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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1946)
Yesterday Is ilowhere Jo u rna I Fea ture Pa By BEATRICE MUIR 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 13, !!)!( AP NewsfvaturM I a4h Program 1 1 :0(l 11:1. 1 1 :.Ki Wednesday IKSLM KGW TnV 1:00 News I Stan of Tod Superman I Nrws S:ttl Cnvi. MidnltM I Nnms ft: (5 I Tnm Mix News . fi:(MU- j Oahrlrl Header f:l. Orchestra fi:H Spnltisht fUnits :I5 I SpnlliRht Hind I Dufly'i Titvrn I Duffy's Tavern Musical Musical 1:0ft NfWi 7:30 l Cisco KA 1:45 Cisco Kid Frank Monan i Frank Mnrxan I Kvirr'i Kollrie I Krsrr's Kollntit I Main Una Main Lin IU' l p to Tonlh I lis' p In Vnuth ! Supper Club ! Fleetwood Lawlni GHderftleeva 1 Ullderilreve R:IV 8:00 Nrwi :lft j Pirtnrial i::t(t Orchrtlra !:!. Orclirstra i Mr.-Mrt. North ) Mr.-Mri. North I Hist. Attorney I DM. Attorney M: Wi lli: I.-, I Fid I on l,ewii. Jr. Nrs I News I New I laihei I News Orrlif wlr ! Ori-hrnlra I OrcbFJliR t Sim Off ):).'. Orchestra IhlHl I Orrlie.slra 1 1 ; tr. I .NW!I Thursday 6 A. M. New I Jumpin' .lacks 6:l- Music Timekeeper I Dive Weal A::t(i .M.irrli nt lime j New 11:15 t News j! S'rws 7:0ft News I Farm Timt Farm lima The Old Soma Newa 7:.'0 News 7: IV I Farm and Homo H:0n ::tll IT . :IS ft ;:( fl;ft 7ll:(llt-i" 10:15 Hi::t(i Huvrn of Best llarrn of Rest I Freil Warinr I Fred Warinr I Jnrk Rereh Jamea Abbe Victor l.lndlahr Orrhestra Morton Downey I'iislor'n Call Art Hiker I Oregon Caravan 1 Omirtel I Newa I T.II.A. News III rut Sin. a OrclirMrn Orrheslra I School nrnailensl School llroadcaat I fiilhert I Joyce Jordan Org null ties Day Dreams Queen for a Day I Ouren for a Day iuidin Mtht Today's Childicn Women Whlla I Masquerade Pioneer I News I Ma Perkins r:-:m I!:lfV- Peoner Younc I Illctit to lUuitiits News I. um 'n Abner W. Salem I llackstaae Wife I Stella Dallas j I l.orenro Jones I I Wlifder Ilrown I rAC.lrrMarries 1 1:;iu I : l.v- W. Trll Nelahbor John J. Anthony Orrlteslra Orchenlra 1 Portia Faces l.tfe ! I lust Plain Hill ' t Front I'ae Farrrll I Hoadof Mfe I David Hit ruin ( I Aunt Mary Sen Hound I Dr. I'uiil 4 ion s': 1.1 4:30 Fulton f ew Ites Millrr is. Jr. I Woman's Secret j Newa of World I Life lleaiiliful I News F.rskliie Johnson Ilurk RtiKers XateM Pattern J I'iiliprn No. Haihrnom Uonqurts A few plcDsiint hours with your needle mid you'll have these lovely flowers to briHhlen your bathroom. Embroider them now for r fine Chris(m;is uitl. Pattern envelope contains hot-iron transfers for three design, color chart, stitch illustrations and complete directions. Send J5 cents (coin) for Pattern No. KIM 05 to PoRjy Roberts, Capital Journal 82H Mission Street, San Francisco, n, Calif. ACROSS Ah. 1.1-nvo I. I,nrr.n biinill 46. SuMkicnt: 6. AhiiImroiiI poetic H.-ilt 43. Ilc-ipicnt of a t. ni.