MISCELLANEOUS j OK AD and worthies noes removed od f mommi'i notice. Ph. 6000 m' fcUAVY OAUL1NO. excavation and roeo bulMuu. land olearina dosei work ditcblm. basement aioavation. taafl craveL orushed rock, cqiaod sand, eon ante mix. cement 8ALKU BAND A O RAVEL OO 1405 H PRUN7 ST.. SALEM. ORXOOF Phone MM at 11034 a FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GOOD USED ladles clothina, including 2 black broadcloth coats, size 12. Vosje oesicns. Ph. 3275. n261' ICE BOX. all metal, white. 75 lb. sizi Good cond. S15. Also 6x10 Belgian run, excellent cond. 18. 1980 N. Churcn. Ph. 7348. nM0 UNFINISHED chest of drawers, 1785 Norway, Basement Ant. n259 "NORTHERN SEAL black fur Jacket, la'e ityle. like new. 145. Ph. 4698. n26Q "ciRL's" WII1TE shoe Ice skate. Size 5. Excellent. $15. Ph. 6598 nj!60 8(H) SAVAGE with 440 Weaver scope, 2 X shells, sheep lined cane, perfect. 30-06 Sprinsfleld perlect with Kina mount Weaver K2.5 scope, pistol arlp, a beau tiful Job. 30-06 Spnnsfield Issued, both with shells. Model 97 Winchester 12 gauKe. Just fair condition. .22 auto Winchester rifle with Weaver scope, shoots L.R. ammo., excellent. Winchester Pump, good condition. Hi-Standard 4-in. bbl. Colt .22 Officer Model with belt and holster, like new. 45 Colt Auio., late model. 20 power B&L spotins scope. 12 gauxc single shot new. All ruiis with ammo. New factory built trailers with new 16-luch tires. See us for price before buying and save money. Beautiful sportsman's trailer, like new with 16-inch tires. Tire chains, anti freeze, white gasoline. Don Madison. 590 No High. n239- SMALL wood heater, floor board, pipe, cheap. Ph. 24779, eves. n2C0 10 YDS. ROSE. Yellow ft Turquoise drap ery material. Ph. 24838 afternoons. 11261)' t FUR COATS, one fur Jacket, size 14-16, good style, excellent cond. 1510 Madison. H1IOS Reasonable, 6xD, 9x12. 737 Center at., apt. 7. 2 to 6 p, m. Friday and Sal. n250 ttlS bicycle, good cond. 125. Ph. 24785 eves. nJbU" EOI.A LUMBER CO., Rt. 4, Salem. Lumber red cedar shinnies. T. C, (Ted) Mullen Ph. Salem 2-1196. Yard h miles west i n Da 11 as highway. n 333 HEN t FINK skunk coat. Size 12. Exc, cond (350. 1020 N. 21st. Ph. 6688, n263- AIR COMPRESSOR. Mill City. L. A. Rada Ph. 624. n281 WOOD circulator. Ph. 24041. n26J 80 TO 1 00.01(0 strawberry plants. S6 per 1000 You dig. Fred Schluender, Rt. 1, Sublimity. n26Q HAND PUMP for deep well and cylinder, Marshall strawberry plants. C. A. Boyu ton, Rt. 2 Turner, l'a mi. S. of Princie sch. n259 BABY bathlnettr, good cond., baby stroll er a wins on stand, and collapsible buggy. Ph. 3261. n260- roMCEDOG, 9 mo. old., child pet. Ph. 4897 11260 "GOOD APPLES. 50c per box. You pick Rt. 3. Box 690 R. Halls Ferry. n260 HENRY F. MILLER bunitalow piano. Like new. Exceptionally rich lone. A fine in strument for a musician. J425. Terms No rise In price at Tallman's. 395 So. 12ih. 'L'ivc and Let Live" our moLto. nI83 BEAUTIFUL small studio piano, full key board. Terms. Shop Tallman's and save 395 Bo. 12th. nl63 MlrrAplanos from 5395. Terms. See these beautiful splnncle style pianos with th tone of a baby grand at Tallman's, 395 So. 12th. A mile from high prices. nl83 APPLES. A, T. Glover, Rt. 3, Box 14i l!a miles west of Kelzer. n2G0 HURRY HOME owners, while there is slock to chooso i roin at low prices, Hawthorne. Mt Ash, Cut Leaf Birch, Blue Spruce it Irish Yew. Hundreds to select from. Lablsh Garden Nursery, 99 N. to Totem Pole, 2 blks. east. Phone 24220. n261 TrlCTICALLY new Fairbanks-Morse 250 gal. per nr. shallow well electric pump with motor it tank. A.'1 P. Lamer, Rt. 3 Box 4-G. Ph. 3104, ex t . 14. 059 4iY Oats and vetch. $35 delivered. Wheat. Oats. 170 ton. Phono 32504. n.264 DISSTON power- chain saw. Inquire cor ner of 6th and Washington, Stayton. MAYTAG electric mangle, large lize, like new. 149 E. Wilson st, before 2 p. m. n2f!l BRAND new Ward's shallow well pump. 350 gal. per hr. S79.25. 149 . Wilson st. before 3 p. m n26I WINE DAVENPORT and chair, bed mat tress and springs, dressing table and dresser, 4 chairs. Cheap. Call between 1-5 p. m. Smith ave, 4 Corners, last hse. on right. n253" BROWN ENAMEL wood circulator. Lee. size. $35. Box 6D0M. Boones road. n255 AIRLINE cabinet radio, small Phllco port able. 1114 3rd St., eves. Ph. 8735. n261 LARGE practically new Montng wood cir culator. 1110 N. 21st. Ph. 5551. n261- 8 M. M. MOVIE camera- and projector. Best of cond. Ph. 5425 aft. 5 p. m. n261 . FUR COAT. Northern seal. Size 18. Ex cellent cond. Ph. 4368, n253 CLOSING SALE Settling estate, at apt. :, 158 So. Liberty st. Screens, linoleum, umbrella stand, shoes, slippers, shoe box, purses, brief cases, syringe, polisn, hall seat, rolltop desk, over 200 books, odd piece and antlquies, wicker baskets, mirrors, carpet sweeper, bird cage, dishes, buffet with mirror, 115 volt, electric range, glasses, trays. Ironing board, bread box, kitchen tables, albums, scrap books, games, puzzles, wallets, collar sets, few offile supplies and sta tionary, and electric pad. n260 USED WASH. Machine. 1055 N, Capitol. n29l WOOD CIRCULATOR, large size. (25. Good shape. 341 North Church. n261 SLIGHTLY used 1948 World bicycle. Very good cond. Ph. 34933 after 6 p.m. n259 SACRIFICE NEW WALNUT dlnlni rm. 1st Se chairs. Child's 3 piece brown playsuit, size 12. Ph. 9777. n259- OLIVER NO. 9 Typewriter. First class shape SsO.OO, Four pc. Solid Oak Bed k room'' Bet, (60.00. 354 N. Church St. m Phone 5670. n25ft ELECTRIC Brooder, good cond., bed" springs, mattress. 145 E. Miller. n259 FOR SALE: Forty-five sacks of Trinity white cement; call 1022m or write 627 N. 29th st., Corvallls. Ore. n259 BEDSTEAD, Simmons springs it cotton mattress. Ph. 24145. n259 CHOICE canning corn II per sack. Ph. 6824. n259 PIPE DIES, cutter and 5 pipe wrenches and a good 2-wheeled trailer with 3 extra tires. Call at Apt. 4, 266 So. Cot tage, 3 to 6 p. m., till Sat., Nov. 3-48. Q259 IRON FIREMAN and all electric fixtures and 1300 lbs. coal. Phone 5925 after 5 o'clock. 1109 Court st. n259 LG. MONTAG wood circulator. Perfect cond. 3367 State. n259 SCHWIM (World) bicycle. Just new. Ac cessories. 