m 10 Capital Journal, Salem, To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. s:m.' garage house, suburban. 'Fnv.MH-i-nM. house, close in. tumm 2-kedi?m. house, north. THE HEAL ESTATE MARKET . - 433 N. High St. Phone 247D3 a265 4-m:niiM, Clone to nil schools, bus, store, chndy locution. E. front. Corner lot, Lnli of rooms In this house Part basmt . Furnace Wired for range. Asking J8500 ,' Cr.ll Ed Lukinheal. ' ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemekcta St. Phone 5t81 a265 ni;v 3-bedroom modern homo. Fast of Salem on 'A acre or land. Call Ike Bacon. EI) BYRKIT, REALTOR 335 Chemekcta St. . Phone 598la265 '-. T wLxTtII'UL HOMES, priced from (14, 000 to $31,500. If you nre looking for flue hnmr.i these nre well worth looking at. Call Ike Bacon. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR . 333 Chemekcta St, Phone 5081 fl265 UlittE IS a very cozy home with fire place, hardwood floors, 2 B. R., Vene 1 tian blinds, basement, (rood location, Bou'h. Close to schools and price at ffi',75, IMMEDIATE possession on this 4-bed-room home located close In South. Priced to .soil S7350 ENGLEWOOD district with 4 bedrooms, bath, L, R.. D. R., kitchen, garage, extra nice lot. Price $7000. Bl'Y THIS lovply 2-bedroom home for "' only f2,ri00 down, balance at 5'i'r, hard wood floors, L. R., D, R., bath kitchen, Venetian blinds, best of location. Price " ,!)4!i0. " IWEDTATE POSSESSION. COMPLETE a I,Y FURNISHED and priced at only " ?rr.oo 1 H R., bath, L. n., kitchen, (iinf'tp Venetian blinds. 1 yr. old. Ik-M Imn MrKILLOP REAL ESTATE AOENCY inn South ni(fh m. pnone o-i-j-i Phnne evenings 6001-7103-4937 a265' fil'E this AT ONCE. 4-rm. house, almost completed. Will finish. Nice shower, etc. Gas elec nnd city water. A nice place nnd loentlon. Tills is a good buy. Terms and poss. M 15. Locnpy with W. E. MOSES SS'.'a State. Ph. 4903 a265' iti'nT picha Realtors, nre now writing " Fire insurance along with their Real - Estate Business, May wn protect your ' propertv by Insuring it Tor you toaay BURT PICHA, REALTORS - Phone 3210337 N. High St. a2fl4 WHY? BUY an old house when you tan buy this brnnd new unfurnished house with a floor space of 24x42 to plan and finish as you please? New (list. Modern , Construction, large lot with trees, paved Td. bus line, edrre of city. Owner' price $3500. Ph. 9530. n2RS' SEE IIUDKINS FIRST! $5500 PARTLY furnished 4 rooms and narage, It's neat nnd clean. Can be yours in a few days. Immediate Possession, Terms. TT-fl FURNISHED 17.150 8 BEDROOMS all on one floor, living room, kitchen, electric washing ma chine. In a setting of firs and oaki 4 You ran have quietness and privacy 7 here. Close to bus line. CHAS. IIUDKINS St SON - Ph. 24120 275 State a203' S?xr(i. ft RM bungalow north, hdw. firs, , in Itvlnn nn., fireplace, nice kitchen. dinclto, 2 bedrms., bnsement St furnace, MELVIN JOHNSON 1540 N. Cottage St, Ph. 3723 a2G5 FURNISHED HOME NEW B RM. home, completely furnished, clec. heat, recreation rm fireplace, " carpeted. A renl home ready to move Into. FOR APPOINTMENT Call Richard E. nrnbenhorst, with fir; ABKNIIOItST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Ph. 4131 a203 MODERN HOMES t.n nuYH this is rm, mndprn home icealrd in N. Salem, hdwd. floors, basn ment, furnnce, down will handle, f:i.t:.ii BUYS this 5 rm, modern home lo , rau-d la South Bnlem. i down will : handle. C;iil Richard E. Orabenhorst. with (iUAHENIIOKST BROS., REALTORS 131 H Liberty St. I'll, 4131 a2G3 $7,500 BARGAIN ! TinitM. homo wltli fireplace, hwd. r' xn.i, basement, furnace. AN EXCEL LENT BUY, BEE THIS TODAY. Call Coburn L. Oralienhorst, wilh ORABENHORST HltOS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 B203 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION coon, MOlHJtN fl rm. homo with ce ment basement., oil lurnncp, n replace, oak floors dble Karaite, ideal location on Falrmounl Hill. Price $15,000. Call Dale L. Shepherd with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-4457 n263' 2 HIIDHOOM well-located home within ' walking distance down town, well furn ished, 1-slory, cooklmt nnd water heater Kii.s, oil lien I. Immediate possession. Has Karaite fireplace in back yard, utility room. This home 1 now vacant nnd biner can move In at once. Terms $5, 1 OOO.HO cash and balance payable month lv at r'.'i Interest. This home has very pleasant Hiirroundlnits and Is n vey . desirable home. Some fruit and berries, also wuhiutii. ROLL WOOD McKlllon Real Estate ' 3075 FAIRGROUND ROAD. PII. 2-5224 QUICK POSSESSION 8 HDR. HOME Ninth on one fir., very close to tirade tv 111. senool, oil lor nace, E. hot water, wired for ratine weather stripped .V insulated. Lnri;i lot. iltmn, full Gardner. HURT PICHA, REALTORS PH. 3210 3:i7 N U:h Sireet a2(15' OUR BEST BUY 1 THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A 1JIO BUSINESS OFFERS a 3 H It. plustered home, Ih'lnn and illnhm rmim, lull ba.se. oil fit run ce, clti.se lo Rrndc nnc school, Only SllOdO, lnrpe , HlltO. I hUh I II. It, MOD. honiP, r lull base., wood north, lurniH hlindn. H0(i0. . NEW -i ll. H. modern home, South, ready i for occuiumcv. Slrt.soo. BUILT 10 YR3. -. LIVING room with f place, dinlnir. klt- , chen plenty bullt-lns, 2 B.R., hwd. t flnors, bat ii down. 1 B.R. up, base., i luniacv. tl 1 .500, part, furnished. r WOUKINOMAN'S HOME WL1.L BI II.T, newly painted. 3 B.R t lnMiie, Uviit'i romn, lialh, all first floor t (iiunl I'oneii'tp fmiuilntlon. Comp, roof, In rue lot , close store, school. Price J-l'JOO 'f. cash. ALMOST" NEW SUBURBAN . 9 1VH. I'LAST,, mud, home (no base ), clo.se to bus; lai'KP lot. East, $7500. ; 8 H.K. HOMi:. Smith, on bus, $7500. . CO!i:il I.UT 144 X 11)0. build 3 homes, f Pri'-e siOlI, Builders InvesMKitte. -CirV LOT sniitli. Oi.iy $325. '. DOWNTOWN business lot. S 20.000, . N.E. ONI! 4, 1U0 X 100. $2000. 60 x ISO, FOiitli, tlose school. $150. C. H. S:iinler.s-2ai N. Hlnh-5il38 aZfil MADISON MTli l-'EI" SPECIAL Lovin v a lii.nitooM home with fire place, HAliDUOOl) FLOORS, AUTO. HFVr AND DESIlt ABLE IjOT. IMME l"r TE POSSESSHTN, $11,730. CALL FLii'i'o v.vm. :m". GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Ph. 7770, Rm, 10, Ludd .V Bush lildit. n2tl3 4 HOLLYWOOD SPECIALI " a bi:di;oo.m modern bhick EXTItl LOT. FIREPLACE. BASKM'T. FURNACE. EXTRA ROOM IN HASEM T " DOUBLE BRICK UARAliK FINE THEhS : & SHIiUBS. HERE IS AN ATTRACTIVE ' WELL BUILT HOME ON CORNER LOT ' ONLY 1 BLK. FROM HOLLYWOOD CENTFR A REAL VAHIE$11 000. LAHSEN HOME A IjOAN CO. ' F..-Iiis1vp Llstiti):s - Personal Service " 104 S. Comm. Phono 83liU; eves. 7440 a2iil , t!;.o.MOI)i:ilN : mt liome close In N. F. Fi v place, Hnrdu ood lloors. Ha.semeM, t liiiii.ue. nuto. wnier heater, lartie lot. lin.ni'Uiate rosses-sion, Cill Slunlcy Brown with t STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS , 15;i H. HlBli. Pii, 4121 f Jives: 2?561 a2(14 ' ;t.-iti MODiltN NEW2 BII, home, conw 1 pi.'ifiy furnished. Close in on 14tn r hi reel. I lit place, elec, water heater, oil 1 furnm.'e attached Karaite, Lots of shrubs ' linntedlnto possession. This Is a itood ' buy. ' Call Stanley Brown with ' STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS ' 103 S. Hisll Pii.4121 ' Evtil 35&tJl filiiii Ore., Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1946 hOK HOUSES 3 BEDROOM house on North Winter street with larce corner lot. Both streets pav ed. Handy to all schools. Nice fruit and nut trees Immediate possession, A good buy for $4300. 3 BEDROOM house on North Church Btrcet nr-ar Grant School. Part hard wood floors. This house 1b In excellent condition. Price $0000. 3 BEDROOM plastered house located South, Basement with automatic oil fur nace wired for rp.nne, electric water heater A well constructed, clean house. Price $7500. NE fl ROOM house, oil heat, (fas cooking, full bath, l',i acres or best sol!: narae, chicken house, barn. Some fruit and berries. On bus line. Price $7900. 5 ACRES, close In on Liberty Road. Some lame walnut trees, prunes, about 1 acre of youriK cherries and about I acre of fir timber. 2 bedroom house. Price $5500. ROSTEIN A ADOLPH, INC, 11 0 ",a N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314. a2f4 DUPLEX BUS BY DOOR. Hdw. floors. Fireplace. Automatic oil furnace. Call FHppo, 3007. GENERAL REAL ESTATE Ph 7770 Rm. 10. Ladd & Bush Bldtt. a204 2-BIHtM. home In South Salem. 5 years old. Hwd firs., V. blinds, fireplace, coved ccllinss, full busmt., sawdust heat, elec. water healer, att. carafe, lariie lot Imm. piss. See Ralph Madtly. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'1. St. Ph. 4590. Evo. 21090 H261 Sl',',10 r-H)KM, home, nice and clean. Furniture can be bought, Imm. poss. Call for appointment. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 845 8, Com'l, St Ph. 4530. Eve. 21090 a204 VIEW PROPERTY 2-nnKM. home, lame llvinit room, elec. heat, beautiful kitchen. Built by one of the best carpenters In Salem. 6ce Ralph Miiridy. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS B45 S Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve, 21090 B204 $11,3011 H-llDRMl homo In Enlewood dlst Hwd. firs., V. blinds, full bsmt. North front. Imm. poss. Owner leaving town, must sell OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21031) It264 SlO.flOO 3-IIDKM. home close to school, Bus at front door. Don't fall to sec this home, OI-SON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l St. I'll, 4590, Eve. 21090 n204 $8500 3 -III) KM. home. East, This Is a real buy Don't wait to see this home. Imm. poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090 n2fl4 Mi A ON E 99 $57flO-g BEDROOM HOUSE, electric hot water heater, wired for ranse, oil cir culator, laundry trays, cily water and Baa, Karate, barn and chicken house combined, school and city bus by door, 3570 8, Commercial, Salem. a2G4 HERE IS THE HOUS'E yoti have been looklna for, a 5 room plastered house, new roof, 2 bedrooms bath and fruit room. Poach and apple tree, shed. Some tcurms. By owner. 994 6 21st st. 02(14 $3500 FULL PRICE 3 RM PLASTERED OARAGE HOUSE, Iree lot located East. Paved road, close to school Call for Mr. Isaak. 57.V) PARTLY FURNISHED S ItM HOUSE located In business zone W. A com In a dist, Imm. poss. See II. E. Carey. O. T. SPECIAL VERY NICE NEW HOME located N Larue lot. $13,!nn. M. O. HUMPHREYS AND CO.. Realtors 3035 Portland Rd Ph. 7820 2280 fairs round Rd. Ph. 2451X1 nL04 LEO N. GUILDS, INC., REALTORS Choosis from these: ATTENTION Mr. Handyman. This 9 bedroom homo needs a little work. Lot about 50x104 It Why pay rent? Priced at only $4500, ONE-HALF ACRE. 2-year old 5-room mod, house; narar.o; barn, and chicken house. Very close to town. All for $6000. HEAD THIS: We offer this new home. Larue llvlim room with fireplace, din ette, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, tile bath, au tomatic heal. PLUS a comfortable 4 room col tai;o Tent inn for $45 per mo Both for $11 .000 lHOll ON THE HILL, 0 well arranged rooms all on one Hour. Auto, heat, larito hea it 11 fully landscaped yard. We rec ommend this one fur $13,300. "30 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE" CALL JAMES B. HAIITMAN nr K. N. VOORHEES WITH LEO N GUILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 Slate St. I'll. 9201 a2(14 NEW OARAGE HOUSE LOVELY walnut move, Kelzer district, house not entirely finished as to plumb Inn. Over acre. $'-'H50. SALEM REALTY CO REALTORS 149 N Hb:ll St. --Ph. 7000 a203 MODERATELY PRICED 3 BDltM. norm Bnlem. kitchen ranee Included Full prlre 1 1H00. SALHM REALTY CO REALTORS 149 N. Hli-h SI .- I'll. 7(100 a203 WORTH Tin-l PRICE t HOItM.. fully pla.sterod, basement and furnace, located north, near tirade school $750.1 SALEM REALTY CO REALTORS 149 N. Hli;h St. I'll, 7H0O ft 20,1 $ll.7:0. IMMEDIATE possession. 7 room late built home. Hani wood floors In livlim Ai dhi lint rooms. 2 larxu bed rooms and clothes closets down. At tached Harare, Sec this buy. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO,, REALTORS 153 S. llich Ph. 4121 a263 $10,01111. Ni:w 5 room home located on bus Hue South, Has oil floor furnace, IlAithvuud floor.s, Veil, blinds, lot 05 x 150 Call o. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S HiKh Ph. 4121 a203 TO BUY OR SELL SEE THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N H!nh St. Phone 24793 a203" II. KM. WITH unfinished ntlk full bsmt., sawdust heut elec. water heat er H.W. I Irs. Possession In 10 days See Mr GOODWIN with HAWKINS ROBFRTS, INC, REALTORS Phone 41(18 Alter fl R715 a2(13' EXTRA NICE 2 B. R. home N. 22nd St. Fiiephiee, H.W, lloors, bsmt., auto, saw dust heat, reduced lo $U950.00. Seu Mr GOODWIN with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. REALTORS Phone 4I0B After fl 8715 a2fs3 $31. "0. (;..U;i: hon.se, plastered Inst le, stueco out, Ian;e llvlnn room and K. with btiilt-lns, 1 bedroom. Well with Elec. pump, larte lot. "C" KILGOUE REAL ESTATE 435 S. Ill: li. Eve, 21173. Ph. 4B55 a2(11' S!LVt:UTON. S.YM0. 3 bedrooms, livlns room, d.nliiK room, kitchen, utility room. 1 1,5 acres of K round, family or chard. On wood paved st, with city wa ter and srwer, "C1' KILOORE REAL ESTATE 425 S, 12th, live. 2113. Ph. 4855 a2tl3' S. LIBERTY, S7MH). 2 bedrooms and slp. porch, Viu. blinds, plastered. Attached Barm:e. 75 x inn cor. 0t. 'U" KILGOUE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th. Eve 21173, Ph. 4855 a2(i3 HINtiWOUlt II ( ; is, 3 "brill khITsT-U vfinT room, ilreplaee. coved ceilinns, IIW floors, attached mirage, largo lot all in law 11, Immediate possesion . "C" KILGOUE HEAL ESTATE 425 S. 121 h. Kve. 21173. Ph. 4855 a263' CE.Nli:u NT, 3 bedrooms bath up, hvina room, dm I uk room, kitchen, back porch, full basement, sawdust furnace, corner lot, rcmeiu drive. Tills is the best house and location anyone can show you for $!oon. Shown by Appointment, "C" KILGOKE RKAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th. Eve. J 1 1 a . Ph. 4855 a203 N. CIH'KtTI ST. Very''iitcTl'7Inroid,7s bedroom home on corner lot. Close to school, bus niul stnres $8 500 SULLIVAN REALTY CO, 3365 Portland Hd, Ph. 3-'55. Eves. 25103 Il2t!3 RICHMOND HIST. Close to Stato St. New 2 U.K. home with full bsmt. Hdw. floors throughout, wired (r ratine, cove ccil liis. Von. blinds. Tills is a nice place and priced rU:ht, JB.250 SULLIVAN HFALI'Y CO. 3305 Ponland lid. Ph, 3255. Eves. 2.MP3 2U FOH SALE HOTTSES LOW PRICED HOMES fJ-iO BEDROOM. Ut. Llv. Room, Kit, Nook, Bath. Garage. jSBOtt 2 HEDKMS., Llv. Rm. with Fire place, Kit,, Nook, Bath At Ut, Room, Bus at door $.