14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Thi.rsdav. Nov. M Shoe Store to Open Friday Modern in every detail Rae mars Shoe store, located at 460 State street, and owned by Ray Stites and Nate Stcinbock, is having its opening Friday with the doors opening at 9:30 a.m. The interior of the store is finished in bleached birch with wine carpeting covering tlie floor. The custom made chairs are of light tan leather and th show cases are of glass and flut ing highlighted In silver-green. Managed by Stiles, a former Salem man, who has spent 1E years in the shoe business and comes to Salem from Nord Btrom's in Seattle, the store will carry nationally advertised brands of shoes and a line nf compacts, hand bag and belt sets and matched bracelets, ear rings and chokers. Assistant to Stites will be Carl Thompson, also associated with Nordstroms prior to com ing to Salem, and buyer and supervisor of the store will be Nate Stcinbock. Stcinbock pre viously was disolay manager for the Edison shoe chain and operated his own shoe store in Astoria at one lime. Mrs. Dennis Honored Falls City Mrs. Harvey Freeman entertained with a birthday party honoring her sister, Mrs. Ray Dennis. Mrs. Freeman won high score. In vited guests were Mr. and Mrs Dick Lombard, Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnson of Corvallis, Mr. anil Mrs. Fred Martin of Dallas, Mildred Wray, Norman Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dennis and the hostess and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Freeman. A midnight lunch was served. ISMfi New Method of Hair-Do Told Chicago, Nov. 14 01.R) Hel-ene-Curtis claimed today to have "cornered", the U.S. cold wave market. That's right, cold wave mar ket. Cold permanent wave market. The new method for giving women curly hair with out electricity, without heat and without singeing. From now on, any woman in the U.S. who submits to the new permanent waving procedure, will do so through the courtesy of Helene-Curtis Industries ex ecutive Vice President Willard Gidwitz said today. Gidwitz announced that Helene-Curtis had acquired rights in the U.S. to a British cold wave patent owned by two Scotch brothers who gave away a beauty parlor 23 years ago and started making permanent waving equipment, Their wave, called the Speak man method, came out of the test tubes of Deeds university Chemistry Professor John Bam ber Speakman, a world author ity on hair and animal fibers That means Helene-Curtis now controls all other cold wave patents in this country, Gidwitz said. Hugh and William Mac Donald of London, still own the world-wide patent, he added. Anderson Bids On 20 Buildings Thirteen bidders submitted offers for 37 buildings at Camp Adair the War Assets Admin istration reported Wednesday. WAA officials will meel shortly to accept or reject the bids. Bidders were required tj certify that the buildings or materials would be used in til': Veterans' housing program. r LEGAL St'MMONff In th Circuit Conrl or lh Slat f OrMrnrt FOR THE COINTV OF MARION No. 3.103. CHARLES T. LACHER, Plaintiff, VH FLORA E. LACHER. Trfndant. TO: FLORA E. LACHER, t.ifl above named Df fenrlnn': TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORBOON. Ynu art hrby rrmilrrtl to ap pour and answrr Hie Com Pin in t fild aim in st you in tli above eruttlrri Court and cause on or hfnr Four Wrk from the date of the first publication of urn Summons, and If yon fait so to answer for want thereof, thu plaintiff, will npnlv to the Court for the relief praved for In hi complaint, namely for a decree rim aolvlnit the marriage contract between you and plaintiff. This Summons U nerved upon ynu by publication in the Capital Journal, el Salem. Marlon County, Or en on. by order of the Honorable Oeo. R. Duncan, judge of the Circuit Court, tlin date of audi order being r Nov flth. HUH. Date of First Publication: No, t. lf4 Date of Lan Publication: Dec. 5, 1048 W. DOUGLAS HARI3. Attorney for Plaintiff, I Post Office Address and Plsce of i Residence: Ml. Aniel, Oregon. I No T, 14, 21, 27 Dec. 5. NOTICE OF IIFARINO OF OIUHCTIONH TO HNAL ACCOUNT NOTICE HERESY 18 OIVEN that W. E. Stewart, Jr. aa the duly appointed, quail fled and acting adnunlatrator de boms ron. of the estate of Frnnk Lynch, de ceased, hai duly rendered and presentrd lor settlement and filed In tlie Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. County of Marion. Probate Department, a final ac count of his administration ot said es tate; and that Tuesdnj the Twenty-sixth day of November. H)4ft. at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of said dav. at the courtroom of said court in h Marlon County Courthouse In the City of flalem. Marlon County. Oregon, have been duly fixed and appointed by said court a the time and the place for the hearing of objections to said final account and th settlement thereof. Dated and first published the twenty fourth day of October, 1046. W. E STEWART. JR., a Administrator de bonis non nf tht. Estate of Frank Lynch. Deceased. Oct. 24, II. Nov. 7. 14, 31. mnn- do you SHRINK FROM WASHING SWEATERS? Ahrivn Itav Stilus, affcr of Kaemars Mine store wnirii irlday Is having Its opening;. Below Nate Stein bock, buyer and supervisor of the store. ,JI wash em betterfaster than anything else! They look -fit just hke new!' Grocery, Drug and Department Stores. 25 cents. Mod for Wool by a Wool Firm WC0LF0AM CORP., NEW YORK 10, N.Y. i Knowledge Through Your Druggist The progress made all over the world in the field of medicine is your druggist's p r o gress. Its benefits are his to share with you. Rely on ns tor Accurately Compounded Prescriptions SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE 1!fl Preaertptlont Accurately Filled IP4B Original Velloi Front Droi Candy Btor. In gala. Sole Aaenti for Penalar Rentedle In Marlon Coaot. 135 North Cutnmerclal Bu Phono St91 or Biggest bidder was Glen B Anderson, Salem carpenter, 1622 Ferry street, wno sought 20 structures, including 12 mess halls. Other bidders: F. A. Sanders, Portland, rec reation building; W. J. Mangis, Portland, barracks; Donald R. Watson, Portland, administra tion building and officer's quarters; Emmet B. Gipson, Salem, two oil houses, and rec reation building; Harold O Volz, Corvallis, two barracks: Theodore B. Volz, Corvallis, barracks; Ivan W. Weikel, Cor vallis, barracks; Victor Eronick, SMUDGY WOODWORK? RUBBER HEEL MARKS? Clean them with Eugene, officer's q u a r t e r ; Clarence E. Everett, Salem, storehouse; D. C. Coon, Cor vallis, officer's quarters; Jess S. Jaurez, Salem, administration building and officer's quarters; and Francis Clibourne, Corvai lis, mess hall. Old Friends Visit North Spring Valley Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Rawie of Albany, old friends of the W. E. Welnbergs with whom they became ac quainted when Weinbergj firslft moved to Oregon 25 years ago, were their dinner guests at their North Spring Valley home Sun day. Garden Club Invited Brooks Mrs. Golda Hadley will open her home for th Brooks Garden club Thursday for a 1 o'clock luncheon. II W0RKS UK MAGIC Cleanall does ALL the work I Simply apply Cleanall cream with soft cloth or brush according to directions . . then wipe it off I . . It's juit that easy I Leaves painted surfaces like new. Easier thin dusting. aCIHl' . DEALERS EVERYWHERE If you or ufttbl to buy Clara no II at your grcl, writ bax 2361, PartlaiUL Ora, r toll LA it 2022 PictSwhtComj That wonderful, fresh-from-the garden flavor make tha whole family all-time, meal-time fana for butter-sweet PictSweat Coral lb . . a - . .MM M McDowell's Market L---4 I L.l.i Relieve misery, es most motners do. Rub the burnt, chofl UI1U UUUtV WILII Wti k , Mmo-tnstcd W VAPORUB Quality Meats Since 1920 IV HP AT SX; TUil-OVRS Phone 8757 171 S. Commercial St. y B.ite I rASTY TRICK with DUFF'S Chop left-over ntfint: spicad on squares of roiled (lough made by adding H t. cool walerlo'i box Duff's Hoi Muffin Mix. Fold over and pinch sides with fork. 20-25 mmules in hot oven (4007.). JUST DD WATER that'! oil I BEEF BONELESS PURE PORK GROUND ROASTS SIRLOIN SAUSAGE BEEF 32e SSC S5c 4H Blade or Arm No Waste All Pork No Cereal All Meat mmaaaamammmmaaaamaaaaamaaaaamaaa .ii.ih.im aawMmmmmmwmanmaamamaammmmamaaam ir.iiH.t.-.Haai,Hi PORK SPICED pilDC I Apn T-BONE ROASTS HAM ruAU STEAK 52C 58c 45c 50c No Shank" Sliced or Whole Limit 2 rounds Small Ones" ' MINCE MEAT BEEF WIENERS breast umuL iilhi hver WltnLKJ OF VEAL 28c 30c 45c 20C Pint Tender Skinless Stew or Bake r Wai? on High Prices STILL GOES ON AT SAVING CENTER O B H O Fresh Ground Beef 29c For Good Grade Hamburger, this Price Is Low! Chuck Beef Roast Not a Bad Price for a Good Roast 28c Lots of bacon Friday and Saturday. McDowell's bacon and fresh pork are cut from small young pigs no old hogs or fat sows. Try our pork and note the difference. Custom Pork Curing fic per Pound. We Furnish Sugar for Sweet Pickle Cure. It's wonderful the Rood Ihinits you cnu make wilh Hunt's Tomato Sauce! Try these vcnelalile recipes, for example. They're so y yet they trans form vecelahles into welcome new dishes thnt ytinr family .will love. F ti r Hunt's Tomato Sauce is blended from plump, red-ripe to miitoes, delirious seasonings and spires. One trial and you'll i r-rx rv-J t ItUQY ) ipj RAfJCHO $ V-Jf h- R0a' yfS'farm kllchtn" ' H Hav.r -K, V'yu? GERM I (T.H-t& J rhetpuou sK'W'f. k fX J ft? serle rVV- Vmi BALANCED Wv I I U I I II II ft v n . ivs fy . ,v . n tJllr -u 'm,...,-.. iTi myft . olici want Hunt's on hand to ork its flavor magic! And do ynu know this fine ranking sauce coH but a w prn niea a can? So you can use It In dozens of favorite recipes. tJet a half dn.en cans of Hunt's Tomato Sauce today! You'll he mighty glad you dis covered this e.vlro Inrnry sauce with the Hunt red label! I I Mr -4 mre tats rv mtsrvcr, est TOMATO SAUCE ! MORI HUNT HINTS! Hunt's Tomato Sauce makes glorious spaghetti. And meat loaf, soups, stews, Spanish rice, gravies, sauces. Try Hunt's for delicious chili con came. L'se it to perk up ' "leftovers." I CHEMICAL SOAPS MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE! NEO-SUDS (Bulk) Serve yourself to any amount you want. Use as you would granulated soap. For dishes, scrubbing, laundry and fine things. tAst Pound itK DU MORE: Saves t of yonir scarce soap. For washing machines, dishes, f ifl etc. 10 lb, can l3t G.L.X. CLEANER: "Suds without Soap" For hands, dishes, laundry, etc. 2 lb. box 3iv vegetables houywood Place onions (illuslraled). cauli flower, eggplant or other 1. or in hot oven until ,aUce bubbles. VEGETABLES CREOLE Simmer 3 ibsn. a j 'bsp. chopped green "pep;"1 tbsp. minced cooled h' r.Pf !.r' 2 eiiing. Adrt ' omato Sauc " in I tbsp. one can Hunt's ""r;;,n,i:r,ibre;d"edtaStdrf0c'''" any mixlur. of rZt!'or" reirnlnl. I.. " "llovc .. " corn. 0 ill J v Z'T jrs ' ir-.ni timJif ! . I vauey Honey s-ib. Tin l .89 Seems High But Is a Good Value on Today's Market I I ,","""'"aaeaas Q Valley Bloom Preserves c:. Jar 29c A Good Quality and the Price Can't Be Beat! M Mellow Freeze ICECREAM Quaru33c W Also 5c and 10c Cones and 15c Sundaes All Flavors No Limit, H htj Klamath No. 2 1 Potatoes 50" sk.79c The Same Good Spuds! We've Sold Four Carloads of 'Em! r ( W CUt xn s H o a o Oh K H 33 H M a CO a SH OH Cm a w a a H o LOCAL lAppl Johnathan and Delicious THIS IS A CLOSEOUT THIS PRICE IS LOW es box 79c 1 Grade A BUTTER Pound 79C STILL PRETTY HIGH! Cm a CO a H PRICES GOOD FRIDAY. SATURDAY. SUNDAY H AVIMG (tEMTEH H Kk ti tm IimW-- JU am T $L am IritV WEST SiLEN