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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1946)
AAHVIIIbiJ u.u.u....a Puree Mongols Orllled Frankfurters Hot Potato Salad Buttered Dandelion Oreens Hard Rolls Chocolate Cake (Recipes serve four) Puree Mongole 1 cup split peai 5 cups water 2 cups tomato Jules 1 onion 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 cup cream Salt and pepper Soak split peas overnight in plenty of water to cover. Drain next morning. Combine the five cups of water, peas, tomato juice, salt and pepper to taste. Fry onion, which has been minc ed in two tablespoons of butter or margarine until onion is soft and yellow. Add to first mix ture. Bring all to boil and sim mer about 45 minutes, or until rjeas are soft. Add more season ing, if desired. Strain soup to remove pea husks. Add cream and bring again to a boil. Place a dash of paprika on top before serving. Pleasant Way to Extend Meat Chilled Tomato Jtitce Stuffed Flank Steak Baked Potato Buttered Broccoli Tossed Green Salad Crescents Apricot Whip (Recipes serve four) Stuffed Flank Steak 1 large flank steak Salt Pepper 2 cups sausaga stuffing Spread steak with sausage stuffing and roll lengthwise. Sew along the edge to hold in place. Brown on all sides in hot bacon drippings. Cover and bake at 300 degrees one and one-half hours. Sausage Stuffing Vt pound sausaae meat 1 cup dry bred crumbs Salt and pepper 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon minced parsley and Dis- Mix all Ingredients thorough ly and spread on flank steak. Crescents cup milk 5 tablespootia sugar tablespoon salt cake seast cup lukewarm water 6 cups sifted flour 6 tablespoons melted shortening Scald milk, add sugar salt. Cool to lukewarm. solve yeast in lukewarm water and add to lukewarm milk. Add three cups flour and beat until perfectly smooth. Add melted shortening and remaining flour Knead well. Place in greased bowl. Cover and set in warm place. Let rise until doubled in bulk, about one and a half hours. Divide into three equal portions. Roll ball of dough into circular shape about 14 inches in diame ter and one-quarter inch thick. Cut into 12 pie-shaped pieces. Brush lightly with melted but ter or margarine and roll up, beginning at the wide end. Shape into crescents and place on well-greased baking sheet. Cover and set in warm place. Let rise until light, about one hour. Bake at 425 degrees for 20 minutes. pork, chopped fine, and egg, chopped fine. Wash and slice radishes and cook in butter or margarine for three minutes. Add to bread mixture. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Orange Mousse Va cup ausar Grated rind 1 orange 3 tablespoons water 1 ten spoon gelatin 2 tablespoons cold water hi cup orange Juice 2 tablespoons lemon Juice -a pint cream 2 tablespoons candied cherrlei 2 tablespoons pistachio nuts Put sugar in saucepan with orange rind and two tablespoons water and boil for one minute Add gelatin soaked in cold wa ter. When dissolved add orange juice and lemon juice. Place on ice and when jt begins to thick en beat until light and fold in cream which has been beaten until stiff. Add candied cherries and the pistachio nuts, blanched and cut in pieces. Freeze. Almost Tastes Like Turkey Grapefruit Halves Roast cushion t Veal Radish 8tuiIln,T Baked Potato Balls Chinese Cabbaue au Oratln Raw Carrot Sticks Orange Mousse (Recipes Serve Four) Radish Stuffing 3 slices stale bread Stock 1 2-inch cube fat salt pork 1 hard cooked egg , V4 cup radishes 2 tablespoons butter or margarine Salt ft nd pepper Toast bread