1 16 Capital Journal, Sulem, To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. FOB SALE HOUSES $i:.iK) BV OWNER 5 rm. house tartly furn and business location on ni A., . bus at door N Pael!icg.Hlway. 9!1E at Brooks 2 blks N. of Rump mid White Grocery. Rt. 1 Box fi6J Shipley. a2T0 ToR-SALE by owner 6 mi. mod. house, mirage Woodhou.se, washhouae. $6500 75 Roberts Ave. Ph. 21524. a)! TO BEAUTIFUL NEW movable houses 24 (t. Inutt. Well Insulated and strongly built. Can be moved as a trailer house. Ail Uourcscent lighting. Wirrd lor all elec tric Heating cooking and hot water. Reautiful gumwood veneer Inlaid floor. Mnhnsany veneer doors. Lots of cabinets, rloscls and window space. Priced very reasonable at 11650 possibility of terms. vs from Waters uau rarn on oi 25 St. 3 270 "ffi'ATM LB. DR. K. 1 BR. Close to State OUtee Bide. Call OMKR. IIUFP REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Th. 21543 eves. 25091 Ml Wtwuio. IMMED. Poss. This 3 BR Sub. home Hwd. floors. 3 A. Rood soil. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Cheinekcta 81. P!i. 2143 eves 25051 8287 fiiofiO.OO Brautirui home on Acre 2 nn East. E!ec. range As reMi. goes. Call i Mr Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chrmcketa SI. Ph. 21549 rcsJ222M .ft"67l S;i:m mVRrfn7cedTor quick sale. I,R, DR. KIL 2 BR, bath. I. loL- 011 liirnace. hsnit. Nice location. Will aril furniture. Call Riy Davis, HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY n!tiltnrs 311 Chemcketa ' P!l. 37f3 vr 9441 B267 NORTH--3 bedroom v I-B. lv. rm. Dn. rm., nook Fireplace. Hwd. floors. V. blinds. r Elect' wt. ht. Basement. Nice yard and family fruit. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Clitmekcta St. Phoneys 1 Jti,' BEDROOMS UP, 2 down. Lk. Iv. rm. Dn. rni Lk kitchen, llwd floors. Fireplace. ' Basement Auto, nir eond. wood furnace. 5 or 6 cords of wood to bo. This Is a rral buv for stl.flwi. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 330 Chrmcketn St.Phonc. 50!U b'.!07 CREEK HOME Beautiful 4 bed room home. t,tr lv. rm. with fireplace. Dining rm. ' Kitchen. Music room. Dbl. plumbed. Full basement. Hot wtr. ht. Hwd. floors '" Ihrouttliout. CI we in. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemcketa St. Phono 5981 b267 J.-..V.0. FURNISHED Dinette. L R.. Gar Bdr.. Bath. Kit.. , on bus line. Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON. HURT PIC1IA. REALTORS PH. 3210 337 N. HiKh Street b267 JlL-mOvEWIMPOSS, 2 Bdr.. Until. 1, R Kit. ninelte. Ice. lot. This Is a very' well built time, See It today. Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON. BURT P1CHA, REALTORS PIT. 3210 337 N. HlKh Street b2R7 I,0 V ELY 3 BR house, fl yrs. old, oak turnout, modernistic design, new dist. off Market SI. Luse Realty Co., Oregon Bide, 7952. b25" FAMILY HOME WE HAVE a very comfortable 3 bedroom home located only 3 blocks from Bush grade school. This home has a full basement with an automatic alr-eon-ditloned oil furnace, Larae Int. We think this is a good buy at. $8300. LEE OHMART & CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone DfiKO or 4035 a 203 ' B EYOU R O WN LAN I )LO R D ! I RM. COTTAGE, fumlslied. Cozy and comfortable Good location, la acre, food soil. Price $4200. Call Mvlcs Henderson JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 4R5 Court Phone 7696 Res. 24fW2 REDUCED! t BDRM. hung, near Eilitlewnod school. Well built, in a Rood location, this will sell fast Rooms are spacious, full base rtient. Very nice lawn and shrubbery. Fruit' trees and gardrn. A REAL DUY at $7000. CALL Mvles Henderson JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 45 Court Phone 7000 Ret., 24UP2 aiflT " W1I Y""LOOK Vu rti I K1I ? NI.W ? bedrm. home. Auburn school dist. L.irae lot. 08 x 150. Only me dcm materials used. Floor plan excellent. Price J7500 furnir.hed lfl5on. Call Haliliy Habernlrht JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7fi6 a267 A CHRIST m"a SC1 1 FTFO R THE FAMILY WHAT CO I : LB be better than a lovely new home! 3 lame berirms.. spacious livinit rm. and dining room. Good ha.--e-rocnl. Lovely fenced back yard for the children, extra larne Karaite for Dad, and Mother will he proud of K all. What's more a firrplace for Santa Cluus. Call us todav. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7C96 Res. 24789 287 SPECIAL - - N. HUMMER STREET pel lug in living rm.. Venetian blinds t amo-eas neat, nreinare, snowcr, uui . lty rm., elrc. hot w alcr heater. I.arc lot. 2 Karaites, bark yard fenced. FUR DETAILS Call D.ile L Shepherd with OR ABENHOHST UltOS . REALTORS . 134 8, Liberty SI. Ph. 4131, Eves. 3-4457 n2tl5 furnished'hom e" for "hale KI.W .1 IIM. liome. completely furnished, eirr. In at, rerreat ion tin . 1 1 repine carpeted A real home rt-ady to mo1 HMO FOR APPOINTMENT " Cull O. H Ornhcnliorsl. Jr., with tiRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S, Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Ecs. 2-20111 COA' HOME i MOIHJIN lidrm. home, located in S. Sn I Inn, lull basement. mumIusL henl, f irr i place, hdwd, floors, nice yai d, Hoini It newly decoi uted. i See Rtchinri E. Oi'ttbeuhor-it . wilh II riRARENHORST 11UOS,, REALTORS '. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 n'JB.V ; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ' POt'lll.K HOME, lorn I I'd East near State 1 Jluhway Shops, paved at,, lame lot, on ainrltuciit up and our down with brirm.s. In each. Price I8,4l0. A GOOD VALUE ' Call rohurri T, Gnibenhorst. with 1 ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 1 134 S. Liberty St. I'll. 4131. Eves. 777 ' a 26.i I MOVE ItHillT IN I THIS 2 brdrootn home, lnerni'iit. furnnce, f fireplace. li:irdvoid I loot j, iioml siH I lot on N 23rd st. Only $75IW-TERMS a LA Its EN HOME A- IJAN CO. F'xclnslve Llstluiis - Personal Service . 164 S. Com'l. rii. flJBll Eves, 7410 n2B7 j;r.';.n. I si mi m, " D:st, I block to ti;;.n.M,W 1 bd 'lrmjt, :i b!n-ks ijhed hse. Kriiei ir. In (own. S.E lfJ.v.tHi1 BIMtM. Ine. on bin lin. Capi- tnln. frvt.Ni.MMtE Ifv., 3 bdrm. he. Pu at d.ior. In town. S. E S;-.im.; liiMIM. hse. N.E. on ft block to bus, F'i.MHI. 8 BDHM. lue. Enclrwood Dis! ftti,.MI. :i 111) It M, hsr. Walking dislftiut to cltv reutci i-4 2-IH)RM. G.I, lues. S 4-BDRM. (i.l. ti:.es. under r ABRAMS Ai ELLIS INt i 411 Miusouio Bidit, Phone D.10 n Ir.Mirimce Mortititue Loans a2B, BKANB NEW home. Carpeted livlna room with fireplace, very nice kitchen, nook, nllllty room with shower, bath, 2 be.l-room-s, fir.;' liert room upstairs lOxJl), lariie Karaite, lawn nnd shrubs In, ce " ninit drive, and sidewalks. This a built for a home Hltli only the best of materials u.eri. If you want a new home " tins ts a birtioin at only $12,000, ARE YOU piiuiniiiK to build a home? 2 II o now Is Hie tunc to buy the lot I liaic many chon-e sites Irom small lots to 5 acre tracts, priced from J3U0 " up. Let me snow you some ol these, FIX) YD VOLKEL HEAL ESTATE 74 Court Phone 3fll4 267 K IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ROOM modern 3 yr. old Imnie. N, E. C Basement, sawdust heat, attached ks- f raae. Lot 05 X 125. Nice lawn and shrubs. Garden yace. Price 99jo. Call O. v, mi a STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 1,1,3 3- H'g" Pli 4121 a2B7 'MONEY TO LOAN on first Dior is aces 4 to 6-, Call for detail!. ED BYRKIT 6t CO. 0 Chemeketa, pbon ftVBL Oregon, Friday, Nov. 8, 1946 i-OH SALE HOUSES HOUSES $(hki I BDRM, home. S bdrmj, now rented S;ww MODERN 5 yr. old West Salem home 2 bdrms. with unfinished upstairs. $;khi I BI R.MS, on one floor. Lite, lot, :lose to school. This home Is lood for a lame family. S7:t.