-nt Kift 1':. Mini of dices 4?t. Number i;:. I'oihHl M. HiMkal Jnrtro 14. AiMlnon to !:i. Typo iiienKin luilliiinr t'. NriuoHt II. Roinnii bicaat- fi'. l.miK journey lliit EiS. '1'iip'T 17. Heroic ill. ll.':itlnlpi- ". Coiijunr'tlon tit. M:iititaiit 2u. AtliliiN fi.'i. ('olioKo tlnreo VI. l-'finiiuna n;ime fitf. Vcuscl fur Marry liijuor Kurt (19. Small tl'h 27. (MliiitAJ numi 71. Ktornilv 3t. Kxlr.l 72. Closo tiuhtly S2. Lowest of th 71. Hi() kiln hiKh tulea 7r.. Ni'Kntlvo 14. Saimid'.s 7t.. Cnlor junMty mentor 77. Mrmhci slui 5. Irriirato tbaiK'-a DOWN I'nilrr Ss. Ki:ypl inn river 40 A motiK 4t. Klml of funcua 43. Konil l pt 3 4 ' s C 7 3 I ly o ui rff So 7 St M "r 53 . ,5, 55 ss"y 5i W 5fiT &v Uo ' - Sf tzVi CTi P. M. 'KEX ABO I Terry and Pirate J Knox Manning Sky Kinf Miislo .lack Armalrnni I News i Serrnstle j New ' j Range Riders f News I'ot o' (ii'lil ! r t o' Cold j Sons! I Koncs I Dinah Shnrs j Dinah Shors (Academy Awar.l Academy Award Information I Information I Lone Kamer I l.ont Ranter Music Range Riders ! I.un 'n Abner 1 Son Jack Smith Show Huntln' FHhln' 1 Dr. Christian I lluntln' & Flshin' I r. Christian I Rlnc Crohy ) Kinc Crniby ! Henry Morjcan ! Henry .More an I Jack Canon IJack Carson K. W. NelRhbon N. W. Nelithhorii I New f Rvlhmn I Concert Hour ! Concert Hour I Texas Kantei I Concert Hour I Concert Hour ) Orchestra ' Orchestra TxTra" Hoar" Armv I Orchestra Air-Flo I News "Tsilrnt to 4:45 P. M. Hinder Busier I Bugler Busier I News I Western Stati I KOIN Kloek I KOIN Klork Roundup Rovs ! KOIN Klock j Martin An r on sky N'ewa James Abhe j News I Market Report! ! Fact Finder I Breakfast Club I Rreakfiist Club Breakfast Cluh I Breakfast Club I Consumer Newa I Art Raker Grand Slam 1 Rosemary dlnmoiir Manor I filamour M:inor I llrenrman'H Ill's t. 1 Hrenemun's Bfl, Kate Smith Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Our On I Sunday Home Fdltlon j Rill I-.inn I My True Ktory I My True Story Ufa Shier Ma I'erkim Dr. Malone Road of l.ifa -!nd Mrs, Burton Perry Mason one Journey King j Hymns Melodv I I.Uleninc Post fcthel and Albert Wall Klernan Stars of Today Find Me Dave Rose I News j Come and flet I I Surprise Parly ) Suiprise Party I House Parly I House Party Newspaper of Meet Me in Man hat Ian At Home At Home What's Horn Ladies Itride A Groom Bride A Groom ' th- .W Sehoi ll of the Air School nf the Air I Meet the Missus t Meet the Missus Ladies He Seate.l Ladies He Sen teil T.II.A. Muhti'iil l-.'velyn W'i ten I Clate Hays I News Foolllthls Northwest Today Mr. Motorist TrmicMtcc Jed ! Call nf Plains I Ono for Book I Tracer of I Lost Persons Solution of Yesterday'! Puzzle RoniKii housa- hobl Rod Send out Abort of King Arthur . football pos). lion: abbr. 1. Amerlran Indian X. Act out of tort 9. Crew to bt 10. Win k 11. Kntiiely 16. Cover the top IX. The herb v 1M. Acute 24. Clarified informHtlon -H. Part of n comet JS. L?riiiR Into row 1'3. Turnlut sup port 31 Norliing mora tlian M. Walk wearily ::. Carl Pnst- poetic It. Itiitan lictnp J9. Baot'banalian cry 43. Vouni! horaa 14. Tnverna 47. Toil In cxlstenc SewlriR I mi' la meiit SR. l-nbet 37. Shenp-MUInv parrot 9. Fat (. Shim II. plet .M:itnuru H4. Poke Swamp i7 Old card ram tli. Late: comb. form :n. Crofk letter Article B 6 W E DRBM O PNC R I EP I L EpjA B A HW A N MORA Lt TOR RENT L5 E T E p3 E e pib" Bjg p e te r re m u ESS L A Q P EjM E UN T HES ERR (eJS L L 42 s ' ve A R A M SJl E AW S f 6'W P E C A PI E N TKji E K E S T E R eJT TlR'EB E'P gjlR o bJJsMa R Ejja 5 O glo AlFteflv O LjETs T R E NTOInBe TJJtiE oa rMb r en Son aIlIampIeIwhsIcIeInIt DonaM Duck 1 CHN' f?s.s! Buzz 1J avVi i I i tkHO NOW, LKOIE5 N 1 Kgrr J SSK-r ' M I"'- Henry TODAY ONLY.' GENEROUS SAMPLE OF "FUZZY HAIR TONIC The Nebbs Little Orphan Annie The Gumps Mull and .k-ff Ree'lar Kellers Taran 9 I rnra im(. iko rtnvtt hm.k u.u f OU, SURE, A BUT I'M THINKIWG NEVER FELT ' JUST DON'T LET s -1 1 I'M TIMKIMS " LiLsJ , - NICODEMUS ABCTVOU-WU U BETTER! ANVTUING HAPPEM WORRIED V OFTUEU0R3E hCJZf W TORE THOT THE LAST WED f'lM' SNI0E WAS ALL 0L0NE 7 IT WS FUNNY PUNNIN" INTO '(WrM Et EET' ' HIM HE WAS LEDIN- 1 ffefm ND CUT UP SOME- SNIDE SORREL LAST SUNDAY -HE T'-l fcV VlD'' THOSE KILLERS THAT WERE TRVIM t SjC( SOMETHin MUbT HflVt rftSiV I TOOK ONE LOOK AT US AND SCREAMED MWMl, ll TO GET ME -WONDER WHAT jff..: HAPPENED BACK THERE- )kttKil, AN LIKE A DEER Jfi .lOULD HAVE HAPPE i mNNT j lkNIV6UMPCOULO SUE-..'' CtvJiV The man who invented J So.' YOU HAD To I AH. MIM- ' THE VACUUM COM1AIMER. . - IMSIST OM HIS I WAS ONLY FOR. INFRINGEMENT OF h'fW!''W STAY1MC I HOPE TRYlM6 TO PATENT AND USE THAT V W lf-flf ! pOURt SA1ISFIED; IBE FOUTE I KNOB-HEAD OF HIS AS XI : BE6SEP so hardthati 1 . XSi L X - . (fl . EXHIBIT V .' I'D QUIT IF),' TOLO HIM YIE'D STAY yffl1fX,?-KM BrVTa rt r Ian , 1 could get out from M5z; L ui 1 ' is, S;ftA dr'-r TODAYS WEDNESDAY! TO SEE IF lU HE'S 3oT ME WORRIER 1 I J 'hl" 1 1 "-' hf SA.Y, HAVEK'T WHAT CH( READING J WAS IN AN HE'S GETTING MORE if'-'j. . 5 . I SEEN YOU MONDAY'S PAPER If AUTOMOBILE feir ABSENT-MINDED -jj 'f (HI J C? O M SOMEWHERE ) . FOR? ) ACCIDENT ON -VVERV DAlV0 J Y.L'hy- " v hi 5EFcSE?y 'if" sl wiani .t.. , .s .,.. ,...t i . . z -j : ,.a Pinmeao.M , ---s-" ? C ('Cowboy.' f - - I THA'J ' ,'J f VNONOERFUL.1 I T" V YSSSIR..' J lr HEY, 1 XREAT s AMID THE SKELETONS OF FORMER FEASTS, THE HYENA -MONSTER SNARLED ANP BIT AT HIS EQUALLY j - FEROCIOUS ENEMY. S By Walt By Carl By i i Y" of aP i fas scTence JJ j " Hess By Harold By Gus By Gene By Edgar Rice FINALLY THE APE-MAN SECURED A GRIP AND DREW HIS KNIFE. "DON'T KILL HIM." SHOUTED DR. ZEE. By Bud Kislier Somebody Ouirht to Introduced Jeff to Himself Some Day EH Disney Anderson Gray Edson THEY OU6HT TO CALL this place "starvation! manor" just when i had a good excuse FOR LEAVING, ANDV BE6SEP SO HARD THAT TOLD HIM VIE'D STAY- Byrnes Burroutrhs IN DISGUST, TARZAN THREW THE &EAST INTO THE DEN. Coup De Grace Kast Thinking Rctrospcculation I An X-ray of Hope for Andy SPEAK FOR YOURSSLF, PAW I'M GOIMS BACK TO SHADY REST AND 6ET A SQUARE I MEAL Roped In EyOg? ii-i3-g Ghdulish Evidence , WAIT LlTN i I POPPA SEES I ' , ' HOW YOU'VE '0f V BENT IT WHILE THE CAVEMAN SLAMMED THE DOOR, THE JUNGLE LORD PICKED UP A HUMAN SKULL AND STRODE TOWARD THE DOCTOR. Chapter 17 For a minute he stood press ing his hand to his eyes trying to remember some of the plays but he wasn't a good enough player for that. But he knew that in every deal from Franz he won. There was no use puzzling at it now, neither must he repeat over