10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Nov. 7, 1916 Pantry fall er A Tempting: Combination I Melon Halves I Limb Cube with Mushrooms ind , Curry I Eicfl and Pen Rim I Pan fried Okra I Heart of Lettuce f Russian Dresslns i Cottage Pudding with Marmalade I Rauce i (Recipes Serve Four) !L:imb Cubes With Mushrooms 2 cups cooked lamb, cubed V V teaspoon curry powder Salt, and pepper ( I table peons butter or Iamb fat t 1 teaspoon scraped onion i hi pound mushrooms, sliced, or one can i ot button mushrooms 3 tablespoons flour ll'r cups Iiot lamb stock i Sprinkle lamb cubes with curry powder and season with salt and pepper. Melt butler or lamb fat, add onion and mushrooms and cook for one minute. Add Iamb. Sprinkle ivilh flour and stir until well blended. Add lamb stock and stir and cook until mixture boils. Cook 15 minutes longer. Add more seasoning if required. Serve in center of rice and pea ring. Appetizing and Different Bret Soup Crpamcd Sweetbreads with AJmondK Rirrd Chestnuts Kohlrabi Stuffed with Shiimkf Cnnifse Cabbage and Lettuce Grape and Orange Ice (Recipes Serve Four) Bed Soup 2 small tcets 2 tablespoons vinegar J 1 onion, slfced 2 tablespoons butter or mareanne 4 lablospon.'. flour 1 cju rt vegetable stork 4 chicken bouillon cubes fit teaspoons rait h cup sour crmin Salt and cayenne to tabte ; Boil beets and remove kins, Cut in thin sices and place in bowl with vinegar. Let them stand until color is extracted Cook onion in butter or mar garine without browning for five minutes. Add flour and when blended with butter add gradually the vegetable stock and chicken bouillon cubes. Stir until boiling point has been reached, then add salt. Add beets and vinegar and simmer for ten minutes. Rub through a sieve, reheat and add sour cream, salt and cayenne to taste. Serve with extra sour cream. Kohlrabi Stuffed With Sausage 1 timet) kohlrabi U pound sausaue meat 2 tablespoon bread crumbs Wash and pare the kohlrabi and cook until tender in boiling salted water. Remove centers and stuff witli sausage meat which has been slightly cooked. Cover with bread crumbs and bake at 350 until very hot and crumbs are nicely browned. Cook 1 t in a Casserole Aitirholies In Oil Scalloped Chicken and Spinach Broiled Mushrooms Leu lice with Roquelort Dreulnz Fruit Salad Fritters 'Recipes Serve Four) Artichokes in Oil I tin artichokes In oil Lettuce H-pe olives French dressing Drain artichokes and arrange on heart leaves of lettuce. Chop the ripe olives fine and sprinkle over artichokes. Top with French dressing. Scalloped Chicken and Spinach l'j nips R'hlC saiirp Co)fcid spinpot Leftover chicken Buttered crumbn In a buttered casserole dish piace a layer of cooked spinach, cover with a layer of sliced cold chicken, then cover with sauce. Continue layering until all in gredients are used up. making top layer sauce. Cover with but tered crumbs and bake until ..Jl.t. Three simple steps . . . that's all It takes to serve waffles for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It's Duff's that does the trick. Perfect results fivory timel Amu IIomi Foam me fe X REUSH IS PART OF THE HAMBURGER Relish makes hamburgers real . . . and far more delicious. Nal ley's HAMBURGER RELISH is a favorite. heated through and crumbs are brown. Fruit Salad Fritters ,i cup flour t tablespoon augar '. teaspoon sail s cup water 1 egg white, beater, mff 1 cup mixd fruit, fresh or canned, cut In pteceji Mix flour, sugar and salt. Add water gradually. Fold in beaten egg white. Add fruit. Drop by spoonfuls into hot fat and cook until brown on all sides. Drain on brown paper and sprinkle with sugar. Place in broiling oven to glaze and serve hot with fruit sauce. A Good Starter for Any Meal JeLied Tomato with Alligator Pear Broiled Liver Plate Buttered Noodles Carrot Balls Banana and Peanut Salad Coffee Souffle 'Recipes Serve Four) Jellied Tomato and Alligator Pear 1 tablespoon gelatin ' 2 tablespoons cold water 'a cup tomato mice Bit of bay leaf 1 tablespoon sugar teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 cup cold tomato Juice 3 tablespoons vinegar 1 tablespoon lemon Juic. Alligator pear, diced Mayonnaise Soak gelatin in cold water. Combine tomato juice, bay leaf, sugar, salt and onion and heat to boiling point. Add gelatin and stir until dissolved. Strain. Combine coid tomato juice, vin egar and lemon juice and add to gelatin mixture. Turn into ring moid. Chill. Turn out on serv ing plate and fill center with alligator pear dice looped with mayonnaise. Coffee Souffle 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 tablespoons flout ' cup strong coffee ' cup cream 2tablespoons powdered a'lxar 2 egg yolks, beaten light 2 egg whites, beaten stiff Granulated augar Whipped cream Melt butter or margarine in saucepan and add flour. When blended add combined coffee and cream, stirring until mix ture is smooth. All powdered sugar and stir until mixture be gins to boil. Remove from heat and add egg yolks. Cool and fold in egg whites. Turn into greased baking dish, sprinkle with granulated sugar and bake at 400 degrees 15 minutes. Serve immediately, topped with whipped cream. A New England Favorite Frankfurters with Crewt Baked Beans with Tomato, pimiento and Onion Jellied Horseradish Salad Banana Upside Down Cake (Recipes Serve Four) Frankfurters with Cress Cook frankfurters and cut them in thin diagonal slices Garnish with watercress. Baked Beans with Tomato, Pi miento and Onion l'j cups pea beans t cup gtewed tomatoes, strained 1 cup Mock 2 pimientoes. rubbed through a sieve 1 onion, chopped fine 1 thin slice garlic, citopped fine cup shortening 2 teaspoons aalt Soak beans overnight. Drain and parboil until soft. Place in baking dish, add stewed toma toes, stock, pimientoes, onion. garlic, shortening and salt. Mix well, cover and cook at 250 several hours or until sauce ,s nearly absorbed. Jellied Horseradish Salad 'i tablespoon gelatin 's tablespoon cold water ' cup evaporated milk ' teaspoon salt ,3 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon chopped pistachio nuts U cup grated horseradish L-mon Juict Lettuce Paprika Soak gelatin in cold water. Scald evaporated milk, add gela tin and stir until dissolved. Chill thoroughy and when cold beat until light, add rest of ingredi ents, using lemon juice to taste. Turn into individual molds and chill. Unmold on crisp lettuce and spinkle with paprika. The first territorial prison in Arizona was erected at Yuma in 1876. Leaders Called to Dallas Dallas There will be a meet ing of the Polk county 4-H local leaders association Saturday, at 10:00 a.m at the city hall, Dallas, according to Mrs. Georgia Emmerson, president of the county Local Leaders associa tion. The purpose of the meet ing is tc get new local leaders better acquainted with the club work program in the country. Mrs. Viola B. Shaffer and Russell T. Daulton, assistant county agent, and perhaps a representative from the state club office will be present. CiirnricA Fnmilu Antiotitocf This substantial dish makes s delicious change . . . Ready in a jiffy... Economical, too... Label gives directions for many thrilling variations... At your grocers. TllT J'YYINE CHOP SUEY or CHOW MEIN M E AT t ESS PsT-.... A Family Serving In Each Can, ftcdy io Serve Jun Ileal and Eai. Make common foods uncommonly good! This zcstful new flavor in glass shaker with moisture proof top adds delicious goodness. j 6ARIIC SAIT ONION SAIT CILIRY SALT f SAVOH S A IT SIASONING Schilling SYRUP Refiners Syrup Quart Jars .unit CRANBERRY SAUCE OCEAN SPRAY 3 Tins 1 Tin 2.1c FRUIT JUICES New Low Prices! GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 97c Adams' Florida Sweetened Big 46 oz. tin ' " ORANGE JUICE QQa Adams' Sweetened 46 oz " BLENDED JUICE Q7C Orange and Grapefruit, Sweetened 46 oz PRUNE JUICE Sunsweel 47 oz. tins..' APPLE JUICE S & V 12 oz BABY FOOD Clapps' Strained 3 tins 21c MUSTARD Kraft Horseradish 8c Jar Western Meat Balls Broadcatt t November 9, 1946 1 lb. twlc. ground 2 tabUtpoon ihort meat an ing Vi cup qutcacooa Vi cup finl cut ing rolled oats onion l'j tatpoon aali VI cup bottled bar few grain pepper bacue sauce Vi cup Pel Milk l'i cups walar 2 tablespoon flour 2lA cups drained. 1 teaspoon paprika whole kernel corn, cooked or canned Mix together meat, rolled oats, 1 teasp. salt, the pepper and milk. Shape into 8 balls. Roll in mixture of flour, paprika and remaining Vi teasp. salt. Brown in hot shortening. Add onion; cook slowly 5 min. Stir in mixture of barbecue lauce and water. Cover; simmer 4? min., turn ing meat balli occasionally. Add corn; heat thoroughly. Makes 4 serv inga. VcaI, Iamb, lean pork or beef can be used. you Witt Need: PET MILK GROUND MEAT ROLLED OATS BARBECUE SAUCE Nestle.. .. 10 bring yon rvapnraicd milk with iOO units ot genuine vitamin D, per pint.., full duly minimum for inf.uu..,, children and adults. And it's Dj, a form of vitamin D produced naturally in the human body by sunshine. Ask your doctor why you should NestlE your baby. ond Nestles for coffee, far cooking! Taste a tcaspooiil'ul riqht from the can. You'll like the rich flavor of NtbTLes Milk . . .and w hat a flavor-boost for codec, for cooking Try it now ! Uestle. "Ctlnl EVAPORATED ' 1 mux ""xixOinouasio 1 pr 101 CREAMING VIGiTAUES-UU HI MILK ORANGES, 288 Size . 2 doz. 69c Utah Celery 7C lb. Zucchini Squash 2 lbs. 25c also Fancy Egg' Plant Artichokes Hot House Tomatoes and New Crop Nuts Filberts - Walnuts - Pecans Brazil - Mixed Nuts USE PET MILK IN COOKING.-.IT'S THRIFTY SOUP NOODLE MIX 25t? Maggi 3 Pkgs. GRAVY POWDER Ofi Maggi I'kg. 'V PRUNES XQth Local Full Mealed 2 lbs. PEANUTS 25C Circus Blanched Tin BEANS AND HAM 27C Kingwood Brand No. 2 tin HONEY 1 10 Fancy 48 oz. jar TOMATO SOUP Campbell's 101 CREAMING VEGETAIIES USt PET MlUf I , IOC PEAS Oregon Harvest... .2 No. 2 tins 29C ASPARAGUS XCtk Tasty Pak Cuts, Grcen....No. 2 tin PUMPKIN Del Monte No. 2'i tin CARROTS He Del Monte Diced ...No. 303 glass MUSHROOMS XQrt Shady Oak Pieces & Stems, 4 oz. J " CLAMS The Finest Minced Razors CAKE FLOUR Pillsbury's Pkg. CORN BREAD MIX 22fi Cinch Tin ALL WH1TK MIC AT LIMIT SIX CAKE MIX 2SC Devil-? Food BROOMS Good Straw MOPS AO Head Attached CLEANSER Gold Dust 3 tins CHEEZ-IT i2e CRACKERS Pkg. MEAT DEPT. BEST QUALITY BEEF - VEAL - PORK Roasting Hens CTrt dressed and drawn. ...3 IS Fryers 73c lb. Rabbitb 61c lb. BORAXO 1a For Clean Hands Tin MARSHMALLOW CREME Pints 33C COFFEE Borden's Instant.. 39C 260 NORTH LIBERTY 'Where Price and Quality Meet" PHONE 3161 sthir JmMi Hath j fftdmtt