2 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Nov. 7, 194fi I Polk Teachers Plan Institute Dallas-A full day's program of outstanding speakers has been scheduled lor the Polk county teachers' institute to be held Friday in the Dallas high school auditorium. All schools in the county will dismissed for the day, all teachers will attend the institute and students will have a short holiday. On the program are addres ses by Marshall Dana, who will speak on "The World's Front Page:" Jerry Saylor, executive seceretary, public employes re tirement system; Frank W. Parr, secertary, Oregon Education as sociation; Russell Daulton, as sistant county agent, who will discuss 4-H work; Stanley E Williamson, director of super vised teaching, Oregon State college; and Florence Beardslcy, tale department ot education. The program will open at 9:30 a.m. with an address by Rex Putnam, state superintendent of. public instruction. A business session of the county division of the Oregon Education asso ciation is also on the morning's ichedule. A luncheon for OCE alumni and friends will be served by the women's Society of the Methodist church in the churcn basement. Part of the afternoon will be used for organization meetings of upper grade teachers, inter mediate teachers, lower grade teachers, commercial teachers, principals' association and the county athletic association. School clerks have been in vited to attend a special session with Saylor and Lester Wilcox of the state department of edu cation. The two men will ex plain features of the retirement plan. Monmouth Ten new fluorescent ceiling lighting fixtures were being in Mailed Tuesday at Crider's De partment store by the Baker Electric shop. Mrs. Bertha Mclnlyre of Cor vallis spent the week-end visit ing at the home of Mrs. O. A. Wolverton, returning to her home Monday. Robert Vincent, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Vincent, arrived Monday to spend a terminal leave at home. A large group attended the Hebekah and IOOF Halloween party held Thursday evening at the hal). Arrangements were in charge of Mrs. B. O. John son, Mrs. Clares Powell, Mrs. John R.ney, Mrs. Lowell Bris bane and Mrs. O. A. Wolverton. Mr. and Mrs. A. Skoff of Los Angeles visited a day last week and Tuesday and Wednesday of this week at the home of Mr, and Mrr. D O. and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Earharl are while en rouie on a trip to Vancouver, B. C. Jill's Beauty shop, operated hy Gordon Akers, was opened Monday of this week in the Raw lins furniture store building. The shop named for Mr. and Mrs. Akrrs small daughter, has new modern equipment nnd has been frllv decorated. Carl MeMahon, who has been 111 at his home fur several days with influenza, was taken to Salem General hospital Tuesday or tre. Iment. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brain of Seattle spent the week-end visiting here at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Russell returned lasl week from a three weeks vacation trip to Califor nia. Paul G. Fleming of Eugene spent from Saturday to Wed nesday visiting here at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Colgan. Return for Visit Pedee Lawerance Lever man of Portland was a recent visitor in the community, lie Is attending Portland univer sity engineering course. His sister. Patsy, accompanied him and visited friends. The Lev ermans made their home in the Cherry Grove district for a number of years. $100 a Month for, Life 1'heGolJen Years Plan girts you: 1. Definite monthly income for life when yon wish to retire. 2. Protection for family now; 3. Pays double for acciilcntal death before retirement age. 4. Builds up large cash reserve. 3. Pays steady income if you arc permanently disabled. Stain ii a ii ii Iasi it i: Company CHAS. S. McKLHINNY Room 7, Woodrow Ring. 444 Center Street Leisurely Trip Made On Winter Vacation Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pritzlaff have had wor.i from their neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McGinnis, that they are spending several weeks at Palm Villa, West Palm Springs, Florida, on their leisurly tour of the east and south on a winter's vacation. The McGinnises attended the world series of baseball games as special guest:' of John Pesky and were in various eastern cities sight-seeing before going south. Brush College Pupils Given Holiday Party Brush College - Pupils of Brush College school were en tertained with an informal Hal loween party at the school house for which parents were hosts. Miss Muriel Raster and Mrs. E. Rose-man, teachers, ar ranged the games. Joe Singer, Robert Barnwell and Leonard Kinkaid were judges for games for whien prizes were awarded to Patsy Moriarly, Dick Singer, Bobby Barnwell for pin on tail contest, Dick Moriarly and Ruth Watts, peanut rolling race. Bruce Wendt, Dick Singer. Esther Munsou and Patsy Moriarly. races, Beth Wendt, best original noise maker, Buster Simons and Lee McKinncy, best masks. Barbara Watts, turtle race, and Patsy Moriarty and Bonnie Barnes, best costumes. Mrs. Louie Singer, Mrs. Lel and Wendt and Mrs. Joe Singer served refreshments. Fourth Card Party Slated Sunday Night Woodburn Willi 15 tables ol "500" and U tables of pinochle, a crowd of over 100 attended the third card social of the pre Advent series at St. Luke's hall. At the "500" tables, H. II. Bonney, Frank Weiss, Gib Ap lin and Mrs. Dorothy Wohlheter were the winners. Pinochle awards went to John Pflug. J. F. Faulhaber and Mrs. John Pflug. Special prizes were won by Anton Caeka, Sr., Bert But tcrfieltl and Mrs. Rose Aichcn The fourth card party will be held at the hall Sunday evening at 8:15 o'clock. Mrs. F. J. Wicse ant Miss Virginia Kirsch will be co-chairmen, assisted by Mrs. John Kirsch, Mrs. Robert Brack, Mrs. Joseph Nibler, Mrs. Antony Garnero, Mrs. Louis Heit.mnn, Mrs. Julius Vande hey, Mrs. Ray Hagenauer, Mrs. Joseph llopfer, Mrs. Albert Paradis, Mrs. Tom Reiling, Mrs. Peter Gillcs, Mrs. Jacob Erwert, Mrs. Joseph Goldade, Jr., Mrs Andrew Roggenback, Mrs. Ig naU Zelinka. Mrs. Mary Kru pieka. Mrs. Clarence Hcgenauer, Mrs. Ray LeDnux, Mrs. Charles Weigel, Miss Florence Goldade and Miss Clementine Kirsch. Turner Ed Tanner of Mehama was ni the Bonlea farm. He is presi dent of the Turner Trail Riders and was a tenant of the Bonlea farm for the past five years, is now living on a large ranch on Fern Hill above Mehama. Mr. and Mrs. George Slyler of Carlton were Turner visitors They wore residents of Turner about 2(1 years ago. The Consolidated clubs will meet with the Ahren sisters for the November meeting, with Mrs. V. Sawyer as co-hostess. Mrs. Louis Petersen and sis ter, Mrs. Slyler. left Monday evening for Silicons to visit a niece of Mrs. Peterson's, Mrs. Millie Hurd. Mrs. Hunt has charge of the Silicons postoffu-c. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan M. Bones and Francis W. Nienii made a trip to Coos bay over the week end, bringing back Mrs. Bones' household goods. Mis. Hones received her discharge from service lasl December. i Doctors Overworked Itely on us for Accurately Compounded Prescriptions SCMAEFEIR'S DRUG I Hill aiihdiuc iay Celebration Set Woodburn Woodburn post and auxiliary will sponsor the first Armistice day celebration in Woodburn since 1941 next Monday, November 11. The program will begin with a big parade, scheduled to start from the armory around 11 o'clock. Everett Hughes is in charge ol the parade and asks that all veterans from all wars be at the armory at 10 a.m. in uniform if possible. T. C. Poor man has been appointed cap tain of the Spanish-American War veterans, Harlow C. Dixon will head the Veterans of For eign Wars and Joe Kirsch will be in command of the American Legion. Levi Miller of Hub bard will be in charge of dis abled veterans and their trans portation, and Walter G. Miller will arrange transportation for the Gold Star mothers. All Woodburn schools and the grade schools of Hubbard, Ger vais, Union, Johnston, Broad acres, Elliott Prairie, Whiskey Hill, Donald and St. Louis are invited to participate. A prize will be offered to the school showing the best representation and the school showing the greatest color. The Woodburn fire depart ment, headed by Fire Chief Joe Sowa, will be in uniform and with the fire trucks will form a part of the parade. Other units participating will be Boy Scouts, .'n charge of Charles CornweU and Perry Williams, and the Camp Fire Girls with a prize offered for the best rep resentation in these groups. The Woodburn band, direct ed by Kenneth Thompson, will play t" the parade, and im mediately after the parade a short program will be given at the armory Including vocal numbers by Bernard Smith and band selections. Adrian School er is in charge of the color bearers and guards and Walter Scarborough, Jr. will blow taps at 11 a. m The Mt. Angel, St. Paul and Aurora posts are invited to par ticipate in the parade with any units they desire to bring. Following the parade a car nival and concessions will be held at the armory, including a big turkey shoot. The American Legion auxil iary will serve lunch through out the afternoon and a dance will be held in the evening from fl:30 to 12:30 with music by Woodry's fourtecn-picce orches tra. Scotts Mills Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McGrew and Miss Mary Zuber ot Wood burn were visitors at the home of Mrs. Rosa Broyles. Mrs. Florence Samson ot Los Angeles, Calif, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J Butler. S. E. Pownall lias returned home from Washington, where he visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller have a new son and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Glass have a new daughter. Both babies were born November 3 at Silverton hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hill man have returned from a sever al days' trip to Southern Ore gon. Marion Groshong bagged an elk on a hunting trip in East ern Oregon. It's the young men who are using crutches here. Among them TVLano Fry, whose knee was severely injured in a fool ball game. Henry Splonski re cently underwent an operation on his leg which was caused by an injury, and Harrison McClas key who was injured seriously in an accident while logging. All Hire are improving, and doing tlieii school work. Mrs Robert Kellis and infant daughter are home from the Sil verton hospital. A kitchen shower, honoring Mrs. Lewis Speed, was given by Mrs Wayne Hilton at her home wesl of town. With the doctors and nurses doing their part, it re mains the duty of the pharma cists to assist the doctors in a protecting t It e li health of the members of this community. STORE 1S9S Prescription. Accurately Filled lH Original Yellow front Drng M Candy Btoro tm lale. Hole Aiente foe rentier Reraedlee In Marlon Coaatv. ISS North Commercial St. rhone SIM ar ma North Spring Valley Club Plans Program North Spring Valley The November meeting of the local Community club will be held at the school house Friday night at 8 o'clock. The program of skits, music and readings has been arranged by the committee including Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weinberg. Newly-elected offi cers are president, Howard Tee pie and secerlary, Mrs. Harvey McLaughlin. Mrs. W. E. Wein berg is publicity chairman. Ankeny Grangers Will Hear Report Sidney Ankeny Grange met in regular session with HEC, chairman Maggie Marlatt ex pressing appreciation for help the evening of the harvest sud per. The next HEC meeting will be held November 21 at the home of Geneva Jorgenson. Less potatoes are to be raised next year, it was staled by Lou ise Johnston. Also that a syrup similar to sorghum can be made from watermelons. Donna Wie derkehr, a member of Ankeny Grange who has won a trip to Chicago, for her outstanding club work, is to give a talk on her club work at the National Grange convention in Portland Thursday evening, November 14. Elmo Brown reported on a chemical that is available now that kills quack grass as shown by experimental plots. At the next meeting there will be election of officers. Pedee The Camp Fire girls had a Halloween party at the school house, Mrs. Elton Zuver, Mrs. Glen Edwards , and Mrs. Jack Wells attended the Polk County PTA council meeting at West Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Small are moving to Eugene, where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Baxter and little son, Mark, have moved Into the Dick Siddall trailer house. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCor mack spent Saturday in Day Ion, at the home of his uncle, Ed Dorton, who is ill, and will enter the MeMinnville hospital for treatment. A large crowd was present at Woman's club Thursday. The time was spent quilting on a Red Cross quilt. Plans were made for a pie social to be held at the club house Novem ber 9. PTA Listening club met at the home of Mrs. J. W. McCor mack Wednesday afternoon aft er the KOAC broadcast some interesting discussion followed. The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Clin ton Reuter. The community was saddened by the death of Mrs. Anna Ar nold, Saturday, at the Dallas hospital following n short ill ness. A group of young people held a Halloween party at the club house. Relief At Last For Your Cough Chronic bronchitis may develop If 1 your cough, chest cold, or acute bron- ( chttls Is not treated and you cannot afford totakeachancewlthanymedt cine less potent than Crcomulston I which goes right to the scat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender. Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote byspectal process with other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the -vnv It qulcklv allavs the cough, per mltt.luk rest and sleep, or you aro to have your money back. (Adv.) IC 11 Today! (Tunis.) Ida Lupine Paiirtlcnrieid Olivia De Havillantl in "DEVOTION" also 'PERILOUS HOLIDAY' STARTS TOMORROW Its WI3C IT- to see it! Iff FOOLISH to miss ill O'BRIEN HONK AKYMO IIWIS JION1 IDWAK0 AINO10 THOMAS MITCHIll y CO-HIT! The Old West at Its Best! Sunset Carson Bob Steele In "RIO GRANDE RAIDERS" Monmouth PTA Offered Talks Monnv.ulh The PTA met in the training school. Members in attendance heard an address, "Views on Modern Education," by Dr. Wendell VanLoan, su perintendent of Corvallis city schools. The business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Marvin Perkins. It was reported that the PTA auction sale held the previous week had added $156 to their funds. In addition, proceeds from the sale at the meeting, of a fluor escent lighting fixture given by the Crank Electric and Plumb ing shop, was added to the auction sale fund. The Mothers" club bought the fixture to do nate to the Youth Center for use in the club rooms. It was voted to give a tui tion scholarship of $74 to a selected student of Monmouth high school next year, usable in any of the five Oregon colleges offering teacher training. Dr. C. A. Howard, president of Oregon College of Educa tion, presented a report giving features in favor and against the pioposed religious educa tion program planned for local elementary schools. Miss Puth McClure of the training school talked on the training school work from the viewpoint of the teacher, while Dr. D. H. Searing replied in comments on the training school work from the viewpoint of the parents. Student? of the fourth grade were aworded the prize for hav ing the'most parents present at the meeting. Following the program, tea was served by a committee con sisting of Mrs. Louis Perkins, Mrs. W S. Vincent, Mrs. E. F. Barrows and Miss Dixon. The tea table was decorated by Mrs. Vincent. Clear Lake Oscar Bair of the U.S. Navy is home on leave visiting his wife and daughter and also his parents of this community, Mr. and Mrs. John Bair. Mr. and Mrs. Eppers have bought the Clear Lake store. Mr. John Bair and Roland, Mr. Kenneth Bair have gone to Eastern Oregon elk hunting. Mrs. Bertha Bair, Mrs. John Bair and Ruth and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bair and daughter spent Sunday in Pratum at the home of Mrs. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Soren sen motored to Portland Sun- The W.M.S. will hold a no host supper and thanks offer ing program at the church No vember 22. Mrs. Joan Pugh is visiting at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr.' and Mrs. Percy Pugh. Turnei Elmer Niemi and Mrs. Harvey Hill of Taft spent several days as guests of their brother. Bill Niemi and fam ily. MAT. DAILY FROM 1 P.M. . 