1946 R. c. A. Victor radio. . Ph. 6081 after 5 p. m. n259 18"x8' HENDEY quick ehanga latbt with new 4 Jaw chuck and 3 h.p. motor Price II 000. Lambert' Texaco St a., AumsTllle, Oregon. n259 REGISTERED Springer Spanlelpupples. 630 McClalaa St., Sllverton. Inquire week-end. n25a ELECTRIC pants preuer, curling and soldering Iron. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 GUARANTEED Forever flashlights re quiring do batteries; 2 3 cell flaffb ' light. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 358 M Liberty St. D275 KAILBOAD type lanterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n275 FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures arid tin la tube brackets for use near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 358 N Liberty St. B273" CHRISTMAS TOtS. Buy them at Gene's Bike Shop. We also specialize In palnt ir.f toys bicycle. 1138 Edgewatrr JRTPb. 21561. B277- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SINGLE AND two-burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n27B TABLE and pln-lt-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. DECORATIVE and lighted house numbers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 SMOOTHIES for perfect Ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n2T5a ALUMINUM sauce pans, well and tree platters, frying pans, cookie sheets, clothes hampers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. D27S' KITCHEN and bathroom light fixturea YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n375 WALL . TYPE can opener, citrus fruit Juicers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n2T5 KITCHEN and Industrial exhaust fsns YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty St n37S AUTOMATIC electric sidearm water heat, era. If EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n2?5 ELECTRIC chimes, long and short tubes, motor driven, and mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n275 POWERFUL 8-tube Tropic Master Over seas electric radio. Ideal for outdoor or coastal locations, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n375 SUN LAMPS (ultra violet it Infra-red), portable and stand models with timer. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 COAL OR briquet circulating heater, new wood range. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N Liberty St. n275 ELECTRIC room heaters, fan, steam and reflector types. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n375 I'LASTI-KOTE, the durable paint with the cellophane-like finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 3S5 N. Liberty St. n373' AUTOMATIC electric grill, 18x36 Inches, with double thermostat, ideal tor small restaurant or club house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 INDIRECT Door lamps find torchtera. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275' FIGURINES and smnll gift Items. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. ' n276a ATTRACTIVE, aluminum kitchen step ladders and step-on refuse cans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n215' RADIOS, table and console, 10 models from which to select YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. n375 ELECTRIC desk, mantle and wall clocks YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 6t. n373 II EATING pads (electric), plastic clothes lines, Ironing pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N L-berty St. n375 TWO-SLICE electric toasters. (2.10. 4 slice. 3 85. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N L.berty St. n35" TWO-WAY and inter-comm. telephone sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 335 N. Liberty St. n275- WATER HEATERS for Immediate deliv ery 40-callon Collin 186.35; 60-gallon Wcstinshouse (115. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 CUTLERY and tableware. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 COFFEE-MAKES sets. 4 to 6 and t CUp coffee-makers with stoves. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 355 N. Lloerty St. n275' HEAVY bronze smoking stands. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. METAL AND plastic bed lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. Liberty St. AUTOMATIC record players. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. SEE US FOR Christmas gifts. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. , D304" SAND. GRAVEL, slit, garden sand, fertilis er Bosley it Meyer, Ph. 3046. 044 North Commercial. D372 SILVER PLATED it brass candle holders, weather vanes, copper lanterna A signs for sale. Also steel olotheallne posts 1143 North Liberty. n263 NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets. Guaranteed 100 native wool. Woven dy Navajo Indians on their reservation. 17a High. Paul Stoner. Phone 60B8. naeo SMART SUITS, coats, sweaters and skirt' as well is dresses for all occasions from afternoon to formala. Grand materials and scarcely worn. Sixes 9 to 44. Phone 4845. anytime. dJ03 GARDEN sand, sravtx c-ru&bed rock Shovel A drag-line excavating. WALL ING SAND AND GRAVEL CO- Pb, AMI FULLER BRUSHES. 1748 Grant. Pb, 8331 0311 WE BUI s nil turoiiur. tool, stove, dube. motora. radio. Jectrie appil anoaa, bouaeboMl food KLiOalAN'S 285 N Commercial Phone 988a, o HEAT YOUR noma electrically. It' con venient, clean, economical. 8m u foi tree estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 365 N. Liberty WANTED MISCELLANEOUS OIL CIRCULATOR. Ph. 31025. WANTED TO BUY Lapidary outfit In good condition. O. M. Church, Rt. 3, Box 138, Salem. na259 WANTED: Small piano. Can pay cash. Ph. 4656. na259 OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Upstair1 Antique Shop. 438 Court St. na260 USED PURN1TURE. Ptun tlBb DA EXCHANGE Miscellaneous WILL TRADE new nxjoiu 9 Va short for B'a long. Ph. 3306. nn260 LOOMEX 500' of 14-2. Trade for fire arm, any kind. Not lor sale. Ph. 33411. nn2,i9 FEKSONAL READING. Know tho Truth, 2361 Stato. p234 ALCOHOLICS, Anonymous. P. O. Box 724. psoa DIVINE HEALING. Bring your T. B. cases to me. all other ailment. Rev. T. Hey tlng. 1103 8. W. 13th ave., Portland. LA 7189 p264 PUBLIO STENOGRAPHER LETTERS OF all Kind composed ana typed. Personal ones a specialty. Strict ly confidential. For appointment, phone 4845. p308 AUTOMOBILES NEARLY NEW one-wheel trailer. Excel lent conduit n. New price 170. Will sell for 155 cash. q361 TO TRADE 193? chev. panel for station wagon or car, 1720 Lancaster Drive. q259 1939 FORD sedan, excellent cond. 1650 cash and best car offered. 149 E. Wll'on at. before 2 p. m. qjfll FOR SALE or trade lor older car, 3( Chev. cpe. Ph. 8309. q261 FOR SALE '28 Bulck. A-l shape. 3 spare tires. Eugene Thompson. Farm Labor camp. q260 TO TRADE '31 Bulck 8 sedan. Motor com pletely reconditioned, for Model A, Chev rolet or Terraplane coupe or sedan in good condition, 990 Monroe. Ph. 22793. q261 FOR SALE Chrysler Imperial sedan, '37 model. A clean car. A-l rubber. Motor in perfect condition. Hew carburetor, new water pump, new battery, new fog lights healer, new rear end. new valves ana pistons and rings. This .ar is in new condition. 1900 takes It or will take small car In trade. Call Saturday ot Sunday. Raymond J. Wilson, 386 8. 5th St.. Independence. Oregon. q339 FOR SALE: '31 Model "A" Sedan, Oood cond. 1545 Plaza Ave, W, Salem after 5 q3 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE: '42 Ford dump truck, 3 speed, 3 speed brownie, air brakes, aids tank, mechanically perfect. Ph. 3458. q280 FOR SALE: Chev Paniel Delivery. Good shape all around. 1 block N, ol Post office, Aumsvllle, Ore. q260 WANTED: CAR In good condition. Any kind but would prefer 37, 38 or 39 Mod L No dealers please. Call after 6:30 p.m. Norman Schroyer. Route 5 Box 37. Salem. (Out 22nd St.) q259 WANTED TO BUY: Late model trucks Pickups, panels, flatbed- loggers no so on International dealer James d Madeo Company 3953 Sllvartoo Roac Phone 24)33 a' VETERAN NEEDS car. any model, must be priced reasonable Call after 6pm or writ W- Re dinger. 3252 Simpson Salem. q259 WANTED GOOD used car. lata mode. preferred Phone 4a47 q259 WANTED: LATI Uode. Oar 0) orivau " CARS NEEDED ANT MAKI or model II priced wit tun reason wv win ouy tt Steven (Jseo Car- 67 S 12th q2S9 '37 PLYMOUTH coupe, cood shape, comi rubber see alter 5 at Shady Rest Trail er park. 150 Williams Ave. q260 '31 CHEV. CPE., new paint, good motor, fair tires, 12th and Mission Chevron Station. q260' '31 CHEV. 4-dr. sedan. Cheap transpor tation, 3200. Ph 24443. q260" TONGTsiTcTPickup to trade for late model car. Must be in top condition. Don Madison, 390 No High. q25? TRAILER HOMES See our eastern built trailer homes. Royal Camps United Coach and 6-passenger Zi miner. Some electric refrigerators. 1984 State st. ; q263 FOR SALE '37 Ford 4-dr, sedan, good tires. 22H0 Mission st. q2tW 32 CHEV., (75. Rt. 1, Box 83, Gervais. (1260 FOR SALE 1930 Model A Ford. Good condition, New clutch, new brakes, new rear end. new transmission, new rods, good tires. R D. Rappe, Rt. 2, Box 86, Keizer. q2B3 ia;iH STANDARD FORD. Excellent tram portatiou. Car can be seen at 1790 N. Front during day. qjtio '37 TERRAPLANE coupe. Good cond. See at Sublimity service station. q2d.l WE PAY TOPS Get fiTVURY DIM Tour Car Is Wortbl CASH ON fUE BARREL-HEADI -"C- BHROCK ALKM"8 Oldest Independence USED OAR DEALER ft a. Corner Church A Cbemefceta Pbooe 7923 a GOOD BUYS IN USED CARS 1933 PLY. 3 dr. 1934 Stude. cpe. 1930 model A 2-dr. 193d Nash-Lafayette se d&u. Others to choose from. Your Kaiser Frazer Denier TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 355N. Liberty. Ph. 700 1 q259' FOR SALE 1936 Buick, good cond. CaTl at 1715 N. Capital after 5:30 p. m. ql!53 T. D. 14 International Cat. blade but no drum. Call after 6 p. m. 1331 N. Sum mer Randal Rauk q2o9 HOUSE TRAILER. Howard's Trailer park 3560 Portland rd. after 6 p, m. q262 1940 FORD flatbed truck, long wheelbase 2 speeds, 8:25 tires. Ph. 23i80. q259 FINANCIAL LOAN WANTED: Owner needs 35000 loan on new 4 bedroom home 1st mortgage 8 . Can repay J100 mo. If desired. Ph. 5506 r2jj PAAM AND CITY LOANS 4 it 7. AND 5 VOIJB OWN IEKA1S ol repayment within reason Cash lot Rai Estate Cod tract acd Second Mortgage OAHITOL 8ECJR!TI3 OO. Wi Ploneet Trust Bidg -Pb 7163 r NO CO-SIGNERS WITH A LOAN FROM THE YES MAN OUR YES MAN the man who says "Yes" to 4 out of 5 who apply here for a loan will show you how you can get S25 to J300 or more without co-signers. Get the cash on your signature, furni ture or up to SoOO on auto. Phone, write or cr,me in today. PERSONAL FINANCE CO, of Salem 318 State S! Rm. 125. Phone 3191 Lio. S-132, M-165. E. Galllnger, Mgr. r264 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4'i INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Chtlds. Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 r2C GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS 8-128 and M-3U and ROY H SIMMONS Ite 8 Commercial St. rL fl)M. AS LOAN on Farm, Residential and Btiii less Property Wilt buy mortgage cod tracts. HAWKINS it ROBERTS. INC JIll.TnUD r-i, .. n. -. uumm Dime YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU 5 PERCENT INTEREST. BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. EXAM INE THE SECURITY YOURSELF MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OF 1500 TO 17500. WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAYMENTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE. STAT J FINANCE CO. Ia3 a High St. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. tb FLOOIv GUARDIAN BLDQ. License No. M-189 $ MONEY I REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANb Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contract STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS Lie. 8-218 Sl-222 153 8 Hi at r Directory AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANEK. 275 8. Com'). Ph. B1S1 Brake it wheel aligning specialist. 0279" ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping. Reason able rate Dependable service. Busmen Service. Inc. Masonlo Building. Salem Phone 8727 o APPLIANCE REPAIRS tfXI'ERl BEND1A and commercial and domestic refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliance, 822 Center Pb. 403(1 AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NA&H SERVICE i40 Chemeketa Hhooe 7838. BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING and leveling. Dirt mov ing, logging. R. R. Ricks, Ph. 8022, Stay ton. o23Q CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. CUP Ellis, 1905 N. 19th St. Ph. 407L 0266 CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES. CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned ENSLEY. 771 S 21st Ph. 7178. O DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 8. Church. Phone 4711. o276 DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS-Remodellng. 1S84 Slate St. Mrs. A r men trout. o266 EXTERMINATORS ARDEE MAINTENANCE CO. BedbUtfS. roaches, rata, fleas, moths Pest con trol contract service Materials sold Cuaranteed riddance. 825 N Killing, worth 8l- Portland IL Or. Ph WEb uer 3265 o" COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3056. LEE CROSS. 1260 N. 17th. 0277 -treunaupt' fo. flowers Dial ItSA rUNERAl DIRECTORS 40WEU KtlNERAl HCU1 Ph 1673 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R. WATKINSCO. "PRODUCTS." 1717 Center St. Phone 5395 MATTRLSSES CAP I 'I AL BMHJI.NU Prione 4bti3 ML' SIC LESSO; S PAM:H ana HAWAUA (Junai. Mftuav '1n fttnio I 3 court Ph 7ft PA PER HA Nfi I NO EXf'ERI -(jer hdiinTLi worth, Fhune 10 11, Grain Futures Marts Up Friday Chicago, Nov. 1 (PI Buyers were in the market today and atter an uneasy start grain fu tures worked well above the previous close. However, profit cashing, especially in oats and corn toward the close dropped prices from the day's best levels. The strength of cotton and firmness of cash grains together with light country offerings had a favorable influence. The commodity credit corpor ation reported it had purchased 1.445.000 bushels of wheat at Kansas City and 60,000 bushels in Chicago yesterday and today. At tne finish wheat was 4 to -Va higher than yesterday's close, January 2.05 'i. Corn was ' to lower, January S1.36 '.s-''4 . Oats were lower to 'i higher, November 83 'i. Barley was -'a lower to lcent higher, November 1.34Va. Stocks Advance 1 to 5 Points New York, Nov. 1 (tf) The slock market continued Its re covery push behind rails and in dustrials today despite con siderable prolit cashing inter ference. From the start the list was disposed to follow cotton fu tures. Most prices were best when the staple was up to the limit of $10 a bale. A smatter ing of "thin" issues jumped 4 to 11 points on a few sales. Near the close a number of favorites were at the days highs. Trans fers ran to around 1,500,000 shares. Wider "blue chip" movers included Coca-Cola, Allied Che mical, Du Pont, Dow Chemical, Eastman Kodak, Union Car bide and Johns-Manville. American Telephone touched a new 1946 low, then attracted bids and recorded a gain. Bonds were selectively improved. Markets Briefed (By the United Press) Slocks higher in moderately active trading. Bonds higher. U. .S. govern ment bonds irregular. Curb slocks higher. Foreign silver unchanged in New York at 90 to cents a fine ounce. Cotton steady. Wheat up to l7s cents. DIRECTORY PLUMBING PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt aervlce Larry Travlss. Phone 8601 0272 SAND A (i RAVEL UAHDEJ4 SOIL, crushed rock Shovel A driEima eicavatlng WallLaj Sand it Oravel Oo. Phone B36L o" SAW FILING F. X. Roasch. 674 8. CapltoL sTpTicANKSCLEANED KENNETH HAMEL. 1143 8th St.. W tie lem. Ph. 7404. Guaranteed service. o267 cisSPOOL-Septic tanks.' Ph. 8745 '" 0368 KOI O-ROUTER SEWER SERVICE Sen era and drain cieoea Pre wtunate Prompt iervio Ph J1 a r It ANSI-Ell AND STORAGE LOCAL DINSTANCB Transfer, storage Burner oil, oosl briquet Trucks tc Portland daily Agent. Lyon Van Lines for nouaenoid food to California point Larmer Transfer & Storaae Ph. S13I a TRIMMING SHRUB TRIMMING. Rototlller work. New lawn preparation. Yard work, Salem Tree company. Phone 31208. o284 Vac v v yi cle an e rs ELECTROLUX Sales & Service it Repaira. Limited amount of new machines avail able. Office 175 8 Hieh Ph. flOflfl 0362 t'RCE liupecun IB tow home- author--ed Hoovei tervlca n tervtce all make m cieanera -Hon Bros Ph 9H9 e WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates. T. PULLMAN. Pb. 5985. O3S0' WELDING WELDING it BLACKSMITH I NO BODY it FENDER WORKS WE Specialise in trailer hitches. Pcnn 4 Corners 8055 E State o24B WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING. U. D Kwoe, fU t Box 931-L Saiem. Or First oouae south of Sweilf school Pb 24367 a WINDOW CLEANING ACM K WINDOW CLEANERS. Window, walls and woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned, waxed and pollslird, Ph. 3337. 347 Court. Langdoc, Culbertson it Mather. o WOOD SAWING R. B. CROSS. Ph. 8178. LEGAL NOTICE OF HEARING OF OBJECTIONS TO FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that W. E. Stewart, Jr. as the duly appointed, quail fled and acting administrator de bonis non. of the estate of Frank Lynch, de ceased, has duly rendered and presented for settlement and filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. County of Marion, Probate Department, a final ac count of his administration ol said es tate; and that Tuesdai the Twenty-sixth day of November, 1S4, at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of said court In '.he Marlon County Courthouse In the City of Salem. Marion County. Oreron. have been duly fixed and appointed by said court a? the time and the place for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published the twenty fourth day of October, 1948. W. E STEWART, JR., ah Administrator de bonis non of tht Estate of Frank Lynch. Deceased. Oct. 24, 31, Nov, 7. 14. 21. Lodges Meet every Wednesday msL-SPN evening Visitors wel W come. I OOF Building Pacific Lodge No. 50, A. P. & A.M. M.M. Degree, Friday, Nov. 1, 7 p.m. 259 Kingwood Lodge No. 204, A. P. & A.M.. Monday, 7 p.m., Nov. 4. MM. Degree. 261 Market Quotations Portland Easlslde A scarcity of local lettuce today at Portland's Easts' Farmers' Wholesale Produce market boosted prices above I3.S0 a three dozen head crate. Top cabbage quotation was S3 cra'r. Cauliflower moved slowly at fl.65. Celery sold $1.50-1 75. Erussel sprouts rated a Ftrons call at f2 flat. Sweet corn broueht around Sl.35-l.a0 a five dozen box. F G. Miller, of The Dalles, appeared with a load of trapes which were the only local stock on the market. He quoted 35 pound lugs ol Tokays, muscats and cormshons at S3.75 each. fortltind Prndooa Mrniot Butter Prices to retailers. Grade AA cartons 84c. AA prints 85c. A printt Al-83c. A cartons 83-84c. B prints 80-82c. W lb. cubes Vc higher. --Prices to retailers: AA tare. A iarK 61-63C1 AA medium. 59c; A medi um, 5l-59c; A small, nominal. 44a dosca Cbeese To retailer in Portland Oretur triplets 46-470 lb., daisies 4.14-44e af 47-S0Vva lb. Jobbers pay 4o lb. lesi To wholesalers Portland; Oregon stnil 55-58c; loaf 57-80c. t'ortlund Wngtesait Marvel Butter (f o b bulk 68 lb. tubs) AA srade 93 score 80-81C, A eratle 93 score 78-80c, B arade 90 score 78-79c. Butierfat (Tentative, subject to Imme diate chnnee). Prrmlum quality maximum of 3b of 1 percent acidity, delivered In Portland 91-92c lb.: first quality B0-91c lb.: second qua Illy KB-87c; valley rou'es and country points 2o less than first, or 84-BUc. Cheese Selling price to Portland re tailers: Ore. singles 5S-S9o lb. Ore. loaf 60-61c :b.; triplets. 53-55c. Ens To wholesalera A large ISHo 69Wjo dozen, mod 55-660, B grade 13Vi-45e Rat bid Average country Killed to re tailers 43-f-Oc lb Live fryers, eolo'ed 34c white 22 -37e lb Old bucks and does b lbs and up) l&o lb. Live Poultry Live Chickens No. 1 Leghorn broilers. 1 to 2 lbs.. 35-37ci fryers, a to 3 lbs.. J7 38c: 3 to 4 lbs.. 37-3ilc, masters. 4'i lbs. and over, 37-38c; under 3l, lbs., 33-23o; roosters and stuus, 12- 17c. Dressed Cblchrn To retailers: Spring orollera 3 lb a up 62c lb. colored hens 37c. Lee horn fowl I3ct old roosters and stag Ua. Vrttb Vegetables Artichokes Calif., I1.75-1.H5. Beans Uallt 1H lb Mia-Uuiumbla B'up Lake, mid-Coiumbla ind Walla Wiia green and wax 9-10o lb Oregon Qtant 10-13c lb Kentucky Wonders 8-lDo Shell oeans il. 50-1.75 30-lb lug Wax and Blur Lake 9-10c Beets Local 89-75C dozen. Broccoli- Slab-Id.-- ium Rrussel Sprouts i2.35-3.j0. Cabbage Local round type, 12.35-3.0 crate; fancy, $2.75-3.95; red, 4-5c l1).: kraut. Jl-1.25 crate. Carrots- Lfiea- ouorhed. 4-doa. erat J3-3.25: Calif., 6 doz. 14.50-4.75. Cauliflower Local No. 1, 11.85-3. Celery California la Cor nturoe ereta Lablsh. Mllwaukte S3-3.25 crate; blanche. 12.75-3: Hearts, 11.85-3 doz. Oill--30-2Sc lb Cucumbers Slice ra 18 lb. flat. 11.50- I. 65 Etgplanl 30 lb. crate. I2.75-3.8S. Garlic Orenon iU-ne lb Lptluce Calif,, $1.30 3 do, crate. Onion Wash, dry No L 11-135. SO tb sacks; Idaho, white. No. l, Il.5Q-l.C5. large. '1.85 yellow Spanish. 11.30-1.35 Parsley Local J&-8O0 dor Pcppen Green Calll. 3S-lb orate $3.50-75. Mid-Columbia 13-lb. flat 81c: 30-lb. $1.75: red. flat S1.75: chill. S1.63- II. flats Potntoes Washington Russets. $2 50 2.65, 50 lbs. No. 2. 90c-ll.l0; local Ion white. 12 65-2 75; Klamath rtuxsets, No. 1. J2.65-2.75: Dcschulrs No. I, 52.65. Pumpkin 3ii-4o tb Radishes Local red 75-80c do, bunches Rutabagas Liiss, $1.15-1.25. Spinach 30 lb box, $1.SU Sprouts Local to $2 50-2.65 flat. . Squash Zucchmi 75c-tl flat Scallop. 75c-$l 14-lb shnked II 25-45 35-lb ornr box 12.75-13. Danish, luga, 85'S0c. Hub bard 2-3c lb. California, $3,253.50 lux Sweet potatoes Calif.. 50 lb oatkel. S3. 50-3.85; pints 3 layer, $3.50: yams "Ml 10. $3,8j-i; Louisiana yams, 50 lbs., $3.75 4. Tnmatnes- Loral IB-lb flat. No $1 10-1.25; California wrapped $3.50-3.75; repacked. $4-4.25. Turnips Bunches $1.10-1.25 doe. Prfsh 1-rult Apples SaKlma Deiicioua, wrapped anc packed, comb box $4.50-4.75, Jumble m. ww. nood River Spits race-fill box 11 75 2.00; Yellow Newtownx $4.35 Winter Ba nanaa and Kings, loose, $1.50-2; Ortleys lacea and filled, $2.25-2.50; Jonathan raced it fillrd $3.40. H. R. Delicious $3.65 Delicious, wrapped and packed. $4. 25-4. SI), ciian 40 ibu $4 40. Marvhl lie Wann 1 trict Transparents $1.50-2 face lug; Bed Delicious, wrapped and packed. 14.50-4.15; loose. $3-3 50. Avoeado Fuert 14 25. choice 13 V $4 fancy $4-4.35 20-3 f flats. Calif Dlck': son all sizes, $4.50-4.75; Itzimaa. $4. 73 5.75. Bananas 0o-lOo lb out bands, aratai extra. Cranberries Oregon. 35-lb. boxes, I8.7A- 9; Eastern. $0-9.25. Grapefruit Cant large $5.50-5.75. small u.'fa case. Texas Pinks $5.10, white $4 80 Cochells S4 95 case: CuDan. all sizes, 18 8.50. Florida whites, 80s and larger, $5. 5.35; California, 100 13-3.50. Grapes Calif.. 28 lb. lidded lugs: To kays. $3.25-3.40; white Malagas, $3-3 25; Emperors, $3.50-3.75; Carntchons. $3.25. Lemons California, 300-360, $8.50-8,25. Limes Tubs ol 0 200. JSo Oranges Calif. Valenclas. 220 and larg er, $8.50-8.75; 252, $7.75-8; 234 and smaller. $5.15; Florida wlrebound boxes, 252 and larger, 16.75.7. Quince Local. 3'4-3c lb. Pears Bartietts, como pack Ifl-Ib 001 i2.2i-'i.3S; Medford wrapped ana packeo. $5-5.25: Hood R.ver. $4-4.75; orchard iun $1.75-2 Yakima W P.. $4.25: D'Anloo 14.75. wraoped and packed boxest Bait wrapped and packed, $4.25: loose $3.25 3.50; Hood Rivpr D'Anjou. $4.60-4.75: Co- mice, local loose, $2.25-2.50; Hood River, Plnrapplct Cubvn I r Pomegranbtes S3 75-2 85 lug Perslmons Callf,t lug, $3-3.50. Meals Country MeRg Rollback p-ieet to re tailcra. Country Killed noes, osi outcnert 130-140 lbs 19-19 V10 lb Vealera AA 23o A 31 "A. B 19 4, 8 17-174C, CUll) 12-1 5c lb Beef: AA 3 Hie, h 30 "4 B 18c oanneri euttera 13 4-140 Lambs: AA 36c, A 2'Ac B 244c, O 200 lb Ewes; FS 13 4a M 12c H 10Ve Veal A A 32-33C. A 30-31c. B 38c lb. Cull 18-24C. Hogs Fancy olock 37-3o lb Hlocit butchers, packer style, 155-213 lbs. 38-4')c; aver 313 lbs.,35-38c; sows all weights, 38 30c. Lambs A A 34-35c, A 32c, B 27-28o lb. .Mutton 1-anc-. A 10- Mo according u qua;it and weichl Beef A A 34-36c; A 32-33c, B 2B-30C, O 25-26c, canncr-cuttcr bulls 22-23c lb. Caseara Bark Oietu 8-840. dry iOc tb Wool Oovemmont control Mohair 40o lb on 12-moa. growth. Hay Wholesale shipments. Allaita. tt 1 or ostler $3l-$32.60. Oats-vetch mixec hay. valley growers price $19-123. olovei bay Sl9-$22$. oaled on farms. Hides Caivei 2')-24c green Beet lOo w aid I60 Oreen Dulls 60 lb Bops Normsj contracts. 1944 loe bp 1945 75c lb 1946 6.tC 194" Me lb. Nolt Dlstrlbulors' Batla Chestnuts Local Italian lOo lb. Almonds Calif 33-3Ac lb FUberta 100 Iba Bare- Da Brig ionaa Cnlllye Nuti (New Crop Jumbo 32-34C 31-350 34e Large 26428 4 0 2e-Hc 34-354o Fancy 22c and up 23 4-230 394 3lc Baby 20-22c 23c Walnuts: Opening prlc: Franquetl'.- Jumbo 40c: large, 38c; medium. 354c. Soft shell Jumbo, 40c; lara, 33c; medium, 354c. All prices FOB shipping pt. Chicago Grain Chicago Nov. 1 u.pv Cash gra;n sales: Wheal nominally steady; no sale. Corn 1 cent higher. New: 4 mixi-d 165i; 3 yellow 152; 4 yellow 138"-142i. sample grade yellow 1144-124'i: 4 white kiln dried 160. Old: 3 yellow 152. Oats 1 cent higher: 1 whit heavy 93'i: 1 white 92.93; 3 white 92, 3 wn:te thin 83'. Soybeans: No salti Barley: Malting 161-170 nominal; feed 133-140 nominal. Chicago Livestock Chicago. Nov. 1 'USUAl Salable hogs 9,000, tcual 15.000; early trade ilo. but later trade and close active: market generally 30 cents lower than Thursday's average; almoit one-price market wKh 23.00 paid for majority of good and choice hot J 180 pounds and over; few loads 23.25, the top: sows also 50 enrs lower with good and choice sows 31.00 22.00, mostly around 21.50; good clearance. Salable vattle 3.0O0, total 3.300; salable alves 400. total 400; general market 0,1 all killing c'asses steady with Thursday's dechne: no choice steers offered; medium o too a BQO-lb. yearlings 22. o0. the top: scattered supply common to medium 14.00-18 00: not enotuh heifers offered to make a market: receipts mainly cows. ..liable shffp 3.500. total 4 .000: slaugh ter ewes slrndy at rrt-ent sharp decline: aond and choice wooled slaughter 22.25 22.75: lop 32.15 on load 103-lb. fed Waih niBtons natives stopping at 22.25 early; 150 head oit of 239 head medium and aood western ranch lambs 31.00: part dck good and choicr around lPO.lb. fed pped lambs with No. 3 pelts 31.5U; niatute slaughter ewes 7.50 down; two Inids cull and common westerns late rhursday 5.50. Portland drain Portland. Ore.. Nov. 1 f.p, Wheat: Nn iir.ures quoteu. Cash grain: Oats No. 3-38 lb. white 83.00; barley No. 2-45 lb. B. W. 63.00; uaxsrea 1:13. Cash wheat (bid: Solt while 1 A7i: snft white (excluding Rexl 1.874; White Club 1.874: western rod 1.874. Mara rea winter: Ordinary 1 87 4: in percent 1.91: 11 percent 1.95; 12 percent 2.05. Hard white Baart: 10 percent 3,29; 11 percent 2.31: 12 pen-ent 2 33. Today'i cir receipt.-.: Wheat 30: barlev 17: flour 6; corn 1; oats 5; hay 5; null feed 9. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore.. Nov. 1 v-(tisrAi Callle: Salable 50. to:al 130: cuius nnno: uuiuuMM came ana cilves around 150, nn.nv ui puppiy ocihk iieia lor Monda inniKci nominally steady at werk's de cline; prices geiirrally 2.00-3.00 below high time last week; sonic classes 3 50 down; steer top this week 4.50 lower. 20,50; unsold supply mostly medium cows and medium-good steers; grass enhtts .'airly well cleaned up on Thursday's close at new recent low: fnw grass calves about 15.00 but choice rralers up to 18 00. odd head 18.50 Thursday. Hons: Salable 10, total 650; market not tested; One lot mpdlllm-Ennrl nut orm, -A 50 lower at 22.50: late week on good- moice narrows ana gills mostly 36.25. week's top 26.50. Sheep: Salable 25, total (100: market about steady with late Thursday on mea ger offerinss: good-choice wooled lambs 19.00; culls down to 12.00: odd yearlings 15.00; good ewes salable around 6 00 Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised daily.) If e tall Price Rabbit Feeds Pellets. 14.05 cwt, F.gg Mash i4.55 cwt. Hairy Feed i3. 85 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens. No. I 37c. lb. No. 3 24c. Colored fryers. No. 1, 38o tb. Uggs Stiver Prtcr White aod Brown extrs targe grade A 58c, med 54c. standards iflc doreti Wholesale Price Large 64c dozen, med. 80c. standards 65c. Butter Wholesale, A 83c. Keiall Grade A, B9c. Buttrrfat Premium, 80c; No. 1, 88c No. 3, 81c. New York Stock Quotations By the Associated Presa New If org. 0J1 ctnain quotation vo tilled Chem Ai Ore l American Can Am Powei St Light mer lei A TeL Anaconda Copper Atchiso Qendls Aviation " rtethienerr 8iel doemg Aircraft Jaillorma TseKin ... Canadian Paciflo J I Case ' ' Jhrysicr Corp Jommonweaiin A Soulh UoilAollQaleO Edison Jousoiiuaivd Vultee u'onuneiua. insurauca -rown "SellerOacb "' Jurtisa VVngnt " Oouaias Aircraft Juponi de Nemours .... leteiat Elecirio Jenerai Poods Jenera. Motors ...... ' " ' Jeodyear lire '" Ireat Northern pfd ... "" tniernauona. Barvester "" int Papei ptd lotini Manvihe "" rienneuott uong IteU A-.. tlaytaa .......... "" ttumi copper "" Montgomery Ward " Nash Kei vina tor ....... "' National Dairy ......... "" N. V Cennal "" ortn Am Co Northern Pacillo fao Amer Pish Paciflo Uaa Eleo Paciflo r it T Can American Penny j C. tad in Corp. Rayonler ................... 'Crfyuu.er PTd iteyuolo Ueiala lafeway . . 4ears Roebuck iinclaii Oil Southern Paclfla 3t ant rd Brands Handard Ot Oallf Stewart Earner imaebatter .......... Sua M;n.u Oil loo Oil Jnion Paciflo United Airlinea Jnited Ancraft Unstd states Steel . 83fc . 13 . 4.1 ; . si1: . 67 'i . 401; .126', . 47 . io; . i6; . 45 . 3Ti . 55 ' .. 15:i . 21 'i . 13si . 21 Tfc .128 . 26'i . 20 . 73 H tVamci Brothers in st Elec Mfg. OO 2Vi fnn.vrnnb Richfi-ld 14 Truck Overturned Jefferson When Henry Zcm licka Jr., and Mr. Grecly were en route to Redmond to get a truck load of hay, at Sisters they encountered icy pavement, and the truck turned complete ly over and on its side. The men received scratches and bruises, and were able to get a ride back home. Meetings Resume Uniorivale A fair sized gath ering of patrons of the district attended the first meeting of this season of the Unionvaie community club, held Friday evening. In the absence of Victor Geiger, the president, Mrs. Carrie Kidd presided. A short program of songs and read ing was given by the young people. D. Lynn Gubser of Mc Minnville, superintendent of schools of Yamhill county, spoke on "School Funds." Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall, use our Chinese tm edies Ameilni suceeu for 6000 yeart to China No matter with wnal ail ment your art afflicted disorder, sinusitis, neart, lungs, liver Kidneys gas, constipation- ulsera. dlaoeiea. rheumatism gall and oladder (ever skin female complaints CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE HERB CO Office Bonn 0 lo 1 Toes, and Sat. enly U4 H. Commercial Phone SI830. ALE At. OBX Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Nov. 1, 1946 15 Two Federal Farm Credit Agencies Now Consolidated Portland, Ore., Nov. 1 (U.F Two government farm credit agencies were consolidated today in the new farmers' home admin istration, Walter A. Duffy, state FHA director for Oregon, Wash ington, and Alaska, announced here. All credit functions of I??""" !''' !"; im wnt, w. . the farm security administra lion and the emergency crop and seed loan division of the farm credit administration were taken over by the new agency. "There will be few changes effecting farmers in this area and all present county FSA offi ces are now field offices for the farmers' home administration," Duffy said. "While insured farm mortgages up to 90 per cent of reasonable value are au thorized in the legislation no funds were appropriated by the last congress to place this pro gram in effect. The interest rate on farm ownership loans was raised from three percent to three and one-half percent, and a five-year 55,000 limitation placed on operating loans." FSA and emergency crop and feed loan borrowers' accounts will be transferred as soon as possible to the farmers' home administration and similar types of loans will be available to vet erans and farmers unable to se cure adequate credit from usual sources, Duffy explained. Farmers' home loan authori ties provide for annual feed and seed loans, farm operating goods loans with supervised farm and home plans, 40-year farm own ership loans, loans for small water facilities and group serv ices. Interim appointments of field FHA supervisors, effective to day include: Oregon Albany, Martin H. Baker; Coquille, Tollef Brudos, Grants Pass, Bartty W. Mc Veigh; Hillsboro, Victor S. Mad sen: McMinnville, Freeman H Dull; Medford, J. Merton Stein; Oregon City. A. J. Deggendor fer; Salem, Raleigh F. Carot ti ers; Klamath Falls, Harry E. Clark; La Grande, Frank J. Bartos; Ontario, Donald J. Kudrna; Pendleton, Victor B. Kuhlman; Redmond, Ashton Foerst; The Dalles, Elmer H. Licrman; Madras. Bruce Stew art; Eugene, pending. To light the average home for a year, 600 pounds of coal must be burned In a powerhouse boiler. ntrlhn Hall To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1 Independence, a aon, William Oct. 24. Townsend To Mr. and Mrs. M, Townsend. 3449 Lee, a son, Uomild, Oct. 24, B. Rail, Duane, Donald Jamr Jones To Mr. and Mrs, Jones, route 1, Independence, Charles H a daughter, Andrea Elaine, Oct. 36. nvrioll To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert O. Ryrtell. route 1. Wlllamlna, twin sons. Leonard August and Rand Louis, Oct. 38. Ooyette To Mr. and Mrs. Willard E. Ooyette Salem, a daughter, Ann Marie Sept. 14. Ooodwin To Mr. and Mrs. flnrdon L. Goodwin, Mill City, a daughter, Clcll Bugt'iie, Oct. 38. MeMinds To Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. McMinds, Mill City, a daughter, Linda Eve, Oct. 36. Koffun To Mr. and Mrs. Howard Knf fun. 448 Belmont, a ion, Thomas L'd ward. Oct, 24. Herina To Mr. and Mrs. Akin T. Her. Ing, Independence, a son, Alvln Jams, Oct. 24. Edwards To Mr. and Mrs. nsvmnnd J. Edwnrris 435 Shipping, a son, Samuel Mn, Oct. 33. Dunn To Mr. and Mrs. James Dunn. S.ilcm, a son. Roy Junton, Oct. 13. Keller-To Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Kel ler, route 3. a daughter, Cynthia Ann Phllora, Oct. 36. Drat lis Cnra Cilhtnn Cora Gibson died In Portland Novem ber 1. Late resident of the Old People!, f Mnnn) home In Port Is nd. Friends arc Invited to attend funeral services Mon day, No vr ruber 4, at 9:30 a.m., at (he Conservatory of the chapel of A. J. Rjsc find son .S E. 8th and Alder In Portland. Prlvnte committment at the Portland Crematorium. Minnie Adelaide Williams At the residence, 1881 Nebraska street, October 31. Minnie AdHntde Williams, at the age of 78 years. Survived by three children Ray Williams of Oregon City mid Deiwm Willie ins and Mrs. Avis Hofman both of Salem; a brother. Car1 Wing In of Canton, N. D.; and four ttrand- r.hlldrrn Services will be held Monday, November i at i:30 p.m. at the w t Rmdon Chanel with concluding servlc-a at the City View rrmetery. Rev. 3, Itny- nor 5m mi will officiate. August MlfkeIon At the residence In Portland. Oclobr 30, August Mlckelson, at the age of HQ years. Survived by seven children, Wll llmn C, Mlckdson of Albany, Oregon, jiiun r, MicKoisnn or wnnuiK nil a, umiii,, Clmrtes P. Mlckelsnn of Eimrne. Orenon. Milton E, Mlckelson of Modesto. Calif , ueorKo A. Mtcxeiaon or Oakland. Calif Mrs, Ralph E. Walker of Rumrord, R.I . and Mrs. Devnla Newton of Portland: a sister, Mrs, Carrie 'I horsrn of LaCenter Wash.; a brother, Hants MlckeUon of Den mark; Mid 13 grnndchlldren. Services will be held Saturday, November 2, at 1:30 p.m. at the W. T. Rlndon chapel witn concluding services at Lee Mis- cemetery. Rev, W. S Frederick will offi ciate. Leola Joyre Carner Leola Joyce Carper, late resident of Turner. Oregon, at a local hospital, Oc tober 30 at the ago of 17 years. Sur vived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C;i.--lyle Carper of Turner; a brother, D.ck Carper of Turner: and her arandnar ruts Mrs Lola Carper of Salem and Mr and Mrs. c. O. Hutchirwon ol Max. well. Nebr Services will be held Mon day November 4. at 3:30 p.m. at the Howell-Edwards chapei with Rev. A. A. boewen ana itev. Aioert radenncht offi ciating. Mrw. Mary Alice Osborn Mrs. Mary Alice Osborn, late resident of route 2, Salrm, at a local hospital October 28. Survived by a daughter. Mrs It will pay you to crack your walnuts Si-c us for prices on WALNUT MEATS WILLAMETTE GROCERY CO. 305 S. Cottage Street Salem, Oregon Phone 4146 Osborn of Independence. T. L. Osborn Klamath Fall?, and E. T. Oborn of Sa lem: three s 5Ser. Mrs. Annie Johnson of Portland Mrs Rose Perry of Estacada and Mrs Lena Lh mme of Brooks, Ore gon: three brot.nrr.s. George and John Glgger o! Battleground, Wish., and Joe Glider of Hopmrre: 15 grandchildren and great grandchildren. Services will be held Saturday. November 2. at 10 a.m. the ClouB!i-IJnrr:c chapel with In terment in the Belie Passi cemetery at Woodburn. Mrs. Mary Tnnikin Mrs. Mary Toiiimi:-. 1890 State street. Wrc hi the resldeni-e, .fsdny, October 30. romkins of Saiem Mother of Georce E. and Mrs Jevom;ne H ris of West Sa lem: and sister ot Mrs. ':r: Welch of Los Angeles. Also survived by two grand- hildren Virginia Tomklns of Salem and Keith Harris of West Salem, and a ne phew, Frank Morris of Oakland, Calif. Services will be held Monday, Novrmber 130 p.m. ai the Clouih-Barnck chapel. Irterment m Leo Mission ceme tery. Miss Martha Leavenworth Miss Martha Leavenworth, late resident of Pasadena. Calif., at the McMtnnviIla General hospital, Friday, November 1, Sister of Mrs. Margaret L. Pierce of Sa lem. Announcement ot services later by Cloudh-Uarrick company. Ellialieth Plnehart Brash Elizabeth Dinelum Brash, Isle resident of 930 Belmont street, at a local hospital at the age ol 83 year. Mother nl Allen Dlnehiirt n lio died two years ago at Hollywood. C:ihf. Sumwns rc a sistjr, Mrs. C. W. Ka'ifcr, Salem: dauhter-ln-law, Mrs. Moaelle Rriuon Dinehart, Hol lywood. Calif.: and two gnindsons, Capt. Allen Dinehart. U.S. Int.'lligcnce service In Germany, and Mason Dinehart, Holly wood, Calif. Services will he held at thn Howell-EdwnrtLs chapel Monday. No vember 4 at 10 a. in with Elder G. T. Dickinson officiating. Concluding serv ices at IOOF cemetery No. 3 in Eugene. Pleasant J. Bradford In this city October 31. Pleasant J. Bradford, Bge "n year.'. Iste resident of 1985 North Front street. Husband ofr Irene Bradford of Salem; father of Jen nie Terry of Salt Lake City. Utah: Pleas ant H. Bradford of San Francisco; Lola B. Wall of Salt Lake City, Utah; Wen dell H. Bradford of Spanish Fork. Utah; Irnia C. Bradford of Germany and Reed H. Bradford oi Provo, Utah: brother of Charles Bradford, Delilah Creer and La Verne, BeckMrome. all of Spanish Fsrtt, Utah. Geneva Jones ot Las Vegas, tfev., and Mm Arnason of Los Anseles. Ship, ment was made October 31 to Spanisn Fork, Utah, by the w. T. Rigdon com pany for services and Interment, Ira 111 Hard Ira Ballard, late resident ol Geri-ali, route 1, at a local hospital, Thursdav, October 31, at the age of ft9 years. Sur vived by a son Lorran Bnllnrd in the U.S. armv. Announcement of services la ter by Clough-Barrick company. Mr. T1an E. Mathleson Woodburn -Funeral services were helrl at the Mt. Scott Funeral home In Port land for Mrs, Hans E. Mathleson, t a o dfd former resident ot Woodburn who October 30 at the home of a daughter. Mrs. Ernest Ennle In Portland. Rev, Oluf Asper of Woodburn officiated. Anna Mi rla Engehretson Mathleson was born in Norway June 8, 1883 and spent her eariT childhood and womanhood in h'f native land. She was united In marriage 'u Hans Mathleson in her early twenties, and with her husband and a bnhy gi came to America In the 80s, settling in Minnesota. In 1914 with her hu.ihand and S children she came to Woodburn where she spent the last 30 years ot her life. Mrs, Matlilesnn is survived by cinlit sons and d.iuahters, Mrs. Mary Larson and lions Mnthlrson ot Lambert son, Minn . Earl, Elftier and Alfred Mat hli-.son r' Sa lem, Mrs Robert Field ot Woodburn, Heiv ry Mn l tin son of Portland and Mrs, Er nest Eiule of Portland, She also leaves 27 grandchildren and n number of great grandchildren. Her husband died six yeais ago. Mrs. Karen 3. I.indahl Wood bit in Mrs. Karen Jacobson ln dahl. 81 a former resident of Woodburn, widow of the late M. J. Lindahl. died October 23 nt the home ot her daughter, Mrs. Josephine Dunton in Portland. Fun eral service. were held at the Little Cha pel of the Chtines in Portland with Rev. Oluf Asper of the Woodbuin Lutheran church officiating and Mrs. H. Rouen of Monitor as soloist, Mrs. Lindahl was born in OjIo, Norway, October 10. 1865, and came to America with her parents when an infant. She spent her childhood and early womanhood in Wisconsin and was married I here to M. J. Lindahl. Thi family moved to Woodburn In 1305 and Mrs, Lindahl mde her home here after her husbimd't death until about a year aco when she moxed to Portland with her daughter, Mrs. Dmiton. Three of her six children .survive, Mrs. Dunton, George R. Lindahl of San Marino. Calif., and Mrs, Rex R Randall of Oakland. CiM. Nine urnndrhthlren and five great grand children also survive. WHIUm Winter Stiirges Lebanon William Winter fl: urges, 84, for m it n y yea rs a resident of Sc 10 a nd Lebanon uvea, died Oct. 211 a'. Coos Bay. He was born in Jackson county and had spent most of his life in Oregon. Follow nut services at Coos Bay. Oct. 31. hunal was in the Miller cemetery at Sc:o with the Rev, Father Jonas officiat ing at gravevirle nte.s, S'lrvnlng are two da us hiers, Mrs. S. C. Davis, Coos Bay and Mrs. Crcil Wrlborne, National Cuy. Calif.; son, rreel Srurrrs, Coos Buy, and sinter. Mrs. Sadie Oseiibru-JR of Medford. For BETTER HEALTH Correct III 'MIIHIKIIIIS iriics i USTI I, A if l issi id: I'IKII.AI'SB nnd other nftnl conditions Nn lio. pltnlmitlcm Fit'fl d ncrlptlve booklet. Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic NAM 110 . 1-KUUI'UI.OIilNT !1 N l.lliirlv St liiilrm. Or. l'hone 11160 V ' -V i Use Hospital-Tested Cuticura l-.czema? Scabies? Knior prompt relief (roin discom fort with Cuhrura Soap ami Ciiin'ura dintnient. C"nt;nn Uxyquimiiine and Sulphur ated ivtndiituni. Often rcc firninemied by dortors. Lay td:iv! At all drm'tcist. ! Sif