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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1946)
16 Capital JournalSaTem, To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037, FOR SALE HOUSES HOUSES f l io4 I BDRM. home. 3 bdrms. now rented. mm MODERN B JT, old West Salem home 2 bdrms, with unfinished upstairs. J7IMHI I BDRMS. on one floor. Lge. lot. close to school. This home Is good for .- a large family. , S7; 2 BDRM., South on bus, close to school and store, basemt. St Idy. trays Small lot. tx.iw l BDRM,, near High School. Large rooms, furnace with half basement. , Nice larce lot. FORKNER-BOURNE. REALTORS 18.3 N. Capitol St. , . ph. 3031 Eve. 8984 a2fi5' '' BRAND NEW BDRM.. huge lot 75 X 150, cdste of clly, plastered, oak floors, oil furnace, elec. cooking Sz water heating, all on one ' floor Near bus. Terms. Immediate Pos session. FORKNER-BOURNE, REALTORS J853 N Capitol St. Ph. 3031 a265 MUM-BRAND NEW CAPE COD. Subur ban. 2 bdrms., unf upstairs, auto, ht., conv to bus school and stores. gjtfioo SL'Bl'RBAN TWO BEDROOM home (t years old. 14 acres Chehahs loam anil Good barn, concrete pump hsc, '' hen hfniKP. fruit. Call Espey, BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph 6172 2.i43 Portlnnd Rd. a2fi6 FOR RALE to highest biddrr 7 room house at West end or Salem brldae, to be wrecked and itround cleaned Owner reserves the right to reject all bids. Contact W. P. Lewis, 3435 Center St., Salem. Ore. a-fifi O I ONLY Tsl.W $ ROOM HOI'SE hns oil floor fu' imcp deep well and pump 2 blocks N of Center one block E of Park. 3295 Knox Ave. 284 FOR SALE BY OWNER ENGLISH STYLE STUCCO. 8 Tins, l'i story, living rm,. fireplace, kit., dinette, ' 1 bedrm. down, 2 bedrms. up, full bas" ment, furnace heat, garage, 1 apple tree, walnut, 2 lilberts, 1 peach, Int ' 50x100. Ph. 8418. ft 206 . FOR YOI'R recreation room we have a radio Tlie Rumpus Master) that can really reach out Si can stand abuse. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. ,, , 255 N, Liberty St. a289 ARE YOU geUing poor radio reception? Then try the powerful 8 tubr Troplr Master. Standard broadcast At si nave bands. Idea for locnlillcs where reception is ordinarily poor. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2fi5 N. Liberty St. a2ai .:m. GARAGE house. Plastered Inside, ftrucci nut. large living room and K with built-lns. 1 bedroom. Well with Elec pump, larse lot. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4S..5 n266 fi. LIBERTY. 11 500, 2 bedrooms am - slpnu. porch, Ven. blinds, plastered. At k tached garage. 7.S x 100 cor. lot. "C" KILUORE REAL ESTATE - 425 8. 12th Eve. 7820 Ph. 485ft a26B KING WOOD I1GTS. 3 bed room ii, living room, fireplace, coved cc l Units, liw ' floors, attached garage, large lot, ni in lawn. Immediate possession. $1500. 'C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 2tll Eve. 7829 I'll. 4855 0268' CENTER ST. 3 bedrooms, bath up, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, back porch, full basement, sawdust furnace, corner lot, cement drive. This Is tne best house and location anyone ran show you lor (9000. Shown by Ap 1 ' pomtment "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 H. 12th Eve, 7829 Ph. 4H55 a266 SIST ST. Sit.MMl. 2 bedroom home, hwd floors, fireplace, full basement with 1 , bedroom. This Is a good buy. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 1211) Eve. 7820 Pit. 4855 a2fi6' YEW PARK. 110,500. Calif. Stucco, I bedroom home. Ilrrplace, full basement " with reiled room. See this one. Irs nice. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4855 a261' TARK AVE. 110.500. A lovely 2 bedroom , home in a beautiful setting of cherry trees, coved ceilings. II, W. floors, floor , furnace, nicely landscaped, Garago At' taclieri. 7 rs. old. Lot 90 X 120. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Eve. 'f829 Ph. 4855 a26tl 4 BEDROOMS and den. A lovely home, nicely located, two stories and full : ment with furnace. Some frull and nuts In yard, In the So. part of town. 111.550 "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4B55 a266 I'-s ACRES N.E. 5 room home. Nice set ting In a beautiful oak grove, about ifc clear for gardening. Full price $6000. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE ' 425 S. Villi Eve, 7829 Ph. 4855 a2(lfl' $whm, 'i bedroom home, French windows, lovely lot, full basement, not new but nice, "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 4?5 S. 12th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4855 a26fl INCOME property. Let us show you how to bring In 1150 per mo. on this place, lorn ted close to business dtst. Price 17500 "C" KILGORE RKAL ESTATE 423 S. 12lh Eve. 7829 Ph. 4B55 nl'fifl" NO. ITII nice 2 herirnnin home. Hwd fJoors, Hrklst, nook, full hnetncnt. yard rnrpri, neat and clean inside and out WOO KILOORE REAL FSTATE 425 S. ILMIi Eve. 7820 Ph. 4855 n'Jnfi- " lot no x 138 rr. 1 It OR M. house. Plastered thrnuu limit Basement wnli almost new furnace Newly pnliiled. Couldn't he better for a Inrcr family. 57250.00 and worth It Sec tt tntlnv SALFM RF.M.TY COMPANY I W. Bnrtlelt, Realtor Hft N HiiMi Street Plione 7tfi1 "LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL ' FM ' a 2(15' vant"aoute"hoi!si:? THIS IS IT, 2 hdrms. Onk floors In liv ing rtn. mid bdims. Fl, mnkltiK nnti water heat me In cood We it Sulem location. Trul v n buy nt "nno, SALEM REALTY COMPANY C W. Bortlett. Realtor 119 N llteh Street Phone 70 "LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'FM 265' EVER VI 'HINGf THE ntST to be found for the price, heat water hcatinc, and cooklnir hdrms rin Upstnlrs not completely I l-ihi'd. Vt ry well locnted in Fnalew district. Don't miss this for a fine home at onlv 13.000 SALEM REALTY COMPANY C. W. lUrllrtt, Realtor 140 N Will Street Phone 7fi0 "LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM' aJt!. Itl liniK C 'tliri;NTru. Here is a 50 complete wiiii everythlni Pln.ter to finish. Owner has lelt and warns offer PI T.LI VAN REALTY CO. 3385 Porlland ltd. Ph. 3255, Ec.s. home 27J a'fifl1 VH W HOME, living ronin ranee h.'.tnt H4.000 Tern elevated lot, 18 X 30 I, floors, wired foi i auto, oil (ui nacc SULLIVAN REALTY 3.185 Portland Rd. Ph. 325; Eves. 2.. ICS a.'tm SEW '. BR home Ke.ter Out. Will be iinlshed soon. Isrse corner lot. auto heat, wired for range. Veteran piloiily 18,500 SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph, 3255. Ers. ?M03 -ftrt Ilii;AL for coipm;", one nil. home auto, heat, fireplace, wired for mute hwd. floors. Nice fenced yard. Jfl.UOO SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3385 Portland lid. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2MM a2BB NOB llTl.I. ANSLxTi roomliome," ele vated corner lot 130 x 100. All large rooms fireplace. wired for ranter, '-basmt.. larKe utlltty room. 18 950. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. v3365 Portland Rd, Ph. 3255. Evr. 25103 V- "Iv ACRES north In Oak Grovr3" be.i- room r.ouse kit., utility and balh, na- ..ler system garauc. J8.OO0. :,. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. ,,3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2.M13 , a2B0 ?,:twi. It OR 51. home close to school A -bus, hwd. firs., elec. heat, attached rage, utility rm. Imm. Pon. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 45 S, Coin I. St. Ph. 4jS0 Kvr, 210fn t 1366 Oregon, Thursday, Nov. 7, 1946 HOK SALt HOUSKH Jll.noo. RESTAURANT St Gas Pumps, living quarters with 9 TO acre, north on 99E. can have beer license with place. See Ralph Maddy. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St, Ph. 4590 Eve. 21090 a266 VIEW PROPERTY ll'i.'Ofl. 3 BDRM, home in good location In Salem. Sec all the mountains from your kitchen window. This home has elec. heat, fireplace, beautiful kitchen, double plumbing, 2 car garase. bus in front of door. Imm. Posa. Terms If wanted, OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 21090 B266 2 IIDItM. home close to school A: bus, hwd. firs., V. bllntb.. fireplace, coved ceil ing ''e kltcl-en with lots of bullt-ms. full bsml. witli sawdust heat. Elec. wa ter heater. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 21090 8206- $7.8,10, Z BDRM, home North, hwd. (In. thru-out, large living room, u. rm., ine buth. 4", interest on mtge., which can be assumed. Imm, Pass, Don't ovcrloook tins deal. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 345 S Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 21090 a266 $.V.iw. 1 RM hou: south. Furn., owner leavimt. Imm. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 21090 266 $7,(1011. BUYS this 4 bdrm. home all on one floor. Kood plastered Use. Bungalow type east near Center street. OISON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St Ph. 4500 Eve. 21090 &26G ' $7.:,(Hi KL'VS this 2 hdrm. home East. Has large living rm. Willi ii replace, oak floors In II v. rm. and hall, full basement A. good wood furnace. Lsc. lot Si fruit trees. S-e D. .1. Dawson with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St, Ph, 4131. Eves. 2-5338 n264 MODERN 3 BDRM. home, fireplace, large living rm., kitchen. 2 bdrms. down and 3 up, Dble. garage, located close-in South, A real buv at $11,550. Call Dale L. Shepherd with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-4457 R264 FOR SALE LtiE DBI.E. house. East Salem. lar.Te lot. paver! St. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. Price 18,400. Near Richmond School. ' Cnll Coburn T,. nrnbenhorst, with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves, 7772 n284 SPECIAL MODERN t bdrm. home, auto-gas heat, beautiful wall to wnll carpeting, Vene tian blinds, shower stall, elec. hot wa ter heater, utility rm. Si 2 goracs. Large lot in No. 2 business zone, back yard fenced. Call Dale T-, Shepherd with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S, Liberty St. Ph. 4131, Eves. 2-4457 a264 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1IDRM. home located . closc-ln North. ba.sement, snwdust heal, redecorated thru-out. Price J9.850. Cull Richard E. with (iRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 a284 S. SALEM IMM. POSS. MODERN bdrm. home, basement, fur nace, fireplace, hdwd. floors, nice yard, near McKiuley School. FOR APPOINT MENT, see Rlchnrr F. Orahenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 131 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 a2(i4l O, I. SPECIAL FOR SALE by Owner Lovely 2 hedroom home on N Summer St. Like new. Fire place, wall to wall carpet In living rm.. Venetian blinds, large lot. Can be GT. loan. 15,000 down n-veteran. S8750. Phone 7131. , a288 GARAGE HOUSE. SUBURBAN. Jt:i7.M 7-HM. IKH'SE. CI.OHE IN. $IOIM 2-1! Hilt M. HOI'SE. NORTH. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N Hih St. Phone 24793 a26j -l-BEORM. Closo to all schools, bus, store, d'mdy location. E. front. Corner lot. Lois of rooms In tills house Part basmt. Furnace Wired for range. Asking 18500 Call Ed I.nklnbeiil. ED HYRKIT, REALTOR 330 Chemeketa St. Plione 5981 a265' $7iihi NEW 3 -bedroom modern home. East of Salem on acre of land. Call Ike Bacon. ED BY R KIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 a2fif 6 lli:ArTIKri."lH)MEs7"prlced froiilH4 000 to 131,500. It you are looking for fine homes these are well worth looking at. Call Ike Hncon. ED HYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Plione 5981 a28.S LOW PRICED HOMES $,V.'.10 BEDROOM, U. Llv. Room Nook. G.rate. Kit., J,-M1IH BEDRMS., Llv, Rm. with Fire place Kit., Nook, Bath Si Ut. Room. Bui at door ftiM.'rft S BEDRMS. Large Lot with Trees E. front. Itu.s nearby. $8iilHl ALMOST NEW. Atlractlvr brown shake witli attached Rartiuc. 2 Bedrms Wall to w. earnet. Bus by door. Call Dale FUppo. Eves. 3097. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Ph. 7770, Rm. 10, Ladd Si Bush Blriir. a20i SEVEiiAfiioMErTi'oit,rii n'ities Willi REASONABLE CASH PA YM EN'I'S 3 BEDROOM home, well locatrd on North C lm tcli. Basement. Gara door. New paint and some Irint and garden. MAKE AN OFFER. Shown any time. "! BEDROOM home, fl yenr-old home, plas tered. Electric, or Gas water heater and cooking . Floor furnace (new). Bus door. GuniKC, Nice clean home. I finished uisl airs. Price has been duced to tfl500 and good terms can be nr iniiKed. 3 BEDROOM home, only 7 years old. Plas tered. It ii id wood floors. Eleclrlc cook hut and water heater. GamKe. Clov.e li bus and school. The price is S7500 and very good terms can be arranged. 3 BEDROOM home. 8 years old, ta plas tered has HW. floors. Fireplace. Baie- ment. Electric waicr heater and cook- Automatic saw mi si heating. Has alley, fruit and nut trees and nice lawn. Price has been reduced to 92:0 and Is worth the money Well located and bus by door. Good terms available. 3 BEDROOM home, well located on Myers Hi. 7 years old. Plastered. HW. Flours Fireplace, Full Hnsotneiit, Electric cook hut and water heater. Furunre heat Gaiauc Bus 'i block. Possession 30 days. $2400 will buy this as a down payment and balance like rem, HOLLYWOOD McKillop Real Estate 2075 Paiiiiiuuud Huad. Ph. 2-5224. 264 1WH NEW 'J Bit home. All material to liniMi except plaster. More land if de sired. For more inlorinatioii call OMEH HUFF HEAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 3H Chemeketa St Plione 21549-Kves, 25091. ni!64' Sil!),'ili K M , HOME andunrr 'attic.- Flre piarc, was lient, and H. Water. On bus line, call CMKH . UVlh REAL ESTATE COMPANY Rcnhor 341 Chemeket St. PliiMie 21549 Eves. JoOHl. a2fi4' NEAR EN(lLFw'oOD"sCHtH1L 51?.MHt I1K HOME. Dbl. plum. Hwd Ills., fireplace. Nice U, Bsmt. SawdUii herti. Cal! OMElt HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Reallors 341 Chemeketa St. Plume 21549-Kves. 2..091. a2t'.P $;OItKDI't'ED FOR quick Sale. Lit Dlt, Kit. 2 BR. bulh, Ls. lot, oil fur nace bimt. Nub lrK'ntlon. Will tell furniture. Call Rn v Davis HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Cliemckeu St. Phone 3793 Eves. 9141. 