-,( BEDRMS. Larae Lot with Trees, E, iront. Bus nearby, $8,100 ALMOST NEW. Attractive brown shake with attached Baratje. 2 Bedrms. Wall to w. carpet. Bus by door. Call Dale Flippo. Eves, 3097. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Ph. 7770, Rm. 10, Ladd & Bush Bldft. B204- SEVERAL HOME OPPORTUNITIES WITH REASONABLE CASH PAYMENTS 3 BEDROOM home, well located on North cnurcn, Basement, UaraKe, nits jy door. New paint and some fruit and Harden. MAKE AN OFFER. Shown any time. 2 BEDROOM home, 6-year-old home, plas- tereu. Electric or uas water neater anu cooking .Floor furnace (new). Bus by door. Garage. Nice clean home. Un finished upstairs. Price has been re duced to $0500 and Kood terms can be arranged. 2 BEDROOM home, only 7 years old. Plas tered, iiartiwoou uoors. Electric cook ing and water heater, Garaise. Close to bus and school. The prlco Is $7500 and very ftood terms can be arranited, 3 BEDROOM home, 8 years old, is plas tered has IIW, lloors. Fireplace, Base ment, Electric water heater and cook Inn:, Automatic sawdust heat i nit. Has alley, fruit and nut trees and nice lawn. Price ha.s been reduced to 59250 and is worth the money. Well located and bus by door. Good terms available. 2 BEDROOM home, well located on Myers St. 7 years old. Plastered, HW. Floors, Fireplace, Full Basement, Electric cook ins and water heater. Furnace heat. Ga ratio Bus block. Possession 30 days. $2400 will buy this as a down payment and balance like rent, HOLLYWOOD . McKlllop Real Estate 2075 Fairground Road, Ph. 2-5224, a204 $78(10 NEW 2 BR home. All material to finish except plaster. More land if de sired. For more information call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemcketa St. Phone 21519 Eves. 25001, a264 $(!):,() 1 km. HOME and unf. attic. Fire place, kiis heat, and H, Water. On bus line. Call OMER. . HUPF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemcketa St. Phone 21549 Eves. 25091. a2(J4 NEAR ENOLEWOOD SCHOOL 5I2,0I I BK HOME. Dbl. plum. Hwd. firs., fireplace. Nice 1b. Bsmt, Sawdu.it heat. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemcketa St. Phone 21540Eves. 25091. a2G1 $7:,0 REDUCED FOR quick sale. LR, DR. Kit, 2 BR, bath. La. lot, oil fur nace bsmt. Nice location. Will sell furniture. Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemekcta St. Phone 3703 Eves. 0441, a204 $11,000.00 ENGLEWOOD 3 BR HOME. LR, dinette, Kit, bath, Bsmt, Sawdust Pipe fur. Elec. w. heater. Beit of location. Call Ray Davis. Huff heal estate company Realtors 341 Chemekcta St. Phone 3793 Eves. 9141, a2(J4 $7250 BEAUTIFUL 2 Bit home. Located 2 mi. E. Hwd. firs., pias. bath, lights, cement fdnt. Call Mr. Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemekcta St. Phone 21540Eves. 22280. a2fi4 Sl'J.r.iH 3 USES, on 5 A. One older hse. and 1 hse, 6 yrs. old. Chick hse., barn, lion hse. All bldits, have cont. cement Idtn Located 3 ml. out. Call Mr. Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemcketa St. Phone 21549 Eves. 222H6. a2(il SPECIAL ASK ME about this 4 bdrm. house. It Is vacant, Lelace H. Ellis. Ph. 21231. a2C4 MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages. 1 to 0. Call for details. ED BYRKIT & CO, 339 Chemcketa. Phono 5901. A ItST ST, Vitrm, a bedroom home, Hwd. floor?, fireplace, full basement with 1 bedroom. This is a nood buy, "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 423 S. 12ih, Eve. 21173. Ph. 4855 a263 YEW PARK. SIO.Mlll, Calif, stucco, 3 bed room home, fireplace, full basement With celled room. See this one, It's nice "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th. Eve. 21173. Ph. 4855 a203' AM, LAlUJi; ROOMS In this lovely 3 B.R. home In Richmond dlst. Partly furn. 1 11c Id, dec, refr., plpeless nas ratine, hwd. floors fireplace, full basmt. $11, 500, Terms. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3305 Portland Rd, Ph. 3255, Eves. 25103 (1203' NOB HILL ANNEX. Very nice two bed room house, la rite L.R., dining room, bath, kitchen, nook, basement, furnace, elec. water heater, larno utility room, Karaite. Corner lot 100 x 120. Lois of shrubs and flowers Under priced at $8.9j0. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3305 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves, 25103 itL'O.i ' FURNISHED HOUSE f ROOM HOUSE completely furnished. 2 hedrms down, 2 up, Elec. cook stove, elec hot water heater, concrete founda tion, tarKP lot 10(1 x 140. Zoned for bu.slnesii, A nood buy at $8500 for home and rental or business Investment, FOltKNEIt-IlOUUNE, Realtors 1853 N. Capitol St. - Ph. 3031 Eve. 8911 aL'ii.'i EXTRA NICE 4 bdrm. home, double plumbed, basement, ft replace, H.W floors clet water healer, 'i arre, nice yard of flower- and shrubs See Mr GOODWIN With HAWKINS fe ROBERTS, INC. REALTORS Phone 4108 Afler 6-8713 a2t!3 i HEDKOOM HOME on Ti acre " lot. Purily furnished Terms. Trrto $4900. Call GIDLEY OR LOONEY With WM. E. MOSFS 3311j State St Phone 4!l!t3. a RESTRICTED DISTRICT 3 BIHIM. HOME 5 yrs. old. Surrounded ov new homes. Flrepl., auto, sawd'ist furnace, Itidy trays, attached Karaite. FORKNER-BOUHNE, Realtors 1853 N Capitol St. - I'll. 3031 Eve. 8934 a2i!3 5 KM. HOUSE, 1 ml. S.E. of Stayton, 5 acres, Karaite, woods tied, electricity, on paved hlway. Furniture included. Price tiaoo. Call Stayton 635 or sec. Edl Kreltner, evenings, a2titi FOR SAI.i: --Modern house, 5 rooms. Ready to move in. Inquire of N. L, Palmer, 102Orehard Ave,, Dallas, Ore, a2tlti WILL CARE forpr-7chooT children ' by" day or week, 1 block East of Stale Hosp, Ph. 3241, a2tlll FOR SALE LOTS UY OWNER Lot 43x101 on S. 18th. Close to school and bus. Paved street. Side walks in. $a75, Ph 24719, aa2tlii IH H DING Lois. Sltverton Rd.. 60' x 175' $400,00. See Mr. GOODWIN with HAWKINS A- ROBERTS, INC. REALTORS Phone 4108 After 68713 aaDil3 FOH SALE FARMS THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS OFFERS YOU this 155 acre nut farm close to Salem, 50 acres Kood filberts, 75 A. walnuts, both larite bearitis trees; an excellent 2 tunnel dryer for commer cial dry Inn: 6-room house, elec., bath, barn, 2-rooin cabin. Only $32,500 cash. Surely today's bargain. C. H. Sanders-231 N. HlBh-5338 b2t4 VANTEn-lNDUsTlUOUS COUPLE 53 ACKi:S Wll silt loam, 30 acres cult., 20 acres orchard, pasture and timber. Good 3 room house. Tractor, 2 plows, har row, mower, etc., all for $13,500. Call Henry Torvrtid JOE HUTCHINSON, REALTOR 453 Court St. Ph. 7tlit; res. 25141 b204- $UI,H50 l.'S A. 84 cultivated. 10 A. or chard, 7 A. timber. 33 A. pasture, Hse. built 1940. Plus,, bath, Ihihts, fireplace, bsmt, Good out bldns. Will take up to $10,000 city property. Call Mr. Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemekcta St. Phone 2,154!Eve.v 22288. b214' DAIRY FA KM. Modern 4 bedroom, oil plustered home. 40 x 80 barn, 14 stan chions, 20 x 40 chicken house, machine shed. 180 acres, 3 year round sprinns. $18,000, Stock and equipment may o' bounht ter $4,000. SULLIVAN REALTY CO, 3365 Poriluud lid. Ph. 32 j3. Eves. 31473 b2t3a To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. FOR SALE FARMS 30 ACRES, tcood livlnu quarters; all in fruit and nuts, $7500 -If) ACRES, 4 bdrm. house, wired for elec. rane, all stock and equipment, only $8750, S4750 down Call Connally. 22 ACRES, 5 miles north, 2 sets build inits. Willamette slit soil, $17,000, Call SpreadboroiiKh. MANY MOItE come in or call REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Llstlnss Skillfully Handled" 201 S HUh St. Ph. 3722 or 7838 Eves. to Sun. 24113 or 3621 b THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS OFFERS 37 plus acres of choice, orchard soil. Part of acreaite has neglected oear lim orchard. Natural drainage. Close to Salem, Buy and build later. Out of state owner says sell for $3500. Worth the money. 80 ACRES S.E, 50 or more under Plow, some limber, small house, barn with 17 stanchions. Price $10,500, Sell stock and equipment. 8 ACRES filberts 21 yrs. old. A well lo cated Rood producing acreage. Worth your consideration, $11,500. Buildings poor, NEAR MARION 33 ACRES, buildings, elect, soon. Price 53300. Terms, C, H. Sanders-231 N. Hl8h-583a b204 BEAVER DAM 10 ACRES 20 acres cleared. 12'& acres of It pure beaverdam. 7 acres Willamette soil. 20 acres timber, brush, pasture. New mortem house. All electric. Family fruit. $20,000, 2'j miles southeast of Sherwood on Sherwood-Tonquin road. Adolph F. Chan, owner. Route 3, Box 18. Sherwood, Oregon. b213 NEW LISTING 10 A 11 Ml. from Salem, highway 09E off 300 yds. on Rood road. 5 rm. hse 2 B.R. Barn, 2 stanchions, poultry hse & outbuildings, elec. water syst. Black soil, all clear except few wal nut trees ft berries. Fine chicken or turkey setup. Near tirade school. Bus at door for High. This Is worth the price. $4000. M, D. LOONEY with WM. E. MOSES 331 14 Stste St. Phone 4983. M FARM SPECIALS FIR GROVE CABIN CAMP 13 ACRE tract, year around creclc with water rlchts to irrigate, 5 acres, Ideal Karden truck land, lots of berries and fruit. This Is a dandy tract for a country home with income from cabins and berries. Located on paved road, 1 mile from good town, A nicer drove or better set-up for development of a modern cabin camp Is seldom found, Call and let us show you this place, can bo purchased on good terms. To tal price, $12,000, DAIRY RANCH ONE OF THE best 80 acres of rich, bot tom land, large 36 cow modern barn, larKC 7-room modern home, modern fire Proof (train dryer, hog and coif barn, 2 irrigation welto with elec pump witn pipe and sprinklers. This ranch Is a money maker, land will grow abun dant crops, urain, vegetables, mint, hay, etc. Immediate large cash Income from the dairy, priced at $50,000. or with full line of equipment and stock, barn full of alfalfa hay, silo full of sweet corn ensilane, all for $62,000, Liberal terms at 4 percent. 13 ACRES NICE BERRY RANCH 5 ROOM COTTAGE, elec. hot water heat er. Vi h.p deep well pump, laundry trays in utility building, barn, poultry house and garage. Crop land all in cane berries and strawberries, price Includes tractor, truck, drag saw, misc. tools and equip., 1 cow, 1 yearling heifer, 2 calves, some terms. Total price, $11,000. See L V. Sharer. LEE OHM ART & CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph. 9680 or 4035 b265 BEFORE you buy a farm or acreage check on the government soil survey maps on display In our office. Pick a place best suited to the kind of farming you pre fer, We now have nearly 100 places to choo.se from In our Farm department. Nelson Ac Nelson. Ph 4622 or 4419. b 'OK SALE ACREAGE PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP! 7 ACRES Amity slit, family orchard and Harden. 4 acres inoerts, 24 walnut trees, berries, 6 room 8 year old mod rrn home, dec. heat. Large 3 yea.' old barn, other blds. 6'.i miles to Sa lem on paved highway. Price $12,000. Call Myles Henderson JOE HUTCHINSON, REALTOR 455 Court St. Ph. 7696; res 24082 b264 010 ACRE Arnold subdivision, $800. i down. ACRES, Hicks Jones Subdivision. $1000. 'i down. NEW ACREAGE subdivision, north of Aluminum Plant, V down All size lots. REIMANN REAL ESTATE , "ListliiKs Skillfully Handled" 201 So, Hlith Ph. 3722 or 7836 Eves. At Sun. 24113 & 3621 bb S!.i00 I ACRE with clean, modern 2 BR. home, I-urnace, auto, water heater. Barn, chicken house Lots of fruit. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 Eves: 25561 bb264' 13 Acre $6850 HOW WOULD YOU like living near the outskirts of Salem. Good location close to shopping center, i block to, bus, near school. A well built 2 bdrm plaster ed home, attached garage, concrete foun dation oak floors In living room and dinlnn room, nice fireplace, wired for elec range, elec hot water heater. Terms to the rirht couple. FORKNER-BOURNE, Realtors 1853 N. Capitol St. - Ph. 3031 bb283' BY OW.Ni:it 2 acres. 4 rms. A: bathT deep well, electric pump, electric wa ter heater, wired for range. Double garage. Building barn now. $7000, A few days only. li ml. past Fairgrounds, on Sllverton hl-way. Rt, 7, box 403K. bb263 ACRE Kelzer Dlst. Small livable house, Immediate possession. Price $2500. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 3. High Pll. 4121 bb2G3' SH.-too, 1 AC It E South Has new 3 room home. Drilled well, bath, elec. water htr attached garage. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. Hisll Ph. 4121 bb263 SI.'J.-.O, SUBURBAN l',3 acres, excellent soil, 2 B.R. home, small barn, large poultry hou.se. 5 miles N, of Salem, SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3305 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 bb263' 2 ACHES, orchard, berries, 6-rm. house with bath, built ins, elec. pump. Cloe to school, on hard-surfaced road. Bus every hour. Rt. 8, Box 536. East Auburn rd. hb264 '.AL ESTATE Sdmio.iNi Attractive 5 room Homo on 'i Acre of ground. Bam and chicken house Garden. Girage, $7."0.0O Modern 5 room Home North. Full basement, sawdust heat. Good corner lot. Garage. Sit.Mnt.oo l Acre plus with 5 room Home, gara,e Tile fruit house. Immediate pos sesion. North. Extra land can be bought. $17, . .oo.oo Fainnount Hill, 4 Bedrooms, lull basement, furnace, air conditioned, maple doors, sun room, den, music room. Sotting in trees, P. H. BELL, REALTOR 310 Guardian BIdg, Phone 4896 c263 DUPLEX ONE unit rented unfurnished $00 mo., other owner occupied. Tills plaee is in very good condition & well located. $13,500, $11,0001 ll.lt., D.R., L.R., kitchen, nook, bath, full basement, furnace, garage, sprinkling system in lawn, fenced back yard, walnuts, 2 lots. $4000 down. VIEW HOME VERY LOVELY 2 bedroom home Just fin ished, exceptionally well built. If you nit a nice home In a good location see me about this. No telephone in for mation MAKE AN OFFER COUNTRY HOME 7 rooms. 2 fireplaces, bath, basement, furnace, elect, water system, spring, creek with dam, 3 ga rai:es. smalt house. 9 A. timber. 8 ROOM home, bath, electric water sys tem, ouier Dions,, i 't acres, a, prunes. Only 3 miles from downtowa. FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE 474 Court Phone 3IK14 c263' .MONEY TO LOAN on first-mortgage 4 to 6'- , Call foi details. ED BYRKIT A) CO. 339 Chrmeketa. Phone 6981 c 10 ACRES of timber (second growth) lo cated near Mill Cttv. price $(53 00 Mv'KlLLOP HEAL ESTATE AGENCY 16H South High St. Phone 5-1-3-1 Phono evenings dt)01-7163-4937 c2d3 REAL ESTATE TO BUY OR SELL SEE CHARLES DELFEL HOMES MOVING TO DALLAS? WE HAVE 4 Bedroom home, partly furn ished. Located 3 blocks from business dlst. Close to school. $7200. Sal 125X. YOUR DREAM 6 ROOMS, 2 bedrooms upstairs, 1 down, dining room, living room, fireplace, bathroom. Full basement, oil furnace, lawn, shrubs, flowers. Excellent. Shown by appointment only $13,800. Sal 127X. FARMS PUP GOES TOO GOOD houses, 60 A., 35 cult., some timber. exceptional prune orchard, tractor 5 cows, harrow, fresno, drag saw, 3 barns, dog and 3 cats, priced below market at $9000. Sal 110, THIS ONE IS FOWL 48 ACRES, wheat, oats and barley, small house. Turkey range equipment. $10, 600, Sal 119. THERE'S A BULL TO SLINO HERE 13 ACRES, all cultivated, good pasture, large chicken house, Karaite, 10 cows, purebred Jersey bull, double unit milk ing machine, winter supply of wood. $9500. Sal 121. MORE FUN THAN ANYBODY 1!4 ACHES rabbit farm in Kelzer district, net Income $550 per mo. New 3 room house, 12x110 rabbit shed. Rabbits and adltlonal equipment available, $7500. Sal 123. GENERAL AND STOCK FARM BORDERING open range. About 40 head of sheep, 129',2 A 55 under cultivation, has 2 creeks & some timber. Could be subdivided. Nice 4 room house. $14,000. Sal 125. DAIRY FARM 8314 A. NEAR Turner, all cultivated. Has creek, large barn, family orchard, good Income. $10,500, Equipment available. Sal. 127. IN THE RED HILLS ORCHARD and grain farm. 40 A. prunes. walnuts gooseberries and blackcaps. Oats and vetch. 1 bedroom house. Price includes tractor and machinery. $13, 000. Sal 129. LITTLE PUDDING RIVER 15Mt A. f Mi. East on Garden Rd. 0 A. cultivated. Soil good for bulbs Ac flow ers. A steal at $4000. Sal 132. 5 A. PRUNES & WALNUTS NO BUILDINGS. 3 Mi. south City limits. Loam soil. $1100. Sal 134. INCOME GROCERY BUY CENTRAL location in Salem, About $2, 700 inventory, meat case, Ice cream refrig., 2 scales, cash register, adding machine, meat grinder. Good lease, $5, 200. Equipped. Sal 102 Inc. DON'T SLEEP IN THE PARK HERE'S A place to live AND an Income. 6 unit apartment house, furnished. $236 monthly income, good location. Sal 104 Inc. $18,000. EXCELLENT LOCATION APARTMENT house with 8 sleeping rooms and one 3 room apartment. Full base ment, gas furnace, elect, hot water tank, 3 blks, from Capitol and Center St, Intersection, $20,000. Sal 106 Inc. NATURAL SUBDIVISION 8fl ACRES, already surveyed for subdivi sion. Cross-fenced. Water at 18 feet: 1 well now in. Adjoining Gervals, $10, 750. Sal 109 Inc. UTOPIA I A TLACE to live and a steady lncorrlo! Going grocery business, large stock A: equipment, 6 room house. Main Street Falls City. $13,700. Sal 112 Inc. NEW CAR AGENCY IN SMALL Willamette valley town. Good location, new building with parts dept., show room, etc. Price complete, $45, 000, Sal 113 Inc. MECHANIC NEEDED $700 MONTHLY net for able man In this service sta. garage, 5-room house, 2 rm, hse. unfinished. 2 welding mach., all shop tools. Good location, $24,000. Terms. Sal 115 Inc. FREE AIR 2 PUMPS, lube equipment, wash rack. All equipment Included, $35 month rent. $1000. Good SW location. Ptld. 12 Bus, BARGAIN IN BARGAINS VARIETY, new and used clothing. Gross es $8000 month. $30 month rent. Good SE shopping center. $4000. Ptld, 66 Inc. MONEY IN MOTORS AUTO REPAIR shop and gas station grossing $2000 month. Stall garage, 3 pumps, average 400 gal. Apartment rented In dwelling. $13,000. 100x100 cor ner In good Willamette Valley small town. Ptld. 13 Bus. CHARLES DELFEL, REALTOR 615 N. Capitol St, Phone 7002 c263 WALT & EVELYN MUSGRAVE REALTORS 55750 FURNISHED ' ' 3H.It. HOME on 100 x 100' lot, WeH Salem. Storage room, garage As Insu lated fruit room. i blk. to bus, 3 to school, Jmmed, Poss, S7500 ATTRACTIVE 2 B.R. home, 2 yrs. old. Cone, fdn., plastered interior, hdwd. firs., Venetian blinds. Wired for range, elect, wtr. htr oil circulator, EXCLUSIVE BRAND NEW 2 B.ll. home, completely modern with elect, fireplace As heat Living room, dining room, kitchen. Full basement with laundry trays; elect, wtr, htr.. attached garage. Bus at door, 3 blks. to school. This house Is double lti3Ulated As has Youngstown kitchen with chroma fixtures. Drive by 570 Kingwood Ave., then call us to show you the interior. $13,650. WANT TO RETIRE7 BEAUTIFUL, exclusive ranch typfl home with 13 Acres of orclwrd overlooking Eola Hills. Strictly modem with 2 B.R. tile bath, large living room with fire place, attract, dining room, handy kit chen. Full basement, oil furnace. At tached ciirase. Take a look. WEST SALEM REALTY CO. 1233 EDGE WATER STREET PHONE 5109 C263 NELSON NEWS ABOUT '-i AC. S, COM,, $6000 A 5 BDRM. home with L. R Kit., utility rm,, elec. water heater, oil circulator Included, wired for range, enclosed pas ture with barn (16x21), close to stores, on bus NEW 4 BDRM.. ENGLEWOOD ULTRA modern home with L. R.. din ette. Kit. with discharge fan, 2 bdrms. Si bath on 1st fir., 2 bdrms.. i bath on 2nd fir., hwd. firs., built for auto, oil heat, 2 blks. from school Attstores, on bus. Priced right by owner anxious to sell. 3 BDRMS. '' AC, N. E. L. R., D, R., Kit., 2 bdrms., bath on 1st fir., 1 bdrm. uu, piped air conditioned overhead furnace, lawn, with some fruit St nuts, close to bus As store, $7150. SMALL FARM PRICED RIGHT 10 AC, ALL cultivated, 4 rm. hse., un finished upstairs, garage, other out bldss., 2 stoves, daveno, bed. 2 tables, 5 chairs planted to oats St vetch, $5, 000. $2500 down. EXTRA GOOD COUNTRY HOME MOD, NEW 3 bdrm. home, new dbl. ga rage, 25 ac. laud, price only $8000. Easy FOR SPECIAL business opportunity ;ee Business Opportunities column in this paper. IF THESE do not meet your requirements tell us what you want. We probably have It. v NELSON Ss NELSON Chet I, Nelson Thco. a. Nelson REALTORS Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg,, 495 State St. Ph. 4U9 or 4623 Eves. 21350 Farms 25547 c263 REIMANN REAL ESTATE St 000 2 BDRM., solid foundation, i acre on pavement. Southeast. JI3.-.0 i BDRM. with bath, attached ga rage. Call McGlaufltn. S71MM1 $ BDRM on l floor, plastered, con crete foundation, north, close to bus A; school. Call Sprcaoborough, S7,mn i BDRMS.. llv. rom., din, rm.. car peted, full basement, furnace, wired for range, elec hot water heater, north. Call Spreadboroui:h, $8!i.-itt NEW 2 BD KM, home, beautifully located on 2 acres, well worth the money. Call McGlauflln. $9MH 2 BDKMS . fireplace, large attic, auto, heat, full basement, across from Ennlewood school. Call Rubers. Slo.'.Vio ' bdrm., new, cove ceilings, hdwd. floor, auto, oil heat, attached garage, 511,000 , BDKMS , liv, rnw expensively carpeted, has large window, fireplace, suest cloak room, master bdrm. Rose dale Dtst. Call Connally. SI2.0O0 BDKMS., double garage, excel lent location, full basement. Call Ru ber. $13,0003 BDRMS., large living rm , fire place, men; oatn, large utility rm large upstairs bdrm., large garage wlih workshop. Nice Dist, north. Call Con nally. , REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 So High Ph. 3722 or 7S36 Eves & Sun. 2113 or 3621 i To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. REAL ESTATE $6250 HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, nice S room home, good sized living room and dining room. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bath and utility porch, garage, newly papered and painted inside and out, large shade tree In front yard located just off North Capitol Street $8250, NORTHEAST OP TOWN MODERN SUBURBAN home, has living room, dinette, l bedroom, kitchen and bath down, 2 bedrooms up, part hard wood floors, garane, extra large lo:, 95110. 3 large oak and fir trees $8450 Located Just off the Sllverton Hiway. MODERN COUNTRY HOME NEARLY 2 ACRES of land with modern country home, 2 bedrooms, elec heat, wired for range, elec. water heater, large garage, insulated, some fruit trees. Middle Grove School District. $8950. CREEK LOCATION DOUBLE CKEEK LOT, lots or trees and shrubs large comfortable home, full basement with auto, oil furnace, double plumbing, fireplace in living room, wired for rantte, elec. water heater, "IMME DIATE POSSESSION $12,500 MODERN HOME A WELL BUILT 6 room home, has living room, dining room, 1 bedroom, kitcnen and bath down, 3 bedrooms up, fireplace in living room, hardwood floors, wired for range; basement and furnace, ga rage. Nice lot, 5 fruit and nut trees $12,000 NORTH SUMMER STREET MODERN 7 room home, 1828 living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen and half, bath down, 4 bedrooms and full bath up, basement and furnace, part hardwood lloors, V. blinds, wired for range, auto, water heater. Excellent lo cation $14,125 LEE OHMART As CO , REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph, 9C80 or 4035 c WANTED REAL ESTATE LISTING WANTED DUE TO the great demand from out of state and local buyers, we have not been able to supply enough houses, farms, and businesses to meet this ur gent demand. If you have any of the above properties you are thinking of selling, please call us. Our sales force Is 100 World War Two Veterans. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd, Ph. 3255, Eves. 21413 ca2G3 FARMS WANTED WE ARE GETTING many calls every day for farms, Many out of state buyers are moving to Oregon. If you have t farm or acreage you are thinking of selling please call us. Our sales force Is 100 World War Two Veterans. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 ca263 DO YOU WANT TO SELL? WILL BUY your home outright or will assist you In Us sale. For dependable service, call LEO N. CHILDS, INO. 344 State St Ph. S261, ca264 DAN THE REAL ESTATE MAN WILL CALL Immediately to appraise choice listings of city homes, acreages or farms if you will call 24463 A. E. Danielson, Realtor ea2a4 FOR PROMPT and courteous service UJtt your property with FLOYD VOLKEL, Real Estate Broker 474 Court Phone 8904 ca' WE HAVE CASH Buyers for 3 A S txirm homes. Por quick nolo call MR. GOOD WIN with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. NO, REALTORS Phone 4108 After 6 8716. c WK ARB in aeso oi good homes to HU la or near Salem. IS you vuh to Ust row oropertj for sale, tee ORABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 413L e NOTICE! If j our property is tor a&le rent or exchange, list it ltb u. We have all kinds crab buyer. STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 8 Btgb St. ea MAX mt HELP ?ou Sen Your Proptnyf SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N Burn St. Phone 7000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH .A BIG BUSINESS PRESENTS this Coast Highway Store grossing $66,000 the first 0 mo. of 1046. Consists of bldg, 46x64, grocery, fountain, tavern, bus depot, etc. Invoice about $8000. Total $22,500. BEAUTY PARLOR LOCATED live town North. Price $4000. For further information call C. H. Sanders-231 N. Hlgh-5838 cd264 GROCERY STORE & SERVICE STATION ALSO living quarters. A very good buy in a good suburban location. Full price $3,000. Includes stock, gas pumps, 4 yr. lease. M. O. HUMPHREYS CO., REALTORS 3035 Portland Rd, Ph. 7820 2286 Fairground Rd. Ph, 24596 cd205 517,0(10. APT, hse. close in, 5 apts. furn ished, sawdust furnace, lot 98 x 108. Good value. MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N. Cottage St. Ph. 3723 cd265 FOR LEASE EXCELLENT location for used car lot or trailer camp on S. 12th St. A real busi ness location. FOR DETAILS Call Dale L. Shepherd with. ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-4457 cd263 CONVALESCENT HOME COMPLETELY furnished A: equipped 6 large bdrms., upstairs 2 bdrms. on ist floor, good plumbing, auto-oll heat. This property shows excellent Income and Is offered at a right price, FOR DETAILS Call Coburn L. Orabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St, Ph. 4131, Eves, 7772 cd263 TOURIST COURT. ?th finished, every thing on grounds to complete.. Perfect location on 9DE South and a real future money maker. If you have wanted to own a court, and a good one, ice this- bargain. Call Ed Lukinbcal, ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemcketa St. Phone 5981 cd265 APT. FOR YOURSELF, 1 to rent at $45 Room up for 2 more with some re modeling. Close in. This one is wor'.h your time to investigate. Full price $7500. Call Ed Lukinbeal. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemcketa St, Phone 5J81 cd265 JUST LISTED (SERVICE STATION, GAR AOE). All equipment, also fuel oil busi ness. Rent on gallonagc basis. This is a good deal. Price reduced $4900. Call Ike Bacon, ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemcketa St, Phone 5981 cd265" SJTOO GOOD GOING cafe, West Salem. Call Ray Davis, HUFF REAL, ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemekcta St. Phone 3793 Eves. 0441. cd264 FOR SALE BY OWNER 15 ROOM apartment house, basement, 2 large lots, double garage, pear and ap ple trees, excellent location, furnished or unfurnished. Sea owner at 1180 Smith St. or phone 5253, cd272 $11,000 APT. house well located South. Has 5 apts. plus 4 rooms for owner. Basement, sawdust heat. Income $155 per mo. Call O. V. Huma with . STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 Cd263 FOR SALE: Chevron station lease, stock, equip, Ac trailer house at station as liv ing accommodations in West Salem. Would consider car or truck In trade on station. Ph. 9747. Cd263 INCOME AND HOME HOW WOULD YOU like a good first class home with an Income of $130 per month approved by OPA plus your own liv ing quarters. Building excellent con struction, full basement with furnace. Transportation at your doorstep, close to schools. $10,500. FORKNER-BOURNE, Realtors 1853 N. Capitol St. - Ph. 3031 cd263 LOW COST HIGH INCOME 6 RM. HOUSE Owner's 3 mis., 2 rm. Apt. Furn. 1 extra bedrm. Income $55.00 Mo Price $5500. Call Habby Habernlcht JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696. cd204 AUTO COURTS ti UNITS plus hOUSe. $19,500. 15 UNITS with garages. $29,500. 7 UNITS with house, store A: gas station $34,500. Terms on all above, fi UNIT FURNISHED APT, HOUSE $14.750 Close in. GROCERY STORES $5300 and up. SERVICE STATIONS ' $1500 and up. REIMANN REAL ESTATE Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 SO. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 fives. Si Sun, 34113 Ai 3621 cda FURNITURE FOR SALE NEW DAVENPORT and chair. Rt. 4, Box 85 C.E. H. Miller. d2ti5 BEAUTIFUL Walnut dining room set. Shows little usage. $225. 674 N. Church. d263 WANTED FURNITURE CASH FOR YOUB used furniture Pt 759fl Stat Street Pura IB00 State WHY TAKE less for your furnltureT 3ee Russ Bright. Phonn 7511 dd UIGUEST P It ICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodn Auction Marget fa aim AUCTIONS SPONSORED by Brush 'community for the school hot lunch program, nyton hose, various sizes, new sheets, pillow cases, towels and wash cloths, big selec tion Soap used toilet, wash basin, galvinized hot water tanks with fitting. Universal vacuum cleaner, with at tachments. Tree roses, Desk, apples and SALEM COMMUNITY AUCTION HOUSE iiliio mivcrton no. at iiaiiMiiii nit, Items trom the public sold on com mission. Enery Eldcrman, auctioneer. dd234 LIVESTOCK WANTED FAT & C ANN EH COWS for beef. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veal. Fat hogs, sows, stags, boars, Mkt. price. E. C. McCand ll5h. Rt 5. Box 373. Ph. 8147. Acros? from Waters Ball Park, S. 25th, ea269' WANTED; All kinds oi fat livestock Vallej Packing Company Ph 6938, ea RABBITS RABBITS all kinds Top prices paid. Bring or write Wm. Bossert. Rt. 4. Box 66-B. Salem. eb269 FOR SALE WOOD FRESH CUT fir sawdust. $4 per unit. Ore gon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ee283 MILL WOOD $5.50 per load. Ph. 5852. 2 CORD LOAD $10 nEAVT 16" mill wood. Imm. Del. Ph 6083. ee2S2 $4.00 PER CORD ON EVEN delivery. 10" slab wood Sz edgeings. Imm. Del. Ph. 6683. ee282- GOOD16-in. dry slab. $8.50 a load, Im- meniate delivery, urea on c uui v. ru, 5533 ce277 SPECIAL: Green 16" mill wood, 2 cord load $8; green 16" edgings, double load $10, Prompt delivery. Oregon Fuel Co.. Phone 5533. ce270 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. WOOD AND sawdust Stove oil and dlese oil Deliver; when promised. Ph. 34031 BONE-DRY mill wood. 16" green slab good tor furnace. Ph. 7721. I FT. HEAVY slab At Ifl" mill wood. Also dlesel Si stove oils, sawdust Prompt del anywhere. Phone 6444. FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets, ready to lay For Immediate dellvory. Every pullet individually selected. Ph. 2286L Lee' Hatchery. t BABY CHICKS! " Weekly hatches. Nen Hampshlres and other varieties. Ph 22861 Lee'a Hatchery. I CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick- every Wed. Boylngton's, 3710 State f" CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Pbone 32661 Lee' Ratcherr WANTED HELP WANTED Potato pickers. Start Nov. 5th. 2'i mi from fairgrounds, on Silverton rd. Herr As Rlensche. Rt. 7-409. Ph 21363. K2C4 WOMAN to help In homo Ai care of 3 children Ages 2. 6 A: 8, Board, room, wages. Ph. 6991. 10 Madrona Ave. g263 WANTED accurate typist lor temporary work. Phone 24048 R263' TELEPHONE operators wanted. No ex perience necessary. High pay right at the start $29 for a 40-hour week white learning. Frequent scheduled increases three the first year. Safe, wholesome surroundings . . . vacations with pay. A real opportunity for young women who are looking to the future who want a Job that Is pleasant, interesting and profitable. Do not delay inquire NOW! EXPERIENCED OPERATORS LET US tell you how much you can earn. Call Mrs. Goodwin. Pacific Tele phone St Telegraph Co., 740 State St. g283 MACHINISTS Top wages, good shop. Steady work. Hobbs Machine Works, Lebanon, Oreson. c2(i3 WALNUT PICKING at Skyline Orchards. Paying 30c ',3 bu. box with 5c bonus. Turn right at Liberty, go 4 mi. cn Skyline road. First drive past Prospect school. B265 EXP. LADY for fur repair Ss alterations Price's, 135 North Liberty. g WANTED, girl for office work. Must have knowledge of typing and Insurance. 337 N. High St. B2C5 CLERKS TYPISTS. STENOGRAPHERS, CASE WORKERS: MANY vacancies in State Government positions In Salem. Stale Civil Service provides security of tenure, paid vaca tions, sick leave, promotions. For Infor mation call or write The State Civil Service Commission, 444 Center St.. Sa lem. P263 WANTE D POSITION S LANOENFELD TltllCKING CO. HEAVY & light hauling, anytime, any place, anywhere, Ph, 24270. h208' YOUNG GIRL wants part time Job 0 A.M. to 1 P.M. A; Saturdays, Ph. 35602. Ii265 WILL CARE for small child In my home days, Hollywood dist. Ph. 21021. h2fi5 CARPENTER, home construction, finish ing, built-in cabinets. 1067 Third st.. West Salem. h265 INTERIOR PAINTING. Phone 6796. Ii23 GIRL WILL STAY with your children in your home eves. Sat. and Sunday s 2210 Hazel Ave. Apt. 3 1)267 FOR INTERIOR PAINTING and minor fix it Jobs. Drop card to 1908 N. 5th St h257 OIL CIRCULATORS serviced and repaired D'Vorak's Service, Ph, 24963 after P.m. h287 MOVING and Delivery work. Ph. 7665, Salem Moving and Delivery Service Veteran owned and operated. h267 PRUNE fruit trees and shrubbery, do rock work and landscaping. Ph. 24219 h:08 PA PER HANGING exclusively. Ph. 4400, h234 BOOKKEEPER - Accountant Available 10th Nov.. 11 yrs. cxp., 31 yrs, old, World War II Vet, Phone 23281. h2iid MARRIED MAN, wants Job driving truck in town or out. or good labor iob. Steady. White Box 50 Capital Journal h233 HOUSES to wreck. Bennett Bros. Ph. 24B40. rl WOOB SAWING. 960 N. Com'l. Ph. 3522 h230 RUGS AND upholstered furniture cleaned In your home. New process. R. F. Nohl gren, Ph 21080 after 6 p.m. h230 LOCAL and long distance hauling. R. L Phillips. Rt 6. Box 118 Ph. 68F22. H267 4UTO PAINTING just ft shade better oj Raj Biter Call Shrock Uoiot Co. Bioa FOR RENT SLEEPING ROOM. 370 Bellevue. Ph. 21477. J263- WILL SIGN lease on turn, or unfurn. house. Business man and family. Ph. 5697. 