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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1946)
6 Capital Journal, Salem, (Sk i i. luplial ower 14 cl ' lj3t'i(le-llecl By Jean Taylor Miss Jessie Worthington, Whose marriage to Walter Cline, iTr., will take place Tuesday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock, at St. Paul's Episcopal church, was honored Jriday evening when Miss Ar hme Scot! arranged a parly for jier at hei home in the Roberts apartments. A miscellaneous shower feted the bride-to-be. Guests were fjlrs. Mary Worthington, Mrs. Walter Cline, Mrs. Maude Space, Jlorry Space, Mrs. John Marr, Mrs. Ben Wittner, Miss Mary Thomas, Mrs. Glessnor Brun didge, Mrs. Lee Henderson, Mrs. Robert Bohannon, Mrs. Paul tVorthington of Independence, Mrs. A. G. Worthington, Miss ftlattic Morrell, Mrs. H. B. Bux ton, Mrs. George Sweigert, Mrs. Alden Adolph, Miss Sevea Tja der. Misses Mildred and Ardell Scott. ... v Homecoming Meet Plans Perfected i Final plans for the Royal jfeighbor homecoming meeting aire being perfected by Mrs. George Speed, general chairman for the annual homecoming fheeting. It will be held in the VFW Hall, dinner to be served In the dining room at 6:30. A program will follow the dinner, then the regular meeting of the amp. During the meeting, non liiember guests will be enter tained in the adjoining room. Committees in charge of the meeting are: dining room, Mesdamcs A. J. Elliott, Winston furvine, Henry Gortmaker. lanley Quamme and Miss Pa tricia Elliott, Miss Ada Bcwloy; kitchen, Mrs. Ella Voves, Mrs. Edna Hamlin, Mrs. Frank Hoyt; rcceplion, Mrs. P. C. Pratt, Mrs. Geo. Ruef; entertainment, Mrs. Ifloyd Bewley, Miss Mildred Yetter; decorations and prizes, Mrs. G. W. Walker, Mrs. Julia Gregory; gifts and flowers, Mrs. Arthur Fiala, Mrs. Gladys Applegate, Mrs. Zula Webb. I ... Mrs. E. W. Stripling, 043 South Liberty, will entertain the Woman's Society of Christian Service for a dessert luncheon at 1:15 Wednesday afternoon. Assisting hostesses are Mrs. Charles Vick and Mrs. Elsie Trick. The concluding lesson in the year's Bible study will be presented by Mrs. S. M. Laws. The annual election of officers will be held; Mrs. John Koore man Is chairman of the nomi nating committee. Vt your trad It I Pay only 10 down., .the balance on Ward Monthly Payment Plan, Oregon, Monday, Nov. 4, 1946 Canadian Contralto Jean Watson, appearing Monday evening, 8:15 o'clock at the Salem high school auditorium, as first presen tation by the Crescendo concert series this fall. Lebanon Church "Wedding Scene Lebanon At an afternoon ceremony at St. Edwards Cath olic church on October 26. Miss Maxine Ruth Kamph, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kamph of Albany, became the bride of Sidney S. Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Wood of Franklin- ville, N. C. The Rev. Father M. M. Bohrofen performed the double ring service. The bride wore a dark blue wool suit witli grey accessories and corsage of pink and white carnations. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs, Robert Kamph, sister-in-law and brother of the bride. After the ceremony a recep tion was held at the home of the bride's parents, the couple then leaving for a trip to the Oregon beaches. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Wood will make their home in Lebanon where the bridegroom, a veteran, is employed. ... The Past Presidents club of the Woman's Relief corps held a party recently at the home of Mrs. Cameron in South 12th street. A no-host luncheon was served at noon, and games were in play after the business meet ing. Assisting' were Mrs. Clara McDerby, Mrs. Laura Tandy and Mrs. Blanche Stuart. A visitor was Mrs. Lillian Cadwell. Junior "Woman's Club to Meet Woodbuhn The Woodburn Junior Woman's club will hold its November business meeting Wednesday November 6 at 7:45 p.m. at the library club rooms. Mrs. Charles Cornwell is in charge of the program and will present Mrs. George Timm In a talk on flower arrangement. Mrs. Edward Uffelman is hos tess for the evening and will be assisted by Mrs. Eugene Stoller and Mrs. C. E. Enos. Bacon Home Is Party Scene Mrs. Floyd Bacon and Mrs. Albert Houle were joint hostess es for a party given at the Bacon country home. Bidden were: Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Bur gess, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greene, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klinger, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Barth, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hollister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. James Kohler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burk, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norris, Mr. and Mrs. James Gunston, Ted Darby, Mr. and Mrs. Judd Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burrell, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Houle and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bacon. Livin; Suite MAKE THE IDEAL FAMILY GIFT For a gift the entire family will enjoy for a long time, choose one of Wards fine living roomsl You're sure to find one styled to flatter your home, priced to save your budget at Wards " '" 'W 2 Smart Pieces In Tailored Cotton Mohair Here's a suite styled for the smaller living room . . i designed lor the utmost comfortl Constructed to Wards rigid standards for longtime service . . . with resilient coil-spring cushions and wide sweeping arms. Inexpensive, tool Gervais OES Chapter Meets Gervais The November meeting of Gervais chapter O. E. S. was held Friday night with Mrs. Ruth Jafferson, worthy matron, and J. P. Aspinwall, worthy patron presiding. Several local members drove to Taft Saturday night to at tend the institution of Sunset chapter No. 163. They were Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Aspinwall, Mr. and Mrs. S. Stevens, Mrs. Ruth Jafferson, Mrs. Lucille Booster, Mrs. George Ramp, Mrs. Jack