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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1946)
1111 Locals 'ill W. M. (Jack) Bartlett, con lulting engineer for the state and Chamber of Commerce long range planning commission, will speak at the Tuesday luncheon of the Junior Chamber of Com merce. Candidates for member ship on the board of directors to succeed Bob Reider, who recent ly left Salem, are Al Schaefer, Sid Boise, Dennis Brenner and Marvin Liedike with the elec tion to be held during the lunch con. Refinish your own floors! Rent a floor sander from Wood row's, 440 Center st. 267 World famous Akron Modern Trusses, correctly fitted. Private fitting room. Capital Drug store. 267 Insurance: Becke, Wadsworlh. Hawkins and Roberts, Guardian buiding. 2B7 Col. Philip Allison, for 32 years an army officer, will dis play and discuss various types of firearms he has collected dur ing his military career in many A parts of the world in connection Willi WIC utwaiiia t.,uu luiiviitun Tuesday noon. Eola Acres Florist. 5730. 207 J Air, Steamship ticKets. K.ugei, 1 735 N. Capitol. Phone 7694. 267 Dance ionite Crystal Garden. 267 Wanted Experienced ste nographer. Gas Heat, Inc. Phone 3445. 267 Thomas Childers, two - year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Childers of the Hopewell dis trict, who has been ill at a local hospital for the past week, is now at home. Lull Flower Shoppe, 1276 N. Liberty street. Phone 8592. 267 Dance lonite Crystal Garden. 267 See complete line Color Per fect wall paper at Sears. Insured savings earn more than two percent at Salem Fed eral Savings Association, 130 South Liberty street Secretary of State Robert S. Farrcll, Jr., will leave Sunday for San Francisco where he will attend a convention of state mo tor vehicle department officials. Triangle Chicken Inn. 60 Lib erty Road. Fried Chicken $1.25. Top Sirloin $1.00, Includes po tatoes, hot rolls, and coffee. Short orders. Open 5 p.m. daily. Closed Wednesdays. 267 Dance tonite Crystal Garden. I 267' Complete stock ttem-Tone the miracle wall finish at Sears. Leonard's Supper club offers you entertainment, dinners and dancing featuring Abbe Green's orchestra. Rusty Coleman and Jean Fontaine. Marriage licenses have been Issued at Vancouver, Wash., to Oscar Campbell and Alice Con klin, both of Salem, and to Bruce Gordon and Betty Sharpnack, both of Salem. Dance tonite Crystal Garden. 267 Women wanted to shell wal nuts. All winter's work. Mor ris Klorfein Packing company, 460 North Front. River silt ana fill dirt Com mercial Sad and Gravel. Phone 21968 Refinish your own floors! Rent a floor sander from Wood row's.440 Center st. Virgil Barndt, Dallas, receiv ed a charred right leg with third degree burns and was uncon scious when removed from his parked automobile in the 1000 block on North Front street shortly after 10 o'clock Satur day night. He was taken to the luoyiiai uy me ursi am car. J For sale or will lease lunch- -uwiii jij ijeai uy oeacn town. Phone 21694. 268 This Funny "Uks te set in the back seat The Salem Heights Communi ty club will meet at the hall Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blankenship and Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gorton, the sup per committee. Dance toniie Crystal Garden. 267 raxll Valley Cab. Prompt service. Phone 8624. DeLuxe Cab ?none 8050. Tommy Shortie formerly in Pioneer building, now owner of Bligh Shine Shop. 267 Successor to the late Circuit Judge L. G. Lewelling, of Al bany, will .lot be named until after the funeral Wednesday, ac cording to Governor Earl Snell. Attend the Armistice Day Frolic. Modern dancing, 9-12 p.m. "Chuck Reagans" orches tra (currently featured at Cot tonwoods). V.F.W. Bldg., Hood and Church streets. 267 Dance tonite Crystal Garden. 267 Attend the fifth annual Ar mistice Day Frolic, to be held by Marion Post 661, V.F.W. V.F.W. Bldg., Hood and Church streets. Afternoon and evening. 267 Mum plants, order now. Jary Florist, 365 Court. ' J. E. Loggan of Burns, a cou sin of Earl C. Burk o West Sa lem, and his son-in-law, Eldon Sitts, Harney county sheriff, were here on business over the week-end. Dance tonite Crystal Garden 267 Refinish youi own floors Rent a floor sander from Wood row's, 440 Center street. Stove oil, diesel oil, prompt delivery. Barrels available George Cadwell Oil company Phone 9788. 2490 State. Wanted: Small cafe in Salem or North Salem. Write box 64 Capital Journal. 207 Dance tonite Crystal Garden. 207 Dine and Dance at Club Tum ble Inn. 2 miles north of Albany on Highway 99E. Ph. Albany 29F11. 270 For Sale: 1030 Buick 5-pas-senger. Good condition. 3590 South Commercial. Cabin 1. 267 Townsend club No. 3 will meet at the home of Mrs. Hill, 1724 Chemcketa slrppl. Tnrw- day, Nnv. 12 at 8 p.m. This will be installation of officers Dustop fiberglass furnace fil lers as low as ?1.50. Judson's Plumbing 4c Heating. 279 N. Com'l. 267 Salem Shrine club formal din ner dance, Wednesday, Novem ber 13, 6:30 P.M. Mirror Room of Marion Hotel. Entertainment and Dancing. 267 Casimer Thomas Luczkowski has been booked at the sheriff's office by State Paiore Officer Jones for alleged parole viola tion. For Sale by Owner: 15 Room apartment, house, basement . large lots, double garage, pear and apple trees, excellent loca tion, furnished or unfurnished. See owner at 1180 Smith St. or phone 5253. 272 For Sale: Muskrat Coat size 10. Excellent condition. Phone 25306 after 5 P.M. 268 The Red Lantern is now open for business. Home style pan fried chicken. South Pacific Highway. 269? Carl Alvin Rainwater, Taco ma, juvenile, has been, turned over by the sheriff's office to authorities from the Washington state training school for boys. Salem Shrine club formal din ner dance, Wednesday, Novem ber 13, 6:30 P.M. Mirror Room of Marion Hotel. Entertainment and Dancing. 267 WorlrJ and drive awhile, dear? Charles A. "Tony" Schuster, 1615 N. Liberty, was booked at the county jail Monday on a charge of threatening commis sion of a felony. Bail was fixed at $1000, defendant to appear in Justice Joseph B. Feiton's court Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. High school boy with bicycle or motor scooter to collect class ified ads. Apply Capital Jour nal. Good pay for right boy. Must have references. Report of vandalism at the Rickey school was made to the sheriff's office over the week end, the report stating that sev eral beer bottles were thrown through windows of the school building. For Sale: One of the best Franquette Walnut orchards in Oregon. Thirty-one acres with equipment. Very reasonable. Box 69 Capital Journal, 267 Hotel Salem Coffee Shop open daily frem 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. You will enjoy our choice steaks and specially raised fried chicken. Basketball school for young sters in the fifth and sixth grades of public schools will be held in the YMCA on Tuesday at 4 p.m. Classes meet bi-weekly and are open to all youths. Salem Shrine club formal din ner dance, Wednesday, Novem ber 13, 6:30 P.M. Mirror Room of Marion Hotel. Entertainment and Dancing. 287 W. M. Bartlett, state consult ing engineer and consulting en gineer for the Chamber of Com merce long range commission, will be the guest speaker at the Junior Chamber of Commerce luncheon Tuesday noon in the senior chamber dining room. The Fireside class of the First Presbyterian church will hold its monthly class party at the church Wednesday night, No vember 13, at 8 o'clock. Prof. S. B. Laughlin of Willamette university will speak on "The American Family." There will also be a film strip entitled "Is Your Home Fun?" Refreshments will be served. Members of the class and any others interested should call Mrs. May Morgan, 7733. A car will make a house-to-house canvass Tuesday in the Auburn district, collecting rum make for the Auburn Women's club rummage sale. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd SheltonT of Salem, have purchased the Lampman property on South First street in Stayton and will locale in Stayton again. The Shclton formerly lived on West Water street in Stayton for a number of years before moving to Portland and later to Salem. Because of conflict with the Aumsvilie-Gervais football game November 15, the annual Aumsville bazaar scheduled for that date has been postponed until November 22. Under authority of the stale a census will be taken of West Salem this month to determine the increase in population of that rapidly expanding com munily, according to Robert S. Farrell, Jr., secretary of state. Other census taking is sche duled for Aurora and Vernonia. The monthly Infant and pre school child health conference for the Woodburn, Monitor and West Woodburn districts will be conducted by the Marion county health department next Tues day from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. at the Woodburn public library. Vaccinations against smallpox, protection against diphtheria and whooping cough will be of fered as well as conferences with the doctor. Harold Kufncr, route 6, was treated for first and second de gree burns when brought to the first aid station Friday after noon following an explosion of gasoline at the John Marshal! place west of the Swegle school, where the youth was employed. The explosion destroyed an un occupied chicken house but the Four Corners fire department prevented its spread t- a nearby barn. Walter A. Stevens, 678 South 12st. reported to police the theft of his tutomobile Sunday from the Stevens Used Car lot. A can belonging to the Oregon Pulp & Paper company and driven by O. J. Myers, was stol en Sunday night from High and Ferry streets. E. C. Brumfield, route 1 Brooks, reported the theft of a trailer from his place Sunday night. The car belong ing to Lee Rudin, route 2, Ti gard, was reported stolen Sun day night, but later recovered minus a tire and wheel. Quintuplets Born, But immediately Die Jacksonville, Fla., Nov, 11 li. Duval county hospital authori ties yesterday announced the premature birth-and-death of quintuplet girls to an 18-year- old Negro mother. Ail five infants were alive at birth but none lived longer than 30 minutes, physicians said. They added the babies, each weighing a pound and a quarter, had reached a development stage of about lour and a half months. 4-H Awards Next Tuesday At a county wide 4-H club achievement meeting to be held at the Salem Chamber of Com merce at 8 o'clock next Tues day evening scholarships, other awards and tokens of achieve ment accomplished during the last club year will be passed out to over 50 successful mem bers, James Bishop, county club leader announces. Included in the awards be sides the scholarships will be cash prizes from the state fair and Pacific In t e r n a t i o n al, checks for stock sold by club members at both, as we!! as other cash prizes from various firms. Ail told. Bishop staics. the awards will have a total value of over $1500. Also present at the meeting will be Bonnie Klein, Aums ville, and Donna Wiederkehr, Sidney, the two Marion county giris who won in state contests which will send them to Chica go in December to compete for national honors. Jap Beats Out Calculator Tokyo, Nov. 11 fU. Western civilization received a severe jolt today as a 300-year-old aba cus beat a 20th century electric calculating machine in addi tion, subtraction and division. The electric machine tri umphed only in one division multiplication. Twenty-five hundred awed servicemen at the Ernie Pylc theater watched Kiyoshi "Fin gers" Matsuzaki, 22, a wizard from the Japanese ministry of communications, flick counters on a "modern" J 7th century abacus. He defeated Pvt. Tho mas Wood, ex-bookkeeper from Dcering, Mo., who operated the calculator. Matsuzaki, who attributed his victory to luck, said he used a deluxe abBcus that cost 17 yen about $1.13. The electric cal culator had a prewar price of about $800. Wood, a member of the 240th finance company, paid tribute to his opponent's nimbleness, but pointed out that his calcu lator was "not fully automatic on division," The contest was baiSyhooed for weeks in the Pacific Stars and Stripes. It was judged on speed and accuracy by three Americans and three Japanese. Three Robberies by Same Man, Same Hour New York, Nov. 11 W IS was blue Monday again today for Warren Nichols, night man ager of a Brooklyn hotel. For the third consecutive Monday at the same hour 4:45 a.m. he was held up and robbed by the SBme youth. Police said the thief, who held up Nichols at pistol point, scoop ed $100 from a cash register at the Franklin Arms hotel today. On October 30 he took $239 and on October 7, $200, The only difference In today's robbery was that Nichols was not locked in the ladies' room this time, police reported. Nichols said he was asking for Mondays off in the future. Salem Court News Circuit Court Complaint for iJSvore Mrle TJ. vs, )! M. THelstnWift -cruel tni inhuman tr4filmS, Onfrr in 0. C Bryni, rttfivtf oi First Nsilon! bank in e!cm, v, Tri ton Ojins lrfrls lrsrr ia pity 135.28 te Child & Milter taslcnee, Probat Court Order in lh Y?ilUttt W, Warwick -Ut determlnei iniittn U t 117.70. Report by Jr BMyft, ardin t Jnn L. Demytt. show rt projMtty sol lor 12m U Ralph F, Nicholas. Thunder BtrnaTxt nt rmior of T).Rti aecaunt or J. O. BrubRkfr, 4 mtnistmor of the jrtai of Liiii M. Thompson, ifcews bsJsnt of $53jC.J3. Marian B. Lai nmd xcutrlx of the estate tt Otto Laic and appraic m are EJ Lambert, Esthei Sennet and Jimt Ktti, Final dcr aranted itt M, J, Van VaDcertburcn elatef Add S. Vaff Vai tteiiburen. executrix, and th Rath A. B?rn fit, &&k Powmj ni Sim Order in Llflyd M, Hill ei e rents Htenaioa tit 30 gar fa til iavemory. Maud B. BJck narofl u(ri of iht UMW ctttta st Anna A. Wslf Final tccoant filed 6r Mr? Hantl, MMutrix 0 sii of Vinctnt Ka nl. Appraisal of lim masi on Uie -tale by 3, H, Becteer, J, C, Wage man and Geersft U. Becker. Final hearmc Dec, Xi. Justice Court In Stat vb, Z6 Sink, efcr6 with eonirlbtitint t the deilnqueney of a minor, ortfy t6 contiiiaini th cata for p! until fiovtmbfr 13; fsiJtrJ to mak batt of and commit trot at tuued. Pitt of unent tTa bT Alfred Da vis to ehn of Jarffny; tmi set for November 13 at 6 15, trial to 07 Sw, bait (250. Preliminary neij i for Jfoyem ber 14 at t.iQ tn State a. Ciilfojo" K, Wed ehatced with ernbett lament; tall Waivtr of prel)3jjjnTj MimiJiatiea entered by Charles K. Strombsfh, than e with larcenr br batiee; held M anther to the crang Jury, Orrto in 81t v4 Cht t. Rile?, charted itft aasault and to it fry., tj tintiinc tor plea until November II at 1:30; but I ISO, OtiJ'.' mit in tw of trait L Vr Won't Wear Fig Leaf (Sul try Kaye Koran, 19 (above), daughter of Congressman Walt Horan oi Wenatchee, Wash., who refused to wear a fig ieaf in a forthcoming Harvard Dramatic club production "Adam the Cre ator," mpdeis a compromise with fig leBf retained as a corsBge. Harvard authorities banned the affair asoriginai!y proposed. Lodge Sponsors Norway Fair A "Norway fair" to be held at the Sniem Women's clubhouse on the evening of November 20 is being sponsored by Thor lodge. Sons of Norway, accord ing to announcement made by Louise Arncsori, social direc tor. The purpose of She fair is to m?ke it possible for the people of Salem and vicinity So see samples of Norwegian han dicraft, past and present. People in Saiem and vicinity who have articles made in Nor way or made after Norwegian pattern anywhere are being urged to loan them for display. Ail who bring acceptable arti cles will be given a miniature Norwegian flag as a souvenir for their cooperation. Among the articles which it is already known will be on hasid for display are a Norwegian Bi ble 117 years old, a Norwegian spinning wheei, a blanket made of hand-woven homespun, a hand, carved wooden egg serv ing set, ilard3nqcr needlework and woven shawl, novelty bowls and a variety of picture books, magazines and a large map of Norway made after the wa r showing every post office, vil lage and tourist stopping place. The fair is open to tiic pub lic. While J. W, Thomas, 17S0 North Summer, was at the El sinore theater Sunday night someone attempt to steal his automobile from its parking place in the 400 biock on Trade street. The steering lock had been broken and the car other wise tampered with. Te thinks the thief was frightened away when he returned to the car. In the first quarter of the 14th century, the jester was an im portant part of every large household. to charie of wekfrss rifiviiw. Plea of ability liy Jowith WiRian? Mtir ihy to cimree f haviac no Oriver'a ii ceiute; fined 25 and costs Police Court Violation of th haute oeed ri Esri CI. tont WooribttTn, 7.55 Mstj Cfti dicit U(tr. J!.5. Jam Jy Trer, M?tJforo J7.S9. Forrest C, Wire, S-.tit hotel. Carl P, ?,iebert, rote 'i, IS. Waiter LeBieu, Junction Citr, 3. Kvin no driver' license : Wayne Cbrttttt, route ft, is. Vioia'.ion of Uaffio tittit: Wayne Eb- jit to, lOiita 5t 5, UrceMtva apeed at lnierfecion: E'.mer F Maacl, 73 Worth Commercial, Ji. Wiiiism OhaiiM Fuij. Eaten Vaarancy: Roer Williant Batier, trart alent. Kiel: transient. Plea of anllt? by Arch E. awearioeen to a charta of lac&ieu drivina, imi-i 0O, Plea oi auilty by William Warren to drtvtna nil intoxico:; finert JfWt, tiven 3d dr in iaii s)wpMido' n pay ment of fm and Ariwt IJwn ap pended b? atate Marriage Licenses William Bernard Moore, JS nserinif, Salem, and ho'.t M;ii &ulle, S2, domes tic, Weat Salem, Wooflbum Shit let Bumtutb, it. mui. btiih S2Rt. 3mtt A. Kin. 3. &cfcnsiib, wt Stm, nd Btrnic Hr'Gi3, 2, iitj, Siitm, Chf! VrftfrBbuT. Jr., 2. &nii Sim D. Mooje, Jr., jiJ, t4Qt, tnt Bu'.b I. rit, JtJit tiJt to'.J s- John Ztetwrt S. itrmtr, i Sublimity, nd Raih in 1tiir4 . ftmia iiii, S7i s. mtt, Stm. Seattle Man Is Slain in Hold-up Medford, Ore., Nov. 13 (5 The sheriff's office today inves tigated a shotgun slaying of a Seattle man, John Bruce Cam den, 29, during a card game hoid-up in the garage of a resi dence here. Eight men who Sheriff Howard said were in the building when police arrived early yesterday morning were questioned and Gauit said their stories agreed. He said they toid of a man stepping into the jtasasc door way, wearing a handkerchief over his face and thrusting a shotgun before them as he an nounced "this is a stick-up." One of the card players grabbed the shotgun and in She fight for its possession the gun discharged, striking Camden on the head. He dropped dead. The hold-up man broke free outside the garage door and fied in a waiting automobile. The Seattle man was visiting a brother, J. E. Camden, Bisd was to be joined here by Siis wife, now visiting relatives in Fargo, N. D. Friends at Seattle said Cam den and ins wife stayed at a ho tel there until last summer until they moved lo Medford, where three of his broiHfers live. Serving wiUi Use army signal corps, he was wounded in action in Hie Mediterranean theater durii3g the war and was dis charged from the armv in Octo ber, 1945. Past Chiefs of Legion Dine Sixteen past commanders of CspitRt Post No. B. American Legion turned out lor Jhe mi nimi Armistice day breakfast Monday wilh I. lke Bacon, immrdiaie past commander, ini tiated and acting as officiai host. Aitan Carson, 1833, was named president of the club to succeed B E, (Kc!!y) Owens, 1945. iri MeSherry, 1932, was re-ciecfed secretary. Feature of tiie breakfast was a telephone cati from Vic Mc Keniie, 1826, from San Fran cisco, who promised to enter tain the ciub during the 3 847 iegisaiivc session. Siient irii3ufe was paid the memory of six deceased past commanders. These are Dr. W. Cnr!m Smith, 1B20; Dr. Benj. F. Poiiiid 1921; Ccorgc Grif fith, 1823: Ciifford Brown, 1825; Cien Porter, 5833, and Ray J. SUtmbo, i84l. Past commanders attending ad the year of their office were Cari Gahricison, 1024: H, G. Fod Mm'son. JB2S; Douglas McKay, 1S28; O. E. Mosel Pai matecr, 383B; E. M, Bins? Page, 1R33; Irl SlcSherry, 1832; Aiian Carson, 1B33; Ciaudc Mc Kenney, 1834; Capt. Verden E. Hockett USN medicai corps, 1935; George Averctt, 1837; Brazier C. Smaii, J838; Art Johnson, 1848; FrcdGahisdorf, 5842; ira Pitcher, grand chef of the 48 et 8 societies, 1843; Jolm Oison, 1844, and B. E. (Keiiy) Owens, 1345. Communists fConf tewed Ji"om Page B Interior ministry figures for 544 deputies elected from con tinental France and Corsica gave the communists i6S seats, the MRI 157, the sociaiists 80, the leftist rally mainiy radical so cialists) 5lf the rightists (re publican party of liberty and Gauliist union 50 and inde pendents 30. Thus the cGirtrm.nistR and so ciaiists together, provided ihey could get together, would com mand 2ft6 votes, whiie the MRP theoreticaiiy could amass 258 with the radical sociaiisls and rightists, not taking into ac count the predominantly right ist character of the 30 inde pendents. Two Slightiy Hurt in Auto Accidents Mrs. Richard O. Smith, 855 Hoyt street, suffered cuts on the face when ears driven by Mr. Smith and Karl Brickcr, 3044 WiSbiir, coih'ded Sunday night at Cottage and CSemeketa. WSHard Lestte Croker, route 2, Turner, got minor Injuries when his car collided Saturday afternoon with a pick-up truck driven by William J. Meier, route 5. The accident happened at 52th and Waiier, Cars driven by Frank J. Adams, route 2, and Wiiiiam J. Staats, route 4, collided Satur day nsjEht without injuries. Vand3is Sunday caused dam- i: Bfie at Capitoi Monument works i in the 2100 biock on South ; Commercial wSsere some ot the ) stones on display were over turned and broken. ICE CREAM Ail Flavors QUARTS xt NO UMJT 33S SAVING CENTER Saiem and West Satero CapSfsl Journal, Salem, Oregon, State Employes Governor and Other Officials Delegates to the Oregon State Ernpioye. association genera! council held in Salem the past three days at their Monday session went on record as approving an increase in the salaries of th governor and ait elective or ap- point ive officials, njeludiiig j members of the wjsciassified service. The group aliio voted to support any tax mcastires of benefit io the weifare of the slate. In an effort tn cicar the con fusion existing at presets! in rc fiitrd to the retiremciii of cm pioves f She s3ie under She civil service sxtt which now makes th aei effective one year after war had been deetaved officially ended the council will ask the legislature to set July 1, 1947 as the date on which civil service is to be come ef fective. RemnvaS of the $200 limi tations, which is hf highest salaried etnploye 0 the stale. whoc deductions for rctireuicist 3re maiched by the state, was asked, as well as ttse giving of fttU credit to employes for all prior service. The delegates also voed to ask amendment of the act to provide that no em ploye have deductions made from his salary for retirement benefits nnfii after he hiss beet? employed for six mouths by the slate. Considering the working hours and satary scaie of state empioyes the couiscit went on record as approving the five day 40-hor week for all em pioyes to work toward getting the Bpprovai of the taiary schedutf that has been prepared by the eivit service commission. Ike to Remain Chief of Staff Washington, Nov. 3 5 t5S President Truman said today tie does not isetieve Users is a hit of foundation for reports that Gen. Dwight 33. Eisenhower is about to resign as army chief of staff A reporter told the president there are reports Eisenhower pians to ouii because he has been nnabie to obtain ciear informa tion on how much money the war department witi be gbte to spend. At the war deparuneni, offi cial denial was made thai Elsen hower plans to retire. Asked abont the report, Slaj. Gen. Fioyd L. ParkR, chief of the army's public rotations di vision, said: "There is nothing So it." The unoffieiat pubtieation, Army Times, which published the report, also speculated that Eisenhower would take one of several possible jobs ambassa dor to Great Britain, a position in private industry or might be come democratic presidentiai nominee in 1848. Parks said that "I know Eisen hower has no potitical aspira tions." President Calls my associates greater devotion j to the welfare of our nation i than I ascribe to others ot an- oftier party. We take the oath j of office. We have at one time! or another been equally willing i to offer our iives in the de fense of our country. 1 shall i proceed, therefore, in the le- iief tiiat the members of the ; TA ,iii ii,l'. tUnif their responsibility. Issues Inevitable iucv.iy, w. ari.e between the president and the congress. When this occurs we must oxamme our respective analysis to exclude any attempt to tamper with the nnbiic in terest in order to achieve per sonal or partisan fid vantage. "The change in the majority in the congress does not niter our domestic &r foreign interests i or problems, in foreign affairs we have b weii-churted course to follow. Our foreign policy has ijeen deveioned and execHi ed on a bipartisan oasis. I have done my best to strengthen and extend this practice FaUlHy at Oregon City Portland, Ore., Nov. U Morse A. Hichert, 26, MiIwbu kief was killed Sunday when She car be vjbs driving rn (he r?iif of a lumbar fruek n?ar Oregon CUy, CFOd'rses VBiued ai $5 were j sio&n S'Murdsy nht from tise car owned by George Kautz, 83 j Abram, winie it was jerked ; in the l?Hi block on North Church J TO BETTER SERVE YOU Marion f Motors Wili inove to their Permanent Location, Center & Commercial, November 12th Monday, Nov. It, 9 Ask Raise for Armistice (Coniimifi from Pe The speaker pointed out that in the guarantee of iife, tiberty and ttsc pursuit of happii3ess "our government did not re strict the guarantee So ciasses, according to races, creed or po litical aJEiiation and that when it functions in accordance with the American way of hfa wa will see to it that these guaran tees are as readiiy carried for the minority as weii as for ma jority groups." in conclusion Bennett fiuotcd a portion of tt3C nsemoriat ad dress of Chapiain Soiand 8. Gippelsohss at the Fifi SSarino censetery in Iwo 3ima; "We dedicate ourselves first to live together in peace the way they fought and are bur ied in this war. Here lie the men who ioved America because ttscir ancestors fought for its founding and other men escap ed trons the oppression to her blessed shores. Here tie offi cers and men, Negro and white, rich and poor together; hers 3re Protestants, catholics and jews together; here no man fffe- fers another because ot his taith or despises Ssira because oi hss coSor; here itsere arc no quotas of how many froin each group are admitted or allowed, "Amons these men ther no discrimination, no prejudice, no hatred. Theiis is the highest and purest democracy. Any man among us stiit Saving who tioes not ufKierrtand tiiat wiSS Uicreby betray ttsnse who lie here dead. Whoever Hies wouSd h his hands in hate against a brother or iliink himself superior to those who happen to be in the minority, makes of this cere mony and of this bloody sacri fice it commemorates an empty hoiiow mockery. Thus, then, a our soSenm sacred duty do we, Sise iiying, now dedicate our selves to the risiiis at the Pro testant, the Catholic and the Jews, and the white n3 the Negro alike, to enjoy the de mocracy for which ail of ihera have here paid the price." The program at the armory marked tiie conclusion of tn parade and observance of the day which was crisp nd Jdeat for the parade aod ZoSSoiVd brief ceremonies at the Ameri can War Mothers memorial at the courthouse where wreaths wertf piaeed, taps sounded ad the Sag formaiiy raised. Senator Dougtas McKay was master of ceremonies with Rev, Joseph Adams giving the invocatin and benediction and music ur nished by the Willamette uni versity baud. Crowds filled the sidewalks along the line of m&Tctt throagtt the business district whiie nearly all stores ciosed for the day. Featured this year were the massed colors of the three American Legion end three Vet erans of Foreign War posts nd the appearance In uniform of members of Pioneer post No. 143, all-woman post oi the American Legion, and the Ore Son nationai suard in addition to the veterans patriotic organi sations and schooS chiidren. Three bands took part, the Sa iem, icriie ami Parrish Junior high schocis groups. Coulter Hunl Started UsWeaihsr Changes Pornsml Kt)v, U .VjA break m ihs ,&ths:f vgstcrday i sve iiais a ciianee to press ht,ir seareh for Vcrnon Co5ijtcr ad his mhei Lorea both oi Portiajsd, who have been miss iiig since October 3! on hcht from Keddhsg, CaJif., to Eu gene. . Six light thanes were used 5 m SttKday's effort which saw piiots eo,er the territory irom Saiem to Euse and from Eu gene to nocburg. No trace of the missing Couiier plane was reported . AfKUNS MECHANICS o-styiisui mrJ5Jn th-c- sJst jk! Christmas Cords Eiigraviiigs Boa Cards, Wrnprtines L MOODY'S SiiBt-in-Servtce 33 North Hijh St,