Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 05, 1946, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1946
East Salem People Approve
Plans for Community Club
East Salem, Nov. 5 Residents of Auburn community were
entirely in favor of the organization of a new Community club
when a large audience met at the schoolhouse. E. C. Sundcr-
lin was elected president; Roy
Fowler, vice president, and Mrs.
Radiation on
Cells Studied
Oak Ridge, Tenn., Nov. 5 (1
The U. S. public health ser
vice has joined with Monsanto
Chemical company in a research
program designed to determine
the effect of nuclear radiation
upon living cells, it was an
nounced today.
Dr. Alexander Hollaender,
chief biophysicist of the Nation
al Institute of Health, the pub
lic health service's research
branch, will supervise the re
search in conjunction with Dr.
Eugene P. Wigner, research di
rector of Clinton laboratories.
"Considerable study must be
done to determine the maximum
safe exposure to nuclear radia
tion for workers in this field
before atomic energy can have
a practical use in industry," the
announcement said.
Dr. Hollaender will use the
radiations available as a result
of nuclear disintegrations with
in the chain-reacting pile at
Clinton laboratories, operated
by the Monsanto company for
the government.
Animals were used during
the war to determine the limits
of tolerance for men working
with nuclear energy. This ap
proach was necessary, it was
said, "because of the limited
time available for preparing the
raw materials for the atomic
Arthur Stowell, secretary and
treasurer. Meetings will be
held the first Friday night of
each month.
At the program hour a pic
ture wa. shown by O. E. Palma
teer, representatives of the
Standard Oil company of South
American countries and espe
cially the Amazon valley.
Refreshments of ice cream,
cake and coffee were served by
the committee. Sponsors of the
meeting and everyone present
wish to express their sincere
thanks to the business firms of
Dick Meyer Lumber company
who furnished the ice cream and
the Arnold Kruegcr grocery for
Mr. and Mrs. George Brown
of Swcgle district are spending
a two weeks vacation at the
home of their daughter in Cal
ifornia. Driving to Seattle for the
week-end were Mr. and Mrs.
John Woodburn to visit their
son Harold and family and Mr.
arid Mrr E. E. Brandt and their
daughter, Mrs. Howard Ames
and family.
The second of a scries of par
tics for teen age young folks
was held at the Fourt Corners
community hall last Friday
night. It was called a "Sadie
Hawkins Party" and program
and refreshments were planned
by the members of the Boy
Scouts Explorer Post 64. Host
esses were Mrs. Olive Hickman
and Mrs. Henry Bcnz.
Bill Hanauska in
Charge of Banquet
Preparations for the re-inauguration
of the annual "Whip
Whitman" banquet at Willam
ette university are in charge of
Bill Hanauska, Salem, graduate
student who will be appointed
chairman for the all-school
event by the student council.
In past years it has been tra
ditional for a banquet rally to
be given, with the entire student
body attending in honor of the
football team before the grid
dors entrain for Walla Walla,
scene of the Thanksgiving bat
tle on alternate years.
The last "Whip Whitman"
banquet was held in 1942, after
which competitive football was
curtailed due to the war. This
year the series of banquets will
be resumed, with the date hav
ing been set on the campus so
cial calendar for Tuesday, No
vember 26.
Potato Picking
Demands Workers
Potato picking constitutes the
largest demand upon farm work
ers and orders for a number of
men are on file at the farm la
bor office on Chcmekela street.
Digging of spuds at the Alder
man holdings in the Jefferson i
of six cents a half sack being
paid. When Ihc Jefferson acre
age is cleaned up a start will
be marie on the plantings near
Independence, also held by Al
derman. Harvesting of 25 acres grown
by Hcrr & Rienschc in Ihc Mid
dlegrove section got under way
this week.
If weather conditions are fa
vorable it is probable the peak
of the walnut harvesting will be
passed this week. Principal un
picked acreage is in I he Skyline
district southwest of Salem.
Small acreages of Croft lllly
bulbs are being harvested.
Alabama state laws provide
that no one sentenced to death
in the state's courts may be ex
ecuted without a clemency hear
ing by the governor in person.
r - "ir
TRIBUTE TO NAVY DEAD Floral tributes are thrown Into the sea off New York
harbor from the destroyer Meredith during Navy Day ceremonjes honoring service dead.
Rossman Returns
From Atlantic City
Justice George Rossman of
the Oregon state supreme court
who has just returned from the
annual meeting of the Ameri
can Bar association held at At
lantic City was honored with
appointment as vice chairman
of the administrative law sec
tion, the justice reports.
During his visit east Judge
Rossman also attended the
meeting of the national confer
ence of committees on uniform
state laws that convened in
By way of diversion the jus
tice and Mrs. Rossman spent a
Sales Yard
Largest landscape construction nursery in
northwest. Shrubs labeled, priced, healed
in peet moss, ready to pick up. Large paved
parking lot.
few days in New York City and
also witnessed the recent Penn
Navy football game in Phila
delphia. Judge Rossman says that ideal
weather prevailed during the
most of the time they were in
the east and he was somewhat
surprised to note a tempera
ture at 70 or better at this season.
There are desert tribes in
Africa and the Near East wear
ing sandals almost identical with
those made by the ancient Egyptians.
Corps Observes
171st Birthday
Authorized by a resolution of
the Continental Congress in
Philadelphia, November 10,
1775, with Maj. Samuel Nich
olas as its first commander, the
U.S. Marine corps will Sunday
observe its 171st anniversary.
Commanded since January 1,
1944, by Gen. Alexander A.
Vandegrift, the Marines on Oc
tober 18, -946, had a strength
of 107,520. During World War
II thep had a total of. 596,182
men in that branch of the serv
ice with 526,325 its peak
strength and its peak overseas
during the war 260,840. In
World War I the peak strength
was 65,000 with 44,377 serving
Found at naval installations
in the U.S. and abroad, aboard
all active capital ships of the
fleet and at bases in the Atlan
tic, Pacific, Caribbean and
China, the men of the U.S. ma
rines have as their duties the
guarding o naval installations
in the U.S. continental limits,
providing defense garrisons for
outlying strategic bases; guard
ing American lives and prop
erty on foreign shores; rovid
ing the emergency landing force
of the fleet, stationed aboard
capital ships; and the spearhead
ing of U.S. forces in times of
major emergencies.
County Legion Entertained
Stayton Marion county
council of the American Legion
and auxiliary will meet in Stay
ton Friday evening at the wom
en's clubhouse.
Stayton auxiliary plans initia
tion at the monthly meeting to
be held Wednesday evening.
Members are requesled to bring
new articles for the gift shop aL
the Veterans' hospital, Portland;".
PILES Hurt Like
Sin! But Now I Grin
Thousands change groans to grins. Us
a dot-tort' formula lo relieve discomfort
of piles. Sent druggists by noted Thorn
ton & Minor Clinic. Surprising QUICK
palliative relief of pain, itch, irritation.
Tends to soften, shrink swelling. Use
tlnrtor' way. Get tube Thornton &
Alinor's Rectal Ointment or Rectal Sup-,
positories today. Follow label directions.
At ill ood drua storeii everywhere in
Salem at Fred Meyer's
Underground Sprinkling
Systems . . . We Have Ma
terial, Work Done Now.
Costs Less,
rtume 21619 Free Estimates
Effective Home Treatment
Promptly Relieves Torture I
Find npplirntiona of wnndrfu toothing
medicated Zemo-i Doctor's fnrmulm
promptly relievo the itrhiiiR and tnirnini
nd also help heal the rod, acaly akin.
. Aniar.inRly nurecwaful for over 40 years!
Invisible doesn't show on akin! First
I trial of marvelous clean, stainless
iftoHfii Zemo convinces! Jn 8 For
severe cases buy mm mm m, m
special Extra Strmyth g W lyl 1
Reeent medical reports T"nl that an
mating number of children (and Brown
op too) mar be victims of Pin.Wnrmi
ef ton without euspwtinr what Is wrong I
And these peU, living iniids the human
body, can cause real diatrrsn.
So watch out for the warning ipna that
tnay mean Pin-Worrrw entwUlly th
Rtrravating rectal itch. Get JAYNI'S F-W
nd follow the directions.
PW Is the Pin-Worm treatment dl
prd In the laboratories of Dr. D. .Tayne
Sort, after years of patient research. The
email, eurto.take P-W tablets act In
Special war to remove Pln-Worrrn.
Ak jour druggist: P.W for Pin-Worms I
TREE i Amaiing metal polishing cloth.
Works like magic 1 Polishes silver by jiut
rubbing. Good-will gf ft : yours for the aak
f tig. This month only. Clip this ad and aend
with name and address to Dr. P. Jejne
4 Son, 2 Vina St., Phila, , Fa., Dept. nN64
Wh.lh.r you or. coiling
Let a little time-tested, soothing
VapoRub melt on ICKfi
tongue. Works fine! vapor J
Good Salary and Commission
Write Box 46, Capital Journal
from a pay ftalion ... or from your own home
Please wait for "Dial Tone"
before you dial your number
Sometimes, these days you may not hear the steady
"hum-m-m" of the Dial Tone the moment you lift the
This usually means the equipment is temporarily work
ing at top capacity. In that case, wait n few seconds until
you do hear the Dial Tone and then dial your number.
If you try to dial before the humming "go-ahead" signal,
you will gct a wrong number or no number at all . . . and it
w ill be necessary to dial the number over again.
These occasional delays occur because more people are
making more calls than ever before, which sometimes
works our facilities t peak capacity. The equipment
needed to take care of all waiting applicants, and to pro
vide better service than ever before for all users is being
made and installed as rapidly as possible.
Until then, if there should be a slight delay, please wait
for the Dial Tone. Thank you.
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.
710 State Street
Telephone 3101
Special for
October and November
"Rainy Days" new special Government tarpaulins,
size 15' x 21', weight 15 oz., waterproofed and fire
proofed, complete with ropes, at $29.50 each. Special
while they last. Fine for covering all material, truck
covers, lumber, cement, supplies, etc.
Brand new 9'6" x 14'6" waterproofed and fireproofed
green canvas tarpaulins, 12 oz. double filled army
duck. Excellent general utility covers. Price $12.50
each. Lots of 5 or more $9.50 each.
New government rucksacks or pack sacks, cost gov
ernment $14 Special at $3.95.
New U. S. Navy while 100 percent wool blankets $10.95
each fine for Christmas present.
New Government wall tenls, size 14' x 14', with 4' wall,
complete with ropes and poles and hardwood pins. Fine
for sleeping accommodation for four people, deer hunt
ing parties, etc. $38.50 each.
Two-man mountain tents, new nylon. Cost to govern
ment $40.00 each. Price $14.95 each.
Government single down sleeping bags, complete with
zipper. Wonderful value used like new. $12.50 each.
4000 U. S. Army khaki blankets, 100 wool. Excellent
condition. 4 lb. to 4'z lb. $6.50 each. First lot we
have had. Limited 50 to a customer
Unused jeep cans, with spout. $1.50 each.
Send check, or will send C.O.D. subject to inspection.
Surplus War Goods, Inc.
20S-210 Third Avenue South
Seattle 4, Wash.
Opportunity for young; men to become first
class major electric appliance service ex
perts for Willamette Valley's leading ap
pliance dealers. HOGG BROTHERS, ex
clusive, authorized dealers for complete
Frigidaire appliances; also Maytag and
Easy home laundry appliances, Hoover car
pet cleaner, and other standard lines. This
training is a complete course with substan
tial salary to start, hut applicants must
have certain qualifications.
If interested, call at
260 State Street
787 fi (i
Skillfully designed and tailored to give you a
more beautiful buif line together with smooth
figure control.
Cotton net gives a flattering,
youthful uplift. Rett of bri if
fine cotton. Siies 32-31.
New Freedom
Adjustable body straps to control
the degree of uplift. Elastic back.
Firm cotton; rayon straps.
1 "W
Freedom of action from rayon
satin ahd cotton tlaitie back,
elastic sides. Talon tide tipper.
Long wearing all nylon that
needs no ironing. Exquisitely
tailored. Adjustable straps.
Elastic sides for comfortable
control, lightly b n d front
panel. Talon tipper closing.
!&y ft