6 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1946 J4oileSS Jelei tauqliler-in-io aw oCuncli neon By Jean Taylor ' Mrs. Wilmer C. Paso was hostess Wednesday afternoon for a 1 o'clock luncheon at her p4B home in Chemekcta street hon oring her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wilmer H. Page. Following the luncheon hour, ipontract bridge was in play. Bouquets of yellow chrysanthe mums were arranged about the room and to center the luncheon table. ' Covers were placed for Mrs. Ij'age, Mrs. Carlton McLeod, ilrs. Wayne Hadley, Mrs. Rich "ard Chambers, Mrs. Benjamin iVhisenand, Mrs. William L. "Phillips, Jr., Mrs. John Copen ijiaver, Mrs. Russell Beardsley, Irs. Stuart McElhinny, Mrs. Max McMillan, Mrs. William H iBurghardt and the hostess, Mrs. ;-page. - WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY; Campus Clippings by Marilee u Off to the big city this week-end what an exciting game that "Was! We laughed and laughed when Dean Thomas nearly fell "off the bleachers taking Dotty Boyd with him during those last 'minutes of play when WU made the tieing touchdown. Spied Ben jUoser and Mita Woleridge . . . Mita smooth in a black suit . . . -9 'Couple To 3e Salemites Arrived In the capital are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schiess, who have taken an apartment 'nt 915 South 12th street. n Miss Eleanor Christenson and ,Mr. Schiess were married Sep tember 13 at Redfiold, S. D., the bride's home, and came west ..on their wedding trip, stopping at Yellowstone National park. " She Is the daughter of Mr. i4 nd Mrs. Martin Christenson of "Hedfield and he Is the son of i.Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schiess of -Salem. Their marriage took jjlace at St. Bernard's parish 'with a reception following. Rev. Mocian officiated. JJ Mrs. Ralph James was her fdster'g only attendant and Ray 'chless was his brother's best "man. Mr. and Mrs. Schiess, )Trudy and Ray Schiess went Lo South Dakota for the wed 'tling. The bride nerved In the iWAVES for two years. The ' couple met when both were .Stationed in Miami. Recently released from the navy as a "lieutenant, he served four years ns a pilot, party in the South Pacific. He is a graduate of Salem High school, attending San Mateo Junior college and the University of Oregon. He is now with the Salem Steel and Supply company. Costume Jewelry 441 COURT ST. J New President Takes Meeting The Salem Credit Women's Breakfast club held the first meeting of the year under the new officers on Tuesday morn ing at Nohlgrens. Mrs. Ethel Gallinger, the club's new presi dent, took charge. Mrs. Estcllc Burton, retiring historian, read the history of the club for the past year. Mrs. Bessie Kayscr spoke on the coming Columbia basin re gional meeting to be held No vember 17 at the New Heath man hotel. Guests for Tuesday morning's breakfast were: Miss Marjorie Aschlimann of Loder Bros., Miss Ruby Wicdcr of Montgomery Ward and Mrs. Vclma Davis of the credit bureaus. Her many Salem friends re gret to know that Mrs. Lynn McLachlan, who has made her home in Salem, moved Monday to Ontario, where Mr. Mac Lachlan is in business and they have taken a house. Olson Fritz and Clarence Anunset went sailing along for a post- game snack, still wearing the honeymoon glow . . . we liked to hear Portland's comments about the "small school's pep py spirit". It might as well be spring the diamond crop is terrific. New sparklers are shining on Mary Beth Snow, Ginger Bar ton, Terry Oaks, and Addy Lou Snoddy. Lucky men are Herb Lucas, "Artie" Shaw, Palmer Lee, and David Holmes. Clever notes . . . Pat Howard's watch fob, fashioned from a charm bracelet . . . Carola Hay's Chinatown costume pin, a jeweled water carrier with ivory jugs suspended from Iris shoulder. Signs of the times is ASWU prexy Clarence Wick's daily ride from home to the