Imiscellanieops kvV'T IN CABINETS, Anything wood rensiren u 'rHMu. i"''oiifi Cabinet Shop. 164 S. Com'l. Ph. 5536. Located with Mathla Bros, Roofing. m271 tfSiY Shortle formerly in Pioneer Bide How owner of Bllgh Shine Shop. m2ll firfnERN PIANO and Booaie Wooitie In struction. Private lessoiu, Ouarante?d results L J. Ednerton Studio. 1820 N Cottage. Ph. 8502. mJ87 r"l,ECTBlO BATE reductions! follow siic c(Ji Salem Electric announce! reslden tial reductions that bring lla whole rale fiructura to the lowest In the United Slates m2Bl - SALEM WASTE PAPER 1790 North Front yft BUT magazines and newspapers Cardboard sheets and boxes any size tor tale. mans Mr'VS HATS cleaned and blocked. 75c. LS SPRINGER, 464 Court St. m291' BEAT your boma electrically It's con venient, clean, economical. Sen ua foi free estimate 7 EATER APPUANCt CO. 285 N Liberty ea DENTAL PLATE RKPAIR l-HB SEHV1CB IN MOB' I CAHBQ DR. BAART BEMLBR DENTIST Idolpb Bids State St Commercial Sti SALEM-Pnon SIP m DEAD and worthless stocs removed on moment's notice. Ph. 6000 m' HEAVT HADLINO. excavation ano rose Dalldins. land clearini docar wori ditchinc baaamenl excavation aanfl travel, crushed rock, masoD sand, eon erat mix. cement BAJjEM SAND ORAVEL OO 140S N FRONT ST- SALEM. ORXGOP. Phone 90 oi 11934. FUR SALE MISCELLANEOUS F KFO No. 16 common nails, 1 mahog any Duncan Phyfe coffen table, 1 set of chrome bathtub mixing facets, l mahogany period style book case. 1 mahocany Duncan Phyfe lamp table. Ph 23431. 1.27 1 PIII1XO Cabinet Radio with phonograph a'.tachements, X83.M. Woodry Furniture Market, 1605 N. Summer (See this). n269 I JtKFRinERATOR, excel, cond., cheap. 970 ishl p ping St. "i7!! KlIlDIES tricycles, scooters, choirs, etc. Normally priced at ieo& N. summer at. (Where your dollar buys more). n209 NEW walnut and maple finished S drawer chests, Reg. price 138.50. Our price, 3t.M. Why pay more? Woodry Mar ket. 1605 N. Summer. n'269 EI.F.CTIRC Irons Including cord. Were fi.fl, now 55.95. Woodry Furniture Market, 1605 N. Summer, 1 mile from lush prices. n269 CHROME dinette chairs, were $11.25. now $895. Woe dry Market, 1605 N, Summer. Park at our door, n260 PHIT.CO combination. Ph. 21775. n2 71 PIECED Seal Coney coat. Size 20 (ex cellent) $30. Mexican silver necklace and bracelet set, $10. Ph. 3356. n271 SPARTAN radio-phonograph combination. - A pi.. Mze Kns stove, coal and wood cir culator. 635 N. Commercial. n271 11 CUBIC FT. reach-In cold freezer, same a new. Abo a gasoline operated light piant, 500 watt. See at 650 So. lath St. n214 BROWN SQUlRREn COAT, black fur I rimmed coat, and riding habit. Sizes 12-14. Ph. 4011. n270 BOYS BICYCLE. 2495 Broadway. n270 GERMAN BINOCULARS 6x30 and case, like new. No haziness, very distinctive vision. $85. 2555 S. Summer St. n271 FEW USED HUB CAPS for late model cars. Gene's Blka Shop, 1126 Edge water. w. aaiem. n37i SEAL COAT, and Silver Fox neckpiece, Practically new. Ph. 24000. n27l SNOOKER TABLE 5x10 like new. Complete with balls, 12 cues and rack, $1400.00, Ph. 3255 Eves. 2113. n271 GIRLS BROWN Camel hair coat. Size !0. 1 tan light weight coat, size 10, Sweaters S and 10 yrs. All In excel cond. Ph. 35401. n271a FOR SALE: Male German Sheppard pup. s 8 mo. old. Wonderful farm or ranch dog. $15.00. Ph. 2-4558. nZ71 FOR SALE: 7'ixl6 trailer house. A bargain. I 475:20 tire and Wheel. 1 550:17 tire and tube. 3560 Portland Rd. towards Trailer Park. n27l TWO MO: 17 Tires, soil pipe fittings, one sanitary T 4 In., one 4 in. Sanitary Y. One 4 In. off set. A. G. Porter, 154 Duncan Ave. n271 FOR HALE: Irrigation system and 60 hrs. Complete with 8 hp. motor 460 ft. aluminum pip 12-8 gal Stout sprinklers. Priced to sell, 1 John Deere tractor. Buck rake, M. Chrlstoffersan. P.O. Box 32. Chemawa. Ore. n271 DOBERMAN PINCER PUPPIES. Minia tures males and females, Salem veter inary Hospital. Portland Rd. n272 FOR SALE: Kroft Illy bublets at low price. 578 Hayes street, Woodburn. n374 ICE CREAM FREEZER. Mills 6 qt. with 40 gal. blower type cabinet. Latest model, like new. See It jU Saving Center Portland Rd. n274' FOR SALE 100 lb. capacity Ice box In good condition, 139.00 at 7342 N. 4th St. n270 PRE WAR 6 tube O.E. table mode) radio. IBM uiuia uiiiiiimcy, iviv miuiauu nc. 'Tm Mi as A3 nt7n HARSH ALL strawberry planting stock from plants certified last year, J18 per 1000. Phone 5167. n273 FOR SALE: Muskrat coat, slue 10. Ex cellent condition. Phone 25306 after P.m. n270 WFRE1 No. 14 to No. 6 outside W.P. 18-2 heavy drop cord, 14-2 loom. No. 6 navy spec. Wish to trade lor gun of any description. Ph. 33411. n270 FOR SALE: Phllco cabinet radio, $40. Vlc trola and 18 records, $20. 8x10 body Bruasella rug, $30. Eiler upright piano and stool, $185. Dining room extension table and 8 chairs, $50. Sideboard, $10. Cabinet $10. Library table 18. Rockr $7, Call at 857 8. Liberty between 5 it P.m., Tues., Wed. and Thuri. n270" TYPEWRITER: Underwood portable. $45. 1079 Ruge St., West Salem. n269 BEAUTIFUL little Mexican Chlhauhau Puppies 5 weeks old. One snow white. Inquire 430 Miller Ave, Dallas, Oregon. n269 ENGLISH BABY buggy, practically new rnone HlttB. n269 OR SALE: 1 hot water boiler St 12,000 gai. aoove ground fuel oil storage tank. Capital City Transfer. Ph. 7773.. n369' -PIECE WALNUT bedroom suite, sprlnzs A mattress. $300. Inquire at M it F USED REFRIGERATOR, 1855 N. Capitol. , Vf APPLIANCE CO. n269 LiDeriy at, nsvs TDK SALE: L.n, ran... ,r,en .n.m.l & ALTOMIC cord pl.r. chroma Ilnlsh. coppfr colls excellent ... Yf?J5: appliance CO. condition. AIjo man'a bicycle, new rear " N. Libert? St. " hub assembly. 1304 N. Liberty after see US FOR Christmas atfts. I"n. HJ70 YEATER APPLIANCE OO. Tom TOUB reeraatton room w. hava a " """" Bt- 3"' radio (The Rumpus Master) that can puller BRUSHES. 