. yjitlai'oS oCullieni Silverton In a double ring ceremony Sunday evening at Nidaros Lutheran church, Miss Dorothy Ardith Moen, foster daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Reier Lima, became the bride of Maurice DuVal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry DuVal of Silverton Hills. Rev. Oluf Asper presided. Mrs. Arthur Dahl played the wedding msic and assisted at the i I piano for Max Holland, who (Lonlract Club Hostess Friday afternoon for a luncheon honoring members of her contract bridge club was Mrs. Waldo Mills. Guests for the event were Mrs. C. VV. Parker, Mrs. H. G. Smith, Mrs. Roy Mills, Mrs. R. W. Craig, Mrs. R. R. Hewitt, Mrs. A. A. Siewert, Mrs. Leona Johnson and the hostess. Lebanon Church. Scene of Rites Lebanon On October 25 in the Church of Christ, Miss Billie . Anne Hocft, daughter of Mrs. Anna B. Hoeft, became the bride of Willard Estep, son of Mr. and Mrs.' J. E. Estep. Rev. Holly Jarvis read the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Ed Drapels isang and the wedding march was' played by Mrs. E. E. Reg ester. Giving his sister in marriage was Max D. Hoeft, DSN, of Bos Ion, Mass. The bride's street length gown was of white wool with nail-head trim and she car ried a white Bible topped with an Orchid. Attending the bride was her cousin, Miss Lois Carroll who wore a gray gown of wool with gardenia corsage. Best man was Delbert Fen- nell, and ushers were Lyle Simons and Laurence Schmidt. At the reception in the church parlors, Mrs. Lloyd Yates, sis ter of the bride, cut the cake and assisting in serving was the bride's aunt, Mrs. John Benz of Portland. Mrs. Glen Byer, also an aunt of the bride, pre sided at the punch bowl and Mrs. Earl Gaskill had charge of the guest book. For going away Mrs. Estep wore a blue tailored suit with brown accessories and a corsage of brown orchids. The couple left for a brief trip in the north after which they will be at home in Lebanon. The bride is a graduate of Lebanon high school and the groom likewise reared here, served during the war in the army transport Service. Ho is now employed in the lumber in dustry with headquarters in Foster. ' Visitor from East Returns to Home Mrs. Theresa Bayer, who has been visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Church,. Mr. and Mrs, Willard Wells, and mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Singer,' all of West Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam H. Staats of Portland, has entrained for Concord, N. H. She will stop in St. Paul, Minn., to visit friends and relatives. Mrs. Bayer came west in June to visit her son and daugh ter, David and Betty Bayer of West Salem and daughter, Ann, of Seattle. She will resume her position as telephone operator for the New England Telephone com' pany of Concord. Rugged, Sturdy Hand Honed and Polished Ideal for Craftsmen, Farmers, Ranchers High quality pocket knife with blade of forged steel, heat treated and hardened to take and hold a keen edge. Heavy duty clip, precision fitted for easy opening, doting. Stag type handle. Cliurch sang "Because and At Dawn- tnf ' preceding the ceremony. The bride, escorted to the altar by her father, John Moen of Portland, wore white satin fashioned with a deep net yoke trimmed in pearl floral de signs and gathered skirt in bustle effect and full train. Her fingertip length veil fell from a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried a cascade bouquet of pink rosebuds and stephanotis. Mrs. Vorn Day of Salem, sis ter of the bride, was matron of honor, wearing a floor lengtn pink silk net with pale blue velvet trim. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Myron Baron, Portland, also a sister of the bride, and Mrs. Roy Keller, Washougal, sister of the bridegroom, both in identically modeled pink and blue gowns with all three at tendants wearing headdresses of pink rosebuds. Suzanne Kel ler, Z'i -year-old daughter of the Roy Kellers, was in a floor length pink net frock, and the ring bearer, Gorden Moen of Woodburn, wore all-white. Clarence Simmons was Mr. DuVal's best man and ushers were Myron Baron and Roy Keller. For traveling the bride wore dark blue with matching acces sories and a rose corsage. Mrs. Herman Moen cut the cakes. Mrs. Amos Fincher pre sided at the punch bowl and Mrs. Leslie Elliott poured. The Misses Jean and June Elliott asisted about the rooms. Miss Pauline Moen passed the guest book and Mrs. Henry Moen and Mrs. Oscar Satrum were in charge of the gift table. Mrs. DuVal is a graduate of the Molalla schools and has worked in Portland in office work for a number of years. The bridegroom completed more than four years in the U. S navy and was recently dis charged. The young couple plans to make their home in the Sil verton community. Stayton Pair Wed in Salem Slaylon Miss Evelyn A. Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, and Rich ard D. Jordan, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jordan were married Saturday, October 19, at a 4:30 o'clock ceremony which took place at St. Mark's Lutheran church in Salem. i- Rev. Mark A. Getzendarier officiated. Attending the bride was the bridegroom's sister, Miss Phyl lis Jordan. The bride wore brown with brown accessories and Talisman roses. Miss Jor dan wore black with chartreuse accessories and gardenias. Leon C. Jordon was his brother's best man. Only immediate members of the families were present. A dinner followed at the home of the bride's parents in Stay ton. The bride served as a Wave and he was in the medical corps of an amphibious supply com pany in New Guinea and the Philippines. They are making their home at 366 Second, street before returning to the capital. 484 State Street Salem, Ore. lHMlMI JMW 0 - rff""m wi Betrothed Miss Anita Kath leen Strickland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Strickland, who has told her engagement to Milton S. Nygaard, son of Mr. and Mrs. J G. Nygaard of Bris tol, S. D No date has been set for the wedding. Newcomers Tea At Stayton Stayton A large number -of townswomen, including several who have recently come to Stayton to make their home, at tended the Woman s club an nual "newcomer" tea at the clubhouse Wednesday after noon. The1 grade and high school teachers were also hon ored at the affair. Mrs. Eugene Spaniol played the piano during the tea hour. Teachers attending were Mrs. Elsie Lafkey, Mrs. Mary Ayres. Miss Hilda Krantz, Mrs. Hazel Rouintrec, Mrs. Leora Stevens, Mrs. Bertha McDanicls, Mr3. Zeda Rhoten Lisle, Mrs. Bickie Gayel Helterline, Mrs. Inez Keester, Miss Pat Gorman, Miss Helen Johnston, Miss Marjean Hickman. Assisting were Mrs. C. A Bcauchamp, Mrs. William Al bus, Mrs. Clifford Likes, Mrs. F. M. Smith. Mrs. Bergman Is Honored Mrs. Carl G. Anthony wai hostess at a surprise party hon oring the birthday of Mrs. E. E. Bergman. Guests were officers of Chadwick Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. Present were Mrs. Earl Wi per, Mrs. Fred B. Keller, Mrs. G. A. Reeher, Mrs. D. M. Eby, Mrs. Gordon Barker, Mrs. A. H. Barker, Mrs. Raynor Smith, Mrs. L. M. Flagg, Mrs. Chas. Fowler, Mrs. Verdi Walser, Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Mrs. Ja son Frizzell, . Mrs. Herman Johnston, Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mrs. Rex Davis, Mrs. Paul Hau ser, Mrs. Paul Griebenow, Mrs. Granville Perkins, Mrs. Helen Busch, Mrs. Harold Phillipe; Mrs. Anthony and Mrs. Berg man. Gifts were presented to the honor guest and a huge birth day cake centered the serving table. ICE CREAM All Flavors QUARTS XXl NO LIMIT J3C SAVING CENTER Salem and West Salem Pharmacy ir . n. Capital The modern drug store re sembles the little chemist shop of long ago in only one re spect the compounding of pre scriptions with fresh effective drugs is still considered by the pharmacist the most important part of his business. Cosmetics and drugs displayed and sold in the modern store have been added through de mand, or for the customer's convenience . . . But it is when the pharmacist compounds a prescription that he feels he best serves the community, by doing the job for which he was trained. Pharmacy Week is set aside to note the improvements made by medical science, pharmaceu tical houses, and pharmacists in the defeat of disease. TMj l Che 414th of itrlra f Milorlal AdTcrtliementi appearing In Tba Capital Journal each Friday. Copyright Willetfs Capital Drug Store Cor. State ft Liberty Ph. 3118 Cjaine d)raiu lYlanij to Corvaliii The Oregon State-Stanford game on Saturday and Dad's day festivities on the Oregon State college campus will draw a large number of Salem folk to Corvallis over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKay will be among thosci present, and Mr. Mc Kay, guest of their daughter, Mary Lou, at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house for the Dad's day f dinner. Oscar Paulson and Dr. Carl W. Emmons will be guests of their daughters, Helen Paulson and Marisaret Jane Emmons for the week-end festivities. To visit their sons. Bland and Forrest, members of Phi Delta Theta, will go Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Simmons. Arriving by plane Thursday from Palo Alto was Miss Helen Shcpard, sophomore at Stan ford, who will visit her par ents, Mr and Mrs. Floyd Shep ard here and the three will at tend the game. Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Keene and Geraldine will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Colman for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. George Croisan also will go. The two men will be guests of their daughters, Madeleine Keene and Mariann Croisan at the Kappa Alpha Theta house lunch eon preceding the game. Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers, Miss Dorathea Steus loff and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chambers will motor to Corval lis for the game as will Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Shinn and Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Carson, Jr. The Shinns and Carsons will meet Mr. and Mrs. William Shinn for a family party. Stayton Girl Tells Troth Stayton Mr. and Mrs. Julian DeJardin are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Maxine. to Shirley Bates, also of Stavton. and son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bates, Albany. Miss DeJardin attended Sac red Heart academy in Salem and is employed in the Stay ton office of the Mountain States Power company. Her fiance attended Albany schools and served in the arm ed forces four years with one year's duty overseas. He works in the First National bank of Portland, Stayton branch. No date has been set for the wedding. RE-ELECT WALTER NORBLAD I Veteran oi World War H I Educated In Oregon t Experienced Legislator I ProTen Ability REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOB CONGRESS Norb.irJ for Congress Committee. PL Ad. D. E. Woodrlflg, Salem Or. Week mii.it f ih. Dl-Of Star Frank Hunts to Return to Salem Their friendr will be in- in terested to know that over ; the weekend former Salem- ites are returning to make ;f the capital their home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunt and their son, Mike, who k have been living in Longview S since Mr. Hunt's return in January from service in the Philippines, are coming to ;! Salem, where they will make ffi their home temporarily with p her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. jf H. Probert, at their Slate street home. Miss Margaret Morris of Cave Junction, now teaching in Bend schools, arrived Friday to be a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Foley for the week-end. Miss Margaret Morris of Cave Junction, now teaching in Bend schools, arrived Friday to be a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fo ley for the weekend. '::;:;::;;:::":::;""";';;;;') i The !; BEAUTY BAR J 201 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. ; J Formerly Beauty Hacienda : : Under the f J New Management of : Nan Williams P, and Zana Hales : ., : I, Features : : NESTLE Permanents i ; and HALLIWELL ;: J Cold Waves iji Other Aft and ! v Permanents 93vl Up J j Phone 3925 OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun., Nov. 2 & 3, between 2 and 5 P.M. at 555 Rose St. Offering 3 bedroom home with double plumbing, lidwd. floors throughout, auto heat, sprinkling system, liv. & din. rooms in Philippine mahogany. Be sure and see this REIMANN REAL ESTATE ! 201 So. High j Sun. & Eves 36? 1 or 24U3 jj j ii u Ei iii ii ii n i Jmm 1M1 1', 3 i i MM MM MS. ML., i ITr'l 5HI I ffa 1 ! pi Diamond jPy r3 radiant jpl - Solitaire vLpf Diamonds r ! ' Diamond Wf jfibw Ring tt7 diamonds I w, $150 7 il m m( WL-Diimond V 'f. i yJT Bin S brilliant m diamonds '8'y 95 t-l-V-l-D-E-D PAYMENTS X i H DIRMONDy LURTCHey yiLV6RUJflR6 : -....- Junior nidi ' Holds Party A chill supper and hambur ger fry was enjoyed by a group of Parrish Junior high school students when Carole Kannier entertained at her home in North 20th street. The evening was spent play ing records and dancing. Cha perons were Donna Pendcrgraft and Jerry Savage. Invited guests were Helen WARDS PRESENT II Art Baker ii AND HIS NOTEBOOK ON KSLM 9:45 A.M. MONDAY TI1KD FRIDAY PARTS Are Arriving in Larger Quantities Daily at Loder Bros. We specialize in repair of all General Motors makes and models particularly OLDSMOBILE For Fast. Competent, Friendly Service Bring Your Car to Loder Bros. 465 Center Street Phone 5467-6133 18th Xcar in Salem Ph. 3722 or 181(6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Nov. 1, 1946 7 Reimann, Pat Pendcrgraft, Bev erley Savage, Joanne Ellis, Cor- alie Doughton, Inis Fisher, Bev erly Graber, Harold Sohti, Pete Trott, Jim Hill, Jerry Snyder, Ronnie Cross, Gary Fowler. Gary Jones, Bciie Baumgart, Bobbie Cross and Mark Helvig. WATCHES FOR CHRISTMAS We oiler a man's waterproof, stainless steel, shock resistant, 'luminous dial, 17 jewel movement for $44. Federal tax included. Also many others at various prices. Watch Repairing Is Our Specially R. G. WARREN 1 11 So. Liberty First door south First National Bank "It's Our We Nam THE PROG AM FOR YOUTH AND YOUTHFUL GROWN-UPS! The Best Records of the Week Selected bv Leading Students of SALEM HIGH SCHOOL SAT., 10:30 A.M. KSLM Prize-winning Name Announced Next Week! Record Dept. (GOV'T. SURPLUS) CERTIFIED VETERANS AND OTHER PRIORITY CROUPS ONLY! STARTING NOVEMBER 12 At The Site NOTE: Veterans of World War II must be certified. Consult your nearest WAA Certifying Office. Approximately 1600 Bargain Items FEATURING: Woter Purifying Uniii Waltir Slroinen Wat.r Soflenar Equipment Pumping Sloliont Electrical Suppliei Pownr Unit.-Gnro!or Welding Equipment Eletrrode Lubricating Ajiembly Bolt, and Screw Wrapping Twine and Paper Wire Rope f ilei Wrenchei Miic, Small Too! Pipe Fitting Cook ing Ulen.ili Chinaware end Gtuuware Scale Chet and Boxe Office Stationery and Supplies Medical Supplie Slioe Impregntte AUo hundred of other miicellaneoui item. (The above includa uied and unuied item) W)AA The P. E. P. Teachers' club will meet for dinner at 6 o'clock Wednesday evening at the Gold Arrow. For reservations call 3686 or 6177 by Monday. Teach ers of the Hayesville school, with L. B. McClcndon as chair man, are in charge of arrangements. Program - 3-10 Court SI. Low Fixed Prices Surplus remaining after ths priority periods will be offer ed to Non-Priority Buyers beginning November 26th. Your Buying Dates: Csrlili.tl Vilnoni of World War II No. II, 13, 14, 15 1 R F C lor Small Buiintitit Noy. II. It State and Local Govarnmtnti Nov. 70 Non-profit Inttilutiant Nov. 21 m r'jjmejSE. O IMhI