Accident Fatal To Albert Babb Hubbard, Ore., Nov. 4 Al bert O. Babb, 76, of the Barton district east of here, was in stantly killed Saturday morn ing when an automobile driven by Fred Blackmail, Jr., 23, Canby route 2, crashed into his car at the intersection of the Monitor-Barlow and Molalla Woodburn highways. Blackman was arrested at the Woodburn hospital on charge of negligent homicide by Deputy Sheriff Joe Shope of Clackamas county. According to Deputy Sheriff Shope and Coroner Ray Rilance, Babb was driving south on the Monitor-Barlow road when Blackman driving east on the other road, failed to stop at the intersection. Blackman, driving the car owned by Waldo Hillman, Can by route 2, received a dislocated shoulder and cuts about the face. Riding with him were Robert Orem, Jr., 19, who re ceived emergency treatment at Woodburn and was taken to a Salem hospital and Homer G. Hayes, 20, of Colton, who re ceived minor Injuries. Babb is survived by his widow, three daughters, and two sons. The remains are at the Ringo mortuary in Woodburn where funeral services will be held Thursday at 11 o'clock with burial in the Belle Passi ceme tery. Albany Will Greet Young Musicians Albany will be host to young musicians from district No. 5 next April 18 and 19 in con nection with the state's high school music program, accord ing to decision reached during Saturday's conference of Oregon Music Education association held on Willamette university campus. W. W. Sarchet of the Albany schools will be in charge. Vernon Wiscarson, vice pres ident of the state association, will be in charge of arrange ments for all of the five dis tricts of the state. As vice president, Wiscarson directed Capital Journal, Salem, OrcRnn, MAnday, Nov. 4, 1946 11 the program for the slate con vention. He and other officers of the association hold over through next year. During last Saturday's lunch con Vincent Hiden, west coast educational adviser for RCA gave a talk concerning new re cordings which will be available for distriution during the next lew liiumiia. Farming is the principal busi ness of Cyprus. Most faffcs like a change- i -jS r -s I S&i X7 ' riitr'-?'' till Father, Daughter Columbians R. L. Whitman, leader of the Atlanta, Ga., Southside Columbians, holds his 16-months-old daughter, Marian Helen, dressed in blue playsuit with the Colum bians' insignia shoulder patch, a few minuter before Atlanta police arrived at scene of a demonstration and arrested Whitman and three others of the anti-Negro organization. (AP Wirephoto.) Sally Bush (Continued from Page 1) were performed in such a man ner as to be little known but by herself and the numerous recipients. The spacious gardens about her home were, perhaps, her principal delight. Here she spent much of her time in the summer along with the flowers and plants in her greenhouses. For years the flowers and shrubs and plant life which adorned the lobbies of the Ladd & Bush bank came from her gardens and were grown and provided under her personal di rection. Not a tee or a flower or a shrub in the gardens but she knew its personal history. Many of them had been import ed by her father and she knew the story of practically every one, with dates, origin and prog ress. One closely familiar with her character and her home life remarked that "she was a class ical example of the New Eng land tradition in her life and her ideals." While the old original home Jn which she was born was jflioved over 60 years ago across the street when the state blind school was established there to become a part of that Institu tion, the present home was con structed on the same site as the old one and so her life was spent, with exception of the time away at school, in the one location, and in the minds of the people of Salem she and the home were inseparable. OlOCm AM, DIUO STOII1 WOOIFOAM COUP NEW YORK 10. N.T Put the Children First ' Vote 316 X Yes E Basic School Support Fund I Marlon County Teachers , Association C, E. Aschenbrenncr, Vice Pres., Salem, Ore. For BETTER HEALTH Correct HEMORRHOID! (Piles) FISTULA FISSURE PROLAPSE ind other Rectal conditions. No hoa Dltallzatlon. Free de acrlptlT booklet. Dr. R. Reyr Ids Clinic NATL'RO - PRO IOLOGIST ilS N. LlbertT St. Ealtm, Ore, Phone 9460 mums 3&m$M 23322!)' The Bush gardens which she maintained for so many years are known by those familiar with them as home of one of the finest collections of fruits and flowers in the valley. She is survived by a brother, A. N. Bush. One sister, Eugenia Bush, died in 1935, and another. Estelle Bush Thayer, died March 15, 1942. There is also a grand nephew, Stuart Bush, who has a son, Asahel, and a great grand niece, Margaret Anne Bish, daughter of Asahel Bush, a grand nephew who lost his life during the recent World war while serving as a correspon dent of the Associated Press in the Pacific. Private funeral services will be observed Tuesday with in terment in Odd Fellows ceme tery, the W. T. Rigdon company being in charge. The president of the United States cannot be paid his salary he must file a claim against the government each month for monies due. AUTHORITY ON D al 905 First Nat'l. Bank Uldg. on Friday, Nov. 8, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For Special Demonstration of Remarkable, New ACOUSTICON UNIPAC Featuring Ihs Revolutionary ffTOM THUMB" B Battery Ail in On Com Ihit It AH Yov Wor ffo bluer thin the Mid ef jour thumb. ind ytt ih hr ltif power It tmtf itetrilliDuierou. EAFNESS (aid ?&Bm-mam HAROLD F. Mcdonald Hit Years of Service to the. Hard of Hearing Can Prove Very Valu able to YOU. Learn about the Fatnona 8-POINT ACOUSTICON HEARING SYSTEM Based on Acousticon Research to Meet U. S. Gov't findings and Recommendations. ACOUSTICON Tht World's Ftrtl and OldMt Mamitaeturap t Klactrical Haartni AM. TUNE KSLM Nov. 4, 6:15 P.M. HEAR Joseph B. Felton For Congressman Walter Norblad Norblad for Congress Committee. Pd. Adv. D. E. Woodring, Salem, Oregon PLUMBING! We do repair work or new jobs. Prompt efficient work. Traviss Plumbing SHOP 2165 Laurel Ave. Ph. 8601 Mi that's why most folks like Wheatena -it's "different" Give the folks dee-licious hot Wheatena! I fa s wel come change for breakfast. What's more. Wheatena is delicious and nutritious full of "builder-uppers. Try Wheatena tomorrow. DIFFERENCE WITH A PlUSi Wheatena cooks quick as coffee. Wheatena is a super builder-upper. Wheatena has a nut-like flavor. So-o-o change to Wheatena tomorrow) Dim Whtolena CorporoHm, Wheatary vlllt, Rohway, N. J. by MAC WILKIN'S, COLE JL WKHER, COKUKTT BI.DG., PORTLAND. ORE. At tht?. End of the Oregon Trail NOWHERE ELSE - IN AMERICA 1lBKa1IalKa1 L -exists such a brewing water. Ever since Leopold F. Schmidt discovered the sub terranean wells at Turn water (Olympia), the same family-three generations -has carried on the tradi tion of the founder in pro ducing a light refreshing table beer of unexcelled quality. 0Mn It's the Water" 194S marks the fiftieth (Golden) Anniversary of 01ympia-"Amer-ica's Original Light Table Beer." OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY Olympic-, Waih., U. S. A. when you smoke PHILIP MORRIS! CLEAN. FRESH, PURE America's fINEST Cigarette! Smote as much as you like the flavor's ALL yours, -when you smoke Philip Morris! Here's why . . . There's an important difference in Philip Morris manufacture that lets the FULL FLAVOR of the world's finest tobaccos come through for your complete enjoyment clean, fresh, pure! That's why Philip Morris taste better smoke better all day long! No wonder millions of smokers pick Philip Morris as America's FINEST Cigarette! CAlLltjjflT for IrlnJ I w 111 ,A SZZ'&ZSj? - lJ- 22 Assises s raws ALWAYS BETTER. . . BETTER ALL WAYS