-,o , BDIIM., South on bus. close to school and store, bnsrmt. Ai Idy. trays Small Int. $s;(iii BliRM,. near Hlith School. Larae rooms, furnace with half basement. Nice Inree lot. FORK NER-BOURNE. REALTORS 1853 N. Capitol St. Ph 3011 Eve. B9B4 a38S" BRAND NEW ? BOR.M.. Iar?e lot 75 X 150. edee of city. plastered, oak floor, oil lurnace. eiec. cooklnk & water heatinK, all on one floor Ncai bus. Terms. Immediate Pos session FORK NER-BOURNE. REALTORS 1353 N. Cr.pitol St. Ph, 3031 a25 $H.-.MtRRAND NEW CAPE COD. Subur ban, 2 bdims., unf upstairs, auto, ht., rouv to bu. school and stores. SK!iH0sriH;RI(AN TWO BEDROOM home 6 years old. 1 S acres Chehahs loam soli. Good barn, concrete pump hse., hen house, fruit. Call F.spey. BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph B472 2543 Portland Rd. a26G FOR fiAI.E to hlsthest bidder 7 room house at West end of Salem bridge, to be wrecked and Kround cleaned Owner reserves tnc ncht to reject all bid. Contact W. P. Lewis, 3435 Center St.. Salem Ore. a206 FOR SALE BY OWNER ENfW.ISH STILE STL'CCO. 6 rms. 114 story, nvinir rm,, urepiace, Kit., ainetie, I bedrm down, 2 bedims, up, full base nient, furnace heat, Karaite, 1 apple trre, walnut, 2 filberts, 1 peach. Lot 50x100. Ph. R418. a2S6 $31.10, (. A RACE house. Plastered inside, stucc out, larKe livinn room and K. with built -Ins. 1 bedroom. Well with Elcc pump lame lot. -C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Eve. 7829 Ph, 4H55 a26 SI.IBi:iity 17500.- 3bedronms and sIpiik. porch. Ven. blinds, plastered. At tached Karaite, 75 X 100 cor. lot. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 3. 12th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4B55 a266 KING WOOD HG IS. 3 bedrooms, living room, fireplace, coved cellinRs, HW floors, attaclied Rsiranc, larne lot, a.l in lawn, Immefllnte possession, 17500, "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Eve, 7B20 Ph. 4855 a266 CENTER ST. 3 bedrooms, bath up, Ilv Iur room. riinltiK room, kitchen, back porch, full basement, sawdust furnace, corner lot, cement drive. This is tne best house and lor all on anyone ran show you for 19000. Shown by Ap pointment "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Eve. 7B2!t Ph. 4855 a2fl SI ST ST. SO.mio. 2 bedroom home. hwd. floors fireplace, full basement with 1 bedroom. This Is a Knod buy, "C" KILGORE RRAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Eve, 7B2D Ph. 4Bfj5 B286 YEW PARK. llO.lOtl. Calif. Stucco, 3 bedroom home, fireplace, full basement with celled room. See this one. It's nice. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4855 a26 PARK AVE. 110.500. A lovely 3 bedroom home In a beautiful setting of cherry trees, coved ceilinas. H. W. floors, floor lurnnce, nicely landscaped. G a rase at tached. 7 rs old. Lot B0 x 120. C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 435 S 12th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4855 ft26 4 BEDROOMS and den. A lovely home, nicely locnten. two stories and full base ment Willi furnace. Rome fruit an1 nuts In yard, in the So. part of town. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S 12th Eve. 7820 Ph. 4865 a266' I'-i ACRES N.E. 5 room home. Nice set tins In a beautiful oak it rove, about lj clear for eardrum. Full price 16000. C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 42S S. 12th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4S55 266 W!HHl. t bedroom home. French windows, lovely lot, full basement, not new but nice C KILGORE RFAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4B55 a2B6 INCOME properly. Let us show you how to bring In 1150 per mo. on this place, located close to business dist. Price 17500 C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S I2l!i Eve. 7BJi Ph. 4855 a26 NO. ITII. men 2 bedroom home, Hwd. floors. Rrkfst. nook, full basement, yard fenred, neat and clean Inside and out, J740O C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S !2lh Eve. 7829 Ph. 4855 a2(t LOT 60 X 13B FT. I RliRM. house. Plastered throuBhout. Basement with almost new furnace. Newly painted. Couldn't be better for a Inrae family. 17250.00 and worth it. See It torlny. SALEM REALTY COMPANY C. W. Rartlett' Realtor 110 N Hlirh Street Phone 7ifi0 LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM' a2B5 WANT A CUTE HOUSE? THIS IS IT. 2 bdrms. Onk floors In l!v- Inn rm. and bdrms. El. cnoklna i water lieiitlutt In Rood V"t Salem location Trnlv n huv at s'oon. SALEM REALTY COMPANY C, W. Bartlelt. Realtor lit N Hleli St rem Phone 7RB0 "LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM" a2fl,V EVERYTHING! Till: BEST to be found for the price. El ivnlc lirnl It and ookir ins dn Upstairs not coiupletel: hlii-ri. Very well lorn ted In Enslewond dutrlct. Don't miss this for a flue home at onlv tn.oon SALEM REALTY COMPANY V W. Bartlett, Realtor lift N Rich strert Phmie 7B0 "LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 1 EM ' 1 B26V Brtl.l:KrUITNTi:R7"Hcrr Is a house 5(1 rnmplrte with evervtlilns Ini! pln.sler to finish. Owner has left town and wants offer SULLIVAN REALTY CO 3305 Portland Rd. Pli. 3255. Eves. 2447H b280 VIEWIM)MrnnVueelev'ntedloi7"lB x 30 HvttiK room, hwd. floors, wired for raime bsnit, with auto, oil furnace 1 14,000 Terms SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 33B5 Portland Rd. Th. 3255. Eves. 2S103 a2(16 NEW t mi home" Keuer Dist. Will lie finished soon. I.are corner lot, auto, heat, wired lor ratine. Veteran priority 18,500 SULLIVAN n FATTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd, Ph. 3255. Eves. 25101 a2fi6 lli:.l, I 'OK rori'l.E, one H R. home, Bill", heal, fireplace, wired for rniifte. hwd floors Nice fenced yard, f 6,000 SULLIVAN REALTY CO, 33B5 Portland Rd, Ph. 3255. Evci. 3MM B'J66 NOR IMII. ANNEX, 5 n home, ele vated conirr lot 120 x 10ft. All larae rooms f hcih-c. w i red for ranae, bMH' tn ree utlllt v rnnm. R 950. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3.165 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2510.1 a3fiB S ACRES north in Oak Grove. 3 bed room louse kit., utility and bath, wa ter system sarave Jfl oon. NULI IVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Pli. 3255. Eves, 251t3 a'J68- S7,:imi, '! iidkm, home close to school A bus. hwd. (Irs., elec. heat, attached aa raee ut Hit v rm. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 3. Com'l. St Ph. 490 Eve. 21000 a266 flM.Mi, NEW 3 bedroom plastered home, Rnsedale Lovely kitchen with larce breakfast nook and senlce bar, at tached earner. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S 12th Eve. 7BJ9 Ph. 4855 a266 SEE HUDKINS FIRST! 15300 PARTLY furnished 4 rooms and taraie. It s neat and clean. Can be yours In a few dio s. Immediate Possession Terms IT'S FURNISHED $7350 3 BEDROOMS all on one floor, livlni room, kitchen, electric w a shine ma chine. In a setting ot firs and oaks. You ran have quietness and privacy here. Close to bus imc, CHAS. HUDKINS A- SON Ph. 34139 275 State a33 $7a.o. X RM. buncBlow north, hdw, fir. In livini tin,, fireplace, nice kitchen, dinette, 3 h'drms., basement A: furnace MELVIN JOHNSON &49 N. Cottase St. i'h. 113S 3fll FOR SA L E HOUSES $0750. fi ROOM new home East. Oak floors throushout. Oil floor furnace. Attached garaKC. Lot 75 X 150. Several fruit and nut trees. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. ti.z Ph. 4121 a287 EXTRA NICE2BRrn'. home N. 22nd St.. fireplace. H.W. floors, bsmt.. auto, saw dust heat, reduced to 19350.00. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS Ai ROBERTS, INC., REALTORS Phone 4108 After 68715 b270 EXTRA NICE 4 bdrm. home, double plumbed, basement, fireplace, H.W. floors, elec. water heater. lj acre, met; yard with flowers and shrubs. See Mr. GOODWIN with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC. REALTORS Phone 4108 Alter 6-8715 a270- Sll.fiftO. RESTA1 RANT At Gas Pumps, livInK quarters with 910 acre, north on 99E. can have beer license with place. See Ralph Maddy. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph, 4590 Eve, 210IW n2CG- VIEW PROPERTY $11,700. 2 BDRM, home in uood location In Salem, See all the mountains Irom your kitchen window. This home has elec. heat, fireplace, beautiful kitchen, double plumbing, 2 car Karaite, bus in front of door. Imm. Poss. Terms I! wanted. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 940 S. Com'l, St. Ph. 4590 E-.C. 21030 a 266 2 BDRM. home close to school A: bus, hwd. firs., V, bhnd-s. Urepiace. covra ceii Iiik Isrse kitchen with lots of bullt-ms. full bsmt. with sawdust heat. Elcc. wa ter heater. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS S45 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 2 Into n2C0' $7,R.V). 2 BDRM. home North, hwd, firs thru-out, iBTKe itviiiK room, u. rm., tne bath. 4 Interest on mtne.. which can be assumed. Imm, Poss. Don't overloook this deal. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 45D0 Eve. 21ito a2B6' STi.-MH'. 4 RM. house south. Furn., owner leaving. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4500 Eve. 2 1 OfiO a266- $7,o(io. BUYS this 4 bdrm. home all on one floor. Rood plastered hse. Bungalow type enst nenr Center street, OUSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St Ph. 4590 Eve. 21090 B26P' O. I. SPECIAL FOR RALE hy Owner Lovely 2 bedroom home on N Summer St. Like new. Fire place, wall to wall carpet In living rip.. Venetian blinds, lame lot. Can b" bouKht on a.T. loan. S5.0OO down (f non-veteran $8750. Phone 7131. b26G JMtJW GARAGE HOUSE. SUBURBAN. SaiSO 7-RM. HOUSE, CLOSE IN. $4000 2-RI.DRM. HOUSE. NORTH. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N HUh St. Phone 34703 4-BEDRM. Clone to all schools, bus. store, dandy location. E. front. Corner lot. Lots of rooms in this house Part basnit. Furnace Wired Tor range. Asking $8500 Call Ed Luklnbeal. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5381 a265 $7!00 NEW 3-bcdroom modern home. East of Salem on 'a acre or land. Call Iks Bacon. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 59R1 a263 6 BEAUTIFUL HOMES, priced from 114,- 000 to $31,500. If you are looking for fine homes these are well worth lookliiK at. Call Ike Barnn. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 319 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 b2B5 HERE IS a very cozy home with fire place, hardwood floors, 2 B. R., Vene tian blinds, basement, Rood location. South. Close to schools and price at IB575. IMMEDIATE possession on thfs 4-hed-room home located close In South Priced to sell 17350 ENGLEWOOB district with 4 bedrooms. . bath, L. R.. D. R., kitchen, sarace, extra nice lot. Price $7900. BUY THIS Invely 2-bedroom home for only $2500 down, balance at 5pr. hard wood floors. L. n., D. R.. bath kltrlien, Venetian blinds, best of location. Price $9450. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. COMPLETE LY FURNISHED nnd priced at. only $5500. 1 B. R.. bath. L. R kltch-Mi. dinette Venetian blinds. 1 yr. old. Better hurry. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 109 South HlKh St. Phone 5-1-3-1 Phone eveniiiKS 6901-7163-4937 a265 SEE THIS AT ONCE. 4-rm. house, almost completed. Will finish. Nice shower, etc. Gas. elec, and city water. A nice place and location. This Is a sood buy. Terms and poss. $3750. M D, Loonet wilh W. E. MOSES 3m Stale. Ph. 4993 a285 WHY? BUY bii old house when vou cm buy ttiis brand new unfinished house with a floor space of 24x42 to plan and finish as you please? New dist. Modern Construction, larne lot with trees, paved rd. bus line, e due of city. Ow ner's price S3500. Ph. B.'3fi. a2fii ,1 BEDROOM well-located home within walking distance down town, well furn ished. 1-story, cooking and water heater gas. oil heat. Immediate possession. Has Karaite flreplai e in back yard, lit Hit room. This home Is now vacant nnd buyer ran move tn at once. Terms 15, 000.0(1 cash and balmier pnynble month ly at 5ri Interest, Tills home has very pleasant sur round! mis and Is a vc-y desirable home. Some fruit and berries, also walnuts. HO LI, WOOD McKillop Real Estate 2075 FAIRGROUND ROAD. PH. 2-5224 B2B ' QUICK POSSESSION 3 BDR. HOME North on one fir . ven close to Grade A: Hi. school, oil fur nnce, E hot water, wired lor rnmi- w rather stripped A- insulated, La-sc lot. $8400. Call Gardner. BURT PICHA, REALTORS PH. 3210 3:t7 N Htfih Street B2BS J BEDROOM IIO.ME on 'i IUTC l.K PhHIv furnished Terms. Price $41H0. Call G1DLEY OR LOONEY with WM. E. MOSES ail'i State St Phone 4!iiH. a jT II M ."HOUSE. 1 nit S.E.' of Slay l mi. ': acres, ear arc, woodshed, electricity, oi paved hlway. Furniture Included. Prlc 44800. Call Staytotl 635 or see Fill Krrltrer, evenliiKs. a2f6 I'OH SALE Modern house, 5 rooms. Ready to move tn. Inquire of N L. Palmer. 102 Orchard Ac.. Dallas, Ore. al'tirt FOR SALE LOTS NICE BUILDING tot North 24th St., 50' 200' See Mr GOODWIN with HAWKINS A- ROBERTS, INC. REALTORS Phone 4108 After 6 8715 hb'.'7P LOT 50 by lno ft' 1373 6th W. Salem" BY OHMIt, Lo 50 x 160 in Rosrdii'f Addition. Ph. 3fH2. aa269' BV OWNER Lot 48x101 on S. 18th. Close to school and bus. Paved street. Side walks in 1675. Ph 247 19, aa'JU.V FOR SALE FARMS FARM SPECIAL! JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR .10 A. MM. Soil, all cult. Near Silverton Hlway, Very attractive 5 rm. house. garner, silo new shed. You couldn t buy a better farm Bt this price. $18,0J0. Equip, can be bought. A. WM, Soil, all cult., near Silverton. One of the best farms lu the valley. 