(Locals 'ill Release was ordered for Ed gar Williams when he appeared in Woodburn justice court to answer to a charge of driving a car without an operator's li cense. He had been returned here from Lincoln county. Big Dance Armistice nigtn Crystal Gardens. 265 Want an electric water heat er? Prompt delivery. See Jud- son's. 279 N. Com'l. 265' Rummage Sale, Saturday, 343 N. Commercial. DAV Auxiliary. 265 Armistice Day celebration at Woodburn by the American Le gion. Parade at 11 a.m.; carni val and concessions all day at armory; dance in evening Woodry's Silverton orchestra. 266 The Elks announce try-outs for the annual Christmas bene fit show "You Can't Take It With You," under auspices of Salem Civic Players, will be held Friday, November 8lh, 8 p.m. at the Elks club. All who are interested in parts are in vited. 265 Vernon Bull of La Grande, democrat, who has served six j0rms in the state legislature for Union county, was defeated Tuesday by Colon R. Eberhard, attorney of La Grande, who had served in the senate in previous sessions some years ago. Bull is well known in Salem, espe cially among the railway fra ternity of which he is a mem ber. Big Dance Armistice night Crystal Gardens. 265 For Sale: 2 horse trailer, me tal top, hydraulic brakes; lights inside and out, saddle and feed compartments. J. M. Stovall. Cottage 5, Nodaway Motel. 265 Wanted: Small cafe in Salem or North Salem. Write box 64 Capital Journal. 267 Dine and Dance at Club Tum ble fnn. 2 miles north of Albany on Highway 99E. Ph. Albany 29F11. 270 Lutz Flower Shoppe, 1276 N Liberty street. Phone 9592. 265 Air, Steamship tickets. Kuge! 735 N. Capitol. Phone 7694. 265 Stubbing her toe over a deer horn lying in the yard, Mrs Leon Smith, 1865 Garfield, tore a hole in her shoe and gashed her foot. She was treated by the first aid car crew. Eola Acres Florist. 5730. 265' Insurance: Becke, Wadsworth Hawkins and Roberts, Guardian building. 265 Top Hatters Orchestra play ing for modern dance. Crystal Gardens Saturday night. 265 World famous Akron Modern Trusses, correctly fitted. Private fitting room. Capital Drug store. 265 Refinish your own floors! Rent a floor sander from Wood row's, 440 Center st. 265 Dance every Saturday, Cot tonwoods. Good music & floor. 266 Capital Toastmasters will hold a ladies' night dinner next Thursday, it was decided at the meeting of the organization last night. Otis Rawlins was toast- master for the evening with E A. Bradfield, Ed Potter and Ma rion Curry speakers and Al Lamb, Elmer Amundson and Wayne Smith critics. Hotel Salem Coffee Shop open daily from 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays 7 a.m. to 8 p.m You will enjoy our choice steaks and specially raised fried chicken. Rummage sale at St. Joseph Hall, Chemeketa and Winter, November 8 and 9. 265 Pop Edwards Orchestra play ing for old time dancing, Crys tal Gardens Saturday Night. 265 This Funny 11-8 'Ton dictated so MANY letters todaj I mailed just the shorthand." . Plans for Christmas decora tions in the downtown business section were discussed at a luncheon of the retail trade bu reau Friday noon. Wanted Experienced nographcr. Gas Heat, Phone 3445. ste Inc. 267 See complete line Color Per fect wall paper at Sears Insured savings earn more than two percent at Salem Fed eral Savings Association, 13M South Liberty street. Complete no c K item-Tone the miracle wall finish at Sears Leonard's Supper club offers you entertainment, dinners and dancing featuring Abbe Green':, orchestra. Rusty Coleman and Jean Fontaine. Rummage sale at St. Joseph Hall, Chemeketa and Winter, November 8 and 9. 265 Gilmore's Dress Shoo. 439 Court, upstairs. New coats just arrived. (Formerly Senator Dress Shop). 265 Strawberry planting stock from plants certified last year. $18 per 1,000. Phone 5167. 266 Surplus property and ways of securing it were discussed by delegates to the Thursday night meeting of the Marion County Federated Veterans' council held al the Chamber of Com merce. At the next meeting of the council a report will be giv en on the organization's pro posed constitution and officers will b-: elected. Harold D. McMillin and others have filed a petition with the county court asking that an oil ed surface be placed on the road running from Macleay road junction about five-eights of a mile east of Rickey school to highway 222 junction, the first junction west of Shaw junction. Taxil Valley Cab service. Phone 8624. Prompt Rummage Sale, 2240 South Cottage, Friday and Saturday, November 8 and 9. Good furni ture, curtains, dishes, fruit, clothing and walnuts, 265' Dance to Glenn Woodry's 14 piece orchestra Saturday night. Silverton Armory. 265 Veteran if you can qualify for a G.I. loan, I have a new modern home for you. Phone 7487. 