II " t :' r-i i --AS" 'vU :V .v .4 All M&ML 14) 11 If "T f 16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, Nov. 4, 1946 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. fOK SALE HOUSES $10 000, NEW 3 Bdr. Home. Excel, loca tion. Oil heat, hdw. floors, att. garaae Call Grain. totiwt PinilA REALTORS PH, 3210 or ' 33 1 N. X11811 Oin-ct, a262' WEST HALEM SflOOO. PLASTERED 3 Bdr, Home. Base ment garage, (rult trees. Cnll Craig. BURT PICHA, REALTORS PH. 3210 or 5053 337 N. IHsh Street WHY WORRY ABOUT HOUSING? WHEN YOU can buy an 18 x 20 well constructed building reasonable. WM BLIVEN OR L. C. COONFJY 429 Orcaon Bldg, Phone 7006 a 261 M 750 IMMEDIATE possession. 7 room late built home. Hardwood floor In living St dining rooms. 2 lartte bed rooms and clothes closets down. At tached garage. Bee this buy. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO,, REALTORS 153 B. High Ph. 4121 a263' 110 imio NEW 5 room home located on bus line South. Has oil floor furnace. Hardwood floors, Ven. blinds, lot 05 x 150. Call O V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S High - Ph. 12la-6V SOTO-SMALL house 8' X 10' on lot 50" X 12V Has sas and lights. Water PiP"d onto lot. Some furniture. A cheap home at a cheap price. Call O. V. Hume with RTATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 1.13 S, High Ph. 4121 n26J BPECIAL MODERN 2 bdrm. home, aulo-nns liral., beautiful wall to wall carpcttnK. Vcne tian blir.ds, shower stall, flee, hot wa-t-r htr.. utility rm. St 2 garases. Larue Jot In No. 2 business zone. Back yard fenced. Call Don J. Dawson with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS in K I.lhnrtv St. Pll. 4131. Eves. 2-a338 a261' FURNISHED HOME NEW 5 rm. home, completely furnished, elec heat recreation rm.. fireplace, carpeted. A real home ready to move Into FOR APPOINTMENT Call D, J. Dawson with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-8 MODERN ft BDRM. Home, fireplace, large living rm dining rm. kitchen. 2 bdrms. down 3 tip Dble tarase. located close In South. A real buy at $11.5.M. Call Dale L. Shepherd with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 2-4457 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GOOD, MODERN 6 rm. home, with ce ment basement, oil lurnace. fireplace, oak floors dble. gfirnne, id-'al location on Falrmount Hill. Price $15,000. Call D. J. Dawson witli ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty en, fa, - a261- FOR SALE LARGE DBLE. house, East Salem, large lot paved at. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. Price 18,400, near Richmond School. Call Cobiirn I-. Orahenhorst with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty fit. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 R HALEM MODERN ENGLISH style home. 2 bdrm.i living rm.. dining rm. kitchen, full basement auto-oil heat, unltn. upstairs, corner lot. Price $10,500. Call Dale L. Shepherd with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S Libert St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 24457 MODERN HOMES st ;.o BUYS this 5 rm. modern home located in N. Salem, hdwd. floors, base ment furnace. U down will handle. fO.I.Mt BUYS this 5 rm. modern home lo cated in South Salem, V down will han die. Call Richard E. Orabenhorst with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTOHH 134 S. LlbcrtySL. "l-.1!3i ml Tii ni r.Aii ,riK house ulastcred liiKlle, etucco out, largo living room find K. wuli huilt-lni. 1 bedroom. Well with Elcc pump, lame tot. C" KILOORE REAL ESTATE 425 8. 12th. Eve. 21173. Ph. 4H55 a2flV "ILVF.RTON. IMMHI, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, utility rrwm, 1 15 acres or ground, family or chard. On good paved at. with city wa ter and srwrr. 'C KILOORE REAL ESTATE 435 8. 12th. Eve. 2U73. Ph. 4R;j n23' S. M1IERTY. i500. 1 bedrooms and slpg. 'porcli, Ven. blinds, plasteied. Altnched sarntie, 75 x 100 cor. lot. "C" KILOORE HEAL ESTATE 425 8. 12th. Eve. 1173. J,h.4lir.5B2ni' RINtrWOOD IKiTS, 3 bedrooms, living room, fireplace, coved ceilliiHS, HW fluors, attached tnrnKe, large lot all in lawn. Immediate possession. "C" KILOORE REAL ESTATE 425 8. 12lh. Eve. 21173. Pll. H.5B263 7:i:nti:rKT. 3 bedrooms bath up, living room, dining room, kitchen, bark porch. full bnjiement, sawdust lurnace, corm-i lot cement drive. This Is the best house and locution anyone ran show you for !t000. Shown by Appointment. ."C" KILtiOItE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th. Eve. 21173. I'll. 48,MihU03' tIST ST. t'.WWt, 2 hedroom home. Hwri lloorf. (ireplnre, full baM'iuenl with 1 bedroom. This Is a nond buy. C" KILOORE HEAL ESTATE 425 S. 12lh. Eve. 21 173. VU. 48.ii fl28n "yi.W PARK. SI0..MHI. Calif, stucco. 3 bed room home, fireplace, lull bnenieni with reikd room. See this one. It's nice "C" KILOORE REAL ESTATE 425 S, 12lh. Eve. 21173. Ph. 4H; 2:i RC)S11)AI.IC AIM). 6 room home, 1 bed room down and 2 ui. flrepliu-e. lull biisement, anwdust fuinace, 03 X 100 lot. Lovely home. 1 1,3511, "C" KILOORE REAL ESTATE M 3. Ulh. Eve. 21173. Ph. 48.5 aOj "n' c iII'IH'H ST. Very nice 8 year old. : bedroom home on comer lot. Close to arhoul. bus and stores. iB.500. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland lid. Ph. 3255. Ees. 2.SI03 a 26,1 JtlcilMONiritisT. Close to Slate St. New 2 B.R. home with lull burnt. Hdw. floors throughout, wired lor ranvf, cove ceti )iik!, Ven. blinds. This la a nlco nlucc and priced ruhl. JS.-T-n. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. S3C5 Portland Hd, Pll. 32j5. Eves. 2fil03 UJIKI ijTi7iunrKooMs irTuirriovei73 n.n. home In Richmond rilM, Purtly turn, lucid, elec. relr., pipe less gas rane, hwd. floors. Hreplace, lull biiMiil, ill, .'t00. Trrm. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3385 Portland ltd. Ph. 3233, Em'J. 2,Mn.l 26.1 MHt MILL ANNI-X, Very mrr to bed room houe. la rue L.R., dining room, bnlh, kitchen, nook, basement, furnn"c, Icc, water heater, large utility room, garage. Corner lot 100 x 120. Lots ol shrubs and (lowers Under prlcrd t $8,950, SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2MM aJiiJ BVOWNET 3 bdrm. house, all Postered, full basement, furnace. In very good cond. Double lot, fruit trees, gamut1. Reasonable. North Salem. Ph. 34KJ0 after 5 p.m. n'JtlJ SPECIAL 14750 A NEAT CLEAN 2 bedrm. home 5 years old. Completely furnished including flee, refrinerator, it as stove, elec, wash ing machine, auto, water heater. Lao. garage, large lot, 2 blks to bus, about 7 blks to school. FOR K N EH BOURNE, Realtors 1833 N. Capitol St. - Ph. 3031 Eve. R9B1 11203 FURNISHED HOUSE ROOM HOUSE completely fnrnish;d. 2 bedrms down, 2 up. Elec. cook stove, elec hot water heater, concrete founda tion, large lot 100 X 140. Zoned for bim-nrs5. A good buy at I8.SO0 lor home and rental or business investment, FORKNER-BOURNE, Realtors 1853 ti. Capitol St, - Ph. 3031 Eve. 8m 263 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 