Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 14, 1946, Page 6, Image 6

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Society, Edited by Jean Taylor, Phone 3573 it
'lAJed in Silverton fecenllij
'' Silverton In an impressive ceremony at St. Paul's Catholic
church, Silverton, Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, October 30,
Miss Elizabeth Rcgina Sthamann daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Sthamann became the bride of Lawrence J. Martin,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Martin, with the nuptial mass said by
the Rev. Father John J. Wnlsn,;
parish pastor, before the candle
lighted altar banked with seas
onal flowers. The children's
choir sang with Sister Virginia
at the organ.
The bride was given in marri
age by her father. She wore
ivory white fashioned with a
fitted lace bodice, sweet heart
neck, three-fourth length
" sleeves, a full net skirt, floor
length, over taffeta. Her finger
fin al nf eilb- not fall tmm a
coronet of orange blossoms. Her
gift from the bridegroom was
a zircon bracelet and her
borrowed gift was a single
strand of pearls. She carried
a white prayer book topped
with an orchid from which fell
satin ribbon cascades. Her only
attendant was her sister, Miss
Mary Lou Sthamann, as brides
maid wearing pink taffeta with
matching beret and a double
string of pearls, gift from the
Francis Kempt cousin of the
bridegroom, was Mr. Martin's
best man.
The mother of the bride wore
a gown of wine velvet, black
accessories and a white carna
tion corsage. Mrs. Martin,
mother of the bridegroom wore
black with grey accessories and
white carnations. The two
grandmothers of the bride
groom, Mrs. Margaret Martin,
in black with white carnations,
and Mrs. Martha Reed in navy
blue and an identical corsage
as Mrs. Martin, were also pres
ent. A wedding breakfast follow
ing the ceremony, and an after
noon reception were at the
home of the bride'i parents,
with Mrs. Sthamann assisted by
Mrs. Joe Gander, Mrs. Joe
Kempf, Mrs. Matt Martin, Mrs.
Tom Miller and Mrs. Ray
Maucr. More than 123 guests
were served. Cutting the cakes
was a sister of the bride. Mrs.
Richard Coons of Vancouver.
Other sisters of the bride, the
Misses Catherine and Margie
Sthamann, served coffee and
presided at the punch bowl.
For traveling Mrs. Martin
wore a grey and black gaber
dine tailleur with black acces
sories and a single orchid cor
sage. The bride attended the schools
of Sebeka, Minn., and the bride
groom finished the Silverton
schools and attended Mt. Angel
college. They plan to make
their home in Silverton.
Out of town guests included
Miss Ruby Rose, Miss Catherine
Sthamann and Miss Margie
Sthamann all of Sacramento,
Calif., Mrs. Richard Coons of
Vancouver, Joe Sthamann,
Arthur Sthamann and Lawrence
Doll all of Hodgeville, Sas
katchewan, Canada, and Mr.
and Mrs. C. B. Eoedigheimer of
Perham, Minn.
Woodburn Club
Sets Campaign
Woodburn Ah interesting
meeting of the Woodburn Gard
en club was held Tuesday night
at the library club rooms with
Mrs. Roy Kuns presiding and
plans were made for a "city
beautiful" campaign with Mrs.
George Timm presenting ideas
for the project which the club
will sponsor. An essay and
poster contest will be offered
In the schools in connection
with the campaign and Mrs
Timm will meet with the ex
ecutive board of the Chamber
of Commerce next Monday to
ask their aid. Pictures will be
taken in the spring and again
in the fall to show improve
ment made in various parts of
the city.
Mrs. P. C. McLaughlin and
jT f a
tf - ' J
Engaged Miss Zola Flood,
daughter of Mrs. Jess Peacock,
who recently revealed her be
trothal to Frank Gilmour, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gil
mour. No date has been set for
the wedding. (Jesten-Miller
Mrs. A. L. Cowan were appoin
ted as a committee to meet
with the city council to ask
for cooperation in the matter
with a city wide cleanup pro
gram. It was also planned to
have a garden tour in the sping
and again In the fall.
Roll call was answered with
ideas for winter arrangements
of flowers and greenery. The
best display of flowers for the
evening esulted in a tie between
J. J. Hall and Mrs. George
Frank Covey gave a report
on the red ribbon won by the
club at the spring flower show
at Salem. It was decided to
hold the regular meetings thru
the summer months and was
also voted to present the "Home
Magazine" as a prize for the
best flower arrangement during
the year.
