d3ricle-lo-le eted in fortiantl Bride-elect o Rodney G Vandeneynde, Miss Jeanne Wil cox ot Portland, will be honor guest Thursday evening when Miss Patricia Vendeneynde en tertains with a dinner party. Guests, friends of the bride elect's from Portland, will gather at Redmond's on Barber boulevard In Portland for din ner. Motoring down from Salem will be Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde. Mrs. John Steclhammer and the hostess. Committees 'At Meeting At Wednesday night's meet ing of Meadowlark auxiliary, No. 6102 of the VFW, Mrs. Rich ard C. Cutler, president, was in charge. Mrs. Marvin O'Brien was Ini tiated and appointed new mem bership chairman. Committee reports were heard, given by Mrs. Robert W. Norris, Jr., en tertainment; Mrs. Robert Caton, outgoing membership chairman. Plans for a Christmas party, to be held at the home of Com mander and Mrs. Norris, were made. Only one meeting is scheduled for December be cause of the Christmas holidays. Special prize was won by Mrs. Wilson Waring. Mrs. Flossie Smalley was appointed refresh ment chairman for the next meeting. Refreshments were served to the post and auxiliary by Mrs. Howard Koenig and her com mittee. SilvertonBPW' Plans Contest Silverton Mrs. Opal Roop, retail committee chairman of the Business and Professional Women's club, called her com mittee together Tuesday noon for final plans to be decided upon for the contest which closes late in November. The awards will be made a week following the close of entries at the time the Chamber of Commerce members will an nounce winners in the song guessing business window con tests, are to be made. The committee formulated six rules of the contest. Rule 1 All you do is finish the state ment: "I like to shop in Silver ton, because . . ." Use fifty ad ditional words or less on a plain sheet of paper, or on a ,' printed entry blank that can be furnished by the committee. Rule 2 Print name and ad dress, plainly, and mail or send to the Silverton Appeal-Tribune office. Rule 3 All entries must be in or post-marked on or before mid-night Saturday, November 23. Rule 4 Entries , will be judged on uniqueness and originality. Decision of the judges to be final. Rule 5 All entries become the property of the committee. No. 6 Any one Is eligible to enter the con test. The awards are donations from the business places of town. The three judges are to In clude a city official, a farmer and a school teacher. The awards of both the B & PW club and the Chamber of Commerce prizes are to be made November 30, at some place yet to be named, but the B & PW club entries must be in the hands of the commit tee a week previous. Membership Status Changes Recommendation has been made by the Salem YWCA membership committee to the board of directors that changes be made in status of member ship for the association. In a revaluation of member ship, the recommendation would leave the way open to set up three or four types of membership regular, sustain ing, life, and honorary perhaps. Stress was made by the com mittee to point out membership i in the YWCA is open to all women and girls" of the city who are interested in the YW pro gram and work. The member ship year begins in February The recommendation w 1 1 1 ' come before the membership in two sessions and will be referr ed to the annual meeting in January, i Chapter AB, PEO, will meet for dinner at Nohlgren's on Fri day evening at 6:30 to honor Mrs. B. P. McElveny of Port land, a state officer of the sis terhood. After the dinner a business meeting wil be held at the home of Mrs. Charles E. : Bates. The craft class carried on at the YWCA will hold its regular j meeting Tuesday evening, 7:30: o clock. Further registrations are being taken. For the Tues day session the group will work .on Christmas cards and crafts. : OREGON STATE COLLEGE; Campus Clippings By Helen Paulson Relaxing on the week-end after mid-terms, Oregon Staters had fun attending rallies, the Idaho game, and several dances. Friday night a big snowball torchlight rally was held . . . the snowball rally started at the Beta house and then proceeded through the campus picking up students along the way . . . Everyone nearly froze at the game Saturday as we trampled over the Idano Vandals 34-0. Pi Phi Addyse Lane and DG Venita Howard were seen on the campus Sat urday morning as they were searching for the Home Eco nomics building. . . Addyse and Venita represented Willamette in a speech contest held here this weekend. . . . Many houses held their fall dances this weekend . , , pledges being honored at the Pi Phi formal were Nancy Buren, Ruth Ann Pearcy and Pat Larson. . . . Beverly McGilchrist and Bland Simmons were also seen at the Pi Phi dance. Jean Hoffman and Helen Zie linski were in Corvallis this weekend for the Sigma Nu barn dance . . . another Salcmite down for the Sigma Nu dance was Joan Fitzmaurice who is now attending St. Helen's hall. . . . Norma Cass was seen at the Pi Sig dance. . . . Even though Monday was Armistice day, we still had classes. . . . Morning classes were shortened to allow for an Armis tice day convo. . . . Ruth Falk Is Honored Miss Ruth Falk, whose marri age to James Moore will be an event of November 26, was honored recently when Mrs. Emma Vesper, Mrs. Clyde Cardy and Mrs. Ben Mishler enter tained at the Vesper home. The event was a dessert party followed by a bathroom shower for the bride-to-be. Guests