1 N QUIET CEREMONIES which took " of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Patton, Miss Rota Claggett be came the bride of H. Farmer Franklin of Springfield, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. T. D. Franklin of Springfield. Only members of the family were present for the ceremony and a small reception followed the rites. Attending the couple were Mrs. Char les W. Claggett and Lloyd Claggett. The couple left in the afternoon for an extensive motor trip through Cali fornia, and plan to go on to San An tonio, Texas, by way of the Grand Can yon. They will go into Mexico, stopping in Mexico City before motoring on 1o Acapulco. They plan to be back in California in time for the Rose Bowl game at Pasadena January 1. They will live In Springfield. A1 DD1NG HER NAME to the list of brides-elect is Miss Mary East, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. East, who Thursday evening made . known her engagement to Ronald Run- yan, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Run ' yan. Miss East told her romantic news Thursday evening at dinner at the Pi Beta Phi house on the Willamette uni versity campus. Miniature nosegays, passed to the bride-elect's sorority sisters, revealed the betrothal. On white streamers were paper rings inscribed with the couple s names. On a gold wedding bell was the dale, November 24. The riles will take place at the First Congregational church. . Graduate of Salem schools, the bride-"tfj-be is a senior at Willamette univer sity. She served as president of the Pi Beta Phi house last year and was delegate to the national convention at Swampscott, Mass., this summer. Mr. Runyan is also a senior at Wil lamette. He was an ensign in the navy during the war. While completing their senior year at the university they will live in Salem. Rapherterians will meet Thursday af ternoon for dessert at the home of Mrs. Lee Un run in D street.' The Wednesday evening literature group of the AAUW will meet next week at 7 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Charles Layport, 1698 South Liberty street, for a no-host dinner. Mrs. Her bert Rahe will review "State of the Union" by Howard Lindsey and Russel Crouse. The Wesleyan Service guild of the Jason Lee Methodist church will meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Nick Brinkley, 4135 North River road. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Jack Kinney, Mrs. Otto Yunker and Mrs. Eugene Kitzmiller. A thank offering will be taken and election of officers held. Worship leader Is Mrs. Richard Bell. Speaker .will be Miss Ruth Field, missionary recently returned from India. Hostess to members of her contract bridge club will be Mrs. Reynolds Allen on Tuesday. Sojourners will hold a regular des sert luncheon Thursday afternoon, 1:15 o'clock, at the Woman's club. Hos tesses are Mrs. A. F. Parson, Mrs. C. L. Neal, Mrs. Arthur Sprague and Mrs. Arthur Cole. Phi Mu alumnae will meet Wednes day evening with Mrs. Leonard Max well, 1900 Laurel, for a 7:30 o'clock dessert, ' K, - - -to."'! .' t ,','1''' . V 5 ,. ' r i ill ' ,v t ' 4, v- , - ' . V . s ' i ' ' ' '", .fS NEW MEMBER OF SPINSTERS is Miss Thyra Jean Curry, daughter of Mm. Pauline Curry. Miss Curry graduated In June from Willamette university, where she was a member of Alpha Chi Omega, and most active In cambu activities. She is now physical education instructor at Leslie Junior Iligb school. (Jesten-Miller iludio) 'If - ft 4. ' J I , I i ft,' LOVELY YOUNO SALEM MISS who will become a member of the Spinsters' organization Monday evening is Miss Helen Zieiinski, daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. B. C. Zieiinski. Now receptionist at the Oregon Pulp anil Paper company, Miss Zieiinski is a 1946 graduate of Oregon State college, where she was affili ated with Kappa Alpha Thcta. (Jcslen-Millcr studio) riSS CHARLENE GENTRY is telling friends of the date of her marriage to Louis Osborn, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Osborn of Salem. The couple will be married December 14. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gentry, the bride atlended Mill City schools and is now with the slate em ployment division. He attended Salem schools, served with the famed 41st division in the South Pacific, and is now with the slate engineering department. The Woman's auxiliary and St. Paul's Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church will meet at the parish house Wednes day afternoon with a no-host luncheon at noon. The Alpha Chi Omega Mothers club will meet at the chapter house Tues day evening at 7:45 o'clock. Late sup per will be served. Mrs. C. W. Parker is president. Their friends will be interested to know that Mr. and Mrs. John Strick faden are settled now in their new home in Thompson street. Tuesday evening a group of their friends arranged a sur prise nousewarming for them. Yomarcos will meet at the home of Mrs. H. J. Osllind. 360 East Lefelle for . a dessert luncheon Tuesday afternoon at 1:15 o'clock. Assisting will be Mrs. Walter Minier and Mrs. Ervin Potter. IN-' $7' , , W I v:..- - J jotting J Li 0 v aean Fall Fashion Bridge: Monday eve ning, one of the largest crowds in the history of the Junior Woman's club jammed the Salem Woman's club to at tend the exciting benefit bridge . . . tables were close to one another and net result was a goodly sum to be donated to the YW building fund . . . Mrs. Cal vin Kent worked hard, and so did her efficient committee . . . Some of the Lovelies on Display: Mrs. Clinton Standish wearing a handsome grey and black three-piece suit grey boxy topcoat with black binding and gold buttons . . . came with the jacket underneath . . . Mrs. Lelan Sarff in a handsome spectator short tweed suit of brown and red a subtle combina tion smart with her skin and hair . . . Yvonne Gardner in mink topping a short evening dress of wool crepe with a lace and sheer, sequin-sprinkled blouse . . . Mrs. Earl Cooley in an all Morocco shade topped with a rare Rus sian ermine coat . . . Mrs. Carl Jordan in a bright and trim-as-a-button house dress of black, white and yellow plaid blouse and nipped-in black linen skirt . . . Colleen Cross in a white net for mal under a handsome fur . . . Lucille Satter in a kelly green cutaway suit with gold buttons and braid on the jacket, and Vivian Bowen, a smart brown slack suit with bolero jacket, kelly green cummerbund . . . Not All on the Stage ... an excep tional number of handsome outfits were on display at the bridge tables, too . . . lovely, black-haired prize winner Mrs. Rosemary Felton looking smart in gold wool, brown accessories and gold trim On the committee was Mrs. Maurice H. Saffron, wearing a handsome chest nut tailleur with a triple peplum ef fect forming pockets on the sides of the jacket . . . handsome, too, were her jeweled blackamoor pins on each la pel . . . . . . Sparkly Pat Cannon in navy blue, a tiny brimmed felt topping her now feather-cut hair . . . tucked at the neckline of her suit, a navy and white striped scarf matching her gloves . . . and a lovely old gold chantclainc . . . Mrs. Robert Hamilton looked stunning in brown velveteen with gold birds as bright accent ... a coachman's plume on her brown cloche completed a smart ensemble . . . Mrs. A. C. Ger linger wore royal blue, a slim-filled jacket and skirt . . . her hat of match ing blue was highlighted with black ribbon bows in front and had a jeweled crown . . . In a Whirl: Mary Elizabeth Sisson, in the midst of gay, exciting happen ings, was in Portland Friday, meeting her fiance, Ensign Charles N. Flitton, down from Bremerton . . . that evening she attended Mariann Lowe's party in her honor . . . Saturday afternoon, Mis. Robert Gormscn cnlorlained at tea for her, and Sunday Mary Elizabeth will drive Chuck to Bremerton, where she 11 see her exciting new lillle house . . . brides these modern days are bu.-y girls . . . Ghostly Echoes: Along with the short age of soap, sugar for candy and oilier essentials common to Halloween which were missing from the scene this year were also scarey and horrific masks with which youngsters might more easily blackmail tricKs or treats ... we tailed one small girl four blocks, through drug stores, book stores and the like, but none could be found . . . she finally gave up, wearing one of the longest faces we've seen . . . For the Early Winter Season: Mrs. Frank Burlingham leaves Monday from Portland for a wonderful six weeks long trip east . . she'll spend most of her time in New York City, where she plans to do some coaching and, above all. at tend the opera season . . . which this year is outstanding . . . highlight, how ever, will be her visit with her son, Cadet Donald Btirlingham, now attend- ing the Merchant Marine academy at Kings Point, Long Island, N. Y, . . . RECENT ANNOUNCEMENT ot plans for the Salem General Hos pital auxiliary benefit tea, to be held Thursday afternoon, November 21, at the home of Mrs. Asel Eoff, bring into focus concentrated effort of past mem bers of the organization in assisting the hospital. Through a leller circulated to mem bers of the auxiliary and their friends by Ihe president, Mrs. Chandler Brown, information will be tendered regarding the work done by the auxiliary for thj hospital since its 1896 organization. The group has met to sew for the hospital, contributed sizeable sums for equipment of all types, including an oil burning heating plant. The auxiliary makes only three ap peals for help annually, aiding I lie self supporting hospital organization, the benefit lea, the annual rummage sale, scheduled for January, the membership drive slated 'or March, with the mem bership fee of one dollar. Mrs. William II. Burghardt was host ess Friday afternoon for an informal luncheon honoring Mrs. Russell Catlin, Mrs. Frank Spears, Mrs. Wilmer Page, Mrs. Frederick C. Deckebach and Mrs. t':rlton Ml'l.eort. (Jlr" HE SALEM DAUGHTERS of the I Nile club will meet Monday " morning. 1(1 o'clock, at the Ma sonic Icmple. Members will sew Cor Ihe Shrine hospital in Portland, and they arc asked lo bring their jams, jellies and pickles for the hospital. Mrs. David Wright is chairman of collection. Mrs. Sam G. Rundlctt is president of the club. At noon a luncheon will be served, with Mrs. Marvin C. Lewis as chairman. Assisting her will be Mrs. L. R. Tweedie, Mrs. Rex Turner, Mrs. James L. Cook, Mrs. I. M. Doughlon, Mrs. David Cameron, Mrs. Ben Felger, Mrs. John Dennison, Jr., Mrs. Lynn Furbish, Mrs. Claude H. Murphy and Mrs. Paul Hale. The North Salem Women's Christian Temperance Union will .meet at the home of Mrs. Barham, 1433 State street, , at 2 o'clock Friday. Reports of the slate convention held at Pendleton will be given. Mrs. G. D. Baker was honored Wed nesday evening when her husband plan ned a surprise party at their home in South Capital street, honoring her birthday anniversary. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Otlo Mel hoff, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Dayton and Carole and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Olson and Eldon, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nollman and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Engler, Miss Olga Kercher.'Mrs. Lea Reed, James Lawless and Mr. and Mrs. Baker. The Missouri club will meet with Mrs. A. Vittone, 1195 North 4th street, Tuesday at 1 o'clock for a Thanksgiv ing dinner. i ' " V 6k. .' - -'a. . ' .'- ' f-' i -j" t i , ? " SOON TO LEAVE the Spinsters Is Miss Donna Shafer, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. I.. V. Shufer, who is telling friends nf her engagement lo Jack Woodlicld, son of Mrs, Mabel E. Batey of Salem. The colipl will marry in (lie spring. (Jesten-Miller studio) District No. 3. Oregon State Nurses' association will hold its November meet ing Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the Salem Woman's club. A brief business meeting will be held following a talk by Miss Agnes Kirsch on her experiences in the recent polio epidemic in Los An geles. A PEO, no-host reciprocity luncheon will be held Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the New Salem hotel coffee shop honoring all unaffiliated members of PEO. All PEOs in the city are invit ed. Reservations may be made with Mrs. C. W. Parker, 3060, and Mrs. Glenn Weaver, 24950. DR. HARRY I of Linfield ville, whose R. HARRY L. DILLIN, president college at McMinn- subject will be "A Living Democracy," is speaker for the Saturday, November 9, meeting of the Salem Woman's club. The executive board is called to ses sion by the president, Mrs. Waller L. Spaulding, at 1:30 o'clock. Meeting will begin at 2 o'clock. 'n charge of the lea committee is Mrs. S. B. Laughlin. and assisting her will be Mrs. Esther Little. Mrs. Howard Hunsaker. Mrs. Herbert E. Rahe, Mrs. Charles H. Johnson, Mrs. Ralph South wick. Mrs. J. A. Brownson. Mrs. Ln"is Bechlol, Mrs. D. O. Hatfield, Mrs. J. Burton and Mrs. O. W. Emmons 1 ;7 S Vi ANOTHER S "! M AID, newly elected to Spinsters. Is Miss Patricia Ityan, Daughter of IVii . .1. II. Kyall, she is attending Willamette university, whert she is a junior. She attended Salem schools. (Jcstcn-Miller studio) Staylon Townswomen are looking forward to an interesting program at the Woman's club meeting Wednesday afternoon, November 6. when project leaders. Mrs. Virgil Tuel and Mrs. Mar ion Cunningham, will demonstrate care of the hair. Mrs. Abbic Bell and Mrs. Olive Samples will act as hostesses. A number of Salemites will bo motor ing to Newburg on Sunday to attend the TiOlh wedding anniversary of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crabtree. In the party will be Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. John Copcnhaver. Mrs. Lewis Griffith and John Griffith. Mrs. Stearns Gushing. Jr., will be hostess to members of the board of the Salem branch, American Association of University Women Tuesday evening for a 7:30 o'clock dessert, at the home of Mrs. Virgil Golden, 2895 South Commercial. FIRST MEETING of Ihe Salem Gar den club in its new location, the auditorium of the Portland Gas and Coke company, 109 South Com mercial, will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. J. D. VanCleave will preside. , Outstanding will be the speaker. Mrs. H. G. Staton, of Portland, authority on flower arrangements, who will discuss and demonstrate fall decorations. Members are asked to bring exhibits (hat Mn. Staton may discuss thein. Heading the committee for the after noon will be Mrs. Lester Barr. Assist ing her are Mrs. George Ailing, Mrs. William Everett Anderson, Mrs. W. J. Beard and Mrs. Robert G. Brady. A. V S-v ' ' 1 FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT is be ing made of the engagement of Miss Donna Shafer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Shafer, and Jack Woorifield, son of Mrs. Mabel E. Batey of Salem. Early spring has been set as the time of the couple's wedding. Announcement of the betrothal ! being made Saturday evening at a din ner party, for which Miss Shafer and Mr. Woodfield will be hosts at Chuck's. Small cards, with the couple's names in gold lettering, will loll the news. Centering the dining table will be an arrangement of pink chrysanthemums, and at the place of each feminine guest will be a gardenia. Covers will be placed for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wade of Halsoy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall Anderson of Corval lis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anunsen, Jr., Mr. ad Mrs. James Taylor, Miss Thel ma Wilcox, Charles Wikenwerder and the host and hostess. Having atlended Salem schools, tha bride-elect also al tended ftillamelle university, where she was affiliated with Pi Beta Phi. She is now with Central Pharmacy. Her fiance served four years in the marines in the Smith Pacific, and is now employed al the Roseburg office of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph cunpany. Committees' for the Deaconess hos pital auxiliary benefit lea. lo be held at the hospital Friday afternoon have been announced by Ihe general chairman, Mrs. A. II. Wilson. Mrs. H. P. Toevs and A. W. Melzger will arrange the decorations about the room and the lea table. Mrs. W. E. Seamster is in charge of serving and lias asked lo assist her, Mesdames Stan ley Blume. Hugh Dowd, C. W. Stacey, Harry Patton. Klonv Smith and II. P. Toevs. Mrs. Sam Ncuieldt is program chairman. Mrs. J. J. Nuiiii is in charge of refreshments and Mrs. Nettie Roberts of the guest book. In line will be Mrs. II. p. Hayward, superintendent ol the Deaconess home. Miss Selma Hilmer. superintendent of nurses of Ihe hospital and Ihe new officers. Mesdames W. II. Barber, C. C. Edwards, Maynie Hill ami 1. W. Goer. Serving as IiosIcsms will be Ihe board members and p:ist presidents: Mesdames J. J. Niinn, F. F. Wedcl. Kluny Smith, Fred Tooze. A. II. Wilson. A. W. Melz ger. C. W. Slacey and L. K. lleuperman. The hours are from 2 to 4:30 o'clock and the tea will be informal. The gen eral public is invited to Ihe affair, a benefit for the purchase of a sleam table for the hospital. A demonstration of the steam table has been arranged as part of Ihe program. Al a home ceremony Friday evening, Miss Phyllis Ilycrs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evan A. B ers, became the bride of Norman Powers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Seba Powers. Rev. Dudley Strain officiated at the 7:30 o'clock services. Miss Loraine Thain was the bride's only attendant, and James Dyers, brother of the bride, was best man. A reception was held al the home. The couple will be at home in Salem where the bride is employed in the office of Ihe secretary of stale and he is with the Salem school district. f ; 2 I 1 I - v f . M a - N ' '