2 Capilal Journal, Salem, Council Acts Upon Routine Silverton at the brief busi ness meeting of the Silverton city council Monday evening, ,two liquor permits were ap proved, one asked for by Marie Lanners, and the other by Eu igene Hart and Frank Vlasic of "Bud and Frank" place. ! The offer of Ed Woare of $450 for building lot, No. J 6. Parkside addition, was refused although it was disclosed that the city had only $416 obliga tion on the lot. Members of the council suggested that the 'lot was was worth more money 'to the city. ,' By amendment to ordinance .No. 340, designated as No. 359, Adams street residents were granted their request for a home building restriction of $2500, iwhich comments from the al dermen to the effect that they Considered the restriction too low. ; Settling a city lien with the owner of a property area be tween First and Second streets .known as the Nicol section, was left to the discretion of the city attorney, Rex Albright, and the, city manager. Robert Borland. Arthur Dahl's request for the city to buy a new siren for the old fire truck to replace the one in use for more than 20 years, was granted. Dahl, fire chief, said he would remove the old siren, re-make It and use it on the chief's car. New type of fire h06e nozzles are to be bought for the volunteer fire men at the request of Dahl. Falls City Rev. Stanley Walker of the Free Methodist church left Mon day on a week's tour of the youth work of the church. He will be at Grants Pass, Browns ville and several other places In southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Reed and family spent the week end at Alsea with his sister's fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Roily Rice. Halloween was a gay event to the children. The trick and treaters visited many homes and were liberally treated. Mrs. George Graves is im proving from her recent opera tion. The Gideons from Dallas had charge of the evening services at the Christian church Sunday. They ang several quartet num bers, gave testimonies and a short message. Mrs. Mary Westbrook has gone to Portland where she hns employment. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wheeler and son, Frnnkie of Valsotz apent the week wiih her moth er. Mrs. Nellie Mack, of Oak Crest park. Pvt. James Wilson is home on a 10-day furlough from San Diego. He is with the marine corps. Mr. and Mrs. Edd York, .son Edwin, and Miss Mnrgarel Sealer of Woodburn altendcd the wedding of York's niece in Portland Friday. Vacation Assured Pupils at Lincoln Lincoln Three now pupils were enrolled at Lincoln school ihis month including Duane An derson in lhe seventh grade, Darwin, sixth and Onry first. The Andorxon family moved here this fall from near Kt. Paul, Minn., and have rented the Rev. Gelzendanner farm. Lincoln school children wilt have a four day recess when Teachers Institute will be held Friday, Nov. 8 at Dallas and school will be dismissed until November 12, day after Armis tice day. Mrs. R. W. Hammer, Lincoln teacher, and Mrs. Lloyd Allen, teacher at Zona plan to attend institute together. Mrs. Dokey Honored Falls City A pink and blue shower was given Mrs. Arthur Dokey ( Wilma Dunn way ) at lOOF hull. Games were plnyed and Mrs. Ora Wilson won the prizes. Refreshments were served. Among the guests pres ent were the four generations of the Dunaway family. Mrs. Fiurl Visiting Lincoln A Lincoln matron who is spending two months visiting relatives in California is Mrs. Fanny Emel. She left here en route to Anderson, Calif., a week ago nnd expects to visit at Pain Alto, Los An geles and San Diego before re turning home. fC3 Highlights It's blended A BETTER BLEND Ore., Wednesday, Nov. fi, 1946 Grand Island Charles Sargeanl has return