i 4 J ' 1 i X I ' I A FOR 8ALE MISCELLANEOUS Hr.NRV F. MILLER bungalow piano. Like new Exceptionally rich tone. A line In strument (or a musician. (425. Terms No rise In price at Tallman'a. 395 So. 12th 'L'lve and Let Live" our motto. n263 BEAUTIFUL small studio piano, lull key board Terms Shop Tallman's and save 395 So 12ih. n213 JUfrrAplanos from 1395. Terms. See the beautiful spinnete atyle pianos with th tone of a baby grand at Tallman's, 335 So. 13th. A mile Irom high prices. n2B3 HAY Oats and vetch. Wheat, Oats, 70 ton. SIS delivered Phone 22504. n2H4 ELECTRIC pants pressers. curling and aolderina Irons. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n2TV GUARANTEED Forever llashtlBhts re quiring no batteries; 2 St 3 cell Ilah. lights. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n375' AO ATE cutting machine with 2 diamond saw blades, a w. ntn. non for sale Huckleberries. James Best, Rt. 4, BOX 420. Ph. 17F12. n2(15 ENCLISII perambulator. Practically new. Ph. 8058. runo- THE IDEAL XMAS gift. A Kromex glaw plate enke cover. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. n2B8 PRESSURE COOKERS. 3 types. Y EATER. APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. n288 STEAM IRONS Sale for ail fabrics. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. n28R' USED BRICK, wood cook stove, coils anil water heater complelp. 2 50-nai. oil drums, 1 bookcase, good cond. Ph. 23470. n2fln DIAMOND and ruby wedding ring set. Ph. 25375. n25 LARGE 2-burner oil circulator. 3042 Port land rd. n28S rilllO RADIO, cabinet size, J40. Vic trola and 18 -records. $20. Rugs, 9x1 2 Axmlnster. 135; 8x10 Body Brussels, 130: 9x12 Woolton. 135. Chesterfield bea 4W t davenport) 165. "Eiler" upright piano V and stool 1185. D. R ext. table and 5 chairs 150. Sideboard, 110. Cabinet. 110. 851 S. Liberty between S and 8 p. m., Friday. Saturday or Sunday. n203 REFRIGERATOR as is. 1125 S. 14th. n285 PLATFORM scales, 140, Ovid Picka rd, Marlon, Oregon n2H3 KELVINATOR refrigerator, antique rock ing chair, library table, automatic saw dust furnace and lots of piping all In good working condition. 1038 Ha .el Ave. after 5:30. n264 VVOOD HEATER with board Az pipes. 16 cash. 1445 Ferry. n265 SAWDUST burner, hot water tank. -a in. pipe Ac fittings, as Is, 110. 280 acres Ptne tln.bcrland. Lots in Belcrest. Elec. mangle. Ph. 6340. n2fl5 ,38 COLT & 2 boxes ammunition or trade for 30-30 Winchester, Model 94. East Salem Fire Station. n'iOS ELK RIFLE 8 mm Mauser, fine condition, 140.00, Deluxe 257 Roberts. Factory am munition Xor both, Carr, 955 N. 17th. n2B3 RAILROAD type lanterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. GARDEN aand. cram eruabMl rock Shore! at drag-line excavating WALL WO SANS AND O RAVEL CO Ph. 8581 CHRISTMAS TOYS. Buy them at Gene's Bike Shop. We also specialise In paint ing toys As bicycles, 1136 Edge water St. Ph. 31568. n277 SINGLE AND two-burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25S N. Liberty St. n275 TABLE Bnd pln-it-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nM5 TUXEDO size 42. only worn 3 times. Ph 21479 after 8 p.m. n363 BROWN ENAMEL wood circulator, size, 135. Box 609 M, Boone road n363 LEONARD ELEC. refrigerator. 1288 3tli st. n263 80 LB. ICE BOX. Ph. 25007. n284" "VkRAG SPORTER 30-40, custom stocked. . Oregon myrtle, check rest, pistol grip, cnecaered. very nice, with ammunition Priced reasonable. 2385 Cherry Ave n2G4 WOOD RANGE with tank, crane deepweel system. 3 yr. saddle horse, 2275 Lan caMer. n264 HOWSER'S RENT A TOOL SEE US on your tool needs Paint sprayers miter boxes, etc Phone 3646. 113: Edgewater. n287' BED SPRING and mattress cheap. 770 Chemlketa St. forenoons upstairs. n314 NEW SEA KING outboard motor, 2050 S. Cottage. Call after 6 p.m. PRE-WAR CIRCULATOR Heater. A-l con ditlon. 1025 N. Cottage. n264 FOR SALE Smooth top Tapan Gas Range. heat controlled side oven. Good condi tion. 150. 468 N. 18th St. n264 YOUTH BED complete. Child's table and 2 chairs. All brand new. Call at 1785 8, Capital St. after 8 p.m. n264 HAND-MADE QUILTS, table linen, cut Finns jeweiry ana omer articles. Mrs, Barker. 1190 N. Cottage. Ph. 3613. n284' FOR SALE 1 pr. new 1100x20 Weed truck tire chains. 876 a. Com'. n264' PIANO AND bench In fine condition. Call evenings, leao a. cottace. n264 GIRL'S BROWN COAT, size 12-14. Good cona. ctieap. Ph. 5970. n264' DECORATIVE and lighted house numbers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 SMOOTHIES for perfect Ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 256 N. Liberty St. n375' ALUMINUM sauce pans, well and tree Platters, trying pans, cookie sheets, clothes hampers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n27ft KITCHEN and bathroom light fixture! YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. n275 WALL TYPE can openers, citrus fruit juicers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n375' KITCHEN and Industrial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. o275 AUTOMATIC electric sidearm water heat ers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' ELECTRIC chimes, long and short tubes, motor driven, and mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N. Liberty St. n275 POWERFUL 8-tube Tropic Master Over seas electric radio. Ideal for outdoor or coastal locations. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n27S' SUN LAMPS (ultra violet At Infra-red), portable and stand models with timers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n275 COAL OR briquet circulating heater. ne wood range. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N Liberty St. n275' ELECTRIC room heaters, fan. steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty St. n275" FLASTI-KOTE, the durable paint with the cellophane-like finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n375 AUTOMATIC electric grill, 18x38 Inches, with double thermostat. Ideal for small restaurant or club house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 358 N Liberty St. n375 INDIRECT floor lamps and torchlsra. rJSATEK APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n275' FIGURINES and small gift items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275' ATTRACTIVE, aluminum kitchen step ladders and step-on refuse cans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ; 255 N. Liberty St. D375' RADIOS, table and console. 10 models from which to select YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 3 N Liberty St. n275 'CCTRIC desk, mantle and" wall clocks" YEATER APPLIANCB CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n275 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HEATING pads (electric), plastlo clothes Unca. Ironing pads and covers, Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 TWO-SLICE electric toasters. 12.10. 4 illce, 3 85. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty 61. n275 TWO-WAY and lnter-comra. telephone sets. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' WATER HEATERS for Immediate dellv cry 40-gallon Collins $08.35; oO-g&llon WeatiriKiiouse 1115. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' CUTLERY and tableware. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 COFFEE-MAKER sets. 4 to 6 and 8 cup coffee-makers with stoves. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Lioerly St. n275 HEAVY bron?4 smoking stands YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n215 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS i WHL. STOCK TRAILER, 2 stanchion, 18 in. wiieeix. Must be in A-l conn Del Barben, Barbens' Grocery, Turner, Ore. na264 WANTED Oregon Code. Digest reports and Annotations. Ph. 5811 or 3688. naJ84 ROLL TOP desk in good cond. State price. Norman Vanderbeck, 611 Harrison St. Woodburn. na263 OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Upstairs Antique Shop. 438 Court St. na286 URGENTLY need kerosene heater. Ph 9425. nn263 U5KD fUHNlTURX. Phone 9185 Q PERSONAL DADDY Mommle loves you more than ever. Cookie. P266 READING. Know the Truth. 2361 State. p214 ALCOHOLICS. Anonymous. P. O. Box 724. P309 DIVINE HEALING. Bring your T B cases to me, all other ailments Rev T Hey ttng. 1103 S W 13th ave.. Portland LA 7189 P364 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER LETTERS OF all kinds composed anu typed Personal ones a specialty Strict ty confidential For appointment, phone 4845 P3fl8 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1936 Packard 4-door, 120 model. Radio, heater and 2 new tires. 2276 Claude st. Ph. 25287. q265 FOR SALE '29 Model A sedan, fair tires, heater and set of musical horns. 605 N. 2nd. Silverton, Ore. q265 LATE 1938 La Salle 5-passenaer coupe, low mileaee. Car must be seen to ap preciate its value. Phone 5068 or call at 1045 N. 13th for demonstration. 0.265 foitSALE'3"2 Buick" 4dr,-sedan."l7fl5 N. 5th. q265 UNFINISHED trailer house. 7x18 ft. 11050. 415 So. 21st. q2rS5 WILL TRADE '38 Ford. Good mechanically and rubber, for small hse. and lot or acreage. Write Box 56, Capital Journal. q263 REGISTERED '35 Stude. sedan. Good con dition. R. & H. Reasonable. 180 So, 19 st. q2G5 H7i"l OI.DSMOBILE 2-dr. "sedao,- A-l shape. For sale or trade. 025 Howard. Salem. 0.268 1933 CHEVROLET Good condition. Sealed Beam liBlits, Good 16-in. tires. Se? after 5 p.m 1187 Elin, W, Snlem. Q264 11)30 MODEL A ROADSTER pickup. Good motor, 600x16 tires. $315. McCalis Used Cars. 1297. State St. Ph. 8108. q263 1935 FORD V-H. Home built panel. Excel, cond. mechanically. Good tires. A real value at i20h. McCall's Used Cars. 1297 State St. Ph. 8108 q263 :io CHEV. CPE. Exceptionally clean in side and out. New tires. Good cond. mechanically. If you want good trans portation, see this car. 1295. McCall's Used Cars. 1297 State St, Ph. 8108. q263 FOR SALE Austin Cne. Perfect cond. Gocd tires. 549 Ford St. - q264 FOR SALE or trade for late model car, Chev. l'-j ton truck, tag -a -long and 2 speed rear end. Wheeler Garage, 40 TRES. STUDE. Cheap. Call after 3:30 P.m. 568 N. Liberty. q3G4 34 DODGE 4 dr. sedan. Will sell equity. Good cond and paint. Fair tires. Pn. after 6 p.m. 24212. q264 Si"' FT G LID E R TRAILER HOUSE, 6 ply tires, elec. brakes. A good one. 7 ml. o, on So. River Rd. to Halls Ferry, ml. east at Bark's Farm. q264 SALE SALE or trade 1932 Ford truck ton and one-half in good condition a 1929 model A pickup. Inquire at OK Rubber Shop, Silverton. q2G6 2 WELL DRILL RIGS. Excel, cond. Wi'.h or without tools, A. J. Oaunt, Alona Ore. q267 '37 FORD SEDAN, Good running cond New tires. Phone 21361. q264- FOR SALE 1931 Oldsmobtle. A-l tires good motor, 2 door sedan, 1250, Phone 484a. q264 FOR SALE 1934 Ford. '36 motor, duM stacks, has been wrecked slightly. Make me an oiler. 876 s. com 1. q264' 1935 FORD SEDAN, paint, body, tires, motor gooa. uau alter &:jo. mo dealers. 424 N. 23rd St. q263 HUDSON SALES SERVICE PARTS Free estimates overhauling body and fender repair painting. "Give Hhrock a try and you'll know why." SHROCK MOTOR CO. Phone 8502 Salem MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES SERVICE PARTS All makes used motorcycles bought som repaired. SHROCK MOTOR CO. Phone 8502 - Salem SCHULT HOUSE TRAILER. 1946 model. Excel, cond. Tandum wills,, elec. brakes Sleeps 4. 160 W. Meyers. Ph. 21937. t.263 4 COVERED WAGON TRAILER House Oil burner, refrigerator, butane cook siove. sleeps 4 Excel, cond. Trailer No 2 Camp Joy, 3215 Portland Rd. q263 SMALL tractor, lfl-ln. plow with pow-r lift, 4-ft. offset disc, 5-ft. roller, !500.nc. 884 7th St. Independence, Ore. Ph 174W. n2fi.i FORD DUMP, 4 yds., Eaton rear end. 3 speed Brownie, side tanks, vacuum booster and tank, truck In perfect shape. Job available. Ph. 3456. q268 1041 BUICK 4-door sedan, 6 new tires This car is in A-l condition.. See at 650 So 18th Si. q2G6 11)40 FORD deluxe 2-door sedan. Car in excellent condition. Radio and heater. mile west of Shaw. Frank Borchers. q263 USED CARS WANTED REGARDLESS of .year, make or model We will make you a spot cash offer McCall's Used Cars, 1297 State. Dial 8108 q265 WANTED TO BUY) Late model true Is Pickups, panels, flatbed, loggers and o on. International dealer. James tt Maden Company 3958 Bllvtrton Road Phone 24123. q WANTED: LATI Uodft Omr by prtvau party Will pj cash Pbone 8380 q TRAILER HOMES See our eastern built trailer homes. Royal Camps United Coach and 6-passenger Zlmmer. Some electric refrigerators. 