265 Women wanted to shell wal nuts. All winter's work. Mor ris Klorfein Packing company, 460 North Front. River silt ana fill dirt Com mercial Sa"d and Gravel. Phone 21966 Refinish your own floors' Rent a floor sander from Wood row's,440 Center st. Stove oil, diesel oil, prompt delivery. Barrels available. George Cadwell Oil company Phone 9788. 2490 State. Larry Weathers, Scio, has been granted permit by the county court to haul logs. Sleep in comfort under our Kenwood Garland 100 percent all-wool blanket. It's toasty warm but not weighty, and wears practically forever. Only $13.95 at the Better Bedding Store, 512 State street. 265 Refinish your own floors Rent a floor sander from Wood row's, 440 Center street. Announcement The Salem Realty Company, 149 North High street, heretofore conduct ed under a partnership, will henceforth be continued under the sole proprietorship of C. W. Bartlett, Realtor. Art W. Holmes and C. W. Bartlett, Jr., will continue their association with the Company. 265 Remember to spend an enjoy able evening dancing to Claude Bird and his music every Sat urday night at the Woodburn Armory Ballroom. Woodburn, Oregon. 266 World KcNHtht Smile. bu- CoIUn't West Coast Passenger Train Derailed Wi The engineer, fireman and four mail clerks were hurl, but 200 passengers escaped with only a shaking up when the Southern Pacific's West Coast limited was derailed by a landslide near Eugene, Ore. The Macleay Community club will meet Friday night with Mr. C. Parker, the new president in the chair. The program committee for the eve ning is Kenny Anderson, Merle Turmbly and Mr. Parker. Soap powder, lots of it. Sat. Limit one box. Also toilet soap. Broadway Grocery, Broadway & Market Sts. 265 Soap powder, lots of it. Sat. Limit one box. Also toilet soap. Broadway Grocery, Broadway & Market Sts. 265 Armistice Day dance al Nor mandy Manor Monday night, November 11. Dancing 9 till 1. Music by Al George and his band from Chicago's famous Pump Room. One night engage ment only. Admission 85c tax included. Little Club lounge opens at 6 p.m. 266 1946 Ford Club Coupe super DeLuxe. 1926 Ford Model T. These cars are for sale or trade. 298 W. Miller after 6 p.m. 265 Big dance Armistice Nile, Silverton Armory. Spend an en joyable evening dancing to Claude Bird and his music fea turing Dorothy Marshall, vocal ist, November 11, Silverton, Or egon. 265 In order to reach the ouota of $4000 for the Community Chest, the campaign which has netted about $3200 so far in Silverton will be continued un til Monday, according to George Manolis, chairman. Mum plants, order now. Jary Florist, 365 Court. Cooley's Gardens at Silverton just received a large shipment of tulips and other bulbs from Holland. They have been held up by the shipping strike in New York harbor. Owing to the late ness of the season they are being offered at half price while they last. Drive over any day this week and pick them up, thus making a considerable saving and assuring yourself of a glori ous spring garden. 266 Time Limit for Landlords To Register Expires Nov. 15 The 45-day limit within which all landlords in Marion county and West Salem were to register with the OPA rent control office will expire on November 15. Up to today only about 3100, or prooaDiy less tnan half the own-? ers of rental housing units have registered. Registrations have, however, taken a spurt, it was said at the rent control office Thursday, since the threatened strike by landlords against renting under OPA control has subsided. That possibility, and the injunction suit by Henry Koehler against the rent control office had slow ed down registrations seriously. As a result of the slow-down, Director Clare A. Lee said, it probably will be necessary to delay by a month adjustments in rentals that are to follow a sufficient registration. What will happen to those landlords who have failed to register by November 15 is a matter of interest. The rent control office says they can be legally penalized by the loss of certain rights even if their fail ure is not deliberate. If it is deliberate they are further pen alized and to get back on a legal basis have to go through a dif ferent proceeding. In event complaints are made by tenants against unregistered landlords the cases are referred to compliance attorneys, and a case is serious enough it may go to enforcement attorneys. The rent control office will meet opposition, it appeared Thursday, if it attempts to in voke penalties against unregis tered landlords before a deci sion comes down in the Koehler case which is now pending In the circuit court. Ralph E. Moody, attorney for Koehler, gave notice the day the case was argued that if enforcement is attempted prior to a decision