WANTED TO RENT WANTED Furnished or unfurnished apt. , or small house by veteran and wife. Em I ployed No children or pets. Reference!. Phone 23681. Ja2M) BKIT EVER so humble, we'd tike a home. Call collect. Silverton 43 H. Ja2jfl WANTED: Furnished apartment i Boi 126. Capital Journal. LOST AND FOUND IV ILL PARTY who took purse from 149S N. 16th please return purse but keep money? k2S8 MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL EXCAVATION BASEMENTS DUG. SEWERS DUO AND LAID FARM DRAINING DITCHES, BACK FILLING. ROADS BUILT, ETC. TOR ALL EXCAVATION NEEDS CALL HALVORSEN CONSTRUCTION CO. 1905 N. Com'l. Ph. 4047 or 1761. m2ftfl' LET US DEMONSTRATE the new and im portant features for smooth efficient operation of Wards mi 11c ins machines. Cut your milking time In half! Faster easier apd cleaner! Wards Farm Store. Trade and High Sts. m258 WILL STORE piano for use. Ph. 7410 after 5 p.m m258' TUMP BULBS, pansy plants. Pemberton's, 1980 South 12th. m3B0 GARDENIAS, mums, potted plants. All types floral work Pemberton's, ltiBO South 12th m200 ELECTRIC RATE reductions! follow suc cess Salem Electric announces residen tial reductions that bring Its whole rate structure to the lowest In the United States. m381 SPORTSMAN Custom tannins and manu facturing of deer and elk bldea intt useful trophies 'Myers Glove At Tannins Co. 1348 Ferry. Phone 603L m25 HEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. 75c LES SPRINGER. 464 Court St. m263" SALEM WASTE PAPER 1790 North Front WR BUT m an urine and newspapers Cardboard sheets and boxes any size tor sale. maae 10 UR PETS given loving care In my own home while you art away. Phone 484t for reservation. roijw DENTAL PLATB REPAIR t-HR SERVICE fN UUtil CASES DR BARRY SEMLER--UKNTIS1 loiph Bldg -Slate St Commercial t BALJfM TO one as i' m- DEAD and worthlea mock removed on moment-' notice Ph 6004) j' BEAT your home electrically It's coo von lent, clean, economical See us 'oi free estimates YEA TEH APPLIANCE OO. 25b N Liberty ' BEAVY HAUL1NQ. excavation and roao bulUUns. land olearing dotei wort ditching, basement excavation. sane (ravel, crashed rock, naAOD aann ood crate mix. cement SAUSM SAND A ORAVEL CO 1406 N FRONT ST.. SA1.KM, ORBGOri Phons 9408 or 3IB24 IB FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS X PRE-WAR Overcoats like new. black gabardine sire 38. Black NiBserhead, size 40. 1315 N. Commercial. nj!i8 SEVERAL pair extra good used ladies" ox fords and pumps. Size SB. Real bar gain 1105 Leslie St. Ph. 6704. n25S LIMITED QUANTITY new Wisconsin air cooled engines. Industrial Supply Co.. 1058 S. Commercial. Ph. 8023. n258 GIRL'S BICYCLE, like new. Ph. 24208 Rt. 4 Box 73. Geo. Davis. n258 GRUNO RADIO. 12-tube console. Stream lined. 350. Rt. 3, Box 523. Ray J. Strong. Right on Ewald off Liberty Rd. n25B "lCEBOX. all metal, white. 75 lb. stz!. Good cond. J 15. Also 6x10 Belgian rue. excellent cond. 118, 1980 . Church, Ph. 7348. i260 UNFINISHED chest oi drawers, 1785 Norway, Basement Apt. n259 NORTHERN SEAL black fur jacket, late Myle. like new. 145. Ph. 4698. n260 "GIRL'S WHITE shoe ice skates. Size 5. Excellent. $15. Ph. 6598. "l6 lUTOMATIC, smooth top enameled sas ranse with combination trash burner and water jacket; 30 gal. water tank with side arm gas heater. Also large brown enamel wood circulator. 640 S. Summer St. n258 8-RURNER gas cooker with oven. 1016 Highland. Phone 8363. n258 GOOD MARTIN tenor sax. Call after 4 P.m. 2385 Fairgrounds Hd. n253 ft GAUGE pump shotgun, good cond. Ph. 16391 Monmouth. n258 LAUNDRY SOAP. 150 Williams Ave. Shady Rest Trailer Park. n258 VACUUM SWEEPER. (18. Ph. 8406. n258 SETTLING ESTATE: For sale Oct. 25 Ac 36115 volt, 5.6 KW electric range, roll top desk, carpeting, bird cage, piano bench, kitchen table, dishes, buffet with mirror, clothes tree, kntck-knacki, aomfl antiques, stationery supplies ic hall aeat. At Apt. 1, 158 S. Liberty St. n258 1 HOUSE DOOR Ss 1 pair of garage doors with hinges, 136 N. 33rd. n258 BOO SAVAGE with 440 Weaver -scope, 2 X shells, sheep lined case, perfect. 30-06 Springfield perfect with King, mount. Weaver K2.5 scope, pistol grip, a beau tiful Job. 30-06 Springfield as Issued, both with sheila. Model 07 Winchester 12 gauge. Just fair condition. .22 auto-. Winchester rifle with Weaver scope, shoots L.R. ammo., excellent. Winchester Pump, good condition. HI -Standard 4-in. bbl. Colt .22 Officer Model with belt and holster, like new, 45 Colt Auto., late model. 20 power BAcL spoting scope, 12 gauge sinele shot new. All guns with ammo. New factory built trailers with new 16-inch tires. See us lor price before buying: and save money. Beautiful sportsman's trailer, like new with 16-lnch tires. Tire chains, anti freeze, white gasoline, Don Madison, 690 wo. Hisn, nj5H MALL wood heater, floor board, pipe, cheap. Ph. 24779, eves. naeo' 10 YDS. ROSE. Yellow Ac Turquoise drap ery material. Ph. 24838 afternoons, n26m i FUR COATS,"one fur Jacket, size 14-10, good style, excellent cond. 1540 Madison. n260' BUGS Reasonable. 6x9, 9x12. 727 Center St., apt, i, i to 0 p. m. j-naay ana oat. n259 GIRL'S bicycle, good cond. J 25." Ph." 24785 eves. 11260 EOLA LUMBER CO., Rt. 4. Salem. Lumber red cedar shingles. T. C. iTed) Mulicn. Ph. Salem 2-1196. Yard 5 miles west cn Dallas highway. n233 GENUINE skunk coat. Size 12. Exc, cond. 1150. 1020 N. 21st. Ph. 6688. H263 IR COMPRESSOR. Mill City. L. A. Rada. Ph. 624. n2Sl WOOD circulator. Ph. 24041. 10 TO 100,00(1 strawberry plants. 16 per 1000. You dig, Fred Schluender, Rt. I. Sublimity. n260 12 GA, pump shotgun. 3035 Portland rd. n25B BAND PUMP for deep well and cylinder, Marshall strawberry plants. C. A. Boyn ton, Rt. 2, Turner, IS mi. S. of Pnnsic sch. n2'9 BABY bathlnette, good cond., baby stroll er, swing on stand, and collapsible buggy. Ph. 3261. "l60' POLICE DOG, 9 mo. old., child's pet. Ph 4897. n260 GOOD APPLES, 50c per box. You pick. Rt. 3, Box 690 R. Halls Ferry. n260 HENRY F, MILLER bungalow piano. Like new. Exceptionally rich tone. A fine In strument for a musician. 