Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 08, 1946, Page 10, Image 10

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10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Nov. 8, 1946
Grave Responsibility
Recognized by Morse
Washington, Nov. 7 J.R
"Victory." said U. S. Sen. Wayne
Morse (R., Ore.), "now places
a grave responsibility on the
republican party to come for
ward with a sound middle-of-the-road
liberal program that
will protect the general public
from both the leftism of a fed
erally controlled economy and
the explosion of laissez faire
Recalling being criticized by
liberal supporters for backing
party candidates over other lib
erals, he said:
"I am happy I did every
thing I could do for a repub
lican victory, giving a deserved
rebuke to the gross incompe
tence of the Truman administration."
CIO Pickets Held
For Baltimore Fire
Baltimore, Nov. 7 VP) Two
men listed on a seafarer's inter
national union ballot as candi
dates for minor union offices
were held without bail on mur
der and arson charges today in
connection with a fire which
swept a waterfront rooming
house a week ago and killed five
Latin-American seamen.
The charges were in the form
of. Baltimore grand jury pre
sentments against Walter Haas,
33, and John Hatgimisios, 28.
William Rentz, port agent for
the SIU, said Haas was a picket
leader for the union during its
recent strike.
Both Haas and Hatgimisios
ere listed as candidates for "pa
trolmen" on a ballot now being
voted upon by union members.
Red-Headed Woman
Robber Taken Quickly
Portland, Nov. 7 ffl A red
headed 23-year-old woman held
up a pharmacy clerk last night
and made off with $50, only to
b6 captured an hour later.
Police said she had been ill
and under a doctor's care as re
cently as Tuesday when she
collapsed on the street. Medical
care is planned, they said. A
charge of assault and robbery,
not armed, was filed against
She had no gun but put her
hand in her pocket as though
she had, in making her demand
for money.
Price Increase for
Red Cedar Shingles
Washington, Nov. 7 OPA
today granted a price increase
of 60 cents per square on stain
ed red cedar shingles, both in
dividually and bundle dipped.
The agency also authorized a
price increase of 35. cents per
Mw... fry tie famous
mmR-MSTEWlEAN routine
powder rrr;
tilt claom yourteeth.heoflen
llorft with a special powder.
You can't ute this powder at
home ... but you can ute DR.
a little Dr. Lyon'i Tooth Pow
der in the palm of your hand,
moisten It with the wet brush
. . . then clean your teeth. Dr.
Lyon's polUhos ai It cleans.
pi rXkl Originated
ULLMll by a dentist,
Dr. lyon'i Tooth Powder is
made for home use. So, to
help reveal off the natural
sparkle of your teeth use
Dr. Lyon'i twice each day!
1946 47 Federal Tax Course
Under the Direction of
Floyd K. Bowers, C.P.A.
Ward R. Davis, C.P.A.
20 Sessions, beginning Nov. 13
Every Wednesday, 7:30 In 9 p.m.
Advance Registration Required For infromation call
Capital Business College
345 Court Street
3Qi iocioi loc
square on stained ret' cedar ma
chine processed shakes, a type
of shingle used for both roofing
and sidings. i prices will be subject to revision
The increases are to remain on the basis of information fur
in effect for 60 days, after which I nished by producers, OPA said.
for Pleasant Foments
with Mr makings oj a matchless good timei
"Jibs gardenia's snotvy perfection . ;
the wpertatively smooth, mellow taste e PAL
Here's beauty and quality and jollity 1 1
Pleasant Moments coming right up. '
See Them
In Our
This Week
sea shells
tliaf never wash away!
Jleplnne kxweil tliem up on a uliower
curtain and the tormict, soapiest,
steamiest dousing won't ever lloal tWm
away! For Koroscal . . . B. F. Goodrich
flexible syntlictic ... is wnlrrproof W
It won't crack, stick, stiffen or slain
cleans with a damp cloth slays crwp
for keeps! Ami you're a mermaid adrift
in a bathroom of dreams! Koroscal
"Sea Shells" on penrly pink, nymth Mwn,
sea green, peach, yerlow, white
Shower Cnrtnms .... $70 iwl
Window Drapes .... $7JkO pair
Good Hntwakecpug
Second Floor
310 Court SI.
Nttional Distillers Products Corp., N. Y,
BltnJcJ Whiskey.
86.8 Proof. 71 'him Neutral Spirits)
Vitamins by
Reputable Firms
By J. H. Willett of the Capital Di'Ui Store
Names mean something in
this world. Many a man takes
pride in the fact that his "name
is as good as his bond." He
strives to earn and to live up to
such a reputation.
Firms have the same earnest
desire to earn and to live up to
a good name. In no field is this
truer than in the field of medi
cine. Doctors, druggists, phar
maceutical concerns first estab
lish, then maintain their good
In buying Vitamins remember
to get those under the names
of well known pharmaceutical
firms for they stand for high
quality, greater efficiency, re
sulting in greater economy.
This Is the 415th of E series or Editorial
Advertisements appending In The Capital
Journal each Friday.
Capital Drug Store
Cor. State & Liberty Ph. 3US
no '
liSMsupwdoi !
T long last you slip behind the wheel of your
very own Buick.
You look around a minute straighten your tie
grin a little at the handsome picture you know you
must be making.
You turn the key. Step on the starter-treadle. Feel
those eight big Fireball cylinders take silken hold.
Easy as a breeze, you slip away in two agile tons of
steady-going Ievelness and right then and there a
lot that was dark is clear.
iYou sec why this car is the most wanted autotnobile
in A merica today.
iYou see why this doubles the problem posed by
industry-wide slowness of parts and material flow.
You see why Buick production
men are gladly putting every
waking hour into ceaseless
battle against such log-jams,
so that they can supply these
sweethearts to the greatest
possible number.
You see how quickly a wait can be forgotten when
there's something like this at the end of the wait.
What matters is that this is the best Buick yet.
It's available at OPA prices applying at delivery and
though we like to get trade-ins with or without
a car to trade.
Those things add up to the best deal these times
afford anywhere.
fun in HENRY I. TAYLOR on th. or Met wttkly
Otto J. Wilson Company
388 N. Commercial St. Phone 9961 Salem, Oregon