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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1946)
jcene of- Jea On Wednesday allernoon, Mrs. Conrad Paulson and Mrs. Wil liam T Waterman, who were chairnihi and co-chairman of the Salem Women's Golf associ ation during the season just end ed, were hostesses for an in formal tea. The venl tool" place at the Paulson home in Court street and was arranged in compliment to new and retiring officers of the association. Guests were in vited to call at 3 o'clock. PresMing at the urns was Mrs. R"y H. Simmons, whose daughter, Mrs. James Haley, is chairman of the group for the next year Assisting were Mrs. Robert E. Joseph, Mi's. Al Loucks, Mrs. Charles D Wood and Mrs. John R. Wood Evergreen OES Confers Degrees , Woodburn Evergreen Chap ter No. 41, Order of the East ern Star, conferred degrees on five candidates at the regular mceeting Monday night at the Masonic Temple. There was a large attendance of members 4md several visitors. ' Introduced and escorted to the east was Mrs. Leona Downing, worthy matron of Sherdian Chapter No. 89. Other visitors from Sherdian were Mrs. Wil liam Smith, and Mrs. Ina Russell from Portland was Mrs. Olive Patterson. Two petitioners were elected to receive the degrees and one to become a member by affilia tion. Minnie Richards, charter member and past matron and secretary for 35 years, was hon ored with a surprise candle light degree and presented with a gift in appreciation of her work as secertary. Short talks were given by ths several visitors. The worthy matron announ ced that degrees would be con ferred at the next meeting No vember 25 and also that the past matrons and past patrons would be honored. She appoin ted Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, Mrs. Gerald Smith, Mrs. Charles Cornwell and Mrs. Annettie Simmons as the refreshment committee. Refreshments were served at tables decorated in patriotic motif in honor of Armistice Day. Serving were Mrs. R. E. Harper, Mrs. Harry Wilkins, Mrs. Sidney Strike and Mrs. Wayne Gill, as sisted by Miss Zoa Lowthian. ft The Women's Missionary So ciety of Englewood United Brethren church will meet Thursday afternoon at 2:15 o' click at the home of Mrs. Hugh Lowmiller, 925 North Winter street. Mrs. Anna Beardsley is leader. Mrs. Mollie Morstad returned home Sunday from a five weeks' trip to Leeds, N. D. She was ac companied east by her daughter, Mrs. Everett Holmes, who will return to Salem later by way of Nebraska, where she will visit with friends. THE COMPLETE PRIVATE FROZEN FOOD LOCKER PLANT . . A factory prefabricated unit pro Tiding contact freezing as good or better than commer cial ftandarcU. 23 mi. ft. xero compartment. 100 cu, ft cooler. Greatest food accMilbillty. Easy Installation. Get facta today from ui. October Rites Mr. and Mrs. Myron Mason, wed at the home of the bride's parents on October 27. She is the former Vercta Burnelte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Burnctte and his parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mason of Chcnoa. 111. They are at home in Salem. (Jestern-Miller studio.) -WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY - Campus Clippings by Marilee Olson Peace and quiet, comparatively speaking, reign for a few weeks, and fewer are the throngs of coffee drintters in the Cat Cavern preparing for another exam. We all took exams, and some took us. "Well," drawls laconic Ed Fitzsimmons, "I'm carrying 10 hours dragging the other six." Guess he's not alone . . . The week-end was one of re laxation and entertainment. Al pha Psis entertained their pledges at a dance at the Sa lem Country club Friday night. Warming her hands at the fire place was Evelyn Deal, in a piquant scarlet dress, Peter Pan collar, full skirt. Beaming smiles graced Roger Adams and Avis Roberts, wearing a gpay pin-stripe suit, silver choker. The men also have t'heir mo ments. Jeans - and - plaid-shirt minded maids are boning over Dave Holmes' gorgeous red and black wool plaid shirt . . . Bill Halseth and his polka dot bow tie. Taking a tip from Arthur Murray, the Kappas held their pledge dance in his Salem dance studio. Eye catchers were Sam Houston and Aldene Gould, Al dene pretty in a while wool, dress, gold belt . . . Shirley But ler, with Brenner Luthy, wore an interesting blue crepe with a shoulder cape, tiny gold but tons . . . The cold wind did blow, but Willamette loyally cheered on the team at Forest Grove Sat urday night. Thought for awhile the game would be minus its rally squad, but at last song girls Patty Holtz and Marge An drcson came stepping gingerly through the mud carrying the message from the stranded the bus had broken down. Those j new transparent jackets the ral ly girls wear are marvelous. I THE PARADE OF GREAT RADIO NAMES CONTINUES T PP 'Gnrnan H EXADBO 'eccdit RADIO Added To Our Already Great Selection Embracing GENERAL ELECTRIC BRUNSWICK GILLFILAN CLARION HOWARD ARVIN MOTOROLA THIRTY DIFFERENT MODELS A PRICE FOR EVERY BUYER Ski enlhuiasls Buck Jonas and Sara Ann Ohling spent Sunday on "boards" al Mt. Hood. The snow was fine, weather grand, but somehow