264 ! l.OOO.OO ENCiLEWOOD 3 BR HOME. Lit. dinette. Kit. bath, Bsmt. Sawdust fur. Elec. w. heater. Bcjt of lovation. Call Hay Da!s HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Clieuiekcta St. Phone 3793 Ees, 9441 , a:,64 $7j,MIH;.U-TIIT'l"T II H Home, Located 2 ml. E Hwd. firs. plas. bath, lights cement fdnt. Call Mr. Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 311 Chemeketa St Phone 21549 Eves. 22286. 264 WILL CARE for pre-school children by day or week 1 block Eat of StM lloP. Ph. 3241, 266 FOR SALE nOFvSRS HERE IS a very cozy home with file place, hardwood floors, 2 B. R., Vene tian blinds, basement, good location, South Close to schools and price at 18575. IMMEDIATE possession on this 4-bed- room home located close In South Priced to sell 57350 ENUI.EWOOD district with 4 bedrooms. bath, L. R D R., kitchen, garacc. extra nice lot. Price J7900. BUY THIS lovely 2-bedroom home for only J2500 down, balance at 5fi, hatd- wood floors. L. R., D. R butli kitchen. Venetian blinds, best of location. Price tIM.'iO. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. COMPLETE LY FURNISHED and priced at omy J550O 1 B. R.. bath. L. It., kitcii-m. nlnette. Venetian blind.. 1 yr, old. Better hurry. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 189 South High St Phone 5-1-3-1 Phone evenings 6901-7163-4037 a265 SEE THIS AT ONCE. 4-rm. house, nlmast completed. Will finish Nice shower. tc. Gas, elec. and city water. A nice nlar." Rtid location. This is a good buy. Terni: and poss. S3750. M. D. Loonev with W. E. MOSES 33'i State. Ph. 4903 a2f!5' BI'RT PICHA, Realtors, are now writms Fire Insurance a!"mt with their Rel Estate Business. May we protect your property by Insuring it for you today? BURT PICHA. REALTORS Phone 3210337 N. Hiuh Ht. ii'jfi4 WHY? Bl'Y an old house when you tan buy tills brand new tinfiiiLslnd house with a floor space of 24x42 to plan and finish as you New dist. Modern Construction, lariie lot with trees, pmvci rd. bus line, cd;e of city, Owner's price 3500 Ph. S.-.3G 2fi't SEE HUDKINS MRST! .).'.00 PARTLY furnished 4 rooms and c a race. It s neat and clean. Can be ynur.s in a few days. Immediate Poije.,iion Terms rTS FURNISHED 57350 3 BEDROOMS all on one floor. liv;n; room, kitclien. electric wastiuuc ma chine. In a selUnn of fir.s and oaks. You can have quietness and privacy here. Close to bus line. CIIAS. HUDKINS Sz SON Ph. 24J29 275 State a2(jj $7K."Ml. X RM. buncalow north? hdflr:, in living im fireplace, nice kitclien, dinette, 2 bedrms., basement At furnace MELVIN JOHNSON 519 N, Cottage St. Ph. 3723 a2fi.i I BEDROOM well-located home wilhii walking distance down town, well furn ished. 1-story, conking and water hcatei gas, oil heal. Immediate possession. ILi: garnfee fireplace in back yard, utiliij room. This home Is now vacant an; buyer ran move in at once. Terms .'5. 000.00 cash and balance piiyable month ly at firi interest. Tills home hns verj pleasant stirrnuudiuKs and is a ve-j desirable home. Some fruit and berries also walnuts, HOLLWOOD McKillop Real Estate 2075 FAIRGROUND ROAD. PII. 2-.VJ2' n2f.' QUICK POSSESSION 1 BDR. HOME Nortli on one f!r , ver; close to Grade Si Hi. school, oil fur nnce. E hot water, wired lor raw weather stripped S: Insula trd. Lars lot. J8400. Call Gardner BURT PICHA, REALTORS PH. 3210 337 N II i::h SI reel nfifi OUR BEST BUY THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS OFFERS a 3 BR. plastered home, larse living and dlnin room, full base., auto. oil furnace. to grade and huh school. Only SSOOO. S B.R. MOD. home, north, tiufin. !t:c. full base., wood furnace. Venetian bhuds. BO00. NEW !i B.R. modern l-.nine. South, ready for occupancy. $l0.:it)') BUILT 10 YRS. LIVING room with f place, dining, kit chen, plenty bmlt-ins, 2, hwd. floors, bath down. 1 Bit up base furnace. M1,.00. part, furnished WORKING MAN'S HOME WELL BUILT, newly painted. 3 BR home, living room, hath, all fir;.t floor. Good concrete foundation. Cmnp. roor. large let, close store, school. Price J4200 easli ALMOST NEW SUBURBAN S B.R. PLAST." mod. home uto , close to bus; larue. lot. 7.".(io. 3 B.R. HOME, South, on bus, J7.'t0 CORNER LOT 144 X 100. build 3 honus Price I200, Builders invcstluntc, CITY LOT south. Onlv 132 ;' DOWNTOWN business lot. 000. N.E. ZONE 4. 100 X I0U. S'Jimii. (10 x IHI), south, close ichool. $!)..o C. It. Sanders-231 N. HikIi-:.h:i ' n2fii- HOLLYWOOD SPECIAL' 2 BEDROOM MODERN BRICK EXTRA LOT. FIREPLACE. BASEM'T FURNACE. EXTRA ROOM IN HAHFM'T DOUHLE BRICK GARAtiE FINE TRErS Sz SHHUBS. HERE IS AN ATTRACriVE WELL BUILT HOME ON CORNER LOT ONLY 1 HLK. FROM HOLLYWOOD CENTER. A REAL VALUE -$1 1.000. LARSEN HOME A LOAN CO. EmiIumvo Llstiiin.s - Pcr.soiml Service 14 S. Comm. Phone SAW, eves. 7-ho a2()i- W'MII-AIOIIIillV -2 HR home close in N. Fireplace. Hardwood floors, lla.semcr fuinnce. auto, water hculcr, lar,je h Immediate, C'tII Stanley Brown With STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. HiEh. 4Ui Eves: ?,fii ' $!l.',(ll MOIII RN NEW 2 HR. home, cotu-" Pletely furnislied. Close in on 14tn street, Fircnlnce. elec. water healer, oil furnace attached naniiic. Lots nl shrubs Immediate possession. This Is a uoud buy. Cull Shinley Brown wlih S TATE FINANCE CO., REAL TORS 153 S. High pi, Ee.s:2;..,fil ' nMi' $P:,:(H USES, on 5 A. Oneohlcr 'liM and 1 hsc. 6 yrs. old. Cluck luse barn hog hsc. All hid,;;., ,o:n. cnneiu' Idtn. Located 3 mi. out. Call Mr Smith HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chiuieketa Ht Plione 21549-Evr.s. 22:iU. n2ti4 SPECIAL ASK ME nhoiit this 4 luinn. house. It is vacant Lelace H. Ellis. Ph, 21231, ai.'(lf MONEY To Loan on first mortBajca" to (1 C.UI fur details ED HYRKIT & CO. 3 : Chemeketa. Phone 5i8l. a J BEDROOM HOME-on" ucreUv Par;ly furnished l ei ins Price $4'i)0 Call GIDLtY OH LOON FY W i:ti WM. E. MOS1 S 33l'i state St Phone t!i;i3. n KM. ilOI'SE. 1 niT S.K."of Stnytmi," 5 acres, naraue, woodslicd. clctriciiy, on paved htway. Fiinmiue Included 'price J4800. Cah Staytou t3j ,r sec E.ll Kreitzer. evenings. fl-'.ii: FOR SALE Modern tuni.-e. 5 rooms Ready to move In. Itnuire of N L. Palmer I02 Orchard Ae.. D.,l!as, ore, a'titi 2 BEDROOM house on Nor! 'iWm:crs: i eet with larse corner lot. streets pav ed Handy to all schools. Nice hint mid nut trees Iiumeniiite possession A good buy for (48H0. .1 BEDROOM house on NoMh Church street, near Grant School. Fart harl wood floors. Tills is in excellent condition. Price Ji000 3 BEDROOM plastered house located South. Basement With automat :c oil fur nace wired for rrnne. electric wat.T heater A well constructed, dean house Price S7.M10 NE ft ROOM house, oil heat gas coc-kin full bath, l'j acres of bc't soil: parage! chicken house, barn. Some frui: and berries. On bus line. Price s7;)oo, 5 ACRES, close in on Liberty Road. Some lame walnut trees, prunes, about 1 acre of young cluTiies and about 1 acre of Itr timber 2 bedroom house. Price J So 00, R OSTEIN .V ADOI.P1I INC, HO'j N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Kvcs. 8.114. ;ti DUPLEX Bt'S BY DOOR. ILiw. floors. F. replace Automatic oil furnace. Call F!npo 30J7 GENERAL REAL K.ST.M K Ph. 7770 Rm. 10, Ladd Si B:dr. 2-BDRM. lioine in South Palein. 