and over the words of that letter, nor dwell on the secretive cunning In the General's eyes. One thing certain, the Gen eral was not a friend to Stein er's. But he mustn't count on that, must count on nothing but himself. Now that he'd met Von Beck all he wanted was to get out before something happened. After changing he sat down for a final smoke. Siegmund sta tioned himself for night guard; a little later he heard the Gen eral's car go down the drive way, then Conrad and Steiner came upstairs together. Silence settled over the house. He fin ished his pipe, then switched off the light and catwalked to the closet. Even before he looked down he was aware that he was not alone, but still it was a shock seeing her there on the floor, his foot barely half an inch from her limp fingers. For a second he thought she was dead. He knelt down prepared to clap his hand over her mouth if she made a noise on waking. Gently he shook her shoulder. "Stephanie," he felt her hair on the back of his hand as her head lolled to one side. Her eyes opened startled. 'She . . he whispered. Gradually the fright softened away so that he could see him self in her large pupils. Her shrugging smile went straight to his heart. "Such a silly thing to do," she whispered. "What on earth are you do ing here?" "I brought the hat and coat." "Oh Stephanie!" All he felt was in his- voice, humbleness, admiration and reproach. She made an aimless gesture. "I didn't Intend to get trapped. . . Siegmund came with the wood before I could get away, he bolted the door." "He's out there now. You'll have to stay till morning." "I know. I could beat myself for letting it happen." A thought struck him. "What if Steiner goes to your room." "He will not." Unthinking, she said it too quickly to hide her meaning. She flushed slight ly and avoided his eyes. Without knowing why he felt illogical ly pleased as he sat back against (he opposite wall "You can sleep in the bed." "I'd rather slay in here." "You'll be more comfortable in bed." "Let me stay here ... I wouldn't close my eyes for fear Siegmund might open the door." He pointed to the ceiling "I've got to work, some of the stuff will fall on you." "Please," she pleaded. "I don't want to, be alone in there." "Then I'll bring the quilt." He stood looking down at her "You're wonderful to do this." "I wish I hadn't been so slow!" "Let's not w o r r y." He switched off the light and made his way to the bed for the quilt and a pillow. Back again he folded the quilt on the floor for her to sit on. She smiled when he put the pillow behind her. "This is comfort suoreme." "I'm afraid you'll feel cramped in a few hours here. I'll put my greatcoat over you. it's chilly in here." As her eyes smiled up at him he held his breath because it make him think of Freya. But why, when there was all the shades of difference between them as night and day. It was remark able, he must think of it some time when he had time to think He bowed like the general. "You will now witness an amateur plaster cutting performance but it will not be much of a pleasure, this plaster dust worse than