven (450 F.) 15 to 20 minutes lor dough blanket to set. Reduce heat to 350 F.; finish roasting. Ro basting is necessary but replenish the water, keeping about 1 cuplul in the pan entke time. Hall an hour before serving time break the still, hard blanket by tapping with a hammer or fork handle to remove it; being careful noi to break the skin. Finish roasting uncovered, increas ing heat if necessary to get desired depth of color. TO TEST FOR D0NENESS: Grasp the end of the drumstick; if joints in the thigh break or move easily, the turkey is done. QWWL OhaliSL Di'rclo, THE HOMEMAKERS' BUREAU An extra Safeway service