Imlah. Social hours and refreshments Friday were in charge of the men. Plans were made for the an nual no host dinner meeting on December 6, with Mrs. Ralph Sturgis and Mrs. Robert Harper in general charge. Election of officers will be a feature of the business session. ... Activities List Of Pythian Sisters Silverton Several members of Home Temple No. 21, Pythian Sisters, attended the reception at Hubbard given by Arion Tem ple honoring Mrs. Pearl Kinzer, supreme junior, Salem. Past su preme chief, Mrs. Cora M. Da vis, of Portland, shared honors with Mrs. Kinzer. Grand, past grand and su preme representatives with Pythians from over the state were present. Those present from Silverton were Mrs. Myrtle Eastman, Mrs. Helen M. Wrightman, Mrs. Nada Grinde, Mrs. Essis Specht. Mrs. Myrtle Gilford, Mrs. Emma Kaufman, Mrs. Sara Adams, Mrs. Mabel Talbot and Mrs. Elizabeth Cooley. A reception will be given in honor of Mrs. Eunice Burke, grand protector, by Centralia Temple No. 11 of Salem next Wednesday night, November 6. Home temple will meet Thursday evening, November 7, when reports will be heard from Grand temple proceedings by Mrs. Josephine Hartman. The Altruistic club met Fri day, November 1, all day with a no-hostess dinner at noon. ... Woodburn Mrs. C. A. Rat cliff, member of the internation al relations committee of the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs, will be the guest speaker at the regular meeting of the j Woodburn Woman's club Wed- nesday afternoon, November 6. 1 at the library club rooms. Hos- j tesses for the afternoon will be i Mrs. O. L. Withers, Mrs. J. J. ! Hall, Mrs. Harold Ingram and Mrs. Howard Leighty. j ... Mr nnA Mrs T.psltp Whitn nf Tacoma were Saturday visitors in &aiem. Room 21400 Pat Pearson FJys to Meet Miss Pat Pearson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pear son, leaves by air Thursday for St. Louis, where she will attend a planning conference for the national Westminster Fellowship meeting of Pres byterian youth, to be held at Grinnell college, Iowa. Miss Pearson is national fellowship commissioner for Presbyterian youth. She is enrolled at Oregon State col lege as a freshman and it is her fourth trip east in con nection with Presbyterian youth work. Zola Flood Tells Troth. Miss Zola Flood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Peacock, has announced her engagement to Frank Gilmour, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gilmour. No date has been set for the wedding. She attended Cal dwell, Idaho, schools and he, Jefferson schools. ... Canby Couple Fete Anniversary Aurora Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson of Canby, observed their 48th wedding anniversary on Sunday, October 27, greeting relatives and friends at an "open house" reception in their home. Autumn flowers and foliage were used as decorations about the rooms and on the serving tables. Mrs. Lorin Wrolstad and Mrs. Nolan Yoder, daughters of the honored couple, were in charge of serving. ... Officers of the Sons of Union Veterans auxiliary are asked to be present at the Woman's club at 6:30 o'clock Wednesday evening, in formals, for inspec tion practice. Inspecting offi cer will be Mrs. Mary Wash burn of Eugene. ICE CREAM All Flavors QUARTS NO LIMIT 03K SAVING CENTER Salem and West Salem mm V ... IfcMlll 40. Years Pair Are Honored Mr. and Mrs. Fred Staab were feted Sunday on the occasion of their 40th anniversary when all member of their family were present following absences of several years. The gathering took place at the Staab home In Spruce street. The couple was married Novem ber 4 19i6 in Hays, Kans. They came to Salem in 1935. At the family party were Mr. and Mrs Leo J. Staab of Salem, Mrs. p'hilip Washburn and fam ily of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Al Staab of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Staab, Jr., and Miss Irene Staab of Portland and James Arthur and Betty Jean Staab, all at home. DAR Regent In Woodburn Woodburn Miss Jeannette Dentler of Portland, state regent of the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution, made her offic ial visit to Belle Passi Chapter of Woodburn at the regular meeting held Friday at the home of Mrs. Carl Engelman. Miss Dentler gave a report of the work for the year in her ad dress. She was presented with a corsage. . There was a good attendance of members and several visitors. Refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held December 6 at the home of Mrs. W. J. Wilson. ... In Corvallis for the weekend 'ass::;::; ;: J The ;: f BEAUTY BAR j ! 201 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. $ Formerly Beauty Hacienda 'f Under the 'i New Management of !'. f Nan Williams and Zana Hales . V f Features : NESTLE Permanent $ and HALLIWELL !: ) Cold Waves J I Other AA and ' Permanent 93W Up v Phone 3925 I Durable, tubfast cretonnes is festivities were Mr. and Mrs. William J. Beard. Their son, Save Heat with Get more heat! Use less fuel! CHIMNEY SWEEP is quick-acting . . . cleans out soot that wastes precious fuel . . . provides for better air circulation in your chimney or fireplace. The big 3-pound can is a winter's supply! There's no fuss, no bother with CHIMNEY SWEEP . . . no messy equipment to handle 1 You simply sprinkle it on the fire . . . just as easy as that! From there on, CHIM NEY SWEEP does the job by itself. Get your supply I M ontgomery Ward mm Soft, textured cottons MAKE YOUR OWN FINE FABRICS . . . PRICED LOW! Georgeous prints In frosh, clear vot-dyed colors ; 1 1 decorator-designed for Wardsl All are fade-resistantl Some are pre-shrunk! The fine, soil cretonnes are easy to tailor for slip coversl The textured prints have a soft, heavy draping qualityl Many patterns, many colors .Vom which to choose ... If you hurry! CRETONNE U Ward Monthly Payment Plan to Boy MitfjemetfWmd I Wilford, Is a student at Oregon State college. , Save Money 3-pound can Just sprinkle if on the fire yd. 98c V noo u