1884 State st q263 37 TERRAPLANE coupe. Good cond. See at Sublimity service station. q263 FOR SALE 1930 Model A Ford. Good condition. New clutch, new brakes, new rear end new transmission, new rods, good tires. R D. Rappe, Rt. 2, Box 86, Keizer. q263 MODEL A, New Battery, transmission, paint, floor mat, eood tires, body At top. Motor oveihauled. 1260 N. 17th. qJ53 931 FORD. 4-door sedan. 2 new tire:, seal beam headlights, heater, motor above average, 1335. 745 N. Capitol. q263 FACTORY BUILT house trailer. Sold for 12255.00 4 mos. ago. Now 11765.00 or w;!l st'. eqj;ty and you finish pay ins mos. payment. Completely equ.pp-d. Have to see to appreciate. 674 No. 20tn, 4263 FINANCIAL money to loan WANTED: REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, rity or farm properties; loans made as small as (300. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage, APPROVED CITY LOANS 4'.j O. I. LOANS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION, 4", LEO N. CHILLIS. INC. REALTORS 344 State Street. Phone 9261. r264 WANTED Real estate loans on 6 percent Interest. Good security on coast prop erty, new homes. Write Box 168, NeW cott. Oregon, r2B6' 9 ARM AND CITY LOAN 8 4 AND b fOIJB OWN TERMS or repayment within reason Oasb tor Real Estau Contract axd Second Uortgagea CAPITOL SEC" J ROTES CO. 01 Planeei Trust Bldg -Pb. 7182 r NO CO -SIGNERS WITH A LOAN FROM THE YES MAN OUR YES MAN the man who says "Yes" to 4 out of 5 who apply here for a loan will show you how you can get K'5 to 1300 or more without co-signer Get the cash on your signature, furni ture or up to 1500 on auto. Phone, write or come In today. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. of Salem 518 State St,. Rm. 125. Phone 31E1 Lio. S-122, M-165. E, Galhnger, Mar. r264" O EN EH AX PTNANCB CORP LOANS 8-138 and U-188 and ROY a SIMMONS INSURANCE and LOANS 128 8 Commercial St TeL 9108. WE LOAN on Farm. Residential and Btisl eao Property Will buy mortgages con tracts HAWWINS at ROBERTS INC E A I. TORS Ouardlan Bids r YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU b PERCENT INTEREST. BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. EXAM INE THE SECURITY YOURSELF MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OP 500 TO $7500 WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAYMENTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 & High St AUTO I DANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO tb FLOOR--OUARDLAN SLDO License No -U-189 8 MONEY I REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS Ve Buy Re) Estate Uortsaces and Con tracts STATH FINANCE CO.. REALTOR Lla 8-216 51-222 161 6 BlZD 81 r Directory AUTOB RAKES MIKE PANEK. 273 S. Com'. Ph. 5181. Brake As wheel aligning specialist. 0279 ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping. Reason able rates Dependable service. BuKluea' Service. Inc. Uasonlo Buildings, Salem Phone 8727 o APPLIANCE REPAIRS SXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestic refrigeration service. Ralph johnson Appllanees. tzt Oenur PH. 4038 AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASB 8ERVTCS 40 ChemeltetH Phone 7838 BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING and leveling. Dirt mov Ing. logging. R. R. Ricks, Ph. 8022, Stay ton. o230 CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. CUP Ellis, 1905 N 13th St. Ph. 4071. 0266 CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES. CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned ENSLEY 771 8 21at Ph. 7176 O DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 S. Church. Phone 4711. 0275' DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS-Remodellng. 1984 State St. Mrs. Armentrout. o26fi EXTERMINATORS ARDEB MAINTENANCE CO. Bedbugs, roaches, rata, fleas, moths Pest con trol contract service. Materials eold guaranteed riddance. 835 N Klllliigv worth St.. Portland IL Ore Ph WEb xter 3265 oB COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3056. LEX CROSS. 1260 N. 17th. o277 Sreithaupt- for flowers Dial bibs FUNERAL DIRECTORS IOWEU. FUN ERA! HOUS Ph 1673 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R. WATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. AIATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING Phone 4069 MUSIC LESSO N S SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Oultar. Mando lin banjo etc 1533 Court Ph 1569 i PAPERI1ANGING PLUMBING PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service Larry Travlss. Phone 8601 0273 L. W. CAL'DIE. SprayliiK and Pruning Ph. 7900. 130 Roberts Ave. 0287 HAND A GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel A dragline excavating WaUlna Sand it Gravel Co Phone 8S01 o SAW FILING F. X Roasch. 674 S. Capitol. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED KENNETH HA MEL. 1143 8th St.. W da le m. Ph. 7404. Guaranteed service. 0267 CESSPOOL Septic tanks. Ph. 8745 0268 KOTO' ROOTER SEWER SERVICE Sew ers and drain cloaned. Free estimate Prompt service Ph 5327 0 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL O INSTANCE rransfai. storage Burner oils. ooai. briquets Trucks Portland dally Agent Lyon Van Line for bouse hold goods to California points Uirmei Transfer At Storage Ph 8131 n TRIMMING SHRUB TRIMMING. Rotoliller work. New lawn preparation. Yard work. Balem Tree company. Phone 21208. o284 VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTROLUX Sales As Service Ac Repairs. Limited amount of new machines avail able Office 175 S. High. Ph. 6088, o2B8 f KEE Lnspectuo id rout oome authot .10 Hoover service We service all nilei ! ;ieaners Host Bros Ph 9149 a1 WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 5915. 