L-East Salem Communities Holding Halloween Parties East Salem, Oct. 29 The annual Halloween parties will be held in all East Salem communities this week. One of the larger parties planned is the annual one at Swegle school planned - Compl iance Good Says Price Board Food retailers in the Salem area have maintained an ex ceptionally high degree of com pliance throughout the period of price control on food prod ucts, says Robert E. Lantz, chairman of the Salem price control board, Price inquiries received by the board run an average of about 25 a day, most of them about automobiles, Lantz says Consumer complaint investiga tions in September disclosed five violations. However, a survey in Sep tember in which one furniture business was checked showed a violation, 15 apparel stores sur veyed disclosed four violations, and 90 food establishments sur veyed from September 1 to Oc tober 24 showed 13 violations. Independence Bridge Finance Plan is Given Approval A financing agreement between Marion and Polk counties for , half the cost of a bridge across the Willamette river at Independ ence has state highway commission approval, given at a meeting in Portland Monday. The com-' mission will assume $320,000 of the expense, one half, while the two counties will pay $160,000 each under an agreement reached yesterday. Marion county will pay its share in two payments while Polk county has assigned its state highway fund allocations for a 12-ycar period to cover an equal amount under the gree ment. A biennial budget estimate was approved yesterday. It calls for an outlay of $58,868,000 with revenue estimates set at $67,702,000. The commission said the remaining funds would be used for work late in 1949 to match federal road fund ap propriations. Awards of contracts included: Dobyns and Webb, Salem, $13,700, for rock revetment on a bridge revetment section ad jacent to the Albany-Lyons highway in Linn county. John A. Logan, Portland, $73, 960, grading and oil mat surfac ing of 1.05 miles of Tutuilla section of the Pendleton-John Day highway and erection of one 36-foot concrete bridge. opper Pheasant Hunted by Americans Tokyo, Oct. 29 (IP) Ameri cans are hunting one of the finest game birds in the world . the copper pheasant in Japan's high mountain forests. The season extends from Octo ber 1 to February 28. Soldiers and civilians also are going after ducks in Chiba ; and Sendai where the season extends from October 15 to April 15. They will turn to '. northern Kyushu in midwinter. Police Prepare for Halloween Pranks Salem police headquarters, Assistant Chief E. C. Charlton said Moday, is making special preparation for an orderly town on Halloween night. ; Special officers will be used and practically all officers will work extra hours. The purpose is to prevent vandalism and de struction of property, and the New Route As Follows: From State street south on Commercial to Lincoln, west to Saginaw, south to Superior, east to Commercial, south to Hansen, west to 7lh street. Return: East on Hansen to Commercial, north to McGilchrist, east to High, north to Lincoln, west to Commercia', north to Stale street. Buses leaving State and Commercial 18 and 48 minutes past each hour will go out to 7th and Hansen. Those leaving 03 and 33 will go only to McGilchrist. They will be so marked. Ask your driver for a .schedule. Oregon Motor Stages 636 N. Front Phone 5744 for Thursday night. This year it is being called a Harvest Sale." For several weeks the two upper grades have conduct ed a contest for the collection of rummage and this will be sold at booths. There will be a food stand with donated food for sale, a fish pond and begin ning at 5:30 p.m. hamburger sandwiches and coffee will be sold, so one may be able to buy their supper at the party. All four teachers are sponsoring the affair and it is planned for the hours of 5:30 until 10. Every one is invited to come for an evening of entertainment and money made from such projects will be used for extra school equipment. There will also be the an nual school room- parties at all schools. Mrs. Henry Sunderland and new baby daughter came from the hospital this past week-end to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Stark on Garden road. The little girl is the first grandchild of the Starks. curfew ordinance will be enfor ced strictly. The cooperation of parents is requested. The surfew ordinance applies (o boys and girls under 18, and the curfew hour is 10:30, except on Saturday and Sunday nights when it is 12. PROMPT and efficient SERVICE ON ALL JEWELRY REPAIR Tour Diamonds are safe guarded for the fact they never leave our shop. All work done on the premises. See our Mir acle Diamond Mounting. ! ALL WORK GUARANTEED Every repair job carriel our guarantee. Every job mult be right Credit Jewelers ilWHIII0TOMITIISr BSSSSSSSSSli Manufacturing Jewelers 1 Announcing Change of South Commercial routing Effective Nov. 1, 1946 Farmers' Union Has Price Scare Washington, Oct. 29 (U.R) The National Farmers Union charg ed today that the United States was threatening to scuttle hopes for effective international sta bilization of farm prices. Russell Smith, legislative sec retary of the organization, said the threat was raised by this country's apparent hostility to the proposal for a world food board to keep farm prices on an even keel through periods of surplus or scarcity. Smith's statement came as member countries of the United Nations food and agriculture or ganizations continued airing their views on the world board, proposed by Sir John Boyd Orr, FAO director general. In opening sessions yesterday, the United States was definite ly cool to the idea. The Dutch endorsed the proposal while Denmark saw no conflict with existing international agencies. Britain and Canada