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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1946)
F, i Thursday P. M. KSLM r IKGW IKEX IKOIN B:0ft News Start of Today Tnrry and Pirates Knox Manning Kir Superman News Shy King Muslo B:3ft Cart. Mfdnltht Sonst Jack Armstrom Nrwa 5:15-. Tom MIk News Serenade Newt "7nftZ Gabriel Heatter Music Hall I Ilanice Rldera Dink Ilaymes : 1 ft Orchestra Muslo Ifall j News Dirk Hay met fl:3u i Popular Demand Dennis Day Show j Veterans Crime Photos. fl: l.r Popular Demand Dennis Day Show Town Meet Ins Crime Phot or. 7:00 News (Abbott A Costello Town Meeting 1 Radio Dlsest I News Abbott A Costello Town Meet In Radio I Playboys I Orchestra Town Meeting: Phone Asaln I Playboys ( Orchestra News I Phone Antln K:00 Sound Off Supper Club Turn 'n Abner Newt 8:I.V- Sound Off Fleetwood Law ton Snnxs Jack Smllh Show t:30 Orchestra Aldrlrh Family Lead a Rand I FBI BNo Orchestra Aldrlrh Family I.eadaBand Kill 6:ho News I Burns and Allen Take It From F.ilery Queen 0:15 James Crowley Burns and Allen There f Fllery Queen 0:30 Inside of SporU Noah Webster News t Over the 9 : IS Orrbesira Noah Webster News Rainbow JO: f0 Fulton Lewis, Jr. News Flashes News I Five Star Final In: Iff News Our Duty Rhythm J Symphonette 10:30 News I Eddie Cantor Concert Hour Symphonette 10:45 Safety Prorram I Eddie Cantor Concert Hour I Texas Earners 11:00 Orchestra News Concert Hour I Serenade ll:lff Orchestra Orchestra Concert Hour lOrcheslia 11:30 Orchestra Orchestra Orchestra J Alr-FIn 11:45 Newt Orchestra Orchestra Air-Flo 13:00 ; sign Off Sign Off X-tra nonr Silent Friday 6 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. fl:0fl I News Jumpln Jacks Buster X News firlft Timekeeper Dave West Bugler X Western Stars (1:30 Orchestra News Bugler X KOIN Klock fl : Iff ( Newt News Bugler X KOIN K lock 7:00 News Farm Tims Roundup Boys KOIN Klock 7:1ft I Rise and Shins Farm Tim Martin Asronsky Nrwt 7:30 I News Old Songt James Abbe News 7:15 j March of Time Newt Market Reports Fact Finder 8:00 j Dr. Louis Talbot Fred Waring Breakfast Club Consumer Newt 8: Iff I Dr. Louis Talbot Fred Waring Breakfast Ctub Art Baker 11:30 Sllrerton Jack Brrrh Rrrakfast Club Grand Nlam ll:4ft Victor Llndlahr f James Abbe Breakfast Club Rosemary 0:00 Burke Camera I Oregon Caravan Glamour Manor Kate Smith 0:lff Morton Downer Newt Glamour Manor Aunt Jenny 8:30 Pastor's Call Quartet Brenrman's Bfst. Helen Trent Q:4ff Art Baker T.B.A. Breneman't Bfst. Our Gal Sunday 10:00-1 Newt I Mattlnee Home Edition Big Sister 30:15 ning Slngg Mattlnee Ted Malone Ma Perkins 10:30 Orchestra I Mist A Mat My True Story Br. Malone 10:48 Orchestra Joyce Jordan Mr True Story Road of Life 11:00 I Walts Time I Guiding Ll7ht Hymns 2nd Mrs. Burton 11:16 j Day Dreamt Today's Children Melody Perry Mason 11:30 Queen for a Day J Women In White t Listening Post Lone Journey 11:4.1 Queen for a Day Masquerade Ethel Albert Sing Along 12:00 Pioneer News News "News 12:1s I Newt Ma Perkins I Stars of Tidss Come and Get It 13:30 Hillbilly Serenade Pepper Young I Find Me Burrllt Wheeler 12:45 Variety Show RUM Happiness Come and Get It Sing 1:00 News Backstage wils MwTmi House Party 1:15 Lum 'n' Abner Stella Dallas Meet Me House Party 1:30 Turner Lorenxo Jones I Kny West Newspaper of Air 1:15 Turner Young Wldder Kay West Newspaper of Air 2:00 Your Neighbor When a Girl Wlmt't Doin' School of Air 2:18 John J. Anthony Portia Faces Life Ladies School of Air 2:30 Heart's Desire Just Tlaln Bill Bride and Groom Meet the Mlssns :lff Heart's Desire Front Page Bride and Groom Meet the Missus 3:00 Red Cross Road of Life Ladles lie Seatril Newt 8: IS u, 8. Narr David Ifarum Ladles Be Seated Evelyn Winters 2:30 Newt Aunt Mary Evelyn Tyner Serenade 8:15 Four Corners Dr. Paul Galen Drake Newt 4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. Woman' Secret