0286 WELDING WELDING it BLACKSMITH I NO BODY Al FENDER WORKS WE Specialize in trailer hitches Pcnn 4 Corners 3955 E. State 0249 WELL DRILLING WELL U R11XIN QUO Gnioe. Rl a Box 321-1. Ss i em. Or First nous outb at Swell scnooi Pb 34267 WINDOW CLEANING ACME WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows, walls and woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph. 3337 347 Court. Langdoc, Culbertson &i Mather. o CLEANING SKRVICa WOOD SAWING R. B. CROSS. Ph. 8178. LODGES Meet every Wednesday TjLjJFv evening Visitors wel- "Ns come. IOOF Building Salem Lodge No. 4. A.F. & "V Nov. 6, 7:30 p.m. 263 Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. & A.M. E.A. Degree, Friday. Nov. 8, 7 p.m. 2G5 Market Quotations Portland Easlslde 1 Fruit and vegetable offerings were at a new low today at roruana s basis:ae Farmers' Wholesale Produce marxet. Cauliflower brought up to 11.75 crate. Best lettuce traded at 12.25 a crate and above. No, 1 cabbage cleared the market at around 12 crate. A few clean-up lots of corn found a'.ow going at 11.50-1.75 a five doin box. Local tomatoes were qjo'. ed at 11.25 flat. Brussel sprouts sold 2 3.15. Broccoli sold around II luc. Best spinach sold 80c to 11 an orange box. Apple trading was slow, the market call ing for large sized, hiuhly colored stocn and Red Delicious apples for retail out lets. fori In nil Prndne rn Duller Prices to retailers. Grade AA cartons 85c. AA prints 84c. A prin-s 83c. A cartons 84c. B prints 82c. '.b. cubes '.sc higher. F.jtgs Prices to retaiWs'AA larte Rc. A lame 60-6lc. AA medium 58c. A medi um 57-58c. A small nominal 44c dor.en. Cheese To retailer in Turtland Oreiw triplets 46-47C lb., daisies 43-440 iaf 47-5040 lb Jobbers pay Vio lb lest To wholesalers Portland OregoD aingles 52-58c; loaf 54-60c: triplets 51 j-58c. furllitnd Whotaaaie Mattel Butter (f o b bulk 68 lb tubs) AA grade 93 score 80-8Ic, A grade 92 score 78-80c. B grade 90 score 78-7BC. Butterfat (Tentative, subject to Imme diate change) Premium quality maximum of 35 of I percent acidity, delivered In Portland 91-92c lb.: first quality 90-91c lb.; second quality R6-87c; valley rouf.es and country points 3c less than first, or 84-R9c. Cheese Selling price to Portland re tailers: Ore. singles 58-590 lb. Ore. loaf 60-610 :b.: triplets. 53-55c. Est To wholesalers A large SH'i 59c dozen; med. 55'i-56'jc; B grade 46-48C. Rat bits Average country Klllea t-j callers 43-f0c lb Live fryers, colo-fd 14c white i2-27o lb Old bucks and does tt lbs and up) l5o & Lire Pnoltr Live Chickens No. 1 Leghorn broilers. 1 to 2 lbs. 35-37c: frvers. 2 to 3 lbs.. 37 38c: 2 to 4 lbs.. 37-39c, roasters. 44 Ids. and over, 37-38c; under 3 4 lbs., 22-23o: roosters and slats, 12-17c. Dressed Chickens -To retailers: Sprlns orollera 3 lbs up 62e lb. colored hens 87c Leghorn fowl 32et old roosters and stas1 28a. Fresh Vegetables Artichokes Calif.. Jl.85-2. Beam Calif lie lb Mia-Columbta B!ue bake. mid-Columbia and Walla Wue green and wax 9-100 lb Oregon Giant 10-12c lb Kentucky wonders 8-10c Bnei. beans St. 50-1 75 30-lb lug Wax and Blue Lake 9-10c Beets Local 65-75C dozen. Broccoli- (i 50-1 6.k lutt nrutsel Sprouts 12.35-2.50. Cabbage Local round type. 12 3.50 crate: fancy. S2.75-2.85; red, -5c lb.: kraut, 11-1.25 crate. Carrots--Locai ounched. S-dot, orate 13-3.25- Calif., 6 doz, 14.50-4.75. Cauliflower Local No. 1, 11.85-2. Celery California la for sturdee orate Lablsh. Mllwaukle 13-2.25 crate: blanche. 12.75-3; Hearts. 11.85-2 doz. Dill 30-350 lb Cucumbers 1 leer 18 lb- flats, $1.50 1.65 Eire Plan I 20 lb. crate. S2.75-2.85. Garlic Oregon 20-250 lb Lettuce Calif.. 14.35-4.50 crate. Mid Columbia, $3.25-3.75 crate. LEGAL NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Eusene, Oregon, up to and not later than 2:00 p. m., November 22, 194Q, for all the live timber marked or designated for culling, and all mer chantable dend timber located on an area embracing about 135 acres within Sec tions 22 and 27. T- 10 S- R. 6 E.. W. M.. Willamette National Forest. Oregon, es timated to be 1.882.400 feet B. M.. more or less,- of Douglas fir. 200,000 feet B. M . more or less, of western red cedar and 25.000 feet B. M , more or less, of western hemlock and other species of saw timber. No bid of less than 18.00 per M feet for Dounlas fir. 15.50 per M feet for western red cedar and 12.00 per M feet for western hemlock and other species will be con sidered. Bids with rales in excess of those permissible under MPR 480 will be re duced to the allowable maximum In mak ing the award. In the event of receipt of mare than one bid at the maximum per missible price, award will be mane in such manner as in the awarding officers' jiiQRment will result in a maximum con tribution of materials needed lor the reconversion and housing program. Where two or more such tie bidders are equally qualified in this respect In the award ing officer's Judgment, award will be made bv lot among inem. w.suu.uu musi accompany each bid to be applied on the purchase price, refunded, or retained in part as liquidated damages, according to conditions of sale. The right to rejei any and all bids la reserved. Before bid; are submitted, full Information concerning the timber, the. conditions of sale, and the submission of bids should be ot tained from the Forest Supervisor, Eugem Oregon. -or the District Ranger. Detroit, Oregon. Oct. 33. Nov. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HERE. BY GIVEN that An nette I. Miller has been, by Order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, appointed Administra trix of the estate of HENRY J. MILLER. deceased. Au persons having claims against said estate are requested to ore- sent them, with proper vouchers, to said Executor at 301 Pioneer Trust Bu;ifi- ing, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated October 16. 