5 ye.175 old. Hwd flrv, V. bhuds, fireplace roved ceilings, full basint., snwdust heat elec. water heater, att, cune larjc lot. Imm. ro.s. See Ralph M;uhl'v OISON AND REEVE. REALTORS B45 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Ee. 21ni0 $i:,VU -BDRM. home, nice and clean" Kuriuture can be boucht. Iium. po.-ss. Call for ppomtnirnt OLSON AND RFEVE RE I. TORS 945 8. Com"!. St Ph. 45?o. f.e. -10n To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. I-OH SALE HOUSES VIEW PROPERTY l-BORM home large llvlni room, elec. heat, beautiful kitchen. Built by one of the best carpenters In Salem, bee Ralph Maddy. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S Com'l, St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 31090 264 Hi l.:t(Mt 3-BOBM! home In Englewood dlst. Hwd. firs.. V. blinds, full bsmt. North front. Imm. poss. Owner leaving town, must sell OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21039 a264 Siontiil it-BORM. home close to school. Bus a', front door. Don't fail to see this home OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090 a284 jH.liiii i-llDRM. home, East. This Is a real buy Don't wait to see this home. Imm poss OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 915 S. Com'l. St. Ph, 4590. Eve. 21090 284 i A ON E 99 i.-i7mi i bedroom house, electric hot water heater, wired for range, oil cir culator, laundry trays, city water and ga". garage barn and chicken house combined, school and city bus by door. 3."j70 S Commercial. Salem. a264 HERE IS THE HOUSE you have been looking for, a 5 room plastered house, new roof 2 bedrooms bath and fruit room. Peacli and apple tree. shed. Some tearms. By owner. 994 S 21st at. 8264 S3500 FULL PRICE 3 RM PLASTERED GARAGE HOUSE, lrpe lot located East. Paved road, close to school Call for Mr. Isaak, .VT0 PARTLY FURNISHED .1 RM HOI'SE lncaled In business cone W. A coming dist. Imm. poss. See H. E. Carey. G. T, SPECIAL VERY NICE NEW HOME located N Lartse lot. t13.500. M O. HUMPHREYS AND CO., Realtor 3035 Portland Rd Ph. 7820 2288 Fairground Rd. Ph. 24598 a264a LEO N. CHILDS, INC.. REALTORS Choose from these: ATTENTION Mr. Handyman. This 3 bedroom home needs a little work. Lot about 50x104 ft Why pay rent? Priced nt onlv 4.".or) ONE-HALF ACRE. 2-year old 5-room mod. house: carace; barn, and chicken Very clove to town. All for $6000, READ THIS: Wo offer this new home. Large living room with fireplace, din ette, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, tile bath, au tomatic heat. PLUS a comfortable 4. romn cottage renting for $45 per mo Until for $11,000 HIGH ON THE HILL, 8 well arranged rooms all on one floor. Auto, heat, large beautifully landscaped yard. We rec ommend this one for (13.300. "30 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE" CALL JAMES B. HARTMAN or K. N. VOORHEES WITH LEO N CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 a264" $"'!."iii, NEW 2 bedroom plastered home, Hnsedale Lovely kitchen with large hrcaklast nook and service bar, at taciied garaiie, "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE lL"i S VJth Eve. 7829 Ph. 485 f28B' FOK SALE LOTS BUSINESS LOT Kill t tin LOCATED on S. I2th St. Ideal location for used car lot. FOR SALE OR LEASE. Call Richard E Orahenhorst. with GHAHENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberiy St. Ph. 4131 aa264 LOT 50 by 100 ft. 1272 6th W. Salerr BY OWNER. Lot 50 x 160 In Rosedole Addition. Ph. 3012. aa269a BY OWNER Lot 48x101 on S. 18th. Close lo school and bus. Paved street. Side walks in. Tfi75. Ph 24719. BH'f65 FOR SALE FARMS 7 Ml. OFT of Sllverton. 100 acres. House being reconditioned, large barn 3 yrs. o;d. stanchions, stalls, etc., 17 tons liay, nulit on year around small stream S7.000. Terms. Ln:-e Realty. Oregon Bldg., 7952. b264 '.'H ACHES. Peaches. Filberts. Walnuls, llovM'iiberrfcs, etc. Near Keizer. Income llllfi crop S7000. Has 4 room house and nit cood river loam soil. Price $19,000. Terms. Call Jack Henningsen with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. Huh Ph. 4121 b'J64' MODEST furnished home and IK acres of cood producing filberts. 12 miles East iuooo no. Worth more. See Harold McMillin with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High. Ph. 4121 Eves. 81F21 b265- 34 ACRES S550O GOOD BEAN land, good pasture, creek, u rm. house, barn, elect, pump. 8 cows, hav and Irrigation equipment can be bought. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. Hish St. Phone 24791 b?fif WANT TO RAISE STOCK? 1 1. HE'S THE PLACE. 128 acres. 10 miles east, lias In rue modern ranch type home. Bin living room with stone fire place. 2 bedrooms, dining room, kitchen on first floor, unfinished upstairs, part basement. Year nround stream and five or six spritus. 10 acres in English wal nuts. 3 acres filberts, abundance of family fruit. 80 acres in cultivation. 25 at res In fir and oak timber. Will ex rliaiiJf for 1 to 10 acre place with 3 bedroom home. Full price $16,800. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 33(ij Portland ltd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 b266" LOVELY SEVEN ACRES NOKTll, acres Boysenberrles. lnter plaiiled with 7 year old filberts, va riety other fruit, A good two bedroom home, new burn witli 3 stanchions, double garnHe. This place produced ap proximately $4000 in 1946. Mr. Holmes w;,l be pleased to show this. SALEM REALTY CO. C. W. Bartlett, Realtor 119 N. Huh St. Phone 7660 bL'65' SMALL FARM SPECIAL I.'. AI RES of fine land all In cultivation. Very tood 3 bdrm. house. Nice barn and silo. Team horses, harness, farm mach'iiery all poos. FOR KN Ell -BOURNE, REALTORS 1S53 N. Capitol St. Pll, 3031 b285' SMALL FARM Ut ACRES fine soil. Small house, all In cultivation. j mile of 99 North. Could be subdivided FORKNEK-BOURNE. REALTORS 1S53 N. Capitol St. Ph. 3031 b265 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIO BUSINESS OFFERS YOU this 155 acre nut farm close to Salem. 50 acres good filberts. 75 A. w .limits, both larRC bearing trees; an excellent 3 tunnel dryer for commer cial drying! 6-room house, elec. bath, barn, 2-room cabin. Only $32,500 cash. Surely today's bargain, C. II, Sanders-231 N. Hhth-5838 b'284 U A NTFD I NDUSTR lOUSCOU PLE ,V3 ACRES Wll silt loam, 30 acres cult., 30 acres orchard, pasture and timber. Good 3 room house. Tractor. 3 plows, har row, mower, etc.. all for 113.500, Cal! Hcurv Torvend JOE HUTCHINSON. REALTOR 45a Court St. Pll, 7696: res. 25141 b264 $ I h.s.mC i .'8a7R4 "cultivated!-10 A. or cliard 7 A. timber, 33 A. pasture, Use built 1940. Plas,, bath, lights, fireplace, h-iut. Good out bldiis. Will take up to StO.nnO city property. Call Mr. Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 .Chemeketa St. Plume 2t;4li-Eves. 22286. b:64 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS Oi l I Rs 37 phis acres of choice, orchard o;l. Part of acreage has neglected bear Um orchard. Natural drainage. Close to Salem. Buy and build later. Out of state owner ssys sell for J3500. Worth :he Sii acres S.E. 50 or more under plow some timber, small house, barn with 1" siiuichions. Trice $10,500, Sell stock and e fiuipment ACRES fiiberts 21 yrs. old. A well lo cated good producing acreage. Worth sour consideration, il 1.500, Building poor. NEAR MARION 33 ACRES, buildings, elect, soon. Price Terms. O. H, Sanders-231 N. Huh-5538 b:5t FOR SALE FARMS 30 ACRES, good living quarters, all In fruit and nuts, $7500 4S ACRES, 4 bdrm. house, wired for elee. range, all stock and equipment, only $8750, 4750 down Call Connally. 55 ACRES. 5 miles north, 2 sets build ings, Willamette silt soil, 117.000. Call Spreadboroush. MANY MORE come In or call REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 S High St. Ph. 3722 or 7836 Eves, & Sun. 24113 or 3621 b" BEAVERDAM 40 ACRES 20 acres cleared. 13'i acres of it pure beaverdam. 7'j acres Willamette soil. 20 acres timber, brush, pasture. New modern house. All electric. Famhy fruit. 120.000. 2'? miles southeast of Sherwood on Sherwood-Tonquin road. Adolph F. Chan, owner. Route 3, Box 18. Sherwood. Oregon. b263 FARM SPECIALS Flit GROVE CABIN CAMP Vi ACRE tract, year around creelc with water rights to Irrigate, 5 acres, ideal garden truck land, lots of berries and fruit. This Is a dandy tract for a country home with Income from cabins and berries. Located on paved road, 1 mile from good town. A nicer grove or better set-up for development of a modern cabin camp is seldom found. Call and let us show you this- place, can be purchased on good terms. To tal price, M2.000. DAIRY RANCH ONE OF THE best 80 acres of rich, bot tom land, large 36 cow modern barn, large 7-room modern home, modern fire proof grain drer, hog and cbH barn, 2 irrigation well.-; with elec pump with pipe and sprinklers. This ranch is a money maker, land will grow abun dant crops, grain, vegetables, mint, hay. etc. Immediate large cash Income from the dairy, priced at .550,000. or with full line of equipment and siock. barn full of alfalfa hay. silo full of sweet corn enMlase all for $62,000, Liberal terms at A percent. 11 ACRES NICE BERRY RANCH 5 ROOM COTTAGE, elec. hot water heat er t h.p deep well pump, laundry trays in utility buildmc. barn, poultry house and garage. Crop land all in cane berries and strawberries, price includes tractor, truck, drag saw, misc. tools and eoulp.. 1 cow. 1 yearling heifer, 2 calves, some terms. Total price, si 1.000 See L V. Shafer. LEE OHMART Sz CO.; REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph, 9680 or 4035 b265 BEFORE you buy a farm or acreage check on the government soil survey maps on display in our office Pick a place best suited to the kind of farming you pre fer. We now have nearly 100 places lo choose from in our Farm department. Nelson Si Nehon. Ph 4622 or 4419. b FOR SALE ACREAGE WANT TO STOP WORKING FOR THE OTHER MAN? HERE'S 7 ACRES WITH A REAL INCOME VERY NICE 2 bedroom house, wired for range, elec. water heater, elec. heat, small barn. dbl. garage, chicken house. 4 acres. 7 yr. filberts inset with 4 acres boysenberries, 20 walnut trees. 1 acre family fruit, 'i acre gooseberries. Own rr says place made 11.000 per acre this year. House 6 years old, barn two years. i down will handle. Price $12, 000. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph, 3255. Eves. 24470 bb266 A. Seed farm. Modern 6 room home. 18 mi, from Salem, to:t A. 150 cultivated. Fair bides. 8 ml. from Salem. $75 an A. General Real Estate Co., Rm. 10, Ladd St Bush Bldg. Ph. 7770. bb265" $."HiO. 5 room home, 1 acres, excellent soil, or 5, acres for $12,500, close in. N.E. Imm. Poss. C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4855 bb266 3 ACRES, good 4-bedroom home on Holly wood Dr. Pi acres filberts, barn, ga rage. This is a nice large family home, and excellent acreage, J15.000. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Eve. 7829 Ph. 4855 bb'J66 ACREAGE 5 ACRES close in North on paved high way. Well located for schools Sz bus. This would make good subdivision or country home. Fine Soil. FORKNER-BOUHNE. REALTORS 1653 N. Capitol St. Ph. 3031 bb26S PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP! 7 ACRES Amity silt, family orchard and garden. 4 acres filberts, 24 walnut trees, berries. 6 room 8 year old mod ern home, elec. heat. Large 3 year old barn, other bldits. 6!!i miles to Sa lem on paved highway. Price 112,000, Call Myles Henderson JOE HUTCHINSON, REALTOR 455 Court St. Ph. 7696; res 24682 bb2B4 9IO ACRE Arnold subdivision, $800. U down. 3 ACRES. Hicks Jones Subdivision. $1000. S down. NEW ACREAGE subdivision, north of Aluminum Plant, ' down All size lots. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 301 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 Eves. Sz Sun. 24113 Sz 3621 bb $t(50ii I ACRE with clean, modern 2 BR. home. Furnace auto, water heater. Barn chicken house Lots of fruit. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 Eves: 25561 bb264 t ACRES, orchard, berries, 6-rm. house with bath, built ins. elec. pump. Close to school, on hard-surfaced road. Bus every hour. Rt. 6, Box 586. East Auburn rd bb364 KAL ESTATE $8250 HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, nice 8 room home, good .sized living room and dining room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bath and utility porch, garace. newly papered and painted inside and out, large shade tree In front yard located just off North Capitol Street JB230. NORTHEAST OF TOWN MODERN Sl'BL'RBAN home, has living room, dinette, 1 btdroom, kitchen and bath down, 2 bedrooms up, part hard wood floors, garage, extra large lot, 95110. 3 large oak and fir trees (8450 Locnted just off the Sllverton Hlway, MODERN COUNTRY HOME NEARLY 2 ACRES of land with modern count ry home. 2 bedrooms, elec Tieat. wired for range, elec. water heater, large garage, insulated, some fruit trees. Middle Grove School DUtrlct. $8950. CREEK LOCATION DOUBLE CREEK LOT. lots of trees and shrubs large comfortable home, full basement with auto, oil furnace, double plumbing, fireplace in living room, wired for rnnce. elec. water heater, IMME DIATE POSSESSION 12,500 MODERN HOME A WELL niTLT 6 room home. 1ms living room, dimnx room, 1 bedroom, kltcncn and bath down, 2 bedrooms up, fireplace in living room, hardwood floors, wired for ranee; basement and furnace, ga rage. Nice lot, i fruit and nut trees $12,600 NORTH SUMMER STREET MODERN 7 room home, 1826 living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen and half, bath don n, 4 bedrooms and full bath up, basement and furnace, part hardwood floors, V, blinds, wired for range, auto, water heater. Excellent lo cation S14, 125, LEE OHMART Si CO, REALTORS 477 Court St.