1 TAIITI DANNY KAYE In His First Picture! "BIRTH OF A STAR" RE-ISSUED CO-HIT! .loel McCrea Edward Arnold "COME AND (JET IT" Opens 6:45 P.M. NOW! MUSIC! FUN! IN MCHNICOiqei CO-FUATURE! WILLIAM GARGAN "HOT CARGO" Opens 6:45 P.M. -NOW! THRILLS! THRILL CO-HIT! Roy Rogers MAN FROM OKLAHOMA imSEMQL OPENS 6:45 P.M. COLOR CO-FEATURE Eddie Dean "ROMANCE OF THE WEST" Bowens Purchase Two Registered Jerseys Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Ce cil Bowen of Hubbard were here Monday and purchased two reg istered Jersey heifers for their recently purchased 25 acre farm, Bowen enlisted in United States army at Kansas City, Mo., at the outset of World War I. Through the second war he was ordnance captain in charge of the processing and maintenance branch of the Port of Embarka tion, Seattle, Wash. Every piece of mobile equipment destined for Alaska and Pacific theaters passed through his hands. From this post he was retired. Business Interests Call Two Men East Silverton Two local business men left this week for the middle west and east on business and social trips. Ernest R. Ekman, local morti cian, took a plane from Port land for Lima, Ohio, from where he will drive home ina new ambulance which he recently purchased. He plans to be away one week, Clinton Weiby of the Weiby department store is combining business and visiting with a pheasant hunt vacation in his home slate, Minnesota, leaving by train from Portland to be gone a fortnight. Weiby was sent a telegram Wednesday in forming him of his political popularity in his home town, Tuesday, being elected as coun cilman of Silverton, scoring second high in number of elec tion votes. Both Mrs. Ekman and Mrs Weiby are supervising the local businesses for their husbands during their absences. Stewart Brothers Presented Calves Unionvale Ownership of the purebred Jersey identical twin heifer calves born September 19, 1936, at the Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler farm in the Unionvale district, has passed to Leslie Stewart, principal of the Perrydale school. They are a gift for his sons, Sam 10, and Bob 8 years old, for their 4H club work. The calves are of the L. S. Lorenzen of Dayton and George J. Horning, Jr., Sherwood, strains. J! THE MATCH THAT CANT BE NEW UfAlfS. VGfsL III1S1I1I ii H0m tnl nOUi li iatmonO EXTRA! safely Holiday Observed St. Paul Students St. Paul Halloween night was of double interest to the boys and girls. Salem reserves' football squad entertained, win ning 31 to 0. A masquerade was held after the game at the Town Hall. Prizes were given for the best dressed couple and individual and for the most ri diculous couple and individual. The prizes were won by Roberta McNamee and Mildred Brctano, Bcrnicc Blanchette, Bob David son and Allen Buyserie, Beatrice Slupfcl and Grace Kirk and Marilou Manegre tied for the hardest to recognize. The girl's prize went to Mil dred Brelano and the boy's to Ronald Kirk. The pie-eating contest was won by Arthur Fitzgerald. The peanut-treasure hunt was won by Zeta Kirk and Richard Kirk. The cost of the party was do nated by the merchants of St. Paul In the form of merchan dise and cash. Unionvale Residents Changing Locations Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lawson and family are moving into the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker and son, Marvin, and daughter, Karen, who left Sunday for their for- Enjoy the whiskey that's Sunny Brook HAND Whiskey-A Blend H0l tStlU!IS PMMHKIS HlrtlMIOII, !W ENDS TONIGHT!" (THURS.) Barbara Stanwyck - Von Heflin in "THE STRANGE LOVE OF MARTHA IVERS" also "CUBAN PETE" Hi 9 SENSATION HOWARD CwamOHI muHC It mm siiiMI PRODUCTION "HIGHWAY MANIA" nier home at Miami, Okla. Mrs. Nellie Baker and familv arc moving from the McFarlanJl farm in PIcasantdale to the John Thien house. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton are moving from Webfoot to the house vacated by Mrs. Baker. Mrs. Louis Gall iff is moving from the John Thien house to the house in Webfoot vacated by the Hamilton family. Underground Sprinkling Systems . .'. We Have Ma terial, Work Done Now. Costs Less. C. S. WIIITCOMB CO. Phone 21619 Free Estimates Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Owners We will service your Hoover cleaner complete, $2.50 plus parts if required. Call for it and deliver it to your home. HOGG BROS. Authorized Dealers Journal Want Ads Pay TOK K.l WOOF 71 IUIH "rUTUl SnMB MATCHED.' Co-Fealure! She's Gelling Her Kissing From Twins in This Tunc Torrid Musical i Spree ! 'Slightly Scandalous' with Fred Brady Sheila Ryan Paula Drew v7 ' A1