FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 'AUTOMATIC, Btnootn lop enameira a range wun co" and water Jacket: 30 sal. water Unit with side arm gas heater. Also lame brown enamel wood circulator. 840 S. Summer Si. n358 S-HUBNKK B 5 cooKPr nun ucu. win Wirrh nlld FllOne BJOJ. nJW "good MARTIN tenor sax, Call after 4 P.m. 23B5 Fairgrounds Rd. n2SS J2 OAIjr.F. pump shotgun, good cond. Ph. 6391 Monmouth. njatt FL'LL SET carpenter tools; Model A start er: oil drum: furniture, mo Lewis. nzr7 LA UNO K V SOAP. 150 Williams Ave. Shady Re Traiirr farts, nsav VACUUM SWEEPER. 118. Ph. 8406. n3SS S NEW H.!Hi'iQ tires & tubes, also 1 ood med 6 50x16 tire. Doneslcy's Motor Clinic. 898 North Liberty. n2oT ZTTUSG ESTAT E :For sale Oct25V 26115 i'Olt, 5.8 KW electric range, roll top desk, carpet Inn, bird case, piano bench, kitchen table, dishes, buffet with mirror, clothes tree, knick-knack, some antiques, stationery supplies it hall seat. At Apt. 1, 158 S. Liberty St. n2S8 6-TUBE RADIO, rood cond.. new tubes. Girl's .bicycle, (air cond. 3241 Mill St. Phone 7275. n257 1 HOUSE DOOR At 1 pair of garage doors BABY BUGGY, all steel, good cond. 861 S. 12th after 3 P.m. n2S8 GAS RANG E in "good condition. iVlH Fairs rounds Road. J12&8 7lliitR Y HOME owners, while there Is stock to choose from at low prices. Hawthorne. Mt Ash. Cut Leaf Birch, Blue Spruce At Irish Yew. Hundred to select from. Labis). Garden Nursery, SB N, to Totem Pole, 2 blks. east. Phone 24220. n261 "WOOD CIRCUI.A'roiT lame size. 2S Good ihipe. 341 North Church. n261 WOOD CIRCULATOR, good cond. 25&7 Lee St. after 6 p.m. n358 for""saleby OWNER A IX ARTICLES PRACTICALLY new Davpt. and clir set. deep wine color Matching two runs and pads. 0x12. iO gal. hot water tank. Kitchen sink, ret size, huh enamel back, equipment com- plete. Must be sold by Oct. 31. Call aG4 'West Main St., 5II.VERTON. n257 PREWAR LEATHER Gladstone Bag, like new. ucrgman nuop oooes. size nice new Kirsch curtain rods. Rayon cur tain panels. 620 South Liberty. n2h1 UNIVERSAL -Raw son gas ranse with trasii burner nearly new. 1170. 340 E. Wa.. inftton. n257 riULCO Transltone auto radio. Ph. 7017 h27 FOR SALE: New 17x20 wall tent, floor, walls, windows, door. Army double bunk complete, 400 ots. Iruit, 1175 Lev is, afternoons only, n257 STRETCH YOUR feed dollars with Wards Hamnu-rniills quality mills for every purpose at low prices! Wards Farm Store, Trade and Huh sts. n257 ELECTROLUX type vacuum cleaner, near ly new with all attachments, Mrs Gatllff, Phono 8141 days. n2S7 PRACTICALLY new Fairbanks-Morse 250 sal, per nr. shallow well electric pump with motor fc tank. A. F. Lamer. Hi. 2. BOX 4-G. Ph. 3194, ext. 14. n269 M7IGHTI.Y used 104B World"" bicycle? Very good cond. Ph. 24983 after 6 p.m. n259 SACRIFICE NEW WALNUT dining rm. set A 6 chairs. Child's 3 piece brown playsu,:, size 12. Ph. 9777. n2.i9 OLIVER NO. 9 Typewriter. First class shape. 130.00. Four pc. Solid Oak Bed room Set, 460.00, 254 N. Church St. Phone S670, n2SB "ELECTRIC Brooder," itood cond., be-J sprimt. mattress. 145 E. Miller. n2F9 FOR RALE: Forty-five sacks of Trinity white cement: call 1022m or write i27 N. 29th St., Corvallls, Ore. n259 BEDSTEAD, Simmons springs it cotton mattress. Ph. 24145. r.259' CHOICE canning corn (1 per snck. Ph. 6824. n259 J2-GAUGE pump shotsun. Winchester model 97 6 boxes of shells. Reasonable. 3035 Portland rd. n257 PITE DIES, cutter and 5 pipe wrenches and a Rood 2-wheeled trailer with 2 extra tires. Call at Apt. 4, 266 So. Cot tage, 3 to 8 p. m., till Sat., Nov, 2-46. n259 ODEL A John Deere tractor on good rub ber, with two-row cultivator and power Rift. Ralph Hsrr. Rt. 2. Box 378. Sll verton, 1 ml. S. E. Central Howell Sclil n257 TroN FIREMAN and all electric fixtures and 1300 lbs, coal. Phone 5925 after ft o'clock. 1209 Court at. n259 IG. MONTAG wood circulator. Perfect cond. 3367 State, n259 SCHW'IH (World) bicycle, just new. Ac cessories, IBM R, C. A. Victor radio. Ph. 6081 after 5 p. m. n25B 16"x8 HENDEY quick change lathe with new i jaw chuck and 3 h.p. motor Price 11000. Lambert's Texaco Sta., Aumsvlllc. Oregon. n259 REGISTERED Springer 8panlelpupplei. 620 McClalo St., Sllverton. Inquire week-ends. n259 BOSTON Bull Terriers. Registered-male and female. Haggerty line. Salem Vet erinary hospital, Portland rd. n257 ELECTRIC pants presseri, curling and soldering Irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 M. Liberty St. n273 GUARANTEED Forever flashlights re quiring no batteries; I A 3 cell Hash Mint. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 RAILROAD type lanterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n37B" NOTICE BALEM Watch shop closing lor 3 mo. va cation Call for your watches and clocks at once All makes and sizes of ladles and gents wrist and pocket watches fo. sale cheap. 2381 State at. n258 M:ORESCENT kitchen fixtures and tin gle tuba brackets for use near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty St. n27S INGLE AND two-burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n.273' TABLE and pln-lt-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n215 DECORATIVE and lighted house numbers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n37 SMOOTHIES for perfect Ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n2T' ALUMINUM sauca pani, well and trea platters, frying pans, cookie sheets, clothes hampers, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty St. n375 KITCHEN and bathroom light fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n375 WALL TYrE can opaners, citrus trull Juicers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty Bt. . n27S KITCHEN and Industrial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 AUTOMATIC electric atdeann water beat era. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n275 ELECTRIC chimes, long and short tubes, motor driven, and mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n275 roWERFUL 8-tuba Tropic Master Over seas electric radio. Ideal for outdoor or coastal locations. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 365 N. Liberty St. n275 CHRISTMAS TOiS. Buy them at Gene's Bute Shop. We also specialize In paint ing toys ft bicycles. 1128 Edgewater St, Ph. 31568. n27T SUN LAMPS (ultra violet At Infia-red). portable and stand models with timers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n27J' COAL OR briquet circulating heater, new wood range. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty S:. nJ75' ELECTRIC room beaters, fan, steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. D275' PLASTI-KOTK. the durable ti?t cellophane-like finish. YEATER APPLIANCE 161 H. Liberty St. paint with CO. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMATIC electric grill, 18x36 Inches, with double thermostat. Ideal for small restaurant or club house. VEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 INDIRECT lloor lamps and torchlers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275 FIGURINES and small gift Items. VEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n275 ATTRACTIVE, aluminum kitchen step ladders and step-on refuse cans, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. n27 RUG, LOVELY Belguin rug, figured pat ter with maroon background, exc, conJ. $25. 1980 N. Church. n2i8" FOR SALE OR TRADE L. C. SMITH "SUPER SPEED 11." Will sell or trade for 5 h.p, Johnson or Even rude outboard motor. See at 3365 Port land Rd. n258- CHESAPEAKE Bay Retriever. 6 mo. o.d. female. 2350 S. 13th St. nJ')3 WlVrERAPPLES. 85c" bu bring- your own boxes, 635 Hickory St. Ph. 255n3. GARDEN-TRACTOR. Ward's Hoe-track, Good con. 1125. 3795 Monroe. n2i8 COCKER PUP. black. 4 mo., male. Mae good hunter or child's pet. 3795 Mon roe Ave. n258 RADIO CONSOLE, Motorola 10 tube. Excel tone & shape. 3795 Monroe Ave. n258 GERMAN short-hair pointer, female, 7 1H05, old. papers. Reasonable to par:y with good home. Ph. 8826 or eve. 681ft n257 16 FT. MASONITE trailer house for sale Call after 6 p.m. B44 N. Com'l. n257' RADIOS, table and console, 10 models from which to select YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Lloerty St. n275 ELECTRIC desk, mantle and wall clocks YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n275" UEATING pads (electric), plastic clothes lines, t'oninc pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N L'bcrty St. n376 TWO-SLICE electric toasters. 13.10. 4 slice. S3 85. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n3'5 TWO-WAY and Inter-comm. telephone sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty St. n375 WATER HEATERS for immediate deliv ery 40-callon Collina 196.35; 60-aallon Wesiinshouse (115. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 ti Liberty St. n375 CUTLERY and tableware. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty St. n275 COFFEE-MAKER "sets, 4 to 6 and' 8 cup coffee-makers with stoves. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n37S HEAVY bronze smoking stands. YEATER AFPLIANOE CO. 255 N Liberty St. METAL AND plastic bed lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. AUTOMATIC record players. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N Liberty St. SEE US FOR Christmas gifts. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. SAND, GRAVEL, silt, garden sand, fertiliz er Bosley it Meyer. Pb. 3046. 944 North Commercial. n272 INSULATION pneumatically Installed Prlc. msterlaL workmanship guaran teed Salem Rock Wool Co. Pb. 1748 2225 N Liberty D DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK! Uss 100 as phalt shingles. Unharmed by any weath er, rain or shine. Fireproof. Installed by experienced men. For FREE estimate phont 7177. Western Auto Supply Co n35B' SILVER plated & brass candle holders, weather vanes, copper lanterns it signs for sale Also steel clothesline posts 1145 North Liberty. n303 NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets. Guaranteed 100 native wooL Woven by Navajo Indians on their reservation. 175 d High. Paul Stoner. Phone 6088. 260 7x9 USED walk-In cooler, complete with meat racks, shelving, 1 reach-in door. 1 h.p. compressor. Burton Refrigeration Co.. 1050 Portland Rd. Pbont 34060. SMART SUITS, coaU, sweaters and skirts: as well j dresses far all occasions from afternoon to formals. Grand materials and scarcely worn. Slses 9 to 44. Phone 4845, anytime, n303 GARDEN sand. gram, crush t4 rock Shovel A drag-Un excavating WALL WQ SAND AND ORAVKX CO. Pb. SMI tvi BUY li Ml) turni lux, tool, ttorta dishes, motors, radios, oiecuio appli ance, household good KUQM-AN 8 186 N commeroUu Pbone 9888. o UEAT YOCR hotnA electrically. It's con venient, clean, economical Sea ua foi tree estimates. YEATER APPL1ANOV OO. - 255 N Liberty WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY Lapidary outfit In Kood condition. C. M. Church, Rt. 3, Box 138. Snlem, na263 WANTED: Small piano. Can pay cash. Ph. 4656. na259 ELECTRIC Stove it refrigerator. Ph. 7410 after 5 p.m. na253 WANT OIL circulator for 3 -room house; urgently needed: have baby to keep warm. Phone 25693. na257 OLD DISHES over 25 years old. Upstalr Antique Shop. 438 Court St, na26Q USED f'URNITURX Pbone 9185 EXCHANGE Miscellaneous LOOMLX 500' of 14-2. Trade for fire arm, any kind,. Not for sale. Ph. 23411. nn259 PERSONAL NOTICE I will not be responsible for any bills made other than my own. 10-28-46. George Striven, 1318 E. Lincoln St., Woodburn, Oregon. P257 ALCOHOLICS. Anonymous, P. O. Box 724. P30B DIVINE HEALING. Bring your T. B. cases to me. all other ailments. Rev. T. Hey tlng, 1103 & W. 13th ava., Portland. LA 7189 P264 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER LETTERS OF all kinds composed ana typed. Personal ones a specialty. Strict ly confidential For appointment, phone 484ft. P308 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE: '31 Model "A" Sedan. Good cond. 1545 Plaza Ave, W. Salem after 5. q3:o FOR RALE: '43 Ford dump truck. 3 speed, 2 speed brownie, air brakes, side tank, mechanically perfect. Ph. 3456. q2S0 FOR SALE; Chev. Paniel Delivery. Good shape all around. 1 block N. of Post office. Aumsville. Ore. q260 1911 BU1CK Special. New tires. 663 N. 20th. Call evenings. q257 FOR SALE: 1935 Chev., good cond. In quire "21 Ferry St. q257 WANTED; CAR in good condition. Any kind but would prefer 17. 