1946. ANNETTE I. MILLER. Administratrix of the Estate ot Henry J. Miller, deceased. HERBERT W. CARTER, 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg.i Salem, Oregon. Attorney for Estate. First publication: October 16. 1948. Last Publication: November 13, 1948. Oct. 16 23 30: Nov. 6 11 IN THE ClltCl'IT CIH.'RT OF I STATE OF OREGON. FOR THE COFNTY OF MARION. PROBATE DEPARTMENT. IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF JON R. MACY. DECEASED. NO. 4783. SUPPLEMENTAL FINAL AO- COUNT: To the Honorable Judge of the Above Entitled Court: Comes now Ruth L. Macy, your peti tioner, . and respectfully represents and shows: I. That heretofore, to-wit: On or about January 15, 1920, a final account was filed herein by Lu!a Macy. the adminis tratrix at said time; that no pro ceedings have been had in the aboe entitled matter since said date: that in truth and in fact all distribution was made as Is shown, by said final account, but that in addition to said personal property there was nnd Is in said estate the following described real properly, lo-wlt: Lots numbered 1. 2. 3. 4, 6, 7 and 8 in BlocK No. 1 !n the Town of BrooKS, Marlon County. Stato of Oregon, as shown by the recorded plat thereof. That the said property should be de creed to be the sole and absolute pro perty of the heirs herein, share Bnd share alike, to-wit: Fairy E DeRocher. a daughter of decedent, residing at Brooks, Oregon: Donald R Macy, a son. residing at San Leandro. California; Mabel 8 Wineland. a daughter, residing at Oswego, Oregon; Ruth L. Macy. a daughter, resid ing at Portland. Oregon; Donald Spencer, a son and sole surviving heir of Marjorie Spencer, deceased, who was a daughter of decedent herein, John R. Macy. II. That the former administratrix here in waived all fees as administratrix and your petitioner believes that the sum of 1100 ts a felr. Just and reason able sum to be allowed her as adminis tratrix' fees and the sum of $150 is reasonable sum to be allowed E. U. Sims, her attorney, for services In connection with closing this estate. WHEREFORE, your petitioner prays tha court for an order decreeing the said property to be the sole and absolute property of the said heirs hereinaDOve set forth; that she be allowed the sum ot $100, administratrix' fees, the further sum of $150. attorney's fees, and for an order setting a time. 11 a.m.. November 14. 1948, for hearing objections. II any to this supplemental final account and for such other and further orders as to the court shall seem mete In equity and good conscience. RUTH L MACY. Petitioner. SIMS & SIMS, Auorncj for Petitioner. 525 Court Street. Salem, Oregon. , Oct. 16 23 30; Nov. 8 II Onions Wash, dry No. L 11-1.351 50- b sacks; Idaho, white. No. L $; large. 1.85 yellow Spanish. $1.30-1.35; Parsley Local 76-800 dos" Peppers Green CallL 35-lb eratrp $1.50-75. Mid-Columbia 13-lb. flat 8lc; 30-lb. 11.75; red, flat $1.7&i chill, 11.65- 11. flats Pot a tors Washington Russets, 12. 58 3 65. 50 lbs Nn. 3. 90c-!l,10: local long white. 12 65-2 75; Klamath nusseta. No. 1. $2.65-2.75; Drschutes No. 1, $2.65. Pumpkin i ". -4c lb Radishes Loral red 75-80c doi. bunches Rutabaea Lugs. 11.15-1.25. Spinach 20 lb box, $1 50 Sprouts Local to 12.50-2 65 flat. Squash Zucctvnl 75c-ll flat Scallop, 75C-11 14-lb snaked 11.25-45 35-lb. Dear box 12.75-13. Danish, lugs, 85-90C. Hub bard 2-3c lb California, 13.253.50 lux Sweet potatoes Caiif.. 50 lb basKet. 13.50-3.85; pints 3 layer. 13.50: yams so lb, $3.85-4; Louisiana yams, 50 lbs., 13.75 4. Tomatoes California wrapped 13.50-3.75: repacked 14-4,25. Turnips Bunches 11.10-1.25 doi. fresh trull Applet Yakima Delicious, wrapped anil packed, comb box 14.50-4.75, jumble ooi 13 40: Hood River Spitz face-fill box 11.75 3.00: Yellow Newtown $4.35 Winter fla nattas and Kinss, loose. $1 .50-2: Ortleys faced and filled, 12.25-2.50: Jonathan faced & filled 53.40 H. R. Delicious $3.65. Delicious, wrapped and packed. 14.25-4.0; chan 40 lbs $4 4a Maryhllle Wash dl trlct Transparent $1.50-2 face lua: Red Delicious, wrapped and packed. $4.50-4.75: loose, 13-3 50 Avocado p-urrte $4 25. choice 13 ;-$ fancy $4-4 35 2(1-3" flats. Calif Dicken son all sizes, 14.50-4.75; Itzlmaa. $4.75 5.75. Ha nana- 940-100 fb eut bands, art -xtra Crmherrles Oregon. 35-lb. boxes. 18 15 9: Eastern. 19-P.25. Grapefruit Cant large 15 50-5 73. small 13 75 case. Texas pinks 15.10. white $4.80 Cocell1- 54 95 case; Cuban- all alien. IB 8 Florida whites, 80s and larger, 16- Grapes Calif.. 28 lb. lidded lugs: To kay.. $.1.25-3.50; white Calaaas. 13.25-3.43; Emperors. 13.75; Camirnons. $3.25. Lemons caiilnrnla, 3(10-360, n.TS-9. Limes Tubs ol t 20c. .5c Oranges Calif. Valencia. 220 and larg er, 58.75-11.50; 252, $6.50-8.25; 288. $5.25 7.75; smaller, 15.15: 344 and smaller, 4.35- ; 392s. 15.75: Fin. wirebound boxes. 243 and larger, $6-6. 2a Quince Local, 2-32 lb. Pears Bart let ts. comb pack 86-Ib ooi J3.2-2.3d; Meotord wrapped and paciteo $5-5 25: Hood R.ver. $4-4.75: orchard un 11.75-2 Yakima W & P.. 14.25: D'Anjo" 14.75. wra -?( d 'and packed boxes; BaK wrapped and packed. 14.25: loose 13 25- i; Hood River D'Anjou. 14.60-4.75: Ca in ice, local lao.se, $2.35-2.50; Hood River, loose. $3-3.25, Pineapples Cubm Pomes ranu tea 12.76-2. 83 lug Persfmons Calif., lug, $3-3.50. Meats Country Meats Rollback prices to re tailors Country silled bogs, oat butcher' 130-140 lbs lU-lUVio lb Vealere AA 22 c A 21 4. B9. S 17-17 He. oulU 13-16c lb Beef AA 21 & a 304 B I Bo eanners eutters 13 4-1 4c Lambs AA 26c, A 34 "Ac S 24Se O 30e lb Ewes TO l3Vfco. U 1 2c n ioc Veal AA 33-33c A 30-3 lc, B 28o lb. Cull 18-24C. Hoes r ancy otock 37-38o lb Bloc! butchers, packer style. 155-213 lbs. 38-40:: over 213 lbs.35-38c; sows all weights. 3B- 30c. I.amhi AA 34-35C. A 32c. B 27-28C Mutton-1-nnc. A 10-140 according qua.iti ano weir hi Beef AA 34-36c; A 32-33C. B 28-30C. O 35-2CC, canner-cutter bulls 23-33c lb. Cascara Bark Orcen 8-8 'tic, dry 20e U Wool Oovern mint control Mohair 40o lb on 13-moa. irowtn. Bar Wholesale snioments Altalfa. No i or better 31-332.50 Oats-vetcb maee hay valley growers price 119-132. olovei hav slH-$22f Daled op farms Hides Calves, 28-2!lc according to weight; green peel 16-17c, green culls 6c lb. Hops Normal contracts: 1944 85 up 1945 13C lb 1946 UC 194" BO lb Nut Dlstrtbuiors' Bast Chestnut Local Italian 30c lb. Almnnris Cnllt 33-35C lb Filberts WO tba Bar-e- lo Brit lonai Chilly Nut (New Oropl Jumbo 32-34c 34-35c S4e Large 261i-28'-jO 26-3 lc 34-35 'a O Fancy 22c and UP 23!.i-23c 39-3lc Baby 20-22c 23c Walnuts: Opening price: Franquettis jumbo 40c: large, 38c; medium, 35Sc. Soft shell Jumbo. 40c; large, 38c; medium, 35 tac. All prices FOB shipping pt. Chiraco I.ivestork Chicago, Nov. 8 i,Pi fUSDAl Salable hoas ll.od, total 18.500; slow throughout.: generally steady on alt weights and sows; bulk good and choice 180-300 lb. 21.00-23.25; With 23.00 popular prire; other we lc. his senrce; one load 23.30: bulk good and choice sows 21.50122.00; good clearance. Salable caltle 7,500. total 7,800: salable cnlves 700. total 700; good and choice steers and yearling 50 cent higher; medium grader steady; early top 32.00: some held higher: most good and choice grades 24.00-31.00; Rood and choice heif ers followed steer advance; choice offer ings 29.00; bulk 20.00-27.00. Willi strictly good western hei fere ties to 19.00; cows and bulls 25-50 cents higher. Salable sheep 3.000. total 5.000; early sales and bids slaughter lambs slrona: asking 25-50 cents higher In good and choice grades or 23.00 and slightly above: best mixed medium to choice Montana ranch lamhs 22.00; short load medium and good shortfed lambs 21.00; few medi um lambs 1B.O0: slaughter ewes steady to 50 cents higher: deck good and rhoice Mont sin ns 8.00; two loads mixed common to good Montuiias 6.85. Pnrtliind Livestock Portland. Ore., Nov. 8 f,vt fUSDAl Cattle: Salable 200, total 225; salable ami total calves 35: market very active, strong to 25 cents higher: somc sales 50 cents up and general market on lower grade cows 50 to 1.00 above Monday, few lots medium steTj; 16.00-17.50: common grades down to 13.00, few stockers 12.00-15.00; medium good heifers 15.00-17.00; common grades 12.00-13.00; canner and cutter cows largely 8.50-10.50; fat dairy type cows 11.1)0-12 00; medium-Hood beef cows 12. "i0 14.00: good beef hulls up to 15.50: common-medium sausage hulls 1 1 . 00-13, I'll: good-choice sralers 17.00-18.00; grass calves mostly 14.00-15 00; culls down to 10.00 arid below. Hoxs: Salable 100, total 400: market active, steady; extreme ti,p 25 cents high er, good -choice 180-300 lb. largely 25.00: one lot choice 278 lb. 25,25; good sows 22.50-23 00; choice feeder pigs quotable up to 22.00. .Sheep; Salable and lolal 300; mark"l about steady gond-cholce 77-107 lb. wool ed and shorn lamhs 19.00-20.00; common medium grades 13.00-17.00: culls down to 10.00 and below; good yearlings 15.0'); fairly good ewe BOO: strictly good 11k lit pwrs quotable to 6,50; common down lo 3.00. Markets Briefed fBy the United Press) Slocks lower in active trading Bonds and U. S. government bonds lower. Curb stocks irregular. Foreign silver unchanged In New York at 90 Is cents a fine ounce. Cotton lower. Wheat off 5 cents. BETTER HEALTHI Hmorrftofc! Rectal ond Colon AilmmntB Gastric Vlctr Treated wltho-it Hoapltil Operation T ntn or ci ii nr r.-r. Va A Monday through Pridaft 10 A. M. f 5 P. M tttnmgt! Monday, Wtdnttdsy, Friday f lo i Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Phytitian and Surgaort N. E. Corner V.. fyirrMd end Grind Aenui Talwphone, Aat 39 Id, Portland 14. Oiagoo Stocks Break 2 to 8 Points New York, Nov. 6 (U P) Stocks broke two to eight points on ac tive selling today on the elec tion news which, while it pleas ed Wall street, was interpreted as deflationary and hence tem porarily, at least, against the market. Traders celebrated momenta rily at the opening by bidding up prices fractionally. Then profit-taking set in. Steadily the averages declined until the last few minutes of dealing when the market plunged. Breaks of a point or more were made be tween transactions. Volume was active in the first and last hours. Near closing time, the tickers fell behind the actual market as the top-ranking industrial and railroad is sues cracked open. At least half of the gains of the past four sessions was eradicated in a single swoop. Acting against the market were prices of leading commod ities which broke sharply and a Dun & Bradstreet food index drop, indicating an end of a sellers' market approaching. Wheat futures lost the daily lim it of five cents a bushel and cot ton broke the S10 a bale limit. Trading slackened just before closing and some of the leaders recovered a part of their decline. Cain Elected in Washington Seattle, Nov. 6 cPi The state of Washington named its first republican senator in 14 years yesterday in an election featur ed by the upsurge of the GOl' also in the six congressional contests. It brought the defeat of Rep. Hugh DeLacy (D-Wash) by Ho mer Jones of Bremerton by such an overwhelming margin that DeLacy conceded shortly after midnight slightly more than two hours after the state's polling booths closed at 10 p.m. Early this morning only one democrat was leading in the congressional races, and Rep. Henry Jackson's edge over Re publican Payson Peterson In the second district was only 1, 600 with more than 25,000 votes cast and three fourths of the precincts yet to report. U.S. Sen. Hugh B. Mitchell (D-Wash) went down to defeat at the hands of Harry P. Cain, the Tacoman who left the demo cratic party shortly after the start of the war with the charge it had degenerated into "politi cal expediency and quackery." Republican Wesley L. Jones, de feated in 1932, was the party's last senator from this state. In Ihe sixth district Thor Tol lefson maintained a narrow lead over Rep. John M. Coffee CD Wash) throughout the night, but most of Ihe returns came from his home area in Pierce coun ty, a heavy vote still was to be reported from predominantly democratic southern King court- ty' . Higher Acreage Goal Cover Crop Seeds Spokane, Nov. 6 W) Substan tially higher acreage goals for cover crop seeds in Washington, Oregon and Idaho were an nounced today by the Washing ton state production and mar keting administration office for 1047. Acreage goals for 1947, com pared with eslimated harvested acreage In 1946, are: Oregon Austrian winter peas, 25,000 acres (14,500); crimson clover, 2000 acres (2300); hairy vetch, 55,000 acres (38,000); common and Willam ette vetch, 86,000 acres (109, 000); common rye grass, 80,000 acres (98,000). The southern tip of Africa was rounded by a Portuguese explorer five years before Col umubs discovered America. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem rieilers for the aiiidanca of Capi ta) .tournal Readers, (Reviled Bel all Prleet Rabbit Feed Pellets. 14.05 ewt. Vtg Mah 14.55 cwt. Dairy Feed 13 85 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens, No. 1 27e, lb No. 2 24c. Colored fryers. No. 1, 3flo lb. Kcct Buerr Price- White and Brown xtri large arada A 68c. med 64c, standards Mr dozen Wholesale Price Large 64c dozen, med. 80c. standard 65c. rtnlter Wholesale. A 83c. Reliil Grade A, 83c. Butterfnt Premium, 88c; No. 1, 8Je; No. 2, 64c For BETTER HEALTH Correct HEMORRHOIDS f PI leal if- FISTULA If FISSURE PROLAPSR and othr RecUl condition. No hos pitalisation. Fre d crlptlv bookie. Dr. R. Reyrnlds Clinic NATLiRO - rKOMTOLOOIST tia N. I.lbprlY St. Sl.m. Or I'hfmt) ft t AO Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Wheat Futures Break Limit Chicago, Nov. 6 (U.B All wheat futures broke the five- cent limit as post-election liqui- j dation swept the board of trade : today. Corn lost 3 l,i to 4 l.s cents and oats 2b to 4r:s cents. Bar ley was unchanged to down 2'i. Despite bullish predictions, early demand vanished follow ing easy securities and plung es in cotton. Some stop loss selling in corn was uncovered on the ducline as cash interests sold. January corn was sold to commission houses while east ern intciests apparently renew ed last week's sales. Corn op ened fractionally higher, but other grains were off. Milling interests partially ab sorbed wheat offerings on a small nlly. Delivery problems were expected to heighten de mand, but some loss was attrib uted to increased country offer ings and favorable harvest wea ther. Oats were sold by local trad ers influenced by a reaction in the Minneapolis change. No vember oats were firm al the outset generally because of low stocks for delivery. Shorts were uneasy about fulfilling commit ments. Cash corn and oats were lower. Hop Markets Still Firm to Strong Portland, Nov. 6 () Hop markets remained firm to strong in the Pacific northwest during the last half of October, despite light trading, the department of agriculture reported today. Active demand was reported for the small quantity of hops available for sale. Most of the crop was already under con tract, and growers continued making deliveries. Shipment was delayed by the box car shortage. Buyers have shown interest in 1947 crop contracts, the monthly hop market review said, although no actual con tracts have been reported. Births, Deaths nlrlhs Tipton -To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R Tipton, 3 S3 Leslie, a daughter, Jeane'.te Cheryl. Nov. 1. Weinberg To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Welnbrra, route 3, a daughter, Judith Marie, Ocl. 1. Noteboom To Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Noleboom. lOflt) Sixth, West Salem, a son, Wilbur. Jr., Oct. 21. Stone To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D, Slon, Mill City, a daughter Sharon Lee, Oct. 9. Plank To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F, Plank, rout 3. a dauihter, Edith Marie, Oct. 9. Balier To Mr. and Mn. John P. Bal ger, routs 1. a daughter, Sharon Margaret, Oct. 1. Smith T Mr. and Mn. Granual K. Smith, Monmouth, a aon, Donald Oene, Oct. as. Pale To Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pate, route 1. Lyons a daughter. Sharon Kay. Oct. 35. Nibler To Mr. and Mn. John M. Nibler. route 1, Woodburn, a son, John Charles, Oct. 37. Moore To Mr. and Mrs. Aabend O. Moore, 3215 North Fourth, a daughter, Sharlena Marie, Oct. 29, Rose To Mr. and Mrs. T.eo X. Rest, Independence, a son, Jee Dean, Oct. 36. Brlandson To Mr. and Mrs. Carroll H. Erlandson, route 4, a daughter, Pali Jean, Oct. 31. Comer To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Comer, 3300 North Church, a daughter, Diana Louisa. Oct. 19. Woods To Mr. and Mrs. Krneat S. Woods, route 7, a daughter, Joanne Car me), Oct It. Horferber To Mr, and Mrs. Benton M. HoUerber. 1211 chemeketa, a daughter, Sharon Elizabeth, Oct. 17. McLoimhltn To Mr. and Mrs. Carl I, McLouBhlln, mute 4, a daughter, Sandra Louise, Oct, IK. Noffalnaer To Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Noffslnirr. 1060 Eut Letelle, a aon, Tim othy Kent, Oct. 12. Wlnleckl To Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Wlnieckl, 062 North 30ih, a son, Roger Darrel, Oct. 11. Hlldenatab To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Hlldenstah, 1190 North 11th, a daughter, Darla Gay, Oct, 10. Orovei To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. REPAIR YOUR TRUCK OR CAR? Sure We Can! Our Mechanics are Really Good! We do Complete Brake Service on Passenger Cars and Trucks, Including Air & Vacuum on Trucks. We are prepared to do Motor Tune-no or Overhaul on any make, Including Diesel truck. Our prices are right nnd our work is guaranteed satisfactory. Try us on your next job. KINGWOOD AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 690 Murlark St., West Salem, Oregon, Phone 25578 FOR RENT Floor Sanders and Edgers By DA V or HOUR COMPLETE LINE OF FLOOR FINISHING MATERIALS McGILCIIRIST & SONS 255 North Commercial Phone 8478 WALLPAPER, PAINT AND ROOFING It will pay you to crack your walnuts See us for prices on WALNUT MEATS WILLAMETTE GROCERY CO. 805 S. Cottage Street Salem, Oregon Phone 4146 Wednesday, Nov. fi, 1946 11 Orovfs. HoaeburK, a daughter, Avli Joan, uci. JU OUmore To Mr. and Mrs. W. Vrnon Gltmors. 