174S araat Pb 9351 really reach out ft can stand abuse Bill YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ORDER Better Homes 4 Garden or Ameri. "berty at. n2M- caD Home prenl ow orlcs 0( 3 Jesr AND. GRAVEL, silt, garden satd. fertlllz S3. MademolseUe 1 year $3.50. Ph. 7S28 er. Bosley a Meyer. Ph. 30(5. 144 Mrs. Paul H. Haujer 035 Baalnao t worth Commercial. n272 n28 FOR SALE Meat for your locker. Tel. GOOD AS new standard Key Board Oil 4003 evenlnaa. n290 ver Typewriter 545.00. 4 Pc. Heavy Bol- A. K. C. REGISTERED Irish Setter pups. ?'m 0?ii.?2? pn"d'5 Can be seen at Rt. 1 Boa 13 aft 5PM ,5S'00- 254 ohurcl1 8t- ph- M' or Sat, and Sun. H. H. Barlow 0270 n369 BEEGER S pips wood furnace out of E0LA LtMBEB c0- Bl- Salem. Lumber house and ready to ,o .,", me an blD!,M T - tT" Mul1" offer. Phone 30S or see at 39 I? Co" p" Si"m 2-1198- Yr(1 s B"" we" " taae days. ' n3;o Dsllaa highway. n233 ELECTRIC refrlaerator Ph iiii Sio- FIGURINES and small ;ft Items. ,, -- YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 4?A, TBDMPET. cv been used. Call j55 N Liberty St. n275- 34457. n270' irT,v o.. : ELECTRIC desk, mantle and wall docks HEATING Stoves, as la, 12.50 and 55.00. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. gur,n:'l,Wo.t'sr,."sr8p,"?58.a"'n2-fo'- -i L'""" . . - : used ACOUSTICON hearlnn aid excellent JCE SKATES , tlrli i while, size 7. Men's condition. Reasonable. Phone 34000. black, size S or 9. Like new. Ph. 4934. n26fl --- -? - BOHNER M base accordlan. Pb. 713ft I LOVELY occasional chairs. Tier top 8am 3p m n2M end table. 9x12 Skandiaflax rui. Ail like new. Used 3 mo. Ph. 25096. n2T0- D 0ECKM ST Watch Shop BICTCLE. tood cond. 120, Lawn mower. leavinz Nov. 14 for 3 mo. vacation. All 17.50. 1130 Spruce Street. n270 watches In shop 30 da. not called fir DOBEXMAX PINCER puppies, minla- ? be 0l2 repilf enr"- tura s'.ze aisles and female. Salem State. Ph. 21857. n3 Vnerinsry Hospital, Portland Hd. FOR SALE: Dodsre dump truck with fiat- n273 bed to go It. Phone 24904. n2!3 comp;et(""siaa38. Like nc. universal-chain saw. Box 1 TH . M, M. mK sU70 va. all Park ava, sU.a , FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS O MIL'S bicycle. 380 Kappahn rd. n270 UK AT IN G pads (electric), plastic clothes uuea. ironing pads and covers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 RAILROAD type lanterns. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n21 TWO-SLICE electrlo toasters. $3. 10. 4 tllce, $3 85 Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. nllb TWO-WAY and Inter-comm. telephone BIB. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n!75 WATER HEATERS for Immediate dellf cry 40-sallon Collins $96.25; 50-fallon Westinihotise $115 Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 CUTLERY and tableware. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275' COFFEE-MAKER sets. 4 to 6 and I cup conee-matters wit a stoves. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Lioerty St. n275' HEAVY brenz smoking stands YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 25S N Liberty St. n275' MirrAplanoi from $395. Terms. See thee beautiful spinnele style pianos with lh tone of a baby grand at Tallman'a, 335 So. 12th. A mtle from high prices. n2R3 ELECTRIC pants pressers. curling and soldering Irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 GUARANTEED Forever flashlights re quiring no batteries; 9 a 3 cell flash lights. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n276 TIIE!I1FAL XMA's Vlft. A Kromex glass plate chkn rover. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. n288 PRESS I RE COOKE R S3t yeT YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 2bb N. Liberty. n388 STEAM IRONS Safe for all fabrics. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. L.Derty. n2R8' HARDEN tand gravel crushed rocl Shovel St drag-line excavating WALL NO SAND AND GRAVEL SO Pa 65fll CHRISTMAS TOS. Buy them Dt Genes Bike Shop We also specialize in paint ing toys Ac bicycles. 1126 Edsewatrr St. Ph. 21668. n277' SINGLE AND two-burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St o275' TABLE and pin-lt-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. nXTV DECORATIVE ana lighted house numbers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n276 SMOOTHIES for perfect ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 ALUMINUM sauce pans, well and tree Platters, frying pans, cookie sheet, clothes hampers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N Liberty St. n375a KITCHEN and bathroom light fixture YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n37fta WALL TYPE can openers, citrus fruit j ulcers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N. Liberty St. n275 ONE WILL C. FREE treadle Sowing Ma chine, good condition. Also Corona Portable typewriter, fair condition. Phone 6129 after 7 p.m. n271 HAND MADE aprons, towels, baby clothes, pot holders and conked food sale, Oas Co. office. Nov. 15. Izaak Walton League Auxiliary. n270 FOR SALE Ford trurk. IS ton. loni wheel base, completely overhauled with new motor, extra good tires. Ous Eck wortzel, 553 Front St., Woodburn. Ph. Green 130. n272 NEW ELF.C. Wash. Machine $125. 6 amp. range panels $14. Ph. 6468. n271 G IRL'S PRE-WAR bicycle. Ph. 9986. n269 KITCIIEN and Industrial exhaust fans YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. ' n379 AUTOMATIC electric sldcarm water heat era. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 35S N. Liberty St. n3?5' ELECTRIC chimes, long and short tubes, motor driven, and mechanical chimes, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 359 N. Liberty St. n378 SUN LAMPS (ultra violet Infra-red), portable and stand models with timers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N. Liberty St. n375 COAL OR briquet circulating heater, new wood range. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 359 -N Liberty St. n37S ELECTRIC room heaters, fan, steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. fl375 PLASTI-KOTE, the durable paint with the cellophane-like finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N. Liberty St. n275' AUTOMATIC electrlo grill. 18x36 Inches, with double thermostat. Ideal for email restaurant or club house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N. Liberty St. n279 INDIRECT floor lamps and torchlers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N. Liberty St. n275 ATTRACTIVE, aluminum kitchen step ladders and step-on refuse cans, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n37ft tvE BUi sell furniture, tools, store dishes, motors, radios, electric appli ances, household goods. tCLIQMAN'ft 385 N Commercial Phone 9885 O ARE YOU getting poor radio reception? Then try the powerful 8 tube Tropic Master. Standard broadcast as short wave bands. Ideal for localities where reception Is ordinarily poor. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n2B9 FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures and 'In gle tube bracket! lor use near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St, n275 SMART SUITS, coats, sweaters and sklrta as well is dresses for all occasions from afternoon to formats. Grand materials and scarcely worn Sixes 9 to 44. Phone 4845. anytime. n303 HEAT YOUR bomn electrically. It's con venient, clean. aconomtcaL Be ae lot free estimates. 1 YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 355 N Liberty n METAL AND plastic bed lamps. To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS COOn ELECTRIC washing machine. Ph. 35470 . na271- WANTED am a 11 piano from private par ty. Will pay cash. Ph. 31760. na270 HOLLY-WOOD Transfer for dependable hauling. Call Burton's Mobile Station. Phone. 9764. nai79 OLD DISHES over 35 years" old" Upsta'ri Antique Shop, 438 Court St. na2R6 ()SEl fUKNITURK Phone fllS EXCHANGE MisceDaneons BUILDING SUPPLIES: New brick, Ply wood V, flrtex ceillnc squares, new window & frame 24x14 with alass, ufil aalvanlied furnace Az tin pipe to trade for S lengths 'I -inch metal pipe k 10 lengths soil pipe. Ph. 21070 or 252.S nnM9 PRSONAL READING, Know the Truth. 2361 StVe. P2T4 SPECIAL NOTICE PROFESSIONAL adviser. Well known In Salem by former name "Mra, Martin," Marlon Motel cabin 2, north of under past; on Portland highway, this week only, hours 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. p272 ALCOHOLICS. Anonymous. P. O. box 734. P309 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER LETTERS OF all kind composed ano typed Personal ones a specialty. Strict ly confidential For appointment, phone 4845 P308 AUTOMOBILES TRAILER HOUSE. 7ft. 6x18. Completely furnlAhed. Newly built, Can be seen at 915 North 17th. q270 192IJ MODEL A Ford. Made into pickup,' S175, 2-wheel trailer with 16-tn. recap tires. Very good shape. Mountain red cedar posts. Ph. 1754, or see at Vi tires' OarsuB in Aumsville, a. 2 70 FOR SALE "37 Chev. panel 4-speed trans , Rood motor, tires. Ph. 34348. 1723 Lancaster Dr. q2 70 FOR RALE 1910 Buick. good transport, and tires. 3590 So. Com'l. Cabtn No. 1 q270 !!)? STICK Sedan, 80 rubber. Price 1200. Phone 25564. q373' I9HI FORD Deluxe Coupe, excellent con dition Radio, heater. Call Stayton 418. 0274 WILL GIVE AWAV Buick coupe pickup to buyer of four new 6-ply tires and car heater. 1220. 196 8. 25th St. q.269 FIRST KITH takes my Willys panel de livery truck. 196 S. 25th St. q269 '37 FORD 2-door. See after 5 p.m. 1076 Highland Ave. q269 33 PONTIAC Tudor, $285. 1 new 17" tire available to buyer. 198 S. 25th St q260 HOMEMADE tractor. Dodfte motor, $100. Man's bicycle, good shape, 125. Cabi net radio, plays good flS, Rt, 7, Box 408. Phone 24373. . q260 USED CARS WANTED REGARDLESS of year, make or model. We will make you a spot cash offer. McCall'a Used Cars, 1297 State. Dial 8108. q271 HOUSE TAILER for sale. 1600. Howard's Trailer Park, 3500 Portland Road. q271 I93A CHEV. 2-door sedan. Price 1375. (Ml. 650 80. lth 8t, q274 1933 CHEV. 4-dr. sedan, Al cond. 1933 Buick 4-dr. sedan, good motor, body, fair tires. 1930 Ply. 2-dr, sedan, new rings and bearings. 1940 3-dr. sedan, radio and heater, 1941 De Soto cpe , radio, heater, recond., motor and good tlreji, 1042 Ford 2-dr. sedan, radio and heater. 1946 Mercury motor, i new tires. H. B. USED CARS 3395 Portland Rd. Ph. 6421 GOOD BUYS IN CARS 1931 Model A 4 door sedan. 1031 Chev. coupe. 1936 Pachkard Sedan. 1939 Graham sedan Others to choose from. Tour Kniscr Frazer dealer. Tearue Motor Co. 335 N. Liberty. Phone 7001. ' q271 37 FORD V-8 4 dr., radio, 3 new tires, 1450. 732 Highland Ave. Can see Wed. & until 3 p.m. Thurs, q309 FOR SALE '42 Ford semi H.D. Clark rear end. 2 speed Brownie-single axle, 18' flat bed trailer. J. L. Roye, Lyons, Ore. q271 FOR SALE or trade 1637 Oraham Super charger 4 dr. sedan, in excellent cond. Call at 3131 Center. q274 1 FT. TRAILER 1400. Inquire 97ft High land Ave. q273 M LINCOLN ZEPHER. 11080. 1305 Ne braska. After 5. q374' 18 FT. 1011 PALACE TRAILER House. Excel, tires and brakes, 1875, 1785 Berry. Ph. 8377. q274 HOUSE TRAILER for sale. Butane equip ped. International oil burner heater. ml. through Independence on Mon mouth Rd. at Associated Station. q271 MODEL A FORD ROADSTER lor sale. 2495 Broadway, q269 FOR SALE: Trailer House. 1325. 1040 Monroe Ave. q271 1930 MODEL A CPE. Oood cond., for sale Inquire at Da via Oil Co. on Capital St. N. of Hollywood. q271 '42 DODGE TON Truck. New engine and rear end. 30 ft. P.W. aeml '16 model. 