36 or 39 Mod el. No dealers piease. Call after 6:30 p.m. Norman Schroyer. Rout 5 Box 37. Salem. (Out 22nd St.) g253 WANTED TO BUY: Lat model trucks Pickups, panels, flatbed, loggers uo so oa International dealer. James a Maden Company 3935 Sllverton RoaCi Phone 24123 Q VETERAN NEEDS car. any model, must be priced reasonable Call after 6 p.m or write W. Re dinger. 3253 Simpson Salein. - WANTED: GOOD used car. late modei preferred Phone 4547. 1259 WANTED, LATE Uodei Oar by prlvat party Will pay atn Pbone 6380 o' -1 r a MwnTi ANY MAKI or model Ii priced within reason we will buy U. Stevens Died Cars 678 8 12th ' '37 OLDS 6 sedsn. in nice condition, flee aft-r 5 pm. 1187 Elm, West Salem. 2S8 AUTOMOBILES GUARANTEED RECAPPING LET US EXAMINE your tires. We can lv you EXTRA mlleaec at low cost. Drive safer A: longer on Grade "A" rubber As save! Don't delay como in no', Mnmsomery Wards. q258 SA I . E0 R 'I' BADE fH Vnrd" TlSe da ti Deluxe, "42 Mercury motor transmis sion, sear shift on steering post, ex cellent rubber and paint. Radio and California hubs. See at O.K. Rubnrr Shop, Sllverton. ' q2i8 8A1.E OR TRADE: '39 Ford ton prckun, good paint, rubber and motor. OK. Rubber Shop, Sllverton, q2!8 'SO MODEL A roadster, :25. Power wood saw on 2 wheel trailer, with 6 cvl. motor, 1100. Pi). 6391, Monmouth. q258 19H9 HUDSON County Club 4 door sedan 4 new tires, radio and heater. 150 East Bush between 6 and 8 p.m. q259 WANTED TO TRADE: 1941 Rulck Special, excel, cond.. for 1938 sedan At differ ence. Phone 4423, tiJ58 FACTORY built trailer house. 21-ft., clean throughout. d in sell. 9B.i.oo Burke Trailer Park, West Salem, iifx to river. q-jH limit PLY. corner: ihle for aalp or trade. A-l shape all around. Ph. 4845. q2.i8 Tuifi HAKI.EY Dnvldson 61 OHV. prac tically new. Actual milease 4100. Per fect. coid. Saddle bans, etc. Must sell immediately, S675. 1 owner. Billy Tow fry. N. Santiam School. 3 mi, N. of Marion, , q2 8 WE PAY roPb Oet EVERY ULMk Your Cat It Wortni CASH ON CUE BARRKL-HEADl --CT SHHOCK SAliKM 8 Oldest Independence USED CAB OEALB31 (4 S. Corner Church Si Cbemeketa. Phone 79'ia a GOOD BUYS TN USED CARS lim PLY, 2 dr. 1934 SlUfle. cpe. 19.10 model A 2-dr. 1934 Nah-Lafayette se dan. Others to choose from. Your Kaifer Frazer Dealer TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 355 -N. Liberty. Ph. 7001 q259' FOR SALE 1936 Bulck. good cond. Call at 1715 N. Capital after 5:30 p. m. q'J59 T, D. II International Cat. blade but no drum. Call after 6 p. m. 1334 N. Sum mer Randal Rauk q259 FOR SALE '35 Ford assembled convert -able. Call at basement apt. 1935 N. Capital, after 5 p. m. q259 HOUSE TRAILER. Howard's Trailer park. 3560 Portland rd. after 6 p. m. q262 1910 FORD flatbed truck, long wheelbase. 2 speedi. 8:25 tires. Ph. 22580. q259 REBUILT Ford and Plymouth motors. Like new. All kinds of auto repairing. 25 saving. Amundson garage. 809 Edsewater street, West Salem. Phone 7133. q257 FINANCIAL LOAN WANTED: Owner needs 15000 loan on new 4 bedroom home 1st morlRaue 8"b. Can repay S100 mo. If desired. Ph, 5506. r25i MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm properties, loans made as small us 1300. See us about refinancing your present contracL or mortgage. APPROVED CITY LOANS 4l G.I. LOANS on NEW Construction. 4 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State Street. Phone 9261. r258 FARM AND CITY LOAN 8 4 AND 6 rOUB OWN rtHMS ol repayment witbin reason Uaob tor Real EataLe Contract acd Secono Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 101 Pioneei Trus Bidg. Pa. 71 OX r GENERAL FTNANCB CORP LOANS 8-138 ano U-388 ana ROY H SIMMONS DNSURANCS and LOAMS 136 8 Commercial SL TeL 9161. ftS LOAN on Farm. KeaicntlaJ and Bust ieaa Propeny Will buy mortgage con tracts. HAWKINS A ROBERTS, (NO t EALTORS O u ardl an Bids r YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EAflN YOU 5 PERCENT INTEREST. BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. EXAM INE THE SECURITY YOURSELF. MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OP 1500 TO $7500. WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAYMENTS FOR THE INVESTORS, NO EXTRA CHARGE. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 & High St. CASH "NOW" FROM PER&ONAL 8tn year In Balem We lend moneyquickly privately tr men or women, married or single. LOANS 125 TO 1300 For borne or business on furniture, sal ary, business equipment. On auto 5u0 Choose any one of our convenient loan plans and repay In 15 months. WE LIKE TO SAY "YES" to loan requests. So for faster service, phont fim PERSONAL FINANCE CO . 518 State St., Rm 125. Phont 8191 Lie S-122: M-165. E. OtlUngtr. Mgr. r358 I b to LOANS WILLAMKTTa OTUCDn CO lib FLOOH GUARDIAN BLDO. License No M-189 8 MONEY REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS e Soy Rmi Etat liorisi and Contracts STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS Lie ft-316 U-3 168 S. HUTS at r Directory AUTOBRAKES 51 1 K E PANEK727TnB7-ComTPh. BlsT Brake Ac wheel aligning specialist. o379 ACCOUNTING tCCOUNTING and bookkeeping Reason able rates Dependable service Bum new Service. Ino. Masonic Buildings. Salem Phone 6727 o PPL1ANCE REPAIRS EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestic refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appllanoea, 138 Oentar Pb. 403Q AUTOMOTIVB MARION MOTORS NASH SSRV1CE i40 Chemeketa Pbont 7888 BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING and leveling. Dirt mov ing, logging. R. R. Ricks, Ph. 8022, Stay ton. o230 CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Clip Ellis, 1905 N. 19th St Ph. 4071. o266 CHIMNEY SWEEP ' FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum oleaneu EN8LEY. 771 8 21st Ph. 7176. o DELIVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service. 145 6. Church. Phone 4711. o2?5 DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS-Remodellnc. 1084 State Bt. Mrs. Armentrout. o266 EXTERMINATORS ARDEB MAINTENANCE CO. Bedbugs, roaches, rats, fleas, moths Pest con trol con'.rsct service. Materials sold guaranteed riddance. 825 N Killing worth SL Portland ll. Or Pb, Web ster 3265. o COCKROACH EXTERMINATOR service. Pb. 3056. LEE CROSS. 