2573 E. Nob Hill, a ion, Vernon Oibson. Oct. 30. LaMire To Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. l.aMire. route 7. a daughter. Kathleen Francis, Nov 1, Hebert Tn Mr. anrl Mr. Alfred O. Hu bert, 411 McNary. Writ Salem, a aon, Robert Edmond. Nov. 2, Adfclns To Mr. and Mrs. Dell H. Ad- kins, Portland, a d.iiiKliter, Sandra Let, Oct. 30. LarsonTo Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. l.ar.son, 370 Fvcritreen. a daughter, Jojc Lorraine. Oct. 29, Silverton To Dr. "and Mrs, C. J. Ebner of Mt. Annrl. a dauahtcr, November 4, at Silverton hospital Mill Clly To Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rob erts, a son. Donald Lri, writhing T pounds 14 ounces, on October 35 In th Salem Oenira! hospital. Grandparen'i are Mr. end Mrs. Roy Gibson ot Mill City anrl Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Robert 0( Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Elrion Hulchltuon are tho parents of a daughter, Janet Kay, born. November 4 in the Salem Deaconess hos pital. Baby weished 6 pounds, i ounces. Third child and second daughter. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Plymala, Mill City and Mr. and Mn, O-rald Hut chinson, Mill City. Deaths Hyacinth Oerinr Randy In this city November fi. Hyacinth Ger Ine Bandy, late resident of 698 North Huh street, at the ae of 23 years. Sur vived by her husband, William B. Bandy of Salem; an infant dauahter, Hvacin'h Oerlne Bandy of Snlem; parents. Mr. and Mrji. Clement C. Wicmals or Salem; and three brothers, Clement Wiemsls, Jonn Wiemals and James Wiemals, all of da lem, Aiincuncement of funeral servlcea later by the W. T. Rladon company, Mr Ida Snnesmilh Mrs, Ida Shoesmith. former resident ot Salem, at Dayton. Ohio, November 3. Sunned by a daughter, Mrs. H. O. Cock ing of Salem; five sons. Homer Slioesmith of Guam. Clyde Sh.oe.smUh of Seattle. Ivan Shoe-mum of Pendleton. Lloyd SlioesmiTh. of Fargo. N. D.. and Mark 3hoe.snuth of Davion. Ohio; a brother and eight grand children. Services will be held at tha Clough-Barnck chapel Saturday, Novem ber 9, at 10:30 a.m. Interment in tha City View cemetery. Mn. Maitde Simpson Mrs. Maude Simpson, late resident of Yakima, Wash., at a local hospital, Sat urday, November 3. Surviving are tha husband. Thomas W. Simpson of Wain Ington; a daughter. Mrs. Henry Hart. Siherton Ore.; two sons, Thomas W, Simpson, jr., San Jose. Calif., and Rob- B. Simpson. Stlverion. Services will be held Thursday, November 1. at 1:30 pm at me cioueh-Barnek chapel with Rev. S. Raynor Smith officiating. Inter ment in the City View cemetery. Ulysses Marion Barker Ulysses Marion Barker, at tha family residence. 666 North 15th .street, November 4, at the age of 83 years. Surviving are. the widow, Mary E. Barker of Salem; three daughters, Mrs. Lucile Bo r ton, Miss Aletha Barker and Mrs. Anna Rice, all of Salem: one son. John Barker of Eugene; five grandchildren: one great grandchild and several nieces and nephews. Services will be held at the Howell-Edwards chapel Thursday, November 7, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. R. W. Coulter officiating. Concluding services at Lee Mission cemetery, Clrsve Wellcr Shields In this city November- 4, Cleva Weller Shields. 56. former resident of 1271 Marion street. Survived by his wife. Florence Shields of Sa lem; a daughter, Grace Shields of Salem; and a brother, Luke S. Shields of Fort Ord, Calif. Mem ber of Capital Post No. 9. Ameri can Lesion: AP. A A.M. lodge No. Ml. and Chemeketa lodge Nn. , IOOF. Services will be held Thursday. November 7. at 130 p.m. at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel with Rev. Chester Ham bltn officiating. Ritualistic services by AF and AM lodgn No. SO, Concluding Mr vices at, Belcrest Memorial park. Anna Marie Rchmlttlng Mt. Ana el Funeral servlcea for Mrs. Anna Marls Bchmlttlng. S3, former real dent of Mt. Angel who died at McMinnvtlla Monday, will b held from the St. Mary'a Catholic church Thursday at 9 a.m.. with St. Ann's Altar society honor aiiard. Recitation of the rosary at Cnrer'a mortuary at X o'clock tonliht. She wag, a slater of Sister P rotes I a, OSB. Anna Read Wardla McMlnnvllle Anna Reed Wardle. real dent of Carlton, Tuejiday, November t. Sister of Mlna L, Almstead, 1635 Center St., Salem. Servlcea will be at 3 p.m. Fri day, November 8. at the Macy and Son chapel in McMlnnvllle. Interment In Masonic cemetery. Jerry B. Keener Lebanon Jerry B. Keener, M. a natla Oregoman. died at the Lane mark hospi tal. Sweet Home, Nov. 4. He waa born nar Brawnaville, June 3, 1063, spending hi entire life In eastern Linn county. For the past SO years he had his restdenca in Sweet Home. Services will be held lit the Howe-Huston chapel in Sweet Home, Nov 7 at 2 p.m. Survivors are two sons, Glenn of Eugene and Charles or Corval lls; daughter, Miss Gladys Keeney, Los Angeles; two brothers, Jnck of Sweet Home and Henry of Cnncadla; sister, Mrs, Nellie D. Price, Albany; four grandchil dren and one great grandchild. Gas on Stomach KImii4 in S minulM deubl vur men? otck When ucm stomttb rtd ciuim Dtlnlul. iuffort. lea . iuur stotnifh snd heartburn ilncinn uiuiliy prrarriha th fitlMt-srtlni tn'dlrlriM known fir itmurnmiile rtller midleliici ilka trios In llMi-ina TihlHi. No 1iUt, BHl-ini nrlnii comfort In a liny at rtiurn Dome to ui lor aouDiamonaj oaca. jsu. 17 r