nursery, carrying small daughter Judy in the bicycle basket. Every one's beaming about the good start the married students' clu'j is off to, under capable Bob Hill. Mighty nice. Making rhythm on the dance floor Saturday night were Bob Fletcher and Pat Miller , . . Highland School Mothers' club will hold a regular month ly session at the auditorium Thursday at 1:15 o'clock. .ante A CHRISTMAS CARDS Our Christmas Card Dis play is the most complete in the city, and is brim mine; with a distinctive and colorful assortment of attractive individual Christmas cards. You will also find a wide assort ment of gay wrapping papers, tags, seals and ribbons. Box Assortments 5c to $2.00 Nnmos.s. Hall Mark, Gibson, Rust Craft Christmas Notepapers Novelty Ideas and Notes Individual Christmas Cards The sddDODD no; 305-313 Court Street Phone 3808 f-lan of? Tuesday morning, 10 o'clock, at the YWCA fifteen members of the Salem General hospital auxiliary met with Mrs. Chand ler Brown, president, in charge of the meeting. Plans were discussed for the coming benefit tea to be given by the hospital Thursday, No vember 21, at the home of Mrs. Asel Eoff. The group appointed Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Robert Joseph and Mrs. Homer Goulet, Jr., to serve with the Salem Council of Women's Organizations. In the mail soon, announced Mrs. Brown, will be a news letter giving information on the hospital, its past accomplish ments and its present and future needs. Rebekaks Take New Members Two candidates, Mrs. Dae Stafford and Mrs. Louise Pat rick were initiated at Monday evening's meeting of the Salem Rebekah lodge with Mrs. Albert Bcckman presiding. Placing the wreath on the monument Armistice day will be Mrs. Justina Kildee, chap lain. Committee assisting the Odd Fellows at the meeting honor ing A. J. Lenon of Portland, is composed of Mrs. Ray Webb, Mrs. V. A. Cochran, Mrs. Lulu Wilson, Mrs. Clifford Chassee, Mrs. Albert Beckman and Mrs. Hazel Price. Visitor from Boise was Mrs. Idella Hcaton. as well as visi tors from Silvcrton, Stayton, Mill City and Turner lodges. Hostesses were Mrs. Gue Erickson, Mrs. Grant Murphy and Mrs. F. French. The Three Links club will meet Friday afternoon in the ladies club room and the FL Girls will meet with Mrs. Wen dell Ewing. . The North Salem W.C.T.U. will meet at Mrs. Barham's, 14.13 State street, at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. Reports from slate convention held at Pen dleton will be given by Mrs. Clara Cooley, Mrs. Helen Em mert, Mrs. Nora Van Lyde graph, and Miss Ruth Brock the delegates. Devotions will be in charge of Mrs. Richard T. Fine. The Florence Vail Missionary society of Calvary Baptist church will meet in the Fire place room at the church at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. FOR LOVELY PACKAGES Colorful Gift Wrap pings and Ribbons Matched Wrappings by Hallmark and Norcross L Hal Hibbard Plans Party The United Spanish War Vet erans' Hall Hibbard camp and auxiliary met in regular ses sion in the V.F.W. hall. The auxiliary Initiated Mrs. W. W. Harder. Substantial funds were do nated for Christmas cheer to veterans' hospitals at Portland and Roseburg; to general hos pital fund for bed lamps; to Leonard Wood memorial and to the Carville hospital. A Stanly party was announc ed at the home of Mrs. Letty Brown at 335 South 19th, No vember 12 at 8 p.m. New Auxiliary To Be Formed Instituted at a meeting to be held at the VFW hall the eve ning of December 3, will be the auxiliary to the all-navy Beaver post of the VFW. Officers elect ed Tuesday night will be in stalled at that time and invited to do the floor work for the ceremony are members of the auxiliary of Battleship Oregon post of the VFW in Portland. Newly elected officers are president, Mrs. Irvin Bryan; senior vice president, Mrs. Joe Hopkins; junior vice