1425. Terms. No rise In price at Tallman's. 395 So. 13th. L'lve and Let Live" our motto. nl63" BEAUTIFUL small studio piano, full key board. Terms. Shop Tallman's and save. 395 So, 12th. nl63 MirrAplsnos from 1395. Terms. See these beautiful splnnete style pianos with th tone of a baby grand at Tallman's. 335 So, 12th. A mile from high prices. M83 APPLES. A. T. Glover. Rt. 2, Box 143. I'i miles west of Keizer. n260 BABY BUGGY, all steel, good cond. 881 S. 13th after 3 p.m. n25B GAS RANGE In good condition, '1501 Fairgrounds Road. n258 HURRY HOME owners, while there is stock to choose from at low prlcei. Hawthorne. Mt Ash, -Cut Leaf Birchf Blue Spruce it Irish Yew. Hundreds to select from. Lablsh Garden Nursery, 99 N. to Totem Pole, 3 biles, east. Phone 24220. n261 PRACTICALLY new Fairbanks-Morse 250 sal. per nr. shallow well electric pump -A9 motor it tank. A. P. Lamer, Hi. Box 4-G. Ph. J 191, ext. li. ZL25I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I WOOD CIRCULATOR, large size. 125. Good shape. 341 North Church. n261 WOOD CIRCULATOR, good cond. 2557 Lee St. after 6 p.m. n258 SLIGHTLY used 1016 World bicycle. Very good cond. Ph. 24983 after 8 p.m. n259" BACRIFICE NEW WALNUT dining rm. set it 6 chairs. Child's 3 piece brown playsuit, sice 13. Ph. 0777. n239" OLIVER NO. 9 Typewriter. First class shape. 150.00. Four pc. Solid Oak Bed room Set, -160.00. 354 N, Church St. Phone 5670. n259 ELECTRIC Brooder, good cond., bed, sprints, mattress. 145 E, Miller. n25Ba FOR SALE: Forty-five sacks of Trinity white cement; call 1022m or write ?27 N. 29th St., Corvallis, Ore. n259 BEDSTEAD, Simmons springs it cotton mattress. Ph. 24145. n259a CHOICE canning corn $1 per sack. Ph. 6824. n259 PIPE DIES, cutter and 5 Pipe wrenches and a good 2-wheeled trailer with 2 extra tires. Call at Apt. 4, 266 So, Cot tage, 3 to 6 p. m., till Sat., Nov. 2-46. n2.S9 IRON FIREMAN and all electric fixtures and 1300 lbs. coal. Phone 5925 after & o'clock. 1209 Court st. n259 LG. MONT AG wood circulator. Perfect cond. 2367 State, n25R SCIIWIM tWorld) bicycle. Just new. Ac cessories. 1946 R. C. A. Victor radio. Ph. 6081 after 5 p. m. n259 I67 'x8r H ENDEY qulc kc hange lathe w 1 1 h new 4 Jaw chuck and 2 h.p. motor Price 11000. Lambert's Texaco Sta., Aumsville, Oregon. n259 REGISTERED Springer Spaniel puppies. 620 McClalne St., Silverton. Inqut.-e week-ends. n259 ELECTRIC pnnts pressers, curling and soldering Irons. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n2T5 GUARANTEED Forever flashlights re quiring no batteries; 7 St 3 cell flash lights. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n3i5 RAILROAD type lanterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n275 NOTICE SALEM Watch shop closing for 3 mo. va cation Call lor your watches and clocks at once All makes and sizes of ladies and gents wrist and pocket watches to. sale cheap. 2381 Stats st. n258 FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures and tin gle tube brackets lor use near your mirror. . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 SINGLE AND two-burner hotplates, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. . n275" TABLE and pln-lt-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n375 DECORATIVE and lighted house numbers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' SMOOTHIES for perfect lee cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n37S ALUMINUM sauce pans, well and tree platters, frying pans, cookie sheets, clothes hampers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 KITCHEN and bathroom light fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 WALL TYPE can openers, citrus fruit Juicers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n375 KITCHEN and industrial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty St. n275 AUTOMATIC electric sidearm water heat era. 1 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n27S ELECTRIC chimes, long and short tubes, motor driven, and mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 POWERFUL 8-tube Tropic Master Over seas electric radio. Ideal for outdoor or coastal locations. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n375 CHRISTMAS TOYS. Buy them at Gene's Bike Shop. We also specialize In paint ing toys it bicycles. 1126 Edgewatcr St. Ph. 31508. n277 SUN LAMPS (ultra violet & Infra-red), portable and stand models with timer. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n275 COAL OR briquet circulating heater, new wood range. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253, .N Liberty St. B275" ELECTRIC room heaters, fan, steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 R Liberty St. n276' PLASTI-KOTE, the durable paint with the cellophane-like finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n373" AUTOMATIC electric trill, 18x36 Inches, with double thermostat, Ideal for small restaurant or club house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275' INDIRECT floor lamps and torchlera. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. B27S FIGURINES and small gift Items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N, Liberty St. n275 ATTRACTIVE, aluminum kitchen step- ladders and step-on refuse cans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N. Liberty St. n373' HUG, LOVELY Belguln rus, figured Pat ter with maroon background, exc. conj. 125. 1880 N. Church. n25B FOR SALE OR TRADE L, C. SMITH "SUPER SPEED ll.' Will se!l or trade for 5 h.p. Johnson or Even rude outboard motor. See" at 3365 Port' land Rd. nSftS- DAVENPORT & Chair, 543 N. Church St n258 CHESAPEAKE Bay Retriever. 6 mo. old. female. 2350 S. 13th St. n253 WINTER APPLES, 85c bu. bring- your own boxes, 635 Hickory St. Ph. 25502. n25B GARDEN-TRACTOR. Ward's Hoe-track. Good con. J125. 3795 Monroe. n258 COCKER PUP, black. 4 mo., male. Mace good hunter or child's pet. 3795 Mon roe Ave. n258 RADIO CONSOLE. Motorola 10 tube. Excel tone Se shape. 3795 Monroe Ave. n25S RADIOS, table and console, 10 models from which to select. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n275 ELECTRIC desk, mantle and wall clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n375 HEATING pads (electric), plastic clothes lines, Ironing pads and covers, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N. L'berty St. n275 TWO-SLICE electric toasters. 12.10. t7 slice. S3 85. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n35 TWO-WAY and lnter-comm. telephone sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n375 WATER HEATERS fnr Immoitli). AUm ery. 40-gallon Collins 106.25; 50-gallon Westtnghouse J115. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N. Liberty St. n375 CUTLERY and tableware. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n375 COFFEE-MAKER sets, 4 to 6 and. S CUP suuee-mantrs wnn sioves, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Ltoerty St. n275' HEAVY bronze smoking stands. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. METAL AND plastic bed lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. n27ft AUTOMATIC record players. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 253 N. Liberty St. SEE US FOR Christmas gifts. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. SAND. GRAVEL, silt, garden sand, fertiliz er. Bos ley 4c Meyer, Ph. 3048. 914 North Commercial n273 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK1 Use 1007. as phalt shingles. Unharmed by any weath er, rain or shine. Fireproof. Installed by experienced men. For FREE estimate phone 7177. Western Auto Supply Co. D358 SILVER PLATED A brass candle holders. weather vanes, copper lanterns At signs for sale. Also steel clothesline posts 1145 North Liberty. n2S3 NAVAJO RUGS and saddle btanketa Guaranteed 100 native wool Woven by Navajo Irdlans on their reservation. 175 i High Paul Stoner. Phone 6088. n2t30 7x9 USED walk-in cooler, complete with meat racks, shelving. 1 reach-in door. I h.p. compressor. Burton Refrigeration Co.. 300 fortiano ko. rnone Z40to. SMART SUITS, coats, sweaters and sktrw as well i dresses tor all occasions (ro-n afternoon to formats Grand materials and scarcely worn Sizes 9 to 44 Phone 4845. anytime. o30) GARDEN tand. travel crushed rock Shovel A drag-line excavating WALL CNO SAND AND GH-A VE1 CO Ph 8461 Wfc BUI di sell furniture, tool, stove dishea motors, radio, alec trio appli ances, ho use bold gooOa KLIOUANS JUS N Commercial Phone 9885 n EAT YOUR horn" electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical. See us 10) free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 365 N Liberty i WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY Lapidary outfit good condition. C. M. Church, Rt, 2, Box 138, Salem. lia263 WANTED: Small piano. Can pay cash. Ph. 4656. naZSg ELECT R fc Stove & refrigerator. Ph. 74 i o after 5 p.m. na253a OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Upstair' Antique Shop. 438 Court Si. na2S0 USED t'UKNlTURE. Ptum 9 IBS a' EXCHANGE Miscellaneous WILL TRADE new nylons Sis short for 3's long. Ph. 3306. nn260 LOOMEX 500' of 14-2. Trade for fire arm, any kind. Not for sale. Ph. 23411 PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS. Anonymous. P. O. Box 724. P309' DIVINE HEALING. Bring your T. B. cased to me, all other ailments. Rev. T Hey ting. 1103 S. W. 13th ave.. Portland LA 7189 P264 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER LETTERS OF all kind composed ana typed Personal ones a specialty. Strict' ly confidential For appointment, phone 4845. P308 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE: '31 Model "A" Sedan. Good cond. 1545 Plaza Ave. W. Salem after 5 q253 FOR SALE: '42 Ford dump truck. 3 speed, 3 spec a orownie. air oraxes. siae tanK, mechanically perfect. Ph. 3456. q2S0 FOR SALE: Chev Panlcl Delivery. Oood shape all around. 1 block N, of Post office. Aumsville. Ore. q260 WANTED: CAR In good condition. Any kind but would prefer 37. 38 or 39 Mod' eL No dealers please. Call after 6:30 p m. Norman Schroyer, Rout 6 Box 37. Salem. (Out 22nd St.) q259 WANTED TO BUY: Lata model trucks. Pickups, panels, flat be da. loggers and so on International dealer James tt Maden Company. 3955 Silverton Road Phone 24123. a VETERAN NEEDS car. any model, must be priced reasonable Call alter s p.m or writ W. Reding er, 2252 Simpson. Salem. q250 WANTED; GOOD used car. late mode. preferred Phone 4547. q259 WANTED: LATE Uodei Oar M prlvau party WU1 pay cash Phone 6380. CARS NEEDED ANY MAKt or model. If priced within reason we will buy It. Stevens Used Cam 678 8 12th q25g '87 OLDS 6 sedan. In nice condition. See after 5 p.m. 1167 Elm. West Salem q258 '37 PLYMOUTH coupe, wood shape, good rubber, see alter 5 at siiRrty Rest Trail er park, 150 Williams Ave. q2S0 '34 CHEV. CPE., new paint, good motor. fair tires, 12th and Mission Chevron station. q260 '31 CHEV. 4-dr. sedan! Cheap transpor tation, (200. Ph. 24443. q260' 94-TON G.M.C. Pickup to trade for late model car. Must be tn top condition Don Madison, 500 No. High. q259 TRAILER HOMES See our eastern built trailer homes. Royal Camps United Coach and 6-passenger Zt miner. Some electric refrigerators. 1084 State st q263 FOR SALE '37 Ford 4-dr. sedan, good tires. 3280 Mission st. q260 '83 CHEV.. 175. Rt. 1, Box 82, Gervais q260 FOR SALE 1930 Model A Ford. Good condition. New clutch, new brakes, new rear end. new transmission, new rods, good tires. R. D, Rappe, Rt. 2. Box 86, Keizer. q263 10M STANDARD FORD. Excellent trans portation. Car can be seen at 1700 N Front during day. q2J0 '37 TERRAFLANE coupe. Good cond. See at Sublimity service station. q2o.1 GUARANTEED RECAPPING LET US EXAMINE your tires. We can lve you EXTRA mileage at low cost. Drive safer As longer on Grade "A" rubber Ac savet Don't delay corns In now. Montgomery Wards. q258 SALE OR TRADE: '36 Ford Tr. Sedan Deluxe, '42 Mercury motor transmis sion, gear shift on steering post, ex cellent rubber and paint. Radio and California hubs. See at O.K. Rubftcr Shop. Silverton. q268 SALE OR TRADE: '39 Ford 'A ton pickup, good paint, rubber and motor. O.K. Rubber Shop, Silverton. q2;.8 '30 MODEL A roadster"i225. Power wood saw on 2 wheel trailer, with 6 cyl. motor, 1100. Ph. 6391, Monmouth. q258 1039 HUDSON County Club 4 door sedan 4 new tires, radio and heater. 150 East Bush between 6 and 8 p.m. q253 WANTED TO TRADE: 1941 Bulck Special, excel, cond., for 1938 sedan is differ ence. Phone 4423. q238 FACTORY built trailer house, 21-ft.f clean throughout. Priced to sell, S985.00. Burke Trailer Park, West Salem, next to river. q2a8 1830 PLY. convertible for sale or trade, A-l shape all around. Ph. 4S45. q2.i8 1U4A HARLEY Davidson 61 OHV, prac tically new. Actual mileage 4100. Per fect.' cond. Saddle bags, etc. Must sell Immediately, 1675. 1 owner. Billy Tow ery. N. Santiam School, i ml, N. of Marlon, q2."8 WE PAY TOPS OM EVERY UIMfc Tout La la Wortbl CASH ON CHE BARREL-HEADI "C 5HROCK SALEM'S Oldest Independent USED CAB DEALER It ft. Cornei Church & Cbemeketa. Ptwme 7923 q GOOD BUYS IN USED CARS 1083 PLY. 3 dr. 1934 Stude. cpc. 1030 model A 3-dr. 193d Nash-Lafayette se dtn. Others to choose from. Your Kaiser Frazcr Dealer TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 355 N. Liberty. Ph. 7001 q25B FOR SALE 1938 Bulck, good cond. Call at 1715 N. Capital after 5:30 p. m. q259 D, 11 International Cat. blade but no drum. Call after 6 p. m. 1334 N. Sum mer Randal Rauk. q259 FOR SALE "35 Ford assembled convert able. Call at basement apt. 1935 N. Capital, after 5 p. m. q259 HOUSE-TRAlLER. Howard s Trailer park" 3560 Portland rd. after 6 p. m. q262 1940 FORD flatbed truck, long wheelbase, 2 Speeds, 8:25 tires. Ph. 22580. q259 FINANCIAL LOAN WANTED: Owner needs 15000 loan on new 4 bedroom home 1st mortgag 6. Can repay 1100 mo. If desired. Ph. 5508 r253 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4 AND It rotm OWN TERMS of repayment with 3) reaMn Caab for Real atat Contracts and Secone Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES OO. Ml fuoMt Trust BUfcrik fio, f AUTOMOBILES MONEY TO LOAN WANTED! REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm properties, loans mad At small as J30Q. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortKawe. APPROVED CITY LOANS 4'i';, G.I. LOANS on NEW Construction. 4 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State Street. Phone 9261. r25B UNKAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS 8-138 and U-3M and ROY H SIMMONS DNSURANCB and LOANS 136 8 Commercial St III DIM. WE LOAN on Farm. Residential and Bus! leas Property Will buy mortgage con tracts HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC REALTORS Guardian Btda r YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU 5 PERCENT INTEREST BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. EXAM INE THE SECURITY YOURSELF. MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OF JS00 TO J7500 WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAYMENTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE. STATS FINANCE CO. 153 8. High St. CASH 'NOW" FROM PERJ.ONAL 8th year In Salem. We lend money quickly privately to men or women, married or single. LOANS (25 TO 1300 For home or business on furniture, sal ary, business equipment On auto $500. Choose any one of our convenient loan plans and repay In 15 months. WE LIKE TO SAY "YES" to loan requests. So tor faster service, phone fim PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 818 State St., Rm 125. Phone 3191 Llo. S-122; M-165. E. Galtlnger. Msr. r258 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO atb FLOOR GUARDIAN BLDO, License No M-l i MONE1 1 REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOAN6 Buy Ri Batt Uortcacea and Contracts STATE FINANCE CO- REALTORS Lie 9-210 U-323 153 G HiSi ttt f Directory AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANEK, 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 5151 Brake & wheel aligning specialist. o279' ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING and bookkeeping. Reason able rates Dependable service Bustnew Service, Inc. Masonic Buildings. Salem Phone 8727. O" tl'i'MANCE REPAIRS KXPEKl BENlilX and commercial and dome.uk) refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appllanoea. 133 Center Ph. 403U AUTOMOTIVE MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE M0 Chemeketa Phone 7838 BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING and leveling. Dirt mov ing, logging. R. R. Ricks, Ph. 8022. Stay ton. o2ao CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cltf Ellis, 1905 N. 19th St. Ph. 4071. 01166 CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES. CHIMNEYS vacuum clean eu ENSLEY. 771 S 21st Ph. 717ft o DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 S. Church. Phone 4711. o27Sa DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS-Remodellng. 1984 State St. Mrs. Armentrout. 036ft1 EXTERMINATORS A III) HE MAINTENANCE CO. Bedbugs. roaches, rata, fleas, moths Pest con trol con'rect service. Materials sold' guaranteed riddance. 825 N Killing worth St., Portland 1L Ore. Ph. WEb- Uer 3205. COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3056. LEE CROSS. 1260 N. 17th. 0377" 4ritliaupt's to; flowers Dial 8105 CtJNEKAl DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HCMJ! Ph. 2673 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. W ATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069 o261 M USIC LESSONS 4PAMSH-and" HAWAIIAN Guitar. Mando lin onjo etc 1S33 Court Ph 7S6B PAPERHANGING EXPERT pa per bane tDg. 8. J. Wooi worth. Phone 3015 o TTubTng PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service. Larry Travtss. Phone 8601. 0273 SAND A GRAVEL GA It DEN SOIL, crushed rack. Shovel at dragline excavating Walling Sand & Oravw Oo. Phone B38L o SAW FILING F. X. Roasch. 674 a CapltoL inT!C " TANKS "C LEANED KENNETH HAMEL, 1143 8tb St.. W. Sa lem. Ph. 7404. Guaranteed service. 0267 CESSPOOL Scptta tanks. Ph. 8745. 0268 UOTO-ROOTER GEWEK SERVICE flew srs and drains cleaned. Free intimate Promp service Ph 6327 ITtANSf-ER AND STORAGE LOCAL A DINSTANCE Transfer, storaaa. Burner oils. ooai. briquets Trucks sc Portland dally Agent. Lyon Van Llnee for bouaenold foods to California points. L.trmer Transfer & Storage Ph. 8131 n TRIMMING SHRUB TRIMMING. Rototiller work. New lan preparation. Yard work. Snlrm Tree company. Phonfi 21208. o284 VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTROLUX Sales St Service At Repairs. Limited amount of new machines avail able. Office 175 S. High. Ph. 6088 0262 FREE inspection in your home, author '.zed Hoover service. w service all maker of cleaners. Hogg Bros Pb 9149 o WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates. T. PULLMAN Ph. 5985. 0260 WELDING WELDING it BLACKSMITH ING BODY it FENDER WORKS WE Specialize in trailer hitches. Penn 4 Corners 3955 E. State o249 WELL DRILLING J. A SNELD it Sana Well drilling. 2605 Brookr St. Salem. Phone 6809 o2s WELL DRILLING M O tsmoa. Rt a, Box 321-L. Si Jem. Ora First ooua outb 01 Swecl school. Pb 34267 WINDOW ('LEANING CMH WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows, floors, woodwork eieanen Pb i 331 J 41 Uourt St La rut doc St Culbertson 0 PttUl- ESaiUNAl CLEANING SERVICE Phon 447 WOOD SAWING R.b! "CROSS. Ph. 8178. LEGAL NOTICE OF HEARING OF OBJECTIONS TO FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that W. E. Stewart. Jr, as the duly appointed, quali fied and acting administrator de bonis non. of the estate of Frank Lynch, de ceased, has duly rendered and presented for settlement and filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Oretton. County of Marion, Probate Department, a final ac count of his administration of said ro tate; and that Tuesdaj the Twenty-sixth day of November. lS4b, at the hour of en o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of said court In the Marion County Courthouse In the City of Salem, Marlon County. Oregon, have been duly fixed and appointed by said court as the time and the place for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published the twenty- fourth day of October, 11 6. W. E STEWART, JK., as Administrator de bonis non of tht Estate of Frank Lynch, Deceased. . Oct. 34, 31, NOV. 7, 14, 1L Market Quotations Pnrtland Eastside Red Delicious apples and pumpkins were snapped up ouiCKiy looay oy noi day demands at Portland's Eastsidc Farm ers' WholeMle Produce marKet. moji fruits and vegetables traded at generally steady prices. Co.-n sold unor a slow can at i..a 1 30 Topped turnips rated a strong c;il at M. 35-1. 40 Iue, Spinach, best stock, sold II box; ordinary stock, down to 80 cents 20 pound box. BcM flats toma toes sold up to si.25, California and hot huusp stock bring preferred. Cauliflower brought i 1.50-1.65. Dan ish squash appeared scarce and was quoted tl. 25-1. 50 an orange box, Portlund Product xrtian flutter Prices to retailers. Grade AA canons 84c. AA prints 85c. A prima 81-83C. A cartons 82-84c. B prints 80-82C. lb. cubes 4c htslier. Eggs Prices to retailers: AA large. 9J; A larsu. 61 -62c; AA medium. 59c; A medi um. 68-59c: A small, nominal. 44o doteo. Cheese To retailers m Portland. Oregon triplets 46-47o lb., daisies 434-44ie af 47-50n lb. Jobbers pny lb. lesi To wholesalers. Portland; Oregon single 55-58CI loaf 57-60C. fori in ncl Whaif-saia Ttt art el Butter (f o b bulk 08 lb. tubs) AA grade 93 score sn-Blc, A gride 92 scora 78-flOc. B grada 90 score 78-79c. Butlerfat (TenUt'.ve. subject to Imme diate change). Premium quality maximum of 35 of I percent acidity, delivered !n Portland 91-92c lb.: firs: quality !0-91c lb.: second quality 86-87c; valley routes and country points 2c less than first, or 84-WJc. Cheese Selling price to Portland re tailers: Ore. sinz'rs 58-5i'c lb. Ore. loaf 60-61C ;b.; triplets. 53-55c. Eggs To wholesalers. A large ASo 590 dozen, med. 65-564e. B grade 43 ',-4sc Rat biti--Average country kilted to re tailors 43-fOc lb Live fryers. colo-M 24o- white 22- 27c lb Old bucks and doe te lbs. and upt 15o lb. Live Pitiillrr Live Chickens No. 1 Lechorn broilers. 1 to 2 lbs.. 35-37c: fryers. 2 to 3 lbs.. J7 38c; 3 to 4 lbs.. 37-39c. roasters, 4'i Ins. and over. 37-38c: under 3 la lbs., 23-23c; roosters and stags, 12-17c. Dressed Lbickrna to retailers: Spring rollers 3 lbs up 52c lb. colored hens S7o. Leghorn fowl 82ct old roosters and stag 380. Freih Veretabtre Artichokes Calif., J6.25 box. Beans Cnllf 17c lb Mtci-uoiumbla P'ue Lake, mid-Columbia and Walla wije green and wax 9-luc lb Oregon Giant 10-12& lb Kentucky Wonders 8-10c Shell beans Jl. 50-1 75 iO-lb lug Wax and Blur Lake 9-10c Beets Local 65-75c dozen. Broccoli Pi 511-1 B.1- lim Cabbage Locul round type, 2 25-2. M crate; fancy, S2.7,i-2,9d; red. 4-5c lb.; krnut, $1-1.25 crate. CarrolLric!B. ounrhert a-dos orate 33-3.25: CaliT.. 6 out. J4.50-4.7r). Cauliflower Local No. 1, J1.H5-2. Celery California Sn toi turuce ernte. Lablsh. Milwaukle $2-2.25 crate; blanche, J2.75-3: Hearts, J 1.85-3 doz. Cum Best, $2-2.25 a 5-dOZ. box. Dill 20-25e lb Cucumbers SI leers 18 lb. flats, tl.SD 1.65 Ecgplant-20 lb. crate. (2.75-3.85. Garlic Oregon Jft-Jao lb Lettuce The Dalles, l3.50-3.75i Walll Walla, J3.75-4. Onions Wash, dry No. L 11-1 25: SO lb. sacks; Idaho, white. No. 1. SI. 50-1.05. large. '1.85 yellow Spanish, f 1. 20-1. 25. Parsley Local 75-80o dor"" Prppcrt Green Cnllf. 35-lb crnre 13.50-75. Mid-Columbia 12-lb. flat 8!c; 30-lb. tl.75; red, flat 11.75; chill, 11. M Sl. flats Potatoes Washington Russets, 12 ba 2.75; 50 lbs.. No. 2. 00-95c; local long white. (2 65-2 75; Klamath Russets. No l. 12.75-2.85. ' Deschutes. No. i, $2 75-2.85 Pumpkin 3 4-4c lb. Radishes Local red 75-80c doz. bunches. Kutabas-as Lues. Jl. 15-1.25. Spinach 20 lb box, $1 S(i Sprouts Local to $2 50-2.65 flat. Squash Zucch'nl 75c-il flat Scallop, 73c-tl 14-lb shakPd tl 25-45 15-lb nnnr box 12.75-53. Danish, lugs, 85-P0c. Hub bard 2-3c lb. California, i3.2."3.50 luu Sweet potatoes Calif.. 50 10 tnKe' $3.50-3.85; pints. 3 layer, $3.50; yams 50 ID , S.J.BS-4 Tmntoe Local IB-lb Hat. No (110-1.25; California wrapped 13.50-3.75; repnt-KCd. (4-4.25. Turnips Bunches $1.10-1.25 doz. Frnti iruit Ai'Piea Vaklma Delicious, wrapped anfl packed, comb boy $4.50-4.75. Jumble 10.1 13 40: Hood River Spitz face-fill box tl 73 2,00: Yellow Newtown 14.35 Winter Bn nnnns and Kings, lonsr, JI .50-2; Ortleys iacfri and lined. J2.25-2.50: Jonathan lacen filled J3.40. H. R. Delicious $3.(55, Delicious, wrapped and packed. (4.25-4 SO; chan 40 lbs 14 40. Marvhtlle Wash rti trict Transparent? 11.50-2 face lug; Red uciicious. wrapped and packed. (4.50-4.75; loose. (3-3 50. Avocado Fuerte 34 25. choice (3 11-14 fancy J4-4.25 20-30 flats. Calif Dickin son all sizes. (4.50-4.75; Itzlmas. (4.73 5.75 Bananaa 9He-I0 lb. cut bands, ornter extra. Crin berries Oregon. 25-lb. boxes. (8.75- 9; Eastern. $9-9.25. Grapefruit Caill. large tS.50-ft.75, small (3.75 case. Texas pinks t5.10. white (4. HO Cochclls $4 95 case: Cuban, all sizes. IH 8.50. Florida whites, 80s and larger, $5 5.25; California, 100s, J3-3.50. (Jrapes Local ConcorcLs, (1.25-1.50; to kay 53-3.25; Carmiccon. (.1.25. Lemons California, 300-360, (8.50-B.25. Llmea Tuos oi 6 200, 25c O ranees Calif. Valenelas. 320 and larg er. J9.50-9.75; 252. J8.50-9.25: .134 rtiid .unaller, Jfi.50-7; Florida wirebound boxes, 252 and larser. $7 25-7.50. Quince Local, 31A-3C lb. Pears Bartletts. comb pack J8-tb boi t2.25-2.35: Medford wraoned ann Dnr.kPn. $5-5.25; Hood R.ver. (4-4.75; orcruird run $1.75-2 Yakima W St P.. 14.25: D'Anlou $4.75. wra.3pt.-d and packed boxesi do.i wrapped and packed. $4.25: Jon in ps. 3.50; Hood Rivrr D'Antou, ?4.0-4.7r: Cj- iiucit, )0cni loose, j.o-a.ao; Hood Jtlvcr loose, J3-3.2.. Piiipuppli-i, Cub in ( i Pnmeirrnni.tc( S3. 75-2.85 lug Persimons Calif.. Iub. 13-3 sn Meats Country Meats Rollback nni tn r.. taUtrs. Country killed boits. o-si outchers 120-140 lbs. !9-19Vo ID Vealera. AA 22c A 2H4. B 19. S 17-nnc. culls 12-I5e lb Beef. AA 21c A 20. B IBc. canner.. cutters 13'a-i4c. Lamds: AA 2Hc, A 24t a dine, w uo ID- tiwea- fa 13 o. U lie K 10 o Veal AA 32-33c. A 30-3Ic n Mr. ih Cull 18-24c. Hogs Fanci olnrk ,3Rn ik hi... butchers, paci:er style. 155-213 lbs. 38-4')s; over 213 lbs.,35-38c; sows all weights. 28 30c. Lambs A A 24-35c. A 32c, ' B 27-2fle lb Mullon 1-ar.c, A I0-14o accotdiiig qua.iti and wtlPht Beef AA 34-3Qr: A 21-?.ir. n sn.tn.. n 35-26c, canner-cutter bulls 22-23c lb. Cakcara Uark Orecn 8-8 dry 20o lb Wool Oovrmmeot controL Mohalt 100 lb. on 12-moa growtn. Ua7 Wholesale sniDments. Autr. nn 3 or oetter 3i-(33.50 Oats-vetcb mixoc hay. fdljpy growers price 119-123. clover hay H9-$2i. oalcd op farms. Hides Cojvea 2H-24c- green beef 10a m old 16c Oreen culls 0 lb Hops wormai contracts: 1944 85e dp 1949 lbc lb 1940 5.1C 104" fine lb. Nuta Distributor' Bat la unestnuts Local Italian 80c lb. Almonds Calll 33-3flc lb FUberta 100 lbs. Bsr-e- D Brti lonaa Cblllra Null (New Crop) Jumbo 32-14C .T4-350 14c Largo 26-280 21-31c 34-35v.fi Fancy 22c and uo 23l-23e 2014. n,. Baby 20-22c 2jc Wnlntils: Opening nricf FranuiM..; Jumbo 40c: large, 33c: mrd;um, 35'3c 80ft shell Jumbo. 40c: lame, Mr; medium, 35'-jC. All prices FOB shipping pt, Chirago Grain Cnicago. Oct. 31 (UP)-Caf.h srajn sales: Wheat nominally firm; no sai. Corn tin 2.h rnt.ii niH- a .m,'., i-n 153: 5 yellnw Ifil Now t i-iiru w . H8; 4 yellow 138'i-14fi. 5 yellow 123:,- Ui; sample grade yellow OO't-m ; 5 white 150 V Oats firm: 1 white ana! o-h white heavy 86'; samp.e grade wii.te 6'i. Soybeans: 2 yellow 323. Lodg es Meet every Wednesday . evening. Visitors wel- ' come. IOOP Building. A Pacific Lodge No. 50, A. P. A: ytsV A.M. M.M. Degree, Friday. f'Sj Nov. 1, 7 pan. 259 Barley: Malting 161-172 nominal; feed 133-140 nominal. Chimin Livestock Chicago. Oct. 31 (4) (USDAlSalable liws ll.ano, total 13. 300: early trade slow, a;er traae and clrve fairly active; mar ket generally steady to 50 cents lower, mostly 25 cents lower with sows steady; tnp 23.7 pajid freely: bulk good and c:io:ce 130 pounds and over 33.25-33.75: liRliter ueiKh:s scarce; bulk good and choice saws 21.50-22.50; With 33.00 popu lar price; good clearance. Salab!" cattle 4.500. total 4.500: salable calves 7oo. total 700; good and choice fed steers and yearlings dull, 1.00 lowe.-; sniered sales choice to prima calf clubs 3.1.00-36 00. but most good and choice stetrs 31.00-28.00: common and medium cradrs active, steady at 20.00 down to id.uw: of?i cows i.ni)-3.oo lower, sluggish, st downturn: ouistde strictly good cows 16J10; little abovo 13.50. Salable sheep 4.000. tolal 8 000: i!a neu ter lambs mostly 25 cents lower than weanesaay s low close or LOO under early top sales: bulk good and choice native iambs and two loads around 32 lb. Colorado 21.75: about one load nativa lambs tops at 23.00 lo city butchers; not!i iug done on slaughter ewes, buyers talk ing additionally lower following 2S-S0 cents lower close Wednesday, Portland Grain Portland, Ore., Oct. 31 (-Pj Wheat: No futures. Cash wheat (b:d; soft white 1 .87' : soft, white (excluding Rex) 1.87'.; White Club 1.87'ii western red 1.87'i. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1,87 4: in percent 1.91; 11 percent 1.95; 12 percent 2.05. Hard white Baarf: Ordinary 3 2fi: 10 percent 3.29; 11 percent 2.31: 12 oerenn: 2.33. Today's car receipts: Wheat 44; bar ley 10: flour 5: corn 0; oats 0; hay 3: millfeed 6; flax 0. Portland Livestock Pen land. Ore.. Oct. 31 (J. (USDAl Salable cattle 125. total 500: salablr calves 50, total 125: around 150 cattle ann canes neifl over; market generally steady with lower grades active and medium-good cattle slow; few common medium steers 13.00-16.75; few aiockers 14.50-15.50: common-medium heifers U.oo 16.25; canner-cutter cows mostly 8 00 9.50: shells down to 7.00; fat dairy type cows 11.00-50: medium to fairly good urn cows iz.iiu-13.,10; medium-good sau sage bulls 11.50-14.00; good beef bulls to la. ni, Rooa-cnoice vealers steady at 17.00 18.00; odd head 18.50; grass calves most ly 15.00 down. Salable Iwks 50. total 5110: market ra ther slow, about steady; xond-choice 180 307 lbs. 26.2,i; 340 lbs. 25.50; good sows 23.50-24.00; 235 lbs. up lo 24.50; 700 In. weiahts 23.00; enolec feeder pigs quotable 22.00 down. Salable and tolal aiierp 250: market rather slow; strudy to 50 cents lower: nood-choico lambs mostly 18.50-19.00; me dium grades 16.00; good feeders 15 00: good ewes 6,00; odd head 8.50; common grades down to 4.00. New York Stock Quotations (By the Associated Preset New if ora. yp Closirt Quotations to Allied Client it Ore 1 American Can . , Am Powei St Light.... 4mr Tel A TeL. ...... Anaconda Copper ...... AtcftisoK Bendlx Aviation Uethierien) Steel Boeing Aircraft Jallforn: Packing ... Canadian Pacillo ..... J 1 Case . Chrysler Corp Commonwealth A South Consolidated Edison . Consolidated Vultee Continental Insurance . -'rown Zellernacn . ... Jurtisa Wrtgm . ..1,.. Uouclas Aircraft ilupont do Nemours .... Jeiieroj Elecirio General Foods ........ Jenerai Motors Lloodjear nre Jreat Northern pfd iniernalluna; Harvester Int Paper pro. Johns Manvuie KtMinevou , .......... U)iig Bell a Muytag Miami Copper Montgomery Ward Nash Keivmator National Dairy N. V Cenual Mortti Am. Co Northern Paciflo ....... Pao- Amer Fish eaciflo Caa Eleo Paciflo T. it T. an American ......... Penny j. u. ridm cori. Rajomer .....,..... ttauiiier Pfd .......... ftvynolds Uetals Safeway Scan Koebuek ........ imclaii Oil duuUiern Paciflo 3tancird Brands ....... itandard Oil Calif Stewart A arner -Jiudeoaker ........... .ifi.v; . 38't . 88', . 13 . 3 . 27 i . 1BF' . 46U . 28 . 5'i . 78 .172 . M 1 , SB1 10 II 84 15 9un Umoo OH ... Union Paciflo ........ United Airlines Untied Ancraft United States Steel.. Warner brothers . .. (Veil Eleo. Uig. Oo. . WoolworLb Richfield . 21', .125 , IS 'i . 72 i Dispute Threatens To Close Ford's Detroit, Oct. 31 W) A lin gering dispute over health ha zards threatened today to halt new car production in the mas sive Ford Motor Co. Rouge plant and idle its 67.000 employes. Notice of intention to strike in 110 days has been liled by the CIO United Auto Workers' local 600 with national and stale government agencies. The local contends the health of crane operators in the unit is endangered by the use of fluoride in the steel-making process. Ford officials, in a ser ies of statements and letters to the union, replied that working conditions are not hazardous and that similar practices wore followed in virtually all steel plants. Registration Breaks Record Seattle, Oct. 31 (U.R) Tolal registration of voters for next Tuesday's general election has broken all records, City Comp troller W. C. Thomas revealed today. Salem Markets Completed from report ot Salem dcHlers for the cutdane of Capi ta! Journal Readers. (RerUad daily.) Bel nil Price Rabbit f eed Pellets. 14.09 cwt, r.cg Mash S4 50 cwt. Dairy Feed 13 70 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens. No. 1 37c. Ib No. 2 24c. Colored fryers. No. 1. !8o lb CCK- BtiTtrs Prlcea wntte and Brown sstri lane grada A 68c, med 64c, itandards W dozen Wholesale Price Large 84c dozen, med. 60r, standards 55c. Mutter Wholesale, A 83c. flfta II Ora rtn A, B3c. Kutterfat Premium, 89c; No. 1, 88c; No. a. 8)0. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Stocks Advance All Along Line New York, Oct. 31 (Pi Cot ton futures rallied the limit of $10 a bale today and the stock market followed suit with the broadest recovery in better than two weeks. Dealings on the big board, active at the start, soon tapered and early plus marks were shad ed. Heavy buying orders for rails and industrials hit the list with sufficient force around midday to put the ticker tape as much as three minutes behind with gains of 1 to 5 or more points widespread. The pace soon slowed. While a few "thin" issues were up around 6 near the close, extreme ad vances were reduced in the ma jority of cases. Transfers for the full proceedings ran to about 1,600,000 shares. Rising earnings and dividends buoyed such stocks as Inland Steel, International Silver and Crane company. American Telephone was an isolated soft spot as the com pany's debenture "rights" were traded for the first time in large volume. Railway bonds hardened. Cotton Break Affects Grains Chicago, Oct. 31 W) Grain futures were nervous and re sponded quickly to influences in today's board of trade es sion. The market was off to a good start, but the influence of an early break in cotton depress ed all grains except wheat to belo wyesterday's closing levels. Word that India had asked for 1.000,000 bushels of corn to ap ply on last quarter allocations had a stimulating effect and prices on that feed grain ad vanced to the day's high. At the finish wheat was M to 1 'i cent higher than yester day's close. January $2.0:!4. Corn was 1 cent to l3i higher. January $1.36',s li. Oats were Is lower to higher, Novem ber 83:Vn-78. Barley was 1 cent higher to 1 cent lower, Novem ber $1.33 'i. Baby Born During Street Traffic Jam San Francisco, Oct. 31 WD Five minutes old and weighing nine pounds, William Wayne Ramsey arrived at the San Ma teo community hospital ahead of his mother yesterday. The infant was born in the back scat of his father's hospital-bound automobile in the middle of a traffic jam on U. S. highway 101. When they arriv ed at the hospital, frantic father Onie Ramsey honked the horn for help and his wife, Evelyn, handed the baby out of the car door to an attendant. Apparently not realizing the infant had just been born, the attendant permitted Mrs. Ram sey to remain in the car until someone asked about the mo ther. Truman on Platform Washington, Oct. 31 W The White House said today that President Truman may make a platform appearance when his train halls briefly at St. Louis tomorrow, en route to the chief executive's home in Indepen dence, Mo. Markets Briefed (By the Unllrd Press) Stocks higher in moderately active trading. Bonds higher. U.S. govern ment bonds not traded. Curb slocks higher. Foreign silver unchanged in New York at 90 Va cents a fine ounce. Cotton firm, up as much as $10 a bale. Wheat up to Vk cents. Births Silverton-To Mr. and Mrs. Rnvmond Rothenflush, Mt. Angel, a daughter, Oc tober 28, at Silverton hospital. Crenshaw To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E Crenshaw, route 7, a daughter, Tonna Mae, Oct. 11. PBrS-To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. R. Parts 1047 Fir, a daughter, Carol, Oct. 12. Deaths Minnie Adrlaiile Williams At the residence, 1861 Nehraska street, October 31. Minnio Adelaide Williams, at the ae of 78 years. Survived by three children Hny Williams of Oregon City and Delwin Williams and Mrs, Avis Hoffman both of Salem; a brother, Car' WlKgln of Canton, N. D,; and four grand children. Servlcea will be held Mondav, November 4. at 1:30 p.m. at the W. T. Rigdon chapel. August Mle kelson At the residence. In Portland, October 30, August Mlckelson, al the age ol Hf years. Survived by seven children, Wil liam C. Mlckelson of Albany. Oregon, John F. Mlckelson of Walllngford. Conn,, Charles P, Mlckelson of Eugene. Oregon. Milton E. Mlckelson of Modesto, Calif , George A Mlckelson of Oakland, Calif , Mrs. Ralph E. Walker of Rumford. R.I , and Mrs. Devota Newton of Portland: a sister, Mrs. Carrie Thorsen of LaCentre. Wash., and 13 grandchildren. Services will be held Saturday. November 2, at 130 p.m. at the W. T. Rigdon chapel with concluding services at Lec Miss.o.i cemetery Leola Joyce Carper Leola, Joyce Carper, iate resident of Turner, Oregon, at a local hospital, Oc tober 30 at the ace of 17 years. Sur vived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ca.--lyle Carper of Turner; a brother, D.ck Carper of Turner; and her grandpar ents Mrs Lola Carper or Salem and Mr and Mrs. C. O, Hutchinson ot Max well, Nebr. Services will be held Mon day. November 4, at 3.39 p.m. at the Thursday, Oct. 31, 1916 19 Howell-Edwards chapel with He.v. A. A. Loewen and Rev. Albert Fadenrlcht otll ciatttiK. Eleanor Watner Souln At the residenre, 1176 Plr street. Octo ber 31, Eleanor W.isner Soule, at trie an of 81 years. Mo:iir ol Mrs. W. D. Say ot Loi Anitelei. CtUlt., and Mrs, Frank J. (Madeleine) Burke of Halem: grand mother oi Robert Garretson Burke At UCLA in Los Angeles and Mrs. James McTcague Ploeser of Palo Alto. Calif ; and si3ter of Mrs. James Fleming of San Bernardino, Caiif, Private services will be held Friday, NoPnin'r 1. at 10:30 a.m. at, the W. T. R;tdon chapel. Mrs. Mary Alice Othorn Mrs. Mary Alice Oonra. late resident ot route 2. Silem, at a local hospital, October 28. Survived by a dauBhter, Mrs. Mabel Fowler of Sul'-m; three sons, W. A. Osborn ol Intlcpendci.ce. T. L. Oaborn of Klamath Fai:. and E. T. Osborn of Sa lem: three sV.er.-. Mrs. Annie Johnsoa of Portland. Mrs. Ruse Perry of Eitacada and Mrs. Lena t,BFKnime of Brooks, Ore eon: three brotuera. George and John Gigser ot Battleground. Wash,, and Jo OiBger of Hojimere; 15 grandchildren and tl area, nr.mdchiidren. Services will ba held Saturday, November 2, at 10 a in. at tho Clounh-ilarrlt-it chapel with In terment in tho Bttlle Passl cemetery at Woodburn. William Henry 1 tir.is William Henry Lucas, 134.1 Fir. si a local hospital October 23 ;it the aje of 69. Survived by his wire, Bertha E. Lucas of Salem: one brother, Leonard Lucas of Greene, la.: a grandson, .Jack Luras of Seattle: two randdamliterft, Mrs, Gladys Kelland of Mt Vernon. Wash., and Mrs. Norval Hancock ot Oaklind, Cal.; sl.0 two great-grandchildren and several ne phews and nieetv Service from :h Clough-Barrtck chapel Friday. Nov. 1 at i:ju p.m. iniTmrn: in City view ceme tery, with Rev. Knotts ottlclatlng'. Mis Lydia Amelia ChrKllanion Miss Lvdia Amel.a Chtisiianjon, late resident of 775 North Cottaae street, at a local hospital October 29, at the aus of 64 years. Survived by three sisters, Mrs. Mary E. Boxrud and Mrs. Insa T. Bomon. bo?h of Sa!"m. and Mrs. Anna Purdy of route 1. Turner; three nieces, Mrs Ruth Rue of Newbers, Ore., Mrs, Geraldine Merz of Ada. Ore., and Mrs. Frances Everest of L.unlois, Ore.: and a nephew. Kenneth Purdy of Turner, ore. Services will be held Friday, Novem ber 1. at 2 p m. at tnc Howell-Edwards chapel with Rev. M. A. Gruenrtaner, DD, officiating. Concluding services tt ins City View cemetery, George W. Thurmnn Gcome W. Thurnion. lata resident of 918 North 5. Salem, died at tlie ace of 74 In Portland October 28. Survived by his wife. Sarah E, Thurnion of Salem, and Is father of Mrs. R, W, Nusom of Clatskanle, grandfather nf Mrs. Jack da ther of Conalhs. brother or John Thur nion of Silverton, Mrs. Susan Remington of Salem. Mrs. Kale Porter and Mrs, Charlio Watson of Silverton, and great grandfather o( Pete and Beth Sather, of Corvallis. Funeral services will ba held Friday, November 1, at 1:30 p.m., In the W, T. Ricdon chapel with entombment at Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum, Chester A. Nichnls Chester A. Nichols. 34R.S E. Nob Hill street, at a local hospital October 39. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Maxlns Nichols pud two children. Linda Diana Nichols and Thomas Arthur Nichols, all of Snlem: a sist"r, Mrs. Ethel Otjen. Sa lem; a brother, Roy Nichols, Santa Moni ca. Caltr : mother, Mrs. Pearl Nichols. Salem: two mints. Mrs. Frank Lamphear and Mrs. Edith Bietman, both of Beloit, Wis., and several nieces and nephews Ha was a member of Chemekrta Lodge N 1, IOOF. Services will he held Friday, No embrr 1, Ht 3:30 p.m. at the Howell Edwards chapel with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Interment tn the City View cemetery. Ritualistic services under ih auspices of Chemeketa Lodge No. I, IOOF, Jame Everett Mnhatt, II In this city Wednesday, October JO, James Eveiflt Mnhatt, II, late resldunt of 740 North Cottase street, at the aga of 2 years. Son of Mr. and Mr. Jamea E. Mohalt. Salem; grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mohalt, Chardon, Neb., ant of Mr. and Mrs. M. 8. Cooper, Independence, and the brother fit Karon Virginia Mo halt, Salem. Services will be held Fri day. November 1, al 5 am. at St. Vin cent cTe Paul church. Interment- In St, Barbara cemetery. Direction W. T, hig don company, Elizabeth Dlneharl llr.v.h Eiiiibe'h Diiu'hail Br.-ish, late resident of 050 Belmont street, at a local hospU-l at the ace nf H2 year.s. Mother of Allni Dlneliart, w hn died two years auo nt Hollywood. Ciihf, Hiirviviuit are a ilst t, Mrs. C. W. Kiuiler, Salem: daunhtcr-ia-law. Mrs. Mozelle Bntton Dlneharl, Hol lywood, Calif., and iwo grandsons, Capt, Allen Dlneharl. U.S. iutelluenci! serv:ce In Germany, and Mason Dmehnrt, Hol lywood. Calll. Services will be announced by Howell-Edwards company. Mrs. Flora B. Thompson Mrs. Flora B. Thompson, lale rt,idilt of Moi:mnn:h. Rt a Dallas hospital, Wed nesday. October 30. at the arc of 89 years. Survived by her husband. Alva E. Thompson of Monmouth: two sisters, Mrs. Helen Loir an of San Lonuriro, Calif., and Mrs. Rose Spink of St. Helena. Calif.; and four brothr rs, Charles L. Williams of Marvsville, Calif., J. D. Williams of SI. Helena. Calif.. Eugene H. Grosser of Redwood City, Calif., and Earl C. Gr--ser of Livermore. Calif. Servires will held Friday. November 1, at lo a.m. 'A the Clouvh-narrick. chapel with Dr. Joseph Adams officiating. Interment In Belcrest Memorial park, Mrs. Marv Tmnklns Mrs. Mary Tomkniv a' the residence, IfliiO Stale Miert. Wednesday. October 3l. Mother of Georae E. Tmnkins of Salin and Mrs. Je.vnminc Harris of West Sa lem; and sister of Mrs. Viola Welch of Los Angeles. Also survived by two grand children Virpinia Tom kins of Salem and Keith Harris of West, Salem, and a ne phew, Frank Morris of Oakland, Calif. Services will be held Monday, November 4. at 1:30 p.m. nt the Clnimh-Bnrnclc chapel. Interment m Lee Mbsion ceme tery. Pleasant J. Bradfiii-4 In this city October 31. Pleasant J. Rrartford, late resident of IUH5 North Front, street. Shipment was Hindu by the W. T. Hidon company to Spanish Fork, Utah, lor services mid interment. Obituary Clara M. White Silverton-Clara M While. 41, of 1 North D street, fiiU i rt-ui, died at SaKu Decnness ho. p t al Thuiida v inornm7. She was born No'.'-mnrr 1"), l:02. in Colo rado, find had lived in Silverton 14 years. She is survived by lirr widower, Verline; one son, William nt Silverton: daughter. Betle UtltVr 0I S.tiem: on grandchild; tlir.-ir s:Mer.s ESie Harold and Fin in a M.ill, hdt li nl Cri a II Is, and Grace Moore nl Una!ii:k t. W.i two brothers Charl-s o;avv of -Inuiiie. Idaho, and Ernes', G!:iw. nl Gu.iMmala C;ty, South Aiivrlra. 1-'ii:utiI M'f.lces will ba held Suiidav n t'c: ni-m rr 1 o'clock Trim the memorial r!.;i;! M the Kr.nian Fun eral home, w ;:h iiit-rnierit in Miller cemetery John Roland flout U Aloanv-jo;-;i R.jl.iiirl H.-'i .!.. 31, Al bany, dird Mi t.i" Sac:od Hear hospital in Eugene a. .1 '31 a in. v.'educsd.i y from injiir.es he jurfcrnl in a three-way automobile. truTr; nin.sh on the; P.idfia highway Jj.v norfh of Mm cvv limit at E'iKcnc Turdny, The iu,w js brought to Albany by the Fov'inJIer Fun eral dlfi'Tui. u no v. i-1 u ounce lh lime and place of fuip-ial. Houua W-.S recen'ly ihsiiia r ; cd tro.n the U.S. marine corps where Ix- hai .vi".cd as n corporal in the second World war, Hn was born a'. Warner. H.U., Jan. 2., 1J2j and had spent lus hie in that state, lv., Coqiiiile and Albaiiv lor the past years. He K survm.l by h:s )aint.i. Mr. and Mis. KiUnc liouvia, Albani: a grau.i parent, Wiliuiin McKi-rua. Wn.iner, S.D.; a brothT H;i li,inl. an I a ter, J:i:k", Aloany. He waj a nirmin-r of :ix Cithol.o church. Why Suffer Any Longer When other fail, use our Chinese 'em edies Amur in a urces (or AiMJU yeara id Chins No mutter xun wnai ail ments your are affltcfd disoraera. mnusllls. .lenrt- iungs liver. Kidneys gas. cons'.! pa 'Ion. ulsers. diaoetea. rheumarism. .ill and oladrter tar skin femnic "nm plaints. CHARLIE CHAN CIIINEK UK KB CO ftfftee llnart 0 tv . Tnea. and St only