1260 N. 17th. o277 reitnaupr fo: flowers Oia 0198 FUNERAL DIRECTORS lOW ELI KT1NERAI HOME Pb 8671 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J r"Tw Al rK INSCoTpRO DtXTSji 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. o2.'6 "mattresses CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069 o261 MUSIC LESSONS i PAN IS H and HAWAIIAN Outtar. Mando lin oanjo tc 1533 Court Pb 1549 i PAPERHANGING PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service. Larry Travlss. phone 8601. o373 SAND GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed km. Shove) A dragline excavating Walling Sn4 At Oravct oo, Phont f&i. Market Quotations Portland Eastsiile Willamette valley com sold al clean-up prices today at Portland s Eaststde Fann ers' Wholesale Produce market, best five dozen packs bringing SI. 75, and some lots selling as low ax 11.25. Cauliflower was in Rood supply, crates moving at t .60-1 .65. Bruj,!-.! sprouts sold $1.85-2 pack, and (1-1.25 lev bulk flats. Mid-Columbia lettuce was of fered at 12.75 crate of three dozen heads Local lettuce brought 11.50-3. Best Iocs! tomatoes traded at (1.25 fist; poorer quality Rtock, 80 cenUt to II. Delicious apples were scarce. Best bu shel boxes were quoted at (2.50-3. Other varieties sold at steady prices. (ortlnnit Produc tmaoa Butler Prices to retailer. Grade A cartons. 90c. AA prints Rflc A pr::iis 36-B3c. A cartons 87-89c. B prints 85-8c. l4 lb cuoen ic higher. Esss Ptice iu reiauers. AA large, tie. A arK. 61-62c. AA medium. a9c. A medi um. S8-5Dc; n tmall nominal. 44c doien Cbeese lo retailer in Portland Oreiuo triplets 46-47c lb., daisies 43S44c al 47-50 4n lb. Jobbers pay lb. less To wholesalers Portland: Oregon slngls 55-58c; loaf 57 -60c. I'uriUtid tVhotraaie Martet Butler f o b bulk 68 lb tubs) AA grade 92 score 85c. A grade 92 score 81c. B grade 90 score 83c, C grade 89 score '!0c. Butterfat (Tentative, subject to imme diate change). Premium qualttj maximum of 35 of I percent acidity, delivered 'n Portland. 04-98c lb.; first quality 93-97c lb.; second quality; valley routes and country points 3o less than first, or 91-93C. Cheese Selling price to Portland re tailers: Ore. slnnles 58-59c lb. Ore. loaf 60-61C .b.; triplets. 53-55c. Ecct To wholesalers. A large 8Hc 59 Via dozen, med. 85-66 Uc. B grade 43 4-45 Wc- Ratblta Average country killed to re tailers 43-f0c lb Live tryeri. colo-d 24c. white 23- 27c lb Old buck and does tt lba. and up 18c lb. Lire Poiiltrv Live Chlrken No. 1 Leghorn broilers. 1 to 2 lbs. 35-37c; fryers, 2 to 3 lbs.. J7 3&c: 3 to 4 lbs.. 37-39c. roasters. 4 4 ids. and over. 37-38c; under 31 lbs.. 22-23c: DIRECTORY SAW FILING FxTRo7schT674S. Ca"pl"toi SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED KENNETH HAMEL. 1143 8tb St.. W da iem. Ph. 7404. Guaranteed service. 0267 CE SSPOOL Septic tanks. Ph. 8745 ' 02687 COTO- ROOTER HEWER SERVICE Sew era and drain elanei Fr extimate Promp service Ph a337 c Transfer a n d STOirA'G s LOCAI A OINSTANCB Transfer, storage Burner oii. ooai. onquets Trucks f-c Portland daily Agent Lyon Van Linei for household goods to California points Lannei rransfer A Storage Ph 3131 o' VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTROLUX Sales At Service it Repairs. Limited amount of new machines avail able. Office 175 S High Ph. 6088 0262 t'KEE Uupectun in rout noma auLboi sed Hoover tervica We servtoe al nIw r cleaners - Hogg Bros Ph 9149 o WEATHER STRIPPING WELDING WELDING it BLACKSMITHING BODY it FENDER WORKS WE Specialize In trailer hitches. Penn 4 Corners 3955 E. State o269 WELL DRILLING 1. A SNEED it Bona Well drilling 3509 BruokP St Salem Phone 6809 o2& WELL DRILLING U U CUoa Rl a Box S31-L. Ssiem. Or First oouat toutb at 3welt school Pb 34367 t VtNDOW CLEANING 4CMK WINDOW CLEANERS- WlOdOWk floor, wood won cleaned Pb 1317 J41 Jouri 3i LanRdne At Culbortson 0 WOOD SAWING R. B. CROSS. Ph. 8178. Lodges Meet every Wednesday evening Visitors wel come. IOOF Building A Pacific Lodge No. 50, A F. & Vtyv A.M. M.M. Degree, FridB.v. ' Nov. 1. ? p.m. 259 NO MEETING TONIGHT. Salem Lodge No. 4. AF. & A.M.. Wed.. Oct. 30. 257 LEGAL ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that An nette I. Miller has been, by Order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, appointed Administra trix Of the estate of HENRY J. MILLFR. deceased. Any persons having; claimi against said estate are requested to ore sent them, with proper vouchers, to said Executor at 301 Pioneer Trust Build ing. Saiem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated October 16, 1946. ANNETTE I. MILLER, Administratrix of the Estate ot Henry J. Miller, deceased. HERBERT W. CARTER, 101 Pioneer Trust Bids.. Salem, Oregon. Attorney for Estate. publication: October 16. 1946. Last Publication: November 13, 1946. Oct. 16 23 30; Nov. 6 18 TN THE UIKC VVV COURT OF HIE STATE OF OHEGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION. PROBATE DEPARTMENT. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN R. MACY. DECEASED. NO. 4763. SUPPLEMENTAL FINAL AC COUNT: To the Honorable .Judge of the Above Entitled Court: Comes now Ruth L. Macy. your peti tioner, and respectfully represents and shows: I. That heretofore, 10-wtt: On or about January 15, 1920, a final account was filed herein by Lula Macy. the adminis tratrix at said time; that no pro ceedinKS have been had in the above entitled matter since said date: that in truth and In fact all distribution was made as is shown by said final account, but that in addition to said personal property thpre was and Is In said estate the following described real property, to-wit: Lots numbered 1. 3, 3, 4, 8. 7 and 8 In Block No. 1 in the Town of Brooks, Marion County, State of Oregon, as shown by the recorded plat thereof. That the said property should be de creed to be the sole and absolute pro perty of the heirs herein, shsre and share alike, to-wit: Fairy E. DeRocher, a daughter of decedent, residing at Brooks, Oregon; Donald R. Macy, a son, residing at San Leandro, California: Mabel S. Wlneland. a daughter, - residing at Oswego. Oregon; Ruth L. Macy, a daughter, resid ing at Portland, Oregon; , Donald Spencer, a son and sole surviving heir of Marjorie Spencer, deceased, who was a daugnter of decedent herein, John R. Macy. - II. That the former administratrix here in waived all fees as administratrix and your petitioner believes that the sum of !I0u is a fair, lust and reason able sum to be allowed her as adminis tratrix' fees and tna sum of 1150 is a reasonable sum to be allowed E. U. Sims, her attorney, for services in connection with closing this estate. WHEREFORE, your petitioner prays the court for an order decreeing the said property to oe the sole and ansoiuie property ol the said heirs Hereinabove set forth: tnat she be allowed the sum of $100, administratrix' fees, the further sum of 1150. attorney's fees, and for an order setting a time, 10 a.m., November 14, 1946, for hearing objections. If any. to this supplemental final account and for such otner and further orders as to the court shall seem mete in equity and good conscience. RUTH L. MACY, Petitioner, Sims it ems, Attorneys for Petitioner. 525 Court Street. Salem, Oregon. Oct. II U 30; Nov. I It roosters and stags, 13-17e. Dresied Cblokrns To retailers: Spring Droilera 3 lbs up 62e lb, colored bens 87o Leghorn fowl I2ct old roosters and atag 28a Frvih Vegetsblea Artirhokes Calif., 16.35 box. Beans Calif 17a lb MiO-Oolumbli Bu Lake. mid-Coiumbla and Walla Walla ireen and wax 9-10c lb. Oregon Giant 10-l3o lb Kentucky Wonders 8-10c. Shell oeans 11.50-1 75 20-lb lug Wax and Blue La ice 9-10c Beets Locaf 65-75c docen. Broccoli 81.501 65 lug I'abbacr Local round type, 7 35-3.50 era:e; fancy. $2.75-3.95; red, 4-5c lb.: kraut. M-1.35 crate. Carrots Loca. ormched. S-doa. crata (3-3.25: Calif., 6 doz. M. 50-4.75. Cauliflower -Local No. 1, 11.85-2. Celery California fa for turde etatt: Mbisd Milwaukle S2-2.35 crate: blanche. 42.7S-3: Hearts. tl.RS-2 do. Cum Bent, (2-2.25 a 5-dox. box. Dill 20-250 lb Cucumbers Sllcers 18 lb. flats. 11.50- 1.65 E'-iilant 20 h. crate. 12.75-2.85. Car he Oregon 10-ibo lb Let turf The Tallrs, 53.50-3.75; Wall Walla. 3.75-4. Onions Wash, dry No. L 11-1 25; JO ib sacks: Idaho, white. No. 1, fl. 50-1.65. large. '1.85 yellow Spanish. 11.30-1.35. Parsley Local 75-80o dosc Peppers Oreen Calif. 35-lb cratr 50-75. Mid-Columbia 13-lb. flat 81e; 30-lb, (1.75; red. flat 31.75: chill, 11.03 (1. flats Potatoes Washington Russets, 13.50 3.75: 50 Ibv. No. 3. 00-9 5c: local long white. (2 65-3. 75; Klamath Russets. No. 1. (2.75-2.85. DetchUtes. No. 1. I3.7S-3.85. Pumpkin 3'i-4e lb Radishes Loral red 75-80r dor. bunches. numbness Lugs. 51 .15-1.25. Sitlnarh 20 lb. box. 31.50 Sprouts Local to (2 50-2 65 flat. Squash Zucchnl 75c-ll fist. Scallop, 75c-l 14-lb shaked 11 25-45 35-lb Dear box 12.75-83. Danish, lugs, 85-90c. Hub bard 2-3c lb. California, 53.253.50 lug. Sweet potatoes Calif.. 50 lb basket. 13.50-3.85: pints. 3 layer, 13.50; yams 50 lb . S3 .85-4 Tomatoes Local 16-lb flat. No 5110-1.25; California wrapped (3.50-3.75; repacked. 14-4.25. Turnips Bunches 11.101.25 dos. Fresh f-rull Afpiea Yakima Oeticiotu. wrapped arui packed, comb box (4.50-4.75. Jumble MS (3.40: Hood River Spitz face-fill box St. 15 2.00: Yellow Newtown 14.35 Winter Ba nanas and Kinss, loose, 51. 50-2; Ortleys faced and filled, (2.25-2.50; Jonathan lacea k mien 53.40. H. R. Delicious $3.65 Delicious, wrapped and packed. 14.25-4.50. chan 40 lbs 14 4a Maryhllle Wash 1i trlct Transparent 11.50-2 face tug; Red Delicious, wrapped and packed. S4.60-4.75; loose. (3-3 50. Avocado Furrtt $4 35. choice S3 It M fancy $4-4.35 20-3" flats. Calif Dicken son all sizes, 14.50-4.75: Itzlmas. 14.75 6.75 ilunanas O'Ac-lOo lb cut hands, oraiet extra Cranberries Ori-Eon. 25-lb. boxes. 18.78 9; Eastern. m-S,25. Grapefruit Caul large $5.50-6.75, small 13.75 case, Texas pinks 15.10. white 14.80. Cochclls $4 95 case: Cuban, all sizes, $8- 8.50. Florida whites, 80s and larger, 15- a.i.i; California, lOOs, 13-3.50. Grapes Local Concords, $1.25-1.50; to kay (3-3.35; Carmiceon. (3.35. Lemons California, 300-360, 18.50-9.25. Llmea TuDs ol 20a 3BC Orances Csllf. Valencies. 320 and larg er, 1 9.50-9.75; 353. (B.50-9.35; 334 and smaller, ie.50-7; Florida wlrebound boxes. 252 end larger. 17.25-7.50. Quince Local, 3'-3c !b. Pears Bartietts. comb pack 16-lb ooa 13.35-2.35; Mealora wrapped and packed 15-5 25: Hood R.ver. 14-4.76; orchard (un (1.75-3 Yakima W At P.. $4.35: O Anjoo 14.75, wrapped and packed boxes: do.iv wrapped and packed, 14.25. loose 13.25 3.50; Hood River D Anjflu. 14.60-4.75: Co mice, local loose, 12.25-2.50; Hood River, loose, (3-3.25. Pineapples Cuban i t; Pomegranblea 3 75-2.85 lug PersimonsCallf., lug, (3-3.50. Ueati Country Meats-. Rollback prices to rt tailcrs. Country Killed hogs, s-st outcnei 130-140 lbs 19-19 lb Veal era aa 33 c A 31 B 19 4. 9 17-I7e. culls I3-I5c ib 8 pel AA 2140. a 30V B 8c oanners cullers 13-140. Lambs AA 36c. A 34c B 240. O 30o lb Ewes PS 13 rtc U 1 3c R 10c Veal A A 32-33C A 30-31C. B 28c lb. Cull 18-24c. Iloss Fancy olork 27-380 ib Bloclt butchers, packer style, 155-213 lbs. 38-4!): over 313 lbs ,35-38c; sows all weights, 28- ouc. Lam hs A A 34-35c, A 32c. B 27-28c lb. Muilon fane, A 10-Uo according m qua.iti ano woignL Beef AA 34-36e; A 32-33c, B 38-30C, C ja-oc, canner-cutter nulls Z2-33C jb. Cancara Usrk Oreen 8-8 dry 30e Ib Wchi Govern mmt oontroL Mobair 40c lb. on 12-moa. growth. Hay Wholesale aniomtnts. Altaila. (to J or oetter 131-133.60. Oats-vetch mixec hay. rnlley growers price I1S-$2X clovtt bay 119-122$. baled on farma aides Caives 20-24c- green oeaf lOt aid 16c Green bulls to lb. Qopi Normal contracts: 1944 64a 99 I94 Ijq lb. 1946 OOO 104" 80 Uk Noli Dlslrlbntorr BaaKe Chestnuts Local Italian SOe Ib. Almonds Call I 33-3 5c lb. PUbtrta 100 lba, Dara- Do Brim lonae CblUyt Nnti (New Oropi Jumbo 32-34C 34-35fi 34c Larae 2B',a-B,ic 3-31o 34-35 Fancy 32c and UP 23Vs-23c 29Vj.."tlc Baby 20-22O 33c Chirasn Grain Chicago, Oct, 30 (UB-Cflsh grain sales: Wheat nominally firm, no sales. Corn off 2-3 cents. Old; 2 ypllow 172; 3 yellow 173; aample grade mixed 160. New: 3 yellow 155; 3 yellow 148-14B'; 4 yellow 136V4-146; 8 yellow ia8'4-134',: sample grade yellow 133',i-140, 5 white 160; sample grade white 100. Oats steady; 1 mixed heavy 91 ' ; 1 white BOS; 3 white thin 85'. Barley: Malting 161173 nominal; feed 133-140 nominal. Chicago Livestock Chicago, Oct. 30 iTt UTSDA l Salable hogs 9.500. total 19.5fK); open slow, later trade moderately active, market gener ally 50 cents to 1.00, mostly 75 cents, lower than Tuesday's average; bulk good and choice 180 pounds 23.50-23.75; top 24.00 sparingly, weights under 180 pounds scarce; bulk good and choice sows 21.50 22.00; Indications good clearance. Salable cattle. 8,500, total 9.000: salable calves 700. total 700; fed steers and year lings Including yearling heirers strong; top 36.00 on long yearlings and weighty steers; bulk medium to strictly good of ferings 1000-27.00: strictly choice 921 Ib. heifers 30.00: href cows weak at 12.50 15.50; beef bulls and sausage offerlnss selling at 18 00 down with beef bull dreggy and nesk: vealers steady at 21.00 and below, stackers and feeders slow, steady; good to choice western calves 19.00 downward. Salable sheep fl.OOO, total 10,000; slaugh ter lambs 25-50 cents lower; mostly ib cents off: no early action on yearling i or ewes: feeding lambs fully steady; good and choice native and fed wooled lamos 23.25-33.75; early top and popular price 23.75 on native lambs; psckage choice 85 lb. fed clipped lambs with No, 1 pelts 23.35: deck good 66 lb. Montana feeding lambs 18.00; two loads Montana white face feeding lambs on unsold. Portland Grain Portlind, Ore.. Oct. 30 (Pi Caah wheat 'bldi: Soft white 1.86'j: soft white 'ex cluding Rex), J .'; White Club 1.86',,; western red 1 afl'i. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.86S; 10 percent 1 8B',i; U percent 1.93'i; 12 per cent 3.00!. Hard white Baart: Ordinsry unouoted: 10 percent 3 29; 11 percent 2.31; 12 per cent 2 33. Today's car receipts; Wheat 26; barley 7; flour 5; nay 3; mlltfeed 7, Portland Livestock Portland. Ore,, Oct. 30 'A', USDA -Salable cattle 150, total 425; salable calves 50, total 65: around 200 cattle and calvei held over; market more active particularly on ctnner-common grades; market fully steady; some dairy type cows 25-50 cents lower: few medium-good slaughter steers 16.00-18,00; cutters down to 9.00; common medium heifers 11. 50-15,00: cannrr-cutter cows larely 8.00-0.00: few 9,50; lew lots Blocker cow.i 9.50-11.50: medium-good beef cows 12.00-H.OO; cutter-medium sau sage hulls 10.00-12,50; good beef bulls up to 16.00; good-choice vealers 17.00-18,00: grass calves largely 13.50 down, with de mand very limited. Silable hot 100, total 1,130; market around 25 cents lower; good-choice 235 Ib. weights 26.25; few heavier welgh's down to 35.75; food sows salable 23.50- All Grains Listed Nervous Chicago, Oct. 30 W) Selling entered the grain futures pits toward the close of today's trad ing and best prices were not maintained at the close. Wheat displayed most resis tance to the selling pressure which was strongest on oats af ter that grain had shown stub born ess during most of the day. All grains were nervous, re acting quickly to offerings, re flecting the suspension of trad ing in cotton, but factors having a direct effect on grains for a time carried sufficient weight to develop rallies Just before the end of the ses sion buying" on corn was re sumed and prices advanced to as much as 1 2 cents above the previous close. Oats also re bounded, and at the close wheat was li to xk higher than the previous finish, January 2.04 la. Corn was z to 1 'a higher, Jan uary $1.35 'a. Oats were -i to IVb higher, November 834-lb. Barley was unchanged to 3Vi lower, January $1.32 . New York Stock Quotations Bt the Asaoclaud Press) New Yorx. OPt ci cai dm Quotation to- Allied Chstn. at Os l American Can .. Am Power At Light mer Tel At TeL Anaconda Copper .... Atchison .... Bendlx Aviation deihienem Steel .... Boeing Aircraft . California Packing Canadian Pacific J I Case tti Jhrysiet Corp ',, Jummonwealtb At South .... JoiuioiianiMl Bdiaon Jonsoiidated Vulte -'untlnentai Insurano Jrown lellerbtcb Jurtisa Wrtgb Jougiaa Aircraft 't't Juponi de Nemours J one raj Electric ... Jeuerai Food m Jenerat Motors . Jodyeai Tire Jreat Northern Pfd..... "" unemauona. Harvester Int. Papei pIL Johns UanruM ctennevott " Lions bell A " ilajtag "" lianu Copper " Montgomery Ward Nasn KBivinatoi "" National Dairy .. '" N. Y Genual " Hotih Am, Co Northern PaciIIe rao. Amer Pish Haciflo Uas Else eacific r T. (an American Penny j U. .tadio Corp. tiayonler . . ttayonler Pfd .... itcynolds UstsJi lafaway .... iears Roebuck , iinclan OH Southern Pacific Stancard Brands Jtandard OH Oalll Stewart Earner uuoebakei Sua Miniug UnioD Oil Jnlon Pacific ... United Airline United Aiteral! United States Steel ' Warner Brother West Bleo. Mil. Oo -Vnoiworib , . 13 'i .1661. . 36 S . 83'i . 33'. . 94 . 30 S . 30'i . I3'i . 34 . 78 ' . 4 . 37 . 'i . 73 .I8T4 . 35 . 13 . 48 t . 34 . 45 H . 80 . 11 . 40 .132 . IS"i . . B, . 18 . 35 H . 39', . 24 . 31 . 13 . 411 . 33 , 53 . 14'i Richfield., Small Victim of Paralysis Passes Kansas City, Oct. 30 W") Eleven-year-old Philip Bowers, infantile paralysis victim whose mother said only the Lord alone" could cure him, died yesterday. The youth was stricken two weeks ago and his mother, Mrs. Fred Bowers, declined to have him hospitalized. The city health department imposed a quaran tine on the house and told the mother the boy might die if he failed lo receive medical aid. Last Sunday a two-hour pray er service was held on the Bow ers' porch and members of the in the Name of Jesus church sang and prayed for the child's recovery. The service was held on the porch because visitors were not permitted in the house. Mrs. Bowers said today, "Phil ip went into a deep sleep last night. He begged the Lord to take him." 34 nn: innd-cholc. seder pig. quotable 37 00 down. Salable and total aheen 400: market ac tive, strona with top on fat lamba AO cents higher: good-chotce lambs laraely 10.00: few to 10.30; large lot moat! choice No. 1 pelti 90 lb. lambs also jo.lio: medium 86 lbs, 16.00: good 61 lb. feed ers l.s.00: good yearlinga 15.00: good ewes salable 6.00 down. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) Retail Price Rabbit Feeds Pellets. 14.08 awl. Rgg Mailt-84.50 cwt. Dairy Feed 11 70 cwt. Ponllry Heavy colored hens, Mo. 1 37c. lb. No. 3 Sic. Colored fryers. No. 1. 18c lb. Silver Prices While aad Brown extn large grade A 68c, med Sic. standards Mr dnzet. Wholesale Price Large 84c dosen, med. 80c. standards 65c. Butter Wholesale. A 87e. Retail Orade A, 93c Butterfat Premium, 94c j Me. 1. 93c; No. 2. 89c. For BETTER HEALTH Corrwt It V HKMOHRH01I11 (Piles) riHTIll.A KISNI KR l-KOLAl'SB and other Rental condition. No hoa pltaMftatlon. Pre do Krlptlv. booklet. Dr. R. Reyralds Clinic MATURO . rROCTOLOOIST 111 N, Liberty St. Salem, or. Phong 9419 Ed Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Stock Advance Led by Steels New York. Oct. 30 (tfV-Slcels paced a fast rally in the last hour of trading in the stock mar ket today after earlier losses of one to five points. In a burst of buying that left the high-speed ticker tape be hind floor transactions, gains of more than three points piled up for a number of leaders al though a good number stayed on the losing side. Sales for the full session totaled about 2,000,000 shares, tops since mid-month. Forced liquidation of stocks by certain interests, according to well-informed brokers, plus suspension of trading in cotton futures and concern over labor developments, forced prices down for a time. The quick turn-about follow ed on the heels of a rumor that the cotton exchange would re sume dealings tomorrow and growing satisfaction over the flood of favorable earnings re ports. Bonds were mixed. Closing Dow-Jones averages: Industrial, 164.20, off 0.02: rail, 46.64, up 0.12; utility. 34.23, off 0.15; 65 stocks, 59.64, un changed. Sales totaled 1,040,000 shares compared with 1,240,000 shares yesterday. Curb volume was 500,000 shares against 320,000 shares yesterday. Bond turnov er of $4,570,000 compared with $4,260,000 (By the United Press) Stocks Irregular in active trading. Bonds Irregular. U. S. govern ment boads not traded today. Curb stocks irregular. - Foreign silver unchanged in New York at 90 cents a fine ounce. No trading in cotton. Wheat up to 2 cent Births, Deaths Births Miurchenko-To Mr. and Mrs. Alei A. Uuiechenko Lyons, Ore., a son, Donald Alex, Oct 17. Bonesleele To Mr. and Mrs. E. Ray mond Bonesteele. 340 Rural, a son, Ray mond Orant, Oct. 36. Vtckers To Mr. and Mrs. Alvin E. Vlclters, route 3, a son, Leslie LeRoy, Oct. 35. Roberts To Mr. and Mrs. Oten C. Rob erts, Mill City, a son, Donsld Lee, Oct. 38. HendersonTo Mr. and Mrs. Csrl E. Henderson. Abrems Ave., a jon, Dennis Desn. Oct. 34. Riensche To Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Rleruche route 7t a son, Kooeri, nay. Sept. 3. niuhash To Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E Dluhnsh 1110 South 18th, a dauihttr, Karen Ruth, Oct. n. Florer To Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Plorer, Gervnts, a son, Thomas Junior, Oct, 34. Palls City Mr. and Mrs. Frpd Trueax are the parents ol a airl and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Howell are the parents of a son born the past week at the hospitals in Dallas. Deaths Mri. Marv Alice On horn Mrs, Mary Alice Oflborn. late resident or route 3, Salem, at a iocbi nospuai October 38. Burvlvrd by a daunhter. Mrs. Mabel Fowler of Salem: three sons, W. A, Osborn of Independence, T. L. Osborn of Klamath Fall?, and E. T. Osborn of Sa. lem; three staters, Mrs. Annie Johnson of Portland. Mrs. Rose Perry of Est act da and Mrs Lena Lar lemme of BrooKs. ore- ion: three brothers. Georce and John Glaser nf Battlfcround. Wash., and Joe Gisaer of Hopmere; IS grandchildren and 11 arpat srandchlldren. Services win oc held Saturday. November 3. at ID a.m. at the Clouah-Barrtck chapel with in terment In the Belle Passl cemetery a. Woodburn. William Henry Lucas William Henry Lucas. II4! Fir. at a local hospital October 38 at the age ol 86. Survived by his wife, Bertha I. Lucas of Salem; one brother, Leonard Luc a of Greene. Is,; a grandson, Jack Lucas of Seattle: two granddaughters. Mrs. Gladys Kelland of Mt. Vernon, Wash., and Mr Nnrval Hancock of Oakland. Cal.: al: two great-gran dchlldrrn and several ne phews and nieces. Service from the ClouKh-Barrick chapel Friday. Nov. 1 at 1:30 p.m. Intermrnt m City view ceme tery, with Rev. Knotts officiating. Miss Lydla Amelia ChriiUsnion Miss Lydla Amelia Christiansen late resident of 775 North Cottage street, at a local hospital October 39. at thn age of 64 years. Survived by three sisters, Mrs. Mary E. Boxrud and Mrs. Ins a T, Benson, both of Salem, and Mrs. Anna Purdy of route 1. Turner; three meres, Mrs Ruth Rue of Newberg, Ore., Mrs. Oeraldlne Mars of Ada, Ore end Mrs. Prances Everest of Lsnglols, Ore.: and a nephew. Kenneth Purdy of Turner. Ore. Services will be held Friday, Novem ber I. at 3 p.m. at the Howell-Edwards chapel with Rev. M. A. Oetsendaner, DO. officiating. Concluding- services at the City View cemetery, Eugene MrAndrewa Eugene McAndrewi. late resident of Alio North Summer street, Saturday, October IS. at the age of 73 years. Services wlli be held Thursday, October 31, at 3 p.m. a', the Oloiuh-llarrick chapel with interment In the IOOF cemetery, George Vi. Thurmnn Oeorge w. Thurmon, late resident or 018 North b, Salem, died at the axe of 74 In Portland October 3A. Survived by his wife. Sarah E. Thurmon of Salem, and Is father of Mrs. R. W, Nuxom of Clatskanle, grandfather of Mrs. Jack ia ther of corvallls. brother of John Thur- BETTER HE ALTHI Hmrrhold !(-taf and Coon Alhnmnt Oasfrif Ofr Treated without Hospitnl Operation Writ or m)1 for mi Booklet Mtmdsf tbnmth Tridsyt 10 A. M. ! ) P. M tftntmt't Mondmf, Wdnttdy, Friday lo jl Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Physician and Swraon K. K. Comer E. tlumtld end Grnd Arenu Tlphon Ai J91d, Portland 14. Oton Now Buying Filberts and Walnuts Will again buy and receive at the Shryder Truck & Trans fer from Monday to Thursdny, inclusive. Fridays at the Wondburn Fruit ('.rowers' Warehouse, Wood burn. No deliveries on Saturday Phone 4966. II. R. JONES Buyer for Rosenberg Bros. & Co. Wednesday, Oct. 80, 194B 1 mon of Sllverton, Mrs, Susan Remington of Salem, Mrs. Kate Porter and Mrs. Charlie Watson of Sllverton, and great grandfather of Pete and Beth Sather, of Corvallis. Funeral services will be held Friday. November 1. at 1:30 p.m.. In the W. T. Rigdon chapel with entombment t Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum. Clarence Henry Albert At the residence. 