-Pli. 9680 or 4035. C WAIT & EVKLYNUSORAV B REALTORS KINGWOOD VIEW HOME COMPARE this fine 3-bdrm. home from the standpoint of location, appearance, construction, inability and value. We believe you will see this as a good buy at 112.600. Newly redecorated inside and out. Livingrm., diningrm., kitchen, nook, basement, auto, oil furnace, lidwd floors. EXCLUSIVE NEW A HOME for gracious living furnished to suit ion. 2 bdrms. large bath, living room dinmsrm., Youngstown kitchen, full basement with toilet and shower. Electric heat, full insulation. laije garage. Bus at door. 3 blks to school. Finished $13,650. As is $13,350. TOPS! NEAT 3-y. old 3 bdrm. home In West Salem, concrete founds., shingle roof. Plastered, int.. hdwd. floors. Venetian blinds wired for range, elec. water heater oil circulator. Picket fence en closes property. Roomy garaec. Fine neighborhood. CORNER LOCATION ATTRACTIVE, new 2 bdrm. bungalow on choic? comer lot. Concrete found., shins le roof plastered, hdwd. floors. Large livingrm., diningrm., kitchen, with plenty built-uu. Venetian blinds, wir ed for range, elec. water heater., elec. heat, utility room, garage, bus at door. 4 blocks to school WEST SALEM REALTY CO. 1233 EDGE WATER ST. PHONE 51W C2W REAL ESTATE REIMANN REAL ESTATE 840001 BDRM., solid foundation, U acre on pavement, southeast. $4350 3 BDR.M. with bath, attached ga rage, uan Mcuiauiun. $70001 BDRM on 1 floor, plastered, con crete foundation, north, close to bug Si school. Call Spreaaborough. 7,(HH) 3 BDRMS,, llv. rom din. rm., car peted, full basement, furnace, wired for range elec hot water heater, north. Call Spreadborough. $89.10 NEW 2 BDRM, home, beautifully located on 2 acres, well worth the money. Call McGlauflin. $9000 BDRMS, fireplace, large attic, auto, heat, full basement, across from Englewood school. Call Rubers. JHVi.W :! BDRM.. new, cove ceilings, hdwd. floor, auto, oil heat, attached garage. $11,0003 BDRMS, liv. rm.. expensively carpeted, has large window, fireplace, guest cloak room, master bdrm. Rose dale Dlst. Call Connally. $12,0003 BDRMS.. double garage, excel lent location, full basement. Call Ru ber. $13,0003 BDRMS., large living rm , fire place, tiled bath, large utility rm , large upstairs bdrm., large garage with workshop, Nice Dist. north. Call Con nally. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 So High Ph. 3722 or 7838 Eves A; Sun, 24113 or 3621 c MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages. 4 to 6 Call loi details. ED BYRKIT St CO. 339 Chemeketa. Phone 6981. e 40 ACRES of timber (second growth) lo cated near Mill City. Price $6300. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High St. Phone 5-1-3-1 Phone evenings 6901-7163-4937 c265 TO BUY OR SELL SEE CHARLES DELFEL HOMES 4 BLOCKS TO STATE HOUSE CORNER LOT. 6 rm. house. 3 bedrms. main floor, basement, sawdust fur nace. $P500. Sa! 124X. MOVING TO DALLAS? WE HAVE 4 Bedroom home, partly furn ished. Located 3 blocks from business dtst. Close to school. 7200. Sal 125X. YOUR DREAM 6 ROOMS, 2 bedrooms upstairs, 1 down, amine room, living room, nrepiacc, bathroom. Full basement, oil furnace, lawn, shrubs, flowers. Excellent, Shown by appointment only $13,800, Sa) 127X. FARMS NEXT DOOR TO SALEM 4C4 A., 3H A. cultivated. 40 walnut trees 10 acres in profitable cherries. 16 acres prunes Fine 8 room farm home, 32x40 barn. $16,500 or J23.0O0 with furniture and all equip. Sal 118. TURKEYS ARE AGAIN PROFITABLE YOU ARE all set to go on this fine ranch of 54 A., 52 in cult. Fam. orchard. 8 room home, 8 turkey brooder houses. An A No. I farm. Nr. Jefferson. 525, 000. Sal 120. SET UP AND READY TO GO 10 A., il'.i cult. Black loam soil, fine 2a A. orchard, elect, water syst. 4 room home, lawn Sz shrubs. 20x214 feed &z brooder house. 30x34 tile Incubator, double garage. 5 miles from Salem. $10, 600. Sal 122. BEEF, LAMB St LUMBER PLENTY OF room for stock, plus 1 mil lion board feet of timber on this 505 A, Ranch 25 miles from Salem. 100 A. cleared pasture, over 100 A. grazing, in the timber. 4 rm. house, large barn, cabin, brooder, hen house, 2 good roads, $16,000. Sal 134. WILL YOU BE THE LUCKY ONE? 13 ACRES, 6 miles south of McMinnville. can be bought for $8000. Neat 5 room house. Call us for details. Sal 126 GUARANTEED TO PLEASE PERFECT condition, excellent location. 8 acres, 4 bedroom home. hdwd. floors, plastered. Small barn, excellent house, patio, fireplace. Close in, terms. $19, 000, Sal 128. REFRIGERATOR AND GAS RANGE FOR SALE IN FACT this completely trellised 15 ncre of beans, 7 room house, barn, cow, horse, tractor and equip., trailer, chick ens and modern irrigation system, all go for $16,000. 3 miles out. Sal 131. SMALL BEAN ACREAGE 5 ACRES trellised for beans. Irrigated, city water main on land. No butldiugs. 3 mile j from city limits. $1600. Sal 133, INCOME DO YOU WANT 1100,000 YEARLY? HAVE excellent going business In enter tainment field. Confidential proposi tion. No telephone information, ask for Mr, Denham or Mr. Nilsen. 8a YEAR LEASE ON COMB, service sta., garage, grocery, a cabins and trailer space. Includes some tools, furniture, station equip.. In ven. of groceries, and 2 welders. Good location. S8975. Sal 105 Inc. KILROY WAS HERE $610 PER MO. net income from this 3 pump service station, complete with garage, lub room, ice house, quick charg er and about $2,000 stock. Good loca tion in Portland. $3500. Sal 10S Inc. OWNER INJURED COMBINATION butcher shop, locker stor age, apt. oiag., 4 apts., 3 sleeping dms., 60x100 2-story building. Room for 300 more lockers. Way below market at $13,000. In Falls City. Sal 110 Inc. CENTRALLY LOCATED QUIET, reserved clientele. This 10 suite, 3 sleeping rooms, apt. hse Is increas ing in money value every day. Auto, oil, full basement, furnished. Excel lent condition. Shown by appointment only. $42,500. Sal 114 Inc. HAMBURGER HEAVEN RESTAURANT and tavern good nor' h east location. $3500 gross. 2-year lease at 25 month. 50 cases beer per week. $8250. Ptld. 10 Bus. HAM ON RYE DELICATESSEN, sandwiches, wine. beer, oven, range, grill, work tables, all pots, pans, dishes, silverware. Fountain, 8 stools 8 booths, ice cream machine, 2-keg beer cabinet. 12-tt. super-Cold case. Grosses $3000 month. $12.noo Plus beer and wine Inventory. Good east side location. Portland 11 Bus. CAFE, BEER, WINE. POOL FULLY equipped to serve 50. Owner re tiring. Real money maker. Business will more than pay for itself in 10 months. $20,000 Ptld. 79 Inc. CHARLES DELFEL, REALTOR 615 N. Capitol St. Ph. 7002 c264 KMiHl 5 room home East. Lot 50x116. Terms. $!,wn 1 acre with 2 bedrooms, elec, heat. nr noors, immediate possession. Nice location. $LV3.w Approx. 1 '3 acre with new & room home, basement, oil furnace, party room with fireplace. Double garage, P. H. BELL. REALTOR 510 Gaurdian Bldg. Ph. 4396 r26( NELSON NEWS ABOUT 'i AC. ON HIGHWAY SO A 2 BDRM. home with L. R.. Kit., utility rm., eiec. water heater, oil circulator, wired for range, enclosed pasture with barn (16x31), close to stores, on bus, $6000, STATE Sz UNIV. EMPLOYEES. ET AL IN THE present market you will not find more convenience Sz comfort close to your employment for the price asked than in 285 N. 15th St.. L. R., D. R.. Kit,, 2 bdrms., bath, f place, on st fir.. 1 bdrm. up, full basmt. with hit conditioning auto, controlled oil fti.-- ( nsce. elec. water hea er Sz laundry .'a- ' ciltties rm. for additional bdrms. or rumpus rm., lot about 60 x 66. 2 ACrtt-S. 2 DWELLINGS, N. E. ELEC. WATER system, large comb. L, R.-D. R., Kit.. 4 bdrms., bath. elec. water heater, 3 rm. cottago on rear of lot. chicken hse., $7000. WANT A FARM OR ACREAGE? IF YOU want a full-time or part-lime farm It will pay you to check with our farm salesman. He now has about 100 farms A: acreages to choose from within a radius of about 25 miles of Salem. IF YOU know what you want fell us. We probably have it listed. If you are unsettled as to what to buy it will pay you well to have a chat with Mr. Le Roy Johnson, of our farm department BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR INFORMATION about business op portunities see Business Opportunities column or tell Mr, Jake Foos of our business opportuntles department what you want. NELSON & NELSON Chet 2. Nelson Theo. G. Nelson REALTORS Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg., 495 State St. Ph 4419 or 4622 Eves. 21350 Farms 25547 c254" WANTED REAL ESTATE CAsn Buyers wants modern one floor home, good heat. 1 or 2 bedroom, a 'o 1 acre good garden soil on good road, close in. Call 6261 after 6 p.m. calo6 FOR PROMPT and eourteoui aervica lUt your property with FLOYD VOLBJEU Real Estatg Broker 474 Court Phong 1904 ca HAT WW HELP Ton Sen Tour Propartyf SALEM REALTY CO RKALTORB Itt H, High 8k Phone 700 I WANTED REAL ESTATE LISTINGS WANTED DUE TO the great demand from out Of state and local buyers, we have not ocen aoie to supply enougti nouses, farms and businesses to meet this ur gent demand. If you have any of the above properties you are thinking of selling, please call us. Our sales force is 100 world war Two Veterans. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 21413 ca266' DO YOU WANT TO SELL? WILL BUY your home outright or will assist you In its sale. For dependable Bcrvlce. call LEO N. CHILDS, INC. 344 State St Ph. 0261. ca284 DAN THE REAL ESTATE MAN WILL CALL Immediately to appraise choice listings of city homes, acreages or farms If you will call 344B3 A. E. Danielson, Realtor ca34 we HAVE CASH Buyers for 1 A 1 Mrm home. for quick tale call UR- OOOD WIN with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. ENO. R-EALTOKU Phone 4108 After ft 87 IB e WB ARE in or?o Of good homes to aeM in or near Salem U tou vtab to Hit row oroperty for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS REALTOR 134 S Liberty St Phone 41S1 ea NOTICEI If rout property U for ague rent or exchange. Mat It with tu We have alt kinds cash buyer STATE PTNANCI CO REALTORS 153 8 High St e EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL exchange fine home on acreage 4 mi'es east for town property or will sell outrisht. LUSE REALTY. Oregon Bldg. 792. ch264 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOME AND INCOME I BLOCKS from town. 2 bdrm. home on deep lot. Ant. in back of house rented. Basement with auto, furnace. Several fruit and nut trees on lot. Attractive fireplace. $3000 will handle. Asking price S7050. Make an appointment to sec at. your convenience, SALEM REALTY COMPANY C. W, Bartlett. Realtor 14fl N HUh St Ph. 76fi0 "LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM' Cd25.i" WALT & EVELYN MUSGRAVE RFALTORS FAMILY SERVICE STATION l GOOD DEAL for a man and wife. Brand new rustic bldg. Living qutrs. finished in knotty pine. Elect, heat. 2 gas pumps, lioo gal. tank. Well lo cated In good rural dlst. $9000. WEST SALEM REALTY CO. 1233 EDGE WATER STREET PHONE 5109 cd2fi GROCERY STORE MODERN all redecorr.ted. new chelvlng walk-'n cooler. Good location South. Stock A: fixtures go at $8,700. About $500 per mo. Income for man and wife. FOR DETAILS SEE D. J. DAWSON WITH GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph, 4131. Eves. 2-5338 Cd264 A GOOD BUSINESS ONLY 4950 BE INDEPENDENT with a good valley town service station with repair shop Sz fuel oil business, price Just reduced s.vO for quick sale. You will look a lone time to find another business op portunity as good as this for such a small price. NELSON Sz NELSON Masonic Bldg. Ph. 4622 or 4419. Eves. 7677 cd264 AGOODB USI NESST'ONLY-$4950 BE INDEPENDENT with a good valley town service station with repair shop Si fuel oil business, price just reduced $550 for quick sale. You will look a long time to find another business op portunity as sood as this for such a small price. NELSON Si NELSON Masonic Bide. Ph. 4622 or 4419 Eves. 7C77 rd2fi4 SERVICE STATION GOOD 1 pump service station. Intersec tion of 2 good Highways. Nice living quarters, finished in knotty pine. Good sized workshop. i Acre fine soil. Just right for couple. FORKNER-BOURNE. REALTORS 1353 N. Capitol St. Pll. 3031 ' rd265' THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIO BUSINESS PRESENTS this Const Highway Store grossing $66,000 the first 9 mo. of 1046. Consists of bldg. 48x64, grocery, fountain, tavern, bus depot, etc. Invoice about $9000. Total 22.500 BEAUTY PARLOR LOCATED live town North. Price $4000. For further information call C. H. Sanders-231 N. High-5838 cd264 GROCERY STORE Aj SERVICE STATION ALSO living quarters, A very good buy In a good suburban location. Full price $9,000. Includes stock, gas pumps, 4 yr. lease, M. O. HUMPHREYS CO., REALTORS 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 2286 Fairground Rd. Ph. 24598 cd26j SI J. WW. APT. hsc. close in, 5 apts. furn ished, sawdust furnace, lot 93 x 103. Good value. MELVIN JOHNSON 519 N. Cottage St. Ph. 3723 cd265 TOURIST COURT. Mil finished, every thing on grounds to complete.. Perfect locution on 99E South and a real future money maker. If jou have wanted to own a court, and a good one, sec this baranln. Call Ed Lukinbcal. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St, Phone 5981 cd265 API. FOR YOURSELF, 1 to rent at $45 Room up for 2 more with some re modeling. Close In. This one Is worth your time to investigate. Full price $7500. Call Ed Lukinbcal. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5931 cd265' JUST LISTED (SERVICE STATION. GAR- Aufci. aii equipment, also fuel oil busi ness. Rent on gallonngc basis. This is a good deal Price reduced $4900. Call Ike Bacon. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 cd265- r, wCi ; o () nUd ING cafe, West Salem! Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793 Eves. 8441. cd264 FOR SALE BY OWNER 15 ROOM apartment house, basement, 2 large lots, double garage, pear and ap ple trees, excellent location, furnished nr unfurnished. Se? owner at 1180 Smith St, or phone 5253, cd272 LOW COST HIGH INCOME 6 RM. HOUSE Owner's 3 mis., 2 rm, Apt. Furn 1 extra bedrm. Income Jaa.00 Mo Price $5500, Call Habby Hnbernlcht JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696. cd264" AUTO COURTS S UNITS plus house. $19,500. 13 I'Nirs with garages. $29,500. 