the duo had much trouble in getting to class Mon day. Even semi-pro Bill Ed wards groans when he climbs stairs. Wonderful exercise, skiing! To revive blanket nap after laundering, hang it up over the shower rod or towel rack near est the bathroom tub. Fill tub with hot water. The nap will fluff up. It's Time NOW """""? to do that 1 FURNITURE ' f REFINISHING J 1 Refinishing Remodeling Repairing Plastics LEE BROS. Furniture Refinishing Co. 402UE. State Phone 21233 1 .vioia Shrine CluB Dance Slated The Salem Shrine club, under President J. Parker Lineberry, will present its first formal din ner dance of the 1946 season on Wednesday evening. The affair will be held in the Mirror room of the Marion hotel with dinner served at 6:30 o'clock. Professional enter tainment will follow the dinner, and dancing will be to the music of Wollers dance band. Two hun dred are expected to attend the event. ... Salemites at Institution Saturday evening a White Shrine at Klamath Falls was instituted by Mrs. Blanche Wheeler, supreme deputy watchman of shepherds of San Jose, Calif. Mrs. Wayne Henry, supreme deputy of Willamette shrine of Salem and Bethlehem shrine, Eugene, took charge of the ritualistic work, assisted by the officers from Willamette shrine and Bethlehem shrine. There were visitors from Portland. Redding, Calif.. San Jose, Calif. Miss Laverne Kant ner, worthy high priestess, Wayne Henry, watchman of shepherds of Willamette shrine presided during the ceremonial. Officers from Willamette Child's Colds Relieve Misery WICKS -Rub on Time-Tested V VAPORUB MAOtAMt VO Cansrfiao Vbuky A blend f rare teleelcd wkiikin. I6J Proof. $4.70 shrine taking part In the cere monial were Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Brown, Mr. and Mrs. C P. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rassmussen, Dr. Wilber N. Pint lcr, Miss Ulva Derby, Mrs. Va da Walker, Mrs. Virginia Kline. Mrs. Robert' Crawford, Mrs. Grace Babeock, Miss Laverne Kantner, Mrs. Pearl Speer and Mrs. James C. Jones. . Mrs. Marion Jewell (Margaret Johnson) and her son, Jimmy, arrived from San Luis Obispo Monday, to be guest of her mother, Mrs. J. M. Johnson. . ... DeMolay Mothers club will hold its monthly meeting at the Masonic temple with a no-host luncheon. Hostesses are Mrs J C. Jones and Mrs. Roy Houck All DeMolay mothers are urged to altcnd. Tubes Batteries RADIO REPAIRS AUTO HOME We pick up and deliver PHONE 6874 Wiggins 252 N. CHURCH Opposite Stale Theater OPEN EVENINGS V the House of ScUgtlUU is Holding the Line ! NO INCREASE IN PRICE! THE SAME PRE-WAR QUALITY! SEAOtAMt 1 CIOWN blended Whi.ker, 45 Grain Neutral Spirits. B-6.8 Proof. $3.35 All rrlees r'r f ilth The Camp Fire Guardians as sociation will hold a rummage sale November 15 and 16 in the vacant building next to the Elsi- nore theater. . Maclcay Mr. and Mrs. Mil ton Kephart will entertain mem bers of the 4-M club and their husbands at their Central How ell home Saturday night, The South Salem Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold its annual member ship roll call Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. John Bertclson, 110 East Le fellc St. Mrs. Lillian Conner will be assisting hostess. Mrs. 12 Big, New Advantages (Hot tul S fiuBh coupon to compute I cttl. com put a faciei. New Comfort-Cr Oeign New Full To DM New Gutlon-Sma "X-Ccll"ou'poeti Now Wataf-lfiin Sty I unite S limit til How Available of Visit or Write Salem's Newest Hearing Aid Headquarters J. It NEDKY, Dealer At Our New Office Room 218, Oregon BIdg. Corner Slate and High Phone Z AVM Sutcm ou can UAGtAM'S 5 OIOWN Blended Wbltkey. n, Crain Nenlral Spirila. 86J Proot. $2.95 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Vergil Burson, president of the organization, has recently re turned from the state conven tion at Pendleton and will give n ?3 n o 3 3 nc cc tc tc c cc os m oooooooo U.b.b.U.U.b.b.b. . , , , , ,n in in Ut " 1' ' n Vjit n Sooooocooood frHHHHHfrt - ,t"t - ,frt - u ... r.i r.i r. r.i r.i r.i tj rj ui ru tiM 1 a a a a a. a. wej&amfa f 3 3 iJ t-l k-1 r-J "-J -l MvWV(ai "V. ' VWW I Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island CUy, N.Y,. Franchisee) Bottler: Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., of Salem JUST WHAT YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR! Salem's newest dealership is now prepared (o handle all of the repairs your present ear might need . . . from complete lubrication to complete overhaul. No job is too large or too small for our well equip ped shop and specially trained staff of mechanics. Your New Lincoln-Mercury Dealers WARNER l.'iO North Commercial be Semgrmm-DutiltmrB Corftormion Chryttrr AS Stagnmrs no. Wednesday, Nov. 13, 1946 7 the report of that gathering. The newly elected officers will take over their duties at this meeting. ;33333So3oSooooooo 31 3 or o: o: W W ULJ Uj t o o o o O JBTWJ WWvIO W ;ft.:,'eri."'tt.vtti'a. a. au i o o a,& o o o o ,Ht - r.fc - ,tfc - "tt - '' o o o i H H fc MOTOR CO. St. Phone 7219 Buitding, New York . iC!Sj x. 4 Wo ec K cc OS Sb-SS. tfH ,-.'!: i jw-'S a O O O O Appliances Downstairs 340 Court V RADIOS MAIN FLOOR .310 COURT ST.