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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1946)
Program io Show Artists Several musicians, artists in llieir particular field, will be featured during a musical pro gram to be given in Waller hall on Willamette university cam- pus at 8:15 Friday night in con nection with the Oregon Music Educators association, which will be in session here Friday and Saturday. Frank Fisher, assistant pro fessor of string instruments, and director of the Willamette uni versity orchestra, will be pre sented for the first time to Sa lem audiences. Fisher received his bachelor of arts and masters degrees from the University of Michigan, studied in New York with Pierre Henrotte and Jac ques Gordon and spent three and a half years in the army. John McManus, clarinetist of Klamath Falls, who has recently been discharged from the armed forces, will play. He graduated from the La Grande public 'schools and studied at North western university, Evanstoa, 111. Dean Melvin H. Geist, of Wil lamette university's music de partment, will sing a group of three Handel selections. Bernard Barron, cellist of XfivUand, is a former resident of Niew York city and 'later prin cipal cellist of the Portland Philharmonic and is now an in structor in the Portland schools instrumental music department. He was a member of an army band during the war. Stacey Green, pianist of the University of Oregon faculty, will play the popular Chopin Ballade and a modern number by Griffes. Sun Photographed 65 Miles Above Earth Washington, Oct. 29 UP) A rocket-mounted spectograph has taken "pictures" of the sun from height 65 miles above the earth. Announcing th! today, the navy said it is studying portions of the sun's spectrum never be fore photographed. The pictures were taken from a nazi V-2 rocket fired by the army at the White Sands, N. M., proving ground October 10. "It is not possible at present to say much more than that very valuable information will be ob tained from these spectro grams," the navy said. "Actual ly, the analysis of the data may well require a full year, al though every effort will be bent toward completing the analysis as soon as possible." ofmitlionaforhighquality. Al- waya demand St. Joseph Aspirin, H world's largest seller at 10. Savo B mora on 100 tablet size 35jf. Get P SALEM ROTARY CLUB SPONSORS l& LIFE WITH tnge Hit ONE NIGHT ONLY TUESDAY, NOV. 58 P.M. SALEM HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM All seats reserved u.zo m' Inc?udcdS1'80 On Sale at Maple-Keene Sporting Goods, 372 State Address Mail Orders, Robert Fenix, Salem Rotary Club, Salem. I 1 1 a 2 I f 2 aJbbi LOW COST DIESEL POWER FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 I V Of 150-250 HORSEPOWER SELECT YOUR ENGINE SPEED . The tachometer on the complete Instrument panel fires yon the exact entitle speed. Set the throttle at l.lno to 1,800 rpm and me ISO horse power, or, at maximum engine speed (J.-ttO rpm) the engine Is delivering '.'5(1 horsepower, POWER FOR EVERY USE Here Is an Ideal power unit for saw mills, feed mills, all types of minim, or any other use where low cost, de pendable power is needed. In many Instances this fine Diesel power unit Is drlvlni a lOfl kilowatt electrle icn rrator. READY FOR WORK This sturdy Diesel power unit Is ready for use the minute It Is an crated. No extensive preparations are necessary. Slip your belt pulley on the ' stronr drive shaft and It's ready for any touch power job. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Surprising though It may seem, these finery engineered Diesel power units are ready for IMMEDIATE DELIV ERY, There Is no waiting, no delay, LOW PRICED Priced tower than any comparable horsepower, this final surprise awaits your Inquiry by letter or wire, giving your addresi and the use for which you require a power unit. Complete technical details will be sent you promptly. Here's the low cost power unit you're always hoped somebody would build. IT IS LIGHT WEIGHT. The precision built, AIR COOLED, nine cylinder, ra dial, Diesel engine weighs only D8ft pounds) mounted on a rugged steel stand that weighs but Hi pounds, a custom built power plant that weigh leas than 7.IHHI pounds and can be moved anywhere on a pick-up truck. LOWEST COST FUEL Diesel fuel is the lowest cost fuel available an where. It packs more power per gallon than gasoline, with out the fire hazards of gasoline; more power, greater safety and an a mail ing economy of operation. NO ELECTRICAL IGNITION There Is no troublesome electrical Ignition system with Its complicated wiring. No batteries to keep charged. No electric starter, but Its combus tion starter (so widely used on car rier baited Navy planes because of Its reliability) whips the engine over at the mere nresslnr of a button. NO WATER TO FREEZE Why bother with the old fashioned, leaky water cooling systems when properly engineered and long provtn air cooling does away entirely with the nuisances or liquid cooling. Think of It! No cooling system to freeze. INSTANT ACCELERATION More flexible than any gasoline power unit ever built, this sturdy Diesel engine responds Instantly to the opening of the throttle. ACT NOW WHILE IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT IS POSSIBLE Diesel Power Inc. MANUFACTURERS OF DIESCL ENGINES FOR A RATION, INDUSTRIAL, AUTOMOTIVE AND MARINE APPLICATIONS Sales 1307 Eait Olympic Boulevard - lot Angeles 21, California Phona VAndike 4716 Plant 227 North Pomona Avenu Brea, California Phone Brea 64 Price You Say Price You Pay Clinton, Iowa, Oct. 30 UP) A cafe proprietor, who isn't sure how much to charge for steak dinners now that OPA is gone, has decided to leave it up to the customers. Floyd Magee, 41, World War II veteran, said that, beginning tonight, his Port Hole cafe will operate temporarily under the slogan: "The Price You Say Is the Price You Pay." Magee said the new policy was designed to "get an idea of what to charge for meals." The cafe, which opened a month ago, has been charging $1.75 to $3.50 for dinners. Magee said he and his part ner, Charles Holmes. 45, World War I veteran, did not know how long the new policy would remain in effect. But, until new price lists are posted, it means "just what it says," Magee said. "When we know what our customers think our food is worth, then we'll know what to put down on the menus as our permanent price." Ship Picketing in Seattle Postponed Seattle. Oct. 30 W) Picketing of shins by the Masters, Mates and Pilots association (AFL), scheduled for today, has been postponed pending members' ratification of the picketing de cision. Capt. C. F. Peterson, acting agent for the association here, said the decision to postpone picketing was readied after word from San Francisco that employers had agreed to re sume negotiations. SOFT.SMOOTH HANDS ness.kerp skin soft with frajtrant, mildly medi- raled t:iITIt:iIRA Snan and Ointment, Buy at your druggist's today! mm I, IOE3Q 0 aot AIRLINE MECHANICS United Air Lines has permanent Job at Us San Francisco Operations Base for mechanics. All types: line service, overhaul, machine shop, sheet metal, etc (no A & E licenses required). Single men only. Transportation to San Francisco furnished. Apply U. S. EmploymeiU Service, 110 Ferry St. Radio Experimenfors and Beginners We carry a large stock of parts and kits for al! kinds of radio work. If you have any prob lems we will be glad to help you in any way we can. See us for your radio needs. J he MORIIOW COMPANY 153 So. Liberty St., Salem, Ore. Phone 5955 iwi-ini- inw-,nt Capital Journal, Salem. Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1946 3 Pepsi-Colo Com pany, Long Island Cit, N. Y. Franchisee! Bottler: Pepsi Cola Bottling Co.. of Salem J. C. PCMHtr CO.. SALEM, OREGON MONTH-END 15) Ira 1 aI : .AMP'' ! ! ? i ' ' i t t I REDUCTION ON WOMEN'S DRESSES ; I A big bargain rich clearance of fall dresses you will wear and wear. Broken sizes, one of 1 j a kind, one of a color, so out out with them ! f t You'll find, scads A QQ . you'll want! 40O j f I WOMEN'S DRESS HATS ! These hats are so becoming they'll turn your head, because of the low price. Assorted styles and colors, all drastically CAst marked down! SECOND FLOOR J ALL MUST GO! INFANTS' NIGHT GUARDS . . WOOL SHOULDERETTES INFANTS' MITTENS . 1.00 r ! I 88c ; 17c : ONE DAY ONLY! A miscellaneous assortment of merchandise, most of which have been reduced to clear at astonishingly low prices. Other items you have been waiting so long to find. All of these items will go out rapidly so be here early to take advantage of these thrifty values. FALL CLOSE-OUTS! EXTRA VALUES WOMEN'S COATS RE-PRICED TO Toddlers' CHENILLE ROBES 1.00 SECOND FLOOR $1800 and$2500 Large assortment of short and long coats in nice heavy winter weight. Casual and fitted styles. Truly the coat buy of the season! Now is the time to buy that coat for the rest of the season at these drastic low prices . . . Shop early sizes and colors are incomplete. SPECIAL GROUP OF WOMEN'S SUITS REDUCED TO $1500 and $25 Odd lots, broken sizes and colors causes us to reduce these suits to these low prices. Assorted styles . . . such as cardigans, mandarins nnd tail ored. Shop early, as stocks are incomplete. CLOSE-OUT! ri.:ij..n'. All Metal Scooters 3.00 Men's Black Slicker Raincoats - 2.98 Men's Leather Jackets 16.00 Women's, Children's Mittens 25c, 50c Boys' Earmuffs 1 5c lie- ' A WOMEN'S BLOUSES 1,00 and 2.00 Boys' Bathrobes, 10 and 12 Boys' Plaid Jackets. 10 and 12.. MAIN FLOOR .2.00 ..3.50 7 Reduced to Blouses! Blouses! Loads of blouses, all reduced to these unbelievably low prices! All were much higher in price. You're sure to find your choice here. FEATURES! Cake Cover and Plate . . . .98c ODD LOTS OF WOMEN'S SHOES 77C Bathroom Oil Silk Curtains 1.51 Downstairs Store Boys' Unicord Pants Main Floor .2.5!) SPECIAL FEATURE MEN'S ALL WOOL PLAID SHIRTS Gay black and red all-wool checked plaid shirts for men. Warm, durable fabric, styled like you like A fp them! Comfortable! Shop today! MAIN FLOOR REDUCED! Odd lots of women's casual and sport shoes. Leathers in assorted colors and heels. Shop early, as sizes are incomplete. FELT HATS Red Wool Melton JACKETS A f 1 Navy Blue 1.49 4.12 Coat SWEATERS 1 Oft fn'c All W.nnl J9 W Marked Down! Hand PflinfpH Drapery Yardage . . 1.19 Plastic Bathroom Accessories . 33c, 66c Wnmpn'a Tnw 1-fnnl Two-Snap Galoshes . . 1.00 ! j tr . s women s i Belter Street Dresses . 1.77 f ; DOWNSTAIRS STORE I j t j FEATURE! TWIN SIZE CHENILLE SPREADS Pastel Colors MEZZANINE .5.75 FEATURE! READY MADE PILLOW TICKS Zipper Closing, F'ancy Stripe, each ... MEZZANINE 139 FEATURE! STAINLESS STEEL FLATWARE Knives, Spoons and Forks, each DOWNSTAIRS STORE 29C FEATURE! "CASCO" AUTOMATIC HEATING PADS 3 Speeds, Controlled Heat MEZZANINE 4.95 FEATURE! WOMEN'S COTTON ANKLETS Assorted Color MAIN FLOOR 25C FEATURE! MACHINE OIL WINDOW SHADES I'oncec Color QQt 36" x IS' x 10" TOV DOWNSTAIRS STOKE FEATURE! MEN'S BLUE f f A BIB OVERALLS MEN'S 44a CANVAS GLOVES lLK MAIN FLOOR FEATURE! COTTON INDIAN BLANKETS 72x84 Inches, Jacquard Desijjn MEZZANINE 3.98 FEATURE! STAINLESS WIRE DISH RACKS La rare Size DOWNSTAIRS STORE