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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1946)
f Go-Ahead for Bridge Given With formal signing by mem bers of the Marion county court of the three-sided agreement between Marion and Polk coun ties and ihe state highway commission for erection of a bridge over the Willamette riv er at Independence, the go ahead signal is given to the state highway commission and the bridge as a reality awaits only action by that body. The agreement was received here from Polk county carry ing signatures of members of that court, and has been given an OK by Hedda Swart, Mar ion county engineer. Work is expected to start in 1948. Estimated cost of the bridge is $640,000 with the state pay ing a half and each county a quarter of the expense. In event the cost is more than the esti mate in the agreement the extra is prorated between the parties. Traffic where the bridge will go is now serviced by an inter county ferry operated at the joint expense of Polk and Mar ion counties at an approximate cost of S7o00 a year. One important step leading up to the establishment of the bridge will he improvement of the south river road between Salem and East Independence which it is expected will be ac '"eomplished with aid of federal funds. This is on the highway program but the Salem-Silver-ton road improvement is expect ed to be completed first next summer. Tillamook County Voles for Hospital Tillamook, Nov. 8 VP) A $350,000 'hospital was voted by Tillamook county, election re turns showed today. By a 2479-to-1070 margin the county voted to set aside not more than 15 mills in excess taxes in the next two years to construct the hospital. Proponents said in the cam paign that the present hospital the only one in the county, is inadequate, old and unsafe. In other results V. J. Love defeated Martin L. Shulson for county commissioner, 2280 to 1359; Marguerite btasek was reelected county treasurer; Har ry Elliott was electedTillamook mayor with no opposition, suc ceeding Dave Steinbach; F. W Thomas was reelected council man and Thomas Bailey was elected o the council for the first time; Glenn Gonovcr was reelected city treasurer. Life Underwriters Hear Trust Officer Members of the Life Under writers' association, meeting at the Marion hotel Friday noon, heard an address by George W. Stewart, trust officer of the' First National Bank of Port land. The theme of the talk was cooperation of the trust department of the bank with life underwriters in establish ment of life insurance trusts. Guy N. Hickok, manager of the Salem branch of the First Na tional, introduced Mr. Stewart. Members of the association arc from Marion, Polk, Linn and Yamhill counties. Bureau Recommends Three Utility Districts Ephrata, Wash., Nov. 8 (JPi A recommendation that three countywide public utility dis tricts be set up for distribution of low-cost electricity from Grand Coulee and Boneville dams to the 15,000 family-size farms to be created in the million-acre Columbia basin irriga tion project was released today by the bureau of reclamation. The report suggested power should be sold at cost to encour age maximum use of electricity on farms and promote industrial expansion in the area. The report was prepared by officials of the bureau, rural electrification administration, Bonneville power administraton and Washington State college. Only the more densely popu lated parts of the basin now are served by the two privately owned power companies, one public utility district and one electric cooperative association in the area, the report said. $21,000,000 Worth Of Silver Shipped Portland. Ore.. Nov. 8 U.R Twenty-one million dollars' worth of silver left Portland last night under heavy guard for Denver, where it will be placed in the U. S. mint. The silver, making up one ot the most valuable shipments ever to leave Portland, wat. used as electrical conductors in place of copper at the Troutdnle aluminum plant during the war. It was loaned to the re construction finance corporation by the treasury. Benefit Claimed for 400,000 Families Williston, N. D., Nov. 8 P Goodrich W. Linewcaver, direc tor of the reclamation bureau's operation and maintenance branch, said today the Missouri