president, Mrs. Wallace Atkinson; treas urer, Mrs. William Hyder; chap lain, Mrs. Chester Tucker; con ductress, Mrs. LeRoy Johnson; guard, Mrs. LeRoy Hornchusch; trustee for one year, Mrs. Jesse McNeil; trustee for two years, Mrs. Lydia Case, and trustee for three years. Miss Naomi Hornchusch. Mrs. George Dunsmore was appointed as sec retary. Mrs. Hadley Is Hostess Mrs. Wayne Hadley was hos tess for a dessert bridge Mon day evening at her home in Howard street honoring Mrs. Russell Beardsley who with Mr. Beardsley, and son James, leaves soon for Oakland, Calif., to reside. Honoring Mrs. Beardsley were Mrs. Craig Coyner. Mrs. George La Vatta, Mrs. Victor Collins, Jr., Mrs. Wilmer H. Page, Mrs. Gordon Keith, Mrs. Charles Powers, Mrs. Alan Siewert, Mrs. Milton Hartwell, Mrs. Robert Findlcy. Miss Beth Siewert and the hostess. Alumnae members of Kappa Alpha Thcta are invited to at tend a meeting of the group to be held Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Lora Taylor Hawkins, 155 West Lincoln st. Assisting Mrs. Hawkins will be Mrs. Richard Slater. ll'w l jL make your own rlvV. FINE CRETONNES! FINE -f$ $ TEXTURES! ALL PRICED LOW K ' l; Gorgeous prints In fresh, clear val-dyed jjfiK'y, Sf i colors! All ore fade-resistantl Some ore ; pre-shrunkl Buy nowl Mote beautiful new m t 'Sj ''P covers' a'raPer'es an 9et yur riome i y ' 4pc l IV. dressed up for the exciting holidays ahead. I i V B?)'!- 54" Cretonne M y -Hk irls k . . 1.49 diariei lfliler5 Cjotden lAJeclding. Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. William Charles Miller of Wood burn celebrated their golden wedding anniversary November 4 with more than 200 relatives and friends in attendance during the day. A mass was held at St. Luke s Catholic church at 9 a.m. with Father V. L. Moffenbeier offi ciating and two grandsons of the goldenweds, Dennis and Allan Miller, serving at the mass. Miss Ernestine Nathman sang and Mrs. E. S. Donnelly was at the organ. A wedding dinner was served at noon at the Laurel cafe with covers for 46 relatives and guests. A special guest was Father Snidcrhon of Beaverton who was in charge of the Wood burn parish 27 years ago. A reception was held at St. Luke's hall from 2 to 5 in the afternoon. Mrs. A. G. Cowan cut the wedding cake. Mrs. Floyd L Maricle presided at the coffee urn and Mrs. Eugene Wohlheter at the punch bowl. Serving were granddaughters of the honored couple, Mrs. Walter Scarborough, Jr., Misses Marjorie and Betty Miller, and Misses Annette and LaVonne Whitney of Portland. Mrs. Aris ta Nendel was in charge of the guest book. Assisting about the room were daughters and daughters-in-law, Mrs. Ellis Whitley of Port land, Mrs. Otto P. Miller, of Woodburn. Mrs. William Miller, Jr. and Mrs. Bernard Miller of Beaverton and Mrs. Jesse Rigdon of Barlow. Out of state relatives attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller of Hutchinson, Minn., Mrs. Hattie Held of Minneapolis, Melvin Held of Vallejo, Cali fornia, Mrs. Charles Sperry and Mrs. Victor Erickson of Oak land, Calif., Mrs. William Al bany and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of San Francisco. Business Girls In Week-end Meet Business and industrial girls division of the YWCA will gather at Vancouver, B. C, No vember 16 and 17 for a week end conference. Four will go from the Salem YW, the group to include Miss Marjorie Wells, director of the young adult program of the YW here; Miss Betty Dotson, Miss Elinor Danielson, and Miss Ellen Van Arsdale. Underground Sprinkling Systems ... We Have Ma terial, Work Dona Now. Costs Less. C. 8. WHITCOMB CO. Phone 21619 Free Estimates Un Wardi Monthly Faymnl Plan le Ceiebrale nmuerdari. Tri Belts at Caughell Home Twenty-five members of Del ta Delta Delta met Monday eve ning at the home of Mrs. John R. Caughell at her home in North Cottage street. Mrs. Charles