5 rm. house, only 6 yrs. old. extra room in dbl Karane. Good utility room. All the conveniences ot a city home. One of the nicest arreaecs we liaie seen. Price $27,500. Call Henry Tcrvend JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 45i Court Phone 7696 Res. 25141 D267" RIVER BOTTOM FARM 10 ACRES of Rood soli. 24 acres of which li river bottom, balance Willamette. All can be irriKfttrd. 6 room houc. half new, icod milking parlor, old barn. Price only JflOOO See WM. BIIVFN I.. C. COONEY 439 Oregon Bhlc. PllOlie 7906 Rrs. 8318 h2C5" I 0 ACRES, tin vim timber, year around stream. lane barn. 3 yrs. old, can easily finance. $7,000. Luse Really Co., Oregon B'.d., 7952. b265 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. FOR SALE FARMS 2K ACRES. Peaches. Filberts Walnuts. Boysenberrles. etc. Near Keizer. Income 1948 crop $7000. Has 4 room house and all cood river loam soil. Price $19,000. Terms. Call Jack Henningaen with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 b267 12H ACRES East. Nice 5 room home with unfln. attic. 30 x 40 barn. 94 acres !n cultivation. Year aiound stream. Price $16,000 Terms. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S, HiKh Ph. 4121 b267 FRUIT RANCH 10 ACRES of prunes, cherries, filberts, pears and some walnuts, 7 rm. farm house, barn, chicken house, garden space and Rood well with elec. pump. Telephone. A good place to make your home fc cood living. Reasonably priced at $16,500. See Don .T Dawson, with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-5338 b265 CLOSE IN EAST HUBBARD 10 ACRES of choice Willamette loam. All cult., some berries, fruit and nuts. Good 3 B.R. home. Elec. well. SACRLEICE price- t5775. LARSEN HOME & LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Phone 8389. Eve. 7440 b267 T.'iiw.tHi 11 acres with 8 rm, house. 8 A. walnuts ft filberts. All furniture fc farm Implements Roes. Call Mr. Smith HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21543 eves 22286 b291 5IODEST furnished home and 15 acres of good producing filberts. 12 miles East $9000 no. Wcrlh more. See Harold McMillln with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. H!ah. ' Ph. 4121 Eves. 8IF2I b266 34 ACRES $5500 GOOD BEAN land, good pasture, creek. 2 rm. house, barn, elect, pump. 8 cows, hay and Irrigation equipment can be bought. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. H!ehSt. Phone 24793 b28fi WANT TO RAISE-! STOCK?" HERE'S THE PLACE. 128 acres, 10 miles east, Has largo modern ranch type home, Big living room with stone fire place. 3 bedrooms, dining room, kitchen on first floor, unfinished upstairs, part basement. Year around stream and five or six springs. 10 acres in English wal nuts, 3 acres filberts, abundance or family fruit. 80 acres in cultivation. 25 ares In fir and oak timber. Will ex change for 1 to 10 acre place with 3 bedroom home. Full price $16,800. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3385 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves, 24479 b26fi' LOVELY SEVEN ACRES NORTH, 4 acres Boysenbcrries, Inter planted with 7 year old filberts, va riety other fruit. A good two bedroom home, new barn with 3 stanchions, double Karage. This place produced ap proximately $4000 in 1946. Mr, Holme, will be pleased to show this. SALEM REALTY CO. C. W. Bartlett, Realtor 149 N. HiKh St. Phone 7660 b365" SMALL FARM SPECIAL 15 ACRES of fine land all in cultivation. Very Kood 3 bdrm. house. Nice barn and silo. Team horses, harness, farm machinery all rocs. FOHKNETt-BOURNE. REALTORS 1853 N. Capitol St. Ph. 3031 b265' SMALL FARM 13 ACRES fine soil. Small house, all In cultivation, ' mile of 99 North. Could be subdivided. FORKNER-BOURNE. REALTORS 13i3 N. Capitol St. Ph. 3031 b285 253 A. Seed farm. Modern 8 room home. 18 ml. from Salem. 20.-1 A. 150 cultivated. Fair bldgs. I ml. from Salem. $75 an A. General Real Estate Co., Rm. 10, Ladd St Bush Bide. Pli. 7770. b265 30 ACRES, good living quarters, all In fruit and nuts, $7500 18 ACRES, 4 bdrm. house, wired for elee. ranee, all stock and equipment, only $8750. $4750 down Call Connally. S3 ACRES, ft miles north, 3 sets butld Iiiks, Willamette silt soil, $17,000. Call Spreadborough. MANY MORE, come In or call R ELM ANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled' 201 S High St. Ph. 3722 or 7836 Eves. & Sun. 34113 or 3621 b BEAVERDAM 10 ACRES 20 acres cleared. 12'i acres of It pure beaverdam. 7'i acres Willamette soil. 20 acres timber, brush, pasture. New niodern house. All electric. Family fruit. $20,000. 2'i miles southeast of Sherwood on Sherwood-Tonquin road. Adolph F. Chan, owner, Route 3, Box 18. Sherwood, Oregon. b263 FARM SPECIALS FIR GROVE CABIN CAMP 12 ACRE tract, year around creek with water rictus to Irrigate, & acres. Ideal knrden truck land, lots of berries and fruit. This Is a dandy tract for a country home with income from cabins and berries. Located on paved road. 1 mile from good town. A nicer grove or better set-up for development of a modern cabin camp is seldom found. Call and let us show you this place, can be purchased on sood terms. To tal price. $12,000. DAIRY RANCH ONE OF Tin: best 80 acres of rich, bot tom land, large 36 cow modern bain, larce 7-room niodern home, modern fire proof grain drcr, hog and cnlf barn, 2 Irrigation welLi with elec pump witn Pipe and sprinklers. This ranch is a money maker, land will grow abun dant crops, gram, vegetables, mint, hay, etc. Immediate large cash Income from the dairy, priced at $50,000. or with full line of equipment and stock, barn full of alfalfa hay, slto full of sweet corn ensilage all for $62,000. Liberal terms at 4 percent. 13 ACRES NICE BERRY RANCH 5 ROOM COTTAGE, elec. hot water heat er, 'j h,p deep well pump, laundry trays in utility buiidliiK, barn, poultry house and Raraue, Crop land all in en ne berries and strawberries, price Includes tractor, truck, drag saw, misc. tools and equip,, 1 cow, 1 yearling heifer. 2 mh es, some terms. Total price. i i. two See L V Shafer. LEE OHMART A CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph. 9680 or 4035 b365 BEFORE you buy a farm or acreage check on the government soil survey maps on display in our office Pick a place best .suited to the kind of farming you pre fer. We now have nearly 100 places to choose from In our Farm department, Nelson ,t Nelson, Pli 4622 or 4419. b" FOR SALE ACREAGE S1'.'.500.l)0 3 houses on 3 Acres. Call Mr, Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Ren'tors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549 eves 2328S bbJ67 BV OWNER 4 A. of bulb land. North River Road .Mist outside of city limits. Perfect for Greenhouse. Also 2 houses with b.isement and furnace, 1 hrdwd. firs and fireplace. Ph. 4423. bb267 WANT TO STOP WORKING FOR THE OTHER MAN? HERE'S 7 ACRES WITH A REAL INCOME t FRY NICE 3 bedroom house, wired for range, elec. water heater, elec. heat small barn. dbl. garage, chicken house. 