7 L'MTS with house, store Sz gas station $34,500. Terms on fill above. 5 UNIT FURNISHED APT. HOUSE S14, 750 Close in. GROCERY STORES 5300 and hp. SERVICE STATIONS st aoo and up. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 So. Hish Ph. 3722 or 7B36 Eves. Sz Sun. 24113 Sz 3621 cd" AUCTIONS AUCTION NOV. 7. 7 P.M. SPONSORED by Brush Community for the school hot lunch program. Nylon hose, various sizes, new sheets, pillow cases, towels and wash cloths, big selec tion. Soap, used toilet, wash basin, galvinized hot water tanks with fitting Universal vacuum cleaner, with at tachments. Tree roses, Desk, apples and pears. SALEM COMMUNITY AUCTION HOUSE 3610 Sllverton Rd. at Lansing Ave. Items from the public sold on com mission. Entry Elderman, auctioneer dd264 FURNITURE FOR SALE GOV, WINTHROP Mahogany desk, ladder back chair, youth bed and chiffonier to match gate leg table. Ph. 25005. d268 NEW DAVENPORT and chair. Rt, 4, Box 85 C.E H. Miller, d265 WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOB YOtTR used furnltnrt. Pb 8t.aU StrMt pure. 1900 8 taw WHY TAKE less for your furaltuit 4 Ruu Bright, Phong 7S1L a To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. M WANTED FURNITURE UII1HES1 PRICES ptld Pnon Oleoo at Woo dry Auetlop Market Ph 61 10 da LIVESTOCK WANTED FAT A CANNES COWS for beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veal. Fat hogs, sows, stags, boars. Mkt. price. E O McCand itsh. Rt 5 Box 373. Ph. 8147. Across from Waters Ball Park. S 25th. ea'iao WANTED: All kind Of fat llventncc Valley Packing Company Ph 6935 ea R4BBITS RABBITS all kinds Top prices paid. Bring or write Wm. Bossert. Rt. 4, Box 66-B. Salem eb269 FOR SALE WOOD DRY LIMB wood. 16 Inch. $11 per cord. Ph. 21203 2BP BONE DRY red fir slab wood. Ph. 24031. ee260 FRESH CUT fir sawdust. $4 per unit. Ore Bon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ccW MILL WOOD $5 50 per load. Ph. 5852. cc281 3 CORD LOAD $10 HEAVY 16" mill wood. Imm. Del. Ph. 6683. ec232 $4.00 PER COHD ON EVEN delivery. 16" slab wood As edirelngs, Imm. Del. Ph. 8683. ee282 GOOD lfl-in. dry slab. $8 50 a load. Im mediate delivery. Orccon Fuel Co. Ph. 6533. ee27T SPECIAL: Green Ifi' mill wood. 3 cord load $8: green 16" edgings, double load $10 Prompt delivery. Oregon Fuel Co Phone 5533 ec270 WEST SALEM FUEL CO WOOD AND sawdust Stove oil and dlesei oU. Delivery when promised Pb 74031 BONE-DRY milt wood 16" green good tot furnace. Ph 7721. I FT nEAVY slab St Id" mlO wood Also d!ese A tove oils, snwdust Prompt del. anywhere Phone 6444 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets, ready to ly For 'mmedtate delivery Every pullet Individually selected Ph. 2286L Lee' Hatrher? f- BABY CHICKS: Weekly hatches. New Hampshire and other varieties. Ph 22861 Lee'a Hatchery f cnRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick every Wed Boylngton's, 3710 State. f OUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 23861. Lee'i Hatchery f PRODUCE PICK CD Baldwin apples 1.00 bx.. filberts, 5c lb Call eve. Bring bxs, 1190 No. win ter. Ph. 0037. 11264 DELICIOUS apples. 75c and up. Will de liver. Ph. 21853 or 530 N. 1710. TIIItiB WANTED HELP START A RAWLEICH BUSINESS. Real opportunity now for permanent, profit-, able work in City of Salem and South East Marion county Write Rawleigh's, Dipt. ORK-155-K, Oakland, Cahr. g264 WANTED experienced bookkeeper who can type. Good wages. Apply 905 1st Nat'I Bank Bldg. Salem. Ph. 0350. K264 WAITRESS. NIGHT SHIFT. Capital Bowl ing Alley. 468 Ferry. g2(IG MAN TO PUT IN 1 CORD OF WOOD and cut part. 1590 Lee. B2fitt YOUNG ladies 18 to 25, energetic Sz free to travel Calif., N.Y. Sz return with nationally known Co. Averas earnings $50 per w k. plus bonus A: transportation. Women must be neat A: attractive. Apply fn person only Mar ten Hotel between 7 Sz 9 p.m. Ask fer Miss Cutcomb. g266 CLERKS TYPISTS. STENOGRAPHERS, CASEWORKERS: MANY vacancies in State government po sitions in Salem and Portland. State Civil Service provides security or ten ure, paid vacations, sick leave, pro motions. For information call or write the State Civil Service Commission, 44 -Center Street. Salem. e264i WANTED Potato pickers. Start Nov. 3tn. 2'i mi. from fairgrounds, on Sllverton rd. Herr St Riensche. Rt. 7-409. Ph. 21363. C264 TELEPHONE operators wanted. No ex perience necessary. High pay right at the start 29 for a 40-hour work while learning. Frequent scheduled increases three the first year. Safe, wholesomo surroundings . , . vacations with pay. A real opportunity for young women who arc looking to the future who want a Job that Is pleasant. Interesting and profitable. Do not delay inquire NOW' EXPERIENCED OPERATORS LET US tell you how much you can earn. Call Mrs. Goodwin. Pacific Tele phone Ss Telegraph Co., 740 State St. K283 MACHINISTS Top wages, good shop. Steady work. Hobbs Machine Works. Lebanon, Oregon. K2fi9 WALNUT PICKING at Skyline Orchards. Paying 30c bit. box with 5c bonus. Turn right at Liberty, so 4 ml. cn Skyline road. First drive past Prospe"t school. b26s. EXP LADY for fur repair St alterations Price's. 135 North Liberty WANTED POSITIONS CAPABLE woman wants housekeeping position m private home. Mrs. Bevens Ph. 3184. h2fi4 FULL TIME or part time .loh for man with flat bed truck. Ph. B170. h275 CARE FOR ELDERLY lady or bed my noine. Ph. 8713 HZR9 WILL CARE FOR pre-school children by day or week. 1 block east of S'n.'e Hospital. Ph. 3241. h269 WANTED Washing or Ironing In your home. Ph. 23341. hCCS TREE SURGEONS available. Ph. 24030. h290 I.ANOKNFEI.D TRUCKING CO. HEAVY St liaht hauling, anytime, any place nnywhere. Ph. 24270. h2fi8' YOUNG GIRL wants part time job fl A.M. to 1 P.M. A: Saturdays. Ph. 258S2. h265 WILL CARE for .small child in my home days. Hollywood dtst. Ph. 21001. h285 CARPENTER home construction, finish ing, built-in cabinets. 1067 Third t.. West Salem. h265 INTERIOR PAINTING. Phone 6796. h23B GIRL WILL STAY with your children in your home eves. Sat, and Sunday's. 2210 Hazel Ave Apt. 3 h287 FOR INTERIOR PAINTING and mlnnr fix It Jobs. Drop card to 1908 N. 5th S. h2S7 OIL CIRCULATORS serviced Bnd repaired D'Vorak's Service. Ph. 24963 after P.m. h287 MOVING and Delivery work. Ph. 7665. Salem Moving and Delivery Service. Veteran owned and operated. h267 I PRUNE fruit trees and shrubbery, do rock work and landscaping. Ph. 2429. h268 PA PER HANG ING exclusively. Ph. 4400. h234 BOOKKEEPER - Accountant Available 10th Nov., 11 yrs. exp , 31 yrs. old. World War II Vet. Phone 23281. h268 HOUSES to wreck. Bennett Bros. Ph. 24840. h273 WOOD SAWING. 960 N. Com'l Ph. 3522. h230 RUGS AND upholstered furniture cleaned in your home New process R P. Nnhl gren. Ph 21080 after 6 p.m. h239 LOCAL and long distance hauhnc R I Phillips. Rt 6. Box 118. Ph. 6SF22 h27 4UTO PAINTING lust a ahade oelUr oy Ray Biter Call Sbrock Motor Co 8503 FOR RENT NICELY furnished heated sleeping room, bath adjoining, outside entrance, tor employed gentlemen. Ph. 6304. J264' 3 TO 5 RM. HOUSE. Write 654 Mt. Ansel. j;r4 (Continued on Page 17)