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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1946)
10 Capital Journal, SaYciii" Oregon, Thursday, Nov. 14, 194fl Fat Men Make Fine Husbands; Gals, Look Out for Skinny Ones Boston, Nov. 14 (U.R) If a woman wants a happy married life ahe should choose a fat man for a mate, according to Prof. Earnest A. Hooton, Harvard anthropologist. It's a simple process of elim ination, he said at Temple Israel hall last night as he explained the differences between the three main types of men. These are the fat man, the bone and muscle man, and the string-bcan man, Hoolon said. Hooton said that each type of man is further divided and the Jat man or "butter-ball" type has at least 20 distinctive char acteristics. i These, he said, include a love of physical comfort, a sense of relaxation, slow, smooth reac tions and a love of eating, cere mony and formality. They are good judges of character, re markably family men and good husbands, he added. I Hooton warned women against 1he "string-bean," who he said generally suffers from socio phobia, a dislike for people and jchronlc fatigue, and is unpre dictable. The "bone and muscle" man, 'according to Hoolon, is the "per ennial sophomore" the man who comes back to lend the cheers. 1 He is apt to weary his wife with his romantic tendencies, Hooton said, or go to the other 'extreme and bury himself in an abstract book on philosophy. Birthday Celebrated Jefferson Mary Edith Davis celebrated her seventh birthday, when her mother, Mrs. Don Davis Invited relatives to a birthday supper. i Present were Mr. and Mrs. A. j Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Dale .lou dness and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. 'Virgil Wilson and Douglas of 'Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Davis and Mary Edith and San id ra. ' One-seventh of the total area ,of Ireland is peat bog. ReiieTATLast For Your Cough Chronic bronchitis may develop If your couRh, chest cold, or acute bron chitis Is not treated and you cannot afford to takeachance with any medi cine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to eoothe and heal raw.tender.inflamed bronchial mucous membrane). . Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote byspoclnl process with other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding vou must like the way it quickly alloy the cough, per mitting rest and slepp, or you aro to have your money buck, (Adv.) Kenu Froducts Company Dtnr Slrsi Please let mo know If any firm in Davenport stocks Kcnu. I bought many boxos in Tucson and in Snn Francisco, nnd cannot find anything else that will compare with it-not only because of its cleaning qualities in vashlnr clothes, mopping the floor, washing woodwork, etc., but it is so easy on my hands If no one here stocks it, what is the nearest town where it is sold? (Signed) Margaret Griffith 1224 Main Street Davenport, Iowa You, too, will find Kcnu in a class by itself best for dishes, laundry, walls and woodwork, floors and linoleum, tile and porcelain, pots and pans wherever there's cleaning to be done. Get o thrifty J-lb. Imx at your, racer's teddy I "Lighltm Homtuvrk thru Chemistry" 5 Top Prices Paid at Sale of Herefords La Grande, Ore., Nov. 14 (UP) The fourth annual fall sale of the Northwest Hereford Breeders association here Tues day drew top prices. Miss Diamond M the 32nd, consigned by J. R. and Estalla Morton of Lostine, brought $1560 from Ralph Aiken, Moro. The grand champion bull. Oregon Domino C 3rd, bred and consigned by Albert Melhonr, Halfway, Ore., sold to William Dugg, Adams, for $1,350. and grand champion female Mark ette the 77th, owned by Herberl Chandler of Barker, brought $1,110 from the Mortons. Reserve champion female Miss Domino D the 14th brought $800 from T. L. Braggs, Banks, Ore., consigned by lrvin Mann, Adams. The first steam-power factory in America, established in 1815, was a New England furniture factory. ICE CREAM All Flavors QUARTS XTn NO LIMIT JJC SAVING CENTER I w, LARGE SIZE WITH I W ' 5-gX - tM it's Time NOW I SELF COLORED BORDER 1 1 I - ; UOV While-Bordered BATH TOWELS inr- -,1 . Sfl ,lm-""' WHITE TURKISH 13 f ! R-airinS TOWELS WITH COLORED BANDS i.ww j , . ! X I Plastics I I f? &&, LEE BROS. I MEZZANINE SELLING I M . v - ' . . V? Furniture Kefinishinfr Co. I I 1 i , v 1 V . !' 4020 E. State Phan. 21233 II J J I . . . . I i US" "fcwKSTaat fSSSWJV. . k, .: I cm. Those wonderfully Avarm il lffl Jll t 1 ..l V, vif .. It ri Kiwi I 1 i IMAINB YOU IN THIS I L ;-v lilill 1 "fflS!wnlhat makes everything you - V li lrtunook important and coatly! j . . I iiimi M "And il'a only one of the lovely coata you'll find her ' , ! WOMEN S GOWNS 1 65 to -'Wk i ; In cozy cotton tlanneM-tte, comfortable daintily trimmed vokos ami curved ( I " ' ; CardiKan necklines. Tiny white buttons run part wav down front, the lines fm A 1 f j are t lowing and comfortable. Tea rose, blue, flowered, plain or striped If 1 ' 1 p.. , gyg j patterns. Regular and extra large size. jr J J S4 ' i WOMEN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS j GIRLS' PAJAMAS j "choose yoi- coat oX the lav.away flVn In long scarce cotton flannelette. Long sleeves, l I styled for comfort and warmth. An J In warm cotton flannelette, styled like A mfk i " , it's so oasy lo pay for that way! Tea rose or blue AVO It mother's. Tea rose and blue. XW SPECIAL MEZZANINE FEATURES BATH TOWELS WHITE WITH PASTEL COLORED BORDERS TURKISH HAND TOWELS SOFT WHITE WITH COLORED BORDERS I SOLID COLOR BATH TOAELS t 1 1 v 'mtv SALEM, ORE. Of' ' I f' t 1, a. rtMir .. " SALEM, OREGON FOR FRIDAY MORNING 77 that's why most folks like Wheatena it's "different" Wheatena will wow 'em for breakfast. It's such a wel come change! It's good for you, too. Wheatena is deli cious and nutritious lull of "builder-uppers." Re member Wheatena for breakfast tomorrowl Most folks like a change- DIFFERENCE WITH A PLUSi Wheatena cooks quick as coffee, Wheatena is a super builder-upper. Wheatena has a nut-like flavor. So-o-o change to Wheatena tomorrowl Th WhaaUna Corporation, Whtoisnoville, Rahwny, N, J,