15250. NEW 2 bdr. lime. East, L.H., kit., rlee, cooking, plumbing rouithed in, Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON BURT PICHA, REALTORS PH. 3210 337 N, High Strcit a2- K)K SALE HOUSES EXTRA NICE 4 bdrm. home, double plumbed basement, Tlreplace, H.W floors elec. water heater, '.a acre, hire yard of flower., and ahruba Sen Mr GOODWIN with HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC. REALTORS Phone 4108 After 68715 a23 HONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages 4T to 6 Call for details. ED BYRKIT is CO. 339 Chemeketa. Phone 5981. a WILL TRADE at 2350 N. Church, 1 bedrm. plastered house. A-l cona. insiae ana out. Lot 60x150, for 2 or 3 -bedrm. house. a 2 62 BEDROOM HOME on U acre lot, Partly furnished. Terms, Price J4000. Call GIDLEY OR LOONEY with WM, E. MOSES 331 '5 State St. Phone 4993. S4250 WONDERFUL buy. 2 B.R, home. Lot 100X 100. Le.rge garage. Can be purchased lurnLshed. Including refrigerator, wash ing machine, gas range, oil burner & nice furniture. Peoplo going east. This won't last. Call LOONEY OR GIDLEY with WM. E. MOSES 331 "1 State St Phone 4033. a 17.500 FOR SALE by Owner One 7 room house and small 3 room house, immediate pos session Phone 3388 after 5:30 p.m. a261 A TRULY BEAUTIFUL HOME: LOCATED North on Hi A. Ranch style brand new. Lg. beautliul living room, with fireplace, large drning room. Kit chen has glass brick over the double sink and tile drain boards. Lots of bullt-in.s. Brklast nook, sun rm. and 2 lg bedrms. Bath has tile floors and built-in vanity. Basmt. with fireplace, shower auto, heat and elect, wtr. htr. Do, RnrtiKe. All this plus a i rm. house In rear 120.000, ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 a262 NEW CAPE Cod style home. 4 bedrooms. lloors carpeted. Furn, plpen to an rooms. Llv. im., din. rm., V. Blindi. $13,000. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 a262' RESTRICTED DISTRICT S BDRM. HOME 5 yrs. old. Surrounded uy new homes. Firepl.. auto, sawdust furnace. Iddy trnvs, attached garage, FORKNER-BOURNE, Realtors 1853 N Capitol St, - Ph. 3031 Eve. 8984 a20.'l- RM. HOUSE, 1 mi. S.E. of Stayton, 5 acres, garage, woodshed, electricity, on pnved hlwiiy. Furniture Included. Price J 4 B00. Cali Stayton 635 or see Edl Kreitzer, evenings. ft286 FOR SALE Modern house, 5 rooms. Ready to move in. Inquire of N. L. Palmer. 102 Orchard Ave., Dtllas. Ore. a266 WILL CARE for pre -.school children by day or week. 1 block East of State Hosp. Ph. 3241. a26(l" FURNISHED SUBURBAN HOME NEW Bdr., bath, L.R., kit., dinette, V blmds, parage, new furniture Including elec. ranae, liv. rm, set, 2 bdr, sets, dinette net, rug. Si lamps. Call "EL MER" AMUNDSON BURT PICHA. REALTORS PH. 3210 337 N. High Street a262 INi; LITTLE house close In, 2 bedrms., fireplace, full basmt. Nice apt. in back rents for $35.00. Full price S7900.00. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chrmeketa St. Phone 5081 a2f2 YOU WOULD expect to pay more for this new 2 Bedroom home, on large corner lot. Nice new furniture through out. All goes at IR'iOO. Cult Harold MeMlIlln with RTATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S High Pll. 4121 Eves. 81F21 a262 $10,000 HOME on Falrmount Ave., living rm.. dining rm., hdwd. firs., fireplace, nice kitchen, 2 bdims., bath Az nook down, floored upstairs, basement A; lurnare. SlK.Mi. 6 KM. home on N. Church St., lmr.it rm., dining rm.. kitchen. baJi, one be a rm. down. 2 bedrms, up. Nice lot. Close to school & bus. MELVIN JOHNSON 540 N. Cottage St, Ph. 3723 a2G2- III' OWN !; kTOI de r t y pe3 BR excl. loc. Largo lot, fruit Si nuts. Garage. MHke otfer. 1233 North Church. a202 BY OWNER ! BEDROOM home, basement, oil heat, garage, 50x180 Improved lot. Near high school Ph. 4757. 540 N. 15th. a282 4-KOOM Plastered home, 50 ft. lot. Ma.ce oiler. 2545 Laurel Ave. a263 CITY PROPERTY ',4 A. t miltM, cott. Cory &. comfortable Price S4000. Furn. $4400. 4 BKDK.M. older house, near McKlnley scliool. Plenty of room for the whole family Reduced to aell S6500. VALUE PLUS Near Ennlewood school, 3 bedrm. home, full basement, plenty of built-ins. Walnut tree, apple, pear and penrli. Lawn shrubbery and garden. REAL BUY at $7000. Cnll "Hnbby" Habernlcht JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 4:5 Court Phone 7696 a261 FOR SALE BY OWNER NEW ft room house In Amity. Ph. 8804 Sa lem. a261 S7IHHI --ltR. HOME. L. R.. dinette. Kltch. Wired lor rntiHe, good bsml.t wood pipe lurnace. can unif.it. HUFF HEAL ESTATE COMPANY Itealtora 311 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21.H0. Eves. 2iin0l n2C, IMMEDIATE POSS. SIMM) DOWN. JtiO per mo. buys this W Hi loin home. 3. R R.. L. R., kllch Some rurultiire. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549. Eves. 2j01tl bMP $K,(hi ;t it K. HOME near Grant tch R.. kitch.. hwd. lira. Immrd. poss Call OMER, HUFF HEAL ESTATE COMPANY ncallors 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 21519. Eves. 2.01ll aJf SOIlltl 5-RM. USE. on lg. lot North. 3 B, H, About. 5 yrs. old. Call Mr. 8tn:lh, HUFF HEAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph 21540. Eves, 33286 a2fil Kittuii .' HOUSES on lg. lot 50350 North. Paved at. close to bus. Live In one rent one. Call Ray Dnvis. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Pll. 3703. Eves. 9441 a261 2-1lI)KM. home In South Salrm. 5 years old. Hwd flrf.. V. blinds, fireplace coved ceilings, full basmt., sawdust heat, elec, water heater, att. garane, lortfc lot. Imm. poss. See Ralph Mnddy. OI.SON AND REEVE. REALTORS 045 S. Com'. St. Ph. 4500. Eve, 21000 a2l 5 lir.it i-ltliltM. home, nlco and clean. Furnituro can bo bought. Imm. puss. Call for appointment. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St Ph. 4590. Eve. 31090 a261 VIEW PROPERTY 2-1U1KM. home, large living room.. Piec licai, beaut Kul kitchen. Built by one nf 1 ho best carpenters In Salem, bee Ha1ilt Maody. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S Com'l, St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090 Ml- yi I .: ;t-lilltMj homo in Emilewood dlst. Hivd. Mrs., V. blinds, full bsmt. North front. Imm. pass. Owner leaving town, limit sell OI.SON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Pll, 4590. Eve, 31090 261 jiti.Mni a-niiKM. home close to school. Bus at front door. Don't fall to see this home OI.SUN AND REEVE REALTORS 945 B. Com ! St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 21090 aJ6I t."O0 MlDK M. home, East . This la real buy Don't wait to see this home, 1mm. poss. OISON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S, Com'l. St. Pll. 4590, Eve. 21090 a2l MAKE IMMEDIATE CASH OFFER VERY GOOD location NORTH; by OWN ER 3 B.R. Modern 8 R. Home. V. blinds re-finished inside fc out. New rool, oil heat, lull basement, gas St rlert., lots of built-in, garase. Irg. lot, Irmt, nuts. Howers, shrubbery, ber ries, garden. New 18x30 workshop on alley, close to schools, store, bus. walk ing to Capt. Recently priced over I1, 000.00. or will sell hse. separately. If you want more than a house to live In belter look this over at once, 1145 Nebraska ave, ph. 3817, J61 VROOM house. Good buy for 14500 ', 1165 Waller 81. 0i FOR SALE HOUSES LEO N. CHILDS. INC., REALTORS SPLENDID BUY A HOME well worth the money. Only 8 years old, 6 nice rooms, 3 bedrooms, fireplace lull basement. Attached ga. rar.e; lovtly yard. This won't wait at 1B250. Call JAMES B. HARTMAN. BRAND SPANKING NEW S BEDROOMS, automatic oil heat, at tached garase. Lot about 65 X 150. Call to see this. Only 110,000. Call JAMES B. HARTMAN. I'i ACRES FOUR ROOM house in Turner. Price 3, 000. Call K. N. VOORHEES. TEN ACRES LARGE FURNISHED house. Barn, chick en house, lots of fruit. Tractor and necessary equipment. Price complete $8500 Call K. N VOORHEES. LIST YOUR property with us. Our 30 years' service to home owners speaks for Itself. LEO N CHILDS, INC, REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 a26I BY OWNER 3 bdrms., hdwd. firs., full basement, sawdust urn ace, attached garage, fireplace. 1580 Pearl St. a201' TO BUY OR SELL SEE THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N High St. Phone 24793 a263' B.K.M, WITH unfinished attic, full bsmt., sawdust heat. elcc. water heat er, H.W. firs. Possession in 10 days. Bee Mr. GOODWIN with HAWKINS Sz ROBERTS. INC. REALTORS Phone 4108 After 68715 a263 EXTRA NICE 2 B. R. home N. 22nd St. Fiieplacc, H.W, floors, bsmt,. auto, saw dust heat, reduced to (0950.00, See Mr GOODWIN with HAWKIN3 At ROBERTS, INC. REALTORS Phone 4108 After ft 8715 a26.V FOR SALE LOTS BUSINESS LOT IIKI x 110 LOCATED on S. 12th St. Ideal location for used car lot. I-'OH SALE OR LEASE. Call Richard E. Orabenliorst with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131aa261 WE HAVE several good buys in unim proved tracts of land. Call Harold McMillln with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High Ph. 4121 Eves. 81F21 aa262' BY OWNER Lot 48x101 on 8. 18th. Cloo to school and bus. Paved street. Side walks in. J675. Ph. 24719. aaSfij- BU FloiNG Lots. Silvcrton Rd.. 60 x 1 75 S400.n0. See Mr. GOODWIN with HAWKINS Sc ROBERTS, INC. REALTORS Phone 4108 Alter fl 8715 2RV FOR SALE FARMS DAIRY FA K 51. Modem 4 bedroom, all plastered home. 40 x 60 barn, 14 stan chions. 20 x 40 chicken house, machine shed. 180 acres. 3 year round springs. SI 8,000. Stock and equipment may be bought for 4.000. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 2479 bJ63- IIH ACRES, house being reconditioned, large barn 3 yrs. old, 17 Ions hay, ma chinery Ai team. Real spot for a G.I. easily financed. 17.000. Luse Realty. Oregon Bldu. 7952. b2H WHY MIGRATE? HERE'S 0 A. finest bulb soils on the COAST I ONLY 3 miles d.t. SALEM! 100 yds. to hiway, stages, neighbors. Staggering returns possible any crop. Cased well for irritation, S4500. 200 A. FARM 192 A, unsurpassed for seed, bulbs. Some alfalfa, fescue, ft mi. N. Salem, 'i ml. lo town 90E h! way, stores, etc. Big hou.'ie, lots outbids. Heart of the Vailey's best farm district! Handsome. Profitable, Top condition, (35,000 or make offer & get Immediate posses sion. POI.K CO. STOCK FARM 337 A. JOIN'S Camp Adair nr. Pedee. 60 a. cult. & seeded, bal. pasture A; timber Use., 2 barns. 33 head of stock St growing crops. 113.500. STULLER, BRKR. WALLACE RD. mi. N. Brldce b261 SlTui-U E A 1 1 T I F U l7VB R h o ni eLocat -d 2 ml. East. Hwd. floors, plast., bath, lights, cement foundation. Call Mr. Smith HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Cheniekct St. Ph. 21549. Eves. 222HQ b2Cl 17,ft0-'!'J aT"(I FT H H B ES 'Fwillamc tie silt. New hse. not quite, complete and older hsr. 2 cows. 3U0 chickens. AC tractor Willi all new equip. New chick, and brooder hscs. Barn with plenty nf hay and grain. Located 3 ml. East Call Mr. Smith. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Ciiemekcta St. Ph. 21549. Eves. 22-'Hd Itfil JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR FARMS FOR YOU 35 A. FILBERT and Walnut orchard. No bldg. Road on 2 sides. Beautiful bldtt. site. Price 17000. 16 A. DAIRY FARM, on Central Uotf- eil-paved rd. Price S 17,500. 08 A. LOVELY, Moil. 5 rm, house. 34 A Prunes. 12 A. berries, 60 A. crop land Price SI8.000. Equip, can be bought. 138 A. WELL located, E. of Salem. 8 rm. mod. house. 40 H.p. elec pump. New Po tato house, new mach. shed, new pump nouse. Tilled and in 1st class condi tion. CALL HENRY TORVEND JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 Res. 25141 b2fll SUBURBAN S A. NEW S bedrm. ranch home. Instil. and elec. heal. Well built, by owner. It won't Inst,, at Siiu.'iO 10 A. 10 KM. older house, furnished. In cludes new Pier, range, uood relriR. and nearer. 4 A Prunes and Cherries 4 A Oats and Veich. Bal. family orchard, pasiure. nam, poultry House, nut drv rr. Implements included in price. 5 Mi, irom downtown Salem. All for S8300. Call MyW Henderson JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Phone 7696 Rca. 24682 b2fil FARM BUYERS) BEFORE YOU decide on a form, get a copt ot our Special Farm List, with descrip tions of 6J farms. NELSON fli NELSON REALTORS Rms 3011-3 Masonic Bldg. 405 Slate St Ph. 4419 or 4022 Eves 3-5547 b NEW LISTING 10 A.. 1! Ml. from Salem, highway 99E off 3(10 yds, on good road. 5 rm. hse 2 B.R. Bam. 2 stanchions, poultry lisp. A; outbuildings, elec. water syst. Black soil, all clear except few wal nut trees A; berries. Fine chicken or turkey setup. Near grade school. Bus at door for llisii. This Is worth the price. $4000. M. D. LOONEY with WM. E. M OSES 3:tl'i Sti'te St. Phone 4!!i;i b FOR SALE ACREAGE 1 3 Acre $6351) IIO IV WOULD YOU like living near the outskirts ol Salem. Good location close lo shopping center, block to bus, near school. A well built 2 bdrm plaster ed home, Htlached parage, concrete foun dation, oak floors in living room and dining room, nice 1 1 replace, wired Icr elec range, elec hot water heater. Terms to th" ilchl couple. FOli K N E H -BOU R N E, Realtors 1853 N. Capitol St. - Ph. 3031 bb26:f BY ()WNi:K-2arc4"rnisAT bathT deep well, electric pump, electric wa ter heater, wired for range. Double garage. Butldinc barn now. $7000. A few days only. l' mi. past Fairgrounds ou Silverton hl-way. Rt. 7, box 403 K. bb:$3 S ACRE Kelrer Dist. Small llvablr houae. Immediate possession. Price J2500. Call o V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO,. REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4121 bbJli3 WMW, 1 ACRE South. Has new 3 room home. Drilled well, batii, elec. water htr., attached garage. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S'h Ph. 4121 bb26.V t350 5 ACRES mixed fruit and nuts Good road on both sides. Perfect lor subdivision. W000 BUSINESS lot. 115x420. Call Ray Dams HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793. Eves, 9441 bb2t!l TOR SALE BY OWNER S ACRES, modern 2 bedroom home, part ly furnished. Close to Auburn school. Garage, barn At electric water system. i acre strawberries. 