were Mrs. Albert Cox, Mrs. Edward O'Hara, Mrs. Michael O'Brien, Mrs. Albert Anderson, Mrs. Chester Mulkey, Mrs. Egbert S. Oliver, Mrs Melinda Wenig, Mrs. Rex Swi gart, Mrs. C. L. Stark, Mrs Mary Aplin, Mrs. Dean Miller ard Mrs. Lloyd Thompson. ! Junior Women- Club Meets A board meeting preceded the business meeting of the Junior Woman's club Tuesday evening, held at the Salem Woman's club house. Voted into membership were Mrs. John E. Johnson, Mrs. Clarence M. Collins and Mrs. Eugene Morrison. On Saturday, December 14, the club has been invited as guests to the meeting of the Salem Woman's club. Monday evening at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Roy Mink, president, announced, she will open her home to club members who will count bangle pins for the Christmas seal sale. Speaker for Tuesday's meet ing was Mrs. Roy J. Rice, Jr., who discussed modern trends in art, stressing painting, the rela tionship of paintings to the home, and decorating. Lincoln L ineoln Ladies Goodwill club met at the home of Mrs. T. L. Hicks, vice-president, Thursday, at 2 o'clock. Assisting Mrs. Hicks were Mrs. R. J. Meissner. Mrs. H. D. Burns is newly elected presi dent of the group succeeding Mrs. Nels Yenckel, president for three years. Clipper-Bound For Sunshine t ....;, - ,.-?. .jsr:.:r Bound for the land of sun- shine this week was Mrs. j Jessie C. Jones, who with Mrs. L' E. Caviness of Port- land left earlier in the week for Hawaii. The two matrons, caught L by the shipping strike in San L Francisco, waited a month ; for passage to the islands, and were fortunate enough to get Clipper space. They plan to winter In Honolulu, where they arc registered at the Moanoloa hotel, and will visit with Mrs. t Caviness's daughter, Mrs. John Kitlits, who makes her home in the capital. Mrs. Walter Spaulding, presi dent of the Salem Woman's club, will open her Court street home Friday afternoon at 2:30 p'clock to members of the public wel fare committee of the club, chairman of which is Mrs. F. M. Lobdcll. The group will discuss the year's work and hear as guest speaker, Miss Lcnore Headlcy, director of health edu cation of the Marion county health department. Visiting in Portland was Mrs. F. W. Poorinan on Tuesday. New Chapter of Beta Sigma Vhi Thirty-two pledges were in itiated Tuesday evening into Beta Sigma Phi, cultural anil social sorority, at a candle light ritualistic ceremony at til.? Marion hotel. Miss Elizabeth Sprague from the sorority's headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, was in charge. Miss Donna Unrur was in stalled as president of the new chapter, just organized. Miss Helen Voorhees, vice-president; Miss Donna Boyle, recording secretary; Miss Rosalie Hurst, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Alfrieda Sheythc, treasur er. Mrs. Ted Medford will serve as sponsor for the new chapter. The new chapter is the sorori ty's second in Salem. The or ganization has 2.000 chapters in the United States, Canada, Al aska, Hawaii, England and Scotland. Pledged to the sorority were Misses Bernice Asper, Marjorie Balcer, Imogcne Hizer, Donna Boyle, Bonnie Baldock, Alma Johnson, Dorothy Bnldock, Janet Meachorn, Edith Kyle. Gayle Priem, Rosalie Hurst, Ina Cameron, Lorraine Overgard, Helen Vorhees, Eulalia Blun dell, Jessie Preston, Donna Un- Capilnl Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Nov. 1 J, 1946 7 ruh, Monette Moling; Mesdomes Donald L. Parker, Arthur Cummins, diet Nelson, Robert Benfram, Roger Cochran, Wil liam McCarthy, Douglas Balcer, John Stortz, Sam Campbell, Ralph Steele, Albert Ebsen, Al frieda Sheythe, Irma Grace Turner and Helen Branlner. Past Matrons, OES, to Meet The Past Matrons' club of the Order of Eastern Star will hold its regular monthly dinner meet Friday evening, 6:30 o'clock, at the Golden Pheasant. After dinner speaker will be Dr. Norman Huffman, Willam ette university professor of religion. Hostesses are Mrs. Elmer L. Hildreth, Mrs. O. W. Emmons, Mrs. Kena Cherrington, Mrs. Arthur H. Moorehouse, Mrs. Jennie Chalmers, Mrs. Ethel M. Prigge, Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. Gertrude Wilson. Portland visitor on Tuesday were Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr. and her daughter, Jean. Mt. Angel Dr. and Mrs. Or vall J. Williams left Thursday for Seattle where they will at tend the Oregon-Washington football game. They will re turn home Sunday. Miss Higinbotham Tells Date of Rites Silverton Miss Betty Jean Higinbotham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Higinbotham, is revealing the date of her forth coming marriage to Veikko Manners of Astoria to be De cember 7. The bethrothal of the young couple was announced somo time ago. Salore club for business an. professional girls hi the YWCA will meet Mondav evening at the YW for shell craft work at 7:43 o'clock. Mrs. Chester Cox, Miss Eliza beth Lord and Miss Edith Schry ver were in Portland Tuesday evening for the performance of the Ballet Russe at the auditor ium. Preceding the ballet, they dined at the University club. "SPECIAL" LOAN SERVICE t Married or single if you'r 'working, got 2b to 250 ori more on Just your signature. Noi HL co-signers. Lunch-hour service V fbuxmat mnanci commnt wmm. of Salem, Oreeon E. Galllnger, Manager 518 State St. Km. 125 Phon ftlAI Me. 8-132. M-HI Jr$Z OULflfLCLtlA vJ If CUimjCLTLA. Kot for uonfr 466 STATE STREET... salem.:. Oregon:.: