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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1946)
1 Skits and Scratches By Fred Zimmerman Capital Journal Sports Editor Joe Gordon will report to the i Cleveland Indians next spring wilh the anticipation that the i switch from the Yankees may do him good. He said while In Salem last week that he has no hard feelings in connection with ! the transaction and will give his best to the club that has Bob Feller on its staff o hurlcrs While in Salem he teamed uy ' with Howard Maple in a bit of shop talk fishing tackle, golf ; clubs and the like. Gordon is . proprietor of a hardware store ; in Eugene and will spend the . winter behind the counter of his retail establishment. The 1947 legislature should Bass a law making it Illegal " for an Oregon football team to . venture south of the Tehaachapi Pass. The Webfools and Beavers do right well by themselves around the San Francisco bay . area hut when they venture into the environs of Los Angeles, thev appear to be able to pro vide nothing more than a bit of tackling practice for the Iro 1 .tans and the Bruins. Unques ; tionablv the change from the slow underfooting of most of the fields in the northwest to the lightning fast turf of soulh ' em California played an im ' nortant part in the Wcbfoots' f slaughter at the hands of the :- Trojans Saturday. Well, there's ' no way wc can regulate the weather and if it rains all dur . Ing the month of October, it rains. Perhaps, there may come a time when northern football fields can be encased in plastic. Those blimp bangers near Tilla- f mook are huge affairs, perhaps ; Oregon and Oregon Slate can get an order transferring them '- to their respective fields. . , . That 37 to 0 whitewashing of Astoria high last week, was the . biggest grid score ever rolled up against the Fishermen by the . Vikings '' " Will ''Snooks" Lacey provide , anything like real opposition to Dunne "The Durable" Hoag during their forthcoming ring engagement, November 13? We ' believe he will. Lacey is a 'smooth boxer without too much rof a punch, but Hoag will not .be able to rush him as lie has 'most of his opponcnls. Lacey appeared in good condition last week and that's what counts in . going up against Hoag, who has "so far been able to win his encounters because he can dish -it out for full 10 rounds without "having to coast part of (he time. What wc would like to see is a 'baltlp between "Sugar" Eddie - Wharton and an opponent of fairly equal ability. Wharton is ewe of the best boxers to ap pear In the armory ring in many months. Moreover he has a ' punch thai carries considerable .-authority. . . . While here last 'Wednesday nighi Leo Lomski, lhc man who made ring history at Aberdeen, Wash., asked as sistance in locating Harold "Bud" Van Buren, a young fcl- low whom he credits with bring ,an outstanding prospect. Van Bu ren, a former resident of New- port where he received a bit of instruction from Lomski is said "Jo be in Salem. At any rate the f o m c r "Aberdeen Assassin" would like to have Van Buren communicate with hini at h;s Portland residence, 1732 NW Kearney. Prosperous limes and quan tities of easy money combined to make the first racing season at . Portland Meadows an outstand ing success. Total attendance was 114,108, or a daily average of 3(M with a miitucl 'handle of $1,080,292, which figures $131,- ; 8 1C per day. Of the total, S3. 575,505 was returned to those fortunate souls who held win ning tickets. The state of Ore gon received $122,588, while horsemen received 5205,700 in purses. Next season ( 'Manager William P. Kyne will WATCHES FOR CHRISTMAS Wc offer a man's waterproof, stainless steel, shock resistant, luminous dial, 17 jew-l movement for $44. Federal tax included. Also many others at various prices. Watch Repairing Is Our Specialty R. G. WARREN 141 So. Liberty First door south First National Bank Gives Old Foshioneds new flavor because it', m I.J : !. ..l.. i... i 80.8 Proof 67',i Grain Neutral Spirits Glcamore Distilleries Company Louisville, Kentucky lA BS.T TIR BLEMD FOR BETTER DRINKS. 