ed home after an elk hunting trip in eastern Oregon. "No luck" was reported. Mrs. Lena Nicholson of West Salem, Mrs. Lola Dornhecker and Edward Douglas of Dallas were Sunday dinner guests of their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Douglas. John Nauman of Amity and Leslie Douglas of this district were Sunday dinner guests of Ronald Finnicum at the home of his parents. The Grand Island school held a Halloween program and style review party after school Fri day. The teachers were in charge. West Salem Legion Women Want Gifts West Salem The American Legion auxiliary of Kingwood post will meet in the Legion home Thursday night with Mrs. Shirley Boyd, Mrs. Mamie Dick son, Giadys Miller and Mrs. Leta Combs as members of the host ess committee. Mrs. E. A. Diet., hospital chairman, asks that gifts for the Christmas gift shop at the Port land veterans' hospital, be brought to this meeting. Pick up service on the gifts may be had by calling Mrs. Dietz. The gifts may be appropriate for any member of a veteran's family as they are used by the patients as gifts to members of their families. The new officers who will be officiating at the meeting are Mrs. Mae Snyder, president; Jeanellc Van Santen, first vice president; Alma Knowcr, sec ond vice president; Agnes Bars ness, secretary-treasurer: Esther Wendt, historian; Mrs. Marjorie Shinkle, chaplain, and Mrs. Elizabeth Mueller, scrgeant-at-arms, who were installed at the last meeting by an installing team made up of past presidents. Valley Men Help With Initiation Slaylon Twenly-threc new members were initiated for the Rogue River council, Knights of Columbus, at Medford. The pro gram of the day commenced with corporate communion in lhe morning at Medford Catholic church, with Rev. Chaplain Fa ther Black as celebrant of the mass. Conferring of the degrees commenced at 12:15, wilh the first two degrees being exempli fied by the office of the Medford Knights of Columbus, and the major degree was conferred by Past Stale Deputy Edward J. Bell of Slaylon, assisted by Roy Pickett of Klamalh Falls. Many visiting members from Klamath Falls were in attendance. State Deputy Wm. J. LaRoche and Special Agent Dr. A. L. Elvin of Salem were present and as sisted in the degree work, which was under the direction of Dis trict Deputy Wally Hector of Klamath Falls. Announcement is made of another degree pro gram for Sunday, November 10. for Eugene council, Knights of Columbus. Mrs. Horner Hostess Gates Birthday Club Gates Mrs. Ruby Horner en tertained members of the Birth day club at her home. Cards were played at three tables. Honors were held by Mrs. Ger ald Heath, Mrs. Martha Bowes and Mrs. A. E. Carey. Mrs. Larry Shelton received guest prize. Other guests present were Mrs. Hollis Turnidge, Mrs. Nelson Lanphear and Mrs. Sam Donncll. Refreshments were served at a lale hour by the hostess. DIGESTIVE TRACT And Stop Dotting Your Stomach Willi Soda and Alkalizers Don't futpcft to sit rrftl rellitf from hMitnrh, mmr Monmrh, ami bml lirenth by taking n.wlft mill nllutr ttlkulurr-. if the tfUu cause of jotir Irouttlft m rtm.lijintinti. In ttiii mm, your rl trouble l not In nt.mmrh at nil. Hut in the intritinal trrt whrri 80' r of vour (nor! is ittitPitl cd. And whfn I he Inwpr part g(a bluckud IWd may fail to diwt protrly. What you want for real rtM In anm thinit ln"unh1ork" yourlnwpr intfMinal Irart. Jmrthinf to rlfan it out elTectively help Nnturf unt bark on hfr fet. lift ("artfr'a 1'illa right now. Takf them aa flirprtod. Thev erntlv and rfTrchvoly "un hlork" vour dignntivn tract. Thin ptrmlU all d of Nature' own digwtivo juices to mix better with vmir food. You got senuin rrllcf from .ndigratlna ao yon ran ten rmUu good again. l!t Cartrr'a