a4io Program A it i Monday P. M. 'KSLM r IKGW ZS" IKEX "?jr IKOIN'SJ' 8: Ml t News Start of Today ITVrrr and Pirates J Knox Manning- Bil-V- I Superman Nrwi I Sky Kinr I Musle 5:3ft I Caol. Mldnlsht Voire of Firestone I Jark Armstrong I Nrwi B:4r Tom Mix Voice of Firestone Serenade I News 6 Alii I r. a brief Ilea it iter Touchdown TIpi I rnllllcal Radio Theatre : in Orrhr&tra Touchdown TIpi I Music Radio Theatre fi:3ft I Hand Goodman, Borne ' Kay Armen Radio Theatre I Bunds Goodman, Home I Kay Armen Radio Theatre 7:IKi Hull, hrummond Cotilentrd Hour I.one Ranger Screen Guild 7:15 I Hull Hrummond I Conlrntrd Hour I.one Kamer I Screen Guild . Cisco Kid ! Dr. I, Q, Nrws I Hoh Hawk Show 7:13 I Cisro KJd I Dr. 1. Q, Range Riders Hoh Hawk Show .8:0(1 Oetentlve I Supper Club Lum 'n' Abner Nrws R:I5 Detective Fleetwood I-awtn Sonus Jack Smith Show 8:3ft News (Cavalcade Fat Man .loan Havls Show 8:13 youth Center Cavalcade Fat Man Joan Davis Show 0:(ll News : I Telephone Hour Talk Tlie Whistler ' 0:15 Hex Miller Telephone Hour Political The Whistler 0:3b Sports I Dpen House luslc Inner Sanctum 0:1.1 Henry J. Taylor I Open House News Dramas Inner Sanctum lIMIft Fulton Lewis. Jr. I News I News fTive Star Final" J(I:I5 Newt Political I Rhythm I Svmphonette n::tf News Orchestra f Concert Hour I Svmphonette lb: 15 O rchettra The Hand Wagon I Concert Ho u r I Texas Rangers II 110 I Oriruii News Concert Hour Serenade Ilil.T I Orchestra Orchestra Concert Hour Serenade II ::(( ' Orchestra OrcJiestra Orchestra Air-Ho 11:15 I News Orchestra Orchestra I Air-Flo l-:00 I Sinn Off Sixnbff X-tra Hour I Silent "" Tuesday 6 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. fi:D(l News .riiinpln Jacks J littler X News : in News Dave West lluxler X Wrstern Stars f::t Orchestra News HiiKler X KOIN Klock Ji-AT News ,,1iWrll Buitler X KOIN Klock 7:(ft I Nrwi I Farm Time Roundup Hoys KOIN Klock 7:15 Rise & Shin Farm Time Martin A it r on sky News 7:3ft Newa The Old Sonn James Alibe Newa -,i15"T...' niu''lc I News Market Reports Fact Finder H:0ri Haven of Rest Fred Warlnr Breakfast Club Consumer News 8:15 Haven of Rest Fred Waring Breakfast Ctuh Arthur Godfrey 8;S0 sing Jack ncrrh Breakfast Club Grand Slam 8:5 Vie. H. Mndlahr James Alibe Breakfast Club Rosemary , 8:00 Muslo On- on Caravan (Glamour Manor" Kale Smith 0:15 Morton Downey News Glamour Manor Aunt Jenny 0::iO Pastor's Call Stars I Breneman's Bfst. Helen Trent 0H5 Art Baker Private Wire I Hreneman's IWst. Our Gal Sunday 1(1:1)0 Newf Orchestra Home Edition n77siiitrr Jli:15j- Dins- Rlnxs Orchestra Bill Land Ma Perkins 1:: Orrheslra Gilbert My True Story Hr. Malone Hlrla Orclipstra JoycieJIorclftll My True Story Road of Life ll:01-OrKKiialitlcs Guiding Light j Churrh Hymns -n& Mrs. Burton ItrW;lpay Dreams (Today's Children I Itaukhage Talks I Perry Mason 1 1:30-' Oucen for a Dav Women In White Listenlnit Prut Lone Journey llTlfi Queen tor a Day Musuuerade Lt,lffI ana Albert Art Baker l?:f)0 Mid-buy Hymns News Waller Klernan Pncws 1?:I5 News Ma Perkins Stars of Today Come and Get It J'.'rflft Hillbilly Pepper Yfiun Hey, Mr. Motorist Surprise J'-': '5 Variety Show Right to llappnss Jerry Sears Surprise 1 :0ft I News Ilarkstaxe Wife Octet House Party 1:15 Lum n Abner Stella Dallas Try 'n Find Me House Parly 1:3(1 1 Community Lorenio Jones Kay West Newspaper of 1:15 Community Wlddrr Brown Kay West the Air 2:ft0 J Tell Your Nelglibr When a Girl What's DoTn School or the Air 2:15 John J. Anthony Portia Faces Life Ladies School of the Air ::t0 I Orchestra Just Plain Hill Bride and Groom Meet the Miami 2:15 Orchestra ) Front Page Bride and Groom Meet the Missus 3:(0 Orchestra Roacl of Lire LadlnTllo-SeaTcil I Art Kirk ham '8:15 Muslo Havld llarum Ladles He Seated Evelyn Winters 8:.'(0 News Aunt Mury THA State Trufflo 3:-IB The Sea Hound Dr. Paul Muslo News 4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. Woman's Secret Political Danny O'Nell 4:15 Rex Miller News Northwest Today Danny O'Nell 4::to Rrsklne Johnson Life Beautiful Organ Melody Hour 4:15 Buck Rogers News Tennessee Jed Melody Hour 1,- ' " ' - ate J t Pattern Fiittcrn No. R23.10 , Butterflies for Your Toes A few balls of yarn, a twine sole added and you have these fluttering slippers for winter comfort. Crochet them to mutch your favorite npRlifcoc or lounging pajamas. Pattern envelope contains stitch illustrations nnd complete directions for small, medium and large sizes. Send 15 cents (coin) for Pattern No. H:!H30 to Peggv Roberts, Capital Journal, 828 Mission Street, S:m Francisco, 3, Calif. ACROSS n addition 28. Pouchea 31. l,nia 33. Host 36. ICxolnmntlnn 3. Rubber trco 37. Think nltko 89. Ani-ti'iil wine Vt'SSU) 40. MVSulf 41. IJtix 42. Irrltiate 41. Time gone by 4li. Wiitrh cloBoly K. Halt 4'J. It Iho of around Til. lloavy curd &:t Coast bb. Orvlnstrai choir 68. Turn to the loft bv. Wild oxen fil. Cravat C2. Sua weed l. 4. East Indian weight I. Soft drink Recline Adult form of 13. 14. i Imtt'ct Literary fi mj; IHUllU lf. UntlrHy 1G. Suifili'iil 1 1) road 17. As-st'iiiblod 18. Divisions of iho year 10. Altlit 22. Miitrlrt.in'a stick 13. Common fund 14. I'alr of horsca 15. Pen 7 P3 I H 5 o J 8 "f t 1 lit 73 74 22 & 2"25 '2S IT "'- Td Ja 'To 7T 42 43 W 45 4ZT 4f 4S u'i t&4 ' 35 3 jay AP Nwifcolu(s TAlLCppiACAgnLlAP O H J OEjjj ENO Wfcf E G O PAS T0 RTV EH MET EJ3 s tT f l Ejjfr One A Mg O T 0EJHHULR T 3 bannIe Rp(p el Egg A Y EuRA CASSOSO t 6 re1Ht o R IfflA R A B E RiSslME p a mHIa l E WSjT A P g L "ofsls E S CO? ElX E A L j T S0M E A V EtgA BEUESgS s 6 imu R A LfflWAJ T E L f1R! S ee V E R solTMFlLiEpMpTgNlV Solution of Saturday's Puzzle VrlvPttlka fahilo lUsforo uy BR. Ovules) 67. Lair DOWN 1. Alack 2. Kgypttan rlv 3. Atlantic sttU 4. Amorti'nn bufinlo 5. Rcintratlon 8. ArtU-h'! of inillinury T. noun hy S. Muwlcnl com position 9. Fcmtnino nam 10. llnlta 11. Gentl stroke V). tirit 21. Itt'd Fuiiernl pile 4. Uaso of a folld tree 25 Dry scale of a fern storu 27. Linger 29. Carved gem 30. Kevn 32 Tactilo Island 34. Cry of the cat 35. Sootcti High- lander 33. Witnessed 41. Move 43. Serpents 4F. Short rain 47. Mission 60. Springs T2. Fertile spots S3. Store 51. U:iMtt 55. o.5iIled tissue 5fi. Ireland 57. WttnejsM tiO. No: Scotch Jo u rnd I Fea tu re Donalr! Duck VER ONE OF 'A HAS 1 k (Sii?l Fas.no... ' IM, SUKfc OF IT i Henry Little Orphan Annie tu BUT FRED! OH. MY 00NT VtHJ REALIZE WHAT THAT MEANS? VOLTRE WELL.! IV 1 11 1 1 and .'ii't'f By Hud OH DEAR.'. WHAT WILL J OH. 1 LL I DOr I LOCKED (TTjci DV1M i-t-1 l. (7 , igd I n Nffl a inn fFFipx ftopygtlM: W At i The Nebbs By Hess NoHandicap 1 I uLEAMTT-)n cSS? I "'""'VPOOR NIC0DEMUS-1 I WILBUR NEVERTsOWWAT?lftiSLj , N N PEfNCED EiT-Sp" nHEV'REuicANTHAVE J DROVEIN A MY WILLIE I" f -ET'S HUPRV TO TUB ) f SO IS . DRIVER i SUL WIMSELP , A OFF AmUCH CHANCE . TROTTING ) CW4 DO TT ' i tZSSvSSWSS W THAT-THffr STREAK-LETf . IIEr a T The Gumps By Gus Edson Andy Hopes AMP TVIAT HORRIBLE ") WHY DON'T V00 I I SHf THKT NOISE Y UMi- IT S "tT v. MEPICINE THEN VC0NFES6 TO L SOUNDS LIHE P-PROBA.BLV That peatted couch r two oavs, 1 force me totake themthat you N someone X just -we Iat ?ml:?Pn4MSTTHfe BEENl 1 !oH0S, TAST,Ef tlle EOET-0 HAVEN'T REALLY I WALKINS IN . TRAMPIN6 AR0UNP WaAl HAVE' ) ARTutIV-P SfO-Wlil THE t'TgMBNTP0lM THERE OLD-TIMER ANP HIS MISSUS J DON'T GROUSE. V REACHES THE POINT KB.wifflr-lmW . BEEN HERE i f SEEMS J IT'S ALL I WHEKE IT BECOMES TeSSartgW lSS miSi !k irsrmw miss; don't 0 p' ?s Keg'lar Fellers Wowftnnt AT TH' PRICES THEY'RE A5KIN' FOR .SEATS TO TH BIS SAME.' JERKLV JR DRIPPIN6T0N SATU(Uwy STADIUMFd tew. .TOJ 'SOU . , 1 Tarznn mm MtVff wow 1 I WARNED YOU TO STAY AWAY 11 j 11 MAY I REMIND YOU, DOCTOR," I I WT I I K"l 'LI l-YCU MUST gAVF TAC7AN " Wl J?cTnHt APB-MAN'S POOR," JJ CUT IN A GU.ET VOICE, J .v . .1 ?J'il NIUWED HE ONLY M RAPPED THE IRATE Wfrff! "'THAT ANY HARM TO NlTA 1 . -- I 'I JPv" ,L ALLY 'BUT PhTl SHOK JBl ' iW' KITH A VENO GLARE AT N,TA. jS roaMa tl'' E BAFFLEPDOCTCR RETIRED. A 1 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Hy Walt HOW WSEE VOL! CLEVER ENOUGH TO FINP OUT? LITTLE BOSS ASSE SO SHV .. , ABOLJT y r-v AN S SUCH .1-4 By Carl By Harold Gray . VSfHm I ME WIPE rrOFF-OH-ITS V SCRATCH'- ii I Fisher By Gene (I FOUND A LADDER' THERE VoH, " I CTSS S I'LL CLIMB THRU Voo tHANMjSJj. -J Cv.gqS THE WINDOW AND JW THANKS v Tr l.'AV'i-1' vi 1 ii . - i- Kr.JI X JfJ -Jl U VrKi I l COW AJI lU A . Etfivi f II II yPLENTY OF FANS N jl ( CAN'T AFFORD TO J ,'WA PAV THAT DOU&H, By Edgar Rice Burroughs Oregon, Monday, Nov. 4, 1946 Disney IP I PO SM SO,MSELP, CHILP PSVCHOLOG7 Anderson SPADE Sir Walter Raleigh Had Byrnes YOUR UNOLS OINNY, A mm, MN'T ) AN' VHORKIN' "TODAY AN' HE'S 6CNEROUS.AIK' YAS. l - Pac Puppy Love! By the Light of the Moon 1 AND tXJRE HERE! AT VI HM -MOONLGHT MIDNIQHT-OUT IM ff PLANTIN'-BEST THE WOODS! WITH A M IND. EH. FRED? - WHY? Nothing on Jeff for Gallantry On the Up and Up Nita Escapes Zee's Wrath (USES sfe' x C16' Yesterday By BEATRICE Chapter 9 Niel answered nothing be cause he was watching Ste phanie walk toward them, her head uplifted in birdlike wari ness as if she expected them to vanish. The dark grey of her coat and hat flattered her delicate coloring. At her close approach the horses perked their ears and turned their splendid eyes on her. As she fondled them her eyes met his in friendliness. "This is Black Handsome and this Black Gallant. We are ut terly vain about them." Her reserved half laugh suggested a deeper humor. "They're getting fat," mourn ed Conrad. "It's so long since you've driven them." "Oh, those old days ... re member?" murmured Conrad. Niel thought they must have shared a lot together, like him self and Freya. She looked unbelievably small sitting between them on the high seat. Conrad balanced the reins, then with a whistle they were off. A lovely tre mulous harmony filled the air. "The bells!" cried Niel. He enjoyed the thrill of un expected speed, the tangy cold air, snow flowing backward like a guttering white sea and the continuous unreeling of green pines with here and there a flash of distant mountains. It was happy intoxication. She felt it, too. Her golden hair rioted back in the sun shine, enhancing the delicacy of her features so that he couldn't keep his eyes off her face for long. It wasn't a beau tiful face but she created a more intriguing illusion of beauty, particularly when she smiled. Conrad urged on the horses, with extravagant flattery, away, away, and away ... as if there was no world other than what was there with them. He felt a wild desire to shout but he sang instead and the others joined in. It was a little as if they were drunk, perhaps their senses were drunk. They rac ed down the valley toward the river and as they crossed Niel wondered if it wouldn't be a good thing if the ice cracked open and they went down while they were still singing. On the opposite bank they stopped. Conrad pointed to ward the horizon to a lone skier and they watched him take the slope with a skill that held them silent: or perhaps it was his freedom to choose his course, freedom to swoop out of their line of vision when they desired to keep him in view so that they could think only of him, not of themselves. "I'd like to try that slope," murmured Niel, but when they remained silent he wished he hadn't said it because sudden ly it seemed he would never be free again. The sun was going, a violet dimness softened the glare of the snow as they turned back. After a particularly rousing chorus Stephanie asked who taught him the German songs. "Freya Runstedt," he said quietly. A startled look cross ed her face. 'Oh," she said, and dropped her eyes. They didn't sing again. with the sun went most of their happiness. Nearer home Conrad urged the horses once more but this time Stephanie seemed too lost in her thoughts to laugh. They turned a bend and a woman was walking in the same direction ahead of them. Suddenly Conrad leaned forward and cracked the whip over the horses. As they leap ed forward Niel felt Stephanie go tense beside him and he wondered why she was fright ened. He measured the dis tance to the woman, hoping Conrad in his sudden reckless ness would leave her enough room. Now the horses were al most upon her, she turned her head to look at them and Niel's breath almost choked him. It was Freya! He shouted her name, but his voice was so hoarse she couldn't recognize it. She smiled and waved as they flashed past her. For a split second he was going Room and Board f LOOK, JUDGE M I MADE A DEAL WIT' JUNIOR. YOU'RE" I CHOPSUEY,-A CHOPSUEY RESTERNT 1 A GEM---:V HOT rj TUH COOK UP A COUPLA ALAS,' -WE HAVE v-r GALLONS EVERY NIGHT TWO MORE TO ' FER US UNTIL YUH GET FEED MY rrrjr-, A COOK.' OH, GOSH, w WIFE'S COUSIN iniU V I FERGOT DA CAKES AND HER. fTf r,?2NF J HUSBAND ARE f (I yA TEPMNro BC f HERE FOR A y ' Is Rowhere MUIR AP Newifeafurct . to jump but the speed was too fast. All he could do was turn and wave. But she was still smiling so he knew she did not recognize him, then the sleigh careened around a bend and she was gone. "Stop," damn you!" he shout ed, but Conrad, his face blanked of emotion kept up the speed to prevent him leaping from the sleigh. He pressed the back of his hand against his lips and Steph anie saw the white of his teeth biting against his knuckles. Tears sprang to her eyes. Let her cry, though Niel violently, let her stare at my face till she can never forget it. Then she turned her head and slipped her hand under Conrad's arm and a long look passed between them. He almost hated them for knowing something, about him he didn't know. It made him laugh aloud so harshly they both looked at him and he flung a contemptuous look back at them before he turned away. Then he was lost in concentration on Freya . . . how could he capture anything from that flashing sight after years of not seeing her. But these two were Freya'j friends, gradually his anger cooled so that when they reach ed the house he lifted her from the sleigh. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. He tried to smile but couldn't. "Don't judge us too harshly." That moved him. "I'd never judge you ... or Conrad." "Thank you." Her lips were trembling as she turned away to the house. "That was kind of you," said Conrad. "She's unhappy about Freya and all this." Niel want ed to say, so are you, but one could only think such things. At the door of his room a cat rubbed against his ankles star tling him out of his sober thought. Conrad shooed It away and it frisked down the hall to a narrow door open toward them and disappeared. So that was the way to the attic. Then they heard Joseph laboring up the steps and he appeared at the end of the hall. So there was a back stair leading down to the side vestibule he had seen last night from the drawing room. If he could break into the attic from his room! (To be continued) Made for Each Other A girl can't learn too young how versa tile and functional matched sep arates can be. She'll love the trim jumper with panel front, the brief jacket, the blouse, all to match or blend. No. 2693 is cut in sizes 2, 4. 6 and 8. Size 4 jumper and jacket require lVi yds. 54-in., . blouse 1A yds. 35-in. ( Send 2Ua for PATTERN, whlea includes complete sewing guide. Print your name, address ami style numbe- plainly. Be sure to state size you wish. Include pos tal unit or zone number In your address. Address: Pattern Department. Capital Journal. 652 Mission St. San Fran cisco. Calif. Gene Ahem liii