12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Oct. 31, 19-16 Fornm Contributions cu this culuxno must be cunflned to 300 words and signed bv writer To the Editor: Young man and young woman, do you ever stop to ask yourselves, Where will I be when I am old? Will I be looking back over a life of crime, in and out of prison, with the pangs of retribution and sad memory? Or will I be well respected, and know that at my death there will be left friends who will miss mc? Now every young student in America has the best schools in the world. It is up to you to stop this wave of crime. Don't think you can commit crime and get away with it. It can't be done, and never was. A crim inal is never happy, always in fear. No employer ever goes into a pool hall and employs a rough rowdy for a position of trust. It is the fault of parents more than the children. I lived one mile from the reformatory at Monroe, Wash. I often visited there and talked with the young men and the superin tendent. We found that 7 per rent were from broken homes, and f hat in 50 per cent of those broken homes either the father or mother or both were drunk ards. Many of the young are neglected, and never had the loving care of a father. If you hope to shun a life of retribution say to yourself: I . have my life to live, and it will be as I make and live it. Until I got too old I wrote and lectured to save the young. And now I make this last ap peal. And if all will take heed there will be less crime. G. W. GREEN. Hubbard, Ore. To the Editor: A summary of the opposition to the proposed new and additional 3 per cent tax on all gross income which is on the November 5 ballot and now known as the Little Town send measure, will be helpful to voters. Seldom has there been such a united front from organ ized labor,, the farmers, the vet erans and business against a measure submitted to the people. Here is a summary of the op position. The Oregon Stale Federation nf Labor (A. F. of L.) has for mally urged its members to vote 315X No on the measure. The Committee of Industrial Organization (C. I. O.) at its convention in Portland adopted a resolution opposing the mea sure and has urged its member unions to vote against the m oh sure. The Brotherhood of Railway .Trainmen has recommended to its lodge members lo vote against the measure. The Oregon Slate Grange, through its executive committee, has recommended against the measure and Morton, Tompkins, slate master, in urging members of the local granges to vote against the measure says if it passed it would "wreck the economy of Oregon." The Oregon Farm Bureau Federation has voted to oppose the measure and has repeatedly advised its members through its publication to vote against the measure. The Oregon Farm Bureau in its recommendations to voters has urged a vote 315X No against the measure. The Yank Legion of veterans through its publication Yank News has urged veterans lo op pose the measure. Practically all Chambers of Commerce in Oregon have adop ted resolutions against the measure. Many cooperative associa tions, trade associations and civic clubs, including the City Club of Portland, which makes Ihe study of proposed legisla tion a major activity, have voted to oppose the measure. The voters who arc sincerely interested in voting right on this measure will value having the foregoing summary of the opposition. Walter W. R. May. secretary Committee against New 3 Per Cent Income Tax. To the Editor: After reading your press story from south western Lane county and from adjoining Lincoln county re porting Bonneville-PUD black out, motors burned out and distressing shortage of power, particularly around Florence, where one evening last' r-a.i Dr. Raver was holding a meet ing endeavoring to placate the citizens and telling them of his efforts to relieve the power failure, lights went out and the good citizens had lo provide a kerosene lamp so that the good do you SHRINK FROM WASHING SWEATERS? 2 .USE- me! "I wash cm better faster than anything else! They look -fit just like new!" Grocery, Drug and Department Stores. 25 cents. Made for Wool by a Wool Firm oo, W001F0AM CORP, NEW YORK 10, N.T. 623 1 eA 2 I ATA ACiS 11 ORE.S.P.A.X Dr. could explain when the lights would go on. We as taxpayers and long time residents of West Salem think our citizens should pause and consider that some such a similar condition might arise in West Salem if the Reed electric hook-up with Bonneville had like difficulties such as caused so much distress in Lane and Lincoln counties, and Reed had the exclusive franchise in this town. Are we to assume that we are going lo have a dictatorship and that we MUST take power from the Reed electric? Let's be fair, give the PGE an equal "break" and vote this company a franchise and then the people can decide what com pany they wish to patronize. In our years as a customer of PGE we have no complaint to mak"! of their rales and service. R. S. McVey, West Salem, Oct. 29. Mrs. Ulrich Starts Second 100 Years Damascus, Oct. 31 W) Mrs. Christine Ulrich, a native of Germany and resident here for 60 years, started her second 100 years today. The centenarian was joined by friends and neighbors at her home yesterday when she re ceived gifts. She expressed con cern only for her inability to at tend Sunday services regularly at the Gresham church she help ed found. Ether first was used in a sur gical operation in 1842 by Dr. Crawford Williamson Long. General Moore fo Command in Manila Tokyo, Oct. 31 (Pi General MacArthur today named Maj. Gen. George F. Moore, veteran of the Bataan Death March, to command army forces in the western Pacific (principally the Philippines) with headquarters in Manila. A few days ago, MacArthur answered Filipino protests TABLETS World's Largest Seller At 10 rs btj Marij Mills HOME tCONOMICS DIRECTOR, FISHER FLOURING MlttS CO., SEATTLE, WASH. FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR BACK IN STORES For home-makers, there's good news in llie announcement llmt the Fisher Flour ing Mills Company is again producing de pendable Enriched Fisher's Blend Flour. Already Fisher's Blend Flour, Northwest favorile for over 30 years, is available in many stores and further dislribtition is under way. Fisher's Home Economist," Mary Mills, says: "Keep on the lookout for Enriched Fisher's Blend!" NUTMEG LEMON SNAPS TEMPT AUTUMN APPETITES 1 1 Enriched Cookies arc always popular . . . and here's a recipe especially recommended for school lunch desserts and between meal snacks Nutmeg Lemon Snaps made with Fisher Blend Flour. Makes 4 dozen Nutmeg Lemon Snaps: p Butter tr SharUnlng p Sugir 3 tip. Lntan xtr"i (rated rind at 1 Lmn and 1 Orng 144 pt FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR Vt Hp. Side S lipi. Nnlmag Roll rfoxgti on lichtlr flnui'it board In Inrrt tbitlnt.t. Cm iih ookr etilt" ditfd irisne. BW on "n- IfMicd (ookr fet t F. H ! 10 mlnuiM. or until d'liritcly brancd. NOTE i St jooki uutord t Veep then drlieioutly Cretin htien!nt and lugir until light and fluflr Add lemon favoring ind riled orini and lemon rind lo f'fimed mixture, b lending well. Add water. Sift nd meaiure floor. Sift afiin i'h aoda and tut n't. Add to creamed m' tut. bUndinc U. V hindi. if necciuir Kcnu t'roducts Company Dear Sirs: I must write you regard lug your Kcnu, the most amazing and wonderful cleaner I have ever found (and I think I have tried most of them, too). Re sults are even better than you advertise. I uso it in everything t do-even in my shampoo! A friend lust called me and said, "tiny I Thnt Konu is wonderful! Why didn't you tell mc about it before?" Thank ing you for a wonderful product, I am Gratefully yours, ( Signed) Mrs. Hazel M. Larsen Route 4. Box 410 Fort! ind, Oregon 'm-m.' J Thank you, Mrl. Lorttn. Kanu'i bail odvajrllttmanl hat bnthtn thuiinilic ondont mint of lotliliad uttri Ukt yourtiH. You'll fun! Nipcr Kcnu ".muz in);" and "wonderful" loo! You'll get suds g.ilore for dishes and l.iundiy...t.ist, hard hitting din removal action . . . gre.ise culling power second to none ,. .water conditioning -cflec-tne in any water... instant pen etration and fast, free rinsing. oh 7 lin e Super Kcnu ,r( Get a thrifty $Jrt Mb. box at your 'V'w jro(er' today I "J "LighUiit llvuscuvrk thru Ojt'Hitlry" Midget MaF&ea SALEM'S RETAIL PACKING PLANT 331 STATE STREET Best Quality Inspected Meats a I -v, Co- L- A AClS ORE.S.D.A. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF Take the lime lo visit our market compare the values and compare the quality, (oo. Thrifty shoppers .save every day at THE BUDGET. Do not buy beyond your needs, as we look forward lo a plentiful supply. A KM AND BLADE TENDER PLATE-RIB BEEF ROASTS BLADE STEAK BEEF BOIL 35c lb. 37c lb, 23c lb. BONELESS BONELESS BONELESS SIRLOIN STEAK BEEF CUBES RUMP ROAST All Meat To Braise No Waste 55c lb. 45c lb. 50c lb. It's real economy lo buy the above boneless cuts. They are all meat no waste, easy lo prepare. SLICED SLICED ASSORTED PORK LIVER BEEF LIVER LUNCH MEATS 25c lb. 30c lb. 48c lb. We have purchased four carloads of the finest eastern cornfed hogs. In a short time we will again be able to supply you with "I'lavorized" Smoked Meats from these small porkers. DAINTY LEAN EASTERN SHOULDER LOIN CHOPS PORK STEAK PORK ROAST 58c lb. S2clb. 52c lb. MILK-FED MILK FED FRICASSEE or VEAL STEAK VEAL ROAST VEAL STEW 55c lb. 52c lb. 33c lb. PI KE HOME-MADE WW 14 WW I pri'VTI PORK SAUSAGE WIENERS "01. Its All Pork Small Ones r ULi 5U1 1 Lil Ul lnLi 55C lb. 48C lb. CUTS WE ADVERTISE 1915 SERVING SALEM FOR OVER 31 YEARS 1946 VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS' Mh ANNUAL ARMISTICE DAY CELEBRATION V.F.W. EVERYBODY WELCOME against the behavior of Ameri can troops with a statement that the GIs generally were well behaved and the problem was one the Filipinos themselves must solve. His appointment of Moore was interpreted in many quarters here as an effort to assist the Filipinos and Americans resurr: friendly relations. Moore was prewar command er of harbor defenses at Manila and Subic Bay and later was captured with General Wain-wright. Benjamin Franklin forecast the use of parachute troops. ICE CREAM All Flavors QUARTS xXtt NO LIMIT SAVING CENTER Salem and West Salem Most folks like a change that's why most folks like Wheatena it's "different" Yes-siree, WhcaLona is a tempting change for break fast. It's different! What's more, Wheatena is delicious and nutritious full of "builder-uppers." Try Wheatena tomorrow! DIFFIRINCI WITH A PtUli Wheatena cooks quick as coffee. Wheatena is a super builder-upper. Wheatena has a nut-like flavor $0-0-0 change to Whsateno tomorrow I tw un...4u. r--iLu ujl i in- u u Saving Center Declares War On High Prices! Grade A BUTTER Pound 79cl Still Pretty High, But Lower Than It Has Been O a H a 5 U. S. No. 2 Deschutes o H Potatoes 50 i. sk. 79c This Is the Lowest in a Long Time! BLADE CUTS Beef Roast as o PURE B This Is the Last OPA Ceiling Price! it. 28c Ground Beef S 29c GRAPEFRUIT I JUICE Sugar Added! Marked Down from 41c 46 oz. tin 29C If You Didn't Can Peaches This Year C5 Hunt's PEACHES can 25C Halves in Heavy Syrup 24-C'an Case $5.95 a tn w H M S3 a Cm W K S3 H M o H S3 W HOOD RIVER H S3 H TJX P3 LIQUID 73 O a CO a &- S3 A high grade soap. n t 1 lf ,i"nea, Gallon can l.y Apple Cider W Gai. 55c SOAP DU MORE o S3 a o H 5 H S3 Soap Saver 10 lb. can Saves V of Your Soap 1.19 SAVING CENTER'S OWN ICE CREAM Qua 33c STILL LOWER THAN OTHERS 02 a 02 a S3 H 2 PRICES GOOD FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY H co : : 5 mm Hl SALEM ''; Mile North of the I'ndcrpass WEST SALEM At the Foot of ihe Bridge