in the case he will bring another Injunction suit. The rent control office regis tered landlords at Silverton Monday, at Mt. Angel Wednes day, and at Woodburn Thursday. Salem Man Victim of Jap Now on Trial at Yokohama Permitting mistreatment and abuse of a Salem man, Ivan L. Buster, member of the U. S. marine corps, is one of the charges brought against Toshinori Asaka, ex-first lieutenant in the Jap- $926,694 Paid Out to Jobless The st:ite unemployment com pensation commission paid out $926,694 in benefits during Oc tober, the first time this year that th ; total dropped below the $1,000,000 mark. It is the sixth straight month ly decrease since the peak of last March, and the October to tal is 14 percent below Sep tember's. Of the total for October, $463, 040 went to unemployed work ers under state law, and $348, 982 was paid to veterans under the GI bill ot rights. Self-employed veterans got $154,141. The payments to unemployed workers dropped $40,000 from September, while payments to veterans fell $97,000. Administrator Silas Gaiscr said the year's employment peak was reached in October, with seasonal claims increasing later than normal. A factor in the drop in the number of unem ployed veterans from an average of 5000 to 4000 a week was the opening of colleges with record GI enrollment. Allowances paid to veterans during the past year total $9, 777,296. Total unemployment benefits in the first 10 months of this year were $15,664,593, or 214 times any previous annual payments. Two-thirds of the state funds went to former ship yard workers, about 20 percent of whom moved to other states. Big crowd, big band, big time. Every Saturday night. Silverton Armory. 265 Tuesday, November 12, it will register at Stayton and Wednes day at Jefferson. At both places the registration place will be the city hall and the hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Salem Court News Circuit Court Notice by defendant of refustl to fur ther plead entered in Clinton O. vs. Margaret Benson Kulin. Motion to strike filed by defendant William H Trumm in Lewrence D. Siroheclcer va. William H. and William A. Trumm, Undertaker on appeal filed In Ruth Blackwcll va. Kenneth K. Blackwell and others. Petition for naturalization filed by Asttld Avllda Shaw. Amelia Fowler Laws and Gablno Guzman, Complaint by Peerless Lumber com pany vs. Russell W. Frost asks Jud ment of JSS20 altered to hive been ad vanced for lumber never delivered. Complaint by Allison H. Dean vs, Wil liam McDonald asks that defendant be enjoined from representlnt hliruelf bj employe of the plaintiff. He says at one time he allowed defendant to use his real estate office in Portland as a place to receive his mall but saya the privi lege hu loni since been revoked. Decree In Dorothy Manaret vs. Olen Dwalne Price restores the name Heus wanzer to plaintiff. Decree In Christie L. vs. Jamej L. Moorman gives plaintiff Judgment ct 13500, certain personal property and also 75 a month alimony. Answer making- denial filed In B. Leo nard Smith vs. Farmers Automobile In terlasuritac6 Exchange. Probate Court License to sell real property granted Emma Peterson as executril of the es tate of Abraham Peterson. Roy Harland. guardian of M. Joseph ine Shank, has been authorized to in vest 13500 in US. treasury bonds. Pioneer Trust company named ad ministrator of the estate of Bally Bush estimated at tn excess of 110.000, Final orders entered in estate of J. P. Feller, Ellen Feller, administratrix, and anese imperial army, who was commander of the Sendai area prisoner of war camp No. 5 at Hanawa, Honshu, Japan, from September 15, 1944, to Septem ber 13, 1945. The former Japanese officer and four other Japanese, all of whom were connected with the camp or the mine where the prisoners were forced to labor, are now on trial at the Yoko hama district court house, charged with violation of the laws and customs of war. Among the charges brought against him is the permitting between the dates of June 1, 1945, and June 30, 1945, of the "unlawful mis treatment and abuse by an un identified Japanese mine em ploye of Ivan L. Buster, an American prisoner of war, by beating him with a club and breaking his arm." Evidence against the five Nip oncse contends that life for prisoners at the camp was in tolerable with the staff at the camp permitted to beat and in humanely punish prisoners for slight or fancied infractions of regulations without restrain; that the prisoners were compell ed to labor In the Osarizawa copper mine of the Mitsubishi company at Hanawa under slave labor conditions with little protection given them against the danger of tunnel cave-ins or sliding rocks; and that the pris oners were not permitted to have adequate medical