Society, Edited by Jean Taylor, Phone 3573 Subscription dommillee f-iani thinner Members of the dance com mittee of Subscription club will gather at the Breyman Boise home Wednesday evening to dis cuss final plans for the opening of the season, Saturday eve ning, a formal dinner-dance at the Mirror room of the Marion hotel. A no-host dinner will pre cede the business meeting. Presi dent is Bruce Spaulding and secretary-treasurer is Mrs. Breyman Boise. Members of the committee are Mr. Spaulding, Mrs. John Caughell, Mrs. Mollis Hunting ton, Mrs. Ronald Jones, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. Donald Mc Cargar, Mrs. Raymond Bone steele, Mrs. William Phillips, Mrs. James B. Young and Mrs. Boise. Several members of the club have invited out-of-town guests for the Saturday night event. As guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huggins will be Mr. and Mrs. Hubert J. Darby of Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nel son will welcome Mr. and Mrs. Herald White of Eugene Satur day afternoon, to stay until Sunday. Lt. Col. and Mrs. Carlton E Spencer have bidden Dean and Mrs. Orlando John Hollis of Eu gene for the event and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk will be Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Rus- scii 01 r,ugene, iui inei ui uw lem. Visitors from Portland at tending the ceremonies of re turning the battle standards to the state were Mrs. Thomas Rilea, here with General Rilea, and his mother, Mrs. George W. Rilea, all of Portland. 'Anniversary Dinner Given Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. George Grimps were hosts at a family dinner held at the Wood burn Lutheran hall Saturday night honoring the 45th wed ding anniversary of Mrs Crimps' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bauman, the birthday an niversary of George Grimps, Jr.. and the homecoming of Robert Grimps, who recently returned from Hawaii, where he served in the marines. Gifts were presenled to each of the honored guests. Covers were placed for Mr and Mrs. Oscar Polster, Joan and Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bauman, Jr., Cheryle and Steven Wayne of Salem; Miss Dorothy Nelson of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bauman of Sheridan; George Grimps, Jr., of Hermi.iton; Mr. and Mrs Steve Bauman, Mr. and Mia. Clyde Bauman. Janice and Don ald, Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Ot Jen, all of Woodburn, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. George Grimps of Hubbard. Obligation Night Held ' Woodburn Obligation night was observed In a beautiful ceremony at the regular meet ing of Evergreen chapter No. 41, Order of the Eastern Star, held Monday night at the Masonic temple. There was a large a tendance of members and visi tors. Three candidates were elected to membership by initiation, one by affiliation and one by re-in-statement, two petitions wore received for degrees and one for affiliation. Degrees will be conferred ai the next meeting, November 1 1 and the worthy matron appoint ed Mrs. R. E. Harper, Mrs. Sid ney Strike, Mrs. Elburn Sims, Mrs. Wayne Gill and Mis. An nettie Simmons as the host?s committee for that evening. Refreshments were served in the dining room by a committee which included Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bullerfield, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Bullerfield and Mrs. H. F Bulterfield. Visitor al the home of her parents, Dr. and Mis. Carl Em mons, over the last weekend was Miss Margaret June Em mons, junior at Oregon Slate college. il i " j fA A- Home In New Mexico Sgi. and Mrs. Orland Cox (Maxine Smallcy), wed early in the month at the First Congregational church. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Smalley, and his parents are Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cox. They are at home in Roswell, N. M., where he is stationed with the army air corps. (Jeslen-Millcr studio) Shower Fetes Reeent Bride Falls City Mrs. George Kitchin, Mrs. Mary Westbrook, Mrs. Fred Dornhecker and Mil dred Wray were hostesses at a bridal shower at the Falls City Methodist church honoring Mrs. Don Sundshom (Iris West brook). Mrs. Doyle Lorimor and Mrs. Chester Burbank won the prizes. Refreshments were serv ed to 70 invited guests. Halloween DanceTkursday Woodburn A Halloween dunce will be given at the Woodburn armory Thursday night, October ,11. sponsored by Ihe Evergreen Social club. The dance is open to the public. Music will be furnished by Ihe Top Hatters of Salem. A. M. Burt will be floor manager, Dean Bishoprick is ticket chair man, Mrs. R. E. Harper is chair man of the decorating commit tee, Mrs. Jess Fikan chairman of refreshments and Miss Zoa Lowthian will be in charge of Ihe check room. Woodburn Mrs. E. J. Allen returned Sunday night from California where she visited for ten days at Berkeley at Ihe homo of her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Lauer. Mrs. Allen's sister. Mrs. Georg Thompson, and son John were also gnosis al the Lauer home. (Jates Club in Social Meeting Gates The social meeting of the Gates Woman's club was held at the home of Mrs. Albert Millsap with Mrs. Hollis Turn iclge, co-hostess. Twenty-two members were present. A paper on the oriKin of Halloween prepared by Mrs. Glen Henness was read. Mrs. Nelson Lanphear, Mrs. Jean Roten, Mrs. Larry Shelton, Mrs. Millsap and Mrs. Dan Morrison provided musical numbers. Mrs. Emma Maxwell of Salem was present and discussed the organization of a campfire Rroup. The club agreed to act as sponsor. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. The next social afternoon will be at the home of Mrs. Harold Wilson with Mrs. Theodore Burton assisting. Hostess Thursday afternoon for a salad luncheon honoring members of her contract bridge group will be Mrs. William Hammond. led at Jea Mrs. Horace McGee, who with Dr. McGee is a newcomer to Salem from Bismark, N.D., will be honored Friday afternoon when the Virginia street home of, ..Mrs. Charles Campbell is scene of a smartly arranged in formal lea. The honor guest and her host ess will receive informally in the living room. Guests have been asked to call between the hours of 3 o'clock and 5:30 o'clock. Pouring the first hour will be Mrs. B. F. Williams, and assist ing her will be Mrs. Elmer Berg, Mrs. Gene Tupkin and Mrs. Rus sel E. Pratt. The second hour, Mrs. Willard Thompson will pour and Mrs Ralph Purvine, Mrs. Reynolds Allen and Mrs. Edward Roth will assist. ... Babies Born to Salem Couples New arrivals to Salem couples arc numerous. From Eugene comes news of the birth of a son, James Ran dolph, to Mr. and Mrs. James Howard Pickett, October 26, at Sacred Heart hospital. He is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Pickett of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Jacob of Portland. Welcomed Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. Ramond Bonesteolc was a boy, Ramond Bonestecle, Jr., born at Salem General hos pital. The little boy has an old er sister, Barbara. (in est Day for Englewood Club The Englewood W o m a n's club will hold a "guest day" on Friday at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Pepper, 1040 North 16th. Assisting will be Mrs. Jennie Chalmer. Mrs. Charles Davis, Mrs. Alma Shipley, Mrs. E. F. Crail and Mrs. Fowler.' Miss Ruth Field, missionary returned from India, will speak and Mrs. A. G. Lindstrand will be soloist. Shower Honors Recent Bride Victor Point Mrs. John M Doerfler (Laurel Krenz) was recently honored with a bridal shower given by Mrs. Carl Jones, at the J. C. Krenz home. Games were enjoyed and gifts given Mrs. Doerfler. Refresh ments were served late in the evening. Present were the honor guest, Mrs. Doerfler, Mrs. Myra Fisch er, Mrs. M. M. Gilmour, Mrs. C. C. Jones, Mrs. Orlo Hum phreys, Mrs. W. F. Krenze, Mrs. H. E. Hubbard, Mrs. Floyd Fox, Mrs. Arthur Qualey, Mrs. Ar thur Mulkey, Mrs. Jacob Doerf ler. Mrs. J. J. Doerfler, Mrs. John Doerfler, Sr., Mrs. Ward Terry, Mrs. V. D. Scott, Mrs J. C. Krenz, Miss Margaret Doerfler, Mrs. Carl Jones. James E. Corey, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Corey of 1464 Marion street, has returned to his home after spending three years in the navy as a store keeper, third class. He received his discharge at San Francisco and immediately flew home. His three years were spent aboard ship in the Pacific. "you're Sure With Sneir ml ' REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR SnHt Cets Things Done1 Pd Adv. Douglot McKoy, Chm., Salem. Ore. TO EASE MISERY OF CHILD'S COLD RUBO&JItGCS v VapoRub ICE CREAM All Flavors QUARTS NO I.IMI1 33C SAVING CENTKK Salem and West Salem old iirlt 11 12 Big, New Advantages (Mi it ul I flu ah lOuPOn lot compltttTtdtL N On Unit Tiny Sir and Wtight ' Nr f till Tond N Rullart-Smill 'X-Cur'f'.'lrfwert WaU.-thm Sid uniti 1 lima lit ids. Now Ava-lakJt Visit or Write Salem's Newest Hearing Aid Headquarters J. It. Ni:nUY, Healer Al Our New Offirr Room 2 IS, Oregon Hlcljj. Corner Stute nnd High IMionr '!-44(11 S:ilrm For Christmas ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA "The Gift of Knowledge" Britannica Senior Rritnnnira Junior Britannica World Atlas Uritannica Year Books Convenient Terms Call or Write A. A. CARPENTER, Representative 495 North Cottage St., Salem, Oregon rhone 440 .:S7sf ,n u try A Good Habit ! K Uj The Gift n Starts Mar (far rien You'll have a bundle of ecstasy in your arms over these adorable toiletries for your favorite 4 to 1 2er. Things for bath, for hands, for hair . . . things for every beauty care! And Margaret's own book of "Beauty Secrets" in each set! Here's the gift that makes "keeping clean and looking nice" worlds of funl 50 to $6.50. -r. unit tin in u JACK and JILL'S 113 North Ilinh Slrccl Salem Mrs. Arthur D. Hay was hos tess to members of the Tuesday Sewing club this week. Guest of Thomas Rilea at the home of his mother, Mrs. Wheel er Rilea, on South High street, has been Ens. William F. Moy nihan of Lebanon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Monyihan, formerly of Salem. sr. 1 WITH NESTLE BABY HAW TREATMENT Give your baby soft curls and adorable ringlets with Nestle Baby Hair Treatment Start when second growth of hair M about one inch long. Kelps make baby's hair look thicker and mor luxuriant Commended by Par- ents' Magazine. $1.00 bottle makes a full quart of treatment Willett's CAPITAL DRUG STORE Corner State & Liberty Sis. Phone 3118 REMEMBER! OFFER ENDS NOVEMBER hi 1,11"- Here's your chance to bring your dancing up to date at Arthur Mur ray's and save moneyl Don't fake the Rumba or sit it out while others dance. Arthur Murray has dis covered the secret of the real Cuban Rumba his experts can show It to you in your very first lesson. Become a popular partner be proud of your skilled danc ing. Enroll today while special 2 for the price of 1 offer lasts. PHONE 6128 'may 155 South Liberty 10 a.m. to 10 p.m Saturday 10 to 4 we're proud to present this achievement in value! Girls7 Honey lane All Wool f ifV V '-4 I MADE TO SEARS SPECIFICATIONS. $ mi 1"U f ' rcM. & J 1 IV 1' Six styles In Chesterfield, 'boy' coat, princess, and belted-back versions. Wonderful, Jewel-bright colors plus the finest woolens! Every coat made to strict specifications. ' " For instance, front canvas and collars linings are sanforized; facings are blind-stitched, seams are closely stitched to stay! v . v' 484 STATE ST. 1"