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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1946)
12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Nov. 7, 1946 Creamed Baked Spinach Fold cooked spinach into thick white sauce. Turn into a casserole and cover with but tered crumbs. Bake in slow oven one and one-quarter hours. Best Costumes Chosen California Beats Dog Race Betting San Francisco, Nov. 7 CAP) California voters smashed an attempt to legalize betting on dog races and overwhelmingly voted down a state fair employ ment practice act, returns Wed nesday showed. At the same time they ap proved a $100,000,000 bond issue to provide loans to World War II veterans for purchasing homes and farms, but apparently turn ed down another proposal which would have authorized the state to lend service men and women the money to go into business. Petroleum was used by the Egyptians to grease their char iots and preserve their paraohs. Chou Fu-Hai To Die On Treason Charge Nanking, Nov. 7 (URI The puppet mayor of Shanghai, Chou Fu-Hai, today was sen tenced to death for treason. Chou, also finance minister ' l Iun tja U Iran THE QUINTUPLETS always ut this gnat rub for COUGHStCOLDS Child'! Mild J Sunnyside Community club held a Halloween party follow ing the business session. Chosen for the best costumes were, pri mary room, Barbara Graham, Dale Bunse. Upper grades, Car ol Arisman, Westly Craig. Adults. Mrs. R. A. Green, Mrs. Eugene Lomax, Clifford Feller SMUDGY WOODWORK? RUBBER HEEL MARKS? Most folks like a change- Clean them with 38 inTSOF & for the Japanese puppet govern ment during the war, was ar rested V-J day and although detained in prison was given the most privileged of treat ment. He was expected to re ceive continued special privi leges despite his conviction as a collaborationist. if I ?hi,wwi i rmwium MajaMtotw FTri-iffffmtiM.iMi mi n. v zar ., ut m Grading Potatoes This picture of a Deschutes county potato grading crew in action illustrates me care mai is taken by grow ers in all of the commercial potato growins sections in harvesting and marketing this year's oversize crop of some 15,000 carloads. Retailers are currently featuring Oregon potatoes and onions as "abundant foods." ' gantry, falter i Sunday Ian Fare I , Devilled E!?K i Chicken Paprika i . Saotstrlna" I Buttered Spinach ( . Molded Tomato Salad Hot Bacon Rolls , Bananas in Rum Chicken Paprika 1 3'4 or 3'a lb. broiler, Irier or roaitllut ' chicken 1 K cup fat 1 Vi cup chopped onion ' 1 teaspoon Salt 1 teaspoon Hungarian paprika 1 cup sour cream ' S tablespoon! flour ' 1 tablespoon lemon iuire ! Cook onion in fal until soft I snd slightly golden brown. Add j chicken cut in serving pieces, paprika, salt and a little water. Cover and cook gently until i tender. Add water from time to time if necessary to prevent ! b u r n i r g. Blend flour with 1 enough water to make a smooth ! paste, then stir in cream. Add to chicken and simmer about , five minutes longer to cook flour thoroughly. Taste and add more , seasonings, if desired. Bananas in Rum 1 4 bananas ' Brown lUfir Rum Split bananas in half length- wise, and place them in a but . tered baking dish. Dot liberally ' with brown sugar and pour rum 1 over them. Bake in a hot oven. Sunday's Meal Will Be a Star (Recipes serve four) Casserole of Duck in Sour Cream 1 5-or 8-pound duck 4 tablespoons tax .. Hour Bait Pepper 1 onion, chopped flna I tablespoons chopped parala Pinch of rosemary Pinch of thymo Clova of garlio 1 cup clarat pint sour cream Have butcher cut duck into ecJrving pieces. Dredge pieces In Hour and sear them well in the fat. Place in baking dish and season with salt and pepper. Add the chopped giblets, onion, parsley, rosemary, thyme and garlic. Pour claret over this and place cover on baking dish. Place in 350" oven and cook for one and one-half hours. Add sour cream, cover baking dish and return to oven and continue cooking until duck is lender, about one-half hour longer. Serve with fuffy rice and but tered turnips. 7. . rtsnets 4VHEAT GERM It's So Easy. ..Let's Have Hot CORd BREAD tonight JX. MADE WITH Cin CORN BREAD MIX NOTHING TO ADD BUT WATER Thn all end bok. ' quick. .ft oiy. And what dalicioui corn bread) HqKI, haorty, gold. Con lain i ggi, milk, lugor, shortening. You too will ioyi "H'l o Cinch to nako odd water, mix and bake." AT YOUR OROCIRS jl?!l?tjmr tECireS OH JCSUKE MAGIC! Cleanall does ALL the work! Simply apply Clearull cream with soft cloth or brush according to directions .. then wipe it off I . . it's just that easy 1 Leaves painted surfaces like ntw. Easier than dusting. ..TO DEALERS EVERYWHERE It you or itnoot. to bur CUomII t yowr mrocw. writ box 2)61. Portfoitd, Off. Of n CAtt 2022 egg; j kffi&tf-bccause ff sells sotasf! i vff mm m mm i lrtK$ You also get ttyt cereal in KeUocs's VARIETY 6 different cereals, 10 generous packages, in one handy carton! VMiiinsniii by Ktln Prtvlyci. !. HERE IT IS... the cleaner you've dreamed about! New Super Kenu is jusr what you've been looking for! A combinttion i of the finest cleaning material J J known to give you the beat results ! you're ever seen-wjth less work J and in less lime than you'd believe possible. Suds golort-fer dlihti and laundry Fait, hard hitting dirt rt i movol action Creai cuitlng action set ' ond to none Water conditioning - .ffc ! tlve In any water " Instant penolratlon and fait i Ireo riming ' fecientinc pH Control gies Super Kcnu amazing cleaning power-jet ; it's safe for your finest washable .tfabrics-so gentle to tender hands. ; Super Kenu is made especially jar you to lighten all your houseclean ' ing and washing-dishes, laundry, .floors, walls and woodwork, pots and pans-yes, you'll want to use . Super Kenu for everything! 0 ?S Gat o thrifty of Kenu at your grocer't today t "Lightens Hweuvrk thru Chtmhtry N P3 m SALEM'S RETAIL PACKING PLANT 351 STATE STREET Best Quality Inspected Meats ORE.S.D.A.X IT'S EASY PICKING . At this market. The Inrjfe variety of cuts enables you (o select exactly what you want. If you were to buy your meal by (he quarter or half, the different cuts would cost you as much (and sometimes more) than we retail them for. We sell inspected meats only. SWISS CUT PLATE-RIB ARM AND BLADE ROUND STEAK BEEF BOIL BEEF ROASTS 50c lb. 23c lb. 35c lb. A swiss steak simmered plain or in tomato sauce makes a tempting morsel. No charge for cubing. BONELESS BONELESS BONELESS SIRLOIN STEAK BEEF CUBES RUMP ROAST All Meat To Braise No Waste 55c lb. 45c lb. 50c lb. It's real economy to buy the above boneless cuts. They are all meat no waste, easy to prepare. An unlimited supply of cuts from the finest small, eastern corn-fed porkers. They have that light color, tender texture and delicious flavor. DAINTY" LEAN SMALL TENDER SMALL PICNICS LOIN CHOPS PORK STEAK PORK ROAST 5Sc lb. Sic lb. 45c lb. Pl'RE HOME-MADE I , nuuriTf PORK SAUSAGE WIENERS LUNCH MEATS It's All Pork Small Ones Tast-V T"",s SSc lb. 48c lb. 48c lb. SLICED SLICED FRESH PORK LIVER BEEF LIVER GROUND BEEF 25c lb. 30c lb. 40c lb. real smoked A plentiful supply of the LIVER SAUSAGE PORK SAUSAGE cuts we advertise. When you see it in our ad, its 35c lb. I 6Qc lb. I so All-Day Armistice Day Celebration VFW Hall Everybody Welcome that's why most folks like Wheatena -it's "different" Gosh, Wheatena tastes good! It'sadeliciouschange for breakfast! It's good for you, too. Wheatena is de licious and nutritious full of "builder-uppers." Have Wheatena for breakfast to morrow morning! DIFMKINCI WITH A PlUSi . Wheatena cooks quick aa coffee. . Wheatena is a super builder-upper. . Wheatena has nut-like flavor. . So-e-o change to Wheatena lamerrewt Hu WhMlaaa CMMnHaa, Wkaalmlls, laknr, N. X Prices Continue to Fall at SAVING CENTER o 52 H H a H H SO o H Grade A BUTTER Pond 79c Price Continues Low This Week, Anyway! U. S. No. 2 Klamath Potatoes 50iisk.79c You Save at Least 16c a Sack! M Fargo Brand In Case You Didn't Can This Year m H a M O W H a a M W I i a a m o a a o H a H u H '-a o H E5 Apricots Whok 24-Can Case W0.7Vi J5.49 CANS 23c: Rib Beef Steak This price is 3c under the last OPA price celling h-1 05 Lb31cl Chuck Beef Roast Same as the last OPA price celling 28c Deep South a H M a Orange Juice . can 33c This Hem Ts Reallv Down! Price Was 59c "C" Grade JOHNATHAN AND DELICIOUS Apples This Is an Excellent Value Compared 'with the Past! Buy American Brand Bo 1.49 PEAS NO. 2 The Price Is Down from 11c CANS lie a w a a Berko o 3 H Ci w H a a Xfi H Pudding CHOCOLATE AND BUTTERSCOTCH 3tt-19c These Sweet Items Are Getting More Plentiful Our Own Product! a eg CO ICECREAM Qu 33c I Also 5e and 1flc Cups and lac Sundaes All Flavors No Limit q PRICES GOOD FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY g aa T "I ADWS ((CEMTEK so tfl 2fl SALEW VEST SALEXt