and conservative jfl tie BILLFOLD Genuine leather with zipper closinjj and built-in coin 4 Ifl 17 Flui Tax purse. MEN'S 100 WOOL J SWEATER Button style with double elbow for Mi double wear. Sizes 36-46. i k ftifat huh m B "-j : u AJTT 111: rF.T.T.OPH ANF s- Km f 1 BELL CLUSTERS Wfl ll Decorate your house I Kit itfki V ftll Qfov SCARFS 100 wool I fas i 'Si?!'" TABLE "J! j DECORATIONS Rfc ' - ' 1 Candle- u j- ponds . - A; BEAUTY CHEST GIFT T0II FTP1K O Includes creams, lipstick Sip 3F and powder $M fioS m. f Novelfy Xmas ) 1 r,jUr 0r a -if M LADIES' L I House Slippers ff tJli If Blue and wine wh u M j g'" 1.79 JC 'f , , rJ METROPOLITAN'S Zf " A SENSATIONAL Take advantage of this splendid opportunity to purchase Christmas gifts in this bargain-filled page is specially priced to save you money read you won't be able to duplicate after this event is over. And there are MIXED HARD CANDY i lb. 25c I cXAN f,IIU A HAKTPD Complete with two singleshot uu kuiib aiiu iwu Kaiiv uclu rated holsters. Realistic enough to please any little bucko. INDIAN h TOM-TOM . . 1.69 REX MAY'S PLASTIC RACING CAR . 1.98 Wheelbarrows . FULL LENGTH STORY BOOKS LADIES' BOXED HANKIES Three in a box lace trim. Ideal Christmas gift. CRYSTAL FRUIT SET Eight nappies and fruit dish 1.19 Res. 89c 10xl6-Inch BISCUIT PANS. No Sew, Stainless Steel FOWL LACER... 59C IOC 136 NORTH COMMERCIAL SALE OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS AT HUGE SAVINGS . . . CANDY TIME BARS 3 for 10c DELICIOUS PEANUT SQUARES 47c lb. Vi CFT 1 PLASTIC TEA SET - f fwpc Brightly colored. Includes cups, saucers, teapot, sugar and creamer. iiflFVS-i "Thp Ifclk Soft -pi x'rv 'cgs rcai in 49c f LITTLE HOMEMAKER PLASTIC Kitchen Furniture Includes refrigerator, sink, stove, tabic and four chairs. refriperat c and foi 1.69 59c VALUES Linen Finish TABLE CLOTH 60-in. square. AH white, with blue, rose, yellow or green trim. 2.29 THANKSGIVING GREETING CARDS now! for the entire family, friends and for the home. Every item every one of them you'll find many items to buy NOW! ... at prices many more bargains at the store, too numerous to mention. CARDINAL BOXED CHOCOLATES lib. box 1.29 ROLLER SKATES Ball Bearing Wheels 5.98 f t BLONDIE" Doll with tho Pot-cnnalilv ' bodv. romnosition arms. , and head, eyes that move, nair. iieaumuiiy arcssea white, pink, yellow or blue. BIG CHIEF ARCHERY SET Bow and three arrows with suction cups. Two targets included. LARGE ALUMINUM DOUBLE ROASTER 3.98 . 5c and 10c 1.29 WEST STAR Mixed Nuts 1 lb. bag 79c IN SHELL ALL METAL TOY DUMP TRUCK Streamline cab, dual wheels in rear and crank handle for operating dump. Overall Ion cl h 12 in. "The Tnv Value of the Year." fg$? THE GAME ALL CHILDREN LJKE LOnO ... 15c HEAVY DUTY TOY Farm Tractor . 1 .49 BIG VALUE Coloring Book . 10c LARGE SIZE SET Tiddledy Winks . 59c LADIES' AND MISSES' m SWEATERS jmk Button cardigan style 100 t i wool. Carmel, cherry, coral, ar hi tee black, white and blue colors. Smartest Rwcater ever! $95 PYREX CASSEROLE and COVER 65c 75c 95c 4-PIECE SHIP DESIGN CANNISTER SET . 79c The Store of Better Values mar irm , Liipnai journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Nov. 14, 1940 a BOXED STATIONERY If Fine quality paper in 13 attractive 4 4A box. JLt&y CORDUROY OVERALLS Blue, Wine, Rrown Sizes 4 A 3 to 8. AX7 JUST RECEIVED! A large assortment of fteauliful scenic and floral pictures. Overall size 27x23 inches. r iff GIFT WRAP Fine Quality I0e.hd2$c ' BOXED SOAP 9 bars in Wrapping Cord All Colors BOXED XMAS CARDS Twenty-five greeting cards with np- rat i propriate designs and sentiments. -JjC Wl Each card different. t4SL it m XMAS TREE STANDS Made of heavy "f Afo T quality metal. r HOBNAIL COLOGNE 9-ounce bottle I r. 1 1.29 la