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. J2fi7 2 RM APT. Emp. lady, 640 Chem. J264 SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 7260. After 6 pm J2C4- BARRER SHOP, 1 chair, heat, lights and water furnished. Brooks, Ore. j273 i 4 GOOD sleeping rms. with dole, beds 1 Breakfast priv. Ph. 8388. i2ii tiouu USfcU PIANOS H L Stiff r FLOOR sander for rent. Montgomery Ward. i WANTED TO RENT W ANTED M! rid le-arecT'couple from O'-it ot town mu-t haie livinc quarters, '.:;t:i or unfurn 1 rm. or more. Box 60, Capi tal Journal, Ja268 WANTED TO RENT ; EXCHANGE rental of 2-bedrm. house luV West Salem for a 3-rm, apt. In Salem. Call at 1533 Franklin after 5 p. m. J a 263 BUSINESS man wants 3-bedrm. house 5 in lamily. Best of references. City or bllUlli uuii. i-u. -jjio. JHZDJ" 3-oit 4-RM. furn. or tinfurn. house or apt. Box 57. Capital Journal, Ja205 WANTED To lease small farm on shar?s, with good house, or will lease outrlgnt with option to buy. Prefer orchard. Ex. refer. Exper, In orchard farming. Will give beat of care to property. Box 59, Capital Journal. Ja265 GENTLEMAN wants two or three house keeping rooms or apartment, Perman ent. Write Capital Journal, Box 58. Ja265 DESPERATELY NEED apt. by Southern P:icitic permanent employe and veteran. No pets or child reti References. Ph 4406 days. 9320 nlnlits. Ja267 FURNS, APT; or small house. Closo In Couple only. Local ref, Call 7637. Ja2Q4 DESPERATE NEED. Living quarters for Vet and family of three, Best references Phone J ! :jj'3. . J a 261 MIDDLE AGED COUPLE need small apt. on or before Nov. 20.' References. Ph, 6002. 8 a.m to 6 p.m. Ja265 HOUSE FURN. or unfurn. for veteran and parents urgently needed. Write Box 53 Ciiplta! Journal Ja267 STATE EMl'LYD epic, need film. apt. up to ?(i0 month Perm residents. Ref. Ph. 4732, after 5:30 p.m. ja267 VETEItAN AND WIFE desperately need furnished house or apartment, No children or pets. References, Bond given if desired. Ph. 9598. Ja263 WaNTi:i): Furnished apartment or bouse. Box 326 Capital Journal la270 LOST AND FOUND LOST Boy's glasses in plastic fram. Long black case. Dick Evans, 1144 Madison, Salem. k265 LOST BILLFOLD. Keep money but re- ' turn pictures, Jean Black well, 395 South 23rd. k204 LOST n.'w golden crepe dress Millers. Sat, p.m. Howard. Ruth McClure 635 V. Main St, Monmouth, Ore, Phone 523'-. k264 LOST white and brown female Fox Terrier. The dog is sick and didn't have her collar on. She's very fat and answers to the name of Betty. Reward Return to 210 Fisher Rd. or Ph. Mrs. Sara M. Speck. Eve. 21183 Days Ph. 21347. k264 LOST pair shell rim straight bow glasses. Reward. Ph. 24550. k264 LOST Soldier's barracks bag on highway 99 bet, Salem and Woodourn, Contains separation papers and personal clothing. Finder please notify city or state police department. k264 $10 REWARD FOR INFORMATION LEAD ING TO FINDING OF BROWN PURSE fc CONTENTS. LOST SAT. EVE. NEAR HIGH & STATE. PLEASE CALL MRS. SPEERSTHA. PII. 21532. k263 MISCELLANEOUS MODERN TIANO and Boogie Woosie In struction. Private lessons. Guaranteed results. L. J. Ed'.:erton Studio. 1820 N, Cottate. Ph. 9502. ni287 M Y RT L K WOOD sifts, Pcmberton's, 1930 S. 1 2 1 ll . m26 4 ELECTRIC RATE reductions! follow suc cess. Salem Electric announces reslden tlal reductions that bring Its whole rata structure to the lowest In the United States m281 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked, 75o. LES SPRINGER, 404 Court St. m265 SALEM WASTE PAPER 1790 North Front WE BUY magazines and newspapers. Cardboard sheets and boxes any size for sale. m288 VOUR PETS given loving care In my own home while you are away. Phone 4849 for a reservation. m300 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR t-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST tdoipii Bldg. State A: Commercial Sta. SALEM Pnone 831 ta HEAT your homo electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical See ua for free estimates. Y EATER APPUANOS CO. 255 N Liberty. DEAD and worthless stock removed 3S, moment's notice. Ph. 5000, ci HEAVY IH U LIN a. excavation and road Du tiding, land clearing, dozer work ditching, basement excavation, aand gravel crushed rock, mason anL eon ore te mix. cement. SALEM SAND A ORAVEX CO. 1405 N FRONT ST.. SALEM. OREGON Phonf 9408 or 31921 m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FIANO. 2010 N. Liberty. n266 FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures and "in gle tube brackets for use near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 SMART SUITS, coats, sweaters and skirts: as well is dresses for all occasions from afternoon to formats. Grand materials and scarcely wora Sizes 0 to 44. Phone 4C45. anytime. n303 WE BUT a Mil furniture, too la. stoves, distiea. motors, radios, electric appli ances, tuusohoki goods. KLIQMAN 8. 285 H Commercial Phone 9888 n HEAT YOUR homn electrically. It' con venient, clean, economical. See us tox free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N Libert i GENUINE skunk coat. Size 12. Exc. cond. S350. 1020 N. 21st Ph. 0GB8. n263 META L A S IM)Fa7ticbed lamps'. YEATER APPLIANCS CO. 1 355 W. Liberty St. n27 AUTOMATIC record players. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275" SEE US FOR Christmas gifts. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N, Liberty St. SAND, GRAVEL, silt, garden sand, fertiliz er Bosley & Meyer. Ph. 3046. i North Commercial. n272 NEW 14" Wood Turning Lathes. Call 24125, n263 FOUNDRY WORK specializing In gray iron, brass and aluminum. 1 blk. S. 12'.h St. JunctionHighway 09E. VOCATIONAL INDUSTRIES CORP. 'td n26f FUR COAT, Grey Kid Caracul, 688 Brey? ove. n263 FOR SALE 54-lnch link bed spring J10.00. Rome single bedstead $7.50, Streit Slumber chair $45.00, World bicycle S15.00. Sawdust hot water heater, Copper coil, 512.00. Ph. 7028. n263 .32 WINCHESTER special, 50 shells. Per fect. Reasonable. 875 Highland. n263 1 MAN'S bicycle 515. 1 child's crib 10. 1 child's car seat, $1.50, 2 ladies' win ter coats, S15 Ss S10. 1 boy's sport Jacket 7,50 1 boy's overcoat $7.50. Ph. 25343. 365 Belmont. n263 STEWART WARNER Cab. Model Radio, Plays well. j2f. Phone 3056. n263 Aci:TvlLENpVolder, A-l condition. 1705 North fifth. n263 BLOWERS FUR FURNACE. New 11-ln. Size, complete Wmotor. Rez. price 5115. Priced to sell at 597.50. 180 Park Lane n263 PRACTICALLY NEW MATTRESS, sprlnjs, and clothes closet, G94 S. 21st. n263 ORDER Better Homes & Garden or Ameri can Home at present low price of 3 years S3. Mademoiselle 1 year $3.50. Ph. 7828. Mrs. Paul H. Hauser 925 Saginaw st. WOOD and coal heater, good cond, 1575 So. Cottase. n263 DELICIOUS apples, 75c and up. Will de liver. Ph. 21853 or 530 N. 17th. n203 6 WAY FLOOR lamp, maple chest or drawers 6 yr. size crib, high chair, mnsazine rack. upholstered cha;r, chrome kitchen stool, wool filled mat tress. Ph. 4343. n203 GOOD AS new Standard Key Board Oli ver Typewriter S45.00. 4 Pc. Heavy Sol id Oak Bedroom set. Good Condition. (55.00. 254 No. Church St. Ph. 5670. n269 I USED ICE box. Excel. Cond. 1509 N. 4th. n263 EOLA LUMBER CO., Rt. 4, Salem. Lumber red cedar shincies. T. C. (Ted) Mullen. Ph. Salem 2-1106. Yard 5 miles west rn, Dallas h:;-hw.- (Continued on Page 11)