Footlights Plains 4:1ft Rex Miller News Northwest Today For nook 4:30 Ersklne Johnson Life Beautiful Mr. Motorist Linger Awhile 4: IS Buck Rogers Newt Tennessee Jed Orchestra XateM Patterns Pattern No. R2475 lied Strawberry! As exciting ns the big strawberries Snow TVliite nnd the Seven Dwarfs found in the deep winter snow this luscious-looking 7-inch strawberry potholdor is crocheted of bright red. Do the "seeding" in green thread. Green leaves are made separately and sewed on. You'll crochet a dozen Strawberries as Christmas gifts! Pattern envelope contains stitch illustrations and complete cro cheting and finishing instructions. Send 15 cents (coin) for Pattern No. R2475 to Peggy Roberts, Capital Journal, 828 Mission Street, San Francisco 3, Calif. ACROSS Rccllnt'd Drive away Explosive ! vice WoritliTlni fear Part of a btnl'a wins; Ht cnit'e Salt So American animal Octaii t-'iiin'tuiitluD point Clouo relative Oursclvi-a Persian ruler lluffoon Hitter crystal line sub stance K.Toro UiMlenl character Llnht open cotton fabric 84. Smug S3. Small wild ox 39. Also 40. OM word mean I tiff Hallafju-Uon 41. Perceives ihroiiKh the sen sits 44. inserts 4f. Walked ii. Short for a man's tumie 47. Small trlunsu lar pieco 60. Scnteti ninid 64. Salutation bf. I'crlfiliihiR to a aen tlKlit- Intt (on R7. Turkish title fX. Number bit. KrnKrance .0. Knot-It-!. Possessed 61 Cut with a certain tool 7 I2 1 3 I H I5 b 7 5 I 17 'o W 7a -Vi'73 " ;'v'75 7f rj 33 4i 4a" 43 "T" uT $i W-. , BIAiLlE5?IAlL!uIM68BlAI- E P A M ajv E TloE L L lori c)a HeIpiTjc a l O R HT A LK)Bev JaE3 w E fpnO E uHiMiA H BBfflAiM Bin e AjpSeil, f WlA T ERHN 1 l1M9 1 N 6 OHE N O W fl d'O nIe E o n EggL 6ne nKJ N E XIT SwJ" R EKH SIO T Q3 T A mQ K Ej EJ Pffl 6 a f l a s 6n dar te r E O NjH S E A LfJO ATS T no1t Hti of n e II Pi U E Solution or Yesterday'! Puzzle Mctnl-benrlng melt DOWN Ptng on Shrill bark 4. Charges 6. Ardor 6. Young dog 7. Biblical prophet 8. Iaitao 9. List of actors 10. Opposite of n weather 11. Fruli 19. Color I. l.e,lne 23. Cut length wise 2t. TabU'lanrit 25. UorioYsa of peace Fruit 27. Kpooh 2S. Rule 23. Inactive 30. Knott 32. KxiMte 3S. Ahfttnlni from food IS. Peacock butterflle ST. Thus 42. Scenes ol action 43. MnliogAny pine 44. Attno.iphere id. Pinner course 47. Home of Oollnth 45. Part of the 49. Dispatch 60. Not exciting M. KdiMe tuber &2. Seawerd derivative Back of the cs. Journal Feature UonaM Duck T Henry The Nebbs Little Orphan Annie OH WELL- WHY WORRY 'BOUT SNIDE SORREL ANY MORE HE WAS BAD " BUT HE'S CURED Of US. FOR SOME REASON" 7 The ; limps Kcg'lar Kellers WHAT POES THIS MEAN?" PEMANPEO THE JUNGLE LORD. ''JJST WHAT YOU SUSPECT," ANSWERED PR. ZEE. Tm. IM U !' Dim, tniatt ' C MY Of FERN ( T IShrrmW TO 6ljy ' IU. BCT IT OOES S 1, JUST WANT "nut- nr-MT,, "Nf NICODEMUS AFTER THE WORK- WM BACK i m i m hi I l'l'l.,(r"l)0f ' !lSJ? "soggy WE HAD TO LEa,VE I T t HATE TO LEAVE I NOTHIN6 SAPS'MY "WITHOUT SAYltf6 fiOODBYE Wj. JT THIS VAY IT AIN'T J POLITENESS LIKE MAW JUST REMEMBERED SHE BftlsL POLITb J (AMNUTRITION- LEFT SOMETHING- COOKING ) WSK rrh. rw -r, rCll . I VN '"1 SIOVB ANUtOU KNOW I 5KiW' I w M V.tMVA.Y I WHAT FOOD SH0RTA6ES ARE THESE VTSgtBmJl iSr . I ratVJt ' 4 . '(. .I I I PAYS- LET US KNOW HOW MAW'S J 'l , Q-rpSmifUyiW I 75 LiiSl)f is I I MEDICINE WORKS OM YOUR :" KJ "'Mf I i Mull mill .'.elf By Bud Fisher Jeff Is Strictly Against the Veto U. N. or Otherwise HAS forgotten JUST a MUTT LTfARNCD D0660NE lT SAV-p I AIM T LEARNED ff: ABOUT EVEKYTIIING LOOK AT J J 'f VoO I -J To READ YET' !r I VOU HAVE A Jj. r HOW 00 SA.-N SUCH A Vf , ANSWER A QUESTION I NEW TEACHER, J- (V ( YOU LIKE L" SUSPICIOUS PERSON IN J ; IM 'RlTHMETIC, 'J VPIMHEAP THATS ft KV HER.? I OONT- ALL YOUR. WHOLE UFS.' H S HE ALWAVS AJKS Y A 16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Nov. 14, 1946 By Walt WILL ONE OF VOLl PLEASE SLEEP WITH ML I'M FKEEZIN ! By Carl By By Harold By Gus By Gene Wfl HEYf- WHATfe THATSSf STILL RUNNIN'-HE LOOKS M COMIN' THROUGH THOSE V..,.' !. 