100i rubber. Wrlta E. B, Lewis. 658 Almodla St.. Eugene. Ph. 537BR. q274 FOR RALE: '34 Tudor Chev, sedan. Ph. 253. q271 FOR SALE: 1926 Model T coupe. Fair cond., good tires. 1150. 653 Jefferson St. Salem. q371 GENERAL ELECTRIC AIR Compressor unit, with 13 H.P. A.C.-D.C. motor - suitable for paint gun and storm S. Cylinder boring for two cutter heads. Priced to sell. Res. 753 Mill St. (opposite Southern Paclfio Depot), Sherdmn. Oregon. q269 FOR SALE: '41 Chev. special deluxe club cpe. Write Box 73 Capital Journal. 02 TO SLEEPING TRAILER: 8x4; Weather proof; light weight; springs; 600:16 tires. Fine for sportsman or traveler, 1515 Bellevue St. Bvea, q270 193J MASTER 2-DOOR CHEV, 1097 N. W'nter. q271 HUDSON SALES SERVICE PARTS Free estimates overhauling body and fender repair painting. "Give Shrock a try and you'll know why." SHROCK MOTOR CO. Phone 8503 Salem MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES SERVICE PARTS All makes used motorcycles bought sold repaired. SHROCK MOTOR CO. Phono 8303 - Salem WANTED IO BUlt Late model true Pickup, panel, flatbed, locfera and so on International dealer Jamea U Maden Company 3058 Sllvertoo Road Pbone 34133 a WANTED: LATI Mode. Oar 07 orlvabe party Will pay eash Phone 8280 a FINANCIAL NO CO-SIGNERS WITH A LOAN FROM THE YES MAN OUR YES MAN the man who says "Yes" to 4 out of 8 who apply here for a loan will show you how you can et 125 to 130" or more without co-signers. Get the cash on your signature, furni ture or up to 1500 on auto. Phone, write or come in today. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. of Salem 518 State St., Rm. 125 Phone 3191 E. Galllnger, Mgr. Lie. 8-132. M-165 r280' MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm properties; loans made ns small sji 1300, See ua about refinancing your present contract or mortgage, APPROVED CITY LOANS 4!.,r. O.I LOANS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION, 4 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State Street. Phone 9261. r270" WANTED Real estate loans on 6 percent Interest. Good security on coast prop erty, new homes. Write Box 168, Nelt cott, Oregon. r286 AUTO LOAN! WILLAMTTT1 ORED!? OO life FLOOR Q CARD LAN BLXXk FINANCIAL PARM AND CTTT LOANS 4 AND 6 rotTR OWN terms of repayment wllhtn nuoa Caab for Real Estate Contrast acd Second Mortcaaea CAPITOL 8EC-JRJTXEB OO. 01 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph. 711 f Q EN KRAJ. PTNANCB CORP LOANS ' S-lll ano M-3M and ROY B SIMMONS INSURANCE and LOAN 138 8 Commercial St Tel 8108. TOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN VOU 6 PERCENT INTEREST BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE, EXAM INE THE SECURITY YOUIlShLK. MORTOAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OF 1500 TO 17500. WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAYMENTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High St S MONK! I HkJil tMlAlk LOANS personal loans car loans Buy Rfmt Sstata Uortcaaes an Contracts STAFF KlNANCa CO- REALTORS Lie tt-xie U-I if I 8 Riab St r Directory AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANEK, 375 8. Cotn'1. Ph. 5161. Brake tb wheel aligning specialist. o279 ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping. Reason able rates Dependable service. Buslneat Servtce. Inc. Uaaonle Buildings. Salem Phone 8737. o PPUANCE REPAIRS KXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domastlo refrigeration aervloa. Ralph Johnson Appllanoea. 331 Center Pb. 4036 MITOMOTTVC UARION MOTORS NASH SERVTCE 40 Ctwneketa Pbon 1838 BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING and leveling. Dirt mov-, Ing logging. R. R. Ricks, Ph. 8022, Stay ton. o230 CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis. 1905 N. 19th St. Ph. 4071, 0392 CHI MNF.y SVY EE F FURNACES. CHIMNEYS vacuum Oleaneo EN8LEY. 771 3 2UL Ph. 7176. 0 DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 S. Church. Phone 471L Q275 EXTERMINATORS ARDEE MAINTENANCE CO. Bedbmca, roaches, rata, fleas, moth Peat con trol contract service. Materials old guaranteed riddance. 825 N Killing worth at.. Portland 1L Ore. Pb, WEb ster 3265. COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3056. LEE CROSS. 1260 N. 17th. 0277 Srelthaupt'a for tlowera Dial 819 o HAULING HMTuNG Farm products and building materials. Chrlstensen & Gilbert. Ph. 25021, 2445 N. Church. o391 FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL BOMS Pb. Mil HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R. V ATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. 1717 Center St, Phone 5385. MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING Phono 4069 MUSIC LESSONS iPANlSH and HAWAIIAN Oultar. Mando lin banjo- aw 1538 Court Ph 7669 PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. EXPERT paperhanalna. B. X Wood worm. Phone 3018 PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service Larry Travis. Phone 8601 o373 L. W. CAUDLE. Spraying and Pruning Ph. 7900. 130 Roberts Ave. 0287 SAND GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed MMX. Shovel ft draaline excavating Walling Sand A Oravel Oo. Phone 8901 SAW FILING F. X. Roasch. 674 S. CapitoL SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED KENNETH II AM EL, 1143 8th St., W. Sa lem. Ph. 7404. Guaranteed service. 