present their views today. Several delegates to the FAO's preparatory commission on world food proposals con ceded there was little hope the food board plan would go through without the moral and financial backing of the United States. Smith specifically criticized the evaluation of the board of fered by Undersecretary of Ag riculture Norris E. Dodd, the U.S. delegate to the preparatory commission. Faculty Club Host Monmouth The Faculty Club of Oregon College of Edu cation held a reception for the new teachers at Todd hall Sun day evening. In Charge of DR. FRED PAGELER, Registered Optometrist. Associate Registered Optometrists: Dr. Wm. L. Stephenson, Dr. Emma Spitzer, Dr. Harry R. Scribner, Dr. Robert A. Golden on Anova of toun cmoit tkW .. (Si ja if" Ji II A IVf II "' M l EXAMINATION You are welcome to came in any time at your convenience for a Free Optical Examination . . . . Glasses will not be prescribed unlet! absolutely necei-lary. I zJ L5 Lt J uaLa liu DEPT Jill West Salem Major Offices Lack Contest for Election West Salem, Oct. 29 Saturday marked the deadline for filing petitions of candidacy for city offices in the November election. The names of but two incumbents will appear on the ballot on election, W. C. Hcise and Don Burns, both seeking re-election as councilmen. Also in the con test for the three vacant coun cil posts will be Tom Dalkc. building contractor; Earl Burk, local business man, and Chester Douglas, brother of the late Roy Douglas who served as city treasurer for several terms. There will be no competition in the field for the election of a mayor, city recorder and city treasurer with Walt Musgrave, R. E. Pattison and Tholma Brown running unopposed for the respective offices. Guy C. Ncwgent, serving out his tenth year as mayor of West Salem: Arno Myers, retiring councilman, and Mary H. Kcr bcr. city treasurer, chose not to again enter the city's political race and did not file petitions for re-election. Seal Sale Chairman West Salem Mrs. E. J. Dictz has accepted the chairmanship of West Salem for the Christ mas tuberculosis seal sales. She has asked the Past Presidents' Hub of the Kingwood Ameri PLUMBING! We do repair work or new ! jobs. Prompt efficient ; work. 1 Traviss Plumbing j SHOP S 2165 Laurel Ave. Ph. 8G01 j ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Regardless of how litrle you pay, wo do not hesitate to GUARANTEE SATISFACTION 1 to 3-Day Optical Service ... in !tio$t Canes Take Advantage of This Speedy Prewar Service 'Jr Broken Lennex Duplicated in one dag DR. J 4' 'g IEMLER. I HA " S -TH 'IP! Slut WATERS-ADOLPH BLD3rJ f TATE COMMERCIAL can Legion auxiliary to serve as the sponsoring organization. According to Mrs. Dietz the community's quota is S300 in bonds and stamps. Stamps will be mailed out during November to an approved list of business places and residential patrons. Returns from England Brooks A. Bradley lias re turned home from England, where he spent six weeks visit ing his relatives. He traveled by plane there and return. Bradley has a grocery store in Brooks and also a furniture store in Hollywood district, Salem. Back in Circulation! "Oregon Outdoors" The magazine that talks about Oregon and its Great Out doors. State-wide subscrib ers are added daily You'll enjoy it too. $3.00 for 2 Years Call or write TIM KEEFE Hotel Senator CLEAN, America's when you smoke l:: f PHILIl tf Morning, noon, or night there's never a dull smoke, when you smoke Philip Morris! And here's why . . . There's an important difference in Philip Morris manufacture that lets the FULL FLAVOR of the world's finest tobaccos come through for your complete enjoyment clean, fresh, pure! That's why the flavor's ALL yours that's why Philip Morris taste better smoke better all day long! No wonder millions of smokers pick Philip Morris as America's FINEST Cigarette! call nupr for Irlnl Bonded Bourbon Price Will Be Pretty High Louisville, Ky., Oct. 29 (!') Bonded Bourbon whisky soon will be available in liquor stores here and elsewhere, in dustry spokesmen said today, but "the price will stagger you a bit.'' P. Booker Robinson, Liberty National bank's authority on whisky dealings, said the prices probably would range between $7.50 and $9 a fifth, compared to a price of around S4 a fifth un der OPA ceilings. But there was little or no merchandise avail able at the latter figure. Zach Oppcnhoimer, president of the Kentucky Liquor Deal- ANNOUNCEMENT The firm name of the Salem Bargain House has been changed to Saffron Supply Company I. Saffron and M. H. Saffron will continue in their capacities as owners, at the same location 325 Xorth Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon THANK YOU . SAFFRON SUPPLY COMPANY FRESH, PURE FINEST Cigarette! ALWAYS BETTER. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, Oct. 23, 19-iG 3 ers association and of the Louis ville Liquor Dealers association, said dealers in this area had threatened to revolt at the pro posed higher prices when Bour bon becomes more plentiful "just like the housewife did on meat." Latest official figures from the state revenue department, showed there were 1,586,365 cases of bonded whisky in Ken tucky warehouses, as of last Ap- ICE CREAM All Flavors QUARTS XXn NO LIMIT 33L SAVING CENTER Salem and West Salem I I 46 offies cf?re7fe cm 1 manufacture n fes ' authorities Tf" T '7 en"'n Xu&,& Silage of ..BETTER ALL WAYS ril 30. But Robinson said there probably had been an increase since that time. Returns Home Brooks Mrs. Cora Otto, Mrs. Maude Timm and Mrs. Louise Romer have returned home from Belknap Springs, where they spent a week at the Church of God camp meeting. TRIPS DAILY Salem to San Francisco LOW FARE $8.85 Vim lit- McraiTax DEPOT New Senator Hotel Phone Salem 4151 M OUIIi 8-11 tm m 5 II ansae