basin project ultimately will "stabilize" living conditions for 400,000 families. In an address prepared for the North Dakota Reclamation association, Lincweaver said: Capital Journal. Salem, Oi choii, Friday, Nov. S, 1946 3 "The Missouri basin project , will transform, by irrigation, more than 3,800,000 acres of range and dry lands into steady wealth-producing farms. This will stabilize the living for 400, 000 families and will maintain on more than 200,000 people 53,000 ramily-size farms." Linewcaver pointed out that dry-lann North Dakota's pop ulation declined more than 40, 000 from 1930 to 1940. RELIEF OF PAIH of headache or cold's painful miseries, mommy luncuons St. Joseph aspirins: nly 10 Ballet Calls Students Monmouth A group of 35 students and faculty of O. C. E. plan to go by bus to Portland Monday to attend the perform ance of Ballet Rouge. WE NEED a Rood 3 bed-: room unfurnished house to rent. YOU NEED good tenants. PHONE 9296 . TO BETTER SERVE YOU Marion f Motors Will move to their Permanent Location, Center & Commercial, November 12th The :! BEAUTY BAR 201 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. i! Formerly Beauty Hacienda : Under the :J New Management of Nan Williams ; and Zana Hales j! Features : NESTLE Permancnts '! and HALLIWELL : Cold Waves jj Other g AA and : Permancnts 95iWW Up ij Phone 3925 I ;;::::;c:..;;;:::::::; Guaranteed Watch Repairing Don't Throw Your Watch Away! We fix them when others can't. Five days' service by our staff of scientific watchmakers. Diamond Setting Store Hours 9:30-6:00 Jewelry Store Hours 9:30-6:00 $100 to '1000 OR MORE 73 I mmPARE OUR MTts" BEFORE YOU BORROW L i i jLyjitwjT) i cvaosuh 1 1 M00 22;86 jjjir I $5003fU0 k30I $1000 76.19 I 92.59B YOU . . . tiled your I "my payment plan I On Your FURNITURE SIGNATURE lncorporflUd-1200 S.W. fflorrljon St., Portland 3, Oregon V SALEM AGENCY 444 Citr St Tl. 4161 DID YOUR HOUSE COST $5000 TO BUILD IN 1940? It's insuranble value now is $7,750 GENERAL AMERICA GROUP AGENTS CHUCK ft . CHET L5yilkltaNSURANCE OREGON LARGEST UPSTATE AGENCY SALEM AND COOS BAX 129 North Commercial St. Dial 9119 YES Smart Si to 115 NORTH LIBERTY Is Offering Distinctive SMART ,$70' Values at Clearance Sale Prices f A T C New Fall and Winter Fashions . . . beautiful, slenderizing lines () Z I ... our own famous Name Lines. Priced so low you will be sur- 9 prised in these days of high prices! SUITS... BLOUSES . . DICKIES. New Fall and Winter styles . . . beautiful materials and colors . . . on sale to you at thrillingly low prices. We aro warning- you you will want more than one! One group marked for immediate clearance. Believe it or not $1.00. This isn't sale merchandise it is all new coming- in daily to us and selling- direct to you at CLEARANCE SALE PRICES Wc Invite You To Open An Account COME IN SEE FOR YOURSELF Smart Si tot 115 NORTH LIBERTY For Your Convenience Wc Are Open Until 6 P.M. Salem -ANY A M IN LOV THIS Tn JIWIllftl'OPTOMITIISTS tffijiiiiitji.i.i.i.ifn SILVER Piece Place Settlnti 15.90 Vim 20 lai - . . , J i N ' - ' -(S I I W ,7v . J UX heart is ,0ntPoo. BEAUTIFUL CHAT ALAIN S PINS-BROOCHES EARRINGS Combination Sets S.95 to 35.00 ELGIN AMERICA). Campacl!i Wide Choice 3.S0 m SI" WATCHES 39.13 t 5.M mm COMBINATION CIGARETTE LIGHTER A W m I.ON'(ilNK CHOOSE CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW ON OUR UYAWAY PLAN s the Christmas Season rapidly approaches, the thoughts of those who wish to give the finest gifts to their loved ones, turn to lasting jewelry. And for finest quality, the footsteps of value wise shoppers turn towards our store. Today's gifts of jewelry, carefully selected, are tomorrow's heirlooms and lifetime treasures of those who receive them. Choose now for Christmas. We will gladly hold any gifts till Christmas for you ot no added cost. FINE WATCHES 35.50 It 110, 4 WAYS , j UYAWAY . WEEKLY CHARGE OR BUY TO PAY. PUN V PAYMENTS PUN FOR CASH B : :i;;: i:-::yiKi::H Bjrlhllont ring RfS W vjv " : 1 $1250 lUfWy '- i t&J&?kl 00m.n.nn0 fe 1 i" ' ( r 'i' M iM'l'-''5 j . irz A $2oo w "' ' y ' ' Molded dlo MjyLUj.' u. '' s,i - , b'"'' nyf'rl u - " i $875 Wryyi- JEWELERS. OPTOMETRISTS SALEM'S LEADING CREDIT JEWELERS OPTICIANS I ' . -;C"X" Oenuinc Keepsake Diamonds