3 miles east if Salem on Auburn road. Rt. B, Box 594, Salem. bbJtl Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE ACREAGE SUBURBAN I'.i acres, excellent soil. 2 B.R. home, small barn, large poultry houie, 5 miles N. of Salem, SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves. 24479 bb263 2 ACRES, orchard, berries, B-rm. house with bath, bulltlns, elec, pump. Clone to school, on hard-surfaced road. Bus every hour. Rt. 6, Box 580. East Auburn rd bb264 REAL ESTATE CITY HOME 3 BEDROOM modern home, cement foun dation, plastered, garage, chick?n house. 3 lots, new electric water heater, new circulating heater, new electric sewing machine, other personal prop erty. $5500.00 terms. BUSINESS BUILDING TWO 3 ROOM apartments in business section, on Main Street In Silverton, furnished, including refrigerator, elec tric washing machine, cas range, elec tric range, electric water heater, oil circulators. Ideal for business on street level, living quarters on next floor, renting now at (75.00. S6000.00, ACREAGE I ACRES. 6 room semi-modern home, nbr.ut 2 miles out from Silverton, elec tricity, on good road, good barn, chick en house. Price 14000.00, terms. FARM .VI ACRES. 8 room bungalow type home unli bath, newly shingled, full set buildings, 48 acres cultivated. 20 acres U grass seed, good oiI, electricity. This is a good farm. 311.000.00. WE HAVE many other listings from which to choose. If you wish to buy or 4cll. see lis HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SILVERTON. OREGON Phone Main 16 c2Gl NELSON NEWS WALT & EVELYN MUSGRAVE REALTORS 5750 FURNISHED 3.B.R. HOME on 100 x 100' lot. West Salem, Storage room, garage As Insu la trd fruit room, 'i blk. to bus, 3 to scliool. Immcd, Pops. $7500 ATTRACTIVE 2 B.R. home. 7 yra. old. Cone. Idn.. plastered Interior, hdwd. firs.. Venetian blinds. Wired for range, elect wtr. htr.. oil circulator, J8000 KINGWOOD UTS. 3-B.R. VIEW home. 7 yrs. old. with ti acre lot. Basement, furnace, hdwd. firs.. Venetian blinds, elect, wtr, htr, EXCLUSIVE BRAND NEW 2 B.R. home, completely modern with elect, fireplace Sz heat Living room, dining room, kitchen. Full basement with laundry trays; elect, wtr, htr., attached garage. Bus at door, 3 blks. to school. This house is double fniulated St has Youngstown kitchen with chrome fixtures. Drive by 570 King wood Ave., then call us to show you the interior. J13.650. WANT TO RETIRE? BEAUTIFUL, exclusive ranch type home with 13 Acres of orchard overlooking Eola Hills. Strictly modern with 2 B.R, tile bath, large living room with fire place, attract, dining room, handy kit chen. Full basement, oil furnace. At tached garaee. Take a look. WEST SALEM REALTY CO. 1233 EDOEWATER STREET PHONE 5109 e262 CREEK PROPERTY A BEAUTIFUL country house, L. R.. D. R Kit., 2 bdrms. Si bath down As 2 bdrms. up. basement. lurnace Si trays, chicken house Sc barn, mountain wa ter. Price is 115,000.00. NORTH CHURCH. 3 bedrooms. llvUg room, dining room, kitchen, bath, ga rae. Lot 66 X 132. $6350.00. WEST SALEM. 5 room Home only 2 years old, garage. Oak floors, Venetian blinds. Will trade for acreage with house near Salem. $7500.00. t ACRES North with new electrically heated 5 room Home. Garage, Immedi ate possession. $8950.00. LANCASTER Drive, 1 Acre with 4 bed room Home. Garage. Immediate posses sion. J0250.00. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 510 GuardianBldg! Phone 4896 e181 DUPLEX ONE unit rented unfurnished J60 mo., other owner occupied. This place is In very good condition St well located. $13,500. SIIjhhi 1 B.R.. D.R.. L.R.. kitchen, nook, bath, full basement, furnace, garage, sprinkling system in lawn, fenced back yard, walnuts 2 lots. $4000 down. VIEW HOME VERY LOVELY 2 bedroom home Just fin ished, exceptionally well built. If you want a nice home in a good location see me about this. No telephone Infor mation. MAKE AN OFFER COUNTRY HOME 7 rooms, 2 fireplaces, bath, basement, furnace, elect, water system, spring, creek with dam, 2 ga rai:cs. small house, 9 A. timber. 8 ROOM home, bath, electric water sys tem, other bldgs.. 4?3 acres, 'a a. prunes. Only 3 miles from downtowa. FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE 474 Court Phone 3904 c263 TO BUY OR SELL SEE CHARLES DELFEL HOMES COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 3 rms.. Wired for elect, range, 40 gal. hot water tank, lots of built.lns and inlaid lln. Near Four Comers. Sal 122X. $6300. I BLOCKS TO STATE HOUSE. Corner lot, B rm. house, 3 bedrms. main floor, base ment, sawdust furnace. $9500. Sal 124X. MOVING TO DALLAS? We have 4 Bit. home, partly furnished. Located 3 blocks from business Dlst. Close to schoul S720O. Sal 125X. FARMS GENERAL FARM. 25 acre.4. 20 cult., small amount or timber, sandy-black loam all fenced. Elect, and tel. Mile from Sunnystde. 75O0. 8al 108, Ft P GOES TOO. 2 good houses, 80 A.. 35 rult., some timber, exceptional prune orchard, tractor, 5 cows, harrow, fresno. drac saw, 3 barns, dog and 3 cats, priced below market at 59COO. Sal 116. THIS ONE IS FOWL. 48 acres, wheat, oats and barley, small house. Turkey range equipment. M0. 600. Sal 119. THERE'S A BULL TO SLING HERE 15 A. all cultivated, good pasture, large chicken house, garage. 10 cows, pure bred Jersew bull, double, unit milking machine, winter supply of wood. $9500. Sal 121. MORE FUN THAN ANYBODY I'i A. Rabbit farm in Keirer district, net In come $550 per mo. New 3 room houss, 12x110 rabbit shed. Rabbits and addi tional equipment available, $7300, Sal 123. GENERAL AND STOCK FARM. Bordering open ransc. About 40 head of slice p 129 1 j A., 55 under cultivation, has 2 creeks Si some timber. Could be sub divided. Nice 4 room house. 114,000 Sal 12a. DAIRY FARM. S3'i o. near Turner, -ill cultivated. Has creek, large barn, family orchard, good income. $10,500. equip ment available. Sal 127. IN THE RED hills. Orchard and grain I arm. 40 A, prunes, walnuts, goose berries and blackcaps. Oats and vetch. 1 bedroom house. Price includes tractor and machinery. $13,000. Sal 129. HKI KIGEKATOK AND GAS RANGE FOR ..SALE. In fact this completely trellis d 15 A. of beai.s, 7 room house, barn, cow, horse, tractor and equip., trailer, chick ens, and modern irrigation system all bo for Mtioo, 3 miles out. Sal 131, SMALL It KAN ACREAGE. 5 A. trelllsed for beans. Irrigated. City water mam on land. No buildings. 3 miles from city limits. $16,000. Sal 133. 