Clark is presi dent of the group. Following dessert, a business meeting was held. Maccabees, Capital Tent Hive 84D, will hold a regular review at the Beaver hall, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Final plans will be made for the spe cial meeting to be held at the VFW hall, November 14 when Portlanc' Maccabees put on the initiation degree. All Macca bees are welcome to attend. Salem chapter, American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., meet ing usually held the first Thurs day, November 7, has been postponed to the second Thurs day, Nov. 14, 8 o'clock at the YWCA. Business meeting is scheduled and dedication of flags. The Central Lutheran Ladies Aid society will meet Thurs day at 2 p.m. at the home of Reverend R. A. Krueger, 1405 N. Summer street. The pastor will speak on the China, Mada gascar missions. Hostesses are Mrs. E. Halvorson and Mrs. Ray Dahlen. baby s mi nc I JT'JM Re Relieve misery direct without "dasinaJ " RUB ON w VAPORoe wow y- i .A 1 "V $Jf&'& USE NESTtE BABY HAIR TREATMENT It's limptt. Start using Baby Hair Treat ment when second hair is one inch long, formi adorable curls and ringlets. $1.00 bottle makes one full quart, Willett's Capital Drug Store Corner State and Liberty Phone 3118 tuy : OREGON STATE COLLEGE- Campus Clippings By Helen Paulson Beaver spirit was really booming this week-end as Oregon Staters prepared for Dad's Day and the Stanford game. Friday night's torchlight parade was one of the most thrilling events of the term . . . over one thousand students carrying torches were led by the Oregon State band through the campus. A rally on the intermural field followed the parade . . . playing in the Ore gon State band was SPE Roy Houck . . . Hundreds of dads (some mothers too) arrived Saturday morning for Dad's Day . . . seen talking to friends in the MU were Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Arens and son Jim . . . After a general meeting, the fathers were con ducted on a tour of the campus. In the afternoon the game with Stanford kept everyone's blood pressure up . . . Helen Shep ard, Charlotte Alexander, and George Alexander were seen in the Stanford rooting section . . . Helen flew up from Palo Alto $10 THIS AD IS DAYS TO ENROLL AT THIS PRICE MONDAY TO SATURDAY. 12 NOON to 10 P.M. OUR PRE-5EA50N OFFER After 7 Successful Years In Portland LEARN TO DANCE Fox Trot Waltz Jitterbug Tango Rumba Samba Beginners Advanced Ladies Gentlemen All Ages 14 JUST THINK OF IT! One-Hour Lessons Complete No More COME IN TODAY OR CALL 626 OREGON INSTITUTE OF DANCING Convenient Downtown Location 155 SOUTH LIBERTY Our lovely Imperial iP Washable Wallpapers fTM t jiS I can make a "day-and- Bm iiM 'JM night" difference in mri ' your home. And every vJ-1? one of them is guar- , jr f'fRf' si an teed washable and r For Your Craftsman REX WALL SIZE 1 lb. pkg JQg KA-NA-BA Wallpaper Wax Waterproofs Regular Wallpaper $1.75 Quarts TRIMZ Ready Pasted Wallpaper $1.59 10 $2.49 perRo11 ANYONE CAN PAPER A ROOM WITH TRIMZ CEDAR CLOSET PAPER DDT TREATED f AO READY PASTED Per Roll 470 VAN LUIT HAND PRINTED SCENICS As Advertised in "House Beautiful" Sets of from 2 to 8 Panels $22.00 to $60.00 Wallpaper Mezzanine - for the game and spent the week-end in Salem with her parents. At the dance Saturday night, Madeline Keene was escorted by her handsome father, Roy S. Keene . . . another good-looking Salem couple at the dance was Arleen Frogley and Keith Olson. A card parly will be held Thursday evening at St. Vin cent de Paul hall, sponsored by the altar society of the church. Beginning at 8:15 o'clock, the party will feature auction, pin ochle and 500. Refreshments will be served. $10 WORTH no to Pay ! For Your Craftsman Or Your Own Use BLOT-X Wallpaper Cleaner Per rk 3Sc SYNALAC Wallpaper Lacquer Waterproofs and Preserves 47c Pints 340 Court Strtet