461 North Hlah street. October 38. Clarence Henry Albert, at the afte of 59 years. Survived by h.s wife, Grace Albert of Salem; two sons, Gordon Henry Albert of Portland and Robert Bird Albert of Satem; a grand daughter Jsnice Ellen Albert ot Port land: five brothers. James M. Albert, Ar thur L. Albert of Corvallls, Raymond G, Albert of Bakersfield. Calif: John L. Albert of Seattle, Wash., and Howard Albert of Camas, Wash.: and & ulster, Mrs. EdttRr Ostenson of Camas. Wash. Member ot the Masonic lodee. Services will be held Thursday October 31. at 1:30 p.m. at th W. T. Rigdon chapel wuh concluding ser vices at Mt. crest Abbey mausoleum. Rev Dudley Strain will officiate. Terry Lee Miller Terry Lee Miller, infant son of Mrs. Stanley Miller of Jefferson and Ensign Stanley F, Miller of he U. S. navy, at a local hospital October 37. Grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Miller of Jef ferson and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ray of Ontario, Oregon. Grateside services will be held at the Jefferson cemetery, Thurs day. October 31, at 4 p.m. under the di rection of the Howell-Edwards chapel, Chesler A. Nichols Chester A. Nichols, 348S E. Nob Hill street, at a local hospital October 28, Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Maxln Nichols and two children, Linda Diane Nichols and Thomas Arthur Nichols, all of Salem: a slat-r, Mrs. Ethel Otjen, Sa lem; a brother, Roy Nichols, Santa Mont ca, Calif : mother, Mrs. Pearl Nichols, Salem; two aunts, Mrs, Frank Lamphear and Mrs. Edith BseUman, both of Belo t, Wis., and several nieces and nephews Ha was a member of Chemeketa Lodge No 1, IOOF. Announcement of services later bf the Howell-Edwards chapel. Fred Lindner Turner The funeral of Fred Llndsef was held In Salem Tuesday. He lived near Turner over 40 years ago. He was never married, living alone, since th death of his mother, several years aso. Remaining are two sisters, Mrs. Job Orabtree. Mrs. Deb. Brock of Salem and a brother, Frank, of lone. Laurie Mar Bertram Mill City Funeral services wer held In the Mill City Preshyterlen church for Laurie May Bertram, BO Sat urday afternoon, with Dr. David Fer guson and Rev. F. Claude Stephens offi ciating. Interment followed in the Fatr vlfw cemetery. Pallbearers Included: Charles Dolczal, Fred Duffy, Herbert Mnng, Chris Thorgenson, Clyde Roberts and Cleave Davis. Laurie Bertram was horn In Central Lake, Michigan, April 9, 1R86. and came to Oregon at an early ant. Married In 1B0S to Edmond Bertram. Mrs. Bertram wss a member of the Mill City Presbyterian church. Surviving be sides the husband are a daughter, Ion Goode: three grandchildren, of Salemi her mother Mrs. Ida Swift, ot Mill City. Gertrude lee Mel.agan Albany Gertrude Lea McLattan, 34 daimhter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee McLscan of Tangent, died in a Portland hospital Monday. Funeral services were held from the Fisher funeral home Wednesday, Burial in the Willamette Memorial park. She was born August 6, 1933 tn Albany and was graduated from the Shedd high school. Besides her parents she Is sur vived by two brothers, Erman McLatan, Corvallls and Willard McLattan of Tan vent; her grandmother. Mrs, Jennie K, Curry. Albany, Mr. Alice E. Teater Corvallis Mrs. Alice t. Tester, for many years a resident of Benton county, died Saturday in Monmouth following a long Illness. Funeral services will be held at the Monmouth Christian church Thursday at 3 p.m. under direction of the Keeney Funeral home of Corvalllv Burial will be in the Yeater cemetery nrar Monmouth. Rev. W. A. Elk Ins officiating She was the dainrhter of Dr. and Mrv B, F. Owen, early pioneers of Orraon. and was born at Yoncnlla, Novemher 13, 1873. When she was 4 years old she moved to Wren, Benton county, and was married lo C. C. Yeater at Monroe, May 19, 180fi. Surviving are a daughter. Mrs. Mabel V. Pol Ian of Vancouver, Wash.: two sisters, Mrs. Margaret E. Bayne of Corvallls and Mrs. Virginia Chamberlain of Corbett, and three brothers. Louis P. Owen of Ellens burg, Wash.; R. V. Owen of Portland and T, A. Owen of Lebanon. Isaac Roberta Mill City Funeral services for Isaie Robert 84, who died Monday p.m. war held In the Mill City Church of Christ Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev, F. Claude Stephens offielstlna and in terment in the Falrvlew cemetery. Isaa Roberts was born In 1801 In Missouri. Married to Katie Balrd In 1903 In Dalhart, Texas. Came to Oregon In 191ft and th following spring came to Mill City wher they have resided since. Was formerly an Odd Fellow and Woodman of the World. Mr. Roberts has been paralysed and total ly blind during the past two years as th result of a stroke. Had been bedfast only a week. Surviving are hi wife; a son, Isaac Balrd Roberts of Pondosa, Ore. Mrs, Anna Thorns Mehrllnr Falls City Mrs. Anna Thome Mehrllnr. at Falls City, October 29. Resident ot Falls City Tor the past M years and a member of the Methodist church at Falls City and the Eastern Star. Survived br her husband, Ira Mehrllng of Falls City: a daughter, Mrs Alfred Vlck of Salem: a granddauftlHer, Lorraine Vlck of Mil waukle, OreB.; a grandson, Roy Vlck of Salem; and a great grandson, James Vlck of Salem. Services will be held Frtdsy, November 1, at 1:30 p,m. at the Falls City Methodist church and will be fol lowed by Interment at Belcrest Memorial park. Christmas Special Sewing cabinet! In several new stylet now available In walnut, mahogany or maple. Come In and select yours now. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 142 Soutb High Whan your Mtomach is queasy, cm- easy and upset, be gentla with it. Take soothing PEPTO-BISMOL. It helpt to calm and quiet stomach dis tress. Non-lnxative. Non-alkaline. Pleasant to the taste. Next time your atomach if upset, take loothing PEPTO-BiSMOL. A NORWICH PRODUCT 2