5 A, PRUNES A WALNUTS. No biiildtnss 3 Mt. siiiilh City limits. Loam toil $1100. Sal 134. INCOME G Itoc FRY BUY, Central location in Sal-'in. About $3700 Inventory, meat case, ice cream case, 2 scales, cash register, adding machine, meat grinder, coffee ttrinder. Good lease. $5200. Equip ped. Sa' 102 Inc. DON'T SLEEP IN THE PARK. Here's a place to live AND an income. B unit apartment house, furnished. $336 month ly income, good location. Sal 104 Inc. EXCELLENT L O C A T 1 O N A part men' house with 8 sleeping rooms and one 3 room apartment. Full basement, gas furnace, elect, hot water tank, 3 blks. from Captol and Center St, Intersection. $20,000. Sal 106 Inc. NATURAL SUBDIVISION 86 acres, al- ready surveyed for subdivision. Cross lenced. Water at 18 feet: 1 well now in. Adjoining Gcrvais. $10,730. Sal 109 Inc. UTOPIA! A place to live and a steady In come! Going grocery business, largd .ock A: rquipment. 6 room hou.ie. Mam Sireet, Falls City. $13,700. Sal 112 Inc. CENTRALLY LOCATED. Quiet, reserved clientele. This 10 suite. 3 sleeping room apt. hse. is increasing in value every day. Auto oil. full basement, furnished Excellent condition. Shown by appoint ment only. $42,500. Sal 114 Inc CHARLES DELFEL, REALTOR 015 N, Capitol St. Phone 7002 C261' Journal Want Ads Pay To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. KAL, IS STATE NELSON NEWS ' PARTLY FURNISHED N $6300 L. It., D R Kit., 2 bdrms., bath, utility porch, on 1st fir., unfinished attic for 1 bdrms., full basmt. with drlve-ln ga rage, close in bus Si school, Imd. poss. Terms. STATE EMPLOYEE'S IDEAL 3 BLKS. from state office bids., well de signed 6z substantial, L.R., D.R., 2 bdrms.. 1st fir., fplace. attic, bdrm. full basmt. with space for additional bdrms, or play rm.. auto, air condi tioning oil heat, ideal for single women or retired couple as well as state cm ployed family man, priced right, OOOD KINGWOOD HEIGHTS HOME 3 BDRMS. 1st fir. hwd. firs., 1 bdrm. up, full tasmt. Si furnace, elec. water heater, laundry facilities, U ac, garage, owner will consider reasonable offer. EXTRA GOOD COUNTRY HOME MOD. NEW ;i bdrm. home, new dbl. ga rage, (see photos In our office), 25 ac. of land thrown In. price for all only $8000 on easy terms. EXCELLENT DAIRY OPPORTUNITY l'ill AC., 75 ac. cult., 50 ac. bottom land, 7 rm, house, 10 stan. barn, chicken house, incubator house, garage, other out-bldgs,, bottom land, sub-Irrigated, 112,000. PROFITABLE AUTO COURT WE HAVE listed 1 of Salem's better auto courts retting approx. $12,000 per year, plenty room for further expansion. This Is not just another auto court, largo well-built mod. units Si a money maker. IF THESE do not meet your requirements tell us what you want. We probably have It. NELSON is NELSON Chet I. Nelson Theo. G. Nelson REALTORS Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg., 495 State St. Pll. 4119 or 4622. Eves, 213i0 Farms 25547 c'26t HEIMANN REAL ESTATE tUHm1 BDRMS,, 4 rm. house, solid foun dation acre on pavement, bus by door. cast. SlUiMi t BDRM., 'I acre, partially fur nished, east, let's go. Call Spreadbor oush. flUMi BDRMS. on 1 floor, plastered, concrete foundation, north, close to bus A; schools Call Spreadborough. S8IHHI -J BDRMS.. large corner lot, very neat Si clean, ven, blinds, large front room rug goes. Call Baron. fmiu NEW 2 bdrm. home, beautifully lo cated on 2 acres. There were no cor ners cut on this house, well worth the money. Call McOlauriin. $39000 ENGLE WOOD Dist., across from school, 2 bdrms., fireplace, basement, auto, heat Call Rubers. $1 1 .500 l BDRM. stucco house, hdwd floors down, basement, furnace, lge. lot, north. Call Spreadborough. $12,0003 BDRM. Hollywood Dlst.. double garage, excellent location. Let us show you this Call Ruber. SFi.imft 3 BDRM. English style home or 1 acre east. 47 filbert trees, walnuts, grapes berries, bus by door. Call Mc Glauflln. JPI.OOO s DBRM. furnished. Falrmount Hill. Auto, oil lurnace, glassed-in break fast nook. $14,500 ;i BDRMS., double plumbing, auto heat, Philippine mahogany woodwork, lovely lot. located on Rose St. Don't miss this. Call Baron. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 Eves. Si Sun. 2-4113 or 3621 c MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages. 4 to 6 Call loi details. ED BYRKIT Si CO. 339 Chemeketa. Phone 5981. e" MOVE RIGHT IN CLEAN 6 room home, located at 1706 N 4th street. Has living room, dining room. 3 bedrooms, kitchen and bath, newly painted Inside and out, large corner lot, 5 fruit trees $4500. JUST SOUTH OF TOWN 1 ACRE of land with a 6 room home, basement and furnace, city water, piped for gas, gas water heater, small chick en house, fruit and nut trees, bus at door, located on Liberty road $6800 SMALL FRUIT FARM DANDY 111 acre fruit farm, comfortable 2 bedroom home, lights, bath, elcc. wa ter system, garage and barn. All in cultivation. 9 A. orchard, nearly all in cherries, very fine view of the moun tains, A good buy for S8500. FINE MODERN HOME RANcn STYLE 5 room home, very nice pecan floors. V. blinds, wired for range, electric water heater, attached garaje, auto, gas floor furnace, just 6 years old. very neat and very clean. Located North 2 blocks from St. Vincent De Paul $10,500. CALIFORNIA STYLE MODERN 6 room home, living room with fireplace, dining loom, 3 bedrooms, kit chen and bath, no upstairs, bascmi-nt and furnace, large lot, partly finished bedroom la basement, located South 110.500. EXTRA NICE MODERN HOME EXCELLENT location North, modern 5 room home with part basement, auto, oil furnace, wall to wall carpeting in living room and dining room, hardwood floors auto, water heater. Lovely yard, terrace and outside fireplace, auto, sprinkling system, fenced $15,000, LEE OHMART Si CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Ph. 9680 or 4035 C WANTED REAL ESTATE LISTING WANTED Dl'E TO the great demand from out or state and local buyers, we have not been able to supply enough houses, farms, and businesses to meet this ur gent demand. If you have any of the above properties you are thinking of selling, please call us. Our sales force Is lOO1-; World War Two Veterans. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eves'. 21413 ca263 FARMS WANTED WE ARE GETTING many calls every day for farms. Many out of state buyers are moving to Oregon. If you have furm or acreage you are thinking of selling, please call us. Our sales for;s is 100r; World War Two Veterans. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves. 24479 Cft263- DAN THE REAL ESTATE MAN WILL CALI. Immediately to appraise choice listings of city homes, acreages or farms If you will call 24483 R. E. Danielson.Realtor ea234 LISTINGS WANTED WE HAVE cash buyers for all kinds or property, homes, farms, lots, acreages and what have you. Quick action when listed with M. O. HUMPHREYS Ss CO 3C35 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820. 