Pilla at any drURatf r 2 V. TnhWk" your Intcettnti Uot fur rail relitf from indigeatiun. any Highball because in Kentucky by Glenmore 86.8 Proof 67 i Grain Stutrtl Spirits Glenmore Distilleries Company Louisville, Kentucky FOR BETTER DRINKS Hubbard Lodge Honors Member Hubbard The Arion Tem ple, Pythians Sisters, held open house honoring its member, Pearl Kinzer, recently elected supreme junior. Pythian Sisters and Knights of Pythias from Portland, Oregon City, Aurora, Silverton, Dallas and Salem joined wilh Hubbard in honor ing Mrs. Kinzer. Special musical numbers were presented by Norman Keys, Marvin Keil, Lawrence Gooding and Ernest Pelto, all of the Can by high school band. Doris Friend and Robin Berkey sang a duet. A special tribute, the beauti ful lady degree, was given by Pearl Kinzer and the Arion de gree staff to Past Supreme Chief Cora Davis of Portland. Official visitors present were Cora Davis, Portland, Past Grand Chancellor Joe Gross, Grand Master of Work Herbert Thompson, Grand Chief of Ore gon Marcella Middleton and many other grand and past Grand officers of the Pythian orders. Gifts were presented to the su preme junior and corsages were presented to' the charter mem bers of Arion Temple, Ella Slauffer, Edith Phelps, Sadie Scholl and Pearl Kinzer. Pour ing at the tea tables were Mrs. Phelps and Mrs. Stauffer. Fairview A large gathering of patrons of lhe district attended the opening meeting of this season of the Fairview Community club. A program of plays, skits, readings, singing and music by the school under direction of the teacher, Mrs. Ruth Heller, followed the supper. Mrs. Wink ler of Linfield college was the speaker on the school bill mea sure. Mrs. Walter Shaw and daugh ter Shirley have been guests for several weeks of her mother, Mrs. Frank Campbell, and brother, Lowell Campbell. Her husband, Lt. (s.g.) Walter Shaw, in lhe navy, has been sent to French Morocco, where he ex pects to be stationed almost three months. Mrs. Frank Campbell gave a family dinner recently honoring her son, Lowell Campbell of this district and her grandson, Richard LaFollette of Wheat land, for their birthdays. Rich ard has just recently returned from the 4-H national show at Kansas City. Class Entertained Falls City The Loyal Wo men class met at the home of Mrs. H. N. Waddell. Business was in charge of the president, Mrs. Lillie Ward. Devotions were led by Mrs. Richard Paul. The time was spent in visiting. Those present were Mrs. H. N. Waddell, Mrs. J. Ward, Mrs. C. Herwick, Mrs. R. Paul, Mrs. Emerson Murphy and son Mar vin, and Mrs. Hope Letterman. Long Vacation F.ncls Pedce Belly Burbank has resumed her work in Salem afler a three months' vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burbank. TONIGHT & TUUKS. Sha paid wfrh... MONEY AND LOVE! Co-Hit! 1)KS1 ARNA7, & ORCII. in "(THAN PETE" V FRIDAY! "THE H "BIO SLEEP" liMU'i'.''MO OPENS 6:45 P.M COl.OK CO-KEATCKE Eddie Dean "ROMANCE OF THE WEST" Opens 6:45 P.M. NOW! THRILLS! I & stT'u.A It Whumm THRILL CO-HIT! Rnv Rogers MAN FROM OKLAHOMA East Salem Service Men Expect Calls Overseas East Salem, Nov. 6 Two East Salem servicemen. Private First Class Howard Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Earl Wood of Lan caster Drive, and Private First Class John Dalke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Menno Dalke of Swegle are spending a few days at their home before reporting to a new camp near San Francisco where they expect overseas assign ments. They have been in spe cial training for the signal corps in New Jersey. Hot lunches for two more East Salem schools were started Monday of this week. At Mid dle Grove the lunch program had not been planned but the program was recommended by the state board of education and the Community club voted to sponsor the project. Mrs. Wil liam Green will be the cook. At Swegle school the PTA will sponsor the project as in the past four years. Mrs. Clinlon Kennedy is the association chairman and Mrs. George Quinn is the cook. The same plan used in former years is being carried out, the parents paying a percentage of the cost and state and federal aid the balance. Election day was a holiday for lhe pupils at Auburn and Mid dle Grove as the school rooms were used for election purposes. At Swegle the booths were placed in the gymnasium. Donald Peffer, a student at State university spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Peffer on Hollywood Drive. Intermediate Group Has Holiday Party Mill City Mrs. Vergil John son assisted by Mrs. Robert Swift were hostesses in the Johnson home for a Halloween party for the Intermediate group of the Church of Christ Sunday school. The young peo ple played games and roasted marshmallows and at the close of the evening refreshments were served by hostesses. At attending were: Richard and Dorothy Downer, Ernest and Leroy Podrabsky, Bobby Bal timore, Leo and Dolores Poole, Pauline Mason, Bobby Shelton, Laveta Powelson, Alona Fay Daly, Donald Ragsdale, Donald Bates, Carol Ann Frisch, Carol Jane Blazek, Byron, Sue, Clor inda Johnson and Mrs. John son and Mrs. Swift. Lincoln Dinner Guests Lincoln Dinner guests in this community were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston and Michal of Vernonia, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. LeClerc, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hammer and Marie Ann and Leonard, Jr., Archie Spittler, who were en tertained at the R. W. Hammer home. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Yenckel were her nephew, Gerald Edwards, who is a student at Linfield college and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Delash Mutt, also of McMinnville. ODAY&THURS 01DA LUPINO PAULHENREID DEHlLlANDGREENSTREET CO-HIT! Mvsterv! Adventure! Pat O'Brien, Iluth Warrick in "Perilous Holiday" EXTRA! "HAIL NOTRE DASH" ENDS TODAY! (Wed.) Randolph Seott "BADMAN'S TERRITORY" Kane Richmond "DON'T GAMBLE 'WITH STRANGERS" MAT. DAILY FROM 1 P.M. STARTS TOMORROW! WAN NY KAYE In His First Picture! "BIRTH OF A STAR" 40 MINUTES FOR FIN! THRILL-PACKED RE-ISSUED CO-HIT! mam, Opens 6:45 P.M. NOW! MUSIC! FUN! L . i ml ML CO-FEATURE! WILLIAM GARGAN "HOT CARGO" Hunter Kills Mag Instead of Deer Turner Harlan M. Bones lost a valuable work horse through some care less hunter. The horse had been shot in the neck and appearance indicated the animal had suffered sever al hours before dying Mrs. Henry Named Masler of Grange Brush College Brush College Grange served a 7 o'clock sup per preceding the usual grange session and election of officers. As special guests were Paul Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Watts and Mrs. L. Kimmel and daughter. Elected were Mrs. W. D. Hen ry, grange master; P. R. Peter son, overseer; O. E. Poe, stew ard; Clifford Smith, assistant steward; John Schindler, treas urer; Mrs. R. C. Shepard, lectur er; Mrs. Helen Whitney, chap lain; Mrs. AudTey Ewing, secre tary; George Meier, gatekeeper; Mrs. K. W. Harritt, lady assist ant steward. The three graces Included, Ceres, Mrs. George Meier; Po mona, Mrs. Helen Hunley, and Flora, Mrs. P. R. Peterson. The executive committee is compos ed of Glen Adams, W. D. Henry and Charles Glaze. Chris Kowitz gave a talk on the fish bill, Ralph Ewing gave a group of piano numbers and Mrs. A. E. Utley led group sing ing. The word dunce is derived from the name of a famous scholastic professor of biology at Oxford, Joannes Duns Scotus. Tubes RADIO REPAIRS AUTO - HOME We pick up and deliver PHONE 6874 Wiggins 252 N. CHURCH Opposite State Theater OPEN EVENINGS I if Mron n Batteries : Eg Dramatic lailrtad Fin I ft I 8:00 PJ" I I EVERT WEDNESDAY I Guaranteed Watch Repairing Don't Throw Your Watch Away! We fix them when others can't. Five days' service by our staff of scientific watchmakers. Diamond Setting Store 1 Hours 9:30-6:00 M wt nOrti H ' i Ml STARTS FRIDAY if "yj Reception Offered Teachers al Gates Gates A ' reception, under the auspices of the Gates Wo man's club for the teachers of the local school was held in the clubrooms at the high school. Theodore Burton, superin tendent, was introduced by Mrs. Melbourne Rambo, president of the club, who in turn presented Miss Georgia Shane and Mrs. Nancy Pennick of the high school, and Mrs. George Staf ford and Mrs. Riley Champ from the grade school. A short musical program was given by Mrs. Jean Roten, Mrs. Nelson Lanphear, Mrs. Larry Shelton, Mrs. Albert Millsap A Three Days' Cough is Your Danger Signal Oreomulslon relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the scat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way lt quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis KSLM 1390 on Your Dial . Jewelry Store Hours 9:30-6:00 tempo wws PRODUCTION W WARXFU'S elsinore theater I THE I MAIN I W VfeTWI I c - and Wilbur Meinert. Refresh-1 rnent. were served by Mrs. Har-1 AOUELL The Seniational Mineral Surface Coating LEAK-PROOF. . SEEPAGE-PROOF. . DAMP-PROOF FOR CILLARS . FOUNDATIONS a BUILDINGS RETAINING WAIXS a SWIHMINB POOLS A war-proved development for keeping porous masonry surfaces above or below ground bone dry. Use Aquella for Interiors; Aquella No. 2 for exteriors. CAMPBELL ROCK WOOL CO. LOCAL 1132 Broadway The crowning- touch of grooming for men of good taste . . . COURTLEY Men's Toiletries ! A dis tinctive scent . . . redolent of Cedar, Cognac and Russian Leather. Superb containers of genuine porcelain in dubonnet, ebony, white, moss green, saddle tan. Singly or in sets . . . . $1.00 to $7.50 WILLETT'S CAPITAL DRUG STORE CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY STREETS Phone 3113 uVi n ah - (no ituttT Pi (FOR THE LATEST DEC0RATIYE EFFECTS ( SEE THE NEW 1947 LINE OF Flv yean wr iptnt In dtiigning this Mn of fin wallpaptrs. Hundreds mf new clr combinations and aaHornt. IxclHng now papers far overy roam croatod expressly for the latest deceratlv trends. And if It's pdf it you need look aver our slock of Pittsburgh Points famous for their ffVa paint protection. MICH HAVI NOT SUN INCMASIft ON OUR NIW 1 47WALIPAIM. ill OUR ITT 1 1 ALIUM IOOK. Trimz DDT Cedar Closet Wallpaper Kills moth and other insects. Made from real cedar wood has fresh, clean cedar smell. 2 boxes do average closet complete walls iox$2.98 Paint Over Wallpaper Add 'A f allon of water to a gallon of Techide and paint i wkftf over ra,1P"Pert Pos ter, wallboara or old ; paint. Gallon 2.82 Color Dynamics . Get a free copy of our revised and enlarged booklet. "Color Dynamica for the Home". Explains how you can make your house lovelier, more cheerful and en- Ijoyible. MA -I" PITTSBURGH r in ZA PL ATI CLASS COMPANY tM N. Commercial St. old Wilson, Mrs. Glen Hennesj, Mrs. A. Haun and Mrs. B. Cole OS MM UMU.k g PER BAQ MIXED WITH WATER MAKES ONE GALLON DEALERS Ph. 8496 m Biiui tun uiiidd(p 1 New Rooms for Old! New one-coat oil-bau Wallhide coven any surface. Wiih repeatedly without streaking I Choice of 34 colors. Flat... Par Oal f.ml-Olass " Glass " PURE BRISTLE BRUSHES NOW AVAILABLE Rental Equipment We suggest you phone for reserva tion and avoid possible disap pointment. Floor Polisher. . Floor Sander.. Floor Idgor.... H.nl.d by th. day and V4 day : Phone 36311 I fen !XH I 9 l ?-50 kn i