0293 UOTO-BOOTER SEWER SERVICE Bew ere ano dra:tu cleanea Fr estimate Prompt service Ph 5337 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL ft D INSTANCE .Transfer atoraaa Burner (Ml, ooai. briquet Trucks cc Portland dally Agent. Lyon Van Llne for house noW goods to California point banner Transfer A Storage Pa. 1131 o TRIMMING SHRUB TRIMMING. Rotottller work. New lawn preparation, yara wort, oaiem Tree company. Phone 21308. o284 VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTROLUX Sales & Service it Repairs. Limited amount of. new machines avail able Office 175 8. High. Ph. 60B8. o288 FREE Uupectun in your home, author ized Hoover service We servtoe all make of cleaner. -Hogs Broa Ph 0149 o WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimate!. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 59A5. 0286 WELDING WELDING it BLACKSMITHINQ BODY It FENDER WORKS WE Specialize in trailer hitches. Pcnn 4 Corner 3955 E. State 0269 WELL DRILLING J. A. SNEED ft SONS. Well drilling. 2505 Brooks St., Salem. Phone 6809. o309 WELL DRILLING U L) Bnioa Rt a Box S21-L. Saiem. Or First ooua eouth of Swealft school Ph 34267 WINDOW CLEANING NOTHING TOO LARGE or too small. We clean them all. Herb's Window Cleaning Servtce Business, office, home. P.O. BOX 84. Ph. 25364. 0289 ACME WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows, walls and woodwork cleaned. Fioors cleaned waxed and polished. Ph. 3337 347 Court. Langdoc. Culbertson it Mather. o' fttUFEHSIONAI CLEANING SCR VIC A Phone 4451 o" WOOD SAWING R. B. CROSS. Ph. 8178. LODGES Meet every Wednesday . evening Visitors wel ' come. IOOF Building Ainsworth Lodge st&Led meet ing and F.C, degree Tuesday, November 12, 7:30 p.m. 268 Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. & A.M. Stated meeting, Friday, Nov. 15, 7:30 p.m. 271 LEGAL NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE la hereby given that the underMsned, W. A. Osboin. ha been appointed by the circuit Court of the State of OreRon for Marion County ad ministrator of the estate of Mary Oaborn, deceased, and haa duly qualified. All psrsons having claims against the estate are hereby notified to present them, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned administrator at the resi dence of Mrs, Mabel Fowler, Rural Route No. 3, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. D.ttd and first published November 13, 1946. W. A. OSBORN. Administrator Aforeaaid. FRED W. CALEF, Independence, Oregon. Attorney. Nov. 13, 30 37 Dec. 4, It Journal Want Ads Pay Market Quotations Portland Trodnre Kvrhange Rutterfal (Tentative, subject to Imme diate change). Premium quality maxi mum of .35 of 1 percent acidity, delivered in Portland, 91 -92c; first quality 90-31r lb.: second quality 86-87ct valley routes snd country porur 3c less first, or 88 89c. lb. Butler (Wholesale, FOB., bulk 68-lb. tub5: AA, 93 score, 80-Blc: A. 93 score, 79-BOc lb: B. 90 score, 78-79c lb; C, 89 score, 75c lb. Cheese Selling prlre to Portland re tailers: Oregon singles, 55-59c lb; Oregon loaf 57-Blo lb; triplets, 54'-S9c lb. Ec To wholesalers: A grade, larce SB'-'WiC: medium, SS't-WJ'-.-c; small ti'ullet), 41'i-43'3c; B grade, large, 46 48c. Ebc Purchases from farmers: Current receipts, 54-55c; buyer pay 3-3 tc do, below wholesale mio! at Ion., on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Poultry: Dressed Turkeys Market nominal and unsettled Dressed Chickens Bell to reiailers: Spring iriler.s. 3 lbs. up, 53c: colored liens, 37c; leghorn fowl, 32c; old roosters and taxs 28c. Live Chicken No. 1 Leghorn broilers, 1 to 2 lb.., 35-36c lb; fivers 3 to 3 lbs., 37-33c; 3 to 4 lbs., 37-3SC lb; roasters, 4'3 lbs. and over. 37-38c. Fowl, Leghorn, all wis., 22-23c; fowl, colored, all wsts., 37-28r: roosters and stags, 12-17c lb. Rahhlls Average to retailers. 50c lb; dressed pners lo producers, 43c: fryers, live, white, 23-25C lb; colored, 23c Ik. Vegetables: Artichokes Cal. 11.85 for 3 dozen. Beets Local. 65 -7 5c dot. bunches, Brorroll f 1.50-1.86 lug. Hrussel Sprouts M .36-3.50. lt-bnakot flat. CabbageRound head, 830 lb. crates, S2.25-2.50; fancy, 12.75-3.85; red, 4-5c lb; kraut, 11.15-1.35. Carrots Local bunched, l-doi, crate, (3-3.25: Cal., 6 doz. S4.75. Cauliflower Local No. 1, Sl.85-2; No. 3, I1-I.35. Celery Labixh, Milwaukie, I2-2.2S: blanched, 12.75-3 crate; hearts, J1.85 for 3 dor. Cucumbers Sheer. 16-lb. rials, 11.50 1.65; orange box, 13-3.35; Louisiana, 50 1b. crale. 15.75. Eggplant Cal., 20-lb. crales, f2.75-3.85. Garlic Oregon white, 35-30c lb. Letture Mid-Columbia, S3.35-3.75 crate; California S5.50-5.75 4 and 5-dot. cra'e. Unions Washington white, No. 1 41 1.35; Oregon, yellow, No. 1, Sl.35-1.50; green bunched, 80-90c; Idaho white gloves, Jl.50-l.fl0; large, 11.85; yellow Spanish, H. 20-1. 25. Parsley Local. 75-80c down. Prppers Mid-Colutubia. green, 12-lb. flat, tl; 30-lb., SI. 75; chili peppers, SI Hat. Potatoes Washincton Russets, 12 .VI 3.65: 50 !bs. No. 3, BOc-Jl.10: local long white, S2.552.85 cwt; Klamath Russets, No. 1, S2.65-2.75: Deschuies, No. 1, S2.75 3; bake-s. S3. 50-3.75, Radishes Local, red, 70-75C doa Rihagas 11.15-1.25 lug. Splnnrli 20-lb. boxes, SI. 50. Squash Zucchini, 75c-Sl flat; scallop Iurs. ISc-sl; Hubbard, 3-3c lb; Dnnlih lues. 65-90c; orange boxes, I1.50-1.R5, Sweet Potatoes Cal., 50-lb. basket, 13.90-4.23: Louisiana yams, 50-lb, S4.C0 4.25; Calif., S4. Tomatoes California, as la, wrapped. 14-4.25; repacked S4.25-4.50. Turnips Bunches, SI. 10-1.25 dos. Fresh Frull: Apple Ore on Orl'.eys. fared and fill ed, S2.25-2.50: Kings. Winter Bananas, loose, SI .50-2; Red Delicious, wrapped and parked. S4.25-4.50: loose, 83-3. 50; Jonathans, wrapped and packed, S3.35 3.50. Avocados California Feu r tea, ill sizes, (5.50-5.75 box. Rnnamis Bundled. 9'iC lb; cut hands, S10.15-10..S0 A 100 lbs. Coma nuts Central America, sack of 100 S22-2.1. Cranberries Oregon, 25 -lb. boxes; Large, S9-9.50. Grapefruit Florida white. 