'i WW- WZYflND HIS CLOTHES ARE WM W bushes? irenre K'l M half torn qff-somethin' JBS& M. SNIDE? BUT WHATS HE I " .11 . J SURE SCARED THAT By Edgar Rice Burroughs "OCCASIONALLY, HE CONTINUED, tt NATIVE OR WHITE HUNTERS COME THROUGH THE TUNNEL OF TREES. THE FORTUNATE ONES RESPOND TO MY SERUM AND BECOME CAVEMEN, THE OTHERS MAY SERVE AS MEALS FOR MY CARNIVOROUS CREATIONS . " Disney ) F r-z-z- M I v I lU I I .1 V z-Z- J lT-T- . .. .'iRBK.'H 1 ' 1 1rt 1 Z-Z- I : K Anderson eors. tM. two rrnTuiu twditt. ih. ' vTtcim tricivu 1 11 Hess VOUTJEMOT TUEMVOOr) M THE TYPE TO SPEWD 0SOO MY OFFER SENTIMENT CUAMGE NT MINO Gray Edson Byrnes 7 Y OUTWARDLY CALM BUT INWARDLY SEETHING, THE APE-MAN RECEIVED THE SHASTLY INFORMATION. SECRETLY HE VOWED TO END ZEE'S INHUMAN CRUELTY. -i:S0- Pae Three Little Bears Dire Prediction Run, Sheep, Run WHY SHOULD I V i, hiss NICODEMUS WILLBF.) ' ' Wgm A LOT MOREyMARK BIS "ACEyou WONT BE A6tE ggLi -tXto GIVE HIM Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow No Royal Road 6Cr,i SRfJ Tarzan Indignant IN THE LABORATORY, PHIL AND NITA FEVERISHLY PRE PARED TO ESCAPE. llffj KesterdaY By BEATRICE Chapter 18 Both of them sat still. He thought of the long way ahead to safety. For a minute freedom was a thing never to be lived to the full again. Already he knew what had been lost could never be regained in its un questioned simplicity. Always his living would be shadowed by the remembrrance of these last days, by the strange feel ing that something of himself was left behind in this house with Conrad and Stephanie. But he had to go. He had to live. Stephanie described Freya s house. ". . . In the river valley, to the north. You can see it from the crest of the hill." "Is that long avenue of beach trees still there." Her eyes wi dened. "You know!" "She told me once, years ago, about the trees." "They are there." "Then I can't possibly get lost." "No." "That side door," he asked, "is it locked?" "There's an inside latch. I'll see that it's kept off during the day . . . but if you'd only let me know it would be safer." Gently he smiled. "Please don't be offended that I insist on doing it solo." "Oh, I'm not offended . . .1 want to be sure you get away quickly." "I better get to work," he mumbled hoarsely. Endless hours, with her face glimmering in front of his eyes as he cut; sunshine on snow and her hair flowing back in the wind. After tomorrow he might never see her again. At intervals he switched off the light and opened the closet door for a fresh supply of air. Once more he sat down beside her to rest but they didn't talk. When he finished night had al ready yielded her eastern bor der. A sparrow twittered under the eaves. "You ought to go to bed now," urged Stephanie. He was glad she didn't suspect how much a few hours' sleep might mean. "I don't like to shut you up here. Will your maid go to your room in the morning?" Her face was gravely amused. "I have no maid, only Joseph and we have a pact if I don't ring he lets me sleep, sometimes i sieep tin noon. " Why, he asked suddently, have you been ill, Stephanie?" She was amazed. "That's a funny thing to ask." If she could only see the shadows under her eyes, he thought, she wouldn't think it funny. "Sometimes it makes the days seem shorter, less monotonous." She shrugged a little, again came that half smile he had be gun to look for. "Sometimes one gets a vindictive pleasure in staying abed, deliberately ig noring one's present circum stances." "Try it now . . . don't worry about me, I feel lucky." "You simply must be lucky, it's so necessary like when I pinched this dinner-knife." She smiled. "Give it to me, I'll put it back." It was still warm from his hand, the