sand for getting in your eyes and down your back After this every time I look at a ceiling I'll feel itchy. You ought to have something over your hair . . . here." He plopped his hat on her head and grinned at her. "You look like a high Room and Board NOW. IF A CAMEL GOMES WALKING IN. PAY NO ) ATTENTION TO HIM, BUT GO RIGHT ON EATING OUR. DATES, " lr YOU H AVfc NONE, I'LL GO PICK. SOME FROM AAY CALENCJAR. school girl up on a blanket party." That slow smile of her, in her eyes before it curved her lips intrigued him. Ee wished he could draw her out, break down her amiable reserve. But there was no time. He felt cheated of something. Silently he balanced himself on the shelves and be gan to pry the plaster loose. Steadily he worked, when he glanced down she smiled en couragingly at him. When his fingers and arms began to ache he recalled the grim menace in the General's eyes and added strength came to him. But fi nally, lest the knife drop from his numb fingers, he stopped for a rest, sitting down opposite her, rubbing her wrists. "You're straining yourself," she whispered. "I must get out." "But how soon?" "The sooner the better." He could sec the flatness of his voice startled her. "Did something happen in the library?" "Yes." "The General?" . . . or . . ." "Yes. the General," he hur ried his reply so that she needn't mention Steiner. When he was with her he didn't like to thirjk of Steiner. ttw "Where will you go?" ' "To Freya first." "Please let me talk to Freya before you break out." He searched her face, then shook her head. "I'd rather you had nothing more to do with it . . . it mustn't concern you any more" Her head snapped up. "You don't understand, everything concerns me, even your escape. It's no good to run away," she added without emotion, "unless you run fast enough." "I intend to run fast." His face was hard and grim. (To be continued) ALL-PURPOSE jumper At last a jumper you can dress up or down. The wide shoulder straps with deep scallops give it just the right touch for a "spec ial occasion" look; its trim lines keep it basic enough for an office. No. 2110 is cut in sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 30, 36, 38, and 40. Size 16 jumper requires 1 38 yds. 54-in., blouse, 2 yds. 39-in. The new BOOK OF FASH ION, printed in rotogravure, brings you 36 pages of the new est fashion trends. Over 150 Fall-Winter pattern designs, easy to cut and sew, for all ages, all occasions. You'll agree it's the most attractive and most complete pattern collection you've seen. Popularly priced at 15 cents, plus 2 cents for mailing. Send 20c for PATTERN which includes complete sewing guidijf' Print your name, address an(d style number plainly. Be sure to state size you wish. Include pos tal unit or zone number in your address. Address: Pattern Department, Capital Journal, 552 Mission St., San Fran cisco, Calif. . . By Gene Ahem ' JUST KEEP IGNORING THE i CAMEL UNTIL ff THIS GUY IS '1 V.' ANOTHER GUY I; IS GOING n-M ivir vii-rt i I , SUNDOWN, AND J'LL COME BACK vmt FURTHER. INSTRUCTIONS d : -ro ojiu nun i J BACK, VVTH A CLEAVER," K( FURTHER. WHAT KIND I