80s and larg er. S5.50-6, Texas pink, 88.75-7; Taxus white $4.50; Arizona 80 and larger, $2.75 3. Grapes Cal.. 38-pound lidded lugs; Em perors. J3.50-3.75. Lemon California, all alses, S7.36 9.25. Limes California 15 tubs of 6 limes, $2.65-2.75. Oransrs--Calif., S44 and small, S4 6.50; 392a 15.75; Florida, wirebound box es. 25lls. $5.75; larger S6-6.50; Calif, na vels 200a and larger 8.35 box; 320. $8; 252s, 17; 288s $6.35: 344s, 85.50. Pears-aHood River O'AnJou, $475-5 wrapped and packaged boxex: loose, Boar. Loose, $3.25-3 50: Yakima. 13-3.35; Corn ice, local loose $2.25; Hood River, loose, $2-2.35, Persimmons Calif. litis, $3.50-3 Pomegranates SI. 75-3 a layer lug, Quinre Local, 2-3c lb. Packaged Vegetables Cellophane wrap ped, a dozen: Broccoli, S2.35-2.50; spin ach, 24-13 07.., $2.15-3.25: cauliflower seg ments, lC-fW.. J2.70-2.75; salad, 8-oj:., 11. 1 5-1. 20; Brussels sprouts, 9-oz., $2.00 2.75. (iarllo Cloves 20 1-oe, packages, SI, 65 1.75. Dressed Meats: Veal Best qualily, 3-27c lb; B, 33 34c; C, 31 -22c; cull, 18 -20c lb. Hogs Blccl: butchers, packer alyle, 155 213 lbs,, 33-34c; over 313 lbs. 33cj Sows, all weights 29 -30c lb. Lambs A A 34 -35c; A, 32c; B, 37-28c; C, 25c. .Mutton 12-16c lb. according to qualitj and weight. Beef Beat quallly, 30-32c: B, 25-36c; 0, 22c; canner and cutter, 18-20c; bolog na bulls, 25c, Wool, Cascara Bark: Casrara Hark Green, 8-8 4c; dry, 30c. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades, 45c lb. Mohair 40c ib.on 12-month growl h. Hides Calves, 3B-3!)c lb., according to weight; green beef, lfl-17c lb; kip hides, 23-24C. Rendered Inedible Fats 12c lb. Nut: Almonds California. 33-35c lb. Filberts (new rrop Barcelona, Jum bo, 32-34c lb; large. 26 ; j-2fi 'ic; faiw.y, 22c and up; baby, 20-22c; Ouchilly Jum bo, 23'-.-34c; large, 28c: fancy, 24c; bnx nuts. Jumbo, 34c; fancy, 24c in 100 1b. bag. Walnuts Opening price: First quality Fran queues, jumbo, 40c; large 38c; me dium, 33'c; soft slid! jumbo, 40c; large, 38c; medium, 35',c. The above prices quoted to the whole sale trade are F.O.B. shipping points. Delivered eastern price Is generally 1'j cents h.shcr than F.O.B. plant quota tions. Chicago Grain Chicago, Nov. 13 Cash grain .sales : Wheat nominally steady; no sales. Corn strong. Old; Sample grade yellow 132. New: Sample grade mixed 50; 1 yellow 137; 3 yellow 133-135; 4 yellow I22:)i-130,,2; 5 yel low n4ai-122'; sample grade yel low 80-11216; 5 white 140. Oats firm; 1 mixed 81; 1 white 82; 2 white heavy S3li; 2 white 81-81 : 3 white 81; sample grade white 77. Soybeans: 3 yellow 328V Barley: Malting 145-165 nominal; feed 115-125 nominal. Chicago Livestock Chicauo. Nov. II USDA' Salahle Iioks 0.500, total 16,000; market active throughout; generally 50 cents hither tn all weiitriU and kowji: bulk ttood and choice 180-300 pound 24.2.'i-24,50; practi cal loi 24.50 paid freely; short load 24.80; few early salea nimllnr grade hogs 24,00 24,35; few choice 150-170 pound welirhu 23.O0-24.0rf; bulic good and choice aowa 23.50-23.73; ttood clearance. Salable cattle 9.000. total 9.500; sala ble calves 700, total 700; slauihter ateera and heifer. 25-50 cents higher; load strictly choice 1.100-lb. fed sieers topped at 35.50: three loadt yearlings 35.00; moat WANTED! Walnuts & Walnut Meats Highest Cash Prices on Delivery MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 460 North Front St., Salem Tel. 7633 good to low-choice fed steer and year lings 34.00-31 .00: medium grade 17.0(1 21.50; choice heifers absent: good grades 37.00 down; cows slow, steady to 25 cents lower: most common and good beef cows 12.00-16 SO, Salable sheep 5,000, torai l.noo; early sales slauit liter lambs 35 cents lower: good and choice natives and fed wooled western! 24.50-34,75; latter price lops; cull and common 10.00-14,00; car good and choice shorn lambs with No. 1 pelts 24.75; yearlings sea tee: slnughter ewes cow; asking lux her or P. 00 and better for ood and choice kinds. Portland Grain Portland, Nov. 13 iff; Wheat: No futures. Cash grain: Oat.s No. 2 29-Ib. white 62. Barley No, 2 45-lb. B. W. 64; corn No. 2 E. Y. shipments 62; No. 1 flax 7.25. Cash wheat (bid) : Soft white 1.88; soft, white t excluding Rrx 1,88; whit club 1.88; western red 1.88. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.88; 10 per cent 1.90; 11 per cent 1,94; 12 per cent 2.05. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 10 per cent 2 28; 11 per cent 2.30; 12 per cent 2.32. Today's car receipts: Wheat 12; barley 2; flour 1; corn 3; oats 2; hay 2 mlllfced fi; flax 0. Portland livestock Portland, Nov. 13 (P (U. S. Dept. Agr.) Cattle: Salable 200, total 300; salable and total calves 50; market active, steady-strong; common-medium steers 14.00-17.50; including few stockers and feed ers at 15.00-16.00; common-medium heifers 11.50-15.00: Canner and cut ter cows 8.50-10:50; few 11:00; fat dairy type cows up to 12.00 and above: medium-good beef cows 13.00-14.50; good young cows up to 15.00; medium-good sausage bulls 13.25-14.50; good vealers 17.00-50; choice .salable to 18; common medium calves and vealers 12.00 16.50; culls down to 8.00. Hogs: Salable 25; total 1000; mar ket active, steady with Tuesday's close: good-choice 190-240 lb. truck ins 25.00; good 410-470 lb. .sows 23.00; choice feeder pigs quotable Up to 22.00. Sheep: Salable 600; total 800; market fairly active and steady but some interest less aggressive; good choice shorn wooled lambs 20.00; few wooled lambs to 21.00; one lot choice 148 lb. 21.50; equal to pre vious extreme high; common-medium lambs 14.00-17.00; light feed ers down to 11.00; good 96-106 lb. yearlings 15.50; good ewes 6.50 7.00. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealer lor the antdanca of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised daily.) detail PHeea Rabbit reeas peueis. V.kk Mash 14 .AS cwt. Tnlry Feed 13.90 cwt. n...a u nnnl-ii1 hunt Nrt 1 57C lb No. 3 34o. Colored tryers. No, U 8o lb. '"uTera Prlcea- White and Brown ixtrt laree rrada A SBc. med 6o. standards sOe dwen H-h.i...i Prlre Lara flU doien. Died 80c. atandardi 55c. Rnttet wnoiesaie. a oc, Retail Grade A. 89c Ruiierfat Premium. flDoi No. 1, M. No. 2. ec Markets Briefed fJW th United Prens Stocks lower in quiet trading. Bonds lower; U.S. govern ments not traded. Curb stocks irregularly lower. Wheat up V cent to off IV cent. Stock Quotations (Br the AMoclaled Preas) New Vora. UP. duaiM auotationa toda .ilted Chem ft Dja W , me r Iran Can ' tn- Powei St Ufhl Mner Tel St rU 64 l Anaconda Ooppar Uchiao B Bendlx AiatlOB -J!' tfeihienem Swel J. Boeini Aircraft 21 " California Packing Canadian Facuia J I Oasa Chrrnei Corp Commonwealth South Conaol mated Kdl.on UonsollOated Vuliee Continental imurano .... Jrown Jurtls Wrtini Oouilaa Aircraft Ouponl de Nemoura . BS . 3 . 37U . 17 . 47 . 23 . 1 'i . "71 .17.1 S . 37"-. . 44 . ft i; Jeneraj Electrlo leneral Fooda jenerai Motors todear Ttra . reat Northern pfd. intemallona; Harveater .... Int. Papet pla. Johns M annua .123'. 4fi'i, Kennevoil laom BU A Majtai .. Mismi Coppsr Hiomerj Waro Naih Kelvinator National Dairy N Y Osniral Morth Am Co Northern Pacifio .... Pao. Amer rif-h , ti Pacific Ga E. Pacilio r St T tan American (, fenny j C ........... rtadio Corp .............. -( rtayomer Pfd Rernoldji Uetala Jatewaj . .. 3 an Koebuck "'" Sincian oil "" SouUiern PaciJlo '' 3tancrd Brands ' itandard OH Catlt. (t, Stewart arner itudeDalter ..,...... Sua Uiniua Onion Oil Jnion Pacifio , United Airlinaa United AuctaXt Onlted States Staal Waravr Brother Weal Eiec Utt Oo WooiworUt Rlchlifld I4S Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Stocks Decline To Over 3 Points New York, Nov. 13 fP) Slocks beat an orderly retreat in today's market with losses ranging from fractions to more than 3 points. Liquidation never became urgent, and near the close se lected issues had achieved mod est comebacks from lows of the day. Dealings were generally sluggish with total transfers approximating 1,000.000 shares. Wide movers on the down turn included Douglas Aircraft, General Motors, Goodyear, Du Pont, Santa Fe, Union Pacific, Woolworth and American Smelt ing. Better performers, some of which wiped out declines, in cluded U. S. Steel, Chrysler, American Telephone and Elec tric Power & Light. Bonds were mixed. Oat Futures Climb 2 Cents Chicago, Nov. 13 (&) Oats fu tures climbed more than 2 cents a bushel in late trade today un der buying influenced by good cash demand and a report that Holland was seeking about 400,000 bushels of the grain for December shipment. Corn also advanced more than a cent at times on strength in the cash market, but wheat trade was quiet and prices were weak most of the session. Oats closed Va to 2xk cents higher than the previous finish, November 78h-s4, corn was up K to 1H. January $1.29V4-at wheat was '.4 higher to 1 14 lower, January $2.03 'i, barley was l4 to 1 up, November $1.27, and lard was 10 cents higher to 10 cents lower, July $21.40. Births, Deaths Birth North finrin Valley- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mr... Harvey Lurty "Car ol Weinberg, Sunday, Nov. 10. The baoy hna a sister, Sharon, 13 months old. Death Or non M Gardner Oraon M. Gardner, In le resident of Lib erty, Saturday, November 9, a dr. unlit er, Mrs. Edith Boyd of Bozeman. Mont., a brother. C. T. Oaroner of Miami Fla.. and five arandchildren. Services will be held Thursday, November 14. at 10 a m. at the Clntmh-BnrricK chapel. Interment in the IOOF cemetery. Mra. Marraret Delia Dalrvmpl Mrs. Meraaret Ueha Dalrymple. late res ident of 1 170 Norway atreet, Salem, at the Lebanon hospital, November 10. Sur vived by her husband, James B. Dalrymy'.e of Br.lem: lour daughters. Mm. Loiiiie Causey of Brawley, Cnlir., Mrs. Huh Melhck of Post Fnlls, Idaho, Mrs. Elerne Patterson of Salinas, Calif., and Mrs. Ua Lucille Carr of Brooks, Ore.; and four brothers. Jon Morris Amos Morris. Dave Morns and Morlan Morris, all of Snn Anaelo Texas. Services will be held Thursday. November 14, at 2:30 p.m. at i lie Howell-Rd wards r ha pel wit h Rev. Theodore Amlnr.vtn officiating-. Conchtd Ina services at the City View cemetery. I.ouiin Marie Walker Ai the residence, B3S ifnion street. No vember 12, Mrs. Louisa Marie Walker died at the ase of fifi. Mother of Clen Walker, Austin V, alker, both of Salem and Carl of Portland. Grandmother of Phyllis Allen of Los Anaeles, Calif.; Syl via Walker of Portland, Dranna, Barbara Jean and Robert AiiAtln Walker, all of Hnlem. Servirea will be held Friday. No vember 15 at. 3 P.m. at the W. T. Riarion chapel. ConclininiK services a. Belcreat Memorial park. Hev. Dudley Strain will oiflciate. CurlU K n low Curl is Enlow, lale resident of 1P.10 How ard street, at a local hospital, November em. 'j& ax 3kcc;xik j For BETTER HEALTH Correct HEMORRHOIDS (l'llri FISTI.l.A USSI HI' 4t I'KOl.AI'.SR and other Rectal condition. No hn pltallKatton. Pree dc acrlptlve booklet. Dr. R. Reyr )lds Clinic NATI'RO - PRO JTOUKilST !ia N. 1, lhort St., Urt. . M..r ....... , IS WHAT: SUBSTANTIAL IOTS OF USED AND UNUSED ITEMS .uch ot, Decontaminating Apparatus-Drills l.l.ctrit, porlobls, ,otoryl-Pov..r Unili Saws (bond, circular, portabl., pneumalicl-Waler Purilicalion Uml.-Wal.r Soh.ning and Anorl.d Hardwar. (bond, 2-wh..l)-Twin.-Vi,0l-Vroncb..-B,idl..