22K6 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24596 caa FOH PROMPT and courteoua service ut your property with FLOYD VOLKEL. Real Estate Broker 474 Court Phone 1904 ca WE HAVE CASB Buyers for 2 ft 1 bdrm home For quick tale call UR OOOD WIN wttb HAWKINS A ROBERTS ENO. RKALTOKa Phone 4108 Aftei 04718 e' WB ARB in or o ol sood homes to eeli id or near Salem it ton wish to Bat roar oroperty for sale, see ORABENHORST BROS REALTORS 134 S Liberty St Phone 411L ea NoTICBl If your property la tor aJe rent or exchange, list it wttb u wt have all kinds caab buyers. STATE FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 S Blgb St is HAY WB nELP You Sen Your Property! SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 M Bub Si. Phone I AM ea BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NF.Yi GARAGE, 50x80 ft., tile Si concrei construction. Fully equipped. Including 2 new tanks Sz pumps, new twin air compressor, new hydraulic hoist, large lathe, portable electrio welder, drill press, press, auto parts, stock A; othr shop tools necessary for auto overhaul Deep well St electric pump plus approxi mately an acre in rear. Opportunity lor auto aKcncy, Located In small town with rich farm community surrounding. Write or see T, J. Bernlng Real Esta'.e. Mt. Angel, Ore. Phone Black 59. Mt. Angel. cd261 515.500 DOWN BALANCE only $300 per mo. lncl. lnter rst on 7 unit auto court on 99E with service station, store and 2 bdrm. home, 3 acres rround. APARTMENT HOUSE 3 FURN. UNITS, each with bath, very c'oe in. Don't miss this for $14,750. Call Rubers. REIMANN REAL ESTATE Listings Skillfully Handled" 301 S. High St. Ph. 3722 or 7i6 Eve . Si Sun. J621 or 2-4113 Cd" t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $7500.00 A REAL good old house. 2 apts. down, room up lor 2 more. Can have sepa rate entrances, at small expense. Own er lives In 1 apt. rents one lor $45,00. Only 4 blks. from downtown, tins building la well constructed and will lest for years. Call Ed Lukinbeal. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 cd26J FOR SALE BY OWNER 15 ROO.M apartment house, basement. 2 large lots, double garase, pear and up ple trees, excellent location, furnished or unfurnished. Se? owner at 1180 Smith St, or phone 5253. cdili $II.(hhj APT. house well located South. Has 5 apU. plus 4 rooms for owner. Basement, sawdust heat. Income $155 per mo. Call O. V. llumo with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 3. High Ph. 4121 cd263 FOR SALE Chevron station lease, slock, equip. A; trailer house at station as liv ing accommodations In West Salem. Would consider car or truck In trade on station. Ph. 9747 cd203 INCOME AND HOME HOW WOULD YOU like a tjood first class home with an income of $130 per moiuh approved by OPA plus your own liv ing quarters. Building excellent con struction, full basement with furnace Transportation at your doorstep, close to schools. $10,500. FORKNER-BOURNE, Realtors 1853 N. Capitol St. - Ph. 3031 Ccl261 FINE INVESTMENT WELL BUILT 2 story building 40 X 60 ft. on choice lot 100 x 100 ft. Room for parking, 3 large well arranged apart ments upstairs; best of plumbing, clos ets Si built-ins. Fine oil furnace, steam heated. Downstairs. 3 rentals. Income about $325 per mouth. Priced right at only $35,009. SEE LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 Slate St. Ph. 9261 cd261 RESTAURANT Best Location In City, Money Maker, $5500. 13500 down, $100 Month, 609 E. First St., Newberg, Or", Phone 31M. cd'.'62 $5300.00 311" AT MKT. All equip. Just move In and lake over. Equipment Is worth tin price, $20,000.00 AUTO COURT on Hwy, 99, Incompleted. All fixtures, lumber, floor coverings In cluded, Here Is a deal that is worth the money to a person who can do this kind of work. More inform, can be had by calling Ed Lukinbeal. ED BYRKIT, REALTOR 339 Chemeketa St. Phone 5981 cd262 GROCERY Ss Service Station. Domn S4. 000 per mo. Llv, qtrs. Bargain $9'!00 General Real Estate Co., Rm. 10, Laid Si Bush Bldg. Ph. 7770. cd261' INCOME HOME! LARGE LOT, 7 room mod. home. 3 room garage apt. Location excellent. You can't lose at this price, $14,500. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Pnonc 7696 Res. 24780 cditil 2 CAFES. $2700 and $3750. Both good ones Call Ray Davis HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St, Ph. 3793 Eves. 9441 cd2Cl F URN ITUR bTo l"sALE' BEAUTIFUL Walnut dining room set. Shows little usage. $225. 674 N. Church. riJ63- WANTED FURNITURE CASB FOB YOOB tueO furniture. Pt 7584 State Street Furn. 1900 state WHY TAKE less for your furniture? 3c Russ Bright. Phone 7511 A' HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Oleoo at Woodrj Auction Market Pb 61 10 dn AUCTIONS SUDTELL'S COMMUNITY AUCTION Wed. Nov. 6th, 10 a.m. 7 p.m. COIL SPRINGS, beds, mattresses, cols, day beds, chest, dressers, chairs, ta bles, heating stoves, cook stoves, dish es, pots and pans, many useful house hold articles. 1 bpeedomatic Skilbaw. (portable). 6 In blade. Complete, 1 portable paint spray outfit with 1 i horse motor. 1 12 guage pump shotgun. Farm machinery, 1 iron wheel wao:i with box, plows, cultivators, traile.s with 16" wheels Si tires. 1 lot of bo oil tires, all sizes. We will have a good as sortment ot weancr Si feeder boss, fat hogs, sows, day old Si veal calves. Al ready listed are 8 head of springer and middle milking cows St heifers. Many other heifers Sz feeder stock, beef stock. P.S. REMEMBER, IT'S SUDTELL'S TO BUY OR SELL. We sell furniture Ss misc. also s: 7 p.m. Come bring what you have to sell. LANE SUDTELL'S COMMUNITY AUCTION 1U ml. east of Fairs mini .Is on Silverton Rd. dii:!HJ LIVESTOCK WANTED FAT Si CANNER COWS for bed. Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veal. Fat hoes, sows, stags, boars. Mkt. price. E C McCand Ush. Rt 5. Box 373. Pll. 8147. Across from Waters Ball Park, S. 25th. ea269 WANTED: All kinds of fat Ilvestocc Valley Packing Company Pb, 5935 ea RABBITS RA KBITS, all kinds Tow prices paid Bring or write We Bossert, Rt. 4. Box 66-B. Salem. cb269 FOR SALE WOOD HI WOOD, Oak and Fir. Delivered. Phone 23279 between 7 St 8:30 a.m. and 7:30 A; 9:30 p.m ee2C2 Finis iiCi;T fir sawdust. $4 per unit. Ore gon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ec?83 2 CORD LOAD 10 nEAVY 16' mill wood. Imm. Del. Ph 6683. re22- $4.00 PER CORD ON EVEN delivery. 16" slab wood A; edgeings. Imm. Del. Ph. 66B3. eejJ GOOD 16-in. dry slab. $8.50 a load Im mediate delivery. Oregon Fuel Co Ph 5333. ee277 SPECIAL: Green 16' mill wood. 1 cord load $8: green 16" edgings, double toad 110 Prompt delivery. Oregon Fuel Co. Phono 5533 ce270 TRY OUR drive-In Cafeteria today Fin est dry wood as little as $1.00 worth or sacks of choice coal, 75c 'Take it with you." Also large loads of dry wood. 16-ln. or 4-ft You haul. RendJ to go Oregon Fuel Co. 3555 Portland road ee262 WEST SALEM FUEL CO WOOD AND sawdust Stove oil and d!e olL Delivery when promised Pb- 24031 BONE-DRY mill wood 16" green slab good to. furnace. Ph. 7721. e' I FT. HEAVY slab St 18" mlO wood Alsc dlese' St atote oils, sawdust Prompt del anywhere Phone 6444 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets, ready to Ht Fir mmedtate delivery Every pullfjt individually selected. Ph. 3266L Lee Hatrhery ' BABY CHICKS: Weekly hatchea New Hampshire and other vartetlea Ph 23861 Lee's Hatcnery CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chirk'. every vca dwiihiuu a, ) i iv otntc. CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any umber Prompt nerrlce Dressed poui' try wholesale our specialty Phone 22861 Lee' Hatcherr PROOUCE APPLES 50c and $1.00 box. Bring bnxrs. 