4 acres, 7 yr. filberts Inset with 4 acres boysenbcrries, 20 walnut trees, 1 acre family fruit. ' acre gooseberries. Own er says place made $1,000 per acre this year. House 8 years old. bsrn two years, 'a down will handle. Price $13, 000. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 336a Portland Rd. Ph. 3335. Eves. 24479 bb266 S'.MW, A room home, 1 acres, excellent son, or s acres lor jia.sw. close in N.E. Imm Poss, "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 423 S. 13th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4835 bb266' 5 ACRES aood 4 bedroom home on Holly wood Dr. 1 1 j acres filberts, barn, ga rage. This Is a nice larae family home, and excellent Bcreaie. $15,000. C" KILOORE REAL ESI ATE 43S S. 13th Eve, 78J9 Ph. 4855 bb266, 9 to ACRE Arnold subdivision. $800. i dow n t ACRES. Hicks Jones Subdivision. $1000 ' t dow n NEW ACREAGE subdivision, north of Aluminum Plant, down All sue lota REIMANN REAL ESTATE -Listings Skillfully Handled" 301 So. Hish Ph. 3733 or 7838 Evei. & Sua. 34111 A 3621 60 FOR SALE ACREAGE ACREAGE 9 ACRES close in North on paved high way. Well located for schools to bus. This would make good subdivision or country home. Fine Soil. FORKNER-BOURNE, REALTORS 1353 N. Capitol St. Ph. 3031 bb265 ?RAL ESTATE BY BUY OR SELL SEE CHARLES DELFEL HOMES 4 BLOCKS TO STATE HOUSE Cornei lot, 6 rm. house, 3 bedrms. main floor, boscment, sawdust furnace. I9a00. Sal 124X. YOUR DREAM 8 rooms, 2 bedrooms upstairs. 1 down, dining room, living room, fireplace, 2 bathrooms, full basement, oil furnace, lawn, shrubs, flowers. Excellent. Shown by appointment onlv. $13,000, Sal 127X. FARMS GENERAL FARM 35 acres, 20 cult., small amount of timber. sandy-black loam, all fenced. Elect, and phone. Mile from Sunnyside. Sal 108. OWNER SAYS REDUCE To $16500 this top tirade orchard, 46 A nearly all cult. Pears, apples, prunes, walnuts, cherries, cover crop in $7500 yrly. grcss, Sal 118. HOME IN THE COUNTRY 54 Acres, excellent for grain and turkeys, 8 room house, 8 brooder houses for turkeys good garage. Near Jefferson. $25,000 Sal 120. MORE FUN THAN ANYBODY I'.i A. rabbit farm in Keizer district, net Income $550 per mo. New 3 room house, 12x110 rabbit shed. Rabbits and ad ditional equipment available. $7500. Sal 123. TIMBER!!! 505 A. stork ranch with I million ft. timber 100 A. cleared pasture. 100 A, pasture in timber. 2 good roads, house and barn, 25 Mi. out. siB.OOO. Sal 124. WILL YOU BE THE LUCKY ONE? 43 acres. 6 miles south of McMlnnvtlle. Can be bought for JROOO, Neat 5 room house. Call us for details. Sal 126. GUARANTEED TO PLEASE Perfect condition, excellent location. 6 acres, 4 bdrm. home, hdwd. floors plastered Small barn, excellent house, patio, fireplace. Close in. Terms. $19,000. Sa: 128. LITTLE PUDDING RIVER 15'i A 5 Mi. East on Garden Rd. 9 A cultivated. Soil good for bulbs & flowers. A steal at 4000. Sal 132. 5 A. PRUNES A: WALNUTS No. buildings. 3 Mi. south City limits. Loam soil, siioo. Sal 134. BUTTER S1.00 LB. Ears 75c do., milk 17c qt. Raise your own and be 15 minutes from Salem. 20 A., 4 room house, 12x32 chicken house, good road. $0500, Sal 136. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 10 acres, 5 acres cultivated, 5 acres 2d growth. Family orchard. New 2-bedroom ranch house, nice lawn, Kelvina tor refrlRerator raoio, other furniture. $5500. near Hubbard. No. 432. INCOME DO YOU WANT S100.000 YEARLY? Have excellent coing business In entertain ment field. Confidential proposition. No telephone Information. Ask for Mr. Ben ham or Mr. Nitsen, Bi YEAR. LEASE On comb, service sta., Karaxc, grocery, 1 cp.bina A: trailer space. Includes some tools, furniture, sta, equip., inven. of groceries, nnd 2 welders. Good location. $8975. Sal 105 Inc. KILROY WAS HERE $610 per mo. net income from this J pump service station complete with gar age, lube room, ice house, quick charger and about $2600 stock. Good location in Portland. $8500. Sal 108 Inc. OWNER INJURED Combination butcher shop, locker storage, ant. bids., 4 arts. 3 sleeping rooms, 6ux 100 2-iLory building. Room for 300 more lockers. Way below market at $14,000, In Falls City. Sal 110 Inc. CENTRALLY LOCATED Quiet, reserved clientele. This 10 suite. 3 sleeping room apt. hse. is Increasing in value every day. Auto, otl, full base ment, furnished. Excellent condition. Shown bv appointment only, 842,500, Sal 114 Inc. CLEARANCE ON CANNED GOODS Grocery, 40x40. 5 furnished apartments1. $4000 Inventory. 200x100 grounds. New highway going past store. $23,000 in cludes stock, fixtures, building. Ptld. 87 Inc. CAFE. BEER. WINE. POOL Fully equipped to serve 50. Owner retiring. Real money maker. Busuies will more than pay for itself in 10 months. $20,000. Ptld. 79 Inc. CHARLES DELFEL, REALTOR 615 N, Capitol St, Phone 7002 c265 LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS REAL VALUES READY FOR OCCUPANCY: Large 3 bed room home, all on one floor. Garage, workshop. Lot, 50 x 104, Look Bt the price 4500. IDEAL SUBURBAN. English type, 3 bej rooms. attached garage. All in perfect condition. ' acre ground, very close to school, bus, shopping. Price $9000. ONE AND ONE-HALF Acre good ground. 5 room modem home with gas refriger ator and range. Barn, chicken house. On bus line. All for $8250, GAS STATION & GARAGE, employing 3 mechanics. 1941 Dodge tank truck, ice house and business, all tools and equip ment. Net income $500 or more per month. Priced at $4900. 30 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE TO HOME OWNERS Call K. N. VOORHEE3 or JAMES B. HARTMAN With LEO N. CHILDS, JNC, REALTORS 344 Slate St. Ph. B261 c267- NELSON NEWS ABOUT "j AC. S. COMM.. $6000 A - BDR 51. home with L. R., Kit., utility rm., elcc. water heater, oil circulator, wired for rniiKe. enclosed pasture with barn (16 x 2U. close to stores, on bus. STATE EMPLOYEE'S IDEAL 2 HLKS. from slate office bldR., well de stined A: substantial, L. R,. D. R., 3 bdrms., 1st fir., fplace, attic, bdrm. & full basmi. with space for additional bdrms. or play rm., auto, air conai ttoniiiR oil heat, idea) for sitiKle woman, retired couple or state employed fami ly nnm Priced right. REDUCED TO $8500 14 AC. M'lTII an almost new house, L. R dinette. Kit., 2 bdrms., bath & util ity rm., concrete foundation te floor, 3 blks. to bus .t school. Imd. poss. WELL TILED WOODBURN FARM 21 AC., M'll.L. soil, very good 6 rm. home with fplace, mod. Kit., bath, etc., good barn, machine shed, chicken hse,, brooder hse., dbl. garage. 8 ac. in clov er. Rood family orchard & wood lot, $10,000, BEST ACREAGE DEAL AVAILABLE $ AC., ALL in cult, with family orchard, fruit & nuts, very Rood mod. 7 rm. home with f place, basmt. Jt furnace, small barn, auto water system, on new- extra cood deep well, only 3'a miles out lor ?8ti)0. Anyone with a lame family needing a home can't do better in this market. FOR NELSON Opportunities see Business Opportunities column. NELSON At NELSON diet I, Nelson Thco. O. Nelson REALTORS Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg., 495 State St. Ph. 4413 or 4622, Eves. 31350 Farms 25517 c265" -- $3250 HOl.l.YMOOD district, nice 6 room home, pood Meri Itwng room and dining room, 3 bearooms, kitchen, bath and utility porch, garaec, newly papered and painted inside and out, large shade tree in front yard located Just off North Capitol Street $8250. NORTHEAST OF TOWN MODERN SUBURBAN home, has livini room, dinette, 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath down, 3 bedrooms up, part hard wood floors, garage, extra large lot, 95 110. 