atten tion. Buster, a marine for over 2 years and now a master warrant officer, was taken prisoner with the fall of Corregidor, having arrived in the Philippines from Shanghai December 1, 1941. He spent two and a half years in terned in the Philippines and in August, 1944, was transferred to Japan. Liberated from the camp at Hanawa, September 13 1945, the marine, who is the son of Mrs. Ed Westinghouse of route 3, Salem, arrived in the States in October, 1945. War rant Officer Buster re-inlisted in the marines in February of this year and is now stationed in San Diego, where he and his wife, a white Russian girl to whom he was married while stationed in Shanghai make their home. DeLuxe Cab Pnone 8050. Dance Saturday, Silverlon Armory. Glenn Woodry's Or chestra. 265 Lee Cordell Ball Elton Lee Ball, execu tor. Lawrence Goodall named administra tor of the $1200 estate of Anna Goo tin 11 and appraisers are George H, and Jo sephine Bell and Zelpha Grover, Justict Court Charge of obtaining money by false pretenses filed against 8. E. Malone, Charge of larreny filed against Charles D. King; took 24 hoors in which to de cide on plea. Police Court Violation of nolM ordinance- Hsrlow Hesford Newberr. John E. Royer, Port land, Violation of the ba.Mo speed rule: Jnnn Rogers, 1730 South Liberty. William S. Squire, route 6, 110. Having no license plate on motor ve hicle: Donald C. Coker, 1313 Croai, Reckless driving with liquor involved: C. R. Rawlins. 770 Shipping, fined ISO. Robert H. Schwltchenberg, 486 Mortli Uth, fined 150. Drunk and disorderly: sen. Salem, 125. Elmer Christen- Reckless driving: Curtlsa Howard Eli mann, 3090 South High, 125. Disorderly conduct: Curtis Howard Els mann, 2060 South High, S2&. Failure to give r:ght ot way to a pe destrian: Riley Robertson, 689 North Commercial, Marriape Licenses Russell L Hodges, 35, track driver, and Bonnie B. Luna, la, domestic, both Corvallu Raymond H Home, 35. mechanic, and Lula Mae Horn, 33, home wile, both of 679 Breys ave., Salem, John W. Wolf, 23. farm laborer, rou'e 7. and Lorraine Dorothy Meyer, 31, Bookkeeper, 150 Falrvlew ava, both Salem, Auto Numbers Drawing Held R. E. Davidson, 703 NW 8th St., Penrileton, won 1947 license No. 1 today in the drawing for the first 100 numbers conduct ed by Secretary of State Rob ert S. Farrell, Jr. About 48,000 applications were in the drawing. Other numbers included: 2 F. C. West, 605 North Summer. Salem. 3 w G. Fisher, 3955 Auburn road, Salem. 4W. M. Bennett, Box 60, Eagle Point. 5 Genevieve Harrison, 323 Broadway, Seaside. 6 Paul T. Cox, 70Q4 Camp bell ave., Portland. 7 Joseph Jobanek, box 606. Scappoos:e. 8 T' C. Taylor, 2680 Madi son, Eugene. 9 F. H. Haynes, 836 Hem bree, McMinnville. 10 Harlan C. Wilcox, 431 W. 13th, McMinnville. 11 Harry L. Depp, Rt. 3. Beaverton. 12 E. G. Kingwell, 410 N. 11th St., Corvallis. 13 M D. Lundahl, 1910 SE 44th ave., Portland. I). S. Warships (Continued from Page 1 Both Turkey and Greece cur rently hold international atten tion Turkey because of her Dardanelles dispute with Rus sia and Greece because of the small scale civil war in her nor thern area near the Yugoslav ian border. Although (he announcement referred to the visits as being "incident to training exercises, the September 30 statement by Secretary of the Navy Forrestal was reca'lcd. At that time, the cabinet mem ber said United Stales navy forc es were being maintained in the eastern Atlantic and Mediter ranean for two specific purpos es; to support allied occupation forces and the allied military government; to "protect United States interests and to support United States policies in the area." City Manager (Continued from Page 1) The new council will have no legal status for definite ac tion until January 1, but it would be possible for it to proc ess candidates, reach a decision and act immediately after tak ing office. Where the city manager will have his office, and some other city departments as well, is caus ing some concern. Several mem bers feel he should be otdced in City hall. The members ap peared to agree with Elfstrom that the city attorney should be a full-time official, and if he is they would like to see his office also in that building. But the bui.ding is limited in space, and quarters may have to be rented for some offices. The city judge was discussed briefly. No conclusion was reached whether he should be a full-time or part-time official. Parking meters were not dis cussed. All members were present ex cept Dan J. Fry of Ward 6 who is not in the city. Combined returns from Brei tenbush and Horeb precincts which make up the new Breiten bush justice of the peace dis trict in the eastern end of the county show that Edison Vick ers was elected justice of the peace and Charles Stutz as con stable. Both names were elect ed by writein votes as no can didates names appeared on the ballots for the posts. A num ber of other names were writ ten in but none got enough votes to be considered a con tender. Vickers received 59 votes in Breitenbush and 12 in Horeb precinct. Stutz received 40 votes In Breitenbush and 12 in Horeb. Penny" NEW MAKE-UP By Barbara Gould Try it for luck and new loveiincss! Winey-red lip stick flames with the rich crimson hue of autumn leaves. Matching rouge, and a new powder shade with bronzy undertones. Powder (1.00). rouge (.85) and lipstick (1.00) singly or In the "Penny Packet" Nail polish (.25) also available. the Penny Packet $2.85 'ill prices plus tsx QUISENBERRY'S Central Pharmacy 410 State St. Phone 9123 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Nov. 8, 194(515 I if ' ' :' -1 s f if 1 Silverton With all four of her sons serving their country in World War II, all navy men, Mrs. Josie Fortcr-Mircs insisted on a group picture when the boys and their sisters staged a family reunion recently at the Third street home of their mother. Mrs, Mires had it all planned that the boys should be photographed in their uniforms. The boys decided otherwise and voted the in formality of no coats and collars open, indicating that they wern of one rank since their recent discharge from service for which they had waited with pleasure. From left: The oldest son, Clarence Porter, San Francisco, discharged after 23 i years of continuous service with the rank of lieutenant in the navy; Harold Mires, released January 29 of this year: George Porter, out of service since October 1945, and Frank Porter, relieved of his duties November 1945: 'l'he latter three live in SiWertnn. Colorful Parade For Armistice Massed colors of seven major veterans' organizations will highlight the annual Armistice day parade here Monday morning while many other patriotic organizations will participate. Earl Andresen is parade chairman 1 with E. T. TagRnrt grand mar shal and Charles Charlton, chief of staff. The parade will form at Mar ion square and move at 1U o'clock with a pause at the War Mothers' memorial at the court house for the placing of wreathes and concluding exer cises at the armory. Frank B. Bennett, city super intendent of schools, will be the speaker of the day with invoca tion to be given by Rev. Joseph M. Adams and Senator Douglas McKay master of ceremonies. Music for the wreath placing wiJJ be provided b.y the Willam ette university band, with the Salem high school, Leslie jun ior high and Parrish jinior high schools bands also taking part. Past Commanders Meet Prior to the official program of the day the annual break fast of past commanders of Capital Post No. 9 will be held at the Gold Arrow restaurant, 1590 Fairgrounds Road, with I. N. (Ike) Bacon, immediate past commander, official host for the meeting. Irt McSherry is secretary. Business houses in general will be closed throughout the day. Taking part in the parade will be Capital Post No. 9, Salem Post No. 136 and Pioneer Post No. 143 of the American Le gion; Salem Post No. 661, Moa- TO BETTER Marion f Will move to their Permanent Location, Center & Commercial, November 12th Venetian Blinds MADE TO MEASURE RIGHT HERE IN SALEM We Measure Make and Install tVe use only (he hesf material's including (he more practical wood slats Call us for Weather Stripping Reinholdt & Lewis VENETIAN BLINDS 560 South 21st St. Our New Phone 3148 Slated Day Here rtowiarK ana ucaver posis or xne Vctcranr of Foreign Wars; Dis abled American Veterans, Ma rine Corps league, Amvets, aux iliaries of the American Legion, VFW and DAV, Spanish Amer ican War, GAR, Sons of Union Veterans, Daughters of Union Veterans, DAR, Gold Star Moth ers. American War Mothers, WRC and Navy Mothers. Youth groups include Boy and Girl Scouts, YMCA. YWCA, Camp Fire Girls and school children. Civic and fraternal groups include Cherrians, Sal vation Army, Eagles and auxil iary, police reserves and the lied Cross. Up to the close of businesi Thursday night the sheriff's tax collection department had issued 8548 receipts out of 34, 873 sent out and a total of $456,061.86 has been collected against the $2,472,715.83 roll covering the 1946-47 period. This is approximately 25 per cent of the receipts and 25 per cent of the roll, although a 3 percent discount had been al lowed on all payments made so far and will be on those made up to November 15, the deadline for the first quarter. Harold Do mogalla, head of the tax col lection department, said this was about the same ratio of payment as made on the last roll, the bst paid up roll hereto fore in the history of the county. SERVE YOU if Motors Ten Day Service On Most Orders