kind of earthy warmth that makes death seem so mprobable. "Good night," she said. Suddenly he was kneeling be side her. She felt the warm lightness of his lips on her cheek. "Thanks for everything." he said, rising. For a second he looked into her long, unfathom able grey eyes, then he switched off the light. In the morning Niel woke abiuptly, feeling that all was not well. He looked at his watch. It was seven o'clock. Breakfast downstairs was at eight, but Steiner and Conrad, according to Stephanie, always went down earlier. So at seven thirty he'd run the bath water and under cover of the noise break as many lathes as possible then he'd ask Siegmund to take him downstairs to breakfast. It was a safe bet Siegmund would go' down first to ask permission. While he was gone he'd break the remaining lathes. Noiseless ly he got up and opened the closet door! Stephanie was Room and Board f FAME ""W I HAVE A SECRET METHOD IffgS323??--FAME IS v TO FILL lO-TON BLOCKS MINE , OF TRANSPARENT PLASTIC THAT'S WHAT T.CHATMORE, V WITH CONCENTRATED RAYS I'VE BEEN 1 THE I OF THE SUN ' THEN THEY TELLING YOU' BENEFACTOR. CAN BE SHIPPED TO COLD - Y'SEE OF AND GRAY SECTIONS OF f NOW WHAT I THE COUNTRY TO RELEASE VI MEAN ? ) t SOLAR HEAT AND V is ilowliere MUIR AP Ncwilealuret standing up, flexing her arms. "How do you feel?"'he whis pered. "Like a tea-cup." "It'll soon eb over. I'm going to ask Siegmund to take me down to breakfast . . . I'll dress now." She was so pale he left the door open a little in spite of her protests. He dressed quickly and made up the bed to prevent Siegmund or Conrad from hav ing cause to enter the closet. He heard both Steiner and Conrad say good morning to Siegmund on their way downstairs. He'd never forget how sweet those good mornings sounded. Then he turned on the bath taps to their noisiest gauge and hur ried to the closet. "Stand back, Stephanie," he said without further ado, "there against the wall where the plas ter won't fall on you." The first lathe was the worst. It sounded like a crack of doom, followed by her sharp gasp. "Do you think he heard?" Sweat was on his lip. "Tiptoe outside the door and listen to the next one." After the second lathe was broken she came In, her face beaming." V "He couldn't possibly hear'." He grinned. "It's just our guilty conscience." He broke five lathes, then bolted to shut off the water and tip-toed back in a hurry. He wanted to laugh. He though, some of the boys would like to see me flitting around like a bloody housefly. Before the water stopped he broke three, leaving five to go. "Now I'll invite myself down to breakfast." She brushed plas ter off his shoulder. "It's in your hair, too . . . bend down a little.' Ho knew he was going to kiss her but he bent down anyway and the minute she stopped brushing he put his hands behind her head and kissed her. "That," he said huskily, "is because I like the kind of per son you are." She gave him a long look, then smiled. When Siegmund left the door unlocked on their way down stairs he thought that Steph anie must be under special dis pensation in heaven. (To be continued) - NIGHT AND DAY The straightforward line and cut of this wrap-around with its top gathered from a shoulder squaring yoke make it ideal for a short house dress or an ankle length robe for relaxation. No. 2919 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16. 18, 20, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, and 46. Size 36 (short) requires 34 yds. 35-in., long 3 18 yds. 54-in. ji - Send 20c for PATTERN whicft includes complete sewing guide Print your name, address and style number plainly. Be sure to state size you wish. Include pos tal unit or zone number in your address. Address: Pattern Department, Capital Journal, 552 Mission St., San Fran cisco, Calif. By Gene Ahern 68. Solemn prom 1st A? NfMrstofwW