1935 Center St. "2"! WANTED HELP TOP SALARY Si BONUS EXP. MECHANIC for general repair ,"c tune up on all makes of cars. You will like working eond here, ask lor van, TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 335 N. Liberty Ph. 7001 g261 WANTED Potato pickers. Start Nov. 5Ln. 2 ml from fairgrounds, on Silvcrton rd Herr St Riensche. Rt. 7-409. Ph 21363. R264 WOMAN lo help in home A: care of 3 children Aces 2. 6 A: 8, Board, room, wages. Ph. 6991. 10 Madrona Ave. s263 WANTED accurate typist for temporary work. Phone 24048 g.'63 EXP. SALESPEOPLE. H. L. Stiff. g262' FOUR-ROOM furnished house, rent frcs. wood and water Included, with plenty of garden space for steady mlddle-ace:t couple in return for house and law a work. No transients, must be steady Box 45, Capital Journal. (291 WANTED HELF EXPERIENCED waitress, evening shift, good wages good tips. The Boucanier. 3795 Stale St. Ph. 21589. B MACHINISTS Top wages, good shop, Steady work. Hobbs Machine Works. Lebanon, Oregon, g263 WAITRESS wanted. Full or part tlm work. White's Lunch, 1138 8. Com'l. g262 WALNUT PICKING at Skyline Orchards. Paying 30c 'j bu. box with 5c bonus. Turn right at Liberty, go 4 mi. cn skyline road. First drive past Prospect scliool. c265 EXPERIENCED alteration lady. Esther Foster. Phone 7741. r202 WANTED Stenographer with clerical ex perience. Call 4171, ext. 334, g261 WOMEN LAUNDRY WORKERS UNION WAGES Steady Year-A round Employment, SALEM LAUNDRY CO. Ask for Mr. Craig. South High St. Ph. 9125 g26t EXP. UPHOLSTERERS. H. L. Stiff. g262' TYPIST High school graduate, for per manent position. Apply in person. The Ink Spot. 363 Court st, g261 EXPERIENCED Waitress wanted for chicken & steak house. Call after 5: P.M. Ph 4313. B260 HOUSEKEEPER for couple. Good wages and homo. Call U. 8. Employment Serv ice 9L'S7 g262 LEARN A vn'uablo profession. Girls need ed for hose mending. Apply mendlnB counter. Miller's Department Store. g261 WOMAN assistant bookxeepcr, experience:) with General Motors accounting system and typing ability desirable. Stan Baksr Motors. Salrm, Ore. Ph. 4119. g" SALESMAN: Making from $25 to $40 a day Payday everyday. Call A. M. 403 Oregon bldg. g262" SINGLE MAS on dairy farm. Must be ex perienced. $ 160.00. board and room . Phono 07F15. g;!61 EXP. LADY for fur repair St alterations rnee s. i.ia worm biocrty. WANTED POSITIONS SPRAY PAINTING BASEMENTS, earases, Industrial St com niercial. Ralph Alsman. Ph. 24248. h2fil I PRUNE fruit trees and shrubbery, do rock work and landscaping. Ph. 24219 PAPER HANGING exclusively. Ph. 4400. h234 BOOKKEEPER - Accountant Available loth Nov., 11 yrs. exp.. 31 yrs. old, wona wr.r u vet. Phone 23281. h2tJ6 .MARRIED MAN. wants Job driving truck in town or out, or good labor lob. Steady. White Box 50 Capital Journal H253 HOUSES to wreck. Bennett Bros. Ph, 24310. H272 EXPERIENCED turkey Sz brooder house man wants year around Job. Write tJox 41, Capital Journal h261 WOOD SAWING. 960 N. Com'l. Ph. 3522 h230 RUGS AND upholstered furniture cleaned In your home. New process. R. P. Nohl Rren, Ph. 21080 alter 6 p.m. h280" LOCAL and long distance hauling. R. L. Phillips. Rt. 6. Box 118. Ph. 68F22. h26? 4UTO PAINTING just a shade belter oy Ray Ettei. Call Sbrock Uotot Co. 1302 EDUCATION GIRLS WOMEN BE A PRACTICAL NURSE BIG DEMAND HIGH WAGES HIGH scnool not necessary. Easy to learn at home in spare time. Prepare now for this Interesting, profitable work. Write for FREE information. Wayne School or Practical Nursing, Box 38 Capital Journal. hh262 REFRIGERATION SHORTAGE OF MEN for installation and repair work. The need for trained men to overhaul and install refrigeration and air conditioning equipment is urgent. If you are mechanically In cited and have a fair education, loo'x into this big pay trade. Learn how you can get this training In spare time or evenings. No interference with pres ent job. For full information write at once, giving name, address, etc. Utilities Inst., 1328 Belden, Chicago 14. hh2B2 OR RENT 3 GOOD sleeping rms. with dble. beds. Breakfast prtv. Ph. 8388. J263 TRAILER HOUSE. 944 N. Commercial St. SLEEPING room, close in, employed gen- lan. ;i.n n. winter. J263' BUSINESS location and living quarters. i.iiu Hiijuuxmiaieiy luuti square icei. box is uapitai Journal. j263 SLEEPING ROOM lor quiet . gentleman i i , vim, iittl' LARGE SLEEPING rm. for 1 or 2 word ing b iris. No smokers or drinkers, 254 N. Church. Ph. 5670. J261 GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stltl WANTED TO RENT VETERAN AND WIFE desperately need furnished house or apartment. No children or pets. References. Bond given if desited. Ph. 9538. ja263 WILL GIVE 25 lbs. sugar for 2 or 3-bdrm. hse., dose In grado school. Reasonable rent. Ph 5168. Ja261 VETERAN, WIFE and month old baby need smalt lioii.se or apartment. Clean And reliable. Phone 25512. Ja261 WANTED: Furnished apartment or bouse Box A26 Capital Journal Ja27tl LOST AND FOUND SIO REWARD FOR INFORMATION LEAD ING TO FINDING OF BROWN PURSE A- CONTENTS. LOST SAT. EVE. NEAR "HIGH A: STATE. PLEASE CALL MRS SPEERSTRA. PH. 21582. k263" LOST Black plastic purse near Mill creek, containing money and valuables. Pll. 8H40. k261 UNCLAIMED, a man's Stetson hat size 7. medium aray (Bishops) left at A. E. Austin residence, Oct, 20, Woodburn. k261 MISCELLANEOUS MVRTLEWOOD gilts. Pembcrton's. 1980 S. 12th. m264 ELECTRIC RATE reductions) follow suc cess Salem Electric announces residen tial reductions that bring its whole rate structure to the lowest In the United States m281 MEN'S HATS" cletned and blocked, I5c LE3 SPRINGER, 464 Court St. m265 SALEM WASTE PAPER 1790 North Front Wfi BUY magazines and newspapers Cardboard sheets and boxes any size lor sale. m2B8 VOI R PETS given loving care In my own n-Tne while you are away. Phone 484i tar reservation m3u( DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SKRVICE IN MUST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST doipb Pidn -State Si Commercial Sts SAL CM Pti one 83P m (IE AT your home electrically It'a con venienL clean, economical. See us 'o frte estimates Y EATER APPLIANCt CO .55 N Liberty . m DEAD and worthies moct removed on momenta notice, Pb S0O0 ra SEA vv HAULING, excavation enO road building, land clearing dozer wort ditching, basement excavation, saoc eravet crushed rock. eaaOD sand, cod arete mix. cement 3ALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO 1405 N FRONT ST.. SALEM. ORJEGON Phone 9408 or 11924 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SINGLE METAL bed St flat springs. $5.00. 2370 S. 13th. n262 ROUND OAK veneer ext. table with 8 leaves Sc 6 leather scat oak chairs, 2 iron bedsteads, 2 springs, 2 mattresses. Excellent cond, 879 B St Stayton, Ore Elizabeth Lambrecht. n263 HAND-KNIT sweater, cable stitch trim Ideal Christmas gift. Phone 24861. n262 RUSSIAN PONY coat, size 16. Like new Piione 6441 n26l SABLE-DYED muskrat fur coat, size '.3 or 14, Fair cond. $35, Phone 25096, n262 PIANO 2010 N. Liberty. Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS APPLEsTcall between" 0 a.m. Si 2:30 pW 2560 Cherry Ave. Enna boxes, irVl SILVER PLATED Si brass candle holders, wcalhcr vanes, copper lanterns St slum for sale. Also steel clothesline posts. 1145 North Liberty o:62 FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures and 'In gle tube brackets for use near your mirror. Y EAT EH APPLIANCE CO. 353 N Liberty St. n275 SMART SUITS, coats, sweaters and skirts: as well is dresses for all occasions Iron afternoon to formals. Grand materials and scarcely worn. Sizes 9 to 44. Phone 4845, anytime. n3U3 WE BUY A Mil furniture, tool etovna, duties, motors, radloa electrio appli ances, household goods iOIOMAN 8, JBd N Commercial Phone 9885 a BEAT VOUR hom electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical. See us for free estimates. Y EATER APPLIANOB CO 255 N Liberty VERY GOOD violin, fine tone. Price $35. Phone 9589 evenings. n262 NEW AND USED breakfast sets, wood circulators and heaters. STATE STREET FURNITURE 1900 State. Phone 7596. n262 THREE (i:5iixl6 used tires. Good cond. Phono 3082. n260 SET OF laundry trays, hot water gas heater, 50 It, pipe, 1 set of Wcarcver. Ph. 6377. n262 GOOD WHEEL chair As other articles. 1073 Rukc St. 0261 GIRL'S CLOTHING, sweaters, suit, top coat, size 11 to 13. Lady's coat 18, black. Pll. 25265. n262" GOOD USED ladies clothing. Including 2 black Broadcloth coats, size 12, Vosua designs Pli. 3275. n261 GENUINE skunk coat. Size 12. Exc. cond. $350. 1020 N. 21st. Ph. 6688, n263 METAL AND plastic bed lamps. YEATEIt APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 AUTOMATIC record players. YEATEU APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. SEE US FOR Christmas gifts. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n304a SAND, GRAVEL. Kilt, garden sand, fe reis er Boslcy Si Meyer, Pb. 3046. 944 North Commercial. n272 PULLER BRUSHES. 1743 Grant Pb. 8351.1 D311 SOIL PIPE fillings Call 24125 between 79:00 p.m. n261 NEW 14 Wood Turning Lathes. Call 24125. n263 FOUNDRY WORK specializing in gray iron, brass and aluminum. 1 blk. 8. 12:h st. Junction Highway 90E. VOCATIONAL INDUSTRIES CORP. n263 FUR COAT, Orey Kid Caracul. 688 Brcy ave. n363 FOR SALE 54-inch link bed spring $10.00. Rome sincle bedstead $7.50. Strcit Slumber chair $45.00, World bicycle $15,00. Sawdust hot water heater. Copper coll. $12.00. Ph. 7028. n263 .33 WINCHESTER special, 50 shells. Per fect. Reasonable, 875 Highland. n263 . SIMMONS 6 yr. crib, 1 metal youth bed, 1 wicker baby buggy, 490 S. 14th. n262 MYERS PUMP. i motor; elec. 42 gal. tank, 70 ft, of pipe. $75. Juvenile boy' bike $19.95, Coleman gasoline heater. Suitable for trailer hse. or 2 rms. Like new $29.95. Butane trailer heater. New. 523.50. Portland Rd. L. F. Remington. IU. 7 Box 209. n261 1 MAN'S bicycle $15. 1 child crib $foT 1 child's car scat, $1.50, 2 ladies' win ter coats. $15 A: $10. 1 boy's sport Jacket J7.50. 1 boy's overcoat 57.50. Ph. 25343. 365 Belmont. n263" STEWART WARNER Cab. Model Radio, plays well. f25. Phono 3056. n263 CAMERA Votghtlander Tourist F 4.5 Com pur., dble. extension, gadget bag. flash gun, accessories, excel, cond, 8 film pack. Ph. 25550. n261 51 Y LUCK with new tires gives you a chance to pick up one, two or three 6.50x16 recapped tires, all with continu ous tread pattern. Also one prewar lube. Phone 3982, 1815 No. 22ud St. n26l ACETYLENE Welder, A-l condition. 170.5 North filth, n263 BLOWERS FOR FURNACE. New 11-1 complete Wmotor. Reg. price ce $115. Priced to sell at $97,e0. 180 Parle Lal"- B263 PRACTICALLY NEW MATTRESS, springs, and clothes closet, 894 3. 21st. n263 ORDER Better Homes & Garden or Ameri can Home at present low price of 3 years S3. Mademoiselle 1 year $3.50. Ph. 7828. Mrs. Paul H, Hauscr 925 Saginaw st. n2Si WOOD and coal heater, good cond. 1575,"" 8o. Cottane. n263 DELICIOUS apples, 75c and up. Will de liver. Ph. 21853 or 536 N. 17th. n2C3 IRON bedstead, mattress, clothes wardrobe 1145 N. 17th. n263 6 WAY FLOOR lamp, maple chest of drawers. 6 sr. size crib, high chair, magazine rack. upholstered chair chrome kitchen stool, wool filled mat tress. Ph. 4348. n263 GOOD AS new Standard Key Board OP er Typewriter $45.00. 4 Pc. Heavy Sol id Oak Bedioom set. Good Condition $55.00. 254 No. Church St. Ph. 5670. n269 1 USED ICE box. Excel. Cond. 1509 N. 4th. 1 n2631' EOLA LUMBER CO.. Rt. 4, Salem. Lumber rro ccnar sninuics. r. C. (Ted) Mullen. Ph. Salem 2-1196. Yard 5 miles west cn Dallas highway. n233 AIR COMPRESSOR. Mill City. L. A. Rada. n281 HENRY F. MILLER bunitalow piano. Liko new. r-xecpuonauy rich tone. A fine in strument for a musician. 5425. Terms. No rise in price at Tallman's. 395 So. 12th. 'L'lvc and Let Live" our motto. n263 BEAUTIFUL small studio piano, full key- uuHtu. it-iiri ouup lanmans ana save. 395 So. 12th, r,2S3 MirrAplanos from $395. Terms. See thee ""uu"" oiHiieiu siyio pianos witn the tone of a baby grand at Tallman's, 395 So. 12th. A mile from high prices. DZS3 HURRY HOME owners, while there is oiuLu iu cuoosc irom at low pricei. Hawthorne, Mt Ash, Cut Leaf Birch, Biue Spruco Si Irish Yew. Hundreds id select from. Labish Garden Nursers 99 N. to Totem Pole, 2 blks. east. Phone 24220. n261 HAY Oats and vetch. $35 delivered. Wheat. Oats. $70 ton. Phono 22504. n264 DISSTON power chain saw. Inquire cor ner oi em ana Washington, Stayton. 3IAYTAG electric mangle, large lize, like new. iiv e, vtiisoa si. beiore 2 p. m. n261 BRAND new Ward's shallow well pump. 3.-0 gal. per hr. $79.25. 149 E. Wilson st before 2 p. m C261 ". .uiu, oiiitiii t'liiicu pon- mi jiu u: eves, fii. silii. n-ibl LARGE practically new Montaa wood eir- cuiator. uio w. 21st. Ph. 5551, n26I bnuici h aim projector. oisi oi cono. rn. am att. 5 p. m. n26l WOOD CIRCULATOR, large size. $25. uooasnppt;. 341 North church. n261 ELECTRIC pants pressers, curling and oiaermg irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 GUARANTEED Forever flashlights re quiring no batteries: 3 At 3 cell flash lights. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N Liberty St. p275 RAILROAD type lanterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275- GARDEN taod. eravei. crushed rocs. Shovel St drag-line excavating WALL ING BAND AND GRAVEL CO Pb. 656 L CHRISTMAS TOYS. Buy tnem at Gene'i Bike Shop. We also specialize In palm ing toys Sz bicycles. 1126 Edgewater St. Ph. 21568. n277" SINGLE AND two-burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. Liberty St. n275' TABLE and pln-It-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 333 n Liberty st l(Continued on Page if)