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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1946)
W J. Imogen Jirtlulaij. Jelecl Mrs. C. F. Gregory recently entertained with an "at home" in honor of her mother, Mrs. Kate Rogers. Mrs. Rogers was celebrating her 93rd birthday. Mrs. George Speed and M13. Enda Shepard assisted with the refreshments. ' Those extending best wishes included the following: Mrs. Pearl Ling, Mrs. Mary Wiseman, Mrs. Ada Easton, Mr. and Mrs. George Speed and Iva Mae, Mrs. Edna Shepard, Mrs. Grace Klein, Mrs. Jessie Boedigheimer, Mrs. 'Golda Kyle, Mrs. Dora Prolt, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Walk er and granddaughters Sharon and Judith Byers, Mrs. Frances Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fiala, Mrs. Nancy Fiala, Mrs. Leslie Carson and Carol Ann, Mrs. Ag nes Oglevie, Mrs. Roger Greg ory and Jocille and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gregory. Falls City Girl Salem Bride Falls City Miss Sherely. Ann Chaffin, daughter of Arthur Chaffin and Joseph Truax of Salem were united in marriage flair the Christian church Satur day evening at 8 o'clock. The Rev. H. N. Waddcll of ficiated. The bride wore a wed ding dress of white satin with fingertip veil and carried a white Bible. Her bridesmaids were her sister. Miss Thelma Chaffin. and Miss Norma Wise. The best man was Edwin Truax. a broth er of the groom, and Miss Hazel Ward of Eugene sang, accom panied by Mrs. Helen Bristow. Ushers were Richard Wad dell and Roger Rcgcle. A re ception was held. A buffet lunch was served to 100 guests. Mrs. Richard Paul cut the cake. The young pair will take a wedding trip to eastern Oregon and on their return will make their home in Salem. Marion 'vFW Plans Party Marion auxiliary No. 661 to the Veterans of Foreign Wars met Monday evening at the VFW hall with the president, Mrs. Genevieve Olson, presid ing. Mrs. Mel Clemens, banner bearer, and Mrs. Clifford Mai son, patriotic instructor, were installed by the district presi dent, Mrs. Leon Hansen. Reports were given by Mrs. Inell Haley, Mrs. Virgil Bolton, Mrs. Clarence Forbis, Paul Sa bVowski and Mrs. Charles West. P'lans were discussed for the an nual Christmas party. A committee to have charge of the kitchen for Armistice day was appointed, Mrs. Geraldine Huston, general chairman; Mrs. Clifford Malson, Mrs. Charles Witches, Jack o'Lanterns, Brooms ' 1 r . . 11 ' Feature in Plans tor Halloween With spooks, witches and pumpkins, the traditional youngsters' time, Halloween is with us again. It behooves everyone to lock the doors, hide the soap and be prepared for "trick or treatcrs." Much gaiety is abroad tor the youngsters and adults. Wednesday afternoon, Sunday school members of St, Paul's Episcopal church were i at the parish house Thursday afternoon Mrs. Elmer, Berg, and Robert Campbell will be Washington school. Scene for the party, to will be the Berg recreation room. Hours are with sixteen members, entertained Tuesday byterian church for Halloween. Mrs. Jean of arrangements, which included games and For the adults, Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Van Houten have invited about 100 of their men of the World hall, for an informal Saturday evening a group of youngsters from gathered at the country home of Mr. wiener roast, cider and doughnuts, dancing leaves and jack o'lanterns were highlights which guests numbered 30, were Dorothy ton Jimmy Burke, son of Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Orris Hoffman, will be Hill Thursday afternoon from 3 o'clock 12 members of the second grade class of and decorations will provide entertain entertained with all the Halloween trimmings following school, Jerry Berg, son of Mr. and hosts to 16 members of the fourth grade at include Halloween games and refreshments, 4 o'clock until 5 Brownie troop. No. 10 evening with a supper party at the First Prcs Sevillier and Mrs. Paul Hale were in charge costumes in the jack o' lantern theme Lawrence Stoddard and Mr. and Mrs.Milo friends to a Halloween party of the Wood ; evening of refreshments and dancing ' Leslie Junior high and Salem High school and Mrs. Nels Tonning for a party. A and decorations carried out with fall of the evening. .Hosts for the event, at Tonning, John Croisan and John Temple Donald Burke, and Jimmy Hoffman, son hosts at the Burke home on East Nob until five for a party. Guests will be St. Joseph's school. Halloween games ment for the afternoon. 3 -OREGON STATE COLLEGE- Campus Clippings By Helen Paulson Nickels, nickels, nickels . . , Friday night all the fellows were reaching down in their pockets to find more nickels . . . the reason . . . Nickel Hops were being held. The Nickel Hops are sponsored by the Associated Women Students and are held once each term. Each women's living group opens its house to dancing between 8 and 11:30.$ The price to dance is one nickel for four records. After four rec ords have played, guests must either leave or pay another nickel. A contest is held between groups to see which one can get the most nickels per girl. AH profits go to AWS. and this term over $800 was collected. . The Nickel Hops provide an excellent chance for boys to meet new girls . . and vice versa . . Bob Thompson, Dcrry Gemmel, Louie Hough and Bob Ullman were among thos seen at the houses during the eve ning. . Oregon Staters spent Satur day afternoon with their ears glued to the radio listening to the Oregon State - Washington State game. Several times dur ing the afternoon our hopes al most gave 'way, but we were confident that our team would come out on top . . . and it did. Classes are now in full swing, and mid-terms will soon be here. Rena Skaags, Ruth Townsend, and former Salcmite Ann Girod are finding Foods a very inter esting and practical course . . last week they learned how to can tomatoes, pears, corn and meat. . Something new and different has been brought to our atten tion by the Home Economics club . . . they're selling yarn mums for the Dad's day Stan-ford-OSC game next weekend. . Dariel Brown Tells Betrothal Miss Dariel Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Selmer Brown of Aumsville, is telling friends of her engagement and forth coming marriage to Conard Lcc, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wise of West Stayton. The couple plans to exchange their marriage vows November 24 at the Bethel church in Aumsville. Both attended Aumsville high school. Discharged in August. Mr. Lee served seven years in the army. ean kali to . lAJec in Jurner Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ball of Turner are announcing the en gagement and forthcoming mar riage of their daughter, Jean, to Morris Petersen of Clover dale. The wedding will take place at the Ball home in Turner at 2 o'clock Sunday November 10 Miss Arlcne Petersen and Lt Lester N. Bones will be the i couple's only attendants. Following the wedding the couple will travel to the coast until December 1. when they will be at home on the Andrews farm in Battle Creek road. Both young people attended Turner high school. Community Day Planned The Salem Council of Church Women is arranging a world community day to be held Fri day. 10 a.m. Worship service Rev. Joseph Knolls. 10:15 a.m. Business .session. Elec tion of officers. ' 11 a.m. Council projects and re ports. Mrs. T. S. Mackenzie. Mrs. V. c. Stacey. Mrs. S. M. Laws and Mrs. G. E. Ross. 12 noon Prayer and meditation, Mis. L. B. Jones. Solo. "My God and 1" by Mrs. H. Houston. Selec tions on the vibia harp by Mrs. F. O. Ferrin. 12 noon Luncheon. Special guest, Lt. Kathleen Phelps. Introduced by Mis. D. B. Kleihege. 1:25 p.m. Organ prelude. Mrs. Mervin Gilson. 30 p.m. Hymn and Invocation. Letters of appreciation by Mrs. Mackenzie. 1:45 p.m. Worship Service. Mrs. John J. Trachsel. Solo. "Come Ye Blessed." Mrs. Clark Lcthin. 2 p.m. Guest speaker. "The Greatest Fellowship." Mis. M. B. Hodge. Offering. Dedication of "Kiddie Kits." Mrs. W. A. Gueffroy. 3 p.m. Installatio of officers. Mis. Dudley Strain. Hvmn. "Oh Master Let Me Walk With Thee." Benediction. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 30, 19167 Aumsville Uh-l December Bride Mr. and Mrs. Arden Hammer of Aumsville are announcing the engagement of their daugh ter, Lenore, to John E. McGuf fin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A McGuffin, also of Aumsville. The couple has set their wed ding date as December 15, at the Stayton Christian church. The bride is employed by the office of the secretary of state. ICE CREAM All Flavors QUARTS XXn NO LIMI1 3Jt SAVING CENTER Salem and West Salem TRIPS DAILY Salem to EUGENE :m Plus lilt fcJerJTax DEPOT New Senator Hotel Phone Salem 4151 Hagerman, Mrs. Betty Kandle, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Mel Clemens, Mrs. Edna Prince, Mrs. Dave Furlough, Mrs. Adam Kerber and Mrs. Paul Sa browski. Mrs. James Beall received the special prize. CALL0USE5 To raUeropttnful callouses, burn ing or tenderness on bottom of feet and remove oallousea get these thin, toothing, cushioning pads. "SURE!.. I GO FISHING WITH THE GANG... AH D WE'RE ALL VOTING 313 NO1 That's using- your head, Mister I Why should you vote for a bill to restrict fishing? There's plenty of fish in Oregon for the casual fisherman, the commercial fisherman, and the sportsman too. Why make it tough for hundreds of Oregon fishermen and farmers to earn a living? ASK THE MISSUS! She'll tell you. Pood ihortagei are no joke. She depends on Ash to supplement her family's diet. She knows that Oregon steelhead and salmon are nutrition-packed and delicious, She wants to make sure of a continued supply at her market. She's voting 313 NO! LET'S CUT THE RED TAPE! Regulations! Restriction!! We've hid enough to last ui lifetime) Let's not vote for my more! It's an old American custom to give everybody a squire deal. Don't eut down one man's livelihood for another man's sport! Vote 313 NO I I 1: I . '1rnS'0..' Headway to beauty with I "' " SSv KAY DAUMITS " gV New CREME SHAMPOO Discovery P WAPDS PRESENT j lfeX NV n.t'QljMC i Art Baker I! SVw? This amazing, I 1 H ' , , AND treme shampoo lathers in. ! '. stanlly! Leaves your hair j HIS NOTEBOOK j clean, fresh, soft and gli. ; ftM ; ; jelsfi tening so easy to man. ! ; j &l age and style. Try Lustre. ! KSLM ',' 'fell the Tntire family. 1.00 ' 9-45 A M i Willctt's , I k ut CAPITAL DRUG STORE ; MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 1 qC,, Stale & Liberty Sis. Phone 3111 F i "On Ihe Corner" pa Refreshing tun m 1k Mf r Don't Restrict 'jA Don't Endanger Commercial I Oregon's Fishing gjL Food Supply sonue undm AunKxerr o tut cocacou company it COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF OREGON Salem, Oregon Hear The Coke Club with Morton Downey, KSLM 9:15 A.M. Most folks like a change jf jS that s why most folks like Wheatena it's "different" It's scrumptious! A swell change! That's what the family will think of Wheatena. Not only swell flavor, but Wheatena is de licious and nutritious full of "builder-uppers." Try Wheatena tomorrow. DIFFER! NCI WITH A PLUS. Wheatena cooks quick as coffee. Wheatena is a super builder-upper. Wheatena has a nut-like flavor. So-o- change) to Whtatona tomorrow) Tht Whialtno Cofperolton, Whtoltnovtll., Rahwar, N. J. W YOU READ IT IN Life" 155 South Liberty Street ' r -y r J Lf - j J? ir MAGAZINE Sept. .30 THE SUCCESS STORY OF THE ARTHUR MURRAY STUDIOS Due lo the heavy demands plac ed on our staff by the recent LIFE magazine article which Klorified the Arthur Murray studios and the social advan tages of ballroom dancing, we have immediate openings for 20 dancing instructors at salaries as high as $100.00 weekly. would YOU like a dnnctng career? Applicants mast be 21 to 30 years of age and have danc ing ability. Two years of col lege or equivalent business experience required. Inquire today! Contact Miss E. Lape, personnel manager. x ARTHUR MURRAY rhone K128 (ZSDGs 333 QeepdCedWZE) QUEUED QZEBQ No One Can Win . . . Everybody Will Lose! O WACE EARNER: Leu tak-home pay; monthly reports; job threatened. Q HOUSEWIFE: Higher prices tiiti to present High-Cost-of-Living (See Time Magazine, Oct. 14, page 23). Don't let your savings and widow's insurance be taxed. Q ELDERLY PEOPLE: A dollar that buys 50 cents worth of gro ceries is a snare and a delusion. You can't build contentment through destroying something. 0 FARMERS: A 3 cash receipts tax will make you "tell cheap" and "buy dear." 0 YOUNC PEOPLE: Goodbye! business and home-building oppor tunities in Oregon. Goodbye thrift! What job would you take that is now held by a person over 60 1 person who would apply for a Townsend pension. TOTE 315 II W s 3 m THESE GROUPS URGE YOU TO VOTE 315 X NO OREGON STATE CRANCE C. 1. 0. A.F.L PORTLAND CITY CLU WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATE OREGON FARM BUREAU FEDERATION ALL BUT 2 OR 3 SMALL NEWSPAPERS PORTLAND RETAIL TRADE BUREAU HOOD RIVER APPLE CROWERS' ASSOCIATION EUCENE FRUIT CROWERS' ASSOCIATION ORECON BUSINESS Or TAX RESEARCH INC. SCORES OF TRADE ASSOCIATIONS, FARMERS' COOPERATIVES, CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE, ETC. PmfJ Adverttstment. Comrrtitlte Ao,omif 3 trwomt Ton. t A McComock, Choirmon; Wolltr H. Evom, Jr.. Tftourf: Walter W R. Moy, Oregon City. Secretory. 425 New Fhedner Buildtng, Portlond, Oregon