10 Capila! Journal, Salem, To place classified ads phone 3571 or 803L FOR SALK HOUSES ' FORQUICK BALE J 1 150 S-ttOO.M house on lot 50x100. New. Worth the money. Terms find possession. M. D. LOONEY Wllh WILLIAM E MOSES 331'. J State Phone 4D93. a $8000 t NICE HOUSES on 1 lot. Both modern. 1 has basement it furnace, 1 furn. & 1 nnfurn, BesL location. Call Hay Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors 341 Chcmckcln St. PIioiip 3793 EVPS. 1)141. H2fJ7 $3oro f-BEDROOM homo on bus line. Close in. Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors .'(41 Clicmckcla St. Phone 3793. Kvcs. O-ljtJ n267- fllRNlSMED, Including new gas ninne, 3 bedrins., living rin., din. mi., nook. Flnstered IJsmt.. tray;,. Fairly new wood furnncr. Close to school and bus, On Routh 23rd St. This hon.se lias pawed fi.T, inspection before. Call Wcs Good rich. EH BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chrineketa 'St. Phone 593 1. a2lia t CHOICE acres, 3 ml. out oil paved rd. 4 A, of nlco mixed orchard. A build in location with an Income. Owih-r retiring on account of 111 health. Will give nl tractive icrin.'i, No buildings. 8 A. ON TOP of hill. Good view. Fine .soil, Long frontage on paved loud. About 3'a miles out. Wonderful building loca tion. C;ill Ed Hikmbeal, ED BYRKIT REALTOR 339 Chemelieln St. Plioii(i .VJH1. a2(iSt TjahYge House, not finished. Lot 00x05. i2000. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR ;3a Clieineketa SL. Plionc 5981 . , ft 268 Ill.'DKOOM house. Llv. mi., kltch,, bath. Could be rrude into apt. house, $3500. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Clieineketa SI. Plione S0H1 ; n2fiS BEDROOMS, bath, liv. rm kltch., nook. 3',i miles from downtown. $5100, ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 331) C'icinekeLa St Plione 5981. "208 INCOME $55 per montli. 2 npls. and 1 llv. quarters. Paved sl.s. Good location. So 500. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 331) Clieineketa St. Phone 5DB1. n26B" JBVi.O JUST LISTED: 2 bedrm. hse., close in. Largo living rm., dining rm kitchen, full basement, auto, oil furnace, large lot, East front. This is a real nice place. $10,350 8 BEDROOM home. Englewnod di.si. Hard wood In liviiiK rm. it dining rm., fire place, full basemnt, automatic saw dust furnace. 1 1 u blks. to bus. NICE LOTS. Enulewood district. Pave ment in. $71)00 LOT flllxilflt. New plastered 3 bedrm. house, east of BUem. Call Ike Bacon. ED BYRKIT. REALTOR 330 Chemeketa. Phone 5981. n26R' JlY OWNER Nice 2 bdrm. 6 yr. old home. Newly painted, insulated celluiK, hdwd, floors. V, blinds, fireplace, auto, gas furnace, elect, water healer, wired for runup, attached Karaite. it utility rm. Cement patio wllh grape arbor, flow ers, shrubs Ai berries, garden lot. 2 block. to bus. Eur le wood school (list. Imiiied. poss. Call 21954. n271 BY OWN Ell 3 bdrms., hdwd. firs., rull basement, sawdust furnace, attached Bjirnfto fireplace. 15110 Pearl st. Plione (1274. a207- OUR BEST BUY THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS t B.K. MOD. home, north unfiii. nlllc, full base., wood furnace, Venetian blinds. B0OO. NEW I B.K, modern home, South, ready lor occupancy. $ 10,500, BUILT 10 YRS. LIVIMU room with fplace, dining, kit chen, Plenty built-lns, 2 B.R., liwd. floors, bath down, 1 B.R. up, base., fur nace, til .500 Part, furnished. ALMOST NEW SUBURBAN t B.R., I'l.AST. mod. home (no base) , clo.se to bus; fame lot. East. 17510. 3 B.R. HOME SOUTH ON BUS. $7500 CORNER LOT 114 X 100. Build 3 homes. Price $1200. Builders investigate. CITY LOT south. Only $325. DOWNTOWN business lot. $20,00(1. N.E. ZONE 1. 100 X 100. $2000. (to x I HII SOUTH, close school. $);0. C. II. SANUEU3-231 N. High-5830. a2(6 ONE OF Hie best homes in W, Salem. L. 11. t DR., kltch., 3 bdrms., hath, utility rm., elec, heat, elee. hot water heater, plastered, hdwd. firs, throughout. Ga rni! c nice corner lot Price s 12 ,000. M. O. HUMPHREYS it CO. REALTORS 1J86 Fairground Rd. Ph. 24396 3035 Portland ltd. Ph. 7fiui a 2fl8 ATI R ACTIVE HOME CO (HI MODERN 7 rm. home nenr Stale Bldfcis,, hdwd. floors, fireplace, 4 bdrms, nulo-eas furnace, dble, estrone, full ce ment basement, coi ner lot. Price $20, 000, A REAL NICE HOME IN PERFECT CONDITION Cull D, J. Dawson with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 1,14 S, Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-;.33H n2iiii COA HOME I, HIGH ST., ft rms. flici'luce, full base men t, furnace elec. hot water healer, wired for elec. range, yard lenced. Tim place m execellenl condition. Call Dale L. Shepherd Willi CiRABENIlORST BROS,, REALTORS Ml S, Liberty St, Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-4457 a2(i' EAST SALEM HOME OWNER LEAVING illy-New modern 2 bdrm home, hdwd. floors, elec. h.w, healer nulo-oll heat, intue lot, TERMS. Iiiiincdlnte posrePMon, Citll Hale L. Shepherd with GRAHENllOltST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-4157 n2ll KEI.F.R COUNTRY HOME S TICK: I I, V tniiilrrn bungalow style home, 5 Igc rms. with nook, hdwd. floors, i liru-out , lire pin it, lm semen i finished In 2 rms., f ireiiliu-c In on semen I, dble, ') KiiraKe, I acre of vrtiuiul. See this to dav. YOU WILL LIKE IT. Call t H. Ornl.enlmist, ,Ir., with (IRABF.NHORSr BROS., REALTORS 134 S, Liberty tit, l'h, 4131, Eves, 2-2948 a 2 (iii YOU CAN'T MISS ON THIS ONE CLOSE IN 3 BcUrm., living and D.R. car peted fireplace, lull dry basement, oil heal, tubs elect, W.ll., shades and rurt alius no. An older house but cannot be beat for $831)0.00. Phone 34579 or rail at 483 P. Capital. a2(18 GOOD Ci A It A ( ! E HOUSE, suburban. $3150 4 BIDKM. HOME WITH INCOME. SOME FURNITURE J't75(l 5 IU.DKMS., BATH, LI VINO RM. KIT CHEN UTILITY. TERMS. 4000, 4 BllHlM. HOME, FURNISHED. $2000 DOWN PAYMENT $fillftn. t HI nilM. HOME, NORTH. C.OOD COR NER LOT, Jfi:i00 2 BEOIIM. HOME, NICE HOMES ALL AROUND. J7.00. t BEDKM. HOME, CORNER, NICELY FURNISHED "50ft 4 Bl.DHM. lloSlE WITH INCOME, CLOSE IN. J84&0 SEE US AISO FOR BE ITER HOMES. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 Hlli Si , Phone 24703 a26C DON'T PASS THIS UP. A REAL BUY. 3 bedrooms, bath, L.R., kitchen, nook, fireplace, fir floors, wired for rimer, elec, wtr, htr., all unraKr nnd dbl. Karaite Lot 7! x 123 South on 80E. Full price $5,750. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 33G5 Portland Rd, Ph. 3255. Eves. 24470 nllCC" SI50(I MY OHNlfll 6 rm. house partly furn. and business location on si A., bus nt door N Pacific Hlway. BOE ni Brooks 2 blks N, of Ramp nnd White Grocery. Rt 1 Box OCJ, Shipley. n'J70 FOR SALE by owner 6 rm. mod. house, darBKo Woodhou.se, washhousp, $U500. 75 Roberts Ave. Ph, 21524. n370 BEAUTIFlVl, Ni;W movable houses 34 fC Ioiir. Well Insulated aiid slronsly built. Can be moved as a trnllrr house. All fl ou re. scent llshtiim. Wired for all elec tric Heating cook ins unci hot water, Beautiful c um wood veneer Inlaid floors. MahoRflny veneer doors. Lots of cabinets, closets and window space. Priced very reasonable at $1650 possibility of terms. Acror-a rom Waters Ball Park on South 2b St. 1270 Oregon, Saturday, Nov. 9, 1946 I FOK SALE HOUSES $(l.irn LR, DJt, K, 2 BR. Close to State Office Bldft Call OMER, HUPP REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph, 21549 eves. 25091 a267 i.-rfl.(MI, IMMEbT"pO.Ss7"This 3 " BR Sub! home Hwd. floors. 2 A. sood soil. Call OMER HUPP REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chcmeketa St, Ph. 2140 eves 25001 a287 SOimfl.fin Beautiful homo on Acre 2 ml Ertst. Elec, ranee is rcfrls. toes. Call Mr Smith, HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chcmeketa St. Ph. 2154!) eves 22286 ft2B7 $1(15(1.0(1 Reduced for quick sale. LR, DR, Kit 2 BR, bath, Le. lot, oil furnace, bsnit. Nice location. Will sell furniture. Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chcmeketa St. Ph. 3793 eves 0441 NORTH 3 bedrooms. I. Iv. rm. Dn. rm nook Fireplace. Hwd. floors. V. blinds. Elect, wt. hi. Basement. Nice yard and family fruit. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 311) Chnm'kcla St. Plione 50B1 a267 3 BEDROOMS l,'p" 2 down. I. Iv. rm. Dn. rm. Lk kllchrn. Hwd floors, Fireplace. Basement Auto, air cond. wood furnace. 5 or 6 cords or wood to ko. This Is a real buv for $11.(100. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 330 Chcmeketa St. Phone 5081 a207 CKEEK HOME Beautiful 4 bed room home. Lit, Iv. rm. wllh fireplace. Dinlim rm. Kitchen. Music room, Dbl. plumbed. Full ba.semenl. Hot wtr. hi. Hwd, floors throughout, Clo.se in. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 330 Chi'ineketa St. Plione 5981 a267 $Ti.V(l F U R N I S 1 1 E D 1 Bd r . , Bath. Kit.. Dinette LU Garane, on bus line. Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON. BURT PICHA. REALTORS PH 3210 337 N. HlKh Street r267 $(15110, NEW, IMM. POSS. 2 Bdr., Bath, L.R. Kit. Dinette, Inc. lot. This Is R very well built limn, See It today. Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON. BURT PICHA, REALTORS PH 3210 337 N. Hih Street a26T FAMILY HOME WE HAVE a very comfortable 3 bedroom home located only 2 blocks from Bush (trade school. This home has a full basement with an automatic alr-con-dilloned oil furnace, Larue lot. Wo think this is b Rood buy at $0300. LEE OHM ART A; CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. rhone OfiBO or 403ft 0269 BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD! 3 KM. COTTAGE, furnished. Cozy nnd comfortnble. Good location. l,i acre, good soil. Price $4200. Cn 11 My IP's Henderson ,IOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phono 7696 Res. 24B82 R267" REDUCED! 2 IIDHM. biliiR. near Enulewood school. Well built. In a Bood location, this will sell fast Rooms are spacious, full base ment. Very nice lawn nnd shrubbery. Fruit trees nnd garden. A REAL BUY at $7ono. CALL My Irs Henderson .lOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 760fl Res. 24682 287 WHY LOOK FURTHER? NEW 2 bed rm. home, Auburn school di.st. L.irne lot, SB x 150. Only the best maleripls used. Floor plan excellent. Price $7500, furnished $H500. Call Habhv Hnbernicht JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7598 A CHRISTMAS Oipr FOR THE FAMILY WHAT COULD be belter thnn a lovely new home! 3 larne bedrma,, spacious living rm. nnd (lining room. Good base ment. Lovely fenced back yard for the children, extrn Inme BarnKO for Dad, nnd Mother will be proud of It all. What's more a fireplace for Snntn Clans. Call us today. .iOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phono 7606 Res. 247B9 n2fl7 MOVE RIGHT IN THIS 1 bedroom home, basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, wood sized lot. on N 23rd st. Only $7500 TERMS. LARS F.N HOME A: LOAN CO. Exclusive Llstims Personal Service UU S. Com , Ph. 838U Eves. 7440 a 267 Bit AND NEW home. Carpeted liviiiB room with fireplace, very nice kitchen, nook, utility room with shower, bath, 2 bed rooms, finished loom upstairs 10x30, larKc Ktt nine, lnwn and shrubs In, ce ment drive, and sidewalks. This was built for a home with only the best of materials u.;ed. If you want a new home this Is a In vital n nt only $12,000, ARE YOU plnnnliiK to build a home? if so now is Die time to buy the lot. 1 have many choice sites from small lots lo 5 acre Irncts, priced from $300 up. Let me show yuu some of these. FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE 474 Court Phone 3904 n2fl7 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 5 ROO.M modern 3 yr. old home. N. E. Ba.setneiil. sawdust heat, nllached Ka ra kp. Lot. 65 x 125. Nice lawn and shrubs Garden space. Price $11050. Call o. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 15.1 S. Hh:h Ph. 4121 tiJH7 MONEY TO loan"' on' n7stmarlgBiwi7 4r to 0. Call for details. ED BYRKIT A CO. 330 Chcmeketa, Phone 51)111. a FOR SALE lo hlnhest bidder 7 room house at West end of Snlem bririKP, lo be wrecked nnd k round cleaned Owner reserves Die rlnhl to reject all bids. Contact W. P. Lewis, 3435 Center St., Snlem Ore. a2flfi TOR SALE BY OWNER ENGLISH STYLE STUCCO, 6 rms. IS Mnry, liviiiK rm fireplnce, kit,, dinette, 1 bedrm. down, 2 beitrms. up, full bns ment, furnace heat, snrnec, 1 apple Iree, walnut, 2 f liber Is, 1 peach. Lot 50x100. Ph. R41B. n2'l $3I.0. GAHAtiE house. Plastered Inside, hlnccj out, InrRo living room and K. with built-lns, 1 bedroom. Well wllh Eire, pump, larno lot. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE Jl25 8. 12th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4B55 a2fifl S, LIBERT V, $7500. 2 bedrooms and MnnK, porch. Vcn. blinds, plastered. At tached tiarace, 75 x 100 ror, lot. C" KILGORE HEAL ESTATE 425 S. lUlli Evc.7829 Ph. 4855 n2G6 KING WOOD HOTS. 3Tdroc7nisllvlnK room, fireplace, roved cclltniis, l!W floors, at Inched RaraKe, Inrne lot, all in lawn. Immediate possession $7500. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S.J2H1 Eve. 7B29 Ph. 4855 n268 CENTER ST, 3 bedrooms, bath up, liv Ina room, dlnliiK room, kitchen, back porch, full basement, sawdust furnace, corner lot, cement drive. This Is tne best house and location anyone can show you for $9000. Shown by Ap pointment "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 H. 12th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4855 n266 ilsT ST. SO.MIO. 2 bedroom home, hwd. floors fireplace, full basement with I bedroom. This ts a a nod buy. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425J1. 12th Eve. 78 J 9 Ph. 4855 n3fifl YEW t'AUK. $10,500. CallfStun:o 3 bedroom home, fireplace, full hnseinent wllh ceilh-il room, Bee this one, It's nice "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Evc.7829 Ph. 4855 n26V PARK AVE. $10,500, Alovr I y 3 "bedroom home In a beautiful scttliur of cherry trees, coved reihnns. H. W, floors, floor furnace, nicely landscaped. Gnrnno at tached. 7 us. old. Lot 90 x 120. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. l'.'lh Eve. 7829 Ph. 4855 n266' 4 BED ROOMS andrirn. A lovelyhonie nicely located, two stories and full base ment with furnace. Some fruit and nuts In yard, in the So. part of town. $11,550 "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 435 S. 1Jt"Kf782!) Ph, 4855 n268 V.i ACRES N.E. 5 room home. Nice srt- Itnn In a beautiful oak urove, about la clear for gardening. Full price $6000 'C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S.J2tli Eve, 7829 Ph, 4855 a$6fl $iHM, 8 bedroom home, French windows. lovely lot, full basement, not new but nice "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 4:J3 S, 12th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4855 a26fl INCOME property. Let us show you how lo bring In $150 per mo, on this place, located close lo business dist. Price $7500 "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 3L?L13i1 Evf. Ph. M "366 foil 8AI.E Modern house, 8 rooms. Ready lo move in. Inquire of N. L. Palmer. 102 Orchard Ave., Dallas, Ore, a26 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES BUILDER. CARPENTER, Here U a house 5.0 complete with everything but plaster to finish. Owner has left town and wants offer SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph, 3255. Eves. 24479 VIEW HOME, large elevated lot, 18 X 30 living room, hwd, floors, wired for range bsmt. with auto, oil furnace. $14,000 Terms. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3385 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 251C3 a26fi NEW 2 BR home Keizcr Dist. Will be finished soon. Larue corner lot, auto, heal, wired for ranse. Veteran priority. $8,500 SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25103 a26C IDEAL FOR COUPLE, one B.R. home, auto, heat, fireplace, wired for ranac, hwd, floors, Nice fenced yard. $8,000 SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 251'i3 n266 NOB HILL" ANNEX" 5 room home, ele vated corner lot 120 x 100. All large rooms fireplace, wired for ranee, basmt.. larjie utility room. $8,950. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3355, Eves, 25103 a 286' I Me ACRES north in Oak Grove, 2 bed room Louse kit,, utility and bath, wa ter system, garage. $6,000, SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3385 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 25113 a2ti0' $7,30(1. 3 BDK.M. home clo.se to school & bus, hwd, firs., elec. heat, attached ga rage utility rm, Imm. Poss, OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 3. Com'l. St, Ph. 4590 Eve. 21090 a2fifi STIilll. NEW 2 bedroom plastered home, Rosednle Lovely kitchen with lame breakfast nook and service bar, at tached gnrane, "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 8, 12th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4B55 a2B6' $0?M, 5 ROOM new home East. Oak floors throughout. Oil floor furnace. Attached garage. Lot 75 X 150, Several fruit and nut trees. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 a267 EXTRA NICE 2 B.Rm. home N. 22nd St., fireplnce, H.W. floors,1 bsmt.. auto, saw dust heat, reduced to $9050.00. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS A: ROBERTS, INC., REALTORS Phone 4108 After 68715 a270 EXTRA NICE 4 bdrm. home, douMc plumbed, basement, fireplace, H.W. floors, elec. water healer, acre, nice yard with flowers and shrubs. See Mr. GOODWIN with HAWKINS A: ROBERTS. INC. REALTORS Phone 4108 After 68715 n270 SM.fiOO, RESTAURANT Us Gas Pumps, living quarters with 010 acrp, north on 90 E, can have beer license witb place See Hnlph Mnddy, OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 845 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 21090 n266 VIEW PROPERTY $11. 100. 3 BIHtM. home in good locntlon In Salem. Sec all the mountains from your kitchen window. This home has elec. heat, fireplace, beautiful kitchen, double plumbing, 2 car garage, bus in front of door. Imm. Poss. Terms If wanted, OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 2t090 3 BDRM. home close to school A: bus, hwd. firs., V. blinds, fireplace, coved ceil ing large kitchen with lots of bullt-lns, full bsmt. with sawdust heat. Elec. wa ter heater, Imm. Poss, OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 845 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eve, 21090 n2G0 $7,854). '& IIDHM. home North, hwd. firs, Ihru-out, large living room, D. rm., tile bath, 4 Intrrest on mine., which can be nssumcd. Imm, Poss, Don't overloook this deal. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eve, 21090 a 2 SO $tV'". 4 RM, house south. Furn., owner leaving. Imm, Poss. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 845 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4500 Eve. 21000 a2fi(i $7,000. BUYS this 4 bdrm. home nil on one floor, good plastered hse. Bungalow type, east nenr Center street. OISON AND REEVE. REALTORS 845 S. Com'l. St Ph. 45110 Eve. 21090 G, I, SPECIAL FOR SALE by Owner Lovely 2 bedroom home on N Summer St. Like new. Fire place, wall to wall carpet in living rm Venetian blinds, large lot. Can be bought on G.T. loan. $5,000 down 'f non-veternn. $8,050. Plione 7131. n2S6 i BEDROOM HOME on ncre lot. Partly furnished. Terms. Price $4900, Call , GIDLEY OR LOONEY wllh WM. E. MOSES 331'4 State St. Phone 498:1. a 5 RM. HOUSE, 1 ml. S.E. of Stayton, 5 acres, Rarage, woodshed, electricity, on paved hlway. Furniture included. Price $4800. Call Stayton 635 or see Edl KrclUer, evenings, a266 NO. 4TH, nlco 2 bedroom home, Hwd. floors, Brkfst, nook, full basement, yard fenced, neat and clean inside and out. $7400. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Eve. 7829 Pit. 4835 a2fifl FOK SALE LOTS NICE BUILDING lot North 24th St., 50' X 200'. See Mr GOODWIN with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC, REALTORS Phone 4108 After 8-8715 na270 LOT 50 by 100 ft7l272 6tn"wrSa1em naJOB BY OWNEIt. Lot 50 X 160 111 RosednV FOK SALE FARMS FARM SPECIALS! JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 50 A. WM. Soil, all cull. Near Silverlon Hiwny, Very a t Line live 5 rm, house, garage, silo, new shed. You couldn't buy n better farm nt this price. $18,000. Equip, can be bouht, 1(1 A. WM. Soil, nil cult., near Silverton. One of the best farms in the valley, 5 rm, house, only 6 yrs, old, extra room In dbl gnratse. Good utility room. All Ihe conveniences of a city home. One of the nicest acreages wc have seen. Price $27,500. Call Henry Torvrnd JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phono 76D6 Res. 25141 b2ti7' ', ACRES, Peaches, Filberts. Walnuts, Boysenbrrrlrs, etc. Near Keizer, Income 1948 crop $7000 Has 4 room house and nil good river loam soil. Price $19,000. Terms, Cnll Jack HenninRsen with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 15.1 S. Hluh Ph. 4121 b27 12H ACRES East. Nice 5 room home with unfin. ntllc 30 x 40 barn. 94 acres in cultivation. Year mound si ream. Price $16,000. Terms. Cnll O. V. Hume wllh STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S, HlBh Ph. 4121 b2(17 CLOSE IN EAST HUBBARD 10 ACHES of choice Willamette loam. All cull., some berries, fruit nnd nuts. Good 3 B.R. home, Elec. well. SACRIFICE price S5775. LARSEN HOME A LOAN CO. Exclusive LlstniKS Personal Service 164 S, Com'l, St. Phone 8389. Eve. 7440 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS OFFERS YOU this 155 ncre nut farm close to Salem 50 acres good filberts, 75 A. walnuts, both large bearing trees; an excellent 2-tunnel dryer for com mercial drying : fl-room house, elec , bath, barn, 2-room cabin. Only $32,500 cash. Surely today's bargain. OFFERS 37 plus acres of choice, orchard soil. Part of acreage has neglected bearing orchard. Natural drainngc. Close to Salem. Buy and build later, out of state owner says sell for $3500, Worth the money. M ACRES S.E. 50 or more under plow, some timber small house barn wi'h 17 stanchions. Price $10,500, Sell slock and equipment. 9 ACRES filberts 21 yrs. old. A well io cntett good producing acreage. Worth your consideration. $11,500. Buildings poor, NEAR MARION 33 Acres buildings, elect, soon. Prlee $3500. Terms. C. U, SANDERS-UL N. Hlh-5S38. b26f To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. FOK SALE FARMS SHEEP & TURKEY RANCH: 770 acres, 320 cultivated and 450 open pasture, offered at $35,000 for quick sale. Two sets of buildings, including new $5000 brooder house. Well fenced and lots of good water. Five miles NW of Yam hill, Oregon. W, Schmucklt, rep. 2014 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oregon. Telephone LAncastcr 0000. b258 S7."HHUm 11 acres with 8 rm, house. 8 A. walnuts As filberts.. All furniture A; farm implements goes. Call Mr. Smith HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549 eves 22286 b261 MODEST furnished home and 15 acres of good producing filberts. 12 miles East $9000 00. Wcrth more. See Harold McMillln with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High. Ph. 4121 Eves. 81F2I b266 34 ACRES $5500 GOOD BEAN land, good pasture, creek, 2 rm. house, barn, elect, pump. 6 cows, hay and Irrigation equipment can be bought, THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 43.1 N. High SL. Phone 24793 h265 WANT TO RAISE STOCK? HERE'S THE PLACE. 128 acres. 10 miles east. Has large modern ranch type home Big living room with stone fire place. 2 bedrooms, dining room, kitchen on first floor, unfinished upstairs, part basement, Year around stream and five or six springs. 10 acres in English wal nuts, 3 acres filberts, abundance of family fruit. 80 acres In cultivation. 25 acres In fir and oak timber. Will ex change for 1 to 10 acre place with 3 bedroom home. Full price $16,800. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 24479 b266 BEAVERDAM 10 ACRES 20 acres cleared. 12',i acres of It pure beaverdam. 7 i acres Willamette soil. 20 acres timber, brush, pasture. New modern house. All electric. Family fruit. $20,000. I'M miles southeast of Sherwood on Sherwood-Tonquln road. Adolph F. Chan, owner, Routa 3, Box IB, Sherwood, Oregon. b288 BEFORE you buy a farm or acreage check on the government soil survey maps on display in our office. Pick a place best suited to the kind of farming you pre fer. We now have nearly 100 places to choose from in our Farm department. Nelson & Nelson. Ph 4622 or 4419. b FOK SALE ACREAGE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED HERE IT IS 1'HE PLACE you have been asking for now come nnd get It. There Is a one hnlf acre lot new two bedroom home east, wired for range, electric water healer, V. blinds. Mortgage of $4000 may bo assumed. Price furnished $8, 500, or unfurnished $7350. SALEM REALTY CO. C. W. Bartlctt. Realtor 149 N, High St. Phone 7660 bb267 WHAT ABOUT THIS? 3'i ACRES at edge of City, 3 bedrooms, aoout, a years oia, wirea ior range, electric water heater, electric range and oil circulator Included It's a good buy at $7350 SALEM REALTY CO. C. W. Bartlett. Realtor 149 N. High St, Phone 7660 bb2S7 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS NEW LARGE garage house 20 X 24. now occupied, hot, cold water, sink, cement floor, lot P0 x 100. near Pen 4 Cor. $3150. NICE CLEAN 2 B.R. home, set among oak trees, acre, N.E, 3 mi. $6000. O, H. SANDERS-231 N. Higll-5838. bb268 $i ,.iin i.(H) 2 houses on 4 Acres. CaIlM r7 Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 chemeketa St. Ph. 21549 eves 22286 bb267 BY OWNER 4 A. or bulb land. North River Road Just outside of city limits. Perfect for Greenhouse. Also 2 houses with basement nnd furnace. 1 hrdwd, firs, and fireplace. Ph. 4423. bb267" WANT TO STOP WORKINO FOR THE OTHER MAN? HERE'S 7 ACRES WITH A REAL INCOME VERY NICE 2 bedroom house, wired for range, elec, water heater, elec, heat, small barn, dbl. garage, chicken house. 4 ncres, 7 yr. fitberts Inset with 4 acres boysenberrles, 20 walnut trees, 1 acre family fruit, ',4 ncre gooseberries. Own er says place made $1,000 per aero this year. House 6 years old, barn two years, ',a down will handle. Pries (12, 000. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 bb266 $!)5ini, ft room home, 1 acres, excellent soil, or .V'i acres for $12,500, cIosb In. N.E. Imm, Poss, "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12lh Eve, 7B29 Ph. 4855 bb268 5 ACRES, good 4 bedroom home on Holly wood Dr. 1 'j acres filberts, barn, Ra rac. This is a nice large family home, nnd excellent acreage, $ 15,000. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12lh Eve. 7829 Ph. 4855 bb2B8 W.HAL ESTATE $8250 HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, nice 8 room home, good sized living room and dining itaom, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bath and uiillly porch, garage, newly papered and painted inside nnd out, large shade tree In front yard located Just off North Capitol Street $8350. NORTHEAST OP TOWN MODERN SUBURBAN home, has living room, dinette, 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath down, 2 bedrooms up, part hard wood floors, Enrage, extra large lot, 05110. 3 lnrge onk and fir trees $8450 Located just off tho Silverton Hlway, MODERN COUNTRY HOME NEARLY a ACRES of Innd with modern country home, 2 bedrooms, elec heat, wired for range, elec, wntcr heater, large gnrase, insulnled, some fruit trees. Middle Grove School District. $8950. CREEK LOCATION DOUBLE CHEEK LOT, lols of trees and shrubs large comfortable home, full ba.se.nent with auto, oil furnace, double plumbing, fireplace In living room, wired for rnnpe. elec. wnter heater. IMME DIATE POSSESSION $12,500 MODERN HOME A WELL BUILT 6 room home, has living room, dining room, 1 bedroom, kltcneu nnd bath down, 2 bedrooms up, fireplace In living room, hardwood floors, wired for ranwe; basement and furnace, ga rage. Nice lot, b fruit and nut trees $12,b00 NORTH SUMMER STREET MODERN 7 loom homo, 1826 living room wiih fireplace, dining room, kitchen and linll, Lath down, 4 bedrooms and full bath up, basement and furnace, part hardwood floors. V. blinds, wired for range, nuto. water heater. Excellent lo cation $14,125. LEE OHM ART & CO , REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph. 9680 or 4035 e WALT ib EVELYN MUSGRAVE REALTORS KINGWOOD VIEW HOME COMPARE this fine 3-bdrm. home from the standpoint of location, appearancp. con si ruction, llvabllity nnd value. We believe you will see this as a sood buy at $12,600, Newly redecorated inside nnd out. Llv Ins rm., dtntugrm., kitchen, nook, basement, auto, oil furnace, hdwd floors. EXCLUSIVE NEW A HOME for gracious living furnished to suit you. 2 bdrms. large bath, living room diningnn.. - Youngstown kitchen, full basement with toilet and shower. Electric heat, full Insulation. large garage. Bus at door. 3 blks to school. Finished $13,650. As Is $13,350. TOPS! NEAT 2-y. old 2 bdrm. home In West Snlem, concrete founda., shingle roof, Plastered, int., hdwd. floors, Venetian blinds wired for range, elec. water heater oil circulator. Picket fence en closes property. Roomy garage. Fine neighborhood, CORNER LOCATION ATTRACTIVE, new 2 bdrm. bungalow on choice corner lot. Concrete found., shingle roof plastered, hdwd, floors, Large livlngrm.. dlntngrm., kitchen, with plenty built-ins, Venetian blinds, wir ed for range, elec, water heater., elec. lift, utility room, garage, bus at door 4 : ocks to school WEST SALEM REALTY CO, 123U EDGE WATER ST. PHONE S109 C268 MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages, 4" to 6V Call lot details. ED BYRKIT & CO. 339 Chemeketa. Phone 5981 e To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. I REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS THE ELECTION Is over. The world will continue to roll on and the wise ones among us will adjust themselves to what Is happening and continue to do the best they can in the world as It is from day to day. THOSE WHO need homes will buy homes. Those who have homes to sell will con tinue to offer them for sale. Prices not only on homes but on property :n general will in the end be governed by what use people can make of it. ALL MANNER of statistical computations and business prognostications come to our office every week. In this material Is much valuable information which we gladly pass on to those who coun sel with us with respect to property they are thinking nf selling or who ask us to help them find a suitable prop erty to buy. WE WILL appreciate an opportunity to help you as we have helped many others In the past. NELSON 6t NELSON Chet I. Nelson Theo. G, Nelson REALTORS Rm, 300-2 Masonic Bldg., 495 State St. Ph, 4419 or 4622. Eves. 21350 Farms 25047 c266" LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS REAL VALUES READY FOR OCCUPANCY: Large 3 bed room home, all on one floor. Garage, workshop. Lot 50 x 104. Look at the price $4500. IDEAL SUBURBAN. English type, 3 bed rooms, attached garage. All in perfect condition, i acre ground, very close to school, bus, shopping. Price $9000, ONE AND ONE-HALF Acre good groun 1, 5 room modern home with gas refriger ator and range. Barn, chicken house, On bus line. All for $8250. GAS STATION & GARAGE, employing 2 mechanics. 1941 Dode tank truck, ice house and business, all tools and equip tnent. Net income $500 or moro per month. Priced at $4900, 30 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE TO HOME OWNERS Call K. N. VOORHEES or JAMES B. HARTMAN With LEO N. CHILDS, INC, REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. B261 c207 WANTED REAL ESTATE TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY LIST WITH US for immediate considera tion, A company founded to give and maintain scivice. Subdivisions by agree ment, D. HAROLD MURPHY 208 North High, Phones 6026 - 9785. ca268 CASH Buyers wants modern one floor home, good heat, 1 or 2 bedroom, ',4 to 1 acre good garden soil on good road, close in. Call 6201 after 6 p.m. ca266 FOR PROMPT and courteous service list your property with B'LOYD VOLKEL Real Estate Broker 474 Court Phone 1904 ca HAS WB HELP ?ou Sen Your Property? SALEM REALTY CO, REALTORS 149 N HIBb St. Phona TAW LISTINGS WANTED DUE TO the great demand from out of state and local buyers, we have not been able to supply enough houses, farms and businesses to meet this ur gent demand. If you have nny of the above properties you are thinking of selling, please call us. Our sales force Is 100 World War Two Veterans. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Poitland Rd, Ph, 3255. Eves. 21413 ca266" DAN THE REAL ESTATE MAN WILL CALL Immediately to appraise choice listings of city homes, acreaces or farms II you will call 24433 A. E. Danlclson, Realtor ca234 WE UAVE CASH Buyers rot a A I Mrm nomas. For quick talc call MR- GOOD WIN with HAWKINS fit ROBERTS. INO. REALTORS Phone 4108 After fi 8715. aa WE ARB Id o?m oi good homes lo eel) in or near Salem. If you with to list root property for sale, see ORABENHORST BROS. REALTOR 134 S Liberty St. Phone 413L NOTICE! If y our property Is tor eM rent or exchange, list it with ua. W have all Kind caab buyers. STATE FINANCE OO REALTORS 153 8 High St. ea' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADE 4 ACRES Valley land. 4 bedroom house, bath, city water & lights, li block school, hourly bus service Tacoma and Seattle. Orchard, berries, grapes, nut trees. Want to trade equity for smaller house and 2 lots in Snlem. Balance here of $4150 Box 181, Pacific, Wash, cb272 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT IN GOOD Valley town, Bldg. 27x40, Lot 27x90. Owner claims gross Income of $4000 mo. This is a real bargain at $6200. Terms. FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE 474 Court Phone 3904 cd288 FOR LEASE EXCELLENT location lor used car lot or trailer camp, On S. 12th St. A REAL BUSINESS LOCATION. For details Call Richird E. Grabenhorst, with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 cd28fi THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS SECOND HAND store, stock, fixtures, long lease $35 mo, $5800 cash. Call for Mr. Estep. PRESENTS this Coast. Highway store grossing $66,000 the first 9 mo. of 1946. Consists of bide. 48x64, grocery foun tain, tavern, bus depot, etc. Invoice about $9000. Total $21,500. BEAUTY PARLOR LOCATED live town North, Price $4000. For further Information cnll O. H. SANDERS-231 N, Hlgh-583B cd266 FOR SALE by owner, ' A. 3 bed., com pletely renovated, elec, water system, wired for range, elec, wnter healer, oil heat, garage. Ideal spot for nuto court, near bus, schools, store, South, 3 mi. from city limits. $8900. Inquire 625 N. 14th, cd267 A G OODB USI N EsV"b NLY $ 4 9 '30 BE INDEPDENDENT with a good valley town service station with repair shop ft fuel oil business. Price just reduced $550 for quick sale. You will look a long time to find another business op portunity ns good as this for such a small price. NELSON NELSON Masonic Bldg, Phone 4622 or 4419, Eves 7677. cd266 $.0(m CAFE on 99E with living qtrs. Will consider trailer hse as trade In. Call OMER HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors. 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549. Eves. 25091 cd267 $-:;oo GOOB going cafe. Call Rny Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793. Eves. 8441 Cd267 $70OCAFE in downtown Salem. Shows good rr'urns. Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors. 341 Chcmeketa St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 9441. Cd2fi7 WALT & EVELYN MUSGRAVE REALTORS FAMILY SERVICE STATION A GOOD DEAL for a man and wife. Brand new rustic bldg. Living qutrs. finished In knotty pine. Elect, heat. 2 gas pumps. U00 gal. tank. Well lo cated in good rural dist. $9000. WEST SALEM REALTY CO, 1233 EDGE WATER STREET' PHONE 5109 fd:66 FOR SALE BY OWNER 15 ROO.M apartment house, basement, 3 large lots double garage, pear and ap ple trees, excellent location, furnished or unfurnished. Sea owner at 1180 Smith St. or phone 5253. cd272 FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD furniture, including new oil burner. 1348 Hoyt. d268 GOV, W1NTHROP Mahogany desk, ladder back chair, youth bed 'and chiffonier to match gate leg table, Ph, 25005. d366 WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOB YOUB used (urnltore. Ph 75H Stale Street Pum UOO Stat. WHY TAKE less for your furniture See Rusj Bright. Phone 7511. d HIGHEST PRICES pauL Pbooe Olum at Woodry Auction Market Ph B110 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK MILKING Shorthorn. Bull, Hereford. Male Mot, Tel 4093 eve. e261 LIVESTOCK WANTED PAT A CANNES COWS for beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veaL Fat hogs, sows, stags, boars. Mkt. price. E. C. McCand- llsh. Rt 5. Box 373. Ph. 8147. Across from Waters Ball Park, S. 25th. ea2 WANTEDi All kinds or fat livestock Valley Packing Company Ph. 6935. ea RABBITS RABBITS all kinds Top prices paid. Bring or write Wm. Bossert, Rt. 4. Box 66-B. Salem. Cb269 FOR SALE WOOD 8 CORDS bone dry wood (4 ft). $10 cord. Ph. 21566. ee267 FRESH CUT fir sawdust. $4 per unit. Ore gon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ce?83' MILL WOOD $5.50 per load. Ph. 5852. ee283 2 CORD LOAD $10 HEAVY 16" mill wood. Imm. Del. Ph 6683. CC232 $4.00 PER CORD ON EVEN delivery.. 16" slab wood Sz edgclngs. Imm. Del. Ph. 6683, ce262 GOOD 16-in. dry slab. $8.50 a load. Im mediate delivery. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. cc277 SPECIAL: Green 16" mill wood. 2 cord load $8: green 16" edgings, double load $10. Prompt delivery. Oregon Fuel Co,. Phone 5533. ee270 WEST SALEM FUEL CO WOOD AND sawdust. Stove oil and diess oil Delivery when promised. Pb. 24031 BONE-DRY mill wood. 16" gretD slab good for furnace. Ph. 7721. e i FT. HEAVY slab St IB" mm wood. Also dlesel At stove oils, sawdust Prompt del anywhere. Phone 8444. ee FOR SALE POULTRY BARRED ROCK pullets, 1 or 100. Ph. 86F11. f268 NEW UAMPSniRE pullets, ready to lis For immediate delivery. Every pullet individually selected. Ph. 3288L Lee's Hatchery. ( BABY CHICKS: Weekly batches. Ncn Hampshlres and other varieties. Ph 23861 Lee's Hatchery. f cnBISTIE New Hampshire baby chick- every Wed. Bojlngton'a, 3710 State. t CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, an umber, Prompt service. Dressed poul' try wholesale our specialty. Phone 22861 Lee's Hatcher- t PRODUCE DELICIOUS apples 75c and up. Will de liver. Ph. 21853 or 538 N. 17th. ff266 WANTED HELP REAL ESTATE salesman. Experience not necessary, A new company. Call 6026 or 9785 eves. D. Harold Murphy, 208 North High, C263" SOMEONE wllh light truck to haul trash away. Rt, 4, Box 85CE, E. H. Miller. K268 YOUNG VETERANS, under 26, single, free to travel. Transportation furnished. Op portunities for unusual earnings. Neat ness honesty A: ambition main qualifi cations. Sep Mr. O'Gara. Senator Ho tel 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Don't phone. g267 WAITRESS, NIGHT SHIFT. Capital Bowl ing Alley. 468 Ferry. k286 MAN TO PUT IN 1 CORD OF WOOD nnd cut part. 1590 Lee, R-QG TELEPHONE operators wanted. No ex perience necessnry. High pay right at the start $29 for a 40-hour week while learning. Frequent scheduled increases three the first year. Safe, wholesome surroundings . , , vacations with pay. A real opportunity for young women who are looking to the future who want a job that Is pleasant. Interesting and profitable. Do not delay Inquire NOW! EXPERIENCED OPERATORS LET US tell you how much you can cam. Call Mrs, Goodwin. Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph Co., 740 State St. E2S3 MACHINISTS Top wages, good shop. Steady work. Hobbs Machine Works. Lebanon, Oregon. e2t3 WALNUT PICKING at Skyline Orchards Paying 30c H bit. box with 5c bonus. Turn right at Liberty, go 4 ml. cn Skyline road. First drive past Prospect school. g265 EXP. LADY ror fur repair At alterations Price's, 135 North Liberty. WANTED POSITIONS GENERAL Contractor Cabinets, window frames and screens. P.O. Box 127. A. D. Fearn, 1 ml. W, of Independence CA. h268 A GROCERY JOB. Experience? Yes. Stock room man, checker or mgr. What have you? Box 66, Capital Journal. h267 EXPERIENCED farmer is stockman wishes to lease an equipped stock farm, or hire out as mgr. or supcrvior of same. Box 65. Capital Journal. h2 S 7 3 YOUNG ladles want to manage small lunch room. Exp. Ph. 21732 after 4 p.m h268 REMODELING and finish work. Experi enced carpenter. 1126 S. 12th after 5 p. m h27B PICK UP and delivery service Prices reas onable, Ph. 25405. h2f)0 DO YOU want to work? Leavo your child at my home. Ph. 7829. 1)267' YOUR CHILDREN cared for eves, in your home or my homo afternoons. Ph. 24823. h267fc FULL TIME or part time Job for man with flatbed truck. 2189 Ferry. h275 CARE FOR ELDERLY lady or bed patient, my nome. ph. 8713. h26a' WILL CARE FOR pre-school children by uay or ween, i uiuciw easi oi ainLe Hosplta 1 . Ph. 3241. h 26 9 TREE SURGEONS available. Ph. 24030. h290 LANGENFELD TRUCKING CO. HEAVY & light hauling, anytime, nny place anywhere Ph, 24270, h2t8 INTERIOR PAINTING. Phone 6796. h238 GIRL WILL STAY with your children In your home eves. Sat. and Sunday's. 2210 Hazel Ave Apt. 3 h267 FOR INTERIOR PAINTING and minor fix it Jobs, Drop card to 1908 N. 5th St 1)267 OIL CIRCULATORS serviced nnd repaired D'Vorak's Service, Ph. 24963 after 5 P.m. h287 MOVING and Delivery work. Ph. 7605. Salem Moving and Delivery Service. Vetcrnn owned and operated, h267 PRUNE fruit trees nnd shrubbery, do rock work and landscaping. Ph. 24219 PAPER1IANG1NQ exclusively. Pb. 4400, h234 BOOKKEEPER - Accountant Available 10th Nov., 11 yrs. exp., 31 yrs. old. World War II Vet. Phone 23281. Ii2ti6 HOUSES to wreck. Bennett Bros. Ph. 24840. n.273 WOOD SAWING. 960 N. Com'l. Ph. 3522 BUGS AND upholstered furniture cleaned in your home. New process. R. P. Nohl gren. Ph. 21080 after 8 p.m. h230" LOCAL and long distance hauling. R. L Phillips. Rt. 6. Box 118. Pb. 68F22. D287 AUTO PAINTING just a shade' better oj EDUCATION TO IMPROVE jour present position or to qualify for a better paid Job. wc have a home study course for you or your en tire family. For further Information Ph. 24874 for appointment, hh277 FOR RENT CABIN VACANCY. Children accepted. 3 mi. W. of Salem on Dallas hiway. Bom J266 SLEEPING room for man. Close In Price reasonable. 790 N, Church. J266 NICELY furnished room for gent. 830 Hood. J268 SLPG. RM, (Men). 448 Center St., in alley rear Woodrow Bldg. J368 APT. TO EXCHANGE for carpenter work Ph. 9307. j;67 ROOM BOARD for 3 working girls Ph. 4200. ;;67 WISH TO EXCHANGE One bedroom house in Court for two bedroom house Call J. X. Mohott, Phone &U4. ties' To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. KOR RENT BARBER SHOP, 1 chair, heat, lights and water furnished, Brooks, Ore. J273 GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stltl FLOOR aander for rent. Montgomery Ward. 1 WANTED TO RENT URGENTLY NEEDED I OR 2 BI'.DRM. house, furn. or partly furn. by ex-G, I. with 2 children. Will Put up cash bond. Ph. 6988. Mr. Al Bonnes. Ja27l WANT SMALL furn. apt. or house by vet eran & wife. Can furn. new apt. size elec ranse. Ph. 5983 or write Box 67, Capita Journal. Ja268 CAPTAIN just released from army is wife need furn, or unfurn. apt, or hse. Phone 7023 Ja277 3 GIRLS want furnished 2 rm. apt. Ph. Blue 74. Mt. Angel, collect, Ja268 gVrAGE in" vicinity of public school, West Salem. Ph 8735. Ja267 WILL SIGN lease on furn. or unfurn. house. Business man and family. Ph. 56J7. 8 a.m to 6 p.m. Ja267 WANTED Middle-aged couple from out of town must have living quarters, furn. or unfurn 1 rm. or more. Box 60, Capi tal Journal. Ja268 VETERAN & wife need furn. apt, in or out of city, Ph, 4926, ask for Mr. Har low, Ja266 WANTED 1 or 2 light housekeeping rooms furnished or unfurnished. Call 2-'I054 and lenve message there, Ja266 NEEDED DESPERATELY. Furnished apt. or house, for Vet, wife and month old baby. Ph. 21953, Ja266 MIDDLE AGE COUPLE needs 1 bdrm. house or apt furn or unfurn. Referen ce. No children or pets. Write box 62 Capital Journal, ja266 MIDDLE AGED COUPLE need small turn, hse, or apt. Close In. No children or pets. Ph. 24336, ja269 DESPERATELY NEED apt. by Southern Pacific permanent employe nnd veteran No pets or children References. Ph 4408 days, 9320 nights, Ja267 HOUSE FURN. or unfurn. lor veteran and parents urcently needed. Write Box 53 Capitnl Journal, Ja267 STATE EMPLYD cple. need furn. apt, up to S60 month Perm residents, Ref. Th. 4732, after 5:30 p.m. ja257 WANTED: Furnished apartment or bouse Box 338. Capital Journal )a270 LOST AND FOUND LOST: BLACK wallet is $200 In currency Nov, 8 between Capitol theatre & P.O. Identification, R, E. Olsen. Reward. Veteran needs money returned. Ph. 24569. k268 LOST? White and brown female Fox Ter rier. The dog is sick and didn't have her collar on. She's very fat and answers to the name of Betty, Reward. Return to 240 FLsher Rd. or Ph. Mrs, Sara M, Speck. Eve, 21183 Days Ph. 21347.k287 LOST Car key with navy dog tag. Call 21479. k257 MISCELLANEOUS TOMMY Shortie formerly in Pioneer Bldg Now owner of Bllgh Shine Shop. . m271 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. 75c. LES SPRINGER, 464 Court St. m291 FILL DIRT FREE. Salem Armory. m266 MODERN PIANO and Boogie Woogle In struction. Private lessons. Guaranteed results L J. Edgerton Studio. 1820 N. 'Cottage. Ph, 9502. ni287 ELECTRIC RATE reductions! follow suc cess Salem Electric announces residen tial reductions that bring Its whole rate structure to tha lowest In the United States , m281 SALEM WASTE PAPER 1790 North Front WE BUY magazines and newspapers. Cardboard sheets and boxes any size for sale. m288 YOUR PETS given loving care In my own home while you are away. Pbone 484t for t reservation. m3(H DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOS? CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST .dolpb Bldg. State A Commercial 84 SALEM pnone 831 m' IIEAT your home electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical. See as for free estimates. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty. m DEAD and worthless stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 6000. m QEAVV HAULING, eicavatlon and roac building, land clearing, doiei wort ditching, basement excavation. &ae gravel, crushed rock. -mason sand, eon arete mix. cement. SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO. 1408 N FRONT ST SALEM. OREGON Phone 0408 or 31624. m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OLDS trumpet, never been used. Call 2-4457. n266 ;i NEW recapped 600 X 16 tires. 1 6 Ply Perfect. 1 table mod. radio, Has short wave. Apples 1.00 box picked. 1190 No. Winter. Ph. 6037, n266 :; .MOS berg repeater like new, 700 rounds of ammunition, 1805 3. 12th. n268 ONE CIRCULATOR heater, $20. One 50 lb, icebox, $20." Can be seen all day Sun. As Mon. 625 S, 25th. n26I COCKER SPANIEL puppies, males is fe males. Salem Veterinary Hospital, Port land Road. n266 E FLAT ALTO saxophone is snare drum. 2177 S, Cottane. n268 MAN'S HEAVY topcoat, size 40, in good condition. Phone 3221. n257 SPARTAN radio-phonograph combination. Apt. size gas stove, coal & wood cir culator. 635 N. Commercial. n268 HOUSE TRAILER BUILD YOUR own, large shed with etec. saw for rent, some plywood, etc. 2085 N. Com'l., evenings, n267 MARSHALL Strawberry plants, 50c per doz. or 100 for $3.25. Ph. 24283, n267 DINING ROOM set, buffet, kitchen cabi net, wood heater, trash burner, hot wnter heater, Maytag Motor. Pratum Garage Pratum, Ore. n268 USED FOLDING French doors with hard ware. 600 N. Cottage. n270" WANTED 2000 bushy Xmas tree stump aire. Box 80 Beach Ave. Ph, 23512. E, L. Kueblcr. n266 FOR YOUR repreatlon room we have a radio (The Rumpus Master) that can really reach out it can stand abuse Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N, Liberty St. n2B9 SAND. GRAVEL, silt, garden sand, fertiliz er Bostey it Meyer, Ph. 3048. 944 North Commercial n272 SHEEP fertilizer in ton lots. Ph. 4423. h266 FOR SALE Meat for your locker. Tel. 40fi3 eveninKs. n290 30 GAL. Mission automatic gas wat?r heater. $65. Call 1610 N. 20th St. n267 A, K. C. REGISTERED Irish Setter pups. Can be seen at Rt. 1, Box 12, aft. 5 P. M. or Sat and Sun. H. H. Barlow n270 HOOVER sweeper with attach. $40. Rogers plated silverware, 26 pc. Ph. 9516. n267 B FLAT wooden clarinet, man's Elgin pocket watch. Ph. 21566. n267 FOR SALE Completely overhauled One 6-foot Mershon re-saw: 4 new saws: one six by fifteen woods planer; six knife heads and cylinder Ideal equipment for custom planing- mill. Have location if desired. Box 63, Capital Journal. n267 CABINET radio, small Philco portable mi jra si., w. saiem. fives. Ph. 8735 n267 FOR SALE 22-ft trailer house, sleeps 4, lavatory and toilet, new 750-16 8-ply tires. $1500! Also tricycle, scooter wason table and chairs, doll bed and hifli chair, desk blackboard, rocking chair. Chris's Barber Shop, 2545 Port land rd. n367 8 M. .M. MOVIE set. camera and projector Will sell separately. Fh. 5425 after 4:30 n267 GIRL'S bicycle. I Kappahn rd. n270 UEATING pads (electric), plattto clothes nnes. I'onmg pads and covers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n27S RAILROAD type lanterns. Y EATER APPLIANCE OO. lit N. Liberty Sk 271 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TW6-SLIC F."elec ; ric toasters. $2.io" i Uce. $3 85 Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N Liberty St. n275 OLIVER Typewriter A-l Condition, Stan i ard Key Board $45. 4 Pc. htfavy Solid Odk Bedroom set. Ideal for Antique Furnished Bedroom. $55. 254 N. Church, Ph, 5670. n267 TWO-WAY and later-comm. telephone sets. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275" WATER HEATERS for Immediate delTv cry 40-eallon Collins $96.25; 50-gallun Westlnshousc $115, Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 CUTLERY and tableware. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n375 COFFEE-MAKER sets, 4 to 8 and 8 cup coffee-makers with stoves. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liocrty St. ' n275 HEAVY bronno smoking stands. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275a 1 BERGER Pipe Furnace complete, with 8 pipes registers, drafts and cold air ducts, $50.00. Also 2 gas hot water heaters and 1 hot water tank with - fittings 515.00. Sec at 206 N. Cottacp. Days only. n266 BABY'S Tricycle is new Browning 16 gauge auto, shotgun. Ph. 3012. n268 ELEC. WASHER, gas fir, furnace, Ilka new, wood Pipe furnace, 2 bike tires, 24 In. light fixtures, screen doors, swinging gate & misc. articles. 194 S. Cottage, n265 MlrrAplanos from $395. Terms. See thesa beautiful splnnete style pianos with th tone of a baby grand at Tallman's, 395 So, 12th, A mile from high prices. n283 ELECTRIC pants pressors, curling and soldering irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St, n275 GUARANTEED Forever flashlights ro qiilring no batteries; 2 it 3 cell flash lights. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275' THE IDEAL XMAS gift. A Kromcx Elass plate cake cover. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. i 235 N. Liberty. n28f ' PRESSURE COOKERS. 3 types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. n2B8 STEAM IRONS Safe for nil fabrics. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. n2B8 GARDEN sand, gravel, criished rock. Shovel St drag-fine excavating. WALL WO BAND AND O RAVEL CO. Ph. 8581, CHRISTMAS TOYS. Buy in em at Gene's Bike Shop. We also specialize in paint ing toys is bicycles. 1126 Edgewater St. Ph. 21568. n277 SINGLE AND two-burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St, n275 TABLE and pin-it-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 HOWSER'S RENT A TOOL SEE US on your tool needs Paint sprayers miter boxes, etc Phona 3646. 1133 Edgewater. n267 DECORATIVE and lighted house numbers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275J SMOOTHIES for perfect ice cream. 255 N. Liberty St. n273" ALUMINUM sauco pans, well and tree platters, frying pans, cookie sheets. Clothes hampers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 KITCHEN and bathroom light fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N. Liberty St. n275 WALL TYPE can openers, citrus fruit juicers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n27S KITCHEN and industrial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N, Liberty St. n275 AUTOMATIC electrlo sldcarm water beat era. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n273 ELECTRIC chimes, long and short tubes. motor driven, and mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n27$ SUN LAMPS (ultra violet & Infra-redL portable and stand models with timers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275" COAL OR briquet circulating beater, new YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 253 N Liberty St. . n275" ELECTRIC room heaters, fan, steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N, Liberty St. n275 PLASTI-KOTE, the durable paint with the cellophane-iike finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 AUTOMATIC electric grill, 18x36 Inches, with double thermostat. Ideal for small restaurant or club house. If EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 INDIRECT lloor lamps and torchiers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 ATTRACTIVE, aluminum . kitchen step ladders nnd step-on refuse cans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 iv a, ttUl a sen turmutro. tooia. stovea, dune, motors, radios, electric appli ances, nousebold goods. LI OMAN S, 28s tt Commercial Phone 9885 d" ARE YOU getting poor radio reception? Then try the powerful 8 tube Tropic Master, Standard broadcast & short wave bands. Ideal for localities where reception is ordinarily poor, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n289 riANO. 2010 N. Liberty. n263 FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures and in gle tube brackets for use near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 i SMART SUITS, coats, sweaters and ikirta:. as well as dresses tor all occasions from afternoon to formals. Grand materials and scarcely worn, Sizes 0 to 44. Phon 484b, anytime. n303 HEAT XOUR horn electrically. It'B con venient, clean, economical. See iu lor free estimates, 4 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. f 255 N Liberty n METAL AND plastic bed lamps. . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 AUTOMATIC rernrri nlnvrc YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 SEE US FOR Christmas gifts. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n304 FULLER BRUSHES. 1748 Grant Ph. 8JJ7. 0311 ORDER Better Homes St Garden or Ameri can Home at present low price of 3 years $3. Mademoiselle 1 year $3,50. Ph. 7828. Mrs. Paul H. Hauser 925 Saginaw st. n285 GOOD AS new Standard Key Board Oli ver Typewriter $45.00. 4 Pc. Heavy Sol Id Oak Bedioom set, Good Condition. $55.00. 254 No. Church St. Pb. 5670. n269 EOLA LUMBER CO., Hi. 4, Snlem. Lumber red cedar shingles. T. C. iTed) Mullen. Ph. Salem 2-1196. Yard 5 miles west cn Dallas highway, n233 MAN'S blue suit: raincoat, size 38; under wear, part wool, almost new. Lawn mower Downstairs, 1027 Oak st, after 6 p. m. n267 FOR SALE Puppies, shepherd, also bird dogs. Phone 22504. Ray Salter, Rt. 6, Box 348 n2ti7' ROUND OAK dining table and 4 chairs. Ph. 5295. n266 FIGURINES and small gift Items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n273 ELECTRIC desk, mantle and wall clocks, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. naJS" CHILD'S TAYLOR TRICYCLE. Good cond. 285 Park Ave. N, at Market st. n26 FAIRBANKS MORSE REFRIGERATOR excellent cond. Ph. 6356. 970 Shlppin n2S6" (Continued on Page HT I