-Hc,rn... -Soddl.i-Strap-Bondt-Miic.llan.oui W.lding Suppliei-Packing-Ch.mi-call Tent Poles Miic.llaneous Electrical Supplioi. WHEN: Inipectian days for qualified buyer, will b. No.. 28 and 2, W6. Bid. accepted until 2 p. m., Nn. 30, I96. Open to all cla.... of buyers, Prioriti.s applicable only in ca.e of tie bid. WHERE: Catalog., information, ipeeial .ale condition., bid form., etc., Kill be on r. by th. George A. Fuller Company. Wednesday. Nov. 13, 19415 It 11. Survived by his wife, Louise Enloa of Salem. Announcement, of services la ter by Clouah-Barrlck company. M.irrl Itnannn Margie Isaacson, late resident of As toria, at a local hospital November 12, Suivlved by her paren'.s. Mr. ana Mrs, isaaron. Astoria. and a sister. Lrnora Mart. A.-.tor;a. Shipment has been made to Long view. Wash., lor servlcea ana mti'i Mrs. Flora A. Mi Independence Mr.. Ynrn A, Mix died Tuesday at. the Salm General hospital follow ins a mitjor operation August 30, Flora Amelia Knowle u born in Locks per-, Nw Yorit. Anctm 12, lfl3. livinc a year in M:rh;n, H years in Missouri and 2'-i years :n Kansas, comma t Orecon when about 12 years of aae, the family settlm; on the Ruas farm near R:rkreal, On Ocober 11, 1331, sha was marrird to Mervin W, Mix. settUnc on a f.uni m the Greenwood district, in Rickreall and on a f,irm north of Inde pendonee. In lfi!H they moved to Inde penca whre Mrs, M:x resided until her death. Mix riled in February, 1034, EiBhl children were born to this union, four of whom are living. Survivin are a son, Jra D. Mix of !r.c)epmlei.ce. threa datiKhMTs, Mrs. H.Vi;e J. H'..ick of Sa lem. Mrs, Fva Alderson and Mrs. Iner Quart ler boi h of Por; land. A sister, Cora Knowlen and h bro'her L. H. KnowleA of the Greenwood district. Sev en arantii-hildien and six greaL arand childr.n. ?lie was a member of the First Bapti.-.t rliurch, of the Rebekah lodaf, the Order of Eastern Star and Past Ma trons cl ia. Funeral services witi be held from thr Firsi Baptist rhtirch of Inde pendence Thursday Ncvember 14 at 3 o'cloek. Rev. V. O. Esurbranteii will of ficiate, by directions ot Waiter L. Smith, mortuary. Sir. I.ula Wishon Mill City -Fuiu'ial services for Mrs, Ln la Wishon, 60. were held in the Mill Ci'T Pre.sbyienan church Sunday afternoon. Interment followed m the Fairview cemetery. PaUbearers included: Noel Knotts, Tom Israel. E'.don Hutchinson, John Morrison. Howard Shelton and Grald hutch inson. Ltila Wishon was born Jun 3, 1R36 in Glade, Ark., coming to Mill City in 1931. Was a member of the Church of God and has been a de vout ChrlMian all of her life. Has been In ill health for more than a year and bed-fnst, during the pa.ot three months. Was taken to a Salem hospital then lo the Sweet Home hospital where arte died, Surviving are: Four daughters. Kail Noblin and Ruby Hutchinson of Mill City, Elva Morrison and Ersa Israel of Sweet Home: two sons, George Wishon, Sweet Home and Cris Wishon, Salem; nna sister living in Arkansas, nine grand children and two great grandchildren. Lyman R. Rnim Albany Lyman S. R.wers, Tl, a re tired poatal employe, died at his homa on Albany route 4, Sunday. Funeral ser vices were held from the Fort miller funeral chapel Wednesday with burial in the Masonic cemetery. He was born In Wisconsin August 13, 1B74. He mar ried Amiess L. Merrill, March 7, 1904 at Madison, Wis., who died several yeya ano. Survlvine is a cousin, M. L. DetwTn, Loa Angeles, Calif.: a Sister-in-law, Mrs. W. P. Cannula and a brother-in-law, Zed E. Merrill. Albany. He was a member of the IOOF lodue. Mrs. Mary Carter Mill Cm -Mrs Mary Carter of Vallun, Calif., died November 3. Funeral servicel were held In the Twin Chapels lo Vallejo, Calif., November 6. Interment was at the Abbey of the Chimes, also in Vallejo, Mary E. Carter, 65, was born February a, 1HA1 in Boston, Mass., and came to Mill City In Ilia year 1ft 10 the snme year oi her marriage to Matt CArter, who pre ceded her In death. Lived in Mill Qf.y 27 years before moving to Salem for two years then to ValleJo. Surviving art two sons, Waldo, of Mill City and Sher man, of Euaetie; one daughter, Vloiet Johnson, of Cerrito, .Calif.; three grand children ; several brothers and sisters m the east, Willi. m 1. Edwards Lebanon Will Urn I. Edwards, 79, died at his Laromb home on Nov. 10, He waa born at Burrsvllle, N.C.. Mar. lo, 1867 and had lived al Lucomb for the pmi 41 years. Services were held Wednesday at the Howe-Himton chapel and interment was In the IOOF cemetery. Survivors aia his widow, Nancy Jane; six sons, W, H,f CorvRlhs. J. C, C. R., K. R C. M. and Ted, all of La comb, two daughters, Mrs. W. J, Butler. Salem and Mrs. Lajy Peoples. Portland: two brothers In North Carolina and Tennessee and three sisters in North Carolina. There are 33 grand children and 11 a reat grandchildren. flenri-a Bnlme Silven on Funeral service for Georaa Bnlmff, 84. were from the Memorial cha pel of the Ekman Funeral horn Fri day afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. 8, L. Almhe officiating, final rites at Val ley View. Gas on Storiiach Ralietd in S mirtulct nr doubl tmr motuy oi'h hti firms Moraac-h ariil i-aoiei (ulnf'il. tutT Mt Ing i., tour tufiiith aitil li'srttiirn. doctnrt umilly inrornlie ih f jittTt-i! i ninllrlnM knnvn fnr ,mi1'imtlr rflli-rniollrlnrt like TliiiiB In Bll ni Tihlrti. N UtnilTfi. It'll-n trlnat rorafrtrt In a ilffj or rtluro bullle to ui for doiiblo uoney back. 35 a. BETTER HEALTH! Hemorrhofrft a Rattal and Colon AUmtntt Oaarrfc Ufcar Tmalod wfihn-it Hospllsl Opmtion Writ orcallfor FRFS dtJicrlptlve Booklet Monday through Vridayt JO A. M. to 3 P. M. V.ttnmgt: Monday, IT tdnetday, Fndat 7 to jJ Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Phylcian and Surgmon N. E. Corner F. H imlct air! Grind Avnua TUpbon EAiit J91d, Portland 14. Oisqoa jubocl to W. A. A. standard terms and conditions of sale. rmem. j Obituary GOV'T. SURPtUS