Jelecl at tower Miss Jean Post, whose mar riage to Clark Carlton, son of Mrs. Nell C. Carlton of Medford will be an event of Friday, No vember 29, will be honored this week at several pre-bridal affairs. Her cousins, Miss Charlotte and Miss Shirley Post, daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Post, have planned a kitchen and bath linen shower for the bride-to-be Tuesday evening. Guests will be Miss Donna Lochead, Miss Gwenda Boyer, Miss Wilma Noyes, Miss Bever ly McMillion, Miss Alice Adams, Miss Pat Kerber, Miss Artie Mae Phillips, Miss Joan Post, Mrs. L. V. Leffler, Mrs. C. H. Post, the honor guest and the hos tesses. Clata Crabtree Shower Feted Lyons Miss Cleta Crabtree of Turner, formerly a resident of Lyons, was honored with a pre-nuptial shower, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker with Miss Betty Jean Bodeker, Mrs. Roy Baker and ?y.s. Bodeker, hostess. Bridal shower games fur nished the entertainment fol lowed by opening of the gifts, alter which refreshments were served to Miss Clcla Crabtree, honored guest, Mrs. Everett Crabtree. Mrs. Walter Miller of Turner, Mrs. Richard Lankow of Portland, Mrs. Carl Kelley, Mrs. Wilbur Minert, Mrs. Bob Hill of Mill City, Mrs. Earl Hampton, of Salem, Miss Col leen Fehlen of Stayton, Mrs. Merlin Dake of Mchama, Mrs. W. W. Moore of Corvallis, Mrs Harry Elmer. Mrs. Percy Hiatt. Mrs. Floyd Bassett, Mrs. Nora Taylor, Mrs. Daisy Johnston. Mrs. Edith Taylor, Mrs. Pat Lyons, Miss Fannie Wilson, " Mrs. Clyde Bressler, Mrs. Clyde Lewis, Mrs. Bert Lyons, Miss Bnulah Lewis, Mrs. Fred Linde '. mann, Mrs. Art Ayers, Mrs. Ar- thus Andersen, Mrs. John Mc !; Clurg, Mrs. Hugh Johnston, Mrs. Paul Johnston, and the , hostess Mrs. Bodeker, Mrs. Huber and Betty Jean Bodeker. Those sending gifts but were unable to attend were Mrs. W. R. Stevens, Mrs. Fred Jung wirth, Mrs. Lyle Kinzer, Mrs. John Neal, Mrs. George Huff man, Mrs. Mike Schwindt, Mrs. Merrill Brassfield, and Mrs. Paul Smith, Mrs. Ira Kirsch, Mrs. Ralph Hickman and Mrs. ' George Melke. Hostess Thursday afternoon Tt her country home at Wallace Orchards to members of the Thursday club will be Mrs. Paul B. Wallace. A 1:15 o'clock des sert luncheon will be followed '. with an Informal afternoon. As sisting are Mrs. L. H. McMahan, ' Mrs. E. C. Richards and Miss Oda Chapman. The Royal Neighbors Sewing elub will meet Wednesday with Mrs. Ella Voves, 665 North Cot tage, for the annual Thanksgiv ing dinner. The Little Garden club of Salem Heiehts will meet for a 1 o'clock luncheon Thursday at the home of Mrs. Carl Har ris. Castle Permanent Wavers 305 1st National Bank Bldf. Phone 3663 Machine Waves Rilling Kooler Wave Halllwell Cold Waves Experienced Operators Phone lour Appointments Now BEWARE OF PIN-WORMS Medical report! reveal that an amazing number of children and adult ar victim of Pin-Worms. Watch for the warnfnjr aiens, wpecially the embarrass inc. naKpinjt recta) itch. After centuries of Pin-Worm distreu a really effective way to deal with them baa been established through JAYNE'S P-W, the new Pin-Worm treatment developed in the laboratories of Dr, D. Jayne & Son. The imnll. easy-to-take P-W tableti give satisfaction or your money back. So why take chances on Pin-Wormi I If you bus Iect this ugly infection, ask your druggist for P-W and follow the directions. It's easy to remember : PW for Pin-Worms I FREE: Amazing metal polishing cloth. Works like magric! Polishes silver by just rubbing. Good-will gift : yours for the ask ing. This month only. Clip this ad and send with name and address to Dr. D. Jayne 4 Son, 2 Vine St., Phila, 6, Pa., Dept. RN Be Quick To Treat Bronchitis Chronic bronchitis may develop If wvui wugu.uie&tuuiu.or acute Dron chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to take a chance with any medi cine less nntpnfc than nrpnmiilslnn which goes right to the seat of the vruuoie 10 neip loosen ana expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote byspecial processwith other time lescea medicines lor coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to jell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough, per mitting rest and sleep, or you are to qjave your money back. (Adv.) She Was Snowbound And Liked It! Gone from Salem for two months has been Mrs. Frank -Lehmer who returned Sun day night from an extensive : eastern trip. ; She visited her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roswell Beach and Sharon at their new home in Missouri, saw the world's series in St. . Louis, saw friends in Mem phis, going on up into I Hi :: nois, back through the south . central states to Denver. . She visited with friends there and had just started for home, planning to go to Poca tello and the northern route, : when at Longmount, 35 miles north of Denver, the blizzard i of the past few weeks struck. She was snowbound in the hotel, with many other trav elers. Accommodations and j company were both excellent, - however, and Mrs. Lehmer -; enjoyed her enforced stay. Silverton Pair Wed inBay City Silverton Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Toney are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Miss Alice' Myrtle Toney and Leo Donald Lund, son of Mrs. Lund of Silverton. ' The rites took place at 9 o'clock the morning of October 31 at the Trinity Lutheran par sonage in San Francisco with Rev. F. C. Jacobsen officiating The bride wore a deep blue tailleur with mixed stripe, black accessories, and a corsage of white orchids. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Ponli of San Francisco, uncle and aunt of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Lund arrived in Silverton, Friday, November 8. After a few days here with rel atives and friends, they will leave for Seattle where they plan to make their home. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lund are graduates of the local high school. Mrs. Lund studied jour nalism in the University of Ore gon and for the past months has managed the Toney Eat Shop. The bridegroom was discharged in December from forty months service with the U. S. army air corps as a sergeant, serving in numerous locations in the South Pacific. Calling at the Robert M. Fischer, Jr., home en route to Eugene from Portland following the Oregon-UCLA football game over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. A. L.Hawn, Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Dorris, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F. Keller and Mary, Miss Amy Jenkins, Mrs. Carl H. Phetteplace, all of Eugene and state Senator and Mrs. Angus Gibson of Junction City. WATCHES FOR CHRISTMAS We offer a man's waterproof, stainless steel, shock resistant, luminous dial, 17 jewel movement for $44. Federal tax included. Also many others at various prices. Watch Repairing Is Our Specially R. G. WARREN 141 So, Liberty First door south First National Bank C Makes iatasiWhikeySour betavst it's blended in Kentucky by Glenmore 86.8 Grata Neutral Spirits Glenmore Distilleries Company 1 . Louisville, Kentucky SX BETTER BLEND "THE SPIRIT OF THE PIONEER LIVES ON" Sponsored by The Memorial Hospital Foundation A Program Devoted 1o I he Improvement of Hospitalization in this Area Monday thru Saturday 12:00 Noon Sunday Evening at 9:30 KSLM 1390 on Your Dial iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinis ; Iehehali5 et Jloinecomiiuj Rebekali todge met for regu lar meeting, with Mrs. Gilbert Beckman presiding. Next Monday evening will be homecoming with dinner at 6:30 for Rebekahs and families. Com mittee in charge of the dinner is Miss Hazel Price, Mrs. Wil liam Gardner, Mrs. Rose Ham mer. William Cladek and George Naderman. The dining room committee includes Mrs. Al Lightncr, Mrs. Glenn Scherich and Mrs. Clyde Bancroft. In charge of decorations are Mrs. Walter Bradley, Mrs. Roy Hill and Mrs. Walter Tucker. Sixteen veteran jewels will be presented to Rebekahs Mrs Anna Beatty, Mrs. Detonia Byrn. Mrs. Ella Clagget. Mrs. Augus ta Fleetwood, Mrs. Lora M. Groces. Mrs. Ida Hochstettlcr. Mrs. Justina Kildee. Mrs. Louise King, Mrs. Coral McNiel, George Naderman, Clifford Taylor, Richard VanPelt, Roy McFar lane, Claude Morse and Miss Wilda Sicgmund. Mrs. Blanche Hull will pre sent the jewels being assisted bv a team composed of Mrs. William Cladek, Mrs. P. C. Har land, Mrs. Howard Hunsaker. Mrs. Roy Hill, Mrs. Glenn Adams. Mrs. Lloyd Pepper. Mrs. Ray Webb, Mrs. William Gard ner, Mrs. Fred Shafer, Mrs. Mer lin Ready, Mrs. Al Lightner. Miss Cora Paynter, Miss Dessie McClay. and Miss Hazel Price. The Christmas program is to be put on by children of lodge members. Mrs. Clem Ohlsen is in charge. The Ladies' Auxiliary Pat riarchs Militant will meet Thursday evening al 8 o'clock in the ladies' club room in the I.O.O.F. temple. Mrs. Xorris Parly Hostess Mrs. Frank Norris entertain ed recently at brunch honoring Mrs. Herbert Ncrt Smid of Rockey Ridge, Va. Present were the hnor guest, Mrs. Harry Greene, Mrs. Morli more Slutz, Mrs. Henry Lyons, Mrs. Percy Langendorf, Mrs. Albert Houle, Mrs. Sam Barry, Mrs. Alex DcPue, Mrs. Floyd Bacon; Mrs. Joseph Klinger and the hostess. The Wednesday Afternoon literature group of the AAUW will meet at the home of Mrs. Karl Kugel, 735 North Capi tol this week. Mrs. Wilbur Ank eny will review "My Poppa Was a Preacher." ICE CREAM All Flavors QUARTS NO LIMIT 3JC SAVING CENTER Salem and West Salem I FOR BETTER DRINKSm ',1 j(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Tomiing Family Talks to Xorway !-- ...!.'. A telephone call halfway round the world was an event of the Nils Tomiing family gathering held at their coun try home over the week-end. Guests at the home were his brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson. David and Charles of Tacoma and his brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Bjarne Tonning and Linda Ann, of Seattle. They placed their call Sat urday morning to their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Nilsen at Stryn, Nordfjord, Norway. In an hour they were contacted and arrange ments made for the call which lasted 20 minutes on Sunday morning. It was the first time in 20 years the fam ily had spoken together. AnniversaryTea On Wednesday The 100th anniversary of the American Missionary Associa tion of the First Congregational church will be observed, as well as a thank offering on Wednes day at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. George Rossman. Leader is Miss Constance Kantner and hostesses are Mrs. Rossman, Mrs. H. W. Elgin. Mrs. W. 1. Needham, Mrs. B. B. Flack, Mrs. A. A. Gueffrey. . Mrs. Wayne Yocom, Mrs. W. C. Welch and Mrs. Eule McCully. Mrs.' Robert Moulton Galke opened her home to members of the Modern Drama group Tuesday afternoon. St. Mark's Lutheran church guild will meet Wednesday at i o'clock with a united thank offering in charge of Mrs. Mcl- vin Johnson. All members are invited to be present. Mrs. Carlton McLeod will be hostess for luncheon Friday aft ernoon to Mrs. Russell Catlin, Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs. Frank G. Deckebach, Mrs. Wil mer Page, Mrs. William H. Burghart and the hostess. ELECTRIC APPLIANCE SER VICE TRAINING Opportunity for young men to become first class major electric appliance service ex perts for Willamette Valley's leading ap pliance dealers. HOGG BROTHERS, ex clusive, authorized dealers for complete Frigidaire appliances; also Maytag and Easy home laundry appliances, Hoover car pet cleaner, and other standard lines. This training Is a complete course with substan tial salary to start, but applicants must have certain qualifications. If interested, call at HOGG BROS. 260 State Street BPW Members At Conference Six members of the Business and Professional Women's club motored to Corvallis Sunday to attend the Central Willamette district conference. Attending were Mrs. Arthur Weddle, Miss Zula Van Gilder, Mrs. Jessie Bush Miukclson. Miss Ida Mae Smith. Miss Effie Smith and Miss Eleanor Roberts. Mrs. Arthur Weddle. second vice president of the state fed eration, introduced the federa tion officers and committee chairmen. Miss Jessie Bush Mickclson. state music chair man, outlined the program for the year and led the group in singing. Miss Eleanor Roberts took part in a panel subject for which was "Building World Security." The state convention will be held in Albany rather than Sa lem as previously planned. Other clubs attending the con ference were Albany. Eugene. Tart, Bend, Silverton, Woodburn and McMinnville. Social Meeting For BPW Members Those attending the social evening of the BPW club Fri day found a large number of articles on display for the pie Christmas bazaar. A fish pond proved to be of unusual in terest, also. Mrs. Anna Morgan, chairman of the finance com mittee was in charge. Mrs. Jessie Mae Lindlcy and the health and recreation com mittee were in charge of the remainder of the evening. A humorous skit was presented under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Verstceg. Members of the cast were Miss Betty Elofson, Mrs. Marie Barr and Miss Vada Hill Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickclson led the group in singing after which refreshments were served by Mrs. Lindlcy and her commit tee. Mr. and Mrs. Thcron Hoover and Joann, and Mr. and Mrs. HELP Fs find a home for es-n.T.. wife and linh.v. A house furnished or unfurnished, four-room apartment or rituivalcnt. Mease Call Jim Turk 4555 Days 8400 Eves. Jfanlry jailer Emphasis on the Dessert Clam Broth Ourrlr-d Crab Mrat I.:ma Brans and Prnprr Banana and Raisin Salad Cliocolatr Fritters with Vanilla Saucr (Recipes Serve Four) Lima Beans and Peppers i cups siirllrd fresh lime bean a green penpres 1 onion 4 tablespoons butter or maraarlna 2 tablespoons pimiemo, chopped Suit Paprika Parsley Cook lima enough water tender. If all beans in just to cover until water has not evaporated, drain. Cut peppers in half and remove seeds. Cover with boiling water and parboil for five minutes; drain. Panfry the onion, chopped fine, in two tablespoons of butter or mar garine. Add lima beans, pi miento and seasoning to taste. Blend well. Fill pepper shells with mixture, sprinkle with parsley and dot with remaining butter or margarine. Bake un covered at 375 10 minutes. Chocolate Fritters 3'i tablespoons butler or manumit ' cup boiling water cup Hour I eaa ', cup rr.llk i sotlare rhorDlate 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 , cup sugar 3 tablespoons cold m lk 1 egg slightly beaten t teaspoon vanilla Place butter or margarine and boiling water in saucepan and add flour. Stir until mix lure forms a smooth ball. Re move from fire. Beat eggs thoroughly and add. Shape with s spoon and fry in deep fat. Ward Davis and Linda, spent the holiday at the Hoover cot tage on (he Santiam. 1 TRIPS DAILY Salem to San Francisco XX 8.85 Pint li Vtierallux DEPOT New Senator Hotel Phone Salem 4151 ,M:U'.!Ml?ra You've Heard YOU CAN A SOAP SHORTAGE? Capital Journal, Salem, Orejjon, Tuesday, Nor. 12, IJMff 7' Drain, make an opening In each and fill with chocolate filling made as follows: scald milk with chocolate in double boiler. Add cornstarch mixed with sugar and cold milk. Stir until thick. Cover and cook ten minutes Add egg slightly beat en, return to double boiler and stir and cook two minutes longer. Cool and add vanilla. Serve with vanilla sauce. Dad's Been a-Hunting Orange Mint Cocktail Broiled Venison Steak Stuffed Baked Sweet Potatoea Steamed Ceuliflower Endive and Watercress Salad Snow Pudding (Recipes Serve Four) Broiled Venison Steak Wipe venison steak, put on greased rack and cook in broiling oven or over live coals, first on one side and then on the other. Reduce heat and turn occasionally. A steak one and one-half inches thick requires about 12 minutes, if you like your meat rare. Remove to hot platter and spread with butler. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and garnish the platter with little lettuce nesls filled with grape jelly. Stuffed Baked Sweet Potatoes 1 large sweet potatoes PriCM Subject to TsM SING THE SONG Orj WHY Rumors. Here Are the Facts! f There Is a world-wide shortage of animal fats and of 0 vegetable oils. This shortage affects all of us. For instance, this yearsoapmakers have been able to obtain only one fifth of the Imported oils thev used in 1941 far less domestic fats, too. Because of the world-wide shortage, manufacturers are tt unable to get the amount of fats and oils they need to make not only soaps, but also paints, textiles, tires, leather goods, floor coverings, electrical appliances, etc. ) In the face of these conditions, American soap manufac ) t turers have done their utmost. They have turned all the fats and oils they have been able to obtain into soap just as quickly as possible. i But for the help of American housewives, the shortage of t soap would have been far more serious. Last year, more than one out of every nine packages of soap sold was made from used fats saved in America's kitchens. t Don't blame your grocer. He Is doing his best, like the y soapmakers, to get more soap for you. Won't you do your best by saving and turning in every drop of used fats. HELP!... SAVE American Fat Salvage Committee 147 Po,l, M.w York 17, N. Y. 8 prunes Sugar Butter or margartna Bait Scrub the potatoes and boil until tender. Drain and cut in halves. Scoop out a hollow in each half potato and place two washed, soaked and stoned prunes in each. Remove a slice from bottom of potatoes so that they will stand upright. Sprin kle with sugar and dot with butter or margarine. Season with a little salt. TO NEGLECT SNIFFLES, SNEEZES OF A bottle of Vlcks Va-tro-nol is mighty handy to have around the house be cause this double-duty nose drops... Quickly Relieves sneezy. snifny, 4 stuffy distress of head colds. Makes breathing easier. Helps Prevent many colds from developing if used at the first warning sniffle or sneeze. This Double-Duty Nose Dropsshould save you much misery. Works fine! Follow directions in the package. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL LIFE IS FULL OF FUN For Skylark keynotes the carefree happiness of the latest Barbara Gould creation ... a frivolous fragrance that lends its gaiety to seven enchanting preparations. Perfurjie 1 1 1 1 1 $1.50, $3.7S Lilting Fragrance ; ; ; 1 $1.25 Bath Bubbles ; ; ; t 1 $1.00 Dusting Powder 1 1 1 $1.00 Face Powder 1 ; . 1 1 $1.00 Talc . . 50(5 Soap : ; 35fS & 50(4 Quisenberry's Central Pharmacy 41(1 Slate Slrect Phone 9123 USED FATS!