George Timm gave an in
teresting talk on landscaping.
Plans were made to hold the
annual Christmas dinner for
members and families at the
Lutheran hall on the next reg
ular meeting, December 10.
Hostesses for the evening
were Mrs. Mary Tuss, Mrs. P.
C. McLaughlin and Mrs. Paul
Ml 'Angel' CD A
Takes Members
Mr. Angel Seventeen new
members were received into
Court Marion No. 718, CDA,
when initiation and reception
ceremonies were held last Fri
day evening, in St. Mary's audi
torium. One hundred members
were present, including Mrs.
Rose Bell, state regent; Mrs.
Maude Rocque, state treasurer;
Mrs. Helen White, district depu
ty; Miss Anne Erwert, state
secretary; Miss Helen Welch,
grand regent of Court Multno
mah, Portland; Mrs. Hazel Hol
bocke, grand regent of Court
Capital City, Salem; Miss Hilda
Krantz, grand regent of Court
Queen of Peace, Stayton; Rev.
Father Damian. O.S.B.. Chan
lain of Court Marion, and a rep
resentation from the Woodburn
New members admitted to Court
Marion, the largest in the State,
were Mrs. Louis Bernt. Mrs. Ed
ward Schaecher, Mrs. Steve Fleck.
Mrs. Harold Fleck, Mrs. Ernest
Crowder. Mrs, Gordon Aman, Mrs.
Clemens Butsch. Mrs. John Brost,
Mrs. Harold Bourbonnais, Mrs.
Vincent Smith, Mrs. Walter Smith.
Mrs. Eugene Hoffer, Mrs. Rny
Hashing. Mrs. Alice Kroll, Mrs.
Robert VonHatten. Mrs. Leo Volker
and Miss Patricia Connell.
Miss Pauline J. Saalfeld was
toastmaster. Mrs. Urban Butsch
and Mrs. Paul Wachter were
co-chairmen of the committee,
assisted by Mrs. E. B. Stolle.
Mrs. Louis Schwab, Mrs. Val
Eberle, Mrs. F. A. Neisius, Mrs.
Katie Hoffman, Mrs. Edward
Zack and Mrs. William Bean
volunteered their aid.
In charge of the rooms were
Mrs. Louise Welton and Mrs.
Alois Keber, meeting room;
Mrs. Al Lulay had charge of
the decorations for the dining
room. Mrs. A. J. Butsch, Mrs.
Rose Appleby, Mrs. J. J. Penner
and Mrs. Wm. J. Kloft were on
the welcoming committee.
During the supper hour musi
cal numbers were given by the
Academy quartet, Misses Mari
an Unger, Dorothy Prosser,
Jean Connell and Laura
Schwab, accompanied by Miss
Patricia Connell; piano selec
tions by Miss Stella Dummer;
vocal solo was by Eustelle Bau
man accompanied at the piano
by Miss Helen Keber.
Party Honors
Fairview Pair
Fairview Complimentin.?
Mr. and Mrs. John Puutio long
time residents of this district
for their 43rd wedding anni
versary, a surprise party at-v
tended by about 60 relatives
and friends was held at their
home Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Oscar Taskinen and Mra.
George Kangas were the com
mittee in charge of the affair.
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' i; on ATQ
) i AT THE I
t It's new, it's stream. - riCARAkirC CMC
fC V-V iined .it. made of .cin- ILtAKANlt jALt 1
1'Z.-. ''-y filiating plastic! See how the ' J ii !;
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Now :l ; , , I. 115 North Liberty Salem, Oregon I
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Journal Want Ads Pay
COATS - lues to 3 9.7 5, reduced to.
COATS values to 4 9.75, reduced to.
CI CD ATS values to (59.50, reduced to.
One Group of Coats values to ?4.75, reduced to.
Talues to 39.7 5, reduced to.
S LJ ITS values to 49.7 5, reduced to.
values to 59.5 0, reduced to.
- 29.00
- 39.00
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One Group of SuLtS values to 24.75, reduced ta. 10.00
DrGSSGS values to 1(198, reduced to
DfSS6S values to 22.75, reduced to
9:00 A.M.
values to 24.75, reduced to.
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Australian Coney
Finest quality values to 129.00.
Dresses raiues to 3475 reduced to ., 24.00
Silver Blue Northern Muskrat
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Many other fine Fur Coats reduced for Clearance!
Plus Tax