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 194(5 Army and ND Retain One-Two Regular Pace New York, Nov. 5 M'j It didn't take a recount today to deter mine the results of the weekly election of college football's two most popular candidates. Even before the ballot boxes were opened in the Associated Press weekly poll of sports writers throughout the nation, the outcome was certain. Army and Crisp Weather Bolsters Vikes For Axemen Crisp and clear weather served as a boost for Viking football spirits Monday after noon as workouts continued for the all-important Swcctland field cla;'h with Eugene Axe men Friday night and a search by Salem youth for their first win in the series since 1941. Coach Harold Hauk sent Vi kings through a long workout Monday with special attention given to the defense. Offense minded Axemen have a Big Six reputation for heavy scoring in all games to date. The Eu gene squad is also strong on re serves, and boasts of a fast back field behind a heavy line. No changes in the starting lineup have been made by Coach Hauk. Team spirit is rising for the tray with injuries on the all clear stage. " Master Faces Durable One For Top Bout Snooks Lacey, the "boxing master" and Wayne Hoag dub bed the "durable" because of his ability to keep slugging through 10 rounds, will provide the lop spol entertainment in the next Veterans of Foreign Wars boxing show, scheduled for the armory the night of November 13. Lacey is one of the better boxers on the west coast and has mel such fistic stars as Willie Pep, Phil Terra nova, Johnny Zuarcz and Joey Dohin. Hong, yet to meet defeat in the Salem arena, is a whirl wind for action and depends, to a considerable extent upon his offensive prowess to lake care of the defensive part of the game. He throws more gloves than most men, is fairly easy lo hit but so far, punches have failed lo slow him down. Matchmaker Tex Salkeid is trying to rematch Johnny O'Day of Klamath Falls and Davcy Arndt of Portland for the six round semi-final. O'Day was leading his opponent when he ran into a clip on the chin that dropped him. He got up only lo run into another punch that stopped the show. There will be no advance in prices for the program. Basketball Managers Meet This Thursday A Hireling of basketball man agers in the Salem city league has been called for Thursday, November 7 at 7:30 p. m. in the senior high school library by Vrrn Gilniore. director of play this season. Tentative starting dates, selection of officials, and other league matters will be discussed. Play will be held this year in the senior high, Parrish anad Leslie gymnasiums. Squads to Go Fast New York, Nov. S (l'i Four Northern division Coast confer ence basketball quintets will ap pear in Madison Square Gar den's scheduled 28 collegiate contest this year. They include: Dec. 3. City College vs. Ida ho; Dec. 10. City College vs. Montana; Dec. 23. N.Y.U. vs. Oregon; Dec. 26, L.I.U. vs. Ore gon State. adopl "standard colors" for the riders and the Portland Meadows handicap for an added purse of $20,000 will be inaugurated. Notre Dame had been awarded another of those landslide voles that kept the two teams in the forefront as the people's choices this fall. Week After Week The principals in football's national championship classic at Yankee Stadium this Satur day have been up there with mo notonous regularity every week but one since this year's poll started. That week the voters put the dark-horse candidate, Texas, over Army and dropped Notre Dame to third place. Penn, lo the surprise of prac tically no one, lost its hold on third place due to the Quak ers' 17-14 upset by Princeton, and skidded to ninth. Penn's former spot at No. 3 was filled by Georgia. Univcisity of California at Los Angeles retained fourth place and Rice, No, 8 last week advanced to No. 5 with Texas moving up a notch lo sixth place. Tennessee went from tenth place to seventh. Georgia Tech went from 16th lo eighth. After Penn at No. 9 came Illinois, up from elev enth last week. Northwestern, sixth la;.; week, nose-dived shar ing position No. 17 with North Carolina which also slipped from the first ten. Based on the usual system of len point.; for a first place vote, nine for a second, eight for a third, and so on, Army piled up 1176 points, 471 less than last week's. Notre Dame's point total of 1140 was 330 under the pre vious count. Southern California, with 68 points, was in 14th position na tionally. No other West Coast team appeared among the top 39 teams. Ug No Play Against Irish West Point, N.Y., Nov. 5 VP) Notre Dame's football players and ils legion of faithful follow ers can breathe a bit more eas ily today if anyone breathes easily during the week before an Army-Notre Dame game with the news that they won't have to face the big fellow Sat urday. The hig fellow, in this ease, isn't linc-husting Doc Blan chard but Herschel (Ug) Fuson, a 220-pound converted linesman who has been oper ating with rather devastating force in the Army backficld this fall. Fuson injured his left shoul der severely in tackling a West Virginia ball carrier last Sat urday and the medical officer, Lt. Herman Bcarvy, said yes terday that "Ug" definitely would nol be able to play against Notre Dame this week end. Church Hoop League Lists 22 City Quintets Twenty-two teams will com pete in the church basketball league this season in three sepa rate divisions with competition tentative scheduled lo open No vember 21 on a three night a week basis. This was determined Monday night when managers and sponsors met at the YMCA to make preparations. J. J. Fitx simons was named president; Oscar I.iudahl, vice president, and .lint Dimit, secretary-treasurer. Games will be played on the YMCA and the Parrish and Leslie junior high school courts. Dallas (Tex.) Ticbcls won their first Dixie series from the Atlanta Crackers recently for the first time in 20 years. mmMJift )t-D fleet Empire C. U IISCHOFF, Trav. pats. Agan? 130 American lank Bldg., Portland 5, Or. Pherttti Macon 7273 Sewed tAe Sett tie $tt lUxtAwtt V ,F YO" HAVP A SHIPPING rRPBLFM . . . writ n XZ'iV'V C. A. Gril-n. Aut. Ccn. hrr. Ait., Mi IW HMa.. TcIcpImm Wisconsin Favors Bowl Tie-tip MR. B SAYS S'"'?!w ... . ..... . . . . -, v...v..r., J,....... nay55? GLF.NN DAVIS (left) and Doc Rlanchard, Army's All-America backs whom Notre Dame must stop. Rumor From McPhail's Yank ee Front Office Names Boy Wonder Harris as '47 Manager By Carl Lundquist (United PTfun Sport Wrltfrl New York. Nov. 5 (U.R) Barring a bombshell Boss Larry MacPhail was expected to name Stanley (Bucky) Harris today as 1947 manager of the New York Yankees. MacPhail called a press conference for 1 p.m. (EST) to name his new pilot after letting the baseball world guess for weeks as lo whom it mig ht be. And the guessing was pretty general that Harris, the one candidate who didn't want the job, was going to get it, while Charley (Chuck) Dressen, late of the Brooklyn" Dodgers, would be named as his head coach and number one aide-. Harris, the former "boy won der" of the Washington Sena tors, who won pennants as a player pilot with the Nats in 1024 and 1925, had come to the Yankees last Sept. 9 with the expressed intention of being only an administrative assistant to MacPhail. Only F:xecutivc At the same time MacPhail stated thai "Bucky is not being considered for the post and will work with me strictly in an ex ecutive capacity." Harris, according to leaks from the pipeline, agreed re luctantly to accept the job with the idea of grooming Dressen as his successor. Aft er a season or two at (he helm, it was understood that he would return to the Yan kee front office wilh Dressen taking over as field leader. Both men have had back ground as major league pilots. Harris in addition to his bril liant job of directing the Nals lo pennants in his first two years as a big league manager, piloted them through 1928 be fore going to the Detroit Tigers where he remained from 1929 to 1933. He was with the Bos Ion Red Sox an manager in 1934 then went back to Wash ington for an eight year stretch from 1935 to 1942. Dressen was MacPhail's man ager from 1934 to 1937 when the fiery red head was directing op erations at Cincinnati. Southwest Reports Attendance Raise Dallas, Tex., Ocl. 30 The Southwest conference should register over three-quarters of a million paid admissions for its home football games this season. Already pushing toward half million mark and with 15 games lo go, the conference is certain to break all attendance records. The major reasons have been stronger teams and a general interest upturn with plenty of money and a universal spending mood. Edmundson Slashes Huskies Cage Roster Seattle. Nov. 5 uVi Coach lice lidmundson slashed his Uni versity of Washington basket ball squad lo 20 first stringers yesterdnv. Ten 'of Ihe squad have varsity experience. of brand new Builders iktuo 1H6, I'oitltutl I, Oic&od. lie mq help ywu. TO MR. D Bowlers Resume Pin Play After a week-end of quiet, Capitol alleys were returned to action Tuesday night by members of the two Commercial leagues. Results in Commercial league No. 1: Court Street Radio 3, Elf stroms 0; Starr Fruit 3, Keith Brown 0; Lutz Florists 2, State Street Market 1; Walton Brown 2, Triangle Tavern 1. Katie Pctfrson Ill 176439 R. Pricff lia 177 152 SOV La Fane 133 113 123389 Zellpr 153 172 111441 Nuher 157 194 203636 TOTALS 759 848 767 237? nil l tit's M. Srrvice Hiitmrn 149 160 171480 Pfrry 163 157 205535 Price 156 134 173403 Phipps 141 196 176513 Henderson 204 168 165 5J7 TOTALS 814 816 891 2521 155 085 126428 212 205 119 586 131 177 134462 178 183 148510 918 935 740 3602 Sims Perd TOTALS Hon Grcimerjr Co. Parker 152 143 200495 Ppknr 171 153 165489 Gusiafson 186 213 170569 Davenport 177 213 148538 Ken j' on 173 143 140 4i TOTALS 859 865 823 2547 Straw A Is I raw Woolcry 170 l"i6 131477 Boycf 191 171 146 50B B. Strttw 120 173 193 4R6 Bob Straw 179 175 132 4RB Bud Straw 155 207 209571 TOTALS 815 882 831 3328 Ciuud Il'iusr kerpinc Co, Duncan 135 132476 204 203558 139 156515 162 156452 154 177502 Talbot 151 J on oa 300 Simons 134 McCluakry 171 TOTALS 818 667 827 2313 , 100 179 190559 190 179 1(10559 158 140 171469 189 144 217530 192 153 165510 881 798 677 3530 Sptnccr , Hunt Herr Erntson , TOTALS Tra itttrni No. 314 Moruan 129 182 189500 Graham 163 152 162481 Mlflkf! 142 140 144 426 Nelson 137 160 245562 Bone 181 237 189607 TOTALS 786 835 947 2618 Wrestling Card Sets Gray Mask vs. Cazzell Ferry Street wrestling arena fans catch a top duel in weight Tuesday night at 8:30 p.m. as the undefeated (in these parts) Gray Mask tangles with Indian Ike Cazzell in a main event. The show will get underway with a one-fall preliminary be tween Tony Ross and Sammy Kohen. Anoher one-fall pits Billy McEuin and Frankie Hart. A two-of-three fall semi-final matches Billy Fox and Ernie Piluso. KRAFT SYSTEM RECAPPING TIRES LIKE NEW NO SHIMMY BETTER ROAD GRIP QUALITY RECAPPING HEADQUARTERS Ouarantvctf wericmanthlfi FmI ttrvic . . . Ord A Track OMlrry rubber . . bit equipment tm tewnl STATE TIRE SERVICE BARNEY VAN ONSENOORD 710 State Street Phone 9268 Madison, Wis., Nov. 5 (U.B The University of Wisconsin to day became the sixth Western conference school to approve Big Nine participation in the post-season Rose Bowl game. The university's faculty ath I e t i c committee announced that it had voted in favor of a proposed five-year agreement with the Pacific Coast confer ence at a regular meeting yes terday. The affirmative vote, which followed recommenda tions of the school's athletic board, reportedly brought the conference's poll of members to 6 to 2 in favor of the plan. Northwestern still must vote on the plan. Big Nine officials reported last week that preliminary dis cussions with the Pacific confer ence representatives already had Degun. Walter "Piggy" Barnes, 230- pouna tackle at Louisiana State, was named "football lineman of the week." Ducks-Bruins Scrap Will Fill Stadium Portland, Ore., Nov. 5 CP) A packed stadium is as sured for the Oregon-UCLA gridiron meeting here Saturday. Multnomah Stadium of ficials announced a sell-out of the 20,050 grandstand seats and said that of the 8000 bleacher seats, half will go to University of Oregon students and the other 4000 will go on sale at the gate 45 minutes be fore the kickoff OSC Aerial Defense Sharpened for Idaho Corvallis, Ore., Nov. 5 (IP) Coach Lon Stiner of Oregon State said today he was taking no chances with favorable odds for the Beavers over the Uni versity of Idaho here Satur day. The Staters went through Iheir paces today with the ac cent on aerial defense which Stiner said was because of Ida ho's Bill Williams, who tossed 16 passes against the Univer sity of Oregon, completing eight, two for touchdowns. AAU Boxing Dates Given for Oregon Portland, Ore., Nov. 5 (U.B Dates for Oregon's two major 1947 amateur fistic tournaments were announced here today by James J. Richardson, AAU box ing chairman. They are: Golden Gloves January 29, 30 and 31, and AAU State Championships March 12, 13 and 14. Rules for both tournaments, which will be held in the Port land civic auditorium, specify that no overweight will be al lowed in any division and no boxer will be permitted to par ticipate in more than one clas. mm Bearcat Injuries Slow Squad on Pacific Eve Injuries continue to mount on the Bearcat squad and it ts en tirely possible that Ken Jacobscn, rugged tackle, may not be available for next Saturday's contest wilh the Pacific university Badgers. Jacobsen received bruins rear Oregon Trojans Mud; Work Los Angeles, Nov. 5 (U.R) Fearing muddy going against the Oregon Webfoots at Portland next Saturday, the unbeaten Bruins of UCLA today drilled on a field wet down on orders of Coach Bert La Brucherie. . Speedy halfback Ernie Johnson, the Bruins' leading scorer, was declared out of the Oregon contest because of a knee injury suffered in the St. Mary's game. End Roy Kur raach will see action despite a nose broken in the Gael fra cas. . Los Angeles, Nov. 5 (U.R) Es caping without any injuries in their 43-0 rout of Oregon, the Southern California Trojans buckled down to work today in preparation for their clash with California at the Coliseum next Saturday. Scout Bob Winslow reported the Bears have really found their offensive punch and Coach Jeff Cravath declared, "I'm afraid they'll be as hot against us as they were for UCLA." Albany Readies Sfyl e for Sparfs Albany Albany Bulldogs are preparing for their last game of the season and their traditional Armistice day tangle with the Corvallis Spartans. Coach Rex Hunsaker held a light practice Monday with a heavy schedule slated for the rest of the week. A comparison of the two teams finds the Bulldogs with the better season record for wins and losses and the game is one that is usually unpre dictable, due to the high spirit that the two schools cook up for the big game of the year. The team came out of the Lebanon fray here last Friday on the long end of a 26 to 0 score and also without an in jury Coach Hunsaker said. Jackie Robinson, negro base ball star who led the Interna tional league in batting last sea son, moves into professional basketball ranks this winter. I arElsinore Theatre Now Buying Filberts and Walnuts Will again buy and receive at the Shrydcr Truck & Trans fer from Monday to Thursday, Inclusive. Fridays at the Woodburn Fruit Growers' Warehouse, Wood born. No deliveries on Saturday Phone 4966. . H. R. JONES Buyer for Rosenberg Bros. St Co. LODER BROS. HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR DISABLED VETERANS You Can Have Quick Delivery ON 1946 OLDSMOBILE WITH HYDRAMATIC DRIVE Many men, veterans of WORLD WAR II, with ampu tations or other serious handicaps, CAN DRIVE easily and safely AGAIN because of OLDSMOBILE HYDRAMATIC DRIVE. Consistent with OLDSMOBILE FACTORY policy,, LODER BROS, make it possible for them to have TOP PRIORITY for EARLY DELIVERY on a new OLDSMOBILE Hydramatic Drive, fitted with G.M. developed "Valient" driving controls. 66 Series available within terms ot Public Law No. 663 of the 79th Congress. No trade-in necessary for "Vallents.". For Full Particulars Consult LODER BROS. YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER Phone 6133-5467 465 Center St. SALEM, OREGON m I an injured shoulder in the Port- land ball game and Coach Wal ter Ericksen is fearful that fur ther check will reveal that his left tackle will not be permitted to play in the Forest Grove con test. Bob Donovan, a guard, whose broken hand kept him out of the Pilot game, is still on the side lines. On the brighter side of the picture the return of Paul Cook ingham to the line stands out. He played a whale of a game against Portland and lt was his recovery of a fumble that laid the foundation for the Bearcats' touchdown. Willamette has three games lo play the Badger engagement Saturday night; Whittier col lege at Whittier, Calif., Novem ver 16 and Whitman at Walla Walla, Thanksgiving day. WU J-V's Face Lin-field Team Willamette university's Jay vce football club, coached !) Bunny Bennett, will meet a similar squad from Linfield col lege on Sweetland field Tues day night at 2 o'clock. This will be the second clash of the season for the Jayvees, having smothered Pacific university's second string two weeks ago by a lopsided score. The starling lineup for the Bcarkittens is expected to in clude John Stromferd and Ber nard Burnett, ends: Ernie Mil ler and Bob Locffel, tackles; Bob McMullcn and Lyle White, guards; Chuck Patterson, center; Conley Ward, Bill Winters, John Burleigh and Cecil Conner, backs. Mr. Outside Is Ail-Around Star New York, Nov. 5 (IP) Glenn Davis, Army's all - American halfback, not only is the biggest yardage gainer, but is also the hardest working back in the east. Figures released today by the National Collegiate Athletic bu reau show that Davis has taken part in 102 plays and has gained 718 yards, far more than any rivals. Of these, 74 were rush ing plays which resulted in 463 yards gained by the California comet. 4 '