and pour enough stock over to moisten. Add salt HAMBURGERS and your imagination con siders this tasty, hearty American sandwich . . . think of relish . . . Nallcy's special HAMBURGER RELISH. It makes the hamburger real! Stuff the Fish for Friday Cream of Pea Soup Baked Stuffed Haddock with Shrimp Sauce Escalloped Corn and Celery Chicory Salad Lemon Chiffon Pie (Recipes serve four) Baked Stuffed Haddock with Shrimp Sauce cup chopped onion i cup chopped green pepper cup water 2 tablespoons butter or mart anna i teaspoon thyme or autre 3 cups soft bread c rumba 3 fillets of haddock 1 teajtpocon salt H teaspoon pepper 1 cup finely sliced shrimp 2 tablespoons butter or margarine COLD BUG got u HELP EASE ACHING CHEST MUSCLES RUB ON MENTHOLATUM 2 tablespoon flour 'a teaspoons flour !j teaspoon salt 2 cups milk Cook onion and green pepper in water tor three minutes. Re move from fire and add butter or margarine, thyme or sage and bread crumbs. Sprinkle fish with salt and pepper and place on baking sheet. Cover each fil let with stuffing. Place in broiler, two inches below flame, 15 minutes at 325. Remove from broiler and place in oven and continue baking 45 min utes. Prepare shrimp, removing the digestive tract, wash and slice. Make a sauce by melting the butter' or margarine, blend in flour and seasoning. Add milk gradually and cook until thick. Add shrimp and reheat. Serve over the stuffed haddock. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Oct. 31, 194615 Rally Day Observed Clear Lake The fall rally of the church was held at the church with a no-host dinner at noon and the following program was held: Congregational sing ing, prayer, announcements, mixed quartet from the Keizer Sunday school, violin by Eunice 7E7 Castle Permanent Wavers 305 1st National Bank Bldg. Phone 3663 Machine Waves , Killing; Ko'nlcr Waves llalliwell Cold Waves experienced Operators Phone Vour Appointments Now REDECORATING FOR THE HOLIDAYS? For Fine Painting and Paperhanging Call 5338 FOR FREE ESTIMATES SALEM DECORATING COMPANY Massce, baritone solo, Rev. George Millen; offering; violin offertory, Eunice Massee; bari tone solo, Rev. Geo. Millenj rally day message, Rev. Edward Allen; benedictory prayer. Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Owners We will service your Hoover cleaner complete, $2.50 plus parts it required. Call for it and deliver It to your borne. HOGG BROS. Authorized Dealers IV You can also get this cereal in Kcllogg's VARIETY 6 dif ferent cereals, 10 generous packages, in one handy carton I 1 INFLATION-TIME is NO TIME to make LONG-TIME commitments!" raff fflaiv,"i.purrr: .nirt IP M1i jL -"' N. . OIKAOH TAXPAYSHt n DBS ATI ON. tin Imii I, CantllU, OtM( tmmmm I Lmtw"" si kw v .si IGrcrfJV U " J 1 (J 0 G3Brts 1 MnL. 0 Jf - m m BgasassgasaaaeagB m Just watch vour familv level off a rlish that you've heaped high with Safewav short. rih cooked to a golden brown. Yes, folks are enthusias tic about the thrifty cuts of Safeway meats as well as about our fancy steaks and roasts. They're cut from the same well-chosen meat, safeguarded in the same careful way. They too, are unconditionally guaranteed to please. So, whether you're serving short ribs or porterhouse steak, make certain of the best by getting Safeway Guaranteed Meats. Beef Features Meot features ore for Fridoy ond Saturday only. SAFEWAY PRICES are the lowest possible T-bone Steaks gftMAs Sirloin Steaks STfS Round Steaks Pot Roasts bladYcui aas Beef Stew BONELESS Ground Beef S -Veal Features fc9c 59c Veal Chops lb. lb. lb. lb. V7 Ib.45c Veal Roast A C!a Shoulder Arm or Blade lb. 