3 large oak and fir trees $6450 Located Just off the Silverton Hlway. MODERN COUNTRY HOME NEARLY ACRES of land with modern country home, 2 bedrooms, elcc heat, wired for range, elec. water heater, large garnse, insulated, some fruit trees. Middle Grove School District. $8950. CREEK LOCATION DOUBLE CKEEK LOT. lots of treei and shrubs lame comfortable home, full basement with auto, oil furnace, double Plumbing, fireplace in living room, wired for ranee, elec. water heater, IMME DIATE POSSESSION JT3. 500 MODERN HOME A WELL BUILT 6 room home, has living room, dining room, 1 bedroom, kitcnen and bath down, 3 bedrooms up. fireplace In living room, hardwood floors, wired for ranae; basement and furnace, ga rage. Nice lot. & fruit and nut trees $12,600 NORTH SUMMER STREET MODERN 7 loom home. 18 36 living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen and half, bath down, 4 bedrooms and full bath up. basement and furnace, part hardwood floors. V. blinds, wired for ranae auto, water heater. Excellent lo cution $14,125. LEE OHMARi' At CO. REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph. 9680 Of 40J5 c REAL ESTATE WALT & EVELYN MUSGRAVE REALTORS KINGWOOD VIEW HOME COMPARE this fine 3-bdrm. home from the standpoint of location, appearance, construction, llvability and value. We believe you will see this as a Rood buy at $ 12.600. Newly redecorated Inside and out. Llvlngrm.. dinlngrm., kitchen, nook, basement, auto, oil furnace, hdwd floors. EXCLUSIVE NEW A HOME for gracious living furnished to suit you. 3 bdrms. large bath, living room dinlngrm., Youngstown kitchen, full basement with toilet and shower Electric heat, full Insulation, large garage. Bus at door. 3 blks to school. Finished $13,650. As Is $13,350. TOPS1 NEAT 3-y. old 2 bdrm. home In West Salem, concrete founda., shingle roof, plastered, int.. hdwd. floors. Venetian blinds wired for rane. elec, water heater oil circulator. Picket fence en closes property. Roomy garage. Fine neighborhood. CORNER LOCATION ATTRACTIVE, new 3 bdrm. bungalow on choice corner lot. Concrete found., shingle roof plastered, hdwd. floors, Large llvlngrm.. dinlngrm., kitchen, with Plenty bullt-ina. Venetian blinds, wir ed for range, elec. water heater., elec heat, utility room, garage, bus at door 4 blocks to school WEST SALEM REALTY CO. 1333 EDGEWATER ST. PHONE 5101 C266 REIMANN REAL ESTATE Siooo 2 bdrm., solid foundation, ,i acre on pavement. Southeast. 14350 2 BDR 51, with bath, attached ga rage, u-au Mcuiauiun. Moon 5 BDRMS, electric hot water heat er, wired for range, oil circulator bops, acre with barn & chix house, 6 blocks to grade school, real value, $7000 1 BDRM on 1 floor, plastered, con crete foundation, north, close to bus St school. Call Spreadborough, $80.10 NEW S BDRM. home, beautifully located on 2 acres, well worth the money. Call McGlauflln. jaotlll Z BDRMS. fireplace, large attic, auto, heat, full basement, across from Englewood school. Call Rubcrg. $10,'.-fl 3 BDRM., new, cove celling-., hdwd. floor, auto, oil heat, attached garage. $11. 00ft z BDRMS. llv. rm., expensively carpeted, has large window, fireplace, guest cloak room, master bdrm. Rose dale Dist. Call Connally $12,0003 BDRMS., double garage, excel lent location, full basement. Call Hu berg, $1S,(MI0 S BDRMS,, large living rm , fire place, tiled bath, large utility rm , large upstairs bdrm., large garage with workshop. Nice Din. north. Call Con nally. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 301 So High Ph. 3722 or 7838 Eves it Sun, 34113 or 3621 c HONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages. 4 to 6. Call foi details. ED BYRKIT & CO. 339 Chemcketa. Phone 5981. 40 ACRES of timber (second growth) lo cated near Mill City. Price $6300 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High St, Phone 5-1-3-1 Phone evenings 6001-7103-4937 C265 $5mio5 room home East. Lot 50x118. Terms. $9.mol Bcre with 3 bedrooms, elcc. heat, fir floors, Immediate possession. Nice location. $15,354) Approx. 1 3 acre with new 5 room home, basement, oil furnace, party room with fireplace. Double k a rase. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 519 Guardian Bids . Ph. 4896 c2B5 WANTED REAL ESTATE CASH Buyers wants modern one floor home, good heat, 1 or 3 bedroom, i to 1 acre good garden soil on good road close In. Call 6261 after 8 p.m. ca2-i6 FOR PROMPT and courteous tervlce iUt your property with FLOYD VOLKEL. Real Estate Broker 474 Court Phone 1904 ea MAI TrYB HELP Too Sen Tour Property? SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS t4J ff Hish St. Phono HUM M LISTINGS WANTED DUE TO the great demand from out of state and local buyers, we have not been able to supply enough houses, farms and businesses to meet this ur gent demand. If you have any of ihe above properties you are thinking of selling, please call us. Our sales force li 100 World War Two Veterans. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves, 21413 ca266' DAN THE REAL ESTATE MAN WILL CALL immediately to appraise choice listings of city homes, acreages or farms if you will call 34483 A. E. Danielson, Realtor ea234 WE HAVE CASH Buyers for 3 A I bdrm homes. For quick sal oail UB. OOOD WIN with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INO. REALTOR Phone 4108 After e 811 a. ea WE ABE in nrs oi good homes to mh in or noar Salem If ?ou wish to list row property for gala, tee ORABENHORST BROS REALTORS 134 a Liberty St. Phone 13L aa NOT1CEI If font property la for asue rent or exchange, list it wltfc na w have all kinds cash buyers STATE FINANCE GO REALTORS 153 8 High St ea' RESORT PROPERTY TRADE OR SELL $7000. COTTAGE, launch, rowboat, enb nets, 3 acre on Waldport Bay. Call Craig. BURT PICHA, "REALTORS PH. 3210 or 5053 337 N. High Slreel re 26 I" EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADE I ACRES Valley laud, 4 bedroom house, bath, city water fc lights. block school, hourly bus service Tacoma and Seattle. Orchard, berries, grapes, nut trees. Want to trade' equity for smaller house and 3 lots In Salem, Balance here of $4150 Box 181, Pacific, Wash. rb272 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $1000 CAFE on 99E with living qtrs. Will consider trailer hse as trnde in. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors. 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549. Eves. 25091 cd2fi7 $2700 GOOD going cafe. Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793. Eves. 9441 cd207' S7IHUI CAFE in downtown Salem" Shows good re'urns. Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors. 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 9441. cd267 HOME Sz INCOME LARGE HOME with 3 bdrms. up and dble. plbK.. large living rm., dining rm., kitchen wired for range, full base ment, dble. garace St 3 rm. ant. above garage Very modern. Large lot 133 x 176. Fruit Sc shrubs. Nrnr Mill Stream with pond. FOR FURTHER DETAILS, Call D. J Dawson with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 131 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-5338 cri265 AUTO COURTS S UNITS Plus house. $19,500. 15 UNITS with garages. $29,500. 7 li NITS with house, store & sas station $34,500. Terms on all above. 5 UNIT FURNISHED APT. HOUSE $14.750 Close In. RENTAL INCOME $100 PLUS GRACIOUS living, c'.ose tn with lovely surroundings, beautiful yard. 3 bdrms. and bath upstairs. 3 Rooms and bed room and bath down. Apartment over double garage. $14,500. $9000 SERVICE STATION, repair shop. living quarters balance of property leased for $110 per month. This is a rral invest men:, close to Salem. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 301 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 Eves. S Sun. 24113 & 3631 cd HOME AND INCOME 4 BLOCKS from town. 3 bdrm. home on deep lot. Apt. In back of house reined. Basement with auto, furnace. Several fruit and nut trees on lot. Attractive fireplace. $3000 will handle. Askinj price $7950. Make an appointment to see it your convenience, SALEM REALTY COMPANY C. W. Bartlett. Rector 149 N Huh St. Ph. Tfsn LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'FM" Cd295 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WALT & EVELYN MUSGRAVE REALTORS FAMILY SERVICE STATION A GOOD DEAL for a man and wife. Brand new rustic bldg. Living qutrs. finished in knotty pine, Elect, heat. 2 gas pumps, 1100 gal. tank. Well lo cated in good rural (list. S9000. WEST SALEM REALTY CO. 1233 EDGEWATER STREET PHONE 5109 cd266' GROCERY STOR"E & SERVICE STATION ALSO living quarters. A very good buy in a cood suburban location. Full price $9.ooo. Includes stock, gas pumps, 4 yr. leae. M. O. HUMPHREYS CO., REALTORS 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 2236 Fairground Rd. Ph. 24596 cd2t5 i:,noo, APT. hse. close in, 5 apts. furn ished, sawdust lurnace, lot 88 x 108. Good value. MELVIN JOHNSON 510 N. Cotlaite St. Ph, 3723 cd285 TOURIST COURT, Mh finished, every thing on grounds to complete.. Perfect location on ODE South and a real future money maker. If you have wanted to own a court, and a good one, see th.s barnain. Call Ed Lukinbeal. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 cd26b APT. FOR YOURSELF, 1 to rent at $45 Room up for 3 more with some re modeling. Close In. This one Is worh your time to investigate. Full price $7500. Call Ed Lukinbeal. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St, Phone 5981 cd265' JUST LIST ED (SERVICE STATION. GAR AGE). All equipment, also fuel oil busi ness. Rent on Kallonage basis. This Is a good deal Price reduced $4900. Call Ike Bacon. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemcketa St. Phone 5981 cd265 FOR BALE BY OWNER IS R0051 apartment house, basement, 3 lame lots, double garage, pear and ap ple trees, excellent location, furnished or unfurnished. See owner at 1180 Smith St. or plnne 5253. cd272 FURNITURE FOR SALE GOV. WINTHROP Mahogany desk, ladder back chair, youth bed and chiffonier to match gate leg table. Ph. 2S005 d266 NEW DAVENPORT and chair, Rt. 4, Box 85 C.E H. Miller. d265 WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOR TOUB used tUTOlturtt. Ph 7599. Slate Street Fura. U0O Stat. WHY TAKE less for jour furniture! Bee Russ Bright, Phone 7511. da UIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Qiaos at Wood it Auction Market Pb 1110 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK MILKING Shorthorn. Bull, Hereford. Male hon. Tel 4093 eves, e367 LIVESTOCK WANTED FAT St CANNES COWS for beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veaL Fat hoes, sows, stags, boars. Mkt. price. E C. McCand llsh. Rt 5. Box 373. Ph. 8147. Acros? from Waters Ball Park, S. 25th. ea289 WANTED: All kinds of fat livestock Valley Packing Company Ph. 8935. ea RABBITS RABBITS all kinds Top prices paid. Bring or write Wm. Bossert, Rt. 4. Box 6fi-R. Salem. eb289 FOR SALE WOOD ft CORDS bone dry wood (4 ft), $10 cord. Ph. 21566J 28I OLD FIK16 Inch. $14 per cord. Ph. 31203. ee265 DRY LIMB wood. 16 Inch, $11 per cord. Ph. 21203. ee265 BONE DRY red fir slab wood. Ph, 34031 ee269 FRESH CUT fir sawdust. $4 per unit. Ore gon Fuel Co. Ph, 5533. ee283 MILL WOOD $5.50 per load. Ph. S852. ee281 2 CORD LOAD $10 HEAVY 16" mill wood. Imm. Del. Ph 6683. e232 $4.00 PER CORD ,ON EVEN delivery. 16" slab wood & edseings. 1mm. Del. Ph. 6683, ee282 GOOD 16-ln. dry slab. $8.50 a load. Im mediate delivery. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ee277 SPECIAL: Green 16" mil) wood, 3 cord load $8; green 16" edtlngs. double load $10. Prompt delivery. Oregon Fuel Co.. Phone 5533. e270" WEST SALEM FUEL CO. WOOD AND sawdust. Stove oil and dtese oil. Dollverj when promised. Ph. 34031 BONE-DRY mill wood 16" green alab good for furnace, Ph, 7721. ee 1 FT HEAVY slab & IB" mlTJ wood. AltC dlese St stove oils, sawdust prompt del anywhere Phone 6441 ee FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE pulleta. ready to 1 For immediate delivery Every pollel Individually selected. Ph. 2386L Lee Hatchery ( BABY CHICKSi Weekly hatches. Ne Hampshire and other varletlea Ph 22BH1 Lee'a Hatchery f CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick- every Wed Boylnnton's, 3710 State. 1 custom DRESSING of chickens, any n-imber Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 33861 Lee' Hafc.hery f PROUUCE DELICIOUS apples 7"'c and up. Will de liver. Ph. 21853 or 536 N. 17th. ff266 WANTED HELP SALESMEN WANTED$20 lo $50 a day. Earl while vou learn. Men and women needed in Marion and Linn and Polk county communities. Call In person. 408 Guardian bids,. Salem, Oregon, Satur day, Nov. 9th, between 1 and 3 p. m. 8265 WANTED Representative for A-l line of building maintenance and construction materials. H. Jullum. 317 Builders Ex chaiiKe bldg.. Portland 4, Oregon. K265 WAITRESS. NIGHT SHIFT, Capital Bowl ing Alley. 468 Ferry. g266 MAN TO PUT IN 1 CORD OF WOOD and cut part. 1590 Lee. g266 TELEPHONE operators wanted. No ex perience necessary. High pay right at the start -529 for a 40-hour week while learning Frequent scheduled Increases three the first year. Safe, wholesome surroundings . . , vacations with pay A real opportunity for young women who are looking to the future who want a .lob that Is pleasant, interesting and profitable. Do not delay inquire NOW' EXPERIENCED OPERATORS LET t'S tell you how much you ca.l earn Call Mrs. Goodwin. Pacific Tele phone Si Telegraph Co., 740 State S. g283 MACHINISTS Top wages, good shop Steady work. Hobbs Machine Works. Lebanon, Oregon, c269 WALNUT PICKING at Skyline Orchards Paying 30c ' bu. box with 5c bonus. Turn right at Liberty, go 4 ml, tn Skyline road. First drive past Prospect school. g265 EXP. LADY for fur repair St alterations Price's. 135 North Liberty. g WANTED POSITIONS REMODELING and finish work. Experi enced carpenter. 1126 S. 12th after 5 P. m h376 PICK UP and delivery service Prices reas onable Ph. 25405. h290' DO YOU want to work? Leave your child at my home. Ph. "829. h26, YOUR CHILDREN cared for eves, in your home or my home afternoons Ph. 24523. h267 FULL TIME or part time Job for man with flat bed truck. Ph. 8170. h2'5 CARE FOR ELDERLY lady or bed patient my home. Ph. 8713. b.261 WILL CARE FOR pre-flchool children by day or week. 1 block east of Sta.i Hospital. Ph. 3241. h269' TREE SURGEONS available. Ph. 24030. h390 I ANIiENFEl.D TRUCKING CO. HEAVY A light hauling, anytime, snv place, anywhere. Ph. 24370. &3fia WANTED POSITIONS YOUNG GIRL wants part time Job" g" A.M. to 1 P.M. & Saturdays. Ph. 25ti02 I1265 WILL CARE for .small child in my home days. Hollywood dist. Ph. 21021. h2fi5 CARPENTER home construction, finish ing, built-in cabinets. 1067 Third t West Salem. h265 INTERIOR PAINTING. Phone 6796. h288 GIRL WILL STAY with your children tn your homo eves. Sat, and Sunday's. 2210 Hazel Ave Apt. 3 h2H7 FOR inteVuor PAINTING and minor fix it Jobs. Drop card to 1908 N. 5th st !i2S7 OIL CIRCULATORS serviced and repaired Dvorak's Service. Ph. 34963 after 5 Pm. h287- MOVING and Delivery work. Ph. 7685? Salem Moving and Delivery Service. Veteran owned and operated. h267 I PRUNE fruit trees and shrubbery, do rock work and landscaping. Ph. 24241. h268 PAPER If A X C I N G exclusively. Ph. 4400. h234 BOOKKEEPER - Accountant Available 10th Nov., 11 yrs. exp., 31 rs. old World War II Vet, Phone 23281. h268- nouses to wreck. Bennett Bros. Ph 24340. h273 WOOD SAWING. 960 N. Com'l. Ph. 3522. h280 BUGS AND upholstered furniture cleaned In your home New process. R. F. Noh! gren. Ph. 21080 after 6 p.m. h239" LOCAL and long distance hauling. R U Phillips. Rt . Box 118. Ph. 68F22. h267 AUTO PAO'TINO lust a shade be:ter by Ray EUet Call Shrock Motor Co 8503. FOR RJ-NT APT, TO EXCHANGE lor carpenter work. Ph. 9307. J267 LARGE SLEEi'I.NG Room for l'or'2 work" ing girls. No smokers or drinkers. 254 No. Church St. Ph. 5670. J265 ROOM & BOARD lor Ph. 4200. working girls. J267 WISH TO EXCHANGE One bedroom house in Court for two bedroom house. Call J. E. Moiiott, Phone 8234. JlW SLEEPING ROOM. Gentlemen only. r.07 union. J265 BARBER SHOP, 1 ciinlr, hvat. lights and wntcr furnished, Brooks, Ore. J273 OOOD USED PIANOS H U Stiff FLOOR sander for rent. Montgomery Ward, ! WANTED TO RENT GARAGE In lcinity ot public school. West Salem. Ph 8735. Ja267 WILL SIGN lease on furn. or unfurn. house. Business man and family. Ph. 5637, 8 a.m to 6 p.m. ja267 WANTED Middle-aged couple Irom out of town must have living quarters, furn. or unfurn. 1 rm. or more. Box 60, Capi tal Journal. Ja263 VETERA ST& wife need furn. apt. inor out oi city. Ph. 4926, ask for Mr. Har low. Ja26B WANTED 1 or 2 hunt housekeeping rooms furnished or unfurnished. Call 2-4954 and leave message there. Ja266 NEEDED DESPERATELY. Furnished apt. or house, for Vet, wife and month old baby. Ph. 21953, ia266 MIDDLE AGE COUPLE needs 1 bdrm. house or apt furn or unfurn. Referen ces. No children or pets. Write box 62 Capital Journal, Ja266 MIDDLE AGED COUPLE nerd small furn. hse. or apt. Closo In, No children or pets. Ph. 2433B. Ja269 EXCHANGE rental of 2-bcdrm. house in West Salem for a 3-rm. apt. In Salem. Call at 1533 Franklin after 5 pm. Ja265 BUSINESS man wants 3-bcdrm. house. S in family. Best of references. City or suburban. Ph. 25375. Ja265" 3-OR 4-RM. furn. or unfurn. house or not. Box 67, Capital Journal. Ja265 WANTED To lease small farm on shar?s. with good house, or will lease outright with option to buy. Prefer orchard. Ex. refer. Exper. in orchard farming. Will give best of care to property. Box 59, Capital Journal. a263 GENTLEMAN wants two or three house keeping rooms or apartment. Perman ent, Write Capital Journal, Box 58. ja25 DESPERATELY NEED apt. by Southern Pacific permanent employe and veteran. No pets or children References. Ph 4408 days. 9320 nights. Ja267 MIDDLE AGED COUPLE need small apt. on or before Nov. 20. References. Ph. 6062, 8 a.m to 6 P.m. )a265 HOUSE FURN. or unfurn. for veteran and parents urgently needed. Write Box 53 Capital Journal. Ja267 STATE EM PLY D cple. need furn. apt. up to $60 month Perm residents. Ref. Ph 4732, after 5:30 p.m. Ja257 WANTED: Furnished apartment or bouse. Box 326. Capita) Journal s27Q LOST AND FOUND LOST White and brown fema Fox Ter rier. The dog is sick and didn't have her collar on. She's very fat and answers to tn- name of Betty. Reward. Return to 240 Fisher Rd. or Ph. Mrs. Sara Til. Speck. Eve. 2I1F3 Days Ph. 21347.k267 LOST Car key with navy dog tag. CpH ZlViS. k257 LOST Boy's glasses in plastic fram. Long black case. Dick Evans, 1144 Madison, Salem. . fc2fi5 MISCELLANEOUS FILL DIRT FREE. Salem Armory. lr.266 MODERN PIANO and Boogie Woogie In struction, Private lessons. Guarante?d results L J. Edircrton Studio. 1820 N. Cottage. Ph. 9502. m287 ELECTRIC RATE reductions! follow suc cess Salem Electric announces residen tial reductions that brine its whole ratr structure to the lowest In the United States m281 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. T6c. LES SPRINGER, 464 Court St. m265 SALEM WASTE PAPER 1790 North Front WE RUT magazines and newspapers. Cardboard sheets and boxes any size for sale. m288 YOUR PETS given loving care In my own home while you are away. Phone 484.' tor 4 reservation. m30f , ' DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR SERVICE IN MUSI CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST doiph Bids State & Commercial Sta SALEM Pnone 331' m HEAT your borne electrically It's con venient, clean, economical. See us for free estimates Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty, DEAD and worthies nock removed on moment's notice Ph. 6000 m HEAVY HAUL INO. excavation and road building land clearing dozer work ditching oasemeni excavation, naod travel, crushed rock, mason aano, eon exete mix, cement SALEM SAND A O RAVEL CO 1405 N FRONT ST, SALEM. OREGON Prion 440 or $1024 a FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED WASH. State. HOUSE TRAILER BUILD YOUR own. large shed with elec. saw for rent, some plywood, etc. 2085 N, Com'!., evenings. n267 MARSHALL Strawberry Plants, 50c per doz. or 100 for $3.25. Ph. 24283. n267 DINING ROOM set, buffet, kitchen cabi net, wood heater, trash burner, hot water heater, Maytag Motor. Pratum Garage. Pratum, Ore. n2S6 300 SAVAGE Ammunition. Rt. 3 Bx 853. Ph. 22654. n255 USED FOLDING French doors with hard ware. 660 N. Cottase. n270 WANTED 2000 bushy Xmas tree stump ase. Box 80 Beach' Ave. Ph. 23512. E. L. Kueblcr n256 OIL CIRCULATOR. Larce. Electric wash ing machine 674 No. 20tli. n26S FOB YOUR recreation room we have a radio (The Rumpus Master) that can really reach out A- can stand abuse. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n2S9" SAND. GRAVEL, silt, garden sand, fertiliz er Bos ley tt Meyer. Ph. 3048. M4 North Commercial o273 (Continued on Page )