'SJ'V lb lb. 5QC Veal Stew GARAA&DEAS lb Neck, Breosr, Shank &DsAaqsA,, ic. Instant Postum Hershey's Cocoa 8-oi. pkg. 42 18c 1-Tb.pkg. I Canterbury Tea black ,6p&9 13c Upton Black Tea Filter Papers Depend-able 16-bag fQc pkg. 10 2pkgs.15t Quick Oats H a 2-lb. pkg. 27e Wheat Meal Grapenuts ZO-m. pkg. 23' Cream of Wheat 0uiCk 28 oz Pk9 26c 100 Bran naB,sco I6.o,19c PablURI Cereal lor baby 'pkg' 39' Golden Rice Vitomic brand 2-lb. 25' Lamb & Pork Features LEGS OF LAMB Meaty, Tender Grades AA & A LB. LAMB RIB CHOPS BROIL OR FRY GRADES A & AA L8. PORK STEAKS SHOULDER CUTS LEAN La PORK LOIN CHOPS A REAL FAVORITE LB. 59c 39c 29c 59c 65c 59c 75c Luncheon Loaves AST- lb. 49' Skinless Wieners lb. 49e Fowl ev'C?ruapted- lb. 59c fresh Oysters "SSST pint 75' Krispy Soda Crackers Fresh and A Crispy ' lb. box 39 lKSltilL1fiJ jjllJ Rainbow Rngers ,8.o.,or 35' Assorted Candies Pk, 23' Candy Chews c,, 29' Sweet Oder HOod River Popcorn In cello pockoges 2 lb. 28' Popped Corn 6,m "49' CheeZ'lt, JT. Cheese crackers pkg' 14' Peanut Butter RR, Mb. jar 29' Peanut Butter gSL Mb.iar39' Green Olives 0 18 Olive Butter Grandee Relish Nolley's Homburaef nillPlrHK Doodle DanoV Till B IVRIWrf Blf$ 0- piil Fruit Mix Bud C 6 90C 18' '25' 2toT 23' Pkg. 1 PURE CANL if Sugar Peanut Butter 5-lb. box 44c BErT 10-lb. bag 86c SUGAR 5-lb. bag 43c 10-lb. bag 85c Beverly PL.---- Breeze 2-lb.Si wllvCdC American pkg. Velveeto pkg 1.23 1-lb jar Kraft Grapefruit Juice TOWN HOUSE 33e 1 59c 2-lb. $f.23 I 14' NO. 2 can Variety Cereals Premium Mustard Spaghetti or Macaroni aCiMMaag1ilMM Camels, Chesterf ields tlyOrei ICS Luckies, Old Golds or Phillip Morris Kellogg or 10 individual QO Post Tens packages 20'2-ox. jar 15' PRODUCE n EXTRA A P P I EC AND fancy Arrlti FANCY DELICIOUS ROMAN 4n lb. XCC BEAUTIES lb. 1C 43-lb. box 54.19 43-lb. box S4.19 18c Em. lb. -IOC Lady 'perors ringa FLORIDA SEEDLESS Grapes Grapefruit VltUlUCIIlVS LOCAL CROP Carrots clip-tops Cauliflower clean wh.te Crispy Celery local Sweet Potatoes Rutabagas N0. , GRADE irnacTt marbleheao aiJUtUn OR HU8BARD lb. lb. ib. 18c .10V2C 49c 6c ib. 16c ,b.5V2C 10V2C 5c 4c Ib. lb.' Eat- More ONIONS YELLOW MEDIUMS lb. DANVERS XCn 10-LB. SACK 35V 50 1b. I 1Q Sack 10 ib. 35C 100-ib. $ Sack 15-lb. Sack 25-lb. Sack 55C 85C 3-lb. ftc 3. pkg. carton $f-39 I 11 Produce Features for Fri. ond Sof. TJlLAadlancouA. llistgAfiA hinHAii Ben Minced Clams Ge Snow's Haven Satiny. Thud. Pcvltry Seasoning, Schilling 2Vz-oz. 13c Pnnpkin Pie Spice. Schilling 2-oz. tin 13c Baking Soda Arm & Hammer it. pkg. 325e Baker's Chocolate Premium VS-lb.coke Jge Chocolate Syrnp, Sifer's 20-02. jar 27 Sno-White Salt 12 10-ib. sk. 27 Minced Meat KSJSSSSSt --ifl.l9 Bwwn Sugar 1Ib- Pk- 10c JjuuIlA. and. U&qainblsA. Whole Apricots 'iSUSS" N 26' Apricot-Hal vesuppni'ied No. 2'2 can 27' Grapefruit. Carlton whole zge Grapefruit, Carlton broken Green Beans French atyle Green Beans B,ue Tog cut Green Beans. Red Tog cut Diced Beets, Bu fog, foncy Cream Cornco.?.',! Hm.m No. 2 con 15c 27 19' No. 2 c&n No. 2 can Nci'20 dioiosthoid. 7lwt&. Old Dntch Cleanser 2 cans 1 5e White Magic Bleach. 9allon 32 Soil Off, Cleaning liquid quart gO' Boon Cleaner Quori tattle 23c Window Cleaner, Windex bo?Ue225e GlO-Coat, Johnson's Wox pint 59c Simoniz Wax CoMaLaI ClIlMAd uitiuncu uaiiuuii Ha CRo?M Tomato Soup Corn Starch Argo Dog Food Kondoll Gro-Pup ?&sr COrton con 00 48' 1 1 02. -IOC Heini con 12c 5-fc